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A Million Dollars From Nothing - To Health, Wealth & Happiness - DGM O23

“A Million Dollars From Nothing”
A specially produced ebook on my journey from poor to
rich, and lost to found plus a special invite to take my
learnings into your own business via The DGM.
By Depesh Mandalia
Dedicated to all those like me a decade ago stuck inside the
matrix ready to break out and choose freedom.
Copyright and all rights reserved, ZASR Digital Limited 2023. This ebook is for educational and
knowledge share purposes. All results and achievements shown are the authors alone and provided for
illustrative purposes only. Any use of this ebook or any advice from it is used by the reader at their own
discretion being of sound mind. If you use the advice and make money, good on you! If you don’t, well,
you gotta take the L too. Life’s made up of our decisions and indecisions alike.
If You Have Ever Run Ads Before,
This IS The Most Valuable Growth
Blueprint You’ll Ever See.
Discover How I Went From Underpaid, Overweight
& Aimless To Creating A Million Dollar Business &
$100k Offers That Delivered Me The Health, Wealth
and Happiness I Never Knew Was An Option For
Plus how a decision today could change the next DECADE of
your life.
Have you ever felt locked out of other people’s success?
Like you have the skills and knowledge, but haven’t yet
picked open the lock to the riches and promised lifestyle
others seem to have gained with ease?
I felt that way too.
Yet today I get to work on all the fun things. Because I figured
out some basic truths about combining my desire to help
people and creating a lifestyle business that I was not a slave
to, using the power of advertising.
It was the early 2000’s that I first got involved in this digital
marketing game. Back then it was Yahoo, Google and
Microsoft that was fighting for advertising spend.
I gained my experience with landing pages, analytics and
funnels, before learning how organic traffic and affiliate
marketing worked, before I finally got my hands on Google
paid search and display ads.
And it fascinated me - put money into this campaign, stuff
happens behind the scenes and you track the numbers back
to see if you made more than you put in, or not.
“Not” was mostly the case, initially. Until I found that “behind
the scenes” wasn’t just algorithms and computers, but real
humans making real human decisions - like ‘should I buy
this?’ or ‘do I want to sign up for that?’.
Years later, in 2014 to be exact, I finally created a model that
allowed me to understand the missing links - I was so
involved in numbers and optimizations, that I hadn’t quite
linked the human-side well enough.
Just 18 months later and I had cracked the Facebook ads
platform, generating $26.5M in revenue in a year with about
$8M in ad spend.
But here’s the kicker. It wasn’t my business. It was someone
And it constantly played on my mind - how could I do that for
Just a few years later, I started an agency, because working
in-house for an employer just felt limiting. I was capped on
how much I could earn. And how I spent my time during the
In fact today is Thursday as I sit here typing this initially.
Thursdays and Fridays are now ‘days off’ from my business.
Not completely ‘do nothing’ days… but no client work. No
meetings. No agenda at all.
If I decide to do something like write this letter to you, I
choose to do that.
Or I may go for a walk later with my wife. Or jump on the
racing simulator in my basement and race some tracks for an
Or perhaps working in ‘stealth’ mode on projects like my A.I.
apps where side projects are not a distraction, but a focus.
It wasn’t always this way, in fact working 7 days a week was
quite normal at one moment in my life.
When I helped the company hit that crazy $26.5M in a 12
month period from doing $8M the year before and $800k the
year before that, no one saw the sacrifices I made.
Leaving home at 7am and coming home after 7pm. Time I
lost away from family, my kids, my own hobbies.
Those weekends logging into Facebook, Google or our
Business Intelligence tools tracking and optimizing the
numbers as if the money was going straight into my own
bank account, which it wasn’t.
When I started my agency in 2017, the idea was simple - get
clients, get paid well, make a profit and enjoy running my
own business.
The reality was, well, different. I was STILL working for
someone - except I now had LOTS of bosses.
And a team that relied on me.
Still, in 2019, we cracked the agency code and I finally had a
team that DID NOT need me and I was able to travel to a
new country every single month, speaking on stages,
attending masterminds or hosting my own events.
In fact without this, I don’t think I would have figured the
money game out.
You see in 2019, I grew my network exponentially by being at
the right events with the right people.
And one of the conversations led me down the path of
creating a ‘digital asset’ that I could sell - which did NOT
require a team to deliver, or the need to sell clients our
agency packages ranging from $3k to $30k.
As we boarded the cruise ship in Vancouver in July 2019, I
had a plan.
I wanted to use the 10-days cruising around Alaska, during
the evenings when the kids were in bed and the tours are
done, to write an ebook. 2-3 hours each evening.
I wanted to create a digital product I could sell at scale.
I love writing, so this seemed easy enough. It took way longer
than 10 days of course…
But what I ended up with was a complete ebook training to
help Facebook advertisers make money using this new tool
called ‘CBO’ (Campaign Budget Optimization).
Why write a book on this?
Two reasons actually. The first was that Facebook at the time
was going to switch all their budget management over to
The second was that in 2018, CBO was the primary driver to
our biggest agency successes, including scaling a $2M per
year business to $16M in just 5 months of working with us,
thanks to Facebook advertising.
