Uploaded by Patricia Ann Ambata

Internet Dependency & Academic Performance: Research Methodology

II. Methodology
In this study, the design that will be used is a descriptive-qualitative research
design. This research focuses on gathering information through conversational,
open-ended discussion. Moreover, this approach focuses on "what" people think
and "why" they think so, and this will help to know what the impacts of excessive
internet dependency are on the academic performance of Grade 10 students
at Santiago Integrated National High School.
The participants in this study are Grade 10 students at Santiago Integrated
National High School who are enrolled in the School Year 2022-2023. The
researchers considered 13 heterogeneous classes and one (1) homogeneous
class consisting of more than 50 students who are exposed to social media and
educational websites. A total of 56 students, specifically two (2) male and two (2)
female learners for each class that will be selected through the use of random
The research instruments utilized are survey questionnaires containing three
(3) open-ended questions and five (5) ordinal questions. The three (3) openended questions will determine the insight of Grade 10 students at Santiago
National High School regarding their personal use of the Internet, and the five (5)
questions will be used to assess how regularly the grade 10 students engage in
the various activities that will measure their internet dependency. The data
gathering instrument was structured on a scale ranging from 1-5 wherein (1)
stands for never, (2) is for rarely, (3) is for sometimes, (4) is for often, and the last
one is (5), which means always. This will help the researchers analyze the results of
their data gathering. The survey questionnaire will be administered by the
researchers themselves via Google Form, and its respondents will be given an
hour to finish every question given on the questionnaire.
Before we act on the actual procedure or carry through the full
implementation and utilization of the research tools, the researchers will first try to
obtain the teacher’s permission through a formal letter. In addition, the
researchers will anticipate that the respondents will fill out the consent form so
that all of them can participate with no worries about sharing their responses and
experiences, and all their feedback and actions will be protected. We pledge to
administer the instruments we will be used in compliance with ethical research
standards set out in the research management policies of the Department of
Education (DepEd) and the RA 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012.
In this research, the design that will be used is a descriptive-qualitative
research design. The survey questionnaire’s data will be thoroughly examined
and interpreted using graphic illustrations such as bar graphs, pie graphs, and
tables. The findings of this study will help the students sharpen their own skills and
academic performance without relying too much on the Internet. Moreover, this
research will help the learners mitigate the unpleasant effects of excessive
Internet dependency by presenting them with the collected data on how it
impacts their schoolmates. The data acquired in this research will be supported
and validated by related studies and literature that will make the study relevant
for the impact of excessive Internet dependency on the academic performance
of the students.