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making an identifying mark on the item
to be stored to indicate what
classifications it is to be filed.
the process of negotiating agreements
and following through in day to day
collective bargaining
operations intended or otherwise affect
other nation's policies.
active measures
causes discontent among people
group of person that is tasked to spread
propaganda that causes discontent
shifting and isolating elements which
have significance in light of the mission.
to be absorbed in the system of a foreign
accepting somethings as being factual
although not entirely thus proven
collects ransom money
bag man
has access to sensitive infos
bigot list
slang for informer
enters offices and takes photographs.
done by fbi
black bag operations
surveillance device that needs com
must be protected in the interest of
national security
classified matters
publications of local foeign news posted
w captions
clipping service
precautions must be done to avoid losing
the subject
close tail
process of organizing raw data into
usable form
an individual org or unit that knows and
exploits to source of infos
collection agency
endanger national secu
not endangering natl secu but prejudicial
to interest or prestige of nation
change, forging and screening of
person's real personality
spies who enjoys diplomatic immunity
cover operative
relating to crime and its degree
concealed or hidden
traydor ba
quirk personality
needed by govt to execute its mission
departmental intelligence
secure place to live a small note
use ethnicity for selfish gain
ethnic extremism
appraisal of an inro with regards to
central int agency training facility
use in data description whc visualizes
event or commodity flow over a given
participation by civilian and military
agencies to free and protect its sponsors
foreign internal defense
movement organized to promote a cause
of isurgent group
front group
to obtain privilege inside the cell
laws governing warfare and the
engagement thereof
geneva and hauge convention
the source is clear but the desired result
is indirect
gray propaganda
written study of the situation and
conditions of a crime situation w
recommended courses of action
intelligence estimate
chronological log of actvtis
intelligence journal
on and off survelanana
loose surveillance
a limited political military struggle to
achieve political, social economic
objectives confined in geographic area
low intensity conflicts
list containing main threat
order of battle
forces that are distinct from the regular
armed forces but the same in
para military forces
characterized by rapid projection of
forces in condition short of conventional
peace time contingency
a step by which the intelligence is
transformed from raw facts or materials
to intelligence data
psychological tech designed to alter
opinions and idreas
towards enemy friendly and neutral
psy ops
for hostile groups
psy warfare
followed in surveillance
police and operatives meet in?
safe house
objects of police onterest due to criminal
1srt phase in process of identifying
criminals and suversive elements
target selection
will cause exceptionally grave damage to
the nation
top secret
refers to type of crim act amount and
a worker who is employed in industry
determining planning and monitoring the
career aspirations of individual in
career manage ment
the process of negotiating agreements
and following through in day to day adm
collective bargaining
it aims to make sure that objectives and
policies of organization are carried out
the tabs on guides and folders are said to
be out accdg to the width of the tabs
deals wth procedures what is to be done
who is to do it when and where
actual placement of material in
analysis of present manpoewe
inventory of manpower
also known as manpower planning
human resource planning
statement of qualification and traits
required of the worker
job specification
is the tab on the folder which is often
covered wth a place of gunned paper
process of directing and facilitating the
work of people
collection of job
work programs of the line division
operational plans
analyzing and improving and monitoring
the org as a whole
performance management
if the candidate's pattern of behavior is
personal interview
handles non officer training
process of making an employee adjusted
police superintendent
an indented raise line at the bottom edge
of the folder
extends above the regular height of the
major element of work
test will be made before permanent
refers to those belonging to the second
level managers bracket such as patrol
watch commander
administrative personnel
what is the rank of assistant regional
director of the bjmp?
senior superintendent
if you are relieved for just cause and
assigned to a position that is non
commensurate to your grade, what will
you do?
i will strive to get assigned to a position
that is commensurate to my rank within
18 months
if you are relieved for just cause and has
not been given an assignment
within______, then bye bye.