I launched the ebook in August of 2019 and something pretty
amazing happened…
An ebook - a digital book I wrote - generating over $100,000
in about 8 days. MIND BLOWN!
A $97 ebook with an average order value (AOV) of $159.
How was this all possible?
It’s because I finally got to see INSIDE other people’s
businesses - people more successful than me.
People that had things figured out.
People like Sam Ovens, Russell Brunson, Frank Kern and
Taylor Welch that I had LEARNED to give money to in order
to gain access to the tools I never knew I needed.
You see, for someone that grew up the son of a factory
worker, where everything was budgeted and we learned
never to ask for anything, our lens on the world was that
saving money was everything.
Reducing debt was important.
And most brutal of all: living within our means was the end
Let me reverse that back and play it again.
I was taught that if I was earning $25k per YEAR, I should
ensure I live within that. No debt. No extra earnings.
Yet in 2009 when I lost my safe, well paying Ecommerce job
of nearly 5 years thanks to the global economic depression
(which constantly seems ‘around the corner’ again every year)
I didn’t realize how much it would change the course of my
Because for 3 months I could not find another job - with tens
of thousands like me unemployed, every job had 100s of
highly skilled applicants like me. What chance did I have?
Well, thanks to this SHOCK I found affiliate marketing - and
by 2012 I’d gone from a novice bedroom affiliate trying to
figure out how ‘online money making’ worked…
… to create a million dollars of sales through affiliate
marketing - MIND BLOWN.
Now, I want to turn your attention to the ‘game of life’ that
we’re playing today.
5 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Earlier:
1. You DO NOT need to live within your means
I’m not just talking about accepting debt - I’m talking about
the truth that was hidden from me until in 2009 I realized that
the J.O.B. that I had studied and worked so hard for… was
actually a TRAP.
At $60k per year I felt RICH. But the company I was working
for was making tens of millions. The big boss was making
nearly $1M a year.
How was this possible?
Living within your means is making that $60k per year give
you everything you need.
Breaking free meant asking “how could I make $1M a year?”.
I had to give myself permission to believe in more.
By 2020 I was taking a $20k per month salary from my
business and then taking what’s called ‘dividends’ any time I
need more.
I finally figured out the money game.
It wasn’t about ‘how can I make $60k per YEAR’ work for me.
It was instead about ‘how can I make WHATEVER I wanted’.
And the simple truth is that unless you’re asking the right
question, you’ll never figure out the right answer.
2. You don’t have a retirement plan
I don’t care how old you are, you NEED to be thinking about
your future.
When I was in my teens and 20’s, I thought I’d work 9-5, five
(or more) days a week until I was over 60.
Then I’d get to enjoy life. Think about that.
Enjoy life when you’re 60, old, tired, broken? Nope.
Why not semi-retire now?
Since 2020 I’ve been working 3 days a week and I don’t even
call it work anymore. It’s just a hobby. Creating offers.
Products. Hosting events. Taking on clients.
Imagine a hobby you enjoy so much that you decide how it’s
going to play out.
I don’t even think about retirement any more.
Think about this; with investments in place (I now have real
estate, bonds, crypto etc) together with the ability to create
money from an idea (whether it’s an ebook, hosting an event
or launching a new product), money doesn’t seem so
I recall reading a book by Jason Fladlien - the master of
webinars - and in it he said he wanted to buy a brand new
Back before he became really good at webinars it would just
have been a nice dream.
Instead, he created an offer that would pay off the Tesla.
I remember in 2020 before I ran a webinar, I was strongly
considering a Tesla too - the ‘X’ model which had 7 seats (for
my large family).
Coming into this webinar launch I thought it would be cool if
we could do $100k so I could go get the Tesla…
Well, we did $132k that month - with the webinar and follow
up campaign bringing in most of the revenue as you can see
in the Stripe account graph below for our webinar account.
But the funny thing is, I never bought the Tesla in the end. I
did something different…
3. Money makes money
Back in 2017 I hired someone for a lot of money (for me back
then) that almost bankrupted us.
He wanted $50k to build my webinar funnel, but as I
panicked on the call he dropped it down to $25k. Even then I
was in a hot sweat. I really wanted to work with him - he had
7-figure case studies. He was a fairly well known ‘guru’ so I
felt he was the one to help me.
And he finally closed me - pay 50% now 50% once the funnel
had made its first sale. DONE. I barely had the $12.5k as I’d
invested so much into growing my agency team already (and
wasn’t taking any salary from the business, living off my
Yet in 2018 he helped me launch my first training course and we did $100k in sales in about 2 months. Clearly his help
paid off.
And this taught me the truth about money - you can save it.
You can buy cool stuff with it. You can invest in it.
But money alone isn’t the end goal - it’s what you decide to
do with it.
And I decided that the $100k from that webinar would be
best spent on finding new mentors and guides to further
grow my business, not on giving it to Elon Musk. I already
had an 8-seater car, why did I REALLY want a new one?
Status? Ego? Prestige?
And since 2017, every single year, I’ve found new people to
invest in.
