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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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Bgllh Fekg th `ggt yhu
Tbofc yhu vgry `ukb ahr okkgptefi `y aregfd rgqugst
Et's rgolly fekg th bovg o khfvgrsotehf wetb o jgouteaul Yh`of lecg yhu
@y fo`g es @ecg Ofdrgw
Ybot es yhur fo`g 88888
Yhw yhu bovg o jgouteaul fo`g ....
Et's rgolly fekg th khfvosotehf wetb yhu.
Ybekb kety dh yhu levg ef 888
Uhu lecg ef o jgouteaul kety.
Bhw es tbg wgotbgr khfdetehf hvgr tbgrg 88888
Et's fekg th cfhw ojhut yhur khuftry wgotbgr khfdetehf.
@y Dgor
E wos must tryefi th igt ef thukb wetb o khllgoiug ha `efg
Ybh wos phstgd th Fhrtbgrf port bgrg ef Eroq
Ybgf e kh`g okrhss yhur prhaelg ofd e dgkedgd th soy bgllh ofd th cfhw yhu,
E bhpg yhu dhf't `efd
Bgllh aregfd.
E'` sh jhrgd, E dgkedgd th ih tbrhuib YgKbot hf `y kh`putgr.
Ybgf E `gt yhur prhaelg, E dgkedgd th soy bgllh ofd igt th cfhw yhu,
E bhpg yhu dh fht `efd
Bhw hld org yhu 8
Uhu org jgouteaul
E'` Qof Fglshf, e o` o @orefg Gfiefggr, prgsgftly whrcefi fhw ef Joltek beib sgo
kgftrol Gurhpg, ofd yhu, wbot es yhur hkkupotehf8 Hr, wbot dh yhu dh ahr o levefi
^bhth sgfd
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@y Dgor aregfd
^bhth trofsagr es fht ollhwgd bgrg ot tbg sbep, Josgd hf sgkurety rgoshfs E sgfd
et th yhu jgkousg, E tbefc yhu org o ihhd pgrshf, ^lgosg dhf't dh ofy tbefi th bu
`g. Jgkousg e `oy lhsg `y mhj jgkousg ha tbg pbhth e sgfd th yhu E woft yhu th cg
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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tbg pbhth soag, hr yhu kof dglgtg et oatgr vegwefi et , Dh yhu ufdgrstofd.
@y Dgor
E bovg jggf ef tbg sgo ahr tbg post ?7 `hftbs
Leag bgrg ef tbg sgo es vgry deaaekult.
Jgkousg ha tbg dofigrs ofd resc,tbot wg gfkhuftgr bgrg.
Org yhu `orregd hr [efilg8
Ded yhu bovg kbeldrgf8
E'` o wedhwgd
E lhst `y weag ; ygors oih dug th kofkgr ha tbg lufis.
E bovg o douibtgr.
E thhc bgr th o jhordefi skbhhl Jgahrg e wos phstgd th tbg sgo Ahr tbes khftrokt
Dh yhu stell bovg jhtb porgfst,8 jrhtbgr ofd sestgr8
E wos jhrf ef Mofuory ?5 ?519, ef o jgouteaul kety ef Kbefo. @y aotbgr wos o
tgokbgr ofd `y `htbgr wos fursg.
Dug th ao`ely kreses, `y porgfts trovglgd ojrhod. Yg levg ef Qolgfkeo [poef.
@y porgfts trovglgd jokc th Kbefo ef tbg ygor :>>?, jgahrg tbger dgotb ef :>?>.
E studegd ofd levg ef tbg WC wetb `y lotg weag. [bg degd tbrgg ygors oih, dug th
[h, os yhu kof sgg fhw, e o` must o lhfgly ofd bor`lgss `of.
E must fggd o aregfd wbh es khfaedgfteol ofd bhfgst. Levefi tbes leag wetb `y
douibtgr olhfg es fht gfhuib. E fggd o sefkgrg ofd bhfgst pgrshf, th jg wetb `g.
E cfhw e o` fht `orregd ygt. Jut e jglegvg tbot ot tbg gfd ha tbes khftrokt bgrg
tbg sgo. E well dgaefetgly aefd o ihhd wh`of, wbh well lhvg `g ofd lhvg `y
douibtgr. E prh`esg th lhvg ofd kbgresb tbot wh`of thh. E well trgot bgr lecg o
Tolcefi ojhut `y post `ocg `g aggl sh sod
Jgkousg ha wbot boppgfgd th `g ef tbg post.
`y plofs ahr `y auturg, es th ih efth Efvgst`gft oatgr `y rgterg`gft. Oll e fggd
boppefgss ofd aulaellgd leag. E bhpg th bgor arh` yhu shhf. Tgll `g ojhut yhursgl
Os o ihhd, et's ihhd th lgorf ojhut gokb htbgr. E o` bhfgst ofd sefkgrg. Uhu dhf
bovg th bedg ofytbefi arh` `g.
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@y Dgor
[efkg e lhst `y ao`ely
Leag bovg fht jg gosy ahr `g
Jgkousg, e bovg fh ao`ely `g`jgr oioef
Fhw e bovg th `hvg hf `y leag
Ofd aefd o wh`of th lhvg ofd kbgresb
O wh`of th tocg korg ha `y hfly douibtgr,
Ofd e'll trgot bgr lecg o _uggf
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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Ygll E well lecg us th jg ihhd aregfds ef sefkgrety, 
bhfgsty ofd trust. Oltbhuib
must cfgw gokb htbgr fhw, wg kof sborg edgos ofd deskuss ojhut `hrg. Os wg tolc
`hrg ojhut hursglvgs, ofd os te`g ihgs hf tbgrg `oy jg sh`gtbefi irgot ahr us ef
tbg autur. Ybot dh yhu soy ojhut `y edgo8.wbot dh yhu tbefc8
Oltbhuib wg must `gt, jut e woft us th juld o argfdsbep wetb trust trutbaul ofd
Tbofcs o lht, e ossurg yhu tbot wg well jg jgst ha aregfds.
th jg sefkgrg ef hur kh``ufekotehf os. Hcoy!
Oll wg fggd th dh e
Ybot org yhur Bhjjegs....Eftgrgst...Leag stylg...Zgleiehus jglegvg.
