Global and International Older Adult Development Issue (Research Paper) In this assignment, you will research an issue that impacts older adults in the United States and compare it with older adults in another country. Examples of issues include: health care, health issues, end-of-life care issues, ageism, the prevention and treatment of AIDS, elderly abuse, and violence. Please identify your topic and bring it to class on Tuesday. Each student will have a different topic. I must approve your topic. Select four social work journal articles. One journal article must focus on your issue as it exists in another country. No articles before 2013 Provide a summary of your issue – What is the problem? Why is it a problem (stats.)? How does it impact the elderly? Compare and contrast the issue as it is manifested in the United States and the other country. What does the problem look like in both countries (How is it the same and how is it different?) How does the issue affect the population? What’s being done about the issue. Relate this issue to two values in the NASW Code of Ethics. Discuss the implication for Social Work practice. What does social workers need to do to address this issue? Discuss why you chose the issue. Complete your paper in APA format including reference page and page numbers. Use your course syllabus as a guide for references. Do not exceed 5 pages – Due Date – Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 12:30 pm. Rubric: Global and International Older Adult Development Issue (Research Paper) Name ___________________________________________________________ Section # _________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Semester/Academic Year ___________ Possible Points Assessment Areas Practice Behaviors are in bold – Target Benchmark 85% Points Earned In this assignment, you will research an issue that impacts older adults in the United States and compare it with older adults in another country. Examples of issues include: health care, health issues, end-of-life care issues, ageism, the prevention and treatment of AIDS, elderly abuse, and violence. Please identify your topic and bring it to class on Tuesday. Each student will have a different topic. I must approve your topic. Select four social work journal articles. One journal article must focus on your issue as it exists in another country. No articles before 2013 Provide a summary of your issue – What is the problem? Why is it a problem (stats.)? How does it impact 30 pts. the elderly? 30 pts. Compare and contrast the issue as it is manifested in the United States and the other country. What does the problem look like in both countries (How is it the same and how is it different?) How does the issue affect the population? What’s being done about the issue. 10pts. Relate this issue to two values in the NASW Code of Ethics. 10pts. Discuss the implication for Social Work practice. What does social workers need to do to address this issue? 10pts. Discuss why you chose the issue. APA Guidelines/grammar spelling/sentence structure 10 pts. Total 100 pts.