Back in 2020 I think I joined one of Sam Ovens’ programs
which helped me to better understand systems. In 2019,
Taylor Welch helped me build the pitch for the $100k ‘CBO’
ebook launch from just a few small tweaks to our product
launch plan.
And each year those investments keep increasing. And each
year my knowledge grows, my network grows and my ability
to generate sales and profits increases too.
In 2022 I joined Russell Brunson’s Inner Circle - I calculated
that investment to have given me a 20x ROI (return on
That’s a worthwhile investment don’t you think?
But finding the right investment was harder than I thought.
Even harder was making the right investment choice at the
right time.
4. Success favors speed
This was a big truth I had to learn. In 2017, as I was growing
my agency, I had the opportunity to invest $10k in someone’s
‘agency growth’ program.
But at that time, I felt I could use that $10k better myself and
grow my own agency from close to zero to 7-figures. My ego
said it's easy…
I thought with $10k, I could hire a few people and we’d figure
it out. I was wrong.
It took me over 6 months, tens of thousands of lost savings
and lost revenue, working 12 hour days and weekends, to get
to the place her program could have gotten me to faster and
I realized that with her $10k plug and play program, she’d
already made the learnings and losses, and simply
condensed the good stuff into results for other people.
Lesson learned.
I vowed never to make that same mistake again.
Because success doesn’t wait.
When I launched the CBO ebook in 2019 and made $100k in
a week do you know what happened next?
My son was born the following month. Cool thing to happen
after making a financial breakthrough right? Nope.
He spent 3 weeks in the ICU (intensive care unit). We didn’t
know if he’d make it. His lungs were not functioning and his
oxygen levels were far too low to leave the full-time care at
the hospital.
My whole world stopped for 3 weeks. I told my team I
wouldn’t be around. I was running the ads for the ebook
myself and literally stopped them so I could focus on what
was important.
Each time I see that picture it brings a tear to my eye. He was
as helpless as we felt. The money, the business, the success
all meant nothing.
As you move through life, it has a way of grounding you back
Do you want success? Sure, here you go, $100k in a week
from an ebook.
But don’t forget what’s important. Life. Family. Health.
Success can come in many forms. But failure is just around
the corner.
Whether that’s failing to see the upcoming recession.
Or failing to fire that one employee that could bring your
entire business down.
That applies to both the good and the bad. And I have seen
plenty of both.
After 3 weeks he finally came home. That was the longest 3
weeks I’ve ever experienced. Each night we slept at home,
we prayed he would make it through to the next day. Each
day we spent at the hospital just being there for him yet
feeling helpless.
As my favorite quote goes “This too, shall pass”.
5. Making money isn’t the challenge, it’s believing you can.
The final truth I’ll share with you is this - you know how to
make money.
You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you didn’t.
Because you’re one of the FEW in this world that’s able to
create money for clients, or for yourself, through ads.
Those that follow me are people that want BETTER results
through ads.
But the truth here is that ads are the LEAST of your problems.
In 2015 when the company I was working for made $26.5M, it
woke me up to a reality. Just a few years earlier, I had hit $1M
in sales doing affiliate marketing (helping companies I work
for make a million and taking a commission). Yet through
amateur mistakes, that business died that year too, because I
made big mistakes.
I didn’t believe I had what it took to be a successful business
owner, which is why I went back into employment, into
contracting, then freelancing and then into starting an
agency. I had to rebuild that faith in myself.
By 2018 I had created a training course. But it took months to
be persuaded to sell it. Imposter syndrome at its finest.
Yet $100k in sales later I knew I had something good.
But what if I had unwavering belief in myself? I could have
launched sooner. And built on top of this faster too.
In 2020 I hired a coach that’s been with me ever since. His
role? To both keep me grounded and focussed, but to also
believe in me and what I could achieve.
His support - sometimes to just confirm what I was planning
to do - or to challenge it, was enough to help us make
hundreds of thousands for an offer or launch.
Then in 2021 I was feeling a little lost. We’d spoken about
the growing business and the fragmentation we had caused
I had all these puzzle pieces on the table in front of me,
which were the offers and products I was promoting, but I
couldn’t piece them together into one single business.
Was I running an agency that also did training products?
How does coaching fit in?
If I add a membership platform how will that tie in?
Are my in-person events a business? Does it need its own
team and P&L?
So many questions.
Russell Brunson showed me the path as we sat in on his talk
at his office in Boise, Idaho in 2022.
I asked him “does this look right to you?” as I mapped out
my new business blueprint based on what he shared… “yeah
you got it!” he said.
He showed us his business model - a model that valued his
company at a billion dollars. A model that made him a very
wealthy, healthy and happy person indeed.
But a model he used to help so many other people around
the world. My kind of guy.
And finally the pieces of my own puzzle came together.
Everything made sense. I wasn’t running multiple businesses.
I was in fact running a single business, with multiple products
and offers.
What I was missing was the clarity on how each of these fit
into my value ladder.
It’s what I later coined as my Ascension Path Model - APM for
The APM above is my entire business model as it stands right
now, with obvious omissions to protect my model and to
reserve it for my own Inner Circle mastermind clients who are
copying and pasting the exact thing.