2 years
police work that encompasses such
especialties as records and
communication, criminalities, detention
and property management.
auxillarry service division
a document that triggers budget
budget call
the forecasting in detail the results of an
efficiently reorganized program of
operation based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating
a document issued by higher authorities
stipulating the national objectives,
priorities and constraints including
assessment of the peace and order
budget guidance
fiscal's year
366 days
mounted riflemen or cavalry. expanded
in 1781.
carabineros de seguridad publica
it is either oral or written orders of a
superior officer to his subordinates. it is
directly made and compliance is
immediately expected.
command communication
article of war
commonwealth act number 408
refers to the reduction or elimination of
the opportunity to commit a crime
crime prevention
it deals with the procedure of what is to
be done, who is to do it, and when,
where and how it is to be done.
part of the decision that declares guilt or
dispositive portion
field officers
chief ins, supt and sr.supt
company officers
insp and sr.insp
are intended to be used in all situations
of all kinds. a guide in the officers in the
field procedure
general or flag officers
directors and chief supts.
imposed policy is from
laws, administrative orders and rules and
protection from liability in tort due to
status or position
created INP
integrated act of 1975
ulis the operating authority delegated by
the commander down to the line thru
each intermediate supervisor until level
of execution is reached
line command
divides responsibility and authority
between several specialists
line organization
means that decisions are made that
govern day to day operations of the
middle management level
mechnical means by means of symbols
the relationship that exists between
persons in an org.
organizational structure
policy from the highest rank or top
originated policy
educationa instirution for pnp, fire and
jain personnel
general plan of action
it involves what are to be done in the
form of orders or broad statement of
policy formulation
means a set of social values, embodied
in authorization rules which guide the
ends of government.
public policy
the process involves 2 basic functions 1st
is to measure each candidates
qualifications and next is ranking them
screening process
it is the principle that results from the
division of force into separate units to
perform the police tasks.
selecting the right man for the job.
having supervisory responsibilities either
temporary or permanent over lower
ranked personnel.
superior officers
The first organized police force in the
philippines was the?
carabineros de seguridad publica
this law provides the legal guideline in
undertaking at a national level reform
which contributed to the improvement of
police efficiency and performance.
ra 8551
first formally licensed PSA which began
on march 1, 1993
special watchman agency
the father of strategy
provides infos to lea's about major
criminals and major crimes.
national crminal intelligence service
intellegence data that is immediate in
nature' must be updated, factual and
police line intelligence
father of police organization
robert peel
informal channel of communication in an
rumor mill and grapevine
it defines authority and responsibility of
subordinates and formulated by
management to guide men at operational
emergency purchases are made only for
activities that cannot be delayed but
such prchase shall not
exceed_____percent of annual agency
expenditure program for supplies and
materials of the unit.
four (4%)
regular purchase of supplies, materials
and equipments shall not exceed the
normal _____month requirements of the
report undertaken on a need basis, the
commander has to know the actual
situation of a particular incident which
can be of public interest.
situation report
father of modern policing
august vollmer
middle management level is occupied by
these are plans designed to guide the
organization of the community to assist
in the accomplisment of police objectives
in the field of juvenile and delinquency
prevention, traffic control and organized
operational plans
father of organized military espionage
frederick the great
it contains administrative instructions wc
are directory, advisory or informative in
nature' more or less general in
application, permanent in duration and
requires compliance by or observance
from or information of the employees or
general public
general circulars
those who are found to have an odor of
alcohol while on duty maybe liable for?
simple misconduct
police who consorts with women of
ill-repute maybe liable for?
grave misconduct
police nga dli mbyad ug utang maybe
liable for?
grave misconduct
in convoy deployment, the shield vehicle
is usually positioned at?
side of principal vehicle
a caesar shift would call for the
advancement of each letters to
an indexed memorandum pad for
recording infos regarding the enemy
intelligence worksheet
shows relationship between individuals in
an organization
link analysis
a surveillance technique typically handled
by fixed police observation.
