Law on Partnerships (Chapter 1 - General Provisions) 10 studiers recently 5.0 (1 review) Terms in this set (30) Statement 1: The partnership c) True, False comes into existence only by an agreement. Statement 2: A person who receives a profit is always a partner a) True, True b) False, True c) True, False d) False, False All are essential features of a a) The primary purpose must be to obtain profits partnership, except: and to divide it equally among the parties. a) The primary purpose must be to obtain profits and to divide it equally among the parties. b) There must be mutual contribution of money, property, or industry. c) There must be a valid contract. d) The object must be lawful. It is a characteristic of a partnership that does not depend upon any other contract for its existence. a) Principal b) Onerous c) Nominate d) Preparatory a) Principal Statement 1: A limited d) True, True partnership cannot be cannot be created by mere voluntary alone. Statement 2: The parties must have legal capacity to enter into the contract. a) False, False b) True, False c) False, True d) True, True A partnership is: d) A and B only a) A joint undertaking b) An organization c) An artificial being d) A and B only Statement 1: The sharing of profits in a partnership must be always equal to all parties. Statement 2: If the division of profits is merely used as a guide to determine the compensation due to one of the parties, such one is not a partner. a) True, False b) False, False c) False, True d) True, True c) False, True Two or more persons bind b) Partnership themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. a) Sole Proprietorship b) Partnership c) Corporation d) Cooperatives The delectus personae' refers c) To choose the persons whom he wants to be to the right of a person to: associated in the partnership. a) To choose the business he wants to engage with. b) To give his personal opinion for the establishment of the partnership. c) To choose the persons whom he wants to be associated in the partnership. d) None of the above. It is a characteristic of a b) Nominate contract which has a special name given to it by the law. a) Onerous b) Nominate c) Principal d) Consensual Which of the following may be contributed by partner in a partnership: a) Money b) Industry c) Property d) All of the above d) All of the above Composed of capitalist and b) General partnership industrial partners a) Universal partnership b) General partnership c) Limited partnership d) None of the above When cash or property worth b) It will not affect the liability of the partnership P3,000 or more is contributed and the partners to third parties. as capital. The Articles of CoPartnership shall be in a public instrument and be registered with the Securities and Exchange commission. If the said requirements are not complied with a) It will render the partnership void. b) It will not affect the liability of the partnership and the partners to third parties. c) It will not give a legal personality to the partnership. d) It will give the partnership a de-facto existence. Statement 1: A partner cannot assign his interest in the partnership to a third person without the consent of the other partners. Statement 2: A partner's interest in the partnership is his personal property. a) True, True b) True, False c) False, False d) False, True d) False, True Which is not true with regards c) It can sue due to its legal personality to associations? a) Any of the members may contract in his own name with third persons. b) It shall be governed by the provisions relating to coownership. c) It can sue due to its legal personality. d) Fees are usually collected from members to maintain the organization. Which analogy is incorrect? b) Universal partnership : present property a) Particular partnership : generic things b) Universal partnership : present property c) De jure partnership : compliance with some legal requirements d) General partnership : no fixed term Partners shall enjoy practically a) Universal partnership all the profits: a) Universal partnership b) General partnership c) Limited partnership d) None of the above One of the following incidents may be a cause for involuntary dissolution of a partnership. Which is? a) Termination of the term of the partnership b) Insolvency of any partner c) Express will of any partner d) Expulsion of any partner a) Termination of the term of the partnership All present properties are a) Universal partnership contributed a) Universal partnership b) General partnership c) Limited partnership d) None of the above Statement 1: Dissolution does a) True, True not terminate the partnership. Statement 2: Insanity of a general partner in a limited partnership dissolves the partnership. a) True, True b) True, False c) False, False d) False, True Statement 1: If the capital contribution of the partners amount to P3,000 or more the contract of partnership must be in public a public document, otherwise the contract is void. Statement 2: A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable property is contributed thereto if an inventory of said property is not made, signed by the parties and attached to the public document. a) True, True b) True, False c) False, False d) False, True d) False, True It is one in which the partners a) Universal partnership of all present property contribute all the properties which actually belong to each of them at the time of the constitution of the partnership to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the same among themselves as well as the profits which they may acquire therewith. a) Universal partnership of all present property b) Universal partnership of profits c) Universal partnership of Rights and duties d) Universal partnership of Property subject to appraisal In Article 1779, a universal d) the common property of all the partners, as well partnership of all present as all the profits which they may acquire therewith. property, the property which belonged to each of the partners at the time of the constitution of the partnership, becomes ___________ . a) the intention of dividing the same among themselves, as well as all the