The first time I shared this was in Mexico, August 2023 at an
in-person event.
I broke each part down during the 3 days we were together
and it blew minds.
Because it’s so simple yet so powerful.
You see, I focussed so much on the traffic and the products, I
didn’t piece together the assets I had properly. Once I did KABOOM.
Things got a whole lot easier. I had a framework I could
believe in because it got results.
It was so simple that it was easy to trust and believe in.
I’m not an intelligent person by any means - I scraped
through school with C and D grades. I was never good at
But I was always good at research, essays and writing.
So when I have a model - whether it’s The BPM Method
(Brand-driven Performance Marketing Method) that I use to
launch and profit from ads - or The APM, it has to be simple
enough to make sense to me.
Which is why it’s so helpful and easy to follow for others too.
No matter if you have a business, or just an offer right now.
If you’re ready to open up the world of digital growth and go
beyond the boundaries of what you *think* is possible.
And to build a sustainable income stream with predictable
inputs and outputs, this is my invitation to come join my Inner
Circle Mastermind, where I am actively teaching and
supporting a small group of entrepreneurs like you on how to
build your own Ascension Path Model in an easy and
predictable manner.
If you’re able to offer something USEFUL to a MARKET then
you’re ready for WEALTH building.
It’s important to understand what wealth actually means to
you and I.
Is wealth being able to buy anything you want?
Or do anything you want?
Or go anywhere you want?
Or support the charities and things that mean the most to
Or having a loving family around you on life’s journey
The list can go on. Because true wealth actually means
Freedom is what you really need to analyze, for yourself.
If you had a million dollar net worth, how would your life
If you had a mix of active and passive income what would
that mean to you?
If that income led to more time in the week what would you
do with it?
They’re the questions that come about as you step into the
realms of freedom.
Whatever business you’re in, being useful is all about your
prospective client or customer - but it’s not as simple as some
might think.
When I first made money online - my first affiliate commission
in 2010 - I was operating as an affiliate.
My ‘usefulness’ was connecting someone looking to holiday
in the UK with a company selling UK short breaks.
I was a middleman and achieved my ‘usefulness’ by simply
being good at SEO (search engine optimization) - my organic
search results would appear in the top 3 positions for
keywords I was trying to capture.
But the truth was that I earned money by being better at SEO
than the companies I was sending traffic to.
I ranked on keywords that they didn’t, and used all my CRO
(conversion rate optimization) knowledge to get as many
clicks from the search engine results as possible and convert
them into clicks to the affiliate partner’s site.
After that I had no more influence. Yet my usefulness was
rewarded with me earning tens of thousands of pounds each
month and getting rewards from the affiliate partners in terms
of their monthly competitions.
Is that really useful in the grand scheme of life? Probably not.
Yet years later when I started my agency, I was turning
businesses from dreams into reality, growing businesses from
30k/m to 100k/m and into millions - yet it all changed in 2018
when Jeff, one of my very first students of The BPM Method,
changed my perception of what ‘being useful’ was - from
making large businesses lots of money…
…to changing and improving the lives of individuals.
And this is where value transforms into YOUR why too.
Your reason to make money doesn’t need to be altruistic - my
affiliate marketing business was an ‘easy’ way to make money
and pay off debts - the value was for the affiliate merchant
that paid me for driving them new customers.
There’s a time where you NEED money. And a time where
you WANT something more.
Believe it or not, the more you need money the more it tends
to pass you by. It all changed when I realized I was playing
the wrong game.
My affiliate business was driven by money. Nothing more
nothing less. I was broke and money was all I cared for.
But once you start to bank that money and move from money
to wealth creation and freedom, things change. You fall into
different networks of people that are talking about wealth,
investments and building a slow and fast-lane of both money
and wealth creation.
It was this that firmly set my foundations in place, investing in
a rental property in 2012 - which not only became a
long-term investment but also nearly doubled in value in 5
years, allowing for further leverage and growth.
So by the time my agency started in 2017, despite having no
income at that time and money invested in wealth creation, I
had a plan B.
But, the high strain came from only having a slow-lane of
wealth creation in place through rentals and investments things that tie down cash and can leave you with very little in
the bank.
But as I started to grow my agency, my relationship with and
understanding of money changed, forever.
I launched a training course in 2018, through encouragement
and pushing from my first mentor. I didn’t want to but he said
I’d ‘make easy money’. He wasn’t wrong.
Six weeks into the launch I’d created $100,000 worth of sales
via a $497 and $997 course. That was more than a month’s
revenue for my agency back then. And a way higher profit
And within that I became really good at finding a market with
a need. That’s what helped me blow our past results out the
water by launching The Ultimate CBO Cookbook to $100k in
sales in 8 days in 2019 and doing over $100k from a single
webinar to landing $50k days in 2022.
My message to you here is that no matter what business type
you have right now, making money and developing wealth is
only restricted to the possibilities you decide to act upon.
Money leads to happiness in the world we live in right now.
What is happiness to you?
In 2022 I spoke to Frank Kern about his team - aside from his
Marketing Director, his team is lean - because he prefers it.
