Python ProgrammingCourse Name: Python Programming Duration: 20 days Course Objectives: How to use python for scripting, automation, development, data processing, data visualization, RESTFul web services and testing. Detailed Lab Setup: Latest python to be downloaded and installed from thewebsite DAY 1 1. Introduction to python 2. Software installation, introduction to IDLE and PyCharms. 3. Object types a. Numbers b. Strings DAY 2 i. Indexes ii. Slicing iii. Step value iv. Reverse order DAY 3 c. a. b. c. d. e. f. Lists Dictionary Tuples Sets Frozenset Bytes Bytearray Day 4 4. Pass keyword 5. Conditional statement a) b) c) d) ‘if’ if, if elif, if elif else. 6. For loop a. b. c. d. for loop break continue for-else. DAY 5 7. a. b. c. d. 8. a. While Loop While loop Break Continue While-else File operations Open function DAY 6 b.Read i. Read() ii.Readline() iii.For-loop to read line by line iv.Readlines() v.List/tuple/dict/set classes for reading c. write functions i. write() ii.writelines() iii.print function d.Modes i. Read ii.Write iii.append e.Flush and close DAY 7 9. Functions f.About functions g.Positional arguments h.Default value arguments i. Variable arguments j. Keyword only arguments k.Variable keyword only arguments DAY 8 10. a. 11. a. 12. 13. Generators Yield Comprehensions List/tuple/dict/set Lambda functions Decorators 14. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Custom Classes Creating the classes Class variables Instance variables Class methods Instance methods Static methods Constructors Single and multiple inheritance Polymorphism Method overriding DAY 9 k. Operator overloading 15. a. b. c. d. e. f. 16. a. Exception handling Try-except Exception classes Try-except with classes Try-except-else Try-except-finally Custom exception classes Modules and Packages. Creating modules DAY 10 b. c. module d. Environments variables Different ways of importing the From import DAY 11 17. pip and pypi 18.Regular expressions a. Identifiers b. Ǫuantifies c. Modifiers DAY 12 19. a. b. c. 20. a. b. Connecting to SǪL databases About database library Connecting to SǪLite database Executing the queries SǪL Database to fil Txt files Csv files 21. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pandas DataFrame About pandas 2D data - DataFrame Columns and rows List/tuple to DataFrame Database to DataFrame DataFrame to csv DataFrame to excel DAY 13 h. i. j. k. l. m. data DataFrame to json Example DataFrame methods – describe, count, groupby, valuecounts Accessing each columns using column name Filtering the data Slicing – access portion of the data Creating excel sheet with graph and DAY 14 Flask and Flask-RESTFul Framework RESTFul APIs and Micro services using flask framework 22. About API 23. About RESTFul API 24. Web development frameworks in python 25. 26. a. 27. About flask framework Creating app using flask framework Connect to SǪL databases Developing RESTFul web services using flask 28. a. b. c. d. e. Different http methods GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE with flask 29.SǪL Alchemy DAY 15 DAY 16 Microservices in container 30.About docker 31. Docker hub 32. Containerization 33. Docker images 34. Create Docker container with flask application DAY 17 RESTFul web services using DJango 35.About Django framework 36.Create project 37. About 38.Creating the app 39.Migrations 40.Models 41. Admin interface DAY 18 About Django REST Framework Configuring framework 44.Creating REFUl APIs 45. GET 46. POST 42. 43. DAY 19 47. 48. 49. PUT PATCH DELETE methods in API creation DAY 20 50. a. 51. a. b. Consuming REST-API Requests module Pytest: Unittesting Creating the testcases Run the tests