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Goodsell Business Photo Steve (The Scripps Research Images/Shutterstock; Library; p93tr: Steve Institute p93tl: and Thomas Gschmeissner/Science Gschmeissner/Science Photo the RCSB Deerinck, Photo Library; Continued on last page Contents Introduction How to Topics use this iv book overview v vi 1 Energy 2 2 Transformation 26 3 Form 58 4 Function 84 5 Movement 112 6 Interaction 136 7 Balance 164 8 Environment 194 9 Patterns 224 10 Consequences 248 11 Evidence 278 12 Models 306 Glossary 326 Index 336 i i i Introduction The MYP biology represent concepts big are exploring focused Every a in single The in contain by studying A Knowing B Inquiring C Processing D Reecting Within statement global those of biology for the this and aid experience. Higher We and categorized targets is to is develop After the introduced more into that four are criteria, accomplished in the topic are also is the each the particular, to for the conceptual promote summative framed by to a one of the eAssessment. care has within guide of a at of of end of the taken to MYP provides ensure all book. student’s most DP the Organization been this specic the content study to The is to experiments addressed Baccalaureate getting the skills. eAssessment Great designed as factual, chapter concepts MYP development and such designed learning of covered meant activities included activities the list. science objectives, to end taking list foundation Level. book concepts. concept help concepts. for this chapter. included these relating as success In the of International book academic sound at inquiry the are the specic have of approaches students from Overall, we questions. subject-specic topics of impacts questions, contexts, programme, of key related are of evaluating the found of content the two will concepts Related useful chapter or the are designing chapter, data-based of the Science one structure pages, and inquiry understanding on debatable a MYP and and For the disciplines. Each which This structures programme: and and in and understanding to across detail. concept ways MYP disciplines greater with achievement assessment in based. relevant specic descriptions and development i v of this each promote are in opening relation objectives which inquiry disciplines. interdisciplinary deeply is related opens other interdisciplinary six that concepts chapter explored an ideas grounded key on course skills out this exploration of that this book Biology, essential educational will both are of at provide a Standard and How to use this book To help you Concepts, The key inquiry get the global and most context related used in of your and here’s statement concepts, each book, chapter the are of global clearly an overview of its features. inquiry context listed and on the the statement introduction of page. Activities A range the of topics between A B C D activities you studied, biology Practical that and activities encourage research other that you these to think topic and further build about connections disciplines. help you prepare for assessment criteria B & C. L TA Skills These you are Approaches the opportunity mapped become an to 1 A 2 A as well prepare grey red for circle circle allow as is a structured MYP A B C D reect appears to and skills the assessment test you and your analyse criteria before before might are new skills already aimed at or give have. They supporting you a a factual data. A, B conceptual debatable & understanding Data-based of questions help C. question. question. assessment summative These on clusters introduce learner. you study appears in skills assessment Summative There to MYP sections question questions biology, you the Learning independent Data-based These to assessment same way as at the the end of each eAssessment and chapter; covers this all is four criteria. icons indicate which criterion is assessed in that section. Glossary The glossary emboldened contains in the denitions for all the subject-specic terms index. v Topics overview The MYP subject list for Biology consists of nine Cells Metabolsm Interactons Organsms Evoluton Human Processes Interactons These you key Chapter eAssessment Topics topics an are further overview concept, covered of global wth broken where Key down these context and envronment are into statement Global context of between nteractons topics: organsms wth envronments Botechnology sub-topics covered broad within and this inquiry the guide Statement mapping book. of It the also grid learning inquiry below shows ATL in you each gives which chapter. skills concept 1 Energy Change Movement Energy Globalization Humans and sources sustainability need of to nd energy Crtcal that thnkng sklls: Revise understanding based on new transfer Systems do Cell not cause harmful information and evidence respraton, and aerobc irreversible changes and Thnkng to ecosystems and n context: the anaerobc How can we make human environment. respraton Food 2 Transformaton energy more sustainable? chans/webs Bochemstr y and Change enz ymes Word use and Scientic Science is applied Creatve thnkng sklls: technical and to mitigate the Generate metaphors and innovations transformations analogies chemcal associated with aging but equatons Communcaton sklls: sometimes anti-aging Photosynthess Use a variety of organizers for science is misrepresented. writing tasks 3 Form Cell Relationships structure Identities and relationships Relationships organisms between are Communcaton revealed Use and sklls: interpret a range of Tssues by similarities and discipline -specic terms Organs dierences between the Informaton lteracy sklls: Systems myriad of forms. Understand