The choice that comes from money and experience.
Imagine that. One of the most successful and iconic internet
marketers around, runs such a lean operation - because he
can create huge revenue numbers and profits, with a small
Back in 2021 I made a bold decision like this too - shifting
from a 25+ person team to 10. My profits remained strong,
revenue was about the same yet… my happiness
You don’t need a big revenue number or team size to be
successful, happy or wealthy.
I recall Gary Vee on answering what it was like running a
hundred million company replied “I’m just a glorified HR
manager” - hiring and firing was his main day to day role. He
hated it.
Now, my team is just 7.
I don’t have many meetings in my week - so much so that
Monday’s are amongst the easiest days of the week for me back in 2018 they were the most stressful, while I wrote
reports, delivered them to clients, checked in on all 15 ad
accounts, gave instructions to my media buyers all before
I DREADED Mondays. Now a Monday is not that much
different to any other day.
Happiness for me is now less meetings, casual work days, a
smaller team, steady and predictable cash-flow, long-term
investments but importantly, lots more time pivoted around
my family, traveling, meeting new people and the things I
want to do - like soccer coaching or meeting petrolheads in a
car park 20 minutes out of town to talk engines, speed and
What does that look like for you?
Do you realize that you have the ability to make lots of
money in a short amount of time?
Now that you understand value and happiness let me bring
you back to Frank Kern. What inspires me most is his ability
to craft value and drive revenue.
I asked him for help with AdSignals (my membership
platform) - pricing, content and growth. He told me about his
old membership program, $129/m which was earning him
$500,000 per month before he closed it down.
A $6M per year revenue stream where he didn’t need to do a
But he found a value - a usefulness - which he executed on
and simply sent more and more traffic into it. But not just the
typical cold traffic of “join this membership program” but he
built smart funnels to achieve his goal.
The biggest takeaway from speaking to him however, was
that he has this amazing ability to match offers to funnels.
You too have the power to unlock cash quickly but if you’re
not confident about it yet, it’s because you’ve been tricked
into thinking making money is hard.
Few years back I hired Cat Howell to work with me on
business expansion - she had walked my path already
(agency, courses, events, coaching etc) and I wanted to tap
into her exact process.
Yet the biggest thing I learned, despite all the insider insights
into her business, was to do with the money mindset. The
relationship we have with money defines the ability we have
to grow beyond our current limits.
For example, I have a $60k offer to have me personally
working with you in your business. Initially I had priced it
much lower yet even though I know the value (and
usefulness) of having me working directly with a business
owner on growing their business, understanding value
exchange is another thing.
I had my business mentor remind me of this.
I also have another $100k offer which Myron Golden helped
me realize I needed - not because I wanted to market my
$100k offers, but because for those where the value of the
$60k offer didn’t match their needs I needed something more
to offer them.
Myron has a million dollar offer. In fact Russell Brunson not
only has a million dollar offer, to have him personally build
your entire funnel but he’ll also take 15% of revenue
generated by that funnel.
What can Russell do that you couldn’t? Yet how are these
guys able to create a million dollar offer?
The answer is two-fold;
1. Overcoming the value exchange barrier
2. Pitching to those willing and able to INVEST a million
How many business owners do you think can invest a million
dollars plus 15% on building out a funnel? Well it turns out
one of my former clients did. A company called Organifi, a
US based drink supplements business.
One of the most lean and mean offer building machines I’ve
ever seen. I came in to help solve some Facebook ads growth
issues as a consultant in 2018.
Did I charge my value? No, I was just excited to work with
them. Of course I undercharged. Did Russell charge his
value? 100% he did and then some.
The difference? Russell wasn’t concerned it was Organifi, he
set his price and if they wanted to work with him, great.
For me, I wanted the chance to work with them, to have them
as a client and case study. I was a small fry. So I charged
pennies compared to what I should have.
Can you see the difference here? A strong value mindset on
how much you make?
Whoever is the least neediest owns the negotiation and gets
the better deal.
Every year I invest at least $10,000 on growing my business
and my own self. Sometimes it's $50,000, $80,000 or more.
Without knowing it, I was making money work for me, by
recycling it. I’ve rarely invested in anything that hasn’t given
me a high yield in return when it comes to my business - I’m
not saying I’ve mastered it but I’ve learned what to look for.
This is a big motivator for me - as I see more and more
copycat personal brands and businesses pop up - new
Facebook ad experts, ad agencies, coaches, memberships.
But what they miss is what I want to offer you today.
Future planning.
By the time I had launched AdSignals in early 2022, I’d
already spent 2-3 months building and planning. So by the
time we launched we took it further and further.
And by the time copycats launched their own memberships,
on the same platform later in 2022 we’d already begun work
on the next iterations, including integrating AI into AdSignals.
I recall when I worked for a UK brand Tesco in their digital
marketing department, we always looked at Amazon for
inspiration and ideas. And what a senior member of the team
said stuck with me when he said that whatever we see
Amazon doing now, they’d spent months working on testing
and then deciding the winner.
So it was easy for us to ‘copy’. But we were always behind the
curve because they were already testing 100s of other things
and profiting from them before we knew what they were.
