Quantum Mechanics Towards the end of the nineteenth century it became clear that there were limitations in the ability to explain key observations in physics with only classical mechanics. Two experiments were key to this finding. The Photoelectric e↵ect Incident monochromatic light on certain materials was expected to eject electrons with an energy dependent on the intensity of the incident light. Rather constant intensity with varying frequency determined the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 6 / 104 E = hf is the work function which is the minimum energy required to liberate an electron. h = 6.625 ⇥ 10 34 Js is Plank’s constant. Resulting in one of the key equations is QM: E = hf M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 7 / 104 Wave-Particle Duality Is an electron a particle or a wave? The above experiment shows that it is indeed both. This led to Louis De Broglie to postulate that all matter has wave-like qualities, resulting in another key equation in QM: p= h where p is momentum of the particle , and wave representing the particle. is the wavelength of the TRY: calculate your own wavelength if you know your mass and assume you are in car traveling at 100 kmh 1 . M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 8 / 104 The Schrödinger Equation aka the Wave Equation Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian physicist, developed the equation below which formalised the wave-like-nature of matter: ~2 r2 (r) + V (r) (r) = E (r) 2me h This is the time independent Schrödinger equation. Here ~ = 2⇡ (hbar), m is the mass of the particle, V the potential of the system and E the total energy, is known as the wave function, all meaningful parameters can be determined from it. This equation states that the total energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy. Important One of the key axioms of quantum mechanics is that the wave function of physical states admits a probabilistic interpretation. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 9 / 104 Finding the Wave Function Let us consider a simple case of Schrödinger Equation in one dimension (r = x). This would be the case of a free particle with V (x) = 0. ~2 r2 (x) = E (x) 2me In on-dimension r2 = d2 dx 2 We can now rewrite the equation as: 00 (x) + k 2 (x) = 0 with k 2 = 2mE ~2 So we have a second order di↵erential equation. What are the possible solutions? 8 > <sin(kx) (x) = const cos(kx) > : ±ikx e TRY: Make sure you are happy that the above are solutions. What about their sum? M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 10 / 104 With the above solutions and given that there are no boundary conditions to the problem, the allowed values of E are: ~2 k 2 0 2m k, can take on any value, so the energy values are not quantised and exhibit classical behaviour. E= M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 11 / 104 How do we use these solutions, to determine something of value? Let’s talk probability and probability density! Probability: Example : 10 coins in a bag, 6 silver, 4 gold, what is the probability of picking a gold from the bag versus a silver? What should your answers sum to? The above example is discrete , how would we deal with calculating the probability of finding a particle we know exists in an infinite universe at a particular position?.....make sure you understand the issue!!!! Probability Density: This will save us. How can we talk about a probability spread over an infinite domain? M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 12 / 104 Let us consider a very small region in a one dimensional infinite space. This interval of this region is given by [x, x + dx]. If we assume that the probability of finding a particle in this infinite domain is spread smoothly over the entire domain, we can state that in a small region of this infinite domain [dx] there should be a small probability [dP] of finding the particle. We can therefore state that the probability will be proportional to the width of interval such that: dP = p(x)dx p(x) is a proportionality constant know as the probability density function. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 13 / 104 More on Wave Functions We have seen in the free particle quantum system what the solutions to the wave equation look like, but what do they actually mean? These wave functions do not provide direct information about the physical observable (position, momentum etc). The square of the wave function 2 is however a probability density. The value 2 at a particular point represents the probability density of finding the particle at that point. Integrating 2 over a specific region yields the probability of finding the particle within that region. ⇤ where ⇤ Mathematically, the probability density is given by 2 = denotes the complex conjugate of . Squaring the wave function ensures that the resulting probability density is always positive or zero, allowing us to interpret it as a genuine probability. In summary, squaring the wave function in quantum mechanics is necessary to obtain the probability density distribution, which allows us to calculate the probabilities associated with di↵erent measurement outcomes. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 14 / 104 A Quantum Example - The Potential Barrier Consider the potential barrier as shown in the image below. For x < 0, the potential energy is zero, for x x = 0, there is a step Epot = E0 . 0, Epot = E0 6= 0. at For x < 0, from the left side free particles with energy E fly into the +x direction. They therefore have solutions given by: I (x) = Ae ikx + Be ikx (1) Why: are there both positive and negative k’s in the above solution. Look at the image for the solution. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 15 / 104 For x 0 the Schrödinger equation is given by: d2 2m + 2 (E 2 dx ~ E0 ) = 0 which can be simplified to: d2 dx 2 ↵2 =0 where ↵= the solutions are given by: p 2m(E0 II (x) M. D. Blumenthal E )/~ = Ce ↵x + De Semiconductors - PHY2010S ↵x (2) August 2, 2023 16 / 104 We now apply boundary conditions such that the solutions are continuous across the boundary at x = 0. I (x = 0) = II (x = 0) =) A + B = C + D ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ d I d II |x=0 = |x=0 =) ik(A B) = +↵(C dx dx D) We now consider two di↵erent situations where the kinetic energy Ekin = E of the incident particle is smaller than the potential step E < E0 or greater than the potential step E > E0 . M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 17 / 104 E < E0 p In this case ↵ = 2m(E0 E )/~ > 0, is real and C in equation 2 must be zero, otherwise II (x) becomes infinite as x ! 1 and can no longer be normalised, therefore: ik + ↵ 2ik A and D = A ik ↵ ik ↵ The wave function in the region x < 0 is then: h i ikx + ik + ↵ e ikx I (x) = A e ik ↵ The real part of the wave function is given in the figure below: B= M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 18 / 104 The fraction R of the reflected particles is: R= |Be ikx |2 |B|2 ik + ↵ = = 2 ikx 2 |A| ik ↵ |Ae | 2 =1 So, all the particles are reflected from the boundary. Classically you would expect this as well. Have a closer look at the wave function image on the previous page, it penetrates somewhat into the barrier before going to zero. Lets calculate the probability of finding a particle at x P(x) = | II (x)| 2 = |De ↵x |2 = 4k 2 |A|2 e ↵2 + k 2 2↵x 0. = 4k 2 2 |A| e k02 2↵x where k02 = 2mE0 /~2 . After a penetration depth x = 1/(2↵), the probability has dropped to 1/e of its value (4k 2 /k02 )A2 at x = 0. Quantum particles can enter regimes a classical particle can not. M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 19 / 104 E > E0 Here the kinetic energy Ekin = E of the incident particles is greater than the potential barrier E0 . Classically all particles will travel into the region x 0, while their kinetic energy Ekin (x 0) = E E0 will become smaller. ↵ is now purely imaginary and we replace it by the real quantity: 0 k = i↵ = The solutions for I p E0 )/~ are as given in equation 1, for II (x) = Ce For x > 0 no particles travel in the be zero and we obtain: II (x) M. D. Blumenthal 2m(E 0 ik x + De ik 0 (3) II we replace 2 with: x (4) x direction, the amplitude C has to = De ik 0 x Semiconductors - PHY2010S (5) August 2, 2023 20 / 104 Apply the same boundary conditions as before: 0 k k 2k B= A 0 A and D = k +k k + k0 The wave functions then become: 0 ⇣ k ikx + k e (x) = A e I k + k0 ikx and II (x) =A ⌘ for x 0 2k ik 0 x e for x < 0 k + k0 The reflection coefficient is: 0 |B|2 k k R= = 2 |A| k + k0 2 The transmission coefficient is: 0 |D|2 4kk T = = 2 |A| |k + k 0 |2 M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 21 / 104 Transmission and reflection for Ekin > E0 M. D. Blumenthal Semiconductors - PHY2010S August 2, 2023 22 / 104