and use Classcaton technology systems Informaton lteracy sklls: Preview build 4 Functon Cell Systems functons Orientation space and in time Each component system must in a per form Crtcal its and sk im videos Mak ing thnkng sklls: reasonable predictions Nutrton specic function at the Aectve sklls: Dgeston right time and place for Practicing Receptors the Senses 5 Movement be Change Duson Fairness and development system as a whole to successful. The changes weather in the patterns caused Osmoss by current economic Tropsms activity Transpraton future translocaton Gas exchange Transpor t and crculaton v i may not be and generations. fair to to understanding resilience Chapter Topics 6 Ner vous Interacton covered Key concept Relationships system Global context Identities and Statement When relationships two of or individuals inquiry more ATL skills Creatve interact, thnkng Generating sklls: analogies Competton they form that, over relationships Thnkng n context: Pathogens/parastes time, impact What is the relationship Predator/prey and contribute to their between Interdependancy video games and identity. identity? Organzaton Preparing 7 Balance Systems Homeostass Fairness and Development development sustainable if is only for sklls: eAssessment Informaton lteracy sklls: systems Present information in Hormones remain in balance. a variety of formats and Ecosystem platforms Cycles ncludng Crtcal nutrient, thnkng sklls: carbon, Addressing counterclaims ntrogen 8 Envronment Change Habtat Habtat change Personal Environments and aesthetic cultural provide Thnkng n context benets or Communcaton expression and inuence sklls: human destructon Collaborate cultural expression, exper ts induced using a variety and of changes conser vaton digital undermine peers but Polluton/ human with environments and these media benets. 9 Patterns Unty lfe and dversty n Relationships Orientation time forms and in space Obser ving allows patterns scientists propose new Creatve to and thnkng theories nnovatve sklls: Generate a testable DNA that Genome mappng explain how the hypothesis and living world works. Crtcal thnkng sklls: applcaton Evaluating Cell evidence and dvson arguments Mtoss Meoss Reproducton Lfe cycles 10 Inhertance Consequences varaton Natural and Change Scientic and Scientic and technical technical innovations can innovation the that impacts change we Crtcal Draw thnkng suppor ted have Reecton selecton on the sklls: world. Consider Specaton sklls: conclusions ethical, cultural and and environmental implications extncton Genetc modcaton Clonng Ethcal 11 Evdence mplcatons Factors aectng human health Relationships Scientic and Healthy lifestyles technical based on innovation relationships can evidence be of between Informaton lteracy sklls: Finding, interpreting, judging and creating Vaccnaton types risks 12 Models Overexplotaton Systems Globalization sustainability Mtgaton of and of of behaviour and information disease. Methods of achieving sustainability can be Crtcal thnkng sklls: Is modelling an essential part adverse developed using models of all research in biology? eects that 3D tssue and explore dierences organ Communcaton between prntng Take class Human sklls: systems. eective and notes make in eective nuences summar y notes v i i 1 Energy Energy is invisible, but its eects are t easily More obser ved. energy some is available regions example, there on the is the Earth poles least to living than are in the available reason for q organisms others. regions energy. where What is this? A huge is needed shuttle amount to into generate used as trailing are fuel. water. ago out living the The To shuttle Hydrogen the fossil of is fuels years remains organisms. of are plumes the millions source space oxygen using of a energy energy, and behind obtained formed get of orbit. this hydrogen 2 in For the What of is oxygen? p All aspects this idea, Jensen as of Dutch refers “animals” organisms have and use made energy, While leading What have that the to be Over at and on muscles, when to the wings in time, other I sheets also dunes beaches, on alive chemicals How did today. rather Hallucigenia How chemical can energy despite than billion a 500 for It obtain that using million movement, used than animals movement half Earth muscles chemical still they it energy wind. for obtain need for more years? the which animals this a strategy too? skeletons want animals had levels. countries the lived It from the blowing. in ago. energy? continue sand these these eventually not sea Is to like The can Hallucigenia years legs, They is of rising surviving and throw environment? used and them wind could p Theo beach. tubes formation from on Strandbeests move. legs Based artist the allows their the energy. plastic impacts their could of coasts other on “live” which even on gigantic energy moving, protect his that wind moving rely physicist to stomachs, store air, life have elements to so put such these they become will Theo as storm animals live increasingly their and out in own water herds better and on the lives. Jensen 3 E N E R G Y Introduction Energy is formally: Key concepts: Change, what destroyed, transferred concept: context: things the happen. capacity to do In physics work. this Energy is stated cannot more be created but it can between be converted objects. Energy from is one form therefore to another closely related Globalization concept Energy and for transport sustainability and in gas. the of q body and future, functions for There Rapeseed for homes are so the comes comes major issues global (Brassica napus) human consumption protein-rich energy Statement Humans 4 the change. from from a about