The same goes for how internet marketing leaders operate.
I met with Todd Brown in Sao Paulo and he shared deep
insights over dinner into the ‘Agora Mafia’ - and how a small
group of internet marketers would come together to smoke
cigars and talk about their businesses.
What became a casual conversation soon became one of the
most powerful masterminds in internet marketing history.
Imagine a mastermind with Tood Brown, Michael Masterson,
Rich Schefren, Frank Kern, John Reece amongst the group.
You might know some or all of the names but let me tell you
that between them they’ve created billions of dollars online.
In fact I could pull out Michael Masterson, real name Mark
Ford, as just one name that’s created a billion dollar
company, Agora. If you haven’t heard of them, they basically
create arguably the most profitable offers on the planet. If
you own a product and can partner with Agora you’re going
to make multiple million dollars very quickly.
Mark talks about how every person on the planet has the
ability to have a money making talent. His angle is
copywriting. He’s trained up some of the world’s best.
One of the first sales closers I hired in my agency was a
former agency owner himself. But he got burned out and
didn’t enjoy it. So he wanted to focus on the thing that lights
him up - sales.
When he was making $20k+ per month from my agency, he
was working on something he absolutely loved, on the hours
that suited him and was creating a take-home salary more
than what he could with his agency.
Or when I hired a media buyer early on in the agency, he was
making $1M a year with his Ecommerce store, but his take
home profit at the end of the YEAR was only $30k.
That’s a $30k a YEAR income for doing everything from
products, marketing, customer services and fulfillment.
He was earning double that with my agency, doing the one
thing he enjoyed - media buying.
My point is that the money making abilities you have don’t
limit you to just one role.
In 2020 I launched a consulting offer where I’d have regular
calls with our high end $10M+ per year clients to work on
strategic growth. They didn’t need my agency or tactics. They
needed someone that knew how to grow from $10M to
$20M. I filled the gap as their CMO - Chief Marketing Officer.
That’s a money making skill.
I’ve stacked them up over the years which now gives me
entire freedom to choose. I’ve published a book. I’ve run
in-person events. An agency, Ecommerce business, affiliate
marketing, consulting, stage speaking.
In a time of economic stress, I can PIVOT.
I’m not saying you need to have this many. Or more than
But I am saying you need to recognize your strengths and
abilities and learn to bring help in for the rest.
Just like when I struggled to transition from being a good
media buyer to being a decent business owner. I hired help.
Or when my business grew but I hated the day to day. I hired
someone to do this for me.
Or when I wanted to know how to grow my membership
program AdSignals, I reached out for help and advice.
I learned that the future I wanted needed the right actions
I didn’t know this in 2012 which is why my affiliate marketing
business failed. I didn’t ask for help. I thought I knew it all.
Even with success I didn’t once think I needed to learn about
running a business.
And it was only a chance conversation with my father-in-law
(my own version of rich dad, poor dad in my life!) that pushed
me into real estate with this new found wealth.
Based on everything I realized about building better health,
wealth and happiness, I’ve come to the conclusion that the
best way I can help those I want to reach and enjoy what I do,
was to create the thing I wish I had most.
● A small, exclusive group mastermind.
● One in which the power of the group is what powers
everyone inside to reach the heights of success.
● A group which shares knowledge on the offers and
funnels working for them. The new services or products
they’re working on. The improvements in health they’re
making or the new ways of building time and cash
freedom and future investment.
● A group that’s able to lean in on each other for help,
each and every month.
● A mastermind built through the digital world we’re in but
with the benefit of in-person meet ups.
● A mastermind led by us as a whole, where I can also
share the latest on what I’m doing and what’s working (or
not) on continuing to build up on health, wealth and
● But beyond that, a group that is sworn in to share
● If one of us is using a funnel that’s crushing, we’ll share
the entire thing with the group.
● If we use a new lead gen tactic, it’s shared with the
group. Every single month.
● If there’s a particular offer that’s working, let’s break it
down and share it with the group.
Together we’ll build the smart funnels and systems to thrive
in the digital space. We will be the new digital marketing
With secret virtual meetings and in-person meet ups.
We will become the future drivers of our destiny and raise up
those around us too.
We’ll step out from the life others think we should lead and
from the limits of the media and governments around us.
And we’ll create the smart cash-flow systems that fuel the
future we want to live in 10 years from now.
While enjoying every single day in the present created
through time and cash freedom.
Freedom of choice.
If you’re ready to:
1. Create or enhance multiple revenue streams
2. Manage short-term cash flow with long-term wealth
3. Systemizing your assets into a money making machine
4. Step every day towards your vision of enhanced health,
wealth and happiness
Then I want to invite you as one of the first groups we’re
allowing into The Digital Growth Mastermind (DGM).
DGM is for business owners that realize that working with
like-minded people and being mentored and supported by
someone that’s ‘been there, done that’ is a faster and easier
path to growth than going it alone.
DGM will help you build out your own Ascension Path Model
(APM) and solve the problems that come with every stage of
business growth and in building the Health, Wealth and
Happiness goals we all crave.
DGM will help build your slow and fast-lane income streams.
