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31 Days to Productivity: A Self-Help Guide

31 Days To
by Simona Rich
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................ 4
STAGE ONE: PLANTING THE SEEDS OF PRODUCTIVY............................... 6
Day 1: Take Responsibility For Your Life............................................................ 7
Day 2: How Pain And Pleasure Affects Your Productivity................................... 10
Day 3: Identify Areas Of Your Life That Lack Productivity................................... 13
Day 4: Get Rid Of Your Limiting Beliefs About Productivity................................. 17
Day 5: Get Rid Of Mess In Your Home And Office.............................................. 21
Day 6: Make Note Of All Your Activities And Their Times................................... 24
Day 7: Set An Alarm To Catch Yourself............................................................... 26
Day 8: Eliminate Distractions From Your Life...................................................... 28
Day 9: Identify Negative Habits That Make You Unproductive.............................31
Day 10: Declutter your brain for more productivity............................................... 33
Day 11: How To End Self Doubt............................................................................37
Day 12: How To Raise Your Energy Levels For Greater Productivity................... 42
Day 13: Get Motivated.......................................................................................... 46
Day 14: Get Rid of Stress..................................................................................... 49
Day 15: Self Discipline.......................................................................................... 52
Day 16: End Procrastination.................................................................................. 54
STAGE TWO: DEFINITE PRODUCTIVITY STRATEGIES.................................... 58
Day 17: How to Be Productive When You Have Too Many Things To Do.............. 59
Day 18: How To Build A Productivity Momentum................................................... 62
Day 19: Lack Of Knowledge Leads To Less Productivity....................................... 64
Day 20: Eliminate Useless Tasks That Waste Your Time....................................... 68
Day 21: How To Efficiently Use Your Time............................................................. 71
Day 22: Check The Return On Your Tasks............................................................. 73
Day 23: Double Your Productivity........................................................................... 76
Day 24: Use Your Productivity Peaks..................................................................... 79
Day 25: What To Do If You Start Tasks But Never Finish Them............................. 81
Day 26: What To Do If You Cannot Make Yourself Start Tasks.............................. 83
Day 27: Make Use Of Things That Make Your Productive..................................... 85
Day 28: Watch Yourself For Unproductive Patterns............................................... 88
Day 29: Instant Productivity Booster....................................................................... 91
Day 30: Keep The Balance..................................................................................... 93
Day 31: Final Advice............................................................................................... 95
Thank you for purchasing the “31 Days To Productivity” ebook. Your purchase shows your commitment to self
improvement and higher achievement.
If you follow all the steps and advice, by the end of 31 days you will be a different person – guaranteed. Your
productivity will rise higher than anyone (even you) expects and you will accomplish even the longest most
complicated tasks in a productive manner.
Before you start reading the advice, let me tell you how to use this book most effectively.
First and foremost, you should reach one chapter a day. Most people don't benefit from the self improvement material
they buy because:
1. They purchase the material and don't open it.
2. They purchase the material and open it and even read it, but don't apply anything they read.
3. They purchase it, read everything at once and get too confused. Self doubt kicks in and so they don't apply
anything they read.
So you should read one chapter a day because of the third reason. Also, I hope you will not be among those whom I
described in reasons one and two, because such people don't achieve anything in life.
Once this is out of the way, I hope that you will find this ebook interesting and highly effective. I am always happy to
receive your feedback as well as any other comments/suggestions that you would like to make. You can contact me
at simonarich1@gmail.com – I will be glad to hear from you!
I wish you all the best in your journey to productivity!
All the best,
Simona Rich
Day 1: Take Responsibility For Your Life
It's easy to simply say that you are unproductive and use this as an excuse for not achieving anything great in life. It's
also easy to blame external circumstances for why you are who you are and leave it at that. But this is what people
who don't really want to change do. They blame others or they sigh and say that it's impossible to become productive
or introduce any other major change in their lives.
So for you to experience change you absolutely have to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and
for who you are. If you give even slight responsibility to other people or to circumstances, you lose your personal
power and that makes you less capable of changing.
When you really hold yourself responsible for everything that happens to you, you become empowered. You know
that you caused your own situation and therefore you can change it. You will notice that you will naturally become
more productive as soon as you start seeing yourself as fully responsible. This will happen because you will no longer
want to waste your time on things that were used as an excuse for you not becoming productive.
Here's what you should do today. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write the statements that apply to your life
which start with “I am responsible for....”
For example:
I am responsible for my financial situation.
I am responsible for my lack of productivity.
I am responsible for my marriage.
I am responsible for my health.
In this manner list absolutely everything in your life that you are unhappy about and really try to understand that you
are indeed responsible for everything that you have, who you are and what happens to you. Once this is firmly
established in your mind, you will be able to make lasting changes in your life. If you, however, still believe that
circumstances control you and that other people are responsible for what happens to you, you will be unable to make
any serious change. So unless you firmly accept this idea, moving forward is pointless.
Only move on to the next lesson the day after this task is accomplished. Think about you being responsible for your
life this whole day. Think about everything that you have achieved and everything that you haven't and know that you
caused it all. Reflect on your thoughts, things that you see in your environment and people that you meet.
If done properly, today's task will open your eyes to the great power that you have inside. You will understand that
since you caused everything, you can change everything. So if you were unproductive, you can become productive.
Being unproductive doesn't mean that you were just born this way. It just means that you gave more power to other
people and circumstances and then used them as an excuse for your lack of productivity. There are several more
factors involved here which we will deal with in the lessons to come.
If you haven't already done so, take your time now to do the task mentioned earlier. However simple it may look, it is
actually very powerful. It is a real eye opener and shouldn't be skipped. If you really want to become productive, set
some time aside this very moment to do this task. I shall meet you tomorrow on the next page:)
P.S. It's very important that you don't skip any lessons and do one task a day. I know it seems tempting to go through
several lessons at once in the hope of becoming productive quicker, but you will actually produce little or no change
if you follow such strategy.
Let your mind be only concerned with one thing at a time for a maximum change. It's not about getting as much “how
to” information as you can in a day. It's about learning to think and act in a new way and taking small, definite steps to
produce a great change in your life.
Day 2: How Pain And Pleasure Affects Your Productivity
To become productive, you have to understand how your brain works. With this understanding you will know exactly
why people do what they do, why some people achieve much and some don't. Most importantly, you will know what
makes you do things that you do and how to change it if your actions don't produce much value.
People are motivated to take action to avoid pain or to experience pleasure. They are mostly motivated by pain.
That's why there are many more people who live average lives than those who achieve everything they want. Those
people who settle down for less do so because they try to avoid pain of putting a bit more effort, changing comfort
zones and taking risks.
Those people who achieve more, however, are motivated by pleasure more than pain. So no matter how many
painful events they have to go through they never give up because their goals seem more pleasurable to them than
the pain they experience in the process.
Let me give you a good example. People who are overweight are so because they associate more pain with getting
thin than with staying overweight. Those who are thin, on the other hand, associate massive pain with being
overweight and a huge pleasure with staying thin.
The good news is, if you were motivated more by pain than by pleasure, you can achieve as much as anyone else.
You just need to intensify both components. Here's how you can do that.
Take a pen and a piece of paper and divide the page into two columns by drawing a vertical line in the middle. On the
top of column one, write a heading “What Will Happen If I Stay Unproductive” and the second column should be titled
“What Will Happen If I Become Productive”. Now think of everything that can or will happen if you choose either of
these roads. The longer your lists, the more motivated you will get to change.
So for the list one, you can write:
I will not achieve anything significant in my life.
I will have no money.
I will never become financially independent.
I will not have my own business.
On the list two, you can write:
I will have a profitable company.
I will quit my job.
I will have more time for my kids.
I will be the most productive employee in the company.
I will be financially secure.
Once this is done, don't throw this paper away. It will be used as one of your productivity motivators.
You will notice that the more painful and the more pleasurable activities you write down on each list, the more you will
be inclined to become productive. This will happen because you will see that you will lose out on far too much if you
don't change.
If you haven't already done so, take your time now and make these two lists. Once done, carefully read through them
and read them whenever you have some free time throughout this whole day. Keep thinking about these two lists and
something will start changing in your mind – namely you will realise that you absolutely must become productive.
Day 3: Identify Areas Of Your Life That Lack Productivity
You will easily notice that there are some areas of your life that you really need to be more productive in. It could be
your work, the general order of your home or office, the plans involving your family or anything else. But it's much
harder to identify the exact subjects/events that lack productivity. Only when you know exactly which areas lack
productivity will you be able to make any improvements.
It's easy to think that productivity applies only to your work or homework (if your are at school). In truth, everything
can be done in either productive or unproductive manner. For example, you can clean your house productively or
unproductively, you can spend your free time productively (when you rest and refresh yourself) or unproductively
(when nothing goes according to your plans and you get stressed).
So productivity is a lifestyle or a habit that applies to almost everything you can think of. It's the way you do things
and even think about things (thinking can also be productive or unproductive).
Here are some of the areas of your life that may be lacking productivity. Next to each one I've added unproductivity
Doing Your Homework (Example: Getting distracted by all sorts of things as soon as you start doing your
Accomplishing Work-Related Tasks (Example: Doing work online only to find yourself checking your emails or
Achieving Goals in Relationships (Example: Promising to spend some time with your partner but then worrying
about all the stuff that will not get accomplished.)
Achieving Goals in Health (Example: Focusing on getting thin but then putting yourself in circumstances which
tempt you to overeat.)
Managing Time (Example: Going to physically purchase something instead of ordering online.)
Earning Money (Example: Purchasing something of less quality and smaller price which will need to be
replaced much quicker so you end up losing even more money as a result.)
