Note: Atten1pt All Three Ouestio11s. 3 x 2 = 6 Marl..,; I. Why we need digitization? Explain. n. Define Histogram. Draw the histogram of low and high contrast image. III. Consider the image segment shown below. Let V= { 1,2} and co111pute the length oft he shortest 4-,8 -, and n1-path bet\.veen p and q. if a particular , path does not exist between these two points, explain \vhy. I- (p) 3 I 2 I 2 2 0 2 t 2 I I I 0 t 2 (q) Se~tion- B Nott: Atteme.t All Tlrree Questions. I. Jx J 9 ,vlarks Extract the different possible brt planes for the given 4x4 image? . ➔ 5 t, 3 - .' . I 0 I - 5 I) ~ . . {J ~ 7 .· . IL Ill. Expla in the role of rods and cones of Human Visual -Syste1n. If we want to resize a I 024x768 image to one that is 700 pixels wide "virh the sa111e aspect ratio as the original image, what should be the height of the resized irnage? Section- C 3 1Vote: A tte111pt An v Three Ouestio11s. I. 5 = 15 Marks What is histogram equalizatio;1? Equalize the following histogram and draw the histogram before and after equalization. Gray Level(rk) 0 No. of pixels (n 1.. ) 50 11 . :'I. I I 100 .., 3 100 300 s '4 200 7 6 0 200 150 .. Perfonn the histogran, specifitation (Matching) on 8x8 image. The gray level distribution of the i1nage is given below: Histogram-! ' : 3 4 5 6 7 10 2 12 16 4 2 .., 3 4 5 6 20 16 I- Gray Level(rk) 0 I l\o. of pixels (n,J 8 10 I I Histogran1-2 0 Gray Level(ri;) t\io. of pi xe ls ( Page I 4 / 67 - ~ + 0 7 18 I His togram-I .., Gray Level(rk) 0 I - J\o. of pixels (n~) 8 10 10 .., 4 5 6 7 12 16 4 2 .) 4 5 6 7 0 20 20 16 8 .) 2 Histogram-2 Gray Level (ri,;) 0 l •2 ., I ~ o. of pixels (nk) 0 0 0 Ill. What are the three i111portant app lications of Digital linage Processin g? Also explai n the steps of DIP in detail. rv. Explain the steps of fil tering in the frequency do111airn? Also difrerentiate bet\.veen low pass and high pass filter. 0..1 1.!1:U \ '--~£.1 ~ 1• .L&..1",._,'-" ., _"" _o.1..._ , •..,.,, ---• .• - · , - BCSE 0101 : Digibll Image Processing M1.-lmum Marks: 30 Time: 2 Hoa n lnstrucliolls for students: I. Use of calculator is allowed. 2. Clearly mention if any assump(ions arc being made. 3 X 5 = 15 Marks St:ction - A Detail of Question ro. Consider the follow in" I-bit image. 1 I 1 P: I I 0 I I I 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 Q: 1 0 a. Draw the m-adjaccncy path from pixel P to pixel Q where V={ I}. b. Calculate City'Block Distance between P and Q. c. Find the size bf the given image. L Suppose there is a multispectral image of size I 00 x 100. This i'"l'age has 4 bands and each band uses 256 gray levels. This image needs to be transmitted at the rate of IOK bits per second. Calculate the time 2 required to transmit the image in seconds. IL How many different I00 x I 00 billll')' images can exist? Attem1n !Di S!D! J L An 8-bit di11i1al ima11e has a histo11ram where the r - Marks co BL KL [I + I+ I = 31 I A C (1.5 + 1.5) I A C range from (I + the in ed ut ib str di lly ua eq e ar gray levels the followi ng I + of on ati er op ch ea r Fo 0. 