1. available counter attack.
in the formulation of infos the following
must be considered?
2. back up plan nato
3. current situation nato ug sa kalaban
what do we refer to in determining the
crimes per 100,000 population?
crime rate
maximum tolerable level, to indicate that
the peace and order situation is still
within the control and capability of the
30 index.
developed in 1937 and expanded by
APCO in 1974
morse code
gangs involved heavily on all kinds of
crimes, involved also in proliferation of
vices and prostitution
party gangs
pat down inspection of the passenger's
body for weapons
based on thorough and prudent view of
the matters relating to the situation, for
which plans are being developed, and the
ideas and opinions of resource persons
who may speak with authority on the
subject matter concerned.
frame of reference
time in grade to be promoted from supt
to sr.supt
3 years
pnp applicants must have
21 natural teeth atleast
maximum age for appointment in the
tenure of the napolcom commissioner
shall be?
6 years
division of task of the command among
officers of various units
delegation of command
before a regular license be issued to a
PSA they must have atleast
75 firearms in possession
group of protective personnel who
conducts inspection on the area of visit
advance party
protection to safeguard cash and other
valuables in transit
armored car security
treacherous killing of a protected person
designed to eliminate, reduce or control
threats, risk or dangers to company
assets protection program
attached to ceiing or rroof and activated
when there is increase in temp
automatic sprinkler system
a check made on individual by inspection
of records in police files, educ inst, place
of res and former employees
backround investigation
appliction of varous measures to
safeguard cas and assets which is in
storage in transit or during transaction.
bank security
area which separates a vip from attack
buffer zone
a key to a single lock
change key
the sum of traits that have been
impressed by nature, education and
habit upon the individual
for installation and safe and bank vaults,
it can have an intricate sysem of 1
million possible combination
combination lock
are those areas access is restricted as to
entrance or movement by all but
authorized personnel vehicles. it should
additionally marked by a fence or other
barrier, and access to it should be limited
to as few guest as possible. restricted to
all unauthorized personnel.
controlled areas
usually installed at home, also called
night latch and operated by a key on the
outside and a knob on the inside
cylinder locks
serves to place the person on special
notice af his continuing responsibility to
proteck classified infos
similar to a dry pipe system however it is
designed to direct the flow of water in
specified direction
deluge system
security of the place of stop or rest, a
function of advance party
destination security
it contains (r more pieces of metal of
different heights known as tumblers.
usually installed in cars and would afford
delay for 5 to 10 minutes
disc tumbler locks
an official paper, certificates or anything
written that gives onfos or supplies
fundamental duty of security personnel is
to serve the interest and mission of his
ethival standard
used for storage of high value cargo
exclusion area
lighter than vault but bigger in capacity
wc can hold 10,000 cubic meters of
essential items. atleast 12 feet in height
and atleast 1hour fire resistant.
it projects light in concentrated beam.
ideal for illumination of buildings, fences,
perimeter areas and boundaries.
a key that will open everything in the
system involving 2 or more master key
grandmaster key
any form of communicated knowledge
the first contact w sec and must be
formally conducted. imparts security
concern including penalties for violations
initial interview
it is the process of determining the
loyalty, honesty, integrity of a particular
security of a building and facilities by use
of towers and posts with guards,
protective lighting and alarm system
installation security
light for fort pathways
fresnel lights
max age for sec guard
50 years old
min exp for security consultant?
min licensed fa for PSA?
is those within the controlled area where
a greater degree of sec s required
limited area
written record provided for all compny
padlcks. 2 whom 8 s issued and etc
lock and key recrds
duplicate and reserved locks are stored
lock and key storage
a key that s cpble of opening series of
master keys
distinctive identifying qualities which
serve as an index to d intrinsic native of
a person
involves the protection of processes,
formulas patents and other industrial and
manufacturing activities
operational activities
is a detachable lock having a sliding hasp
which passes through a staple ring and
secures fixtures and other storage
protective lighting also, brightness,
sihoutte seeing, contrast and shadow
elimination is factors for this.