So now list every area of your life (even the smallest one) that may be lacking productivity. Also, give examples of
your lack of productivity in each area.
This task will show you the exact areas that you will need to work on to make them more productive. The more
definite you get, the quicker you will make those areas productive. The reason why people don't get productive is that
they are too hazy about the reason's they are unproductive and which areas they are unproductive in. So you will
escape this trap as soon as you list such areas.
This task is two-fold. Once your list is done, you will have to get even more specific.
Read the second part of the task ONLY if you have accomplished the previous step of listing unproductive areas.
The list is done? Great. Now take each unproductive area and specify which actions/things/events are unproductive
in that particular area.
Let's take homework as an example. Unproductive areas/events/things can be:
The more specific you get, the better. This task alone can make you more productive. This can happen because your
brain, when you get specific, will start to come up with specific ways of how you can make that area/event more
Although this task is a bit more complicated and more time-consuming, I strongly encourage you to take your time to
properly accomplish it. And the best time to start this task is NOW!
Day 4: Get Rid Of Your Limiting Beliefs About Productivity
Answer this question: Why are you unproductive?
List as many reasons for your unproductivity as you can think of. Try to do this now.
Now go through the list and understand that these are just your limiting beliefs that prevent you from becoming
productive. You will probably say that this doesn't apply to things such as “Because my children always distract me”,
but that's a limited belief too. Although you think that your children are the cause of your lack of productivity, the
cause can never be outside of you. You can always make some changes in your life to have some time for yourself.
If you've been identified with some of these beliefs for a long time, it's natural to think that they are real, that this is
your reality. For example, you may have a limiting belief that you are unproductive because you have a short
attention span. It seems a completely valid “fact” and it relieves you from trying to become productive because you
think that you simply can't. Here's a letter with a perfect example of the belief about short attention span that I
received from my reader:
“I know exactly what I want to do, but doing it is a problem. I can not concentrate, I do not have the patience to sit
down to do things and achieve, I get bored reading long sentences, or reading for a long period of time...”
Now to this person her short attention span seems a valid reality – she cannot focus, she gets bored easily – this is
just how it is. But you should understand that this is not a fact at all, it's simply a belief that this person had for a long
time. The only fact that is true is that she is a creative personality and she can easily change herself and her
circumstances by focusing on different things as she does now. But if she believes that she is helpless and hopeless,
her reality will reflect that.
When the person says “It is just who I am”, this is the indicator that he looks at the world through a limiting belief that
is blocking the reality.
So try to identify your opinions and views as such. Once you become familiar with your limiting beliefs about your lack
of productivity, you will need to eliminate them. Take each of your belief and carefully analyse it. Try to understand
that this belief colors your life experience in a particular (negative) way. If, for example, you believed that you are
unproductive because you have too much stuff to do and that everything needs your attention at the same time, then
whenever you decide to be productive you will become aware of all the things that you need to do and you will try to
accomplish all of them at the same time. You will, therefore, only confirm your limiting belief.
Working with one belief, try to understand that this belief is likely to have been passed on to you by another person or
you developed it yourself from the wrong understanding of the situation. Reality just is, we color it through the beliefs
that we have about it. So you should accept that you were the person to allow this belief to enter your mind and
therefore you can easily reject it. No longer choose to belief in such reality and search for the facts that would deny
your previous limiting belief.
If you find it hard to eliminate limiting beliefs, read my website article which will show you a specific method of how to
get rid of negative beliefs:
Once you get rid of one belief, you should introduce an opposing belief that will enrich your life. So, for example,
instead of having a belief that you are a person with a short attention span, you can choose to believe that you can
focus on tasks for a very long time without your mind wondering off. Keep affirming this new belief and keep looking
for the evidence of it and it will become your reality.
When you do this exercise, don't fall for the idea that some of the reasons for your unproductivity cannot be changed
because they are facts. The non-physical traits that you think you have can always be changed, they are not facts of
life, so are the responsibilities and duties that you think you have.
So take your time (if you haven't already done so) to carefully think about what prevents you from being productive.
Once this is done, take your time to eliminate such beliefs and introduce positive ones in their place.
Day 5: Get Rid Of Mess In Your Home And Office
Messy environment is one of the major causes of unproductivity. I can almost guarantee that your environment is
cluttered because it's the issue with most people who think of themselves as unproductive. So your task for today is
to eliminate all the clutter from your home and office.
Here's what you should do. Firstly you should start from the general things that make the environment look messy.
Once this is done you will feel a huge relief because the mess will be out of your sight. I don't suggest, however, to
shove all the mess under your bed or in the corners. Put all the items in their designated places and those which don't
have any space of their own should go into one box/area for later sorting.
When the main clutter is out of your sight, make the area inviting to work in. So you may put a notebook and some
pens on the table, a cup of fresh coffee, make the place lighter by putting up lighter curtains/opening curtains. If your
workplace is dark, no wonder you don't feel productive – dark environment is for relaxation and sleep.
Take the remaining things that you couldn't find a place for and ruthlessly throw away things that you don't need. So
you should only keep the things that you use or who have good energy about them. The less things you have, the
less you will be distracted. Things take your energy and attention even if you keep them out of your sight. So by
throwing away unnecessary items you will have more energy to concentrate on your work.
Once you get rid of the useless stuff, you will feel a huge relief and you may straight away want to accomplish tasks
that you've been putting off.
Make your office table inviting to work. It should be clean, without any clutter whatsoever. It's nice to have pictures of
your family on the table but that distracts you because you associate your family with leisure, fun or whatever else
which is not related to your work. So it's best to remove things as such and if you want to keep some kind of pictures
on the table, keep those of your goals. They will motivate you to keep on working. That's what is on my table: a goal
card, a planner, a picture of my goal and to-do lists.
Once the clutter is gone, you should always keep it that way. You shouldn't let the place get too messy because then
you will be too overwhelmed to clear it. So whenever you create some clutter, clear it up at once. It's a good habit to
clear the clutter as soon as you finish working. Then you will always have a clean workplace.
If you feel too lazy for this task, you should simply start from small things. Pick up something that is misplaced and
put it in the right place. Soon you will find yourself clearing more and more clutter. You only have to start and you will
then get enough energy to do the whole task. This tip applies not only to clearing the clutter but to any other task also.
If you don't feel like doing some task, simply start it and you will be surprised how quickly you will accomplish it.
Tomorrow's task should be started from as soon as you wake up, so make sure that tomorrow you can read this
ebook in the morning.
Day 6: Make Note Of All Your Activities And Their Times
Today you will need to note the contents, the start and end times of everything that you do. So when you start some
task, take note of what it is about and its time. If something interrupts the task and you need to do something else,
take note of contents, the start and end times of that interruption too.
At the end of the day you will need to take a green and a red pen (or any other color) and put a green tick on tasks
that were useful and put a red tick on tasks that were useless. So if you finished some kind of assignment, put a
green tick next to it. If you watched a music channel, put a red tick. One can argue that listening to music is relaxing
and therefore it's useful, but it's also a waste of time if more important work is not finished because of such activity.
So you shouldn't defend the activities that you spend your time on – be as honest with yourself as possible.
Today's task will show you what you spend the majority of your time on and what things get you distracted/get in the
way of your work. You will then be able to assess if you spend the majority of your time productively or not. When you
know how you spend your time, you will be able to make the necessary adjustments to become more productive.
If you're reading this task in the middle of the day, leave it till next morning. You should start this task as soon as you
wake up.
Like any other task in this ebook, this is a simple yet very important task. So please don't skip it!
Here's the example of this task sheet:
Tomorrow's exercise will also have to be started from the morning, so don't forget to read this ebook after you wake
Day 7: Set An Alarm To Catch Yourself
Have you ever experienced this interesting phenomena – when you did nothing significant and accomplished nothing
yet the whole day flew by without you even realizing that? Well this will never happen again if you do the following
Today's exercise is very similar to yesterday's. You should take some kind of a notebook and keep it with you all day.
You will also need to have an alarm. It's probably most convenient to have your mobile phone with you and set its
alarm to go off every 15-30 minutes. The more often it goes off, the better.
As soon as your alarm goes off, you will need to take out a notebook and write down what you have been doing when
you heard the alarm. If you were thinking about something when you heard the alarm, write down your thoughts too.
This exercise will help you catch yourself off guard when you may be doing something unproductive without even
realizing that. This exercise therefore will open your eyes to the reasons why you are unproductive.
This exercise can be done for more than a day if you see the benefit of doing it. But do it at least for a day and you
will find out a great deal about yourself that you didn't know before. As soon as you become conscious of your time
wasting activities, next time you are about to do them, you will think twice. Time-wasting activities can go unnoticed
and last all your life, so it's good to bring them to your attention by setting up and alarm to catch yourself off-guard.
As soon as the alarm is set, forget about it. Go about your day as usual and get this task off your mind completely.
This way you will act naturally and do the things that you usually do. You can usually set an alarm to go off every
15-30 minutes or whatever else time you want without you having to reset it every time. So if you have such option in
your mobile, use it.
The earlier in the morning you set up the alarm, the more likely that you will forget about it and act in a usual way.
The more naturally you act, the more unproductive activities you will notice.
When you are about to go to bed, take out your list and mark productive activities in green and unproductive in red.
This will show you if you do more productive or unproductive activities. When you notice the amount of unproductive
activities that you do, your productivity will naturally increase because you will see how much time you are wasting for
So begin this task at once and prepare to discover some interesting activities!
Day 8: Eliminate Distractions From Your Life
The more distractions you have in your life, the less productive you are likely to be. Some people can easily deal with
distractions yet most find it hard to resist them and therefore waste considerable amounts of time on them. I am
talking about distractions such as TV, emails, friends (yes, they can be distractions too), food, games and anything
else that gets in the way of accomplishing tasks.
