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How to fix QuickBooks file doctor not working in no time

Countermeasures for
QuickBooks file doctor not
working on your system
QuickBooks users can easily tackle the company file problems using the File Doctor tool.
They can face problems repairing their data files due to QuickBooks file doctor not
working on their PC. If the File Doctor tool on your system also malfunctions or fails to
start, go through this blog to acknowledge the causes of the issue and methods to
terminate it quickly.
Get in touch with our team of QB professionals at +1-855-738-2784 for
troubleshooting assistance.
Causes of QuickBooks File Doctor tool not working on your
You can sometimes run into problems while repairing your data file in the QB File Doctor. The conditions
that can lead to malfunction in the file doctor tool are discussed belowSome functions of the File Doctor tool are blocked by the Windows Firewall, leading to lagging issues.
QuickBooks File Doctor fails to run the company file due to invalid symbols in its name.
The company file is stored on a different computer or network which isn’t connected to your system.
Steps to take if QuickBooks File Doctor is not working
You won’t be able to quickly fix your data file using the file doctor tool after this issue develops on your PC.
The methods you must apply to prevent the file doctor tool from malfunctioning on your system are
discussed below-
Solution 1- Allow the File Doctor tool to bypass Windows Firewall
You can face problems using the File Doctor tool if it is blocked by the Windows Firewall. The program files of the tool
might be blocked or it might get restricted from running the background processes. You can also face problems
accessing the company file from the system drive if the Windows Firewall settings aren’t correctly set. You can easily
tackle the issue by fixing your Firewall settings to let the File Doctor tool run without problems. Use these steps1. Open the Windows Defender Firewall menu in the control panel.
2. Click the Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall option and search the program list in the next
window for the File Doctor tool.
3. Single-click the tool icon and mark the Public and Private checkboxes beside.
4. Close the Windows Firewall menu after the settings are saved and reopen the File Doctor tool.
If the tool fails to run or stops while scanning the data file, check out the next solution.
Solution 2- Rename the data file to make it accessible for the tool
QuickBooks File Doctor can also face problems running if it fails to access the data file due to invalid symbols in
its name. The file will also cause issues in QuickBooks if its name isn’t set according to the UNC protocols. You
must apply the following steps to ensure the file runs in the tool without problems1. Go to your QB folder and right-click the company file inside.
2. Select the Rename option in the list and erase all the special symbols (<, >, &, ^,|, etc.) from the file name.
3. Save the file and rerun the file doctor tool.
This blog shares the reasons for QuickBooks file doctor not working or freezing on your computer. The
techniques to remove the File Doctor issue are also included in the blog, and we hope you use them to prevent
problems while scanning the data file.
Speak to our QB support team at +1-855-738-2784 if you run into problems while using the solutions.