Uploaded by Hamza Afzal

GreenView Product Concept Assignment: Environmental Solution

Product Concept Assignment - Group 7
Team Members:
Amina Javaid - Violet
Syeda Sarah Mashhood - Red
Hamza Afzal - Red
Shahab Khan - Violet
Javeria Saleem - Red
GreenView - A Vision for a Greener
Problem Overview
Lack of trees and plantations is a major issue in our country causing serious environmental
problems. Unplanned deforestation and insufficient new plantations have seriously affected our
environment, leading to more frequent changes in climate and a decline in the overall
environmental quality. Although certain villages and northern areas have greenery, nevertheless
more trees must be planted across the country, because our major cities and towns lack
adequate plantations.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, only 4.8% of the total land area in Pakistan
has forests and planted trees, a considerably low number compared to developed countries.
Product Concept
GreenView is an innovative product designed to address the environmental challenges faced by
our country due to inadequate trees and plantations. It uses Computer Vision to view cities,
towns, villages and even smaller areas to identify the locations with insufficient greenery. On the
basis of images, climate, soil composition and other factors, it recommends the optimal amount
and type of plants to grow for each specific area to enhance the overall environment of the
country.The solution promises improved air quality, a healthier environment, and restoration of
nature. It can be an ideal tool for the government and environmental agencies to invest their
resources at the right places and would help them to select and prioritize the areas for tree
plantation with maximum environmental impact. The insights from this product highlight regions
requiring urgent attention, forming a roadmap for systematic environmental impact.