As concerning your friends and answering phone calls, you simply have to be more selfish if you want to become
more productive. This means that sometimes you will have to decline to meet your friends or answer phone calls. If
your future is more important than meetings with friends and phone conversations, you will find it easy to do that. You
need to set exact times for your work and make it hard for others to reach you at those times.
Sometimes distractions can be a good way to relax, but when they get in the way of your work, they start to affect you
negatively. Therefore you should set clear boundaries between your work and the times where you can allow things
to distract you. If you find it hard to resist such distractions, you should completely eliminate some of them from your
life until you learn how to deal with them. I highly advise you to get rid of TV from your life, check emails far less often
and make access to other distractions harder than it is now.
You can use distractions as rewards for your completed work. To make it work you should completely eliminate
access to distractions when you are working: tell your friends the times when you are unavailable, don't check emails
when you work, mute your mobile and home phone so that nobody could distract you and don't do anything else that
would take your focus off the main work. You need to be that strict because if you allow things as such to distract you,
it takes time (a lot of time to some people) to get back to your work mode thus your work quality suffers a great deal.
When you finish your work, reward yourself by doing whatever comes to mind. So you can check your emails how
many times you want – after the main work is accomplished.
You may say that it's hard to get away from all the distractions - and it can be, but it's possible to get away from it all if
you really want to. Find a quiet place to work and remove all the distractions from that environment. If you find it hard
to do this at home, do it away from your home.
You can go to public libraries or cafés to accomplish your work. Actually it's good work in public places because
there's nothing else that you would do there except work! Public places are where I accomplish most of my work and I
am extremely productive when I work away from home. So this is the advice that was tried and tested by me many
times and it always works wonders.
Remember, the easier it is to access some kind of distraction, the more likely you are to access it. So set obstacles
for every distraction. If, for example, you find it hard to resist checking emails, there is even a program for the browser
to not allow you to access certain websites more than once a day. So this can help you a great deal if you have an
addiction/near addiction to some websites (such as YouTube or Facebook).
Here's what you should do today. Set some kind of task to be accomplished by today and make it very hard for
yourself to access any kind of distraction. You can do that by removing distractions from your work environment or
just leaving your work environment and going to work to public places. When you finish your work, reward yourself
with doing anything that you find entertaining. Such things will no longer be distractions since your main work is done
and you are now relaxing. You will no longer feel guilty spending your time on distractions because you will perceive
them as rewards for your accomplished work.
Day 9: Identify Negative Habits That Make You Unproductive
You will notice that some of the distractions will be very easy to get rid of and you will have easily eliminated them
following yesterday's advice. However some will seem to be almost impossible to remove from your life and these are
the distractions that grew into your habits. For example, it may be easy for you to mute your phone and not worry
about someone calling you. However it could be really hard for you to restrain yourself from checking emails because
you find escape and a temporary relief when you check your inbox. So if you find it hard to get rid of some
distractions, know that they became your habits.
Habits are harder to change because you see a part of yourself in them. This is who you are, this is what you do, they
tell a lot about your personality. You think that if you eliminate them, some part of your will be lost. But that's not the
case because the more bad habits you eliminate, the more in control of yourself and your destiny you will be.
To eliminate a habit you need to stop doing it for 21 days. To make it easier to get rid of a harmful habit, you need to
introduce a positive habit in its place. So think of something productive that you can do instead of an unproductive
activity that became habitual. This new activity that you will think of, however, should not be a distraction. It should be
something valuable that will enrich your life. So instead of checking emails numerous times a day, you may decide to
check your goals a couple of times a day. The more often you check your goals, the more firmly you impress them
upon your subconscious mind and that will make them manifest quicker. So you see a great value in such action. On
the other hand, the more often you check your inbox, the more time you waste.
So take your time now to think over your habitual unproductive activities. Identify them all, write them down and
eliminate them one by one within 21 days by introducing a productive activity in its place. Once you successfully
replace your first negative habit, it will be much easier to replace a second one, third and so forth. So although it may
be hard at first to replace your negative habits, it's well worth the effort.
The more unproductive habits you will get rid of, the more successful you will be. If you manage to get rid of all
unproductive habits, then whatever you do will produce amazing outcomes and that will result in very high quality of
your life. Don't let bad habits go unnoticed – identify them, write them down and change them. And of course the best
time to start doing this is now!
Day 10: Declutter your brain for more productivity
A very big cause of the lack of productivity is simply too many thoughts held at once. When you overthink things and
your mind quickly jumps from one subject to another, it means that your brain is overloaded and you become
unproductive as a result. To avoid overloaded mind, you need to declutter your brain. So today I will teach you how to
do exactly that, so that your productivity will not suffer from this common “virus”.
“Unload Your Mind” Exercise
Take a pen and a notebook. On the top of the first page, write down “Thoughts That Require Immediate Attention”.
Then on the top of the 3 - 4 page of the notebook write down “Thoughts That Require Secondary Attention” and on
the top of the 6 - 7 page of the notebook write down “Other Thoughts”.
Now turn to a page where you wrote “Thoughts That Require Immediate Attention” and write down everything that
you can think of that you must remember, need to quickly accomplish or that are very important to you. Under the
next topic, list all the things that are of the secondary importance. Such things for example can be to read some book,
to call someone or to learn some skill. Under the last topic write down things that you should remember or
accomplish but nothing will happen if you don't. So such things could be gift ideas to your friends or places that you
think would be nice to visit some time.
Spend at least 30 minutes unloading your brain this way. After you have finished this task, you will feel so much
better because the amount of thoughts that purposelessly float in your mind will be significantly reduced. After this
exercise you will also find it easier to focus on one task without being distracted by stray thoughts.
You will notice that when you start unloading your brain, one thought will lead you to another through association. So
if you, for example, remembered that you need to plan your holiday and you write this thought down, it will lead you to
a related thought such as that you need to organize your holiday pictures. This is how your mind works and if you
allow your thoughts to lead to other ones this way, you will fully unload your brain and feel much better as a result.
It is wise to keep this notebook with you all the time and you can even have a section in your daily planner for
unloading your mind. So whenever you remember some task that you need to accomplish or you think of some new
idea, write it down so that it would not distract you all day long.
The only thoughts that should be allowed to float in your mind are those of your dreams and goals. It's great to write
them down too, but you should also try to think about them every day. This is because thoughts about goals are not
distracting, they are motivating. They fuel you to take action and to focus on tasks. So they are very different from
thoughts such as “I have to clean my house”. Thoughts as the one I just mentioned bug you and distract you from
your work, they sap your energy. Thoughts about goals, on the other hand, energize you and urge you to be more
So don't delay this task – do it now. You will see what a great feeling you get after you accomplish this task and how it
helps you to become more productive. You will feel such a relief once this task is done.
If you want to get full benefits out of this exercise, you should do it regularly. Once every two weeks or at least once a
month would be ideal.
This may not apply to all, but some people will suffer from intense thoughts about certain areas of their lives which
they will seem to be unable to get rid of. Such thoughts can be of sexual nature or aggressiveness, for example. The
reason why those thoughts don't disappear from your mind even if you write them down is because they don't have
any particular outlet. It's dangerous to not give any outlet to such thoughts because it may lead to personality
disorders. By no means should you hide those thoughts and pretend that they don't exist. You should let them out so
that they would not manifest as something negative. If, for example, thoughts of aggressiveness keep arising in your
mind but you are taught to be calm and you are told that it's a sin to be aggressive, it's natural to try to hide such
thoughts. But in contrary you should release them by physically punching pillows or taking other aggressive actions
until you feel exhausted and those thoughts no longer are with you. There are many outlets for your thoughts, such as
sports, painting, singing, sex, competitive games, writing and everything else that you do physically to release the
mental tension.
Removing the clutter from your work environment, unloading your brain and eliminating limiting beliefs are just three
of many exercises that will make you much more productive than you used to be. As you see, every single exercise is
very simple, but they have a compounding effect. If you faithfully do all the daily tasks, at the end of the 31 days your
productivity will increase significantly.
Day 11: How To End Self Doubt
What happens to most people is that they plan to accomplish great things and as soon as they start or when they are
about to start the work, self doubt creeps in and ruins their chances of success. This used to happen to me all the
time so I know exactly how frustrating it is. You start thinking all kinds of crazy and depressing thoughts such as that
other people don't like you and will not take you seriously, that you are not smart, pretty, charismatic, _________ (put
your reason here) and therefore you shouldn't even try because you will fail anyway.
Thoughts as such definitely take out any excitement from the task and it looks like a mistake even to start. So what to
do if you find yourself caught up in this vicious circle of unproductivity?
You simply need to understand that most people doubt themselves and are self conscious. Other people think too
that they are not smart enough or pretty enough, no matter how confident they may look. This is the case with, I
would say, 90% of the population, if not more. So those who don't accomplish much have exactly the same
insecurities and those who achieve their goals learn to overcome such insecurities by doing what they fear or what
takes them out of their comfort zones.
Don't listen to people who say that you will not make it or that you are not _________ enough to do what you want to
do. Don't get involved in your own negative self talk either. Everyone gets that annoying negative voice in their heads
sometimes. But the difference between listening to it and ignoring is what makes you either win or lose. I too
sometimes get that negative voice (although it's super quiet because I worked on it a great deal), especially when I
start something new. It sounds something like:
“What if I start this new .... but nobody will take me seriously?”
“What if I fail miserably?”