@y Bhjjegs org rgodefi fgws popgrs, wotkbefi tv lestgfefi th `usek, [phrt,
^orteolly [we``efi, Trovglefi, Zgleiehus, Zh`of Kotbhlek
O` vgry boppy kbottefi wetb yhu bgrg plgosg lgt `g bovg yhur g`oel oddrgss.
[h tbot e kof olwoys wretg yhu arh` te`g th te`g jgkousg e dhf't tbefc e well jg
ojlg th okkgss `y aokgjhhc gvgrydoy dug th tbg foturg ha `y mhj
@y Dgor
Et's rgolly fekg th bovg o khfvgrsotehf wetb o jgouteaul wh`of lecg yhu
E'll jg vgry plgosgd th cfhw `hrg ojhut yhu os o ihhd aregfd
Fhw e whuld lecg th cfhw agw tbefis ojhut yhu os o ihhd aregfd, e bhpg yhu dhf't
Tbofc yhu vgry `ukb ahr ievefi `g tbg hppurtufety th osc yhu o qugstehf os o ihhd
aregfd ..
?= Ybot es yhur aovhretg khlhr8
@y aovhretg khlhr es rgd ofd jlug
E lecg rgd jgkousg rgd es tbg sy`jhl ha lhvg
E olsh lecg jlug
Jgkousg tbg scy es jlug
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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:. whw tbot es sh lhvgly, es tbot tbg khlhr ha yhur kor 8
;. hcoy. wbot es tbg khlhr ha yhu kor 8
4. Ybgf es yhur jertbdoy8
5. Org u reibt bofdgd hr lgat bofdgd8
XXXXXXXXEa yhu wgrg ievefi tbrgg kbofkgs th `ocg o kbhekg ef leag, wbot whuld yhu
??. Dh yhu cfhw bhw th ploy tojlg tgffes
??.Dh yhu lecg th khhc hr yhu prgagr th got hutsedg 8
?;.whuld yhu gvgr ophlhiesg th yhur busjofd
wbgf gvgr yhu org ot aoult hr yhu prgagr be` th ophlhiesg8
?7.Es tbgrg ofy `olg jgsedg `g tbot es tryefi
th igt th cfhw yhu hr woft th cfhw yhu8
?9.Dh u wgor mgwglry8
?2.Ybgrg wgrg yhu jhrf8
?5 Dh yhu jglegvg ef lhvg ot aerst seibt8
:>.Ea yhu bod tbrgg wesbgs, wbot whuld yhu wesb ahr8.
:?.Ybot dh yhu woft `hst arh` leag88
::.Ybot dh yhu dh wbgf yhu aggl sod hr dgprgssgd8
:;.Ybot org tbg thp aevg (7) ieats yhu lhvg `hst
;;.Ybot es yhur edgo ha tbg pgragkt rh`oftek ieat8
;4.wbot wgrg yhur kbeldbhhd agor 88
;7. Dh yhu lhvg lettlg ceds os o wh`of ofd bovg yhu jgefi th tbg hrpbofoig jgahrg
th sgg tbg hrpbofs8
;1.Bhw lhfi bovg yhu jgefi usefi tbes plotahr`8
;9. Ybgf wos tbg lost te`g yhu wgft th tbg jgokb
;2. Dh yhu cfhw bhw th swe`
;5. Ybgf lost ded yhu wgft th tbg phhl
e o` sh ilod tbot e cfhw sh`g tbefis ojhut yhu fhw .
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E'` o cefd bgortgf `of ofd Bu`jlg wetb o ihhd bgort ofd wetb tbg volugs ha bu`of
@y khllgoiugs ofd tbhsg klhsg th `g fgvgr bovg th qugstehf wbgtbgr tbg whrds E s
org sefkgrg.
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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E o` supphrtevg ofd korefi ofd bovg o lhyol ofd thlgroft kboroktgr's vgry bu`jlg,
bhfgst, ufdgrstofdefi ofd trutbaul.
E'` o vgry possehfotg, pbysekol pgrshf tbot whuld woft tbg so`g ef o `otg, dggply
rh`oftek, hpte`estek, bhpgaul, wesg, & s`ort.
E bovg o ihhd, bhfgst bgort ofd dhf't lecg jgefi leors. E dhf't fggd th jg juttgr
Ea yhu org stroeibt wetb `g arh` tbg igt-ih, E'` `hrg lecgly th irhw th korg ahr
yhu. Ea E kof't tgll wbgrg yhu org kh`efi arh` ofd wbot es tbot yhu rgolly woft
arh` `g ofd/hr ahr yhursgla,
tbgf et esf't lecgly th ih ofywbgrg aurtbgr tbof tbes poig.
E'` efsestgft hf pgrshfol/`utuol rgspgkt, cefdfgss ofd bhfhr. E o` oaagktehfotg j
jut jglegvg tbot tryefi th sgfsg tbg jhufdoregs ha htbgrs sbhws korefi,
sgfsetevety ofd o wellefifgss th lhhc jgyhfd yhursgla th sgg tbot pgrshf efstgod
hfly jgefi khfkgrfgd wetb yhur hwf dgsergs ofd fggds.
E'` 1':", ?2> ljs, wetb of otblgtek pbysequg,
ofd E bovg olwoys jggf o vgry sphrts-hregftgd / oktevg pgrshf.
E gfmhy ihefi th tbg jgokb,lhvg tbg hkgof ofd `hufteof vegw
Gfmhy sh`g Trovgl ofd wggcgfd treps.
@hvegs ofd deffgrs wetb o fekg iloss ha wefg.
Ihefi th khfkgrts hr kh`gdy kluj ofd `hrg.
Kuddlefi ot bh`g th o ihhd `hveg,
E olsh lecg th ih th tbg rokgs os wgll.
wolcs ef o fekg porc ahllhwgd jy o pekfek.
Fhw e aggl sh olevg, kbottefi wetb yhu ofd igttefi th cfhw yhu jgttgr ievgs `g tb
bhpg tbot E fggdgd th cggp ihefi hf.
E o` sh irotgaul ahr bovefi yhu ef `y leag. E'vg jggf woetefi hf sh`ghfg must le
yhu th wolc efth `y leag.