context of food. Energy variety where this of for industry, sources energy chapter will is including come of animal supply in food. the is a and ver y for Could versatile the growing future? inquiry: need to irreversible nd sources changes to of energy ecosystems that and do the not cause harmful environment. crop, production such producing of globalization vegetable biodiesel, crops solve as the well as oils a problems of oil from sustainability. and or to Energy key Global is Systems or Related makes energy and All aspects of ● Movement through have Atoms The energy. radio All the made energy. because a to is of of prey form owing is are energy position, possible radiant through is the all possible that of are of a stored state. of and wind kinetic 5. neurons and of tissues potential which radiant rays, the has energy) because is form also diving by Chapter energy), or gamma falcon blown arteries theme (chemical shape because energy A grains (electrochemical energy) energy energy. pollen molecules messages in kinetic and movement (elastic change forms its Blood of receiving shape of energy: catch concept growth Other to Potential because on possible air and changing Plant rely interacting sending ● is the kinetic energy. ● life exists energy: microwaves light. and waves. cells up in of directions. the more the higher living particles This rapid the organisms, that may movement the of well the Heat is as the rotate particles movement, temperature. as vibrate, is a air and source greater the thermal around move of energy: energy that is are random thermal thermal energy them, in and being q transferred, to generally materials with a from lower a material with temperature, for a higher temperature example, from What to the the kind split source Firewood human body to the environment. In nature, energy is lost from of of in the form of is needed is a this is energy? source of energy all itself—what ecosystems energy rewood? What kind and how is it heat. released? Changes The table biology. more to the gives Draw forms of Light form of examples up an of energy two expanded energy version transformations of the table to in include energy. to chemical Production of foods by photosynthesis Chemical to Bioluminescence light in reies 5 E N E R G Y P L A N TS How Plants do grow deprived of plants towards light. leaves block that plants absorb must Although from light be this some A B C D You into can a energy? do not under sunlight. use it as obtain pondweed look evidence as if they shade source. inside for for Elodea by or suggest Light the plant. evidence, the plants are shows observations energy inside such well the energy scientists energy grow trees, These an chemical obvious, chemical using and walk the and changed seems into experiment, light you of light experiments. energy the When that energy obtain usually conversion doing a of simple Cabomba Hypothesis When plants produce convert light energy to chemical energy they oxygen. Materials A stem of Elodea or Cabomba; a clean, transparent container; tap water Method Fill a clean, Elodea in or water transparent Cabomba and cut that the container has end plenty of the with of water. leaves. Choose Place it a stem upside of down stem. Observations Bubbles rise to of the gas water Suggestions p Elodea releasing oxygen bubbles should for from the cut end of the stem and surface. further stages in your experiment: of 1. Collect 2. Carry the 3. and out a Obtain stem a b) dissolved support your is water gases experiment obtained it your bubbles test to evidence bubbling for that and in of the rate three at need light for they energy light different been write you hypothesis. of bubbling boiled a can Do the different sparkling should understanding that that are is oxygen. needed for energy light by intensities. experiment has results, conrm show measuring c) to oxygen. placed you your of your method when water, the to the simple further Extension Devise test production measuring 6 emerge and water. then Before hypothesis. analyse the rate samples results of a to this pondweed water: cooled you When them photosynthesis? of of to a) remove perform you see tap the have whether experiment they change L TA Critical thinking skills This Revise understanding based equation released new information and the results of used. our hypothesis and reinforce our get but an surprising in science error and in results. it procedures, corrected. On These is not may unusual which other be should occasions, due be the is When not in error and 18 revise our they show that understanding. The experiment understanding may of is example understanding experiments. of that the all we you normal are O, also dioxide show that that isotope given water of oxygen containing all the oxygen that they 16 O rather oxygen from than O. This shows the produced splitting of in photosynthesis water into oxygen need of to hydrogen. T welve molecules of water must the split per glucose, but six new water molecules revise subsequently from Consider the six molecules photosynthesis our process isotope summary than produced, giving the net use shown must the be in a the equation. more summary Clearly, complicated equation suggests. equation Discuss for carbon isotopes photosynthesis. revising comes the with found of Another oxygen results results cause The than release are your from 18 be extension the 16 rather and to come plants to comes are must Experiments incorrect. O. O to of 16 is understanding, some experiments this support that evidence is Sometimes indicates on in your class the meaning of the photosynthesis: following 6H O + 6CO 2 How → C 2 similar are H 6 leaves O 12 + in relation