22 160 10 the gray level I=JJ e rib sc de , ns tio nc fu on ati rm transfo lie. Also draw the ill w ls xe pi the ich wh in e ng ra In each case a gray transformation function for each. where the gray level level image will be generated 255. cann ot be lw than Oor more than •· Image negative ay levels b. Addition of SO lo all pixel gr ding function where tbc c. Application of a threshol el 128. threshold is selected as gray lev el intensities in the lev ay gr / I s ha e ag im in rta ce II. A e a linear contrast range of IO 10 20. If we generar gray level O and stretched image with minimum how will the new en rh 7, el lev ay gr um im ax m fonnula and show intensities gcr mapped? Write rhe shown below. as at rm fo r ula tab a in ng pi the map s integers. So apply Note: Inten sity values are alway rounding off when required. An 2 P r s After roundin ~ : : . . - -1 t- -- + -- -'-------<--- -- -- '- '- -' -- '- - - - -- -- -- 1- -- -- -t -- -- 1-- Atte.mpt ••Y ope age. t Con.1ider the follo wing im Q ~I I0_ 2 7_1 2 it6 I 0 S 6 7 6 3 I I 6 1, 5 4 5 4 12 2 5 pixel (2, 2) if What will be the new value oft:he 3: smoodtiog is done using a J x I½I a) Mean filler gn weights as 3, 2 b) Weighted average filter (Assi i tI' " c d I I m J j 9'J~ (o i- .J L - fHJ I ,. I ~ V 3 2 A C -1 4 image. II. Consi de r the following 4 bit, 4 >. 0 I 4 19 I 7- , I 2 s I 5 2 4 2 6 IS j 7J (I.SJ a.. EXllact the ~ Bit Plane. ir thresholding is set at b. How will the image look 11.51 J? Low pass a.nd Give the transfer function of Gaussian High pass filter. cian Kernel Compute the con volution of the Lapla e border val ues L_4 with the image given below. Us 10 extend the image. .. I. ..11. ~ -50-5 f sc,;501 s SO SO 50 [I + 2= 3 A C 3] SOjSOJ 10 10 10 10 . 10 J 10 10 10 10 '. ~ 10 10 10 10 : 10 I 5 X 3 = I5 Marks St tlioa - B Dcwl of Oueslion No. following 8 x 8 Perform histogram equaliz.ation on the the image is given image. The gray level distribution of below. ----6 17 J 4 I I 2 0 ) .in ~ lnre!! 16 4 l 2 of_pl1e h lo. ) 8 10 10 ! 2 12 I shown . Give your ans\11er in tabular form as Ne .el o/p Cn y 1/p Cny No. of p(" ' t I ~• 1 ph dl la s ,.~, lAW I plu tl '"'. . __, MN : I- um (S. ) ! Marts co s 2 BL KL A p olp•· . I Atte,m at I ny DJIC f 9 ixc1s½ 6 6, 6 ~ , , ~ I I I 1 l_ _ .I Z 3 4 f~ f~ 6 6J [§} r derivatives. de OJ nd co se d m1 r :le on t ts i ' f its te Compu at havi n J, nn fo r la bu ta a in be ld ou sh er sw an Your L Consider the Follo,win · 2 · 1 1 1 5 2 E P ro,ws as shown bel.ow~ -~-- 6Ti· 6 6 616 5 ,4 ] 2 'JJ+! ,_ r- 1~ order 2nd ,order I 'l ] I6 ] 6 6 6 ,, ~ J ' .I U. C-onsider· lhc: foUiowing two set of ~m,q es. The 1 i·mages on. the right ,are the 1resuH or applying arithmetic operations between 'the two images on the h:ft and in 'the middl,c! Specify which arithmelic operation has been used on Seti and which on Set .2~ Hint Division operation has not been med. on any Set Give your answer by fiUing up Lhe foUowing blanks.. Set ·1: -Sel. 2: - ----- 11 ~ " '. -· • • iili I I -, I . ,_ ~ .)' t.t -:f!