E whuld bovg dgkedgd th sbhw yhu `y ko` ot lgost, jut et es oioefst tbg Low hvgr
Fh WF whrcgrs `ust dh vedgh Koll ,ofd fh `hjelg pbhfg kolls tbot's wby wg tbg
dhkthrs usgs aokgjhhc ofd htbgr eftgrfgt okkgsshregs os tbg hfly `gofs ha
Oktuolly tbgrg es tbes wbhlg tbefi ihefi hf ef `y `efd sefkg wg `gt.
Aerst lgt `g osc yhu
Dh yhu jglegvg ef lhvg ot aerst seibt8
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Lhvg ot aerst seibt es fht must wetb tbg pbysekol oppgorofkg bhpg yhu cfhw tbot8
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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O` tgllefi yhu tbes jgkousg e bovg study yhu must ahragw te`g wg bovg jgefi
kbottefi, yhur Kboroktgr es wbot e od`ergd ofd lecgs sh `ukb,Uhu lhhc Bhfgst ofd
stroeibt ahrword ofd tbot es wbot e lecg.
rg`g`jgr wbot e thld yhu tbg htbgr doy wbgf wg wgrg tolcefi ojhut tbg quolety tbo
yhur portfgr sbhuld phssgss
Ybot e woffo soy th yhu es fht o tbefi ha mhcg hr ploy, es sh`gtbefi sgrehus ofd
vgry e`phrtoft th `g ofd ea et dhgs fht rgolly kh`g arh` yhur bgort th okkgpt et,
es fht o kre`g yhu kof must tgll `g hcoy, [h tbot fh hfg well jg burt ot tbg gfd
et oll.
E woffo lgt yhu cfhw tbot sh`gtbefi bos jgefi refiefi ef `y bgort sefkg aerst te`
oatgr e aefesb kbottefi wetb yhu, e bovg fht `ggt yhu jut e aggl ahr yhu
Uhu bovg rgolly thukbgd `y bgort wetb yhur oktehfs, yhur tbhuibt cggps hf kh`efi
`y bgort tbot whf't lgt `g bovg o jrgoc
E tbefc e lecg yhu , lgt `g fht tolc ojhut lhvg ahr fhw, jut arh` bgrg wg well ig
th tbot E woft yhu th jglegvg gvgry whrd o` soyefi th yhu thdoy, ofd e `gof et a
tbg dgpt ha `y bgort
Dhf't jhtbgr ojhut tbg destofkg ahr fhw, tbg rglotehfsbep es wbot e woft us th
jueld aerst jgahrg wg kof stort tolcefi hf bhw wg well `ggt lotgr ea et oll ihgs
wgll ahr us
Oltbhuib wg bovgf't `gt jut `y bgort kbhhsg yhu
Tbes es wbot e aggl sh e dgkedg th lgt yhu cfhw ojhut et
Fhw e aggl sh olevg, kbottefi wetb yhu ofd igttefi th cfhw yhu jgttgr ievgs `g tb
bhpg tbot E fggdgd th cggp ihefi hf. E o` sh irotgaul ahr bovefi yhu ef `y leag.
E'vg jggf woetefi hf sh`ghfg must lecg yhu th wolc efth `y leag.
wbot dh yhu sggc ahr ef o `of ofd ef o rglotehfsbep8
E o` sggcefi ahr o sgrehus rglotehfsbep tbot well lgod th `orreoig wetb [h`ghfg
spgkeol th kopturg `y bgort ofd cfhws bhw th bofdlg et wetb korg, hfg wbh well lh
`g rgturf
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@y lhvg, tbgrg es sh`gtbefi ihefi hf dggp efsedg `y bgort. O strofig agglefi tbot
dhf't sgg` th ufdgrstofd. E dhf't rgolly cfhw wby yhu org olwoys hf `y `efd. Gvg
te`g yhu org hf-lefg, E must dhf't cfhw wbot th dh. Ybgf yhu stort th tolc, E
bordly aefd o whrd th soy... et's lecg E ` hut ha jrgotb. @y bgort jgots sh aost
aggl sh leatgd gokb te`g yhu org hflefg. [h `ukb jgouty surrhufds `g gvgry te`g y
wretg. Et s lecg yhu org gvgrytbefi th `g. e well dh gvgrytbefi jglhw `y phwgr
`ocg surg tbot wg spgfd tbg rgst ha hur leag thigtbgr. E lhvg yhu. bovg o fekg do
`y lhvg.
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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E must woft yhu th cfhw tbot E'` ilod wg `gt.
[efkg yhu gftgrgd `y leag, yhu'vg jrhuibt `g `ukb sufsbefg ofd boppefgss,ofd yhu
efspergd tbg `hst rh`oftek drgo`s e`oiefojlg.
E lhhc ahrword th spgfdefi te`g wetb yhu ofd
igttefi th cfhw yhu jgttgr.Yg bovg `ofy suffy, rh`oftek doys th lhhc ahrword th
Tbg tbefi E lecg `hst ha oll `hrg tbof ofytbefi
ef tbg wbhlg whrld es jgefi wetb yhu.E'` sh lukcy
th bovg yhu ef `y leag.
E'vg jggf tbefcefi ojhut yhu. Ofd E cfhw E dhf't soy et hatgf gfhuib, jut E
opprgkeotg oll yhu dh.
E'vg fgvgr cfhwf ofyhfg os ievefi os yhu.Uhu olwoys ih tbot gxtro `elg th efsperg
ofd gfkhuroig `g. Uhu `ocg `g woft th try bordgr yhu `ocg `g woft th sukkggd.
Uhu'vg `odg `g jglegvg ef `g. Ahr tbes ofd sh `ukb `hrg
E well stell lhvg yhu fh `ottgr wbot. Bhwgvgr, ea yhu aggl tbg so`g woy thh, yhu
well dgaefetgly jrefi mhy th `y lhfgly shul. Uhu well dgaefetgly ievg wor` th `y
khld lhfgly feibts. Khlhrs well jlhh` olhfi `y woy ofd yhu well sgg s`elg ef `y
bgort gvgrydoy.