80% of all the challenges I’ve found working with thousands
of business owners is mindset.
My own challenges were the same.
DGM solves this by:
- Creating a small accountability group where we will use
goal planning to help each other stay on track
- Create a self-managed accountability system
- Provide a private space to share our deeper fears and
concerns in a safe and secure environment
- Bring in expertise to help with mindset matters
- Allow for small group brainstorming to overcome any
mental blockers you face
That alone makes a Mastermind like DGM worthwhile.
Most of the business owners I work with are fixated on a
single funnel and offer. Or a small set that is causing them
financial stress and burden.
Part of DGM is going to be about sharing techniques that
help you bring in cash, faster. Short-term techniques that will
help you better think through your strategic challenges
because having money in the bank allows you to work with
less pressure.
I’ll share what I’ve learned from years as an affiliate, in
ecommerce, agency and info products on the easiest ways to
create cash-in days.
Most business owners don’t realize the power of offers. I
didn’t for a while. Whether that’s launching a new, highly
profitable consulting offer or creating a tailored offer for your
avatars and products. Something I’ve never taught but highly
profited from.
Plus sharing the offers between us all to help leverage into
higher levels of growth.
Part of your future success depends on how you approach all
of these. I’ll share my tips and the group will share theirs on
becoming the person we need to, to live the life we want to.
Real Tony Robbins level stuff that DGM members will benefit
One of the biggest outcomes of Masterminding is the
long-term friendships created (like how Todd Brown was
telling me when he was an upcoming digital marketer and
now lifelong friends with the Agora Mafia).
But also the partnerships that develop too - who knows what
knowledge overlaps and Offer overlaps exist in the world that
allow two or more people to leverage each other's skills and
Once you learn something of an expertise and see it working,
it’s with you for life. You can’t unlearn a brilliant VSL funnel or
profitable back-end ascension.
Masterminds give you the ability to continue to learn and
refine your skills. Imagine every month, we all bring our
learnings to the table in an open and collaborative way?
Things I will personally share include:
● Mixed revenue streams, pricing and product positioning:
affiliate marketing, ecommerce, agency, freelance,
consulting, info products and more
● Systemizing your business and life
● Branding (business and personal)
● Offer and funnel building (including lead magnets, SLOs,
VSLs, Webinars, Challenges, upsells, x-sells and more).
● Creating 6-figure offers
● Creating and growing a profitable million dollar business
● Health and daily wellness habits and routines
● Mindset confidence and resilience
● Future wealth building
If ANY of those got you nodding and excited inside we gotta
1. Money worries shifted towards the power and frequency
of your offers
2. Time freedom built on your new money systems
3. Systems which allow you to leverage technology and AI,
requiring fewer people to generate high margins
4. Multiple ‘demonstration’ funnels like what we use to tap
into your audiences need for a band-aid or a steroid copying our exact funnels if you wish
5. Multiple offers that you not only learn to create but can
copy and paste for yourself or clients or new business
ventures easily and quickly
6. A business that is built around your lifestyle that serves
you and does not eat into your secured time in the week
7. Confidence in yourself to continue building up your
health, wealth and happiness goal
8. Ability to bring others on the journey - whether that’s
friends, family, clients or customers you’ll use your
newfound knowledge and experience to improve the
world for them too
9. The backing of your DGM community to be there when
you need us allowing you to push the boundaries of
what you can achieve
1. A private Facebook & Slack group for support, sharing
and accountability. Slack for quick chats and Facebook
for longer shares.
2. Mastermind only blueprints and systems which are taken
from the various Masterminds I’ve been part of... and am
part of, or events I go to, so you can learn as I learn and
we bring all our knowledge together for everyone.
3. A Mastermind group support call by Depesh every two
weeks on Zoom where you can bring me anything to
review or discuss during the call.
4. A Mastermind GIVE & ASK call where YOU get to ASK
for help from other members or to GIVE value and share
wins. The fastest way for us to grow together.
5. You can invite a business partner, colleague, spouse or
significant other to join you for FREE inside DGM
6. Included access to ELITE and AdSignals - which means
you get all the weekly coaching calls from both included
too as well as all the training inside for as long as you’re
in the Mastermind
7. An accountability partner for 3 months so you can
check-in weekly on progress, get unstuck faster and
allow us to support you better too
8. Free invite to an in-person event.
9. Exclusive promo opportunities - to my email list, FB
group, page and podcast to grow your reach
This is an application process. Not only to see if you’re a
good fit but to go deeper into what you’ll offer the group
and the type of person you are.
Imagine hating the people you’re with for months. I’d hate
that too.
I want to Mastermind with people I believe can add value
and that I’d want to chat with over dinner or a drink. Wouldn’t
you want that too?
This program will develop on mindset, ability to craft and
launch offers and funnels, building slow and fast-lane growth
as well as shifting into areas of understanding personal
happiness and optimal health.
This isn’t a low cost program. It requires an investment to join
this year long Mastermind.
If you don’t have at least $2,000 available to invest, this
program isn’t right for you, right now.