perimeter lighting
this system designate when and where
and how passes should be displayed
personnel identification
authority to have access is not
permanent but can be withdrawn by the
originating authority
refers 2 those actvties designed to
provide physical protection of vip from all
protective operations
it reminds individuals of their job
responsibility. also serves as a forum to
resolve security problem and explain the
new rules and regulations
refresher confe
periodical accounting of all tools and
equipments charged out to departments
of reaming on hand in supply.
regular inventory
opinion or stimation in wc 1 is generally
protection assigned in them place the vip
resides or live
residence security
metallic container. 750lbs in weight or
anchored to building. walls atleast 1 in
thick. door 1.5 in thick
are incandescent lamp that is highly
focuses and utilized to pinpoint possible
search light
combination of compatible intrusion and
detection device so arranged and wired
as to support one another
security alarm system
added protection of important vital
papers are files inside safe vaults or
security cabinet
providing of sufficient illumination during
hours of darkness
security lighting
corporate and executive responsibility.
involves knowing the objectives of the
securty and the means andmethod to
reach these objctives
security planning
positive effort to sell secu or make
employees more involvef in the
implementation of secu measures
security promotion
is commonly manifested in office
memorandum, announcements, posters
placed in strategic areas withing the
security reminders
process of conducting exhaustive
physical exam of the installation
security survey
it is conducted with the aid of senior
company officials to facilitate compliance
by means of example.
special interview
it is normally held in the training period.
for atleast 4 hrs. to reiterate employees
that security is an additional burden
imposed on them
training conference
simpliest form of lock. with TALON. the
bolt is removed backward or forward by
engaging a key on talon. offers littke
degree of sec
warded locks
a section or territorial division of a lage
city. comprised of designated district
stolen goods borne on his back
back berand
policemen's nightstick or baton
policemen in patrol and w uniform
often used in lieu of a second officer in a
motorized patrol unit
canine units
used generally for approach to riot area
column formation
this involves knowing the geographical
location, topography, streets and people
as weel as political org in AOR. to create
climate of trust.
community assesment
kind of alternative patrol system wherein
the regular police patrol duties are
augmented with prescribed objectives
and verifiable tasks.
comprehensive patrol
it is a science dealing wth collection,
analysis, interpretation, and presentation
of masses of numerical data on crime.
crime statistics
utilized to familiarize and orient a
policeman about the patterns and
characteristisd of his patrol area b4 he
goes out on actual patrol.
district orientation tour
the outgoing officer should confer wth
the incoming officer.
in field preparation
this embraces crime prevention and
crime control role
crime prevention
refers to crowd wc may become
boisterous disorderly and may cause
most dominant form of patrol
mobile patrol
repeated circuit of in guarding covering a
particular area. only police actvts that
eliminates the desire and opportunity to
commit crimes.
it is a system of sending out of uniform
policemen to conduct police visibility
patrols within area of responsibility and
prevent the commission of crimes.
constant and alert patrolling of
observation of people, things
patrol observation
to travel on foot
means government of a city
these would refer to the system of
vigilant duty whereby the policeman
assigned thereat cope instantly w
precautionary activities
reprrssion of crime is generally
accomplished whether by having police
officers present at specific locations
maintaining a highly visible profile or by
publicizing a highly active undercover
repression of crime and delinquent
it is a length of street, designated for
patrol purposes also called LINE BEAT
deployment of as many POs as possible
in a specific geographic area with known
crime trend
saturated patrol
it refers to targeting of specific criminal
activity wc can be used wth favorable
results to respond high levels of criminal
conducts. maximizes personnel
deployment wth minimum impact on
normal patrol operations.
selective enforcement
dividing the number of hours actually
devoted to call for services or other work
load indicators.