to this text: 6O 6 and terms dogmatic 2 solar steadfast open-minded. panels? Leaves have evolved over millions of years; solar panels have been developed by electrical engineers over recent decades. Consider how similar leaves and solar panels are by making a list of similarities and a list of differences. You could include size, shape, energy source, energy conversion and efciency . u Solar panels increasingly How do A pigment is the green of light are red than a is very why in or blue the and of a that it light into second. In an red and the and order roof of light. blue a higher energy . for the role in but reects green. they cause energy The cannot P L A N TS Chlorophyll light, look chlorophyll, they and energy? important and to tops farmland leaves, jump chemical however, satellites, absorbs plays reach to on former stores absorbs molecule converted on up chlorophyll, unstable, fraction installed arrays substance plants Chlorophyll is electrons how electrons more This in being large build chemical energy. photons particular is a pigment light. When This is main absorbing plants are in level. high-energy store chemical energy energy for to be p stored, of the high-energy chemical compounds electrons such as must be glucose. used Plant quickly cells in can the only production store Variegated plants containing the chlorophyll small but amounts of glucose, so when there is rapid photosynthesis they convert not in starch. This leads us to a testable hypothesis: starch is only produced if there is chlorophyll in a leaf par ts the of the cells leaf lack it the leaf appears yellow by or photosynthesis some chloroplasts pigment others. Where chloroplasts, to have green white. Normal and variegated cell. varieties of privet are shown here 7 E N E R G Y A B C D Hypothesis Starch in a is leaf only produced by photosynthesis if there is chlorophyll cell. Method 1. Put a variegated 2. T est a leaf 3. Cover 4. Put 5. Remove a) b) p The leaves of from part the Dip of plant the the have purple the a plant for healthy in bright leaf leaf and into light test membranes. Put the leaf in a it test in to darkness conrm with a for few for boiling cell plant starch leaf the a that card a few none to is days. present. exclude light. hours. starch. water tube black for of for 20 boiling seconds ethanol to for destroy about all two this Coleus blumei minutes plant Pelargonium green, white to dissolve out the chlorophyll from the leaf and and allow test c) Rinse the d) Spread e) Put areas a few Any present leaf starch that to be of on a to the from green in be leaf more tile the the so the that whole iodine of to ethanol. all of the it leaf diffuse is visible. and into wait the for cells located. that brown turn do of contain contain the these darkness, black not considering each clearly. remove white allow remain by to over could results seen water solution absent illuminated, in minutes your or the parts parts Analyse leaf iodine where f) results reasons regions white of starch. Any starch. for the illuminated starch leaf: and being green white in darkness. Extension Some a leaves hypothesis in purple as Coleus when your 8 your are for leaf get either and You your patterns hypothesis experiment totally whether cells blumei. you different to have have revise colour, one purple produced areas. Suggest photosynthesis plants such understanding that you type. by using your remember leaf just or be hypothesis to but purple testing can your results, of by test may purple starch as there cannot are accept many or reject How is there Plants is are is temperature millilitre rise A B C D × seeds energy for for the of (ml) so (°C) in available choices burn water that but the use Energy content volume the seed stages seeds, of germinates growth. cashews All and there seeds almonds experiment. and one when early sunower measuring water energy so for this seed water. of P L A N TS energy seed? energy method to energy, a chemical simple chemical energy suitable seed in store enough contain A much is the chemical the heat measured degree of seed (ml) × in Celsius (J 4.2 per J / energy released to joules requires gram mass of of content of increase (J). 4.2 seed) food To J = raise of a the one heat temperature (grams). Method 1. Clamp a tube at an angle of about 45° with the clamp at the p top of the Seeds contain chemical 2. Put 20 3. Put a ml of water in thermometer temperature before 4. Measure mass 5. Fix the 6. When that 7. it it the When the seed holding stores onto in is a the the into of a a has and seed tube the the the nished the an electronic and set it balance. alight by ame. seed under (see the tube of water so diagram). burning, its measure seed. needle tube measure and using burner hold touches seed the mounted Bunsen energy tube. burning burning, ame thermometer stir the temperature water with the again. thermometer Results Draw of tube. up a results table to record the type of seed, its mass, test the water temperature before and after burning the seed, tube the measured temperature rise and the energy content per gram of the seed. volume of water Evaluation Dietary information on food packaging gives these values for mounted needle f lame energy content: seed ● sunower ● cashew ● almonds: Discuss the the results Suggest seeds: nuts: 24,700 24,500 reasons given 24,800 on J for per the food improvements J J per per gram gram gram. differences between your results and packets. to the method that you used. 9 E N E R G Y Biodiesel The seeds have energy in diesel from fuel whether of in the large because extracted part used relatively of the seeds some the world. of oil is is of experiment of they used