~- ~- I 1M tii ■ii IQ, Ii Wr JUii [I, - -- !I i!!i IJ I r::-:;:-: . . -W RIii Se12 lliitJ llijil .I . s . ~ • I 1 Sell Compute the row wise Fouritr 'ttansform of the followina image~i.Je. compute F(Oi, 'Y')~Fi( I , v)" F(2~v) and F'( l, v)i ·1 0 10 0 1 l oo 2 o 0 0 1 o 1 0 0 0 0 1 s ] A p1 I 4llfflllll Tim~: 2 Boun Maximum Marlu: 30 Section- A 3 x2 Not<i Attempt All Thru Questions. = 6 Marks Three questions of 2 marks each. I. For a 8x8 image as shown in Fig. a , generate the linear contrast stretched image with minimum gray level O and maximum gray leve,l 7. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fig. a 2. For a 5x5 image as shown in Fig. b , form a histogram equalized image with minimum gray level O and maximum gray level 7. 3 3 3 I I. 3 3 3 I I 3 3 1 I I I 1 1 I ~ 7 7 I s s Fig. b 1 :: Open with Google Docs ... e the mean, median, mode, 3. For the 9x9 image as shown in Fig. c, comput min and max values using Histogram method. I 0 • I I I I I O I l l Z l l Z I I I l I O f l l I I I J ll 11 I ll l l) I I I .' _ ll I l ~ I I 0 ? + -+-,1 t-I J 1 1..21 • ..!.._L I I 0 t I I I It I l fl l I 0 I Fix. c Section- B Notti Attempt All Three Ollestiom,3 x 3=9 Marks Three questions of 3 marks each. d in Fig. d. 4. a Find the entropy of the 4x4 image as provide 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 I I I I Fig. d . 1 Morks 2 2 as provided in Fig . e. b. Find the entropy oftbe 4x4 homogenous image 5. a, 3 3 3 J J J 3 3 3 3 J 3 Fig. e 1 Marks 2 uences x(n) and h(n ) as given 2 3 3 2 I I I I • 1 Marks 2 2 b. Find the entropy of the 4x4 homogenous image as provided in Fig. e. J 3 J J J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fig. e 1 Maries 2 3. 5. a. Find the sequence y(n) by convolution of sequences x(n) and h(n) as given 1 x(nJ = ( 0, I, 0, 0, 0, I , I . OJ t h(11J = { I . 2.1} Marks I -2 t b. Find the sequence y(n) by cross correlation of sequences x(n) & h(n) as given x(n) = { 0, I. t I. I, I . 0 J h(n) = { 0, I,-/, OJ t Marks I~ 2 /. 6. A 7'x7 image x(n 1,n2 ) is shown in Fig. f I I I 3 J 3 I I I J J I I I J J J J J 3 3 I I I J J 3 l 2 l 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 4 4 4 4 Fig./ 4 a. Fonn an image y(n 1 ,n 2 ) obtained by correlating image x(n 1 ,n 2 ) with a 3x3 filter function h(n1,n 2 ) as depicted in Fig. g . 1 - 6 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 Fig. g Marks 2.!. 2 1 Marks 2 b. Explain the significance of the above result Section -C 3 x 5 = 15 Marks Note: Attempt Anv Tlrrtt Questions. 7. Compute the Fourier Domain Sequence X(k) for the Time Domain sequence x(n) by applying OFT. whery: x(n) = { I, I. 0, 0) Apply the Frequency Domain Filter DC Suppression Function F(k) on sequence a • • • • • 0. • Page4/33 - ~ + Sec tion -C 3 x 5 = 1.5 Marks ,Note.· Attm1Dl dnv Tltr,e 0., atlon ,. 1 1 7. Compute: the Fourier Domain Sequeace X(k) for the Time Domain sequence :r(n) by' app.lying DFT. whe~ x(n) = ( lt J't 0, 0 J Appl,y the Frequency Domain Fi'lter DC Suppression F'unc1;on F(lc) on sequence X(k) to 1c;t a sequence Y(k). where F(k) = ( ,0 J. 11 l} 1 , Determine the time domain sequencc y(n} 'by applying the inverse DFT on Y(/t)~ 1 1