But I never listen to voices as such, they just sound funny to me because I know that negative voices are not the
voices of truth, they are simply fearful voices of the over-protective ego. So I ignore them and start thinking about all
the good things that will happen to me if I start a new business or develop a new idea. That's what you should do too.
So today contemplate the idea that most people are insecure and self conscious but only those who stop thinking
about their insecurities and start doing something in spite of them are the ones who achieve great things in life.
Here's the picture to motivate you:
Almost everyone in this world is as insecure as you are. But now you know that!
Read the following if you are held back by your past.
Being held back by your past is a very big reason why people don't achieve great things in life. Thinking about
negative past events makes you depressed and demotivates you. This leads to the lack of productivity.
If you get discouraged from doing something because of the past incident/s, here's what you should do. Think of a
time that you felt extremely happy. Maybe you had a great day or something happened to you that made you feel
amazing. Close your eyes and see that event. Be fully there. Feel what you felt then.
Now pay attention to how your body feels. It feels amazing, doesn't it? As though the event just happened to you
once more. Maybe you even became aware of the same smells, felt the same sensations and heard the same noises
as in the past. What you may not know is that your brain actually relived this situation once more and it was real to it.
It might not be real to you (because you think it's a memory), but it was real to your brain and to your soul. Your
physical body even reacted to things that you considered just a memory. So now try to realise what you do to your
body every time you think about a negative event. You relive it once more and your brain thinks that it's your current
reality. No wonder this event keeps you stuck and keeps you unproductive.
Now most people think that they are just swept by the memories of the events from the past, without having any say
in this. But that's not the case because you can always CHOOSE to stop thinking about it. Nothing forces you to think
about the past, YOU choose to think about your past, no matter how unfair it may sound. You don't have to dwell on
negative events that happened to you in the past.
You should understand that the less time you spend dwelling on negative past events, the more empowered you will
feel and the more productive you will get. When you are about to do something and the self doubt creeps in because
of the negative memories of the past, dismiss them at once and replace them with pictures of your goals or happy
past events. This will be quite a task at the beginning but the more you do that, the less negative past events will visit
So here's a simple task for you that should be done every time a negative memory arises in your mind. Simply start
thinking about something positive that happened to you and be fully in that memory. If you cannot think about any
positive memories, then think of your goals or things that you like. This will change your vibration and will make you
motivated to accomplish more.
Day 12: How To Raise Your Energy Levels For Greater Productivity
You may lack productivity simply because you feel drained or exhausted most of the time. Maybe you want to start a
new business but you get so tired from your job that when you come back home you only want to rest. Or maybe you
have kids who take most of your time and you feel that duties at home alone take all your energy away. No matter
what situation you are faced with, there are ways of how you can raise your energy levels.
Firstly you should understand that you don't have some kind of energy limit which you can use up or save for future
use. You have unlimited energy because you are an unlimited being.
There are many reasons why you sometimes feel that you have no energy. Here are most of them with the solutions:
1. Getting not enough/too much sleep. Getting not enough sleep is equally as bad as getting too much sleep. Both
leave you without energy. Sleep is essential because during sleep you get the supply of energy because your being
(higher self) leaves your body to be connected to the source. If you sleep too little, your being gets too little time to be
fully “charged”. If you sleep too much, your body's muscles start to relax too much (actually they start producing some
kind of toxic substance too) and therefore you are unable to use them fully when you wake up. So the solution to
these problems is obvious – you should have healthy sleeping times. Usually around 6 hours sleep will do the trick.
If you have a demanding job and find yourself exhausted when you come back home, you should take a 30 minutes
to 2 hours nap. When you wake up, you will feel refreshed and full of energy to accomplish even the most demanding
2. Knowing that there's a lot of work ahead of you. When you know that you need to accomplish a great deal of tasks,
that demotivates you, you feel drained and you start dreading the work. The solution to such situation is this. Before
you start dreading the situation, start the work at once. Start from a small piece of work whose accomplishment will
motivate you to accomplish more. Soon your work will be completed and it will no longer seem as hard as you
previously thought. The key here is to start before the negative voice inside you demotivates you. Start doing the
work without thinking about it much. Also, divide the tasks into smaller pieces so that the work wouldn't seem so
overwhelming. It is better to do small piece of work every day than leave a large workload for the last minute. So plan
in advance, divide your work and jump into it without much thinking.
3. Knowing that there's boring work ahead of you. If you find some task boring to do, it simply means that this task is
not going to lead you to where you want to go. Your higher self naturally knows this and tries to worn you of this. So
you shouldn't do that task in the first place. If you must do that (although probably you don't), then the previous advice
applies. Simply jump into it without much thinking because the more you think about it, the further you will get
discouraged from doing it.
4. Poor diet. If you eat dead food (the food that was processed) and not enough live food (fresh fruit and veg) that
may be the cause of your lack of energy. Live food gives you its own energy whereas dead food produces little
energy which is of lower quality. So to increase your energy levels you should introduce more live foods to your diet.
5. Being around lazy/negative/exhausted people. The people you associate with have a great impact on how you feel.
If you hang around people who complain and are lazy, no wonder you feel this way too. So you should avoid being
with such people and your energy will increase. If you have to be with such people (because of your employment or
family), then here's what you should do. You should create a protective shield around you that doesn't allow negative
influences/energies to reach you. You can do that by simply visualising a white ball of cloudy energy around you
which blocks all the negativity and allows only positive energies to enter.
6. Jumping from one thing to another. Such unproductive activity not only exhausts you, but also makes you unable to
get anything done. This can be solved by planning your day in advance. After you plan your day, commit to the plan
and only allow yourself to do whatever you want AFTER you accomplish the tasks in the plan.
7. Not feeling the balance between work and other areas of your life. When you spend too much time in one area of
your life, you don't have enough energy for other areas. So it's important to feel the balance between them. If you feel
like you spend too much time on one area, reduce the workload or do the tasks faster so that you would have more
time for other areas of your life.
Day 13: Get Motivated
If nothing motivates you to become productive, you won't. The same principle applies not only to productivity, but to
other subjects too (such as weight loss). If the person wants to lose weight but there is not enough motivation behind
this desire, he/she will fail to lose weight. So it's important to become motivated if you want to become productive.
Here's how to arise motivation in you. You have to define exactly what result you want to get out of your better
productivity. Maybe you want to buy a new car, maybe you want to have more time for your family or take more
holidays. You absolutely must define exactly what you want to get out of productivity.
One of the main reasons why people don't achieve much in life is because they are too hazy about what they want.
They say that they want to be successful or have more money. But these are such vague goals that they never
produce significant results. So don't make this mistake and define exactly what you want to get from your increased
If, for example you want to earn more money, define what you want to earn more money for. You will not become
productive if you want to earn more money because this goal will not motivate you enough, this goal seems so
undefined that you will fail to picture anything tempting in your mind. When you say “I want to earn more money”,
what do you picture in your mind? It's either nothing or some very blurry picture of undefined amount of money which
doesn't tempt you to take action. But what do you picture when I say to you “I want to earn extra $100 000 a year so
that I would be able to take 5 luxury holidays a year.” I bet you picture solid money, nice beaches, 5 star hotels or
whatever else represent luxury holidays to you. So I hope you get my point. Be as specific as you possibly can.
For example, if you want to get a new car for your increased productivity, you should:
Find out exactly how much the car is worth and record this sum somewhere where you can see every day.
Set a deadline to get the car by.
Select the make and the color of the car.
Have a picture of the car to keep on your desk to motivate you even more.
So your task for today is to get specific about why you want to become productive. If there are many reasons of why
you want more productivity, specify them all and tackle them one by one. You will see that the more specific you get,
the quicker you will want to achieve your goals and the more productive you will become as a result.
If you define your productivity goals but they fail to motivate you, this is the indication that these goals are not
something you really want. Maybe others would like you to see having those goals or the goals that you set for
yourself will be good for your family, but they are not what you really want. So if you find yourself not being motivated
by them, it's time to rethink them and understand what you really want out of life.
Also, specific goals will not straight away make you productive. The more often you review and think about your goals
and the more consistently you do that (ideally on a daily basis), the more productive you will become. This happens
because the more you think about your goals, the more real they will seem to you – trust me, it happens all the time.
When you start visualising something great that you want to achieve, firstly this goal is a mere dream. But day after
day your vision becomes clearer and more real until you can actually feel that it's achievable. At this point it becomes
charged with your emotions and therefore it greatly motivates you to take even more action to get what you want.
In summary: The More Specific You Are and The More You Think About Your Goals, The More They Will Motivate
You To Become Productive.
So do this now – specify exactly what you want out of your increased productivity and keep these definite goals
somewhere where you can see them daily.
Day 14: Get Rid of Stress
Being stressed equals being emotionally strained. You get emotionally strained when you have too many thoughts in
your head, when you have many responsibilities and when you lack planning skills. Clutter in your home or office and
too many things and events in your life can stress you out too. Stress leads to the loss of productivity because you
cannot be productive when you run from one thing to another like a headless chicken and think about unrelated
thoughts which exhaust you.
So how can you eliminate stress from your life and become more productive? Firstly you should declutter your brain,
which was suggested earlier in this ebook. This exercise will greatly reduce your stress levels because you will
introduce some kind of order and space in your mind – which is always beneficial to have. The mind with little or no
thoughts is peaceful and makes you focus on things that are really important in your life.
Another thing you should do to de-stress yourself is to plan your day in advance so that you would not worry about
forgetting to do something or not being able to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Plan the times of your
activities and that will give you a peace of mind. Your stress levels will fall significantly as a result.