parts “biodiesel” disadvantages previous amounts contain. as the an What are the Oil alternative world. produced using chemical or Find used in out your advantages biodiesel instead of to and fossil fuels? p M E TA B O L I S M How is Molecules chemical released energy such of is then these fact onto all from glucose, energy from glucose fat organisms packets (ATP). and or Spain cells? a for relatively most use the is made (ADP). foods. foods in and used by a to of cell. linking is amount cell. make for This a produce that ATP a large It is a storing molecule phosphate achieved reactions of Energy energy. molecule the This The in amount same energy large tasks therefore smaller of It other other in is a diphosphate fat in contain needed contain triphosphate adenosine pump molecules that small energy or than food that supplying adenosine group glucose molecules remarkable and as fuel released energy—more from number Biodiesel are using release called cell respiration. If p Corn has starch starchy can be sugars. Yeast seeds. The digested can then into be oxygen sequence produce sugar by ethanol anaerobic from used, of the process reactions, but is these E85 is a fuel consisting and 85% be + summarized oxygen in is a long one carbon dioxide + water respiration of ATP 15% oxygen is not available, some cells can perform anaerobic ethanol respiration, much the less which ATP . summary In is a shorter some equation sequence organisms, for such anaerobic fungi, such anaerobic as yeast, respiration as reactions humans that or and is: produces mealworms, is: lactic ADP In of respiration glucose 10 This used If gasoline can respiration. the ADP q aerobic equation: glucose to is acid ATP in plants the summary equation for glucose ethanol ADP Both these glucose not molecule been energy versions fully that produced by of anaerobic than not carbon dioxide ATP broken has + aerobic down. been anaerobic respiration respiration Ethanol released and and respiration in produce because lactic used yeasts to is less the acid ATP . as per glucose contain make used ATP a has chemical Ethanol fuel for cars, NH 2 where the remaining energy is released by combustion. C Refer to the diagram these things: in the margin and research ATP to nd out N N C HC C CH O 1. In the diagram 2. What do 3. What are of ATP , what do the letters C, H, N, O and P O O N N represent? HO P O P O P O OCH 2 the single and double lines represent? HO the names of each of the differently colored parts of HO HO H H H the H molecule? HO 4. What is removed from ATP to make a) ADP , b) AMP and p c) can release is means released in diagrams D Method Set up 1. is by of the the something respiration, amount of rate so happens to nd respiration experiments apparatus needed Explain must of energy M E TA B O L I S M in the a rate occurring below show certain of in a time. energy period methods for Energy release, of time. doing this. be what shown that type carrying gives of in a the diagram mass reading respiration the and leave to hundredth yeast a it running of a The mass of the 3. Explain What these apparatus is expected to gradual causes this possible loss trends of in of mass? mass increase in the rate of to loss: in mass a of 4 c) no further Suggest with a mass one data loss mass in daytime loss advantage after of a than few at electronic balance connected to a loss. and nutrients higher electronic oxygen sugar b) An entry yeast a days. decrease solution a) several cells prevent steadily. for gram. out. airlock 2. (ATP) A the balance the in measure much cells The B triphosphate cells? how measure C we in you A Adenosine adenosine? How Rate OH data-logging computer night. days. recording the results logger. 11 E N E R G Y A B C D Method Set up and the place water up, B three them bath inject capillary at a tubes in a 30°C. small tubes, shown hot When drop near in block of the the they have colored top. diagram heater If or into uid air the starts glass to move down the tube, measure how far 1. in millimetres What is the potassium every purpose of hydroxide dr y beads peas germinating it peas mesh moves fluid heated uid the colored a basket minute. the cotton solution? potassium 2. The in uid the is tube 3. What are 4. What is 5 expected to containing the the correct purpose units tube with b) the tube containing how be the glass for beads the method compared peas. What measuring instead dry the be in ● of modied is Energy as is ● ATP This ● tasks used cell Energy to is is moving from the such soil into of as already cells from 12 much than ATP in of the the has to pump the active transpor t ions soil, be into uid? to also into the performed DNA. and are energy called small for of ATP in Chapter for part cell. explored rate of energy release during when of a they are energy into fully ions to a higher active cell to in are ATP: molecules called Chapter other 2. particles concentration. changed from transport. Chemical supplies cells is from larger in and Energy movement. Muscle using more lower ATP cells? molecules pumping a in transformations transport. energy. one cells explored from required amounts the for in These active kinetic from that needed transform and whole so energy energy another and particular contracting. for also use is moving for considerable Movement is 5. plant. The these higher the roots potassium ● concentration of peas? electrochemical components sur face movement membranes process changed the movement? seed. are provides chemical ions this improved of reactions also across and types proteins anabolic on of energy different such transfer rate germinating different What Many Cells causes peas? could accurately M E TA B