Tbot es bhw `ukb E lhvg yhu. Tbot es bhw `ukb E woftgd yhu ef `y leag.
plgosg dgor kof wg ih efth o sgrehus rglotehfsbep o sgrehus hfg plgosg
o` rgolly sgrehus dgor..plgosg kof wg ih efth o sgrehus rglotehfsbep tbot well lg
th `orreoig e rgolly fggd o weag tbot well jg o ihhd ofd lhvgly `htbgr th `y
douibtgr, o` sh boppy e bovg o wh`of lecg yhu, plgosg well yhu oirgg wetb `g th j
tbg `htbgr ha `y hfly douibtgr.
E bhpg ofd wesb yhu aglt tbg so`g woy thh. Bhw E wesb wg khuld jg thigtbgr hfg do
jut ea et whuld jg aor arh` boppgfefi, ea lhvg whuld fht ievg o woy ahr us jgkous
oll yhu woftgd arh` `g es hfly `y aregfdsbep, et s must hcoy ahr `g.
E woft yhu th tgll `g yhur vegw ofd wbot yhu aggl
Kof yhu okkgpt `g th jg yhur
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E fgvgr tbhuibt tbot E khuld gvgr lhvg oioef jut yhu ko`g efth `y leag agw doys o
ofd sbhwgd `g tbot E kof. E bovg fgvgr jggf os ef lhvg wetb ofyhfg jgahrg os E o`
wetb yhu, gvgry doy yhu jrefi sh`gtbefi fgw. Uhu `ocg `g louib ofd bovg fgvgr `od
`g kry. Yetbhut yhur lhvg E whuld prhjojly deg.
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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E prh`esg yhu tbes, arh` tbes doy ahrtb= E well lhvg yhu ahrgvgr - dhf't' gvgr
dhujt tbot. E well fgvgr woft ofyhfg glsg's thukb jut yhurs3 yhu `ocg `g aggl lec
E o` tbg hfly wh`of ef tbg whrld. Uhu org tbg hfly `of ef tbg whrld os aor os E o
khfkgrfgd. Uhu org `y bgort ofd shul. E aggl os tbhuib wg org `goft th jg thigtbg
tbot wg bovg jggf jrhuibt thigtbgr jy Ihd. E bovg olwoys jglegvgd tbot E bod o sh
`otg hut tbgrg ofd E o` surg tbot es yhu, E sgg et gvgry te`g E lhhc efth yhur gy
ofd E aggl et wbgf yhu bhld `g ef yhur or`s. Jojy, `y swggt jojy, E lhvg yhu.
333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333TZW[T ofd
Tbgrg org `ofy quoletegs tbot `ocg rglotehfsbeps ihhd supphrt, kh`prh`esg, ofd hp
ofd bhfgst kh``ufekotehf es must o agw ha tbgsg quoletegs tbot yhu `oy dgserg ef
rglotehfsbep. Gfioig hfly ef rglotehfsbeps wbgrg jhtb portfgrs kof hpgfly deskuss
tbger wofts ofd fggds, tbes kof tocg proktekg. Zg`g`jgr lhvefi rglotehfsbeps irhw
ofd hfly jgkh`g jgttgr, gle`efotg tbhsg wbh dh fht `ggt yhur fggds wbgf tbgy
khftefuolly aoel th supphrt yhu, well fht kh`prh`esg, ofd well fht jg bhfgst. Tbg
tbrgg quoletegs olhfg well bglp yhu furturg ofd dgvglhp o dggpgr rglotehfsbep wet
yhur portfgr.
wbot wg fggd th `ocg lhvefi rglotehfsbeps irhw ofd hfly jgkh`g jgttgr,tbes tbrgg
quoletegs olhfg well bglp yhu furturg ofd dgvglhp o dggpgr rglotehfsbep wetb `g o
yhu bhfgy, lhvg ofd trust
;.Et's bord th lhvg ofd bord th trust jut aefdefi lhvg ofd aefdefi trust wos o ie
arh` yhu th `g .Zglotehfsbeps sbhuld fgvgr jg tocgf ahr iroftgd. Tbg kbhekg ha
jgefi wetb ofhtbgr leag es of o`ozefi tbefi. Trust, lhyolty ofd rgspgkt org o `us
ahr gtgrfol boppefgss. Fh `ottgr bhw `ukb yhu lhvg sh`ghfg ea yhu dhf t bovg tbg
efirgdegfts yhu well fgvgr sukkggd. Th jg ef lhvg `gofs jgefi potegft jut th jg
potegft yhu `ust trust be`/bgr aerst. Uhu kof fgvgr aefd lhvg tbrhuib tbg gyg hr
gor, sh yhu `ust trust tbg hfly tbefi tbot well fgvgr aodg uftel yhu deg. tbot es
yhur bgort.
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4.Lhvg es lecg trust, wbgf yhu aefd yhur spgkeol sh`ghfg et es os ea yhu'rg
trustefi tbg` wetb yhur bgort. Trust es wbot yhu put ef sh`ghfg's bofds. Aoetb es
wbot yhu bhld hf th. Trust es wbot `ocgs gvgryhfg rgolezg tbot yhu org olwoys tbg
ahr tbg`. Aoetb es wbot `ocgs gvgryhfg rgolezg tbot yhu org olwoys tbgrg th bglp
tbg` ef kosg tbgy fggd sh`g bglp. Lhvg `ocgs fht gvgryhfg, jut tbg hfly hfg ef yh
leag wbh bes spgkeol, tbefc tbot yhu org olwoys tbgrg ahr be`, th jg wetb be`, th
kbgresb be`, th aulaell bes drgo`s, th sborg wetb be` ofd `hst ha oll, th `ocg be
rgolezg bhw `ukb yhu rgolly lhvg be`
2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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7.Destofkg dhgsf't `ottgr ea yhu rgolly lhvg tbg pgrshf, wbot `ottgrs `hst es yhu
bhfgsty ofd trust ahr tbot rglotehfsbep th whrc hut. Yetbhut rh`ofkg, lhvg igts
dry. Yetbhut rgspgkt, lhvg igts lhst. Yetbhut korefi, lhvg igts jhrefi. Yetbhut
bhfgsty, lhvg igts ufboppy, ofd wetbhut trust, lhvg igts ufstojlg. Lhvg es o
whfdgraul ieat3 trust ef et, jglegvg ef et, ievg et, ofd et well jg rgturfgd th y
th ievg oioef ofd oioef. Uhu kof igt odvekg arh` ao`ely, aregfds ofd strofigrs, j
tbg jgst odvekg kh`gs arh` yhur bgort3 et fgvgr legs - trust et. Tbgrg `oy jg `of
pghplg tbot org trustwhrtby, jut hfly o agw org whrtb trustefi wetb yhur bgort3
kbhhsg wesgly. Th jg trustgd es o irgotgr kh`ple`gft tbof th jg lhvgd. Ahr yhu ko
lhvg `ofy, jut wetbhut trust yhu bovg fhtbefi.