profits they may acquire therewith. b) present property or o all the profits. c) the time of the celebration of the contract shall continue to pertain exclusively to each, only the usufruct passing to the partnership. d) the common property of all the partners, as well as all the profits which they may acquire therewith. In universal partnership of all d) Statement 2 is true. present property, the following become the common property of all the partners: Statement 1: Property which belonged to each of them at the place of the constitution of the partnership; and Statement 2: Profits which they may acquire from the property contributed. Choose the best answer. a) Statement 1 and 2 are true. b) Statement 1 and 2 are false. c) Statement 1 is true. d) Statement 2 is true. Regarding the contribution of future property, the general rule is that future properties____________? a) will become common property only is there's a stipulation. b) can be included by stipulation except the fruits thereof. c) cannot be contributed. d) is returned to the partners who own it. c) cannot be contributed. Profits from other sources will a) not from properties contributed. become common property only is there's a stipulation. The profits from other sources are ______________ a) not from properties contributed. b) from properties contributed. c) the profits or income and the use or usufruct of the same. d) included by express stipulation. Where the articles of c) a universal partnership of profits imposes less partnership do not specify the obligations on the partners, since they preserve the nature of the partnership, ownership of their separate property. whether it is one of the "present property" or of "profits" only, it will be presumed that the parties intended merely a partnership of profits. The reason for this presumption is that ___________ a) a universal partnership of profits imposes more obligations on the partners, since they preserve the ownership of their separate property. b) a universal partnership of profits imposes less obligations on the partners, since they preserve the ownership of their mixed property. c) a universal partnership of profits imposes less obligations on the partners, since they preserve the ownership of their separate property. d) a universal partnership of profits imposes more obligations on the partners, since they preserve the ownership of their mixed property. Article 1782 states that "Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation or advantage cannot enter into universal partnership." Persons who are prohibited by law to give donations cannot enter into a universal partnership for the reason that _______ a) each of the partners cannot virtually makes a donation. b) each of the partners virtually makes a donation. c) each of the partners virtually makes a donation. To allow persons who are not prohibited to give each other a donation or advantage to form a universal partnership will be like permitting them to do indirectly what the law expressly prohibits. d) each of the partners virtually makes a donation. To allow persons who are prohibited to give each other a donation or advantage to form a universal partnership will be like permitting them to do directly what the law expressly prohibits. b) each of the partners virtually makes a donation. A particular partnership has for c) is neither a universal partnership of present its object determinate things, property nor a universal partnership of profits. their use or fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the exercise of a profession or vocation. It is a partnership which ___________ a) is either a universal partnership of present property or a universal partnership of profits. b) the partners may acquire by their industry or work during the existence of the partnership and the usufruct of movable or immovable property which each of the partners may possess at the time of the celebration of the contract. c) is neither a universal partnership of present property nor a universal partnership of profits. d) is ordinarily formed for the transaction of a general business of a particular kind. A partnership is a consensual c) the essential requisites of a contract of contract; hence, it exists from partnership are present even when the partners the moment of the celebration have not yet actually given their contributions. of the contract by the partners. What is necessary is that _________a) the essential requisites of a contract of partnership are not present even when the partners have not yet actually given their contributions. b) the essential requisites of a contract of partnership are present even when the partners have yet actually given their contributions. c) the essential requisites of a contract of partnership are present even when the partners have not yet actually given their contributions. d) the essential requisites of a contract of partnership are present even when the partners actually given their contributions. Which of the following is b) Agreement to create partnership- A distinction erroneous about executory must be made between a partnership actually agreement of partnership? The consummated and an agreement to enter into a above rule on the contract of partnership at a present time. commencement of partnership is not absolute. a) Future partnership- The partners may stipulate some other date for the commencement of the partnership. b) Agreement to create partnership- A distinction must be made between a partnership actually consummated and an agreement to enter into a contract of partnership at a present time. c) Failure to agree on material terms- A failure of the parties to agree on material terms may not merely be evidence of the intent of the parties to be bound only in the future, but may prevent any rights or obligations from arising on either side for lack of complete contract. d) Failure to agree on material terms- A failure of the parties to agree on material terms may not merely be evidence of the intent of the parties to be bound only in the future, but may prevent any rights or obligations from arising on either side for lack of complete contract.