O L I S M p solution of: the could in downwards germinating a) Explain move soaked hydroxide ions inside so the the energy used In a few species, ATP supplies energy for chemical reactions is to cells by that make changed part into of the light. body ash or glow, so chemical energy is Data-based question: Energy requirements of humans The table shows the energy requirements of different groups of humans. Energy Age requirement (MJ per day) Females range (years) Males Low Moderately Ver y Low Moderately Ver y activity active active activity active active level level 1–2 3.6 4.0 7–8 5.5 6.5 7.5 6.0 7.1 8.2 14–15 8.7 10.2 11.8 10.6 12.5 14.4 15–16 8.9 10.4 12.0 11.3 13.3 15.3 17–18 8.9 10.5 12.0 12.1 14.3 16.4 p The rey squid (Watasenia scintillans) lives in the Western Pacic at depths where little light penetrates. It emits ashes 1. State two 2. Suggest processes in human cells which require energy. of light from groups of light- emitting cells, using energy a reason for increasing energy requirements as boys from ATP and an enzyme grow older. (luciferase). The ashes of light are used to attract the small sh 3. a) Calculate the percentage increase in energy requirement on which it feeds. for a 14–15-year-old games b) 4. Explain Explain a) and how what they starts eat training the will food boy extra happen that stops with energy in a a playing football is used boy’s or team. in the girl’s each day containing more each day containing less computer boy’s body body. if: energy than their requirement b) they eat food energy than their requirement. 5. a) b) 6. State the grow from Suggest Draw a bar moderately How in is some any of it reason chart to active is energy to for 17–18 the years different display boys requirement the and energy boys and girls old. trends energy girls, as for in boys and requirements all boys or for generated girls. for all girls. and lost M E TA B O L I S M organisms? energy particles in 15–16 thermal living Whenever a trends changes changed into involved their temperature most chemical to rises. from one thermal vibrate Thermal reactions—the form to energy. or move energy products The also the inside energy around is of another change more causes rapidly, generated reaction cells, so during are at a 13 E N E R G Y q Despite and cold light winter clothing, weather higher temperature energy hockey players are warm, umpire standing more reactants, because some chemical changes into thermal increase when energy. we run. For example, Chemical we energy experience in glucose a is behind used needs the but temperature the than these to generate the kinetic energy of our moving body, but at the insulation same heat All time in some our normal This is of the chemical energy of the glucose changes to muscles. cellular true for experiment all using activities organisms vacuum therefore and asks vacuum can and generate be thermal demonstrated energy. with a simple peas. f lasks germinating dry peas peas cotton wool thermometers temperature Generation of hotter their than system, question: Some can cameras infrared images radiation that they take are some. They Infrared photographs instead produce of living There energy Data-based so visible show the thermal of and organisms course are the spider the subjects. in dark with person’s blue areas increasing yellow, 1. a This orange How was Which and the was 14 for was red The coolest only ever eventually of the losing the your able spider more using light. 3. to The spider or or as the to the lose heat this—you temporary—all lose it to the to often a be organisms environment makes hotter their may Explain the the palms temperature of the hands Was the spider losing less) green, the hands? the hands? environment or Explain answer. in to a them colder surroundings. able to think of generate thermal the of form difference and heat gaining of more). measure and to from heat. the between ngers. to the tarantula (22.8°C or usually organisms passes temperature temperature heat answer. a living Heat photography showing (35.9°C camera surroundings, reasons hands. shows temperatures temperature 2. image in exceptions 4. of energy surroundings. or probes Give your heat from it? L TA Thinking How You can can The 2 Energy we total living 3 Is 4 What 5 The in on food food the a an can do sources we do of What do one is not our obtain animal’s and can their body organism. divide consume. animals These are into called other any these Earth fuel are questions: huge. activities other than energy food exercising source everyday by p of lives in What our source that on energy in a humans rowing are cells. apart the Are from reasons there any for this? humans food? each use? machine case and and what make human energy other substances substances categories use p another energy commuting conversions are as according organisms. by chemical sources to sustainable? E C O L O G Y produced contain useful more Commuting to work energy? particularly trophic to Exercising on a rowing machine consuming with These are to to sustainable? lives? supplied carbohydrates on more sustainable? obtain energy is use use answers humans person the the respiration energy daily in of humans show their by that for animals consumed Fats We released today energy debating Spraying pesticide on a food crop Animals the is car. in by requirements photographs in human issue production work How in this Earth are What p make energy happening 6 context explore 1 to in what of Each cell digesting energy. energy. they groups. ● Animals that consume plants ● Animals that consume primary are called primary consumers are consumers. called secondary consumers. ● Animals that consume secondary consumers are called tertiary consumers. ● Animals are ● that consume dead organic matter and micro-organisms detritivores. Plants are instead group of not consumers obtaining called it because from other they make organisms. their They own are food in a trophic producers. 