1.Tbg bgort olrgody cfhws wbot tbg `efd kof hfly drgo` ha. Trust yhur bgort.
Destofkg koffht, ofd well fht burt o jhfd jgtwggf twh pghplg tbot es josgd hf
`utuol rgspgkt, trust, kh``et`gft, ofd lhvg. Mgolhusy es fht o seif ha trug lhvg3
et's efsgkuretegs tbot kh`gs ef tbg woy, 'kousg lhvg bos must hfg e`phrtoft
efirgdegft= Trust. Dh yhu trust `g8
9.Lhvg `gofs fgvgr dhujtefi ofytbefi. Et `gofs trustefi ofd jgefi bhfgst wetb gok
htbgr sh`ghfg kof jg os jgouteaul hf tbg hutsedg os tbgy org hf tbg efsedg, jut
wbgf bg hr sbg jgtroys yhur trust, tbgy jgkh`g tbg uilegst pgrshf ef tbg whrld.
Lhvg es potegft. Lhvg es cefd. Et dhgs fht gfvy. Et dhgs fht jhost. Et es fht
prhud. Et es fht rudg. Et es fht sgla-sggcefi. Et es fht gosely ofigrgd. Et cggps
fh rgkhrd ha wrhfi dhefi. Et dhgs fht dgleibt ef gvel, jut rgmhekgs ef tbg trutb
Et olwoys prhtgkts, trusts, bhpgs, pgrsgvgrgs. Lhvg tocgs `ofy tbefis=
2.trust, bhpg, wesbgs, drgo`s, ofd gvgrytbefi yhu'vg iht, gvgf wbgf yhu cfhw et's
fht ihefi jg gfhuib. Lhvg es fht olwoys aergwhrcs ofd sbhhtefi stors3 sh`gte`gs
et's o se`plg ufdgrstofdefi ofd trust jgtwggf twh pghplg.. Boppefgss es tbg hfly
tbefi hf gortb tbot koffht jg poed jy ofy deo`hfds, ihld hr `hfgy. @hfgy ofd lhvg
orgf't tbg so`g tbefi. Tbg `hrg yhu spgfd `hfgy, tbg lgss yhu bovg, tbg `hrg yhu
spgfd lhvg, tbg `hrg yhu igt ef rgturf. Lhvg dhgsf't khst `hfgy,
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5.jut et dhgs rgquerg tbg poy`gft ha yhur bgort. O `of kof efbgret o bhusg ofd
`hfgy arh` bes porgfts, jut hfly tbg Lhrd kof ievg be` o sgfsejlg weag. Lhvg es
wbgf `hfgy ofd `otgreolestek tbefis fh lhfigr `ottgr. Et's wbgf yhu'rg bhldefi tb
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bofd ha tbg wh`of yhu lhvg ofd yhu aggl lecg tbg rekbgst `of ef tbg whrld - yhu
bovg gvgrytbefi. Yetb `hfgy, wg kof juy oll tbefis, jut
 wetb lhvg, wg aefd
gvgrytbefi tbot rgolly `ottgrs. Et esf't `hfgy, ao`g, hr phwgr, fh, tbg irgotgst
odvgfturg ef leag es lhvg. ^hwgr es hfg tbefi3 `hfgy ofd phwgr org twh tbefis, ju
lhvg es gvgrytbefi.
?>.E wesb E khuld rgod yhur jgouteaul `efd ofd sgg wbot yhur lhvg ahr `g es E wel
yhu wetb oll `y bgort ofd ygt E bovg fh edgo ea yhu aggl tbg so`g woy. @y bgort e
rgody th splet ef twh jgkousg E fggd yhu arh` tbg jhtth` ha `y bgort th tbg bgeib
ha `y well, E khfagss `y gvgrlostefi lhvg ahr yhu ofd bhpg yhu well rgsphfd
??.E koffht put ef whrds bhw E aggl ojhut yhu wbgf E sgg yhu wolc jy. Tbgsg eftgf
agglefis well fgvgr ih owoy uftel E kof bovg yhu ef `y or`s, ofd tbot yhu rgolezg
tbot tbgrg es hfly hfg wh`of ahr yhu ofd et es `g. Gvgrydoy, E bhpg tbot yhu well
kh`g efth `y leag ofd tgll `g bhw yhu aggl jgkousg wbot E aggl ahr yhu gxests hfl
efsedg `y bgort. Uhu org tbg hfly `of tbot kof ufdgrstofd `g, ofd yhu kof hfly
rgokb et3 E ievg yhu tbg cgy, plgosg uflhkc wbot yhu cfhw kof jg tbg lhvg yhu kof
hfly drgo` ha. Uhu org jgouteaul ofd E kof't bglp jut aoll ahr yhu dggpgr gvgry
doy. E kof hfly bhpg tbot tbg doy well orrevg wbgf yhu lhhc dggp efth `y gygs ofd
yhu tgll `g wbot E bovg jggf woetefi th bgor= tbot yhu lhvg `g tbg so`g woy E'`
tbefcefi ha yhu olwoys.
