TROUBLESHOOTING SCENARIOS TEMPLATE F0RM NO CRO002. Rev. 1 SCENARIO NAME Fuel Pressure Low – Fuel Circulation Pump Worn Out SYSTEM NAME Main & Auxiliary Engines Fuel Supply System SYSTEM EQUIPMENTS/INDICATORS /GAUAGES/PANELS/COMPONENTS Fuel oil system Components: - Fuel Oil Supply Pumps (two) - Fuel Oil Circulation Pump No. 1 - Fuel Oil Circulation Pump No. 2 - Fuel Oil Filters (Automatic & manual stand-by) - Fuel Oıl Viscosimeter - Fuel Oil Flowmeters - Fuel Oil Heaters ER Equipment - Main Engine - Auxiliary Engines - Main Electrical Switchboard Alarm and Montioring Equipment - Signal Columns in ER (inlcuding horn alarm) - ECR Alarm Computer Panel (Alarm System) - ECR Gauge Panel SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The system consists of two supply pumps that supply either HFO or DO from daily tanks via flowmeter into the enclosed circulating system. The fuel within circulating system circulates via circulation pumps through heaters/coolers, automatic and by-pass filter, viscosimeter to generator engine inlet flowmeter and main engine. Continuous fuel circulation is established through main engine and auxiliary generator engines and returned via pressure regulating valve to vent box (mixing tank). Fuel from vent box (mixing tank) is lead to suction valve of a running circulation pump. Consumed fuel from circulating system is refilled into the system with supply pumps. Higer fuel pressure in the system is from discharge side of circulation pumps to the pressure regulating valve. (Fig.1.) ABBREVATIONS FO: Fuel Oıl HFO: Heavy Fuel Oıl DO: Diesel Oil ER: Engine Room ECR: Engine Control Room ME: Main Engine AE: Auxiliary Engines SUPP. PP LCL DISC Gauge: Supply Pumps Local Discharge Gauge CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge: Circulation Pumps Local Discharge Gauge CIRC. PP. (Fuel Oıl) Circulation Pump MSWBD: Main Electrical Switchboard SYSTEM OPERATING AND ALARM PARAMETERS FO pressure at ME & AE inlet: 7,5 bar (Alarm 6,0 bar) Supp. PP LCL DISC Pressure: 3,2 bar Circ. PP LCL DISC Pressure: 7,8 bar ALARM TYPE When Fuel Oil Low Pressure is activated following alarms and changes will be triggered: - You will hear heavy sound in ER - Signal light column for machinery alarm is illuminated - Message on ECR computer panel will appear: “FUEL PRESSURE LOW – 5,8 bar” - Pressure gauge at ECR gauge panel will show 5,8 bar - Pressure at CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge will show 6,1 bar PLANT CONDITION BEFORE TO START SCENARIO Vessel is undreway at full main engine speed and one auxiliry engine (generator) is in operation. Fuel is consumed from HFO Serevice tank and heated to 115 °C. Fuel supply pressure at the inlet to ME & AE is 7,5 bar. In operation is Fuel Oil Circulation Pump No. 1 (CIRC. PP. No 1). Following indication is shown before scenario: - No any sound alarm in ER – SILENCE (only machinery noise) - Signal light column for machinery alarm is NOT illuminated - NO Messages on ECR computer panel - Pressure gauge at ECR gauge panel will show 7,5 bar - Pressure at SUPP. PP LCL DISC Gauge will show 3,2 bar - Pressure at CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge will show 7,8 bar SCENARIO Scenario chronology: 1. Heavy Alarm sound and Signal light column for machinery alarm is illuminated (Fig.7.) 2. Message on ECR computer panel will appear: “FUEL PRESSURE LOW – 5,8 bar” (Fig.2. and Fig.3.) 3. Pressure gauge at ECR gauge panel will show 5,8 bar (Fig.4.) 4. Pressure gauge at CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge will show 6,1 bar (Fig.6.) 5. Student will have to press ACKNOWLEDGE BUTTON in ECR computer panel (Fig.5) 6. The alarm horn will SILENT and light on signal column will go OFF (Fig.7.) 7. The letters on message on ECR computer panel: “FUEL PRESSURE LOW – 5,8 bar” will change color to yelloe letters (Fig.2. and Fig.3.) 8. Student will physically have to go Main Electrical Switchboard (MSWBD) located in ECR and find starter for Fuel Oil Circulation Pump No. 1 and Fuel Oil Circulation Pump No. 2. (Fig.8.) 9. Student will start CIRC PP No.2 on CIRC PP No.2 starter by pressing green button on starter (Fig.8.) 10. Student will sttop CIRC PP No.1 on CIRC PP No.1 starter by pressing red button on starter (Fig.8.) 11. Messages on ECR computer panel will DELETE: “FUEL PRESSURE LOW – 5,8 bar” (Fig.2. and Fig.3.) 12. Pressure gauge at ECR gauge panel will show 7,5 bar (Fig.4.) 13. Pressure gauge at CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge will show 7,8 bar (Fig.6.) FINISHED SCENARIO PICTURES, DRAWINGS, SCHEMATICS, ETC. Fig. 1.: Schematic of fuel supply system Please attach pictures, schematics, drawings not only for describing purposes but also software animation. (eg.); Fig. 2.: ECR Computer panel Fig. 3.: ECR Computer panel (screenshoot) Fig. 4.: ECR Computer panel (screen) Fig. 5.: ECR Computer panel (Acknowladge button) Fig. 6.: CIRC. PP LCL DISC Gauge Fig. 7.: Alarm horn and signal column (Machinery alarm marked with arrow) CIRC. PP. No 1 Starter CIRC. PP. No 2 Starter Fig. 8.: Starters of CIRC. PP. Starters on Main Electrical Switchboard (MSWBD) located in ECR