shift scheduling
a crowd and riot control formation used
in confronting the mob to advance
against it for display of force or used to
block of an area.
skirmisher line
it is of crime prevention techique which
has an effect to an activity of specific
individual or group
specific deterrence
means of satisfying the needs of both
preventive patrol and demands for
split force patrol
usually fixed post, at intersections or
some other vantage point, overlooking 1
or more possible avenue of escape.
a critical point or intersection manned by
atleast 5 POs
strong points
persons or organizations organized to
overthrow legitimate government
it is the proper utilization and
deployment of patrol force includes the
design and implementation of patrol
strategies and tactical plans wc r
designed to meet the daily operational
requirements as well as unique
conditions that may arise from time 2
tactical operation and strategies
refers to grassroot approach to bring
people and police together
team policing
contains set of records of communication
correspondence files
is a trade or occupation which required
skills, manual activity, understanding of
principles of trade,
notation put into a file to indicate that
infos are not on this file but on another
cross reference
realization of what is to be done
definition of purpose
exercise of command. involves
overseeing and supervising the human
resources to achieve thru cooperation the
predetermined goals.
deals with the performance of tasks to be
done w commensurate authority to fulfill
the responsibility
formulation of a conclusion from a theory
wc was tested and considered valid
russian king of sleouth hounds and
utilized censorship
1.info procurement div
what r the components of central
intelligence service?
2. eval and distribution division
3. administration div
4. intelligence proper
research and analysis as well as
interrogation and debriefing
intelligence proper
counter intelligence, dissemination of
intelligence operation
has little or no value
organized info available in the police
records div
departmental intelligence
social organization of criminals wth 8s
own social classes and norms
criminal world
created NBI on june 19, 1947
ra 157
determination of significance of the
intelligence data in order to draw
document wc contains info pertaining to
enemy location, movement and possible
enemy situation map
created after WW2. clearing house of
records that provides infos from police
force from 1 country to another
gave military intelligence wc comtributed
to d end of WW2
since 1974. all registered vehicle and
their owner and index of more than 5
million criminal records
police national computer
they sell infos to highest bidder
mercenary informants
finest intelligene agency in the world
combination of all data to form a logical
picture or theory
formula, device pattern or compilation of
information of infos used in industry.
trade secrets
the first step in formulating cover?
preliminary investigation of the target
examination of raw materials to
determine its reliability, credibility and
relevance to operation
particlar requirement for information wc
the end user needs to govern to the
conduct of operation.
essential elements of information
blacklist means?
pose a threat to operation
class 2
duly restricted reports no available for
public consumption.
restricted documents
data is dispatched to the addressee in
the personal care of authorized personnel
transmission by safehand method
transmission system using telephone
lines or other private channels wherein
great deal of confidential infos is
routinely sent by substitution and
transposition from one computer to
uses computer binary codes and
transform 64 bit into 64 bit segments of
cipher text
data encryption standard
extended and utilization of natural and
human resources and industrial potential
of a nation.
economic intelligence
measures done by a nation to protect its
own society
internal defense
distance of the vip limousine from lead
4 to 5 cars length
most common police org in rural areas
line org
promotes higherr degree of efficiency in
the organization, adminstrtion, and
operation of local police agencies and to
place the local police service on
professional level
ra 4864
it is the PD that the integrated cities and
municipalities into a single unit known as
the state among other goals shall bolster
a system of coordination and cooperation
among citizenry, lacal execution and the
integrated law enforcement and public
safety agencies.
provides for the organization and
government of insular constabulary.
1. inspection
control would entail?
2. periodic report of activities
3. follow up procedures
frequent rotation of police personnel is
desirable in?