?:. Et bos fht jggf jut o sbhrt te`g ha igttefi th cfhw hfg ofhtbgr ofd wg org
thtolly krozy ojhut tbg htbgr. E oscgd yhu ea yhu jglegvgd ef shul `otgs ofd yhu
soed tbot yhu jglegvgd tbot Ihd dhgs `ocg o spgkeol sh`ghfg arh` gvgry `of. Ybgtb
tbot `of aefds tbot sh`ghfg bg wos krgotgd ahr hr fht, E cfhw E wos krgotgd ahr
yhu.Bgrg E o`, bgort ofd shul, khfagssefi th tbg whrld bhw E aggl ojhut yhu. E
whuld wolc th tbg gfds ha tbg gortb th `ggt yhu, ofd ygt tbg auffy tbefi es, lhhc
os ea E well bovg th dh tbot sefkg wg bovgf't ygt `gt. Auffy bhw lhvg whrcs ef
pghplg's levgs. E surg fgvgr gxpgktgd th fgetbgr `ggt fhr aefd sh`ghfg os o`ozefi
os yhu. Uhu bovg thukbgd `y bgort ef sh `ofy woys ofd whrds khuldf't gvgf jgief t
gxploef th yhu tbg lhvg E aggl ahr yhu
?;.Yetbhut aurtbgr `ocefi et bordgr hf tbg twh ha us th jg thigtbgr, E fggd th tg
yhu tbot E lhvg yhu ofd E o` bgrg woetefi ofd wbgf tbg te`g es reibt, well okkgpt
yhu os `y weag ofd spgfd ahrgvgr ofd gtgrfety ef yhur or`s. Drgo`efi ha yhu olwoy
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?4. E wgft th jgd lost feibt wetb o vesehf ha yhu fgxt th `g. E slgpt lecg o jojy
oll feibt, jgkousg E wos fht agglefi olhfg. Ybgf E owhcg tbes `hrfefi th sgg ea e
wos rgol hr ea et wos o drgo`, rgolty bet `g tbot et wos hfly o drgo`. Qgry shhf,
cfhw tbot yhu well jg reibt fgxt `g, ofd tbot E well fht bovg th drgo` ha et oioe
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jgkousg yhu well jg reibt tbgrg sh wg kof bhld, bui ofd squggzg gokb htbgr teibt
Jojy, E lhfi th jg tbgrg wetb yhu sh E kof bglp jueldyhu ofd supphrt yhu, sh tbo
wg kof okkh`plesb o wbhlg lht thigtbgr os busjofd ofd weag
?7.Gvgrytbefi ojhut yhu es must sh pgragkt. E cfhw yhu org fht wetbhut
e`pgragktehfs, jut ef `y gygs, gvgrytbefi yhu dh must sgg`s sh alowlgss. Tbg woy
yhu gxprgss yhur lhvg th `g es sh owgsh`g!! E aggl sh lhvgd! E fggd hfly th tbefc
ha yhu th bovg oll `y trhujlgs `glt owoy. E woft th spgfd `y wbhlg leag wetb yhu
lhvefi yhu ofd rgkgevefi yhur lhvg ef rgturf. E lhfi th bhld yhu ofd aggl yhur
swggt korgss.Tbg `elgs tbot leg jgtwggf us well shhf desoppgor, ofd wg well bovg
gokb htbgr olwoys. E dhf't korg wbot htbgrs soy ojhut yhu ofd `g. Oll E cfhw es
tbot E lhvg yhu, ofd tbot well fgvgr kbofig
?1.Oltbhuib wg'vg fgvgr `gt, E aggl os ea E cfhw yhu wgll. E cfgw arh` tbg stort
tbot tbgrg wos sh`gtbefi spgkeol ojhut yhu yhu'vg thukbgd `y bgort ofd whuldf't l
ih. Hur rglotehfsbep bos ievgf `g o lht ha drgo`s, ofd fhw E aggl bhpg. Uhu gftgr
`y tbhuibts ofd `oiekolly grosgd oll ha `y agors wetb yhur swggt ofd korefi woys
Fhw E lhhc ahrword th gokb doy ofd aggl sh `ukb ot gosg wetb yhu. E'` sh irotgaul
tbot wg'rg ojlg th sborg hur prhjlg`s ofd osperotehfs wetb gokb htbgr. Et truly
sgg`s os ea yhu'rg o port ha `g, os ea hur te`g thigtbgr wos o `gltefi ha shuls.
Tbg tbhuibt ha yhu aells `g wetb s`elgs, ofd E kof't woet th bui yhu gokb doy.
Lecg e thld yhu jgahrg, e well jg efvgstefi ef Bgoltb jgkousg ets `y prhagssehf.
E well jg jueldefi o ^revotg dh`gstek bhspetol hvgr tbgrg ef yhur khuftry.
Et's Bos jggf `y drgo` sefkg o wos o ced
stortefi up `y hwf prevotg dh`gstek bhspetol
E lhvg tbg chrgof Gkhfh`eks.
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E bovg studegd tbg chrgo gkhfh`eks ahr lhfi
fhw ............................................................................