Now a word about responsibilities. If you feel that you are “responsible” for something but you don't feel like doing it, it
means you shouldn't. Responsibilities are like invisible traps that you voluntarily get into. In most cases responsibility
is something that you think you have to do although you don't like doing. Because you don't like doing it, it always
produces poor results. So if you get poor results, you can afford to stop doing it because it doesn't improve your life in
any way.
There are, however, responsibilities that you would choose even if you didn't have to. For example, you would choose
to dress and feed your children.
You should realize, however, that most responsibilities are not really responsibilities. You can always choose or
decline to do anything. For example, you have a mortgage for your home and you hate paying it. Understand that it is
your choice to pay the mortgage, it's not your responsibility. If you want, you can always stop paying. You can choose
to stop paying or you can choose to keep paying if you want to keep your house. You always have choices. Also
understand that you made a choice to take on such responsibilities, they were not simply thrown at you.
When you think about anything as your responsibility, your mood goes down and your stress levels go up.
Responsibilities suck you into the daily routine which make you hate your life. So if there's something that you think
you have to do but you don't like to, you can always afford to stop – you have a free will and you are a free soul.
Whatever makes you think that you can't, is holding you back from experiencing the real freedom.
Responsibilities are something that you voluntarily get yourself into. Think about any responsibility that you have and
realize that it was always your choice to take it or to leave it. Responsibility didn't simply come into your life and
burdened you. You caused every single one of them.
When you understand that you always have choices and you don't have to do what you don't want to, you will
become more productive. This will happen because you will not be drained from thoughts of what you must do which
you don't like. The less responsibilities you have and the more things you do that you like, the more productive you
will naturally become.
I know this can be really hard to understand because thinking out of the box is not something that masses do (thus
the term:). But if you want to experience the real freedom and become super productive, that's how you should start
So your task for today is to de-stress yourself with the advice suggested in this chapter: get rid of unnecessary
thoughts, worries and responsibilities that hold you back.
Day 15: Self Discipline
Self discipline is something that you acquire when you take consistent action to achieve your goals. It develops when
you want to achieve something in life and that achievement is very important to you. People who lack self discipline
share common features: they don't know what they want out of life, they complain instead of doing something about
their situation and they are lazy. People who are self disciplined, on the other hand, don't want to end up like the
masses so they take consistent action and accomplish tasks no matter how overwhelming they may look at first.
To become self disciplined you should have a definite goal that motivates you and think about it consistently. Self
discipline comes naturally when you really want to achieve some goal, it's not something that you get externally.
When you keep your goal in front of your eyes every single day, your behaviour starts changing. You become
motivated, you become self disciplined and that causes you to take more efficient action.
There is no other way to become self disciplined – you absolutely must define what you really want to achieve in life.
You should always have some kind of goal to strive for otherwise you will stall in life and your destiny will be not in
your hands but in the hands of other people who will use you for their goals. People either work towards their goals or
are used by people who have goals, so you'd be much better off having goals of your own.
About the action part. When you really want to achieve something in life, you naturally become self disciplined and
take consistent action. The more action you take, the more mistakes you make. Mistakes are invaluable because they
teach you what doesn't work so you can focus on what works. And that makes you productive.
Apart from goals, you can also introduce some new routines in your life which will cause you to become a more
organized person. You can learn to manage your time by planning your day and keeping you diary with you at all
times. You can tidy your home and office more frequently to avoid clutter in your mind. Small steps as such will go a
long way if you take them consistently.
So today I will not give you any task at all. If you, however, still don't have any definite goal to work for, then you
should specify it today. But if you already have a definite goal, simply know that you will become self disciplined if you
keep thinking about your goals and keep taking action to achieve them.
Day 16: End Procrastination
There is a common misunderstanding which says that only lazy people procrastinate. This is not the case – even very
productive people sometimes procrastinate. This happens when the task doesn't seem to be beneficial or it is unlikely
to produce a good return (for the effort and time put in), so it makes sense to delay it or not accomplish it at all.
However if you procrastinate even when you know the task will benefit you, this means that you suffer from laziness.
Laziness is currently more pleasant to you than the rewards that you will get when you end procrastination. So to
change that, you should do a “Two Lists” exercise which was given at the beginning of the ebook. Make a list of the
negative consequences you will suffer from if you keep procrastinating and make a list of positive things that will
happen to you if you end procrastination. This list will motivate you to start taking action to achieve your goals.
People who suddenly stop procrastinating and start taking action are those who reach a certain breaking point. They
are too fed up with what they have and they can no longer tolerate it. So the laziness falls off and they work like never
before until they achieve their goals. Such breaking point can be quickened with the previous exercise.
When I was overweight, my breaking point was when I took a picture with my childhood best friend and saw a big
difference between how I looked and how she looked. When I worked 9 to 5, my breaking point was when I was going
by train to the airport and saw small houses of the same make, the same cars and the pointlessness of the loop of
struggle that lead to the destiny of the masses. So that motivated me to break out from the 9 to 5 grind.
So to end procrastination and laziness, you have to experience this kind of breaking point. Expose yourself to the
negative consequences of your laziness. See the destinies of people who do the things that you do now. If you don't
want to end up like them, seeing their destinies will motivate you to change.
Now when you suffer from laziness, it's very hard to distinguish between two kinds of procrastination because for you
it seems that procrastination doesn't have any sides or aspects. But when you start taking consistent action, there will
be some things that you will not want to do and you will find yourself putting them off. This is a different kind of
procrastination because you know it's not a problem for you to take action.
When you become unwilling to do some particular task, you should stop and analyse the situation. Sometimes it just
means that you are not ready to take on that task or that it will not benefit you. If you leave this task for some time,
you may either find that it was useless in the first place or you will then get enough motivation to accomplish it
because you will see it's usefulness. However, if you didn't reach the point when you take consistent action, don't try
to fool yourself into thinking that you are simply not ready for the task. The chances are, you are just sabotaging your
own success.
Procrastination also can mean that the task that you want to do will not lead to your goal. Your higher self as though
tries to warn you about it. So analyse the things that you procrastinate very carefully so that you would not make
mistakes of jumping into the tasks and then regretting such moves.
If you, for example, have your own business but you cannot seem to force yourself to work on it, it means that you are
in the wrong business. If you do what you love, you should be naturally inspired to work on your business, there
should be no struggle whatsoever. Even if it's really hard to hear this and even if you've put a lot of hours and effort
into your business, the sooner you start the business that you really love, the better. Don't get into the business that
you don't find satisfactory because your will be unhappy.
Because I absolutely love working on websites, I sometimes start new niche websites and keep them as long as I feel
the inspiration to work on them. When the inspiration is gone, I sell them. I know that if I keep them when the
inspiration is gone, those websites will be dead – I will have no positive energy to infuse them with. So instead of
seeing them die, I simply sell them. That's what you should do – keep the business only if you feel inspiration to work
on it and sell when you no longer feel inspired to. If you do that, you will eventually find something that you will want
to stick to. I've found personal development this way. I had so many businesses before but if I would have kept any of
them, I probably wouldn't have found my true passion.
So procrastination in cases as such means that the thing that you do is not for you. It's not who you are and it's not
going to lead you where you want to go. It's like when children hate doing homework – that happens for a reason, yet
it's ingrained into our society that good marks at school lead to satisfying life.
Here's another way to end procrastination. Simply tell other people when you plan to accomplish your projects by.
Whether they know it or not, those people will hold you accountable for the accomplishment of the tasks. You will not
want to disappoint others so you will naturally end procrastination and accomplish the tasks. This way, however,
shouldn't be used all the time because it can cause stress. It should only be used as a last resort when nothing else
works. It's like a strong coffee that you drink when you really need to stay awake.
So your task for today is to assess and remove procrastination from your life. If you are simply lazy, then you should
quicken the breaking point by making two lists and dwelling on them as well as seeing the destinies of those who
behave like you. If, however, taking action is easy for you but find yourself putting off certain tasks, analyse them
because they may not be beneficial to you in the first place.
Day 17: How to Be Productive When You Have Too Many Things To Do
I've asked my email subscribers what stops them from being productive and many people replied that they simply
have too many things to do so they can't properly accomplish any one of them. If this is the case with you too, you
should eliminate things that are unimportant and focus on things that push you into the right direction.
If you keep jumping from one task to another without much focus on any of them, all the tasks will give you negative
return which will lower the quality of your life in all areas. You absolutely must give enough focus for each task so that
they would produce beneficial results because...
...the more tasks produce beneficial results, the more successful you will become.
Let's say you want to have a successful business, and here's your typical daily “To do” list:
Clean my room
Wash dishes
Prepare food
Reply to prospects
Review business goals
Feed my cat
Go jogging
Go shopping
Send emails to suppliers
The first thing you should do is to highlight the important tasks for your business, take another piece of paper and list
those tasks first. Then list other things that are very important too. At the end of the list put the things that you should
do but nothing will happen if you won't. Also, eliminate things that will have no significant effect in your life whether
you do them or not.
Now when you have the second list, put the estimated times of how long it will take to accomplish each task. Make
the times as short as possible because that will force you to completely focus on each task. If you find that these
tasks will consume more time than you would like, remove some of the tasks that will make little difference in your life.
Once the list is appealing enough, start taking action!
If you suffer from having too many things to do, today is the day to start getting into the habit of making such lists
where you prioritize tasks and assess the benefits that those tasks will produce. Many people spend their precious
time doing tasks that don't produce positive return on their investment (time, money and effort). If only would they
stop and think if the tasks are worth doing in the first place, their productivity would skyrocket.
Day 18: How To Build A Productivity Momentum
You build momentum by taking consistent steps towards some goal. When you start taking action to achieve some
goal, firstly there is no momentum. You have to as though force yourself to take action. However after some time the
momentum builds and you find it much easier to take action. Furthermore, you feel that your actions take you closer
and closer to your goal which motivates you to take even more action.
