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ADMINISTRATIVE LAW I(LAW 205) Exam October 2012

1. a) Discuss the membership of the County Assembly as per article 177 (1) of the
Constitution of Kenya.
(4 marks)
b) The Municipal Council of Nakuru is interested in changing the status of Nakuru into a
City as per the Urban Areas and Cities Act. Advise the council on the criteria to be
fulfilled and the procedure to follow in order to be classified as a City. (11 marks)
2. Write brief notes on the following;
a) Sources of finance in a local authority.
b) The citizen fora as a new of administration in Kenya.
(10 marks)
3. The Office of the Ombudsman is an independent body whose function includes ensuring
there is no maladministration within public bodies. Discuss the function and importance
of this body and whether it is the adequate to deal with administrative complaints.
(15 marks)
4. “The court system has challenged several by-laws that have been passed by
administrative bodies on several grounds.” Discuss the procedure of making by-laws
and with reference to case law, critically discuss the given statement above. (15 marks)
5.a) The current local government system places upon the Minister of Local authorities a
supervisory role under the Local Government Act. However, under the new county
government system this has changed and under the new Urban Areas and Cities Act the
management of the Cities and Municipalities lies with the county government
administered on its behalf by various bodies. Discuss the composition and powers of
these bodies.
(10 marks)
b) The Board of the city of Kisumu holds meetings in order to transact the business of the
city. Discuss the two types of meetings whereby decision making and implementation
will take place.
6.a) Outline the characteristics of the civil service in Kenya.
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
b) Discuss inquiries as a form of non judicial control of administrative bodies. (11 marks)