15 E N E R G Y Trophic Study levels the in the table and deduce the trophic level p Tiger p Monarch p Mosquito p Whale p Panda p Potato p Dog p Chimpanzee tapeworm Interactions 16 photographs between species due to feeding are explored of each butter y organism. caterpillar shark aphid more fully in Chapter 6. How does energy enter and E C O L O G Y leave ecosystems? You have already live alone. and much of air, a of forest. together Systems concept we A two An an and and in is a Open rock. the set later of is have an in for of therefore all the of cannot energy surroundings developed system such organisms as in the a an lake area environment. biology. that organisms supplies non-living ecological (abiotic) chapters take Here systems we as introduce the key the concept fully. or interdependent components. There system: where substances systems is concept more living their composed interacting of on Biologists which that organisms depend non-living them types chapter other also important systems Closed this on ecosystem consider chemical ● They their are main in ecosystem, with system are ● shall soil an seen depend more. water, concept or They resources and where can enter or exit, including both energy. energy can enter or exit, but p chemical Forest ecosystems are sustained by sunlight, but most river resources cannot be removed or replaced. ecosystems are sustained by energy energy the energy in dead organic matter that enters the river open system chemical Making a closed system resources mesocosm t A glass jar was lled with water 1. a) What is the only thing that has entered the mesocosm since the only that and mud from a pond and it was then sealed to create a closed set up? system. Since then it has been kept on a sunny lab windowsill. b) What is thing was lost When the photograph was from the mesocosm? taken it had been there for 18 years. Layers of dierently coloured bacteria 2. Explain whether bacteria that rely on have aerobic respiration for their energy developed including green and could survive in the mesocosm. yellow photosynthetic types. This type of small experimental 3. Explain whether life could be sustained ecosystem is called a in the mesocosm for millions of years, or mesocosm. You could make whether it will inevitably die out after up a mesocosm to investigate a how closed systems function, time. but you must ensure that no 4. Discuss whether larger organisms than organisms are harmed if you bacteria could evolve in the mesocosm. do this. 17 E N E R G Y Most natural entering and generate useful and not form of a amount organisms entering supplies of the sunlight. in unless ecosystem. are dead with leaving. cannot might of energy an all lose to most heat as into living any to the to organisms other of the more organisms increase. This surroundings and does the systems. will decrease heat is ecosystems, from substances temperature ecosystems matter this ecosystem other lost chemical ecosystems, the ecosystem some organic In change whole energy In also some expect the organisms loses energy die There of You the whole will open, and temperature because as are substances energy energy . the happen ecosystem p other thermal indeed The ecosystems energy that other and replaced are the by enters energy as sustained ecosystems or by by Sunlight sustains shallow coral inorganic chemical reactions. reefs, but does not penetrate far below the surface. What is the energy source there? Data-based The diagram in the Bay of Lake question: shows of energy Quinte Ontario, on Energy ow the Canada. in ow deep northern There is in a deep-water water 1. Suggest shore photosynthesis in this little ecosystem. down feed from organisms water. The dead surface which by ltering organisms numbers organic waters defecate Detritivores mostly larger on feed the that and on lake feed indicate and the die State on the the 3. from a) which in square are small metre per day (kJ m the Of the from losses from insect larvae ). from maturing the lake. into ecosystem ying These on the of of take taken them Suggest heat adults losses in as in, the by reasons for are as respiration. that 33.7% is the lost percentage carnivores of as the that is the difference in of energy taken in that is heat. and Deduce with reasons whether not or a closed system. organic matter 5990 2625 1705 1670 detritivores other e.g. bivalve carnivores 4960 microorganisms 2790 molluscs midge and lar vae 300 dead 18 most lost heat. heat dead and from energy diagram. bacteria releases due open shown organisms There 4. migrating of kilojoules lost to lack ecosystem. −1 day this kJ Calculate percentage energy of form 4960 energy are b) per in heat. detritivores. −2 group detritivores deep Carnivores ow the this sinks micro-organisms water. energy that comes in for in or matter that reason Microenergy organisms a photosynthesis 2. no ecosystem organisms 1085 and feces this is an the What prevents long food chains E C O L O G Y from developing? A food chain previous and on. a is a series organism continue When tertiary with real in a food consumer terrestrial food of the organisms, chain. primary chains and chain is each Food consumer, are very studied, little shown of To marine the gets consumer extend beyond that and so beyond stage. A below: zebra food chain shown here gives lion the sizes and typical lengths albatross (1 µm) (20 0 µm) (10 0 mm) (80 0 