So to improve your productivity it's important to take consistent action. You should try to improve your productivity at
least in a small way every single day. This way you will build momentum. That's why my ebook is organized in such
way. If you faithfully took each daily step as outlined in the ebook, once 31 days are gone, you will continue improving
your productivity because the momentum will be there.
Momentum, however, doesn't take you all the way to your goal – some of your willpower is required too. Sometimes
people stop the momentum by not taking action for a day, two or more. If you break your consistency, you run the risk
of stopping the momentum which will make you stall. Once the momentum is gone, you will have to push yourself as
long as the momentum starts to build again. This is something similar to riding a bike. You have to build a certain
momentum until you can relax and just contribute a small amount of your own energy to keep the bike going. But if
you don't contribute that small action, the bike will stop and you will have to take much more action to build its
If you've read some of Donald Trump's books, you may remember how greatly he stressed the importance of building
and keeping the momentum. Momentum has a direct correlation with habits. The more consistently you do
something, the more you get into the habit of doing it and the easier it is to do it, so the momentum builds. You are as
though on a wave which quickly gets you to where you want to go. But if you miss the wave you will need to wait for
another one to take you to your destination.
You will definitely sense when the momentum is there because even your small actions will contribute to the general
positive result eventually leading to your goal. To keep the momentum going you absolutely have to be consistent.
Take at least one small action every single day towards your productivity and you will be pleasantly surprised by the
final outcome.
Day 19: Lack Of Knowledge Leads To Less Productivity
Here's the letter from my reader which perfectly describes the loss of productivity as a result of the lack of knowledge:
“At times, I meditate or just get a great idea for a new thing to create. I get excited, start working on the details of how
to create or get the item created. Then I won't know how to make it happen. For example, an idea to create a piece of
jewelry. I can see the picture in my mind and I know that it would sell, but I don't know how to find the finances to
produce it, or who to go to for the next steps. This will dampen my excitement, and after a little time I quit thinking
about it.”
Exactly the same thing used to happen to me and you probably had this experience also. You get the idea in your
head to do something amazing yet you have no idea how to do that so you get a bit down and you don't take any
action to even start it. Well, here's the thing:
You should work with the tools that you have. The tools that you don't have will come sooner or later.
This is extremely important to keep in mind. No one is born with complete knowledge about everything. I didn't know
a thing about running online business but that didn't discourage me from starting. I learnt as I made progress. So
don't make the lack of your knowledge or the lack of money the excuse of why you don't do anything great with your
life. Idea is all you need.
When you get ideas that come out of nowhere, you should be very grateful for that and start working on them right
away, because they come from the source and they will improve your life significantly if you make them real. They
alone could lead to your life's purpose. You always get ideas as such for a reason and it's a big mistake to ignore
them because you have no proper tools at the time. You have to have faith that everything will work out and that the
necessary tools will come when you need them.
Many people who want to start their own businesses just sit around and wait for funds or favourable circumstances.
The business can be started on a shoestring and if you provide value, it will gain progress and you will get more
money to improve it. So it's a mistake to wait for the money or to delay materializing your idea for any other reason.
I really liked what Dan Kennedy, a great marketer, once said (I am paraphrasing):
“Marketers don't buy any furniture or business cards at first – they get the money and only then buy things as such.
What most people do, however, is invest large amounts of money into the business that doesn't even generate
income yet. They buy fancy furniture and business cards and sit in their nice offices until the furniture is taken from
them. No profits yet, but what fancy furniture they had.”
So don't make this mistake of thinking that firstly you have to have this or that to start making your idea a reality. Start
at once and what you need will come when you need it, be it more knowledge, more money or further ideas.
If you allow yourself to think that you absolutely need full knowledge to start something, this will lead you to self doubt
which leads to demotivation and finally decreased productivity or no productivity at all. You don't need complete
knowledge to work on your idea. When I started my personal development business, for example, I didn't know much
about it. I learned as I progressed. But every single day I read something about it, I tested what I learnt and now I
know a great deal about this subject. But I knew very little when I started. So don't use your lack of knowledge as an
excuse of not starting something.
Also know that what you ask is always answered, but if you don't expect the answer, you will not become aware of it.
For example, if you need more money or more knowledge, all you have to do is ask the source how to get it. The
answer will come in one way or another: through books, through your friends or anyhow else. The help therefore is
always with you, so never feel like you are alone or that you will lack the necessary tools to succeed. Here's the
passage from the bible which confirms this:
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
That is really true. You simply have to believe that everything you need will come to you, and it will. Most people,
however, don't even start searching for answers – they simply think that they will not be answered and so they never
become aware of the answers that were always there.
Also, a few words about knowledge. It may seem to you that it's very hard to get knowledge. But if you read about
your subject at least a little bit every single day (or at least most of the days), you will realize how much knowledge
enriches your life and so you will become addicted to gaining more knowledge instead of dreading the time you need
to gather it.
So today you should get closely familiar with the idea that the tools which you need will come to you and you
shouldn't use the lack of tools as an excuse of not starting some task or materializing some idea. If you have a
limiting belief which contradicts this statement, you absolutely must get rid of it if you want to make progress. So work
on this idea for today until you absolutely believe that this statement is true.
Day 20: Eliminate Useless Tasks That Waste Your Time
Your productivity greatly suffers if you do the tasks that take a lot of your time yet don't give you much value. For
example, if you check your emails numerous times a day, that doesn't provide any value whatsoever and wastes a lot
of your time, so such activity is definitely making you less productive. So to increase your productivity, you should
assess which tasks are worth your time and effort and which ones are plainly taking up your time without positive
So today you will need to define the goals that you want to achieve and identify the tasks that you do which lead you
to the accomplishment of your goals and those who don't. You will see that some of the tasks you will need to
eliminate completely (those who provide no value whatsoever) and some will need to be shortened (those who
provide little value). Then you should identify the tasks that provide you a lot of value (which lead to your goals) and
extend their time.
I will give you an example from my own business. The goal of my business is to make as many people as possible
aware of their inner power. So this basically means that my goal is to get as many visitors to my website as possible.
When this goal is identified, I set the exact figure that I want to achieve (e.g. 900 visitors a day). When this is done, I
identify the tasks that I do which help this goal to materialize. Such tasks include:
Writing Articles
Improving Articles
Leaving Comments
Submitting My Content To Content Sharing Sites
When all the tasks are identified which lead to my goal, I arrange them according to their impact. For example, writing
new articles gives me the constant stream of new visitors, so this is the most important task. Once I know that, I can
spend most of my time on this task since it produces the biggest return. Other tasks that lead me to my goal are also
done, but less time is spent on them. Now tasks such as checking email (non-business email as I have email clients)
and answering phone calls are of very little importance to me (it can vary for you) so I usually do them very
occasionally. So you should arrange your activities this way too, to get the most benefits out of what you do.
You can also use an 80/20 principle to get even more productive. 80/20 principle says that 20% of what you do is
responsible for 80% of your success. So it makes sense to try to identify the 20% of tasks that you do that contribute
to most of your success. It is also wise to identify 80% of your activities that are responsible for only 20% of your
success and discontinue them or at least significantly reduce the time spent on them.
Now a word about interruptions/unplanned tasks. If something like that occurs, don't simply jump into it without much
thinking. Firstly assess if it gives you any value and then put it into your daily planner so that it would not ruin your
whole day. Keep it organized and you will not get stressed when something unplanned occurs.
So today's task is a bit more involving. Here's what you should do:
1. Identify the productivity goals for certain area(s) of your life.
2. Identify the tasks which are leading to your goal(s).
3. Identify which tasks are responsible for the most progress/give most value.
4. Extend the time you spend on those tasks and reduce the times of the tasks that give you less value.
5. Eliminate the tasks that are not worth your time/which produce little value for the time you spend on them.
Once you clearly know which tasks are worth to spend your time on, you will then be able to plan the days to come to
make the most of your time.
Day 21: How To Efficiently Use Your Time
If you suffer from having not enough time to spend with your family, for your hobbies or other things that are important
to you, it means that you use your time inefficiently. Such use of your time is likely to cause negative feelings,
confusion in your mind as well as stress. When the time is used inefficiently nothing gets accomplished and you see
no clear pathway to your goals. This lack of clarity can even cause anxiety because you start doubting if you can
achieve the goals that you set for yourself.
To change that you should set the time limits for each task. Setting the time limit isn't enough though – you have to try
to accomplish the task within the time limit. Parkinson's law states that “Work expands so as to fill the time available
for its completion” so to avoid that you should always keep in mind the deadline for each task.
Also don't do anything in between one task (don't let anything interrupt you) because you will waste even more time
as you will need to refocus on the task again as well as build the momentum.
You can further improve your time management skills by doing tasks in bulk, in other words by “batching”. So if you
find yourself doing the same tasks many times a day, do them all once a week (or more often if you need to) instead
of wasting so much of your time every day. For example, if you keep checking emails every hour, try checking them
all once or twice a week. This will save you a lot of time and the saved time could be used for things that you really
So your task for today is to identify the same actions that you do multiple times a day and arrange the time for them to
be done once a week or so. Once this is done, set the time limits for each task and stick to them! Put the actions that
you will need to take and their times in your diary and keep the diary with you at all times.
Day 22: Check The Return On Your Tasks
If you find yourself doing the same tasks daily, it is always beneficial to periodically stop and assess the value they
produce. Doing that will open your eyes to some tasks that don't produce the value compared to how much time you
put into them. So this regular exercise will prevent you from wasting your time.