Vice control
are administrative tools designed to
assure top management that direction of
the department is effective.
control devices
an expert or specialist is usually assigned
in a?
functional org
wat r the 3 basic relationships in an
authority, responsibility and
police and military shall position
atleast_____meters from picket line.
is responsible for policing during pre
spanish period
brgy headman
rural police organized in each town in
1836 is known as
unity of command s done thru?
subordinates report to 1 IMMEDIATE
transport police service is embraced in
the general police function of?
line and staff
it can likely be achieved if policies are
clear w capable supervisors following
established lines of authority
the structure of an org should be such
that it can
adjust to the capability of the people who
man it
control's 3 part
1. initiation of activities, 2. supervision of
activities, 3. corrective action
r the most complex factors wc top
management must deal with
poice executive's prime responsibility in
law enforcement is the welfare of the?
personnel of the organization
the staff officer of the COP ~S RELATED
established INP as mandated by the
1973 constitution
prepares the original records of complaits
communications center
operating procedures designed to guide
members in routine assignments.
policy plans
career executive service officer s
equivalent 2 MPSA under?
practical methods of police supervisory
role playing method, conference, lecture
it is the training of an individual already
proficient in 1 line to be trained in
another allied to wat he has specialized
cross training
grants MPSA?
national public safety vollege and PPSC
created the pleb
sanggunian panglungsod bayan
do IAS have adjucatory function?
that level of training that prepares the
top administrative personnel of the force
maximizes and enhances decision
making policy deliberating responsibilities
total quality executive training.
how to become a provincial director?
u must have atleast 24 academic
master's unit
refers to the officer having the highest
rank or grade accdg to their date of
appointment to that grade
ranking officer
has the power to arrest and has an oath
of office
sworn officer
under ra 8551 they r tasked to surpress
insurgency and other serious threats to
national security
can recommend reassignment or recall of
local peace and order counci
CPNP can suspend a personnel for?
has jurisdiction over citizen's complaint
and can suspend a personnel for ?
30 days
will be investigated in cases of errors of
his subordinates for lapses in supervision
immediate superior
specific places that requires special
police contact unto the public should
primarily create?
good impression
specialized units are organized jus to?
assist the patrol force
young officers should be deployed in the?
graveyard shift
handling service calls and dealing with
youth related problems
morning shift
a generalist is desirable in
patrol duties
deployment of patrol personnel is
normally done accdg to?
number of arrest, complaints and crimes
why do we call patrol as the backbone of
police org?
rwide in scope
can cover a vast area wo refueling
fixed wing aircraft
evolved from the new cops on the block
and COPS. smaller police units are
deployed below police station level
police community pricinct
a patrol objective wherein the police
perform a variety of duties in wc the
possibility of legal sanction usually exists
but not imposed.
order maintenance
primary problem of using discretion?
laws r not equally enforced
in performing this police objective, d
police play a vital role in influencing the
quality of life in the community.
law enforcement
these limits police discretion
public attitude and community values
ra 6975 was signed on?
dec 13 1990 and took effect on jan 1
there are ____ staff directorates
type A cities
with 100,000 or more population
type B cities
with 75,000 to 100,000 population
type C city
with less than 75,000 pop
type A municipality
more than 75,000 pop
type B municipality
30,000 to 75,000 pop
type C municipality
30,000 or less pop
there are ____ police DIR
total number of star ranks
percentage of PO1
PO2 Percent
PO3 Percent
ra 8551 was signed on?
feb 25 1998 by ramos and took effect on
march 6 1998
height for PNP
1.62 meters for male. 1.57 m for female
order of waver
age, height, weight, education
appointment of PO1 TO SPO4
appointment of INSP to SUPT
appointment of SRSUPT to DDG
president upon recommendation of CPNP
appointment og DIRGEN
probationary period for PO1
1 year
composition of IAS
GENERAL. appointed by the president
upon recommendation by CPNP. regional
by a PO. provincial by a PO. the head
must ne a civilian
qual for IAS
with atleast 5years exp in law
enforcement and no derogatory record.
lawyer can enter laterally
COP can suspend for?
15 days
PD can suspend for?
RD can suspend for?
concurrent disciplinary machinery
mayors can suspend for?