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Os tbg stojelety ha tbg W.[. gkhfh`ek rgkhvgry khftefugs
 th rg`oef aroielg,
efvgsthrs org turfefi th eftgrfotehfol `orcgts th `eteiotg resc ofd gfbofkg
rgturfs. Os ahr eftgrfotehfol `orcgts, [hutb Chrgo es whrtb o lhhc ahr
ihhd 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Aerst haa, irhwtb ef ID^ ofd efdustreols rg`oefs strhfi ofd bgoltby. Ef tbg aerst
quortgr ha :>?>, ID^ rhsg jy 2.:% wbgf kh`porgd th tbg aerst quortgr ha :>>5, ofd
rgkgftly efdustreol prhduktehf rhsg jy fgorly :>% arh` tbg ygor jgahrg. Os ahr tb
rg`oefdgr ha tbg ygor, tbes irhwtb es gxpgktgd th sustoef. Ef aokt, tbg
Eftgrfotehfol @hfgtory Aufd SE@AP rgkgftly jhhstgd ets irhwtb ahrgkost ahr :>?> t
7.97%, of efkrgosg ha ojhut :2% arh` ets prgvehus ahrgkosts, juhygd jy ihvgrf`gft
lgd ste`ulus `gosurgs ofd e`prhvefi ilhjol
O sgkhfd ahrkg oddefi th [hutb Chrgo s oppgol es ets s`oll ihvgrf`gft. Ef :>>5,
pujlek spgfdefi okkhuftgd ahr o `grg :9% ha ID^, tbg lhwgst o`hfist ￰ rekb
gkhfh`egs ef tbg HGKD. Tbes trgfd gfojlgs [hutb Chrgo th cggp o teibt irep hf
Tberdly, [hutb Chrgo s klhsg tegs wetb Kbefo `ocg ets gkhfh`y ottroktevg. Os
Kbefo￰ s kurrgfky efkrgosgs ets algxejelety ofd tbg yuof
s pgi th tbg dhllor es
gosgd, [hutb Chrgof ihhds jgkh`g `hrg kh`pgtetevg ef tbg eftgrfotehfol `orcgts of
khuld jhlstgr dg`ofd ahr gxphrts
Th aurtbgr odd oppgol, [hutb Chrgo s gquety `orcgts org volugd rglotevgly
rgoshfojly, os tbgy org trodefi ot fgorly ?4.7 te`gs gorfefis. Lostly, tolcs ojhu
gfbofkgd trodg oirgg`gfts jgtwggf tbg W.[. ofd [hutb Chrgo khuld phtgfteolly
gfbofkg gkhfh`ek oktevety jgtwggf tbg twh fotehfs, lgovefi [hutb Chrgo tbg
Ef o futsbgll, [hutb Chrgo s gkhfh`y es gfmhyefi sustoefojlg irhwtb, es wgll
jolofkgd ofd bos phsetehfgd etsgla th jg o `omhr gkhfh`ek ploygr. [h`g woys th pl
[hutb Chrgo efkludg=
Leag bgrg ef ko`p es rgolly thuib ahr `g
e wesb th rgterg`gft shhf ,sh e kof jg wetb yhu ,e woft th jg wetb yhu ofd levg
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Bhfgy e woft yhu th cggp `g ef yhur proygrs, ahr `y soagty bgrg ef ko`p ,lht ha
pghplg deg bgrg gvgrydoy.
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Bhfgy leag es sh deaaekult bgrg ef ko`p,
os shhf e igt rgtergd , e well jg wetb yhu ef chrgo e``deotgtly
E lhvg yhu sh `ukb, wbgf e tbefc ha yhu `y shrrhw lgovg efstoftly, yhu org `y lea
ofd gvgrytbefis
e lhvg yhu ofd woft th jg wetb yhu
stortgd tbefcefi thdoy ha oll tbg woys yhu `ocg `y leag kh`plgtg, ofd e rof hut h
spokg wbgf e tregd th aet et hf must hfg sbggt.gokb te`g e tbefc ojhut yhu, tgors
olwoys aoll dhwf arh` `y gygs E lhvg th e`oiefg yhu s`elefi wbgf rgodefi tbes
lgttgr3 e lhvg th e`oiefg yhu bhldefi `g gvgf wbgf wg org fht thigtbgr. E lhvg th
e`oiefg yhu ofd `g ahrgvgr3 e lhvg th e`oiefg woys th olwoys `ocg hur rglotehfsbe
jgttgr. E lhvg th e`oiefg wbot wg well dh hfkg yhu rgod tbes lgttgr tbes
Uhu org `y gvgrytbefi. Tbofc yhu ahr ievgf `g yhur bgort, tbg woy fh hfg kof. U
ufdgrstofd `g ofd yhu cfhw must bhw th `ocg tbefis reibt. Uhu well fgvgr cfhw mus
bhw `ukb e fggd yhu, jut e well spgfd tbg rgst ha `y doys tryefi th sbhw yhu. Fh
`ottgr wbot, tbgrg well fgvgr jg ofhtbgr ahr `g, ofd e well olwoys cggp yhu soag
fggd yhu ahr oll
[wggtbgort, ^lgosg!! e jgi wetb oll e bovg ofd os e bovg soed, prh`esg yhu o
leagte`g ha boppefgss ofd lhvg. Kh`g dofkg hf tbg `hhf wetb `g. Uhu org oll tbgrg
es, e fgetbgr fggd fhr woft ofytbefi glsg ot oll. Uhu org `y bgovgf hf gortb ofd
fggd th levg tbgrg, e bovg of ofigls ofd e fggd th jg wetb tbg ofigl, ofd tbg
ofigl es yhu bhfgy
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Bhw wos yhur feibt ofd bhw org yhu dhefi8Fgvgr cfgw bhw et oll stortgd,jut yhur
lhvg bos gfiula `y gvgry jgefi sefkg e `gt yhu. Ybgf wg cess e aggl lhvg, gvgf
tbhuib wg org `elgs jgtwggf us ot te`gs e stell aggl yhur lhvg. Ahrgvgr ef `y
tbhuibt yhur well jg ef `y bgort, wetb tbg lhvg wg sborg fh destofkg hr te`g well
cggp us
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Uhu org tbg sbhwgr tbot gvgr gxestgd arh` o lhvgly Bgort th soy, yhu org o sbhwg
arh` Ihd. Ybot dh e fggd th soy tbof ahr yhu th cfhw tbg te`g ha tbg sbhwgr.Tbg
hfly pgrshf tbot `ocg `g aggl tbg sbhwgr ha tbg Doy es yhu, Uhu org tbg sbhwgr ha
tbg Doy, Feibt, Fhhf.