As a reminder of what you get:
1. An accountability coach for 3 months to get you into a
rhythm of action and accountability every week
2. Calls with me every 2 weeks for expert guidance and
3. Group call every month with me and other Mastermind
members sharing what’s working
4. Guest expert calls (like Cat Howell, Frank Kern, Chris
Evans, Akbar Sheikh … masters of digital growth,
mindset, funnels and more)
5. Additional seat in the program for a business partner,
senior team member or spouse
6. Access to AdSignals (for you and your team) which has
our ads training, tactical playbooks and more ($3,500
7. Access to ELITE (for you plus another from your
business) for agency/business SOPs, traffic expansion
and more ($9,000 saving)
8. Access to a private Facebook and Slack group for you
plus one other from your business
9. FREE seat at one in-person event while you’re a member
($3000 value)
So if everything here sounds like the right next move for you,
and you want to work with me plus other business owners on
creating a new kind of business freedom… take action today.
There are two types of people reading this right now. Those
with doubts and those that want to take the next step.
Because if you read this far, you’re definitely a good potential
So I’m giving you two options right here to apply:
1. If you are ready to apply, go ahead and book a call here.
I can’t guarantee places will be available but if the
calendar in that link is showing call slots it means we
have spaces
2. If you have quick questions you want to ask go ahead
message me directly here on Messenger and I’ll do my
best to answer your questions there or email me directly
at depesh@bpmmethod.com or you can just book a call
here and ask on a call.
I look forward to serving you.
Depesh Mandalia
Founder of The BPM Method.
How is this different from ELITE Accelerator?
ELITE Accelerator is designed for Agencies, Freelancers and
Ecommerce business owners to get better ad results by using
The BPM Method and the other training inside of ELITE, to
get better ad results and improved retention rates.
It is designed as a 3 or 6 month program with regular group
coaching calls specifically built around lead generation, offers
and funnels.
I’m personally not involved in the ELITE program as my team
mostly handles this.
It doesn’t come close to what DGM will offer and is an
intermediary step to getting results before being ready for a
Mastermind like DGM.
How is this different from your existing 121 consulting
program, DMC?
DMC (Depesh Mandalia Consulting) is the highest level of
support I provide business owners, where I’m personally
holding the business holder accountable for every action,
giving immediate actions and driving them towards the goals
they agree at the start.
DMC members get access to DMG and other programs by
With DMC there’s no place to hide since I capture actions
personally during each call and ensure they’re done to keep
pushing up revenue growth while balancing the health and
happiness angles too.
I work on your Profit & Loss sheet each month, challenging
you on improving both revenue and profitability while
helping you plan ahead through hiring, delegation, systems
and operations.
Part of my work in DMC is mindset and the rest is unlocking
the capabilities of my clients to make the right decisions
more often and staying on track on the big needle shifters.
DMC is a rev-share deal to hire me as your growth partner. I
don’t guarantee success but this is the closest to it with me
personally vested in pushing YOU towards big growth. And
personally, my favorite kind of project because we win
DMC is currently limited to only 7 business owners to protect
my diary and free-time. If you wish to enquire you can do so
via depesh@bpmmethod.com and I’ll let you know if there’s
space and answer any questions ahead of an application call.
What happens after 12 months?
The plan is to continue running this and growing with our
members. For a few, it will make sense to work with me 121,
for others, to continue using the Mastermind to grow.
You can renew for another 12 months.
Can I bring a team member?
Yes but it’s limited to a business partner, senior team member
or a spouse/life partner.
If you wish to introduce someone to join as a paying member
they’ll need to pay the same as you however we will offer a
10% commission on someone you refer that joins.
If I’m already in ELITE can I upgrade?
Yes you can upgrade and use any pro-rata credit towards the
new program.
If you’re on the Alumni ELITE plan this is going to be closed
down soon, so you can either upgrade to the new
Mastermind or downgrade into AdSignals.
ELITE Accelerator will only be made available for new
members specifically for that program after which they’ll be
invited to join this Mastermind.
If I’m in DMC can I downgrade?
Yes, though I’d question why?! DMC is my 121 consulting
offer and surpasses DGM. If you wish to downgrade, ping me
on Slack and let’s understand if this is the right move for you.
If I’m in AdSignals can I upgrade?
Yes if you’ve paid ahead we’ll credit whatever is remaining
against the initial joining fee. And you’d not pay anything
else for AdSignals while in this Mastermind
How does this work with in-person events?
If there’s an in-person event while you’re a member (DMG or
DMC), and if we have places, you’re entitled to join for FREE
(not including accommodation or flights). That means the
cost of entry is waived.
Will you give me copy/paste systems to use?
As much as we can, yes.
We’re going to be building lots of this material together, and
sharing it as a group so whatever we have will be made
You’ll also get access to my team of experts whether it’s to
build funnels, copy, designs etc.
Does it include 121 time?
No this is a group Mastermind where the power is in the
My 121 program, DMC, is his high-end, high-touch 121
program with private calls, private Slack group and highly
focussed support for fast-growth businesses available on a
rev-share deal if you qualify.
Message me directly here on Messenger or email
depesh@bpmmethod.com or book an application call for
anything else.