16 to 30days
PLEB can suspend for?
30 to 90 days
composition of PLEB
1. any member of sangguniang
panglungsod.bayan chosen by respective
2.barangay captain chosen by ABC
3. 3 other members among respected
members of the community. one member
of BAR, a college graduate or principal of
central elem school. .
1 must be a woman . ..
chairman shall be elected among
recommendee for COP
5 from PD
recommendees for PD
3 from RD
the police system of the japanese here in
the country during their occupation on
dec 8 1941 to jan 7 1945
known as police professionalization law
of 1977. gave birth to PNPA
pd 1184
transfered the administrative control and
supervision of INP from ministry of def to
eo 1040
the implementation is based on the
officer's discretion, crime analysis, or
from a specific complaint received from
the community
directed patrol
generally a more positive shor of force
wc can often have a negative effect to
the community
saturation patrol
an increased pressure on the specific
criminal or social order problems, as well
as on the specific criminal elements by
the police.
aggressive patrol or aggressive order
conducts searches where a criminal
attempts to elude the police
utility dogs
it s based on problem oriented approach
to planning. a rational comprehensive
synoptic planning
problems are broken down and dealt with
1 at a time.
incremental planning
a face to face interaction with the people
in the community who r directly affected.
transactive approach
it focuses on the unintended and
negative side effects of the plan.
advocacy approach
1st mainstream is collective actions. 2nd
is critical of large scale process
radical approach
those when fulfilled combined to achieve
the organizational mission.
ultimate or super ordinate goals
those that when fulfilled combined to
achieve the super ordinate goal.
subordinate goal
plans made in advance and keep ready in
case thay are needed. this will go into
effect if certain events occur.
contingency plan
plans designed to meet everyday and
year round needs or regular operating
program and those to meet unusual
operational plans
this represents the agencies program in
specified course of action, maintains
status quo
programmatic plan
involves introduction of single specific
and change in an organization over a
limited period.
designed to meet specific need, thru a
specific course of action with desired
results and a program for a specific
covers a long period is more vulnerable
to unpredictable changes.
strategic plan
a plan of action, formulated and
executed to achieve a certain goal or
mission of an organization.
support in the overall pursuit of the PNP
vision, mission, and strategic action plan.
fundamental doctrine
focuses on the basic security and public
safety operations.
operational doctrine
provides guidance for the specialized
activities of the PNP in the broad field of
functional doctrine
enabling individuals to contribute to the
org's objectives.
unity of objective
the right to decide, exercise and
command by virtue of rank and position.
provides the org's objective
imposed by command or self restraint to
ensure supportive behavior
the use of rational planning or pattern
rather than relying on chances.
operational planning
the act of determining policies and
guidelines for police activities and
police operational planning.
is an attempt by the police
administration to allocate anticipated
resources to meet anticipated service
police planning
supplementary force to law enforcers to
maintain peace and order in barangay
bgry tanod
seeks to determine the behavior of the
arriving into logical conclusion as to the
identity od the suspect thru education of
all attending circumstances.
deductive roping
the process of identification of the
suspect starts with the suspect
himself-identify 1st the suspect b4
sourcing out evidences.
inductive roping
an assembly of people showing no group
behavior but merely denseness of
casual crowd
an assemblage of people who have
common intent or response emotionally
to the same stimuli
psychological crowd
curious crowd
a disorderly crowd
disturbed by emotional influences or
swayed by irresponsible party
a large disorderly crowd especially bent
on riotous or destructive action
neutralize possible threats to principal
counter attack vehicle
defined as the management of police wc
is all about the work of police and
police administration
resources for the achievement of
organizational goals.
validity of license
3 years for sec guard
d group of mangemnt theories wc
emphasize d importnce of interaction &
cooperation among employees n
enhancing productvty rfrs to
behavioral theory
d assignment of a prtcular wrker 2 a
prtcular task wc fits most hs ability s
known as