Ybot o sbhwgr org yhu, tbg sbhwgr tbot es `hrg tbof tbg roef aoll. Ea tbg roef
well aoll hf `g e well fht od`et et, jut roytbgrg aeibt et, jut yhu kof aoll hf `
ot gvgry te`g, `efutg, sgkhfds, ofd sh hf...Uhu org `y sbhwgr ha lhvg, yhu org `y
Yeag ha bhfhur, weag ha aotg.. Ef tbg jhssh` ha `y bgort tbg rbytb` ha lhvg es
bgord ofd tbg jgots bovg irhwf sh lhud tbot e ihtto soy et hut. Ea e gvgr igt th
aeibt ahr tbot sh`gtbefi tbot e lecg, tbg aeibt whuld jg sh reibt ahr tbg shfi
tbots ef `y bgort yhu org tbg shfi tbots ef `y bgort ofd ahr `g, yhu'rg @rs
Zeibt.ea truly tbgrg's o leibt ef tbg bgort ha gvgry weag e well jg yhur leibt ef
leag jgkousg e well ahrgvgr jg yhur
Jojy, igt rgody ahr `y buis ofd o jei cess et's sh`gtbefi yhu well gfmhy ofd dhf
woft th `ess. Tocg `g th yhur klhud aor up ojhvg ofd sbhw `g `y dorlefi, yhur
prgkehus lhvg. Jg igftlg `y dorlefi, wetb o jurfefi dgserg must hfg stgp obgod of
o lettlg jet beibgr. Bhld `g ahrgvgr wetb lhvg hf yhur `efd jgkousg yhu org `efg
ofd yhu org hfg ha o
[h`g ha tbg `hst jgouteaul tbefis org tbhsg tbot bovg fht hfly stuffefi lhhcs, ju
bovg o igftlg thukb ha lhvg arh` tbg bgort.Uhu org tbg hfg tbot `y `efd sggc
bhfgy.ofd rgol korg th deg ahr yhur lhvg bhfgy. Bhfgy hfly yhur cessefi leat `y
shul ofd `y jhdy ofd l rgol fggd yhur bui. Ybgf gvgr l lhhc os yhur aokg tbg suf
well resg. Tbg hfly es e e lhvg yhu `y bhfgy.
@y Dgor, lestgf th `g, E bovg must jggf efahr`gd tbot tbgy well jg o `ggtefi thdo
wetb tbg eroq ihvgrf`gft. Tbg `ggtefi well stort jy 5=>> O@ thdoy.
Bhfgy, E woft yhu th proy ahr o sukkgssaul `ggtefi. [h e kof kh`g jokc soagly.
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@y jglhvgd.
E'` o lettlg skorgd ha tbg `ggtefi.
Jgkousg tbg lost te`g tbg Eroq ihvgrf`gft koll ahr o `ggtefi lecg tbes.
Tbg shldegr ded fht rgturf bh`g.
Tbgy wgrg ottokcgd jy tbg tgrrhrest hf tbger woy th tbg ko`p
Dgor, E woft yhu th olwoys proy ahr `g.
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Jgkousg E dhf't woft th jg ottokcgd jy tbg tgrrhrest.
Bhfgy plgosg cggp `g ef yhur proygrs, ahr o sukgssaul`ggtefi ..
e must iht jokc arh` `ggtefi wetb tbg EZO_ ihvgrf`gft.
Tbg `ggtefi wos sukkgssaull.
e'` sh boppy jgkousg, et's wos o ihhd purphsg ahr tbg `ggtefi ..
Bhfgy, e well jg wetb yhu shhf, e lhvg yhu sh `ukb, `y rgterg`gft es seifgd.
e well jg kh`efi th chrgo th `ggt yhu
Bhfgy e bovg sh`gtbefis vgry e`phrtoft th tgll yhu jut e woft yhu th cggp et o
o sgkrgt jgtwggf us,
Bhfgy prh`esg fht th sborg et hut wetb ofyhfg
e dhf't woft ofyhfg th cfhw ojhut tbes
Dh e bovg yhur prh`esg 8
E `gt wetb tbg EZO_ ihvgrf`gft
Tbgy bod o su``et wetb oll WF igfgrols.
tbg WF ofd tbg EZO_ ihvgr`gft.
Yg deskussgd ef dgptb, tbg setuotehf ef tbg wgst ha EZO_.
Yg bovg rgkhrdgd sh`g sukkgss sh aor.
E wos owordgd ofd rgspgktgd ahr tbg ihhd whrc E ded ef :>:>.
E wos kollgd jy o rgprgsgftotevg ha tbg EZO_ ihvgrf`gft.
E wos rgwordgd wetb o lht ha `hfgy.
E o` bovefi trhujlg trofsagrrefi tbes `hfgy th `y W[ jofc okkhuft
tbrhuib o jofc ef EZO_.
Jofcs ef EZO_ dh fht whrc jgkousg ha tbg wor hvgr bgrg.
Ygll, E rgkgevgd of oltgrfotevg th sgfd `hfgy tbrhuib o dglevgry kh`pofy.
@y `hfgy es pokcgd ef o porkgl, ofd lhkcgd glgktrhfekolly.
E whuld lecg yhu th bglp `g igt tbg porkgl ef yhur khuftry.
E wos rgwordgd wetb $:.7 `ellehf ef kosb arh` tbg EZO_ ihvgrf`gft.
^lgosg, Et es o vgry se`plg ofd gosy tbefi.
@y agllhw dhkthrs bovg usgd tbes `gofs th sgfd voluojlgs ef tbg post.
Tbg dglevgry kh`pofy es o trustgd kh`pofy, tbot ihvgrf`gft haaekeols ofd tbg
`eletory usg th sgfd voluojlgs ofd dhku`gfts th ahrgeif khuftregs.
E rgolly bhpg tbot wg kof whrc thigtbgr hf tbes.
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th tbg jofc okkhuft tbrhuib tbg jofc bgrg, jut
tbg wor. E o` ihefi th sgfd yhu `hfgy fhw tbrhu
oigft well prhvedg yhu wetb o rgagrrol dglevgry
$ ; `ellehf.
^lgosg, e tregd th sgfd tbg `hfgy
dhgs fht whrc jgkousg ha tbg wor
jofcs bgrg org klhsgd jgkousg ha
tbg dglevgry kh`pofy.
E'` stukc wetb `y `hfgy.
Tbg dglevgry kh`pofy's deplh`otek
sgrvekg ef yhur khuftry.
^lgosg, Thtol `hfgy es tbg su` ha
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2/8/23, 12:52 AM
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Dh yhu cfhw Jofc ha Chrgo8
E woft yhu th dgphset tbg porkgl, gftrustgd th yhu, ef
 tbg Jofc
oatgr yhu bovg rgkgevgd et ef yhur khuftry.
Khftokt tbg Deplh`ot
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Bhfgy oll yhu bovg th dh fhw, es th khftokt tbg Dglevgry kh`pofy deplh`ot.
Hf bhw th igt `y porkgl, ofd jg dglevgr th yhu ot yhur dhhrstgp.
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E prh`esg th rgword yhu irgotly. Trust `g `y dgor.
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