mm) let the us sense reasons consider that it contained of the been lost as in in consumers. even energy by of feeding lion was Less chains and and body. But in than bodies therefore they food catch its the less the that heat. primary get for can energy remains consumers of the squid energy grass on producer copepods the has rarely a cyanobacteria explain much feeds with organisms. stages, in which start secondary they food grass The of chains of inevitably If there the at the are zebra zebra of less earlier an stage lion obtain has ate energy Lions that than consumers animal in the can food chemical used this was other a up energy in the secondary zebras in four dominant the and and beyond is already it energy tertiary So, The to that the zebras. get extending zebra. a grass 10% energy. an the kill the the rarely and food increase other chain, its supply chain. 19 E N E R G Y We could energy to do are Which is Humans my can consumers, Find levels. best for human u be far population a you if at food you from eat Data-based of chart Each that place already this at grass?”. are is are The on from don’t answer instead grass the is to than lions that kill they and lions ecosystem. increase their are not digest and they Perhaps it supply well prey. adapted Zebras therefore is the of zebra obtain and not dominant. us tertiary we at which barbecue —what eating. of trophic given higher are each that than 7 trophic level the billion? level are it? data bar from Pyramids the represents Silver the of energy Springs amount River of in energy Florida, taken −2 units “Why adapted feeding energy that or food efciently, question: shows energy . is what globally, energy better more lion secondary on foods Thinking using Select The of eating question level? primary, depending examples these is trophic by the this—they much the ask kilojoules per square metre per year (kJ m USA. in by all This the type of chart organisms in is a called trophic a pyramid group. The −1 year ) tertiary consumers 280 secondary consumers 6210 primary consumers 14,150 producers 87,400 1 a) Calculate the amount of energy taken in by producers that does not pass to primary consumers. b) Suggest not 2 a) Of two have the more energy consumers. passes b) 3. 20 to Explain There are possibilities taken in Calculate tertiary how no energy for at what the by the end happens of primary the to year this than consumers, percentage of energy energy, at the 43.5% taken assuming the producers start. eventually in that by passes secondary to secondary consumers consumers. energy can quaternary pass from consumers in one this consumer to ecosystem. another. Explain the reasons for this. that do Summative Statement Humans and of assessment inquiry need to irreversible nd sources changes to of energy ecosystems that and do the not cause harmful environment. Introduction This assessment plantations: by the and is threats UNEP based and Global available principally opportunities on for Environmental a report tropical Alert entitled Oil ecosystems, Service palm published (GEAS) in 2011 at To A B C D begin Energy 1. the in Energy form a) assessment, cannot to be another. Rainforest is created Deduce cut c) Sunlight d) Palm oil e) Food containing USA. [1] an swamps oil of a) here c) d) as palm oil is leaves in a and the of biomass from and of arrows ows from these land one for one cases. oil palm contrast and the to to is oxidize. [1] produced. [1] [1] person (left) animal in Europe or the trophic and groups are (yellow), The groups indicates group a oil between (blue). the and by detritivores omnivores the the size of of the animals amount of another. source detritivores in of energy the natural [2] natural in energy ow rainforest State the reason reason plantation is happen replaced when by an an oil [1] for plantation a in peat vehicle. eaten energy (green), plantation? palm clear the The (red) Suggest allowing biodiesel show in changes oil by palm palm the to (right). herbivores of burned plantation rainforest. change happens rainforest owing area and can change natural width What what but a Compare for b) used indicates the energy carefully. destroyed drained, absorbed consumers carnivores circles are animals palm primary and is diagrams groups report [1] Peat is or down b) The the ecosystems plantations. 2. read the than for a than much in the higher the lower biomass natural rainforest. biomass natural of of carnivores [1] omnivores rainforest. in in the oil [1] 21 E N E R G Y 3. One hundred orangutan habitats World and Fund on that for there in The in natural 2016 in oil logged intact the in on the by the Borneo parts of parts logged 230,000 rainforest estimates and forest, palms than 41,000 show 1930 intact and were here more tropical Population maps natural trees probably their inhabited was rubber were Sumatra. Nature Sumatra. of there and orangutan where plantations ago pygmaeus) Borneo Wide Borneo island (Pongo on 7,500 years of the forest, and 2010. forest forest industrial plantations p Areas of Borneo orangutan Source: The in inhabited 1930 Ministr y (in of by p Intact green) Forestr y, Source: 2009 a) orangutan ii) plantations B C D originally of formerly areas of 1930. Discuss intact the 4. shows table (100 the Oil m × total or maps palm inhabited forest by oil assess areas have where 100 crop effects energy how m) global or on etal much of oil four their of forest been PLoS on or 2010 ONE 9(7): not: Borneo established ha of is of forest for [1] in were living vegetable produced different oil yield −1 year has crops per are oils hectare grown and also Planted area (million hectares) ) 94.15 Sunower 460 23.91 680 27.22 3620 10.55