It is simple to assess if the task produces enough value for your time/effort. You just need to compare the
time/money/effort that you put into it with what results it produces. If the results are worth more than your time/money/
effort, then you should keep doing that task. If it's not the case, however, you should then discontinue doing that task
or do the task more efficiently.
Let's say you run a small hand-made jewellery shop. It takes you 30 minutes to make a necklace that you sell for $45.
So to assess if this task produces enough value you need to compare if 30 minutes of your work plus any expenses
that you incur because of the necklace is worth it being sold for $45. If it's worth the effort, then you don't need to
change anything. If, however, you realize that it doesn't produce enough value, you can either sell it for more, do it
quicker or discontinue making it.
You should also try to get more value out of anything that you do, even if it's something that is for entertainment only.
For example, you listen to the music. To more productively use your time in such situation you can also exercise or lie
down to relax or do anything else that doesn't involve much thinking yet produces value during the same time.
It's hard for me to see people who do nothing when they sit in waiting rooms, on trains or anywhere else. Such time
can be used so much more effectively. So to avoid that always carry some book that you can read or some
paperwork or anything else that will produce more value in your life. Always be prepared to experience such
situations so that you would not end up wasting your time as most people do. If you are not prepared, however, it is
very easy to do something very unproductive. Let's say your train is delayed and you have nothing to read or listen to.
It is then very tempting to go to a nearby café to buy some snack even if you don't feel hungry, just to “kill” the time.
Here's another way to get more value out of entertainment. Watching comedies, for example, provides more than
enough value for you without you having to do anything extra. It entertains you, it raises your vibration and laughter is
the best medicine for all your mental and physical conditions. Also when you watch a movie, you should focus your
attention on things that you want to have or the lifestyle that you want. Focusing on the bits that you want to have in
your experience adjusts your vibration to be similar to those of your desires. So I hope you understand my point: try to
get more value out of everything that you do or any situation that you find yourself in.
Your today's task therefore is to identify the things that you tend to do on a daily basis and think of ways of how you
can get more value out of them or out of the time you spend doing them. Also, assess if things that you do produce
enough value for the time/effort/money that you put in.
Day 23: Double Your Productivity
Here's a simple way to double or even triple your productivity: do the things that work and stop doing things that
produce no value. Also, measure the effectiveness of everything that you do. If you don't measure, you will not know
which things are just a waste of your time and which are valuable.
If you fail to assess the effectiveness of your tasks, you are as though in the dark, not knowing what produces the
results in your life and what causes negative effects. So don't make this mistake – start measuring the effectiveness
of what you do from today.
When you measure the value the tasks produce, you can pick those tasks that produce more value and do more of
the same/similar tasks to increase the value and eliminate those that produce no/negative effects.
I will give you an example from my business. If I wouldn't know where my website traffic comes from, I wouldn't know
how to effectively increase it. But because I use Google Analytics I can see that the majority of my traffic comes from
Google. Because of this knowledge I can focus on optimizing my pages for Google. This includes writing articles in a
search engine friendly way. If, on the other hand, I've found out that the majority of my traffic comes from social
bookmarking sites, I would completely change my strategy. I would focus on writing articles that contain lists and are
very easy to read, with many headings and so on.
I hope that now you understand the importance of measuring what you do. It gives you such a tremendous insight
into the tasks that work and those who don't. It also gives you ideas about how to increase your productivity.
There are many ways how you can measure your tasks. The most general one is to assess the quality of each area
of your life and then decide what actions that you took are responsible for such quality. Note what actions caused any
improvement and which ones caused unsatisfactory results. When you know this data, eliminate the tasks that
caused negative return and focus on those that improved your life.
Let's take the area of relationships as an example. Your may have many good friends that you like and who like you
and you love spending your time with them. But you are single although you want to share your life with someone. So
now what you should do is ask yourself what kind of actions/qualities of yours produced your positive social situation.
You may find that you have many good friends because once you get to know someone, you become a fun and loyal
Now you should assess a negative side of the relationship area. You may then find out that you are single because
you find it hard to talk to people that you consider attractive. Maybe you start acting not like yourself and you repel
potential partners as a result. Once you clearly assess such situation and identify the reasons why you are single, you
can replace your inefficient behaviour/actions to those that are efficient. This may involve having to seek knowledge
and consciously breaking your old patterns of behaviour that are negative.
So as you may see by now, measuring is the key. If you want to improve your life and become more productive, you
must assess what works and what doesn't in all areas of your life, or at least in those areas that you want to improve.
Here's how you should go about this task:
1. Identify the area of your life that you want to improve.
2. List the actions/behaviour that cause negative effects.
3. Brainstorm how you can alter those actions, introduce new actions and eliminate the actions that don't work.
4. Act on the data!
Day 24: Use Your Productivity Peaks
Everyone goes through energy highs and lows throughout the day. If you don't distinctively feel the energy peaks, it
means that your sleeping patters are not good for you. If you find yourself constantly lacking energy, you should
change your sleeping patterns and start meditating. You should sleep when you feel tired and wake up after 4-6
hours of sleep.
Some people, when they feel tired daytime, don't go to sleep and so they even out the energy that should naturally
rise and fall. So they miss out on productivity peaks that could be used to accomplish much more than usual. Don't
make this mistake and sleep when you feel tired or at least relax. It's best to sleep twice during a 24-hour period, but
if you feel you need to sleep more often, then by all means do so.
Some people feel drained because of other reasons too, which were mentioned earlier in the ebook. This could be
because of improper food or negative people/environment. So you should identify the source of your lack of energy
and adjust your life in a way that you don't suffer from the impacts of that source.
When you improve your sleeping patterns and/or eliminate things that caused your exhaustion, you will start feeling
energy highs and lows. When this happens, you can utilize your energy fluctuations. When you feel energetic, do the
work that is most difficult and which requires most time or most amount of thinking. When you feel that your energy
goes down, you should relax, meditate or go for a nap/to sleep.
You shouldn't beat yourself up when sometimes you feel out of energy. You should utilize this time for relaxation
because if you do that, you will have much more energy afterwards. Sometimes you need to charge yourself to enjoy
full productivity. It is very harmful to work day and night without proper breaks because such habit makes you
unproductive. You need rest as much as you need activity.
Some people go through energy highs and lows over a period of a week or two weeks. So one week they do nothing
and the next week they are full of energy. If that's the case with you, then you should relax for a week and work
during the week you feel full of energy. Try to feel what your body needs and go with it. This will not stop your
momentum as long as you are consistent with this productivity pattern.
So your task for today is very simple. You should make a mental note that when you lack the energy, you should
relax and when you feel full on energy, you should do as much work as you can.
Day 25: What To Do If You Start Tasks But Never Finish Them
If you find yourself happily starting some venture or activity but you find it hard to finish it, it means that this activity is
not for you. I know this seems hard to believe since you think that you are in the habit of starting something without
being able to finish it, but that's how it is. That's what I used to do before I found personal development area. I used to
start many new businesses but after weeks or months I would get bored of them and get rid of them or just see them
die. And I am so happy that I didn't continue with any of them because that would have prevented me from finding the
work I really love.
If you start something enthusiastically but then you cannot force yourself to work on it anymore, just leave it. If you
don't see yourself working on whatever you started in 10 years' time, leave it. It's not worth wasting your time. Even if
it took a few months or even years for your to figure out that it's just not for you, that's okay. It's better to discover that
now then later. You may go through many of such activities/ventures until you find something you want to stick to,
and that's perfectly normal. By starting whatever you feel like you gain more knowledge and you release the energy
that you have for that activity. So as you see, you gain more than you lose when you start activities that you don't
Sometimes you may start an activity that is your calling, but you simply may not be ready for that. So after months or
years you will want to return to it and you should. Then it's likely that you will stick to it because you know what it
involves and you are ready for it.
If you would continue working on a task that you feel no excitement for, you would simply make yourself unhappy
because it will not lead you to where you want to go. People who work in jobs they hate do so because they think
they will someday get a lucky break. Well they won't unless they stop doing what doesn't bring them happiness and
find something that does. People who hate their jobs but stay in them until they retire, end up being bitter and
regretting the years they've wasted. But they can't turn back the time so they feel helpless. Don't make the same
mistake. If you don't feel like doing something anymore, you can afford to stop it.
When you stop doing something that wasn't making you happy anymore, you will feel like you've got rid of such a
burden. You will feel like you have more freedom and you will feel happier. This is a sign that you made the right
choice. Keep searching for the things that you want to pursue and they will lead you to your life's purpose.
Use this day to reflect on things that you do. If you find the activities that make you unhappy, stop doing them. Know
that when it's time, and if you keep searching, you will find what makes you happy. But if you keep doing what makes
you unhappy, you will miss great opportunities that only reveal themselves to those who search for them.
Day 26: What To Do If You Cannot Make Yourself Start Tasks
If you cannot force yourself to start something, it means (as you may already know) that the activity that you dread to
start will not lead you to happiness. So ideally you shouldn't do it even if you think that you need to do it. There are,
however, artificial ways of motivating you to start it. So I feel that I need to mention them, but I also want you to keep
in mind the first sentence of this paragraph.
The best way to make yourself accomplish any task is through rewards. You should set rewards for yourself that you
will be entitled to once the task is done. For example, if you know that the task that you don't want to do will lead you
to more money, then promise to yourself that you will buy something that you like once the task is done. Or if the task
requires a lot of time to complete, then your reward might be a holiday or just a time for total relaxation. Set very
appealing rewards and you will get enough motivation to accomplish even the most dreaded tasks.
Let's take as an example a child who doesn't want to do his homework. The best way to motivate the child is not
through anger or nagging, but through rewards. You can say to the child that once the homework is done he will be
allowed to stay awake longer, watch TV longer or do whatever else that he likes. He will then be motivated to finish
his homework because the prize is waiting for him. So the same applies to adults.
Also, you can use the Two Lists exercise to motivate yourself to accomplish the task. So you should list all the good
things that will happen to you once the task is accomplished and on the other list you should put all the negative
things that will happen if you fail to accomplish the task.
Before starting though, assess if the task will produce enough value for the time/effort you put in it. Maybe you
shouldn't start it in the first place, however important it may look to you now. The Two Lists exercise will reveal if the
task is worth doing. If the positive outcomes' list is not motivating enough, you shouldn't do it. Your being (your soul)
feels enslaved when you do tasks that don't make you happy and you should stop them at once – the world will not
fall apart if you do. And if you stop doing tasks that make you miserable, sooner or later you will find those that make
you happy.
Day 27: Make Use Of Things That Make Your Productive
There are certain things that everyone has which makes them more energetic and productive. You may
unconsciously use them failing to understand that they motivate you to take action and focus on tasks. So try to
understand what these things are and use them when you need to be productive.
Things as such can be coffee, clean office table, organized office environment, your daily planner and even the way
you are dressed. If you work at home, for example, don't be surprised that you don't feel like working if your clothes
are too cozy. Or if you live in a mess, no wonder you don't want to accomplish any tasks.
Other things that may make you productive can be a picture of your goal, certain music, rewards for your past
accomplishments, goal cards, comfortable (not too comfortable though) chair and so on.
If you find it hard to identify such productivity triggers or you have just a few of them, you can make things or actions
into triggers artificially. There is an NLP productivity technique that I mentioned in a blog post that could be accessed
from this link:
However, the post that I put a link to only deals with one way to use this technique. Here I will explain how you can
anchor not only your place of work (as mentioned in the post), but also any other action/thing.
Here's how to utilize this technique:
1. Think of an action/thing that you want to have as a productivity trigger - let's say you choose a cup of tea as a
productivity trigger.
2. Touch the cup, close your eyes and vividly remember the time you felt extremely productive and accomplished
a great deal. Be fully there, remembering even small details of the time you were productive.
3. Once you experience this vision fully, remove your hand from the cup and spell your name backwards or count
from 10 to 1.
4. Touch the cup again. If you feel productive, then that's all you need to do. Next time you need to be productive,
simply make a cup of tea and touch it when you are ready to work. If you, however, don't feel productivity, keep
repeating the exercise until you feel productive when you touch the cup.
It is also beneficial to anchor some kind of action to productivity, because it will always be at your use when you need
it. So you can anchor, for example a particular hand or leg move.
Day 28: Watch Yourself For Unproductive Patterns
Let me explain what unproductive patterns are so that you could identify them and eliminate them from your life. I will
give you three examples of unproductive patterns that might as well apply to you or be similar to your unproductive
Unproductive Pattern No.1:
You are trying to work on your own business whilst being in a full-time employment. You come back home from work
and you feel mentally drained so you turn on the TV intending to spend two hours watching your favourite
shows/movies. Two hours pass by and you are still glued to the TV until you need to go to sleep.
Unproductive Pattern No.2:
You motivate yourself enough to start working on a task. You sit down behind your desk but then you think of making
a cup of coffee to even further increase your productivity. You do that, but then you think that a snack with a coffee
would be ideal. So you get a snack and now your eating distracts you from your work. Your attention is divided and
you see that you cannot focus on your task so you delay it till next time or accomplish it in a poor way.
Unproductive Pattern No.3:
You start working on a task and everything goes great until you think of checking an email in the middle of your work.
You do that and you find out that you got an email from your friend. You start answering it and then you decide to
check other websites that you often visit. When your remember that you need to go back to your work, the motivation
is gone and you realise that a lot of time has passed without you accomplishing much.
Patterns as such are big productivity killers that should be stopped at their beginning. So if you suffer from such
unproductivity patterns, you need to identify where they start and by all means avoid triggering them. So you may see
that the unproductivity pattern from the first example is triggered by TV. So to avoid this unproductivity trap, you
should avoid watching TV when you come back from work. Do something else to relax instead. You can, for example,
take a hot bath or take a nap or something like it. Choose activities that cannot be done for a long time and you will
avoid falling into this trap.
So today you should check if such unproductive patterns are active in your life and note their triggers. Your conscious
awareness of the triggers will prevent you from starting the pattern and this will make you much more productive.
You by no means need to get rid of stuff that make you unproductive, like checking emails, for example. But you
should do them only when the main work is done. This way they will not interfere with your work, but will be as
rewards for it.
Day 29: Instant Productivity Booster
If you need to get productive fast and there's nothing more that works (which would be the case if you ignored the
advice of the ebook – which I hope you will not), then use these technique to make yourself more productive.
However, you shouldn't use some of them often as they are not as good for you as other techniques mentioned in this
Productivity Booster No.1: Cold Shower
It doesn't' even have to be cold shower, it could be cool shower too. When you have a cold shower, you raise your
energy and therefore you have enough energy to accomplish the tasks that need to be done. This is a great
productivity booster but it can wear off if you do that all the time, because your body will get used to it. So only use it
Productivity Booster No.2: Coffee
Coffee also gives you more energy and focus, but caffeine is not good for your health if used in large doses. So as
with the previous productivity booster, you should only use it occasionally.
Productivity Booster No.3: Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are great if you need to work long hours. They are, however, probably the most harmful way to boost
your productivity out of the ones given in this ebook. So use this only if you really need to.
Productivity Booster No.4: Exercise
Light exercise can really motivate you to accomplish your tasks. You don't even need to exercise long time – 5 or 10
minutes will do the trick.
Productivity Booster No.5: Music
Some types of music (and your favourite music) makes you want to dance or be more active which raises your
energy. So employ this technique anytime you don't feel like working and it will motivate you to do the tasks that you
Day 30: Keep The Balance
The exercises and advice from this ebook will definitely make you much more productive, but it's important to keep
the balance and don't spend too much of your time working. If you keep working all the time without any rest, that
could lead to stress and mental as well as physical imbalance. So you should always have some days to rest. For
example, you can work 5 days a week and you should spend two days relaxing so that your body and mind could
recover and be even more productive after such a relaxation period.
When you get the productivity momentum going, you will find yourself working much more frequently and for longer
periods of time than before. This is great because it will improve your life greatly. However keeping the balance
should be something you are aware of so that you would not overwork.
There are some tell-tale signs when the person is losing balance. If you get frustrated or annoyed much quicker than
before, if you get angry at people that you never get angry at – these are the signs of imbalance. If you spend too
much time in one area of your life and little time is left for others also shows imbalance that should be corrected
because other areas of your life will suffer sooner or later.
Sometimes, when the productivity momentum is there, it seems risky to stop and relax. But to keep the momentum
going you don't have to work day and night. The key to keeping the momentum is consistency. Even if you work for a
week and you rest for a week the momentum will still be there, as long as you spend a week working after the
relaxation week. So work out the best work/relaxation patterns for yourself and stick to them.
Spend some time today to assess your productivity. If you realize that you spend too much of your time working,
reduce it a bit to allow some time for relaxation. If, however, you still are unproductive, you will need to do previous
exercises and read the previous advice of the ebook. Remember, reading is not enough. You have to act on the
advice you get to become really productive.
Day 31: Final Advice
What To Do If The Lack Of Self Confidence Is Holding You Back
Some people are unproductive because they don't believe in themselves. They reason that there's no point in trying
anything because they will not succeed anyway. If you lack self confidence, you need to work on your beliefs of your
self worth. If you believe that you are not good enough or not worthy of more than you have now, then this will hold
you back and you will sabotage yourself. So you should definitely try to identify beliefs that cause low self esteem and
eliminate them. There is no other way – you absolutely must get rid of such useless beliefs, otherwise they will hold
you back for the rest of your life.
What To Do If The Fear Of Failure Is Holding You Back
If you are afraid to start something new because you are afraid that you will fail, then you should understand this. If
you don't try, you already failed. Only those who try have the chance of success and only those who keep trying in
spite of their failures succeed. So if you keep trying, you will succeed sooner or later. Just think about it. If you want to
earn more money but you are scared to start your business because you think that you might fail, you have lost
already because you will definitely not going to earn money if you don't start anything. However, if you go ahead and
start your own business, you have the chance of success and if you keep trying despite the mistakes that you make
you will succeed anyway because what you want always comes to you if you don't give up pursuing it.
Final Words
If you faithfully do all the tasks in the ebook and really understand and use the advice, you must become productive.
That's how I became productive. I read a lot about the subject of productivity, I put everything I read to test and I
included everything that worked in this ebook. Because of this advice I can work on my business day and night. It's
not about being in the mood to work anymore, it's just who I am – I am a productive person. I can relax if I want to and
I can work 6 hours without a break if I want to. This is all thanks to the advice that I put in this ebook. I'm not
encouraging you to work 6 hours if you don't want to, but this is a very real option that you will have once you go
through this ebook without rushing and if you do one task at a time.
I hope that your productivity has already doubled or tripled. If, however, you simply skipped through some pages,
read this and that and only did what seemed fun, I encourage you to read this ebook again – cover to cover. More
productivity will greatly improve your life. If you don't apply the advice in this ebook, it will be of no use for you to buy
any other productivity materials because you will not apply the advice of those either. So it's very important that you
get into the habit of applying or at least testing the advice that you read. And trust me, this advice works because I
have tried it, my clients tried it and it produced amazing results.
I wish you to greatly increase your productivity in the weeks to come with the help of this ebook. Once you are
productive, send me an email – I would love to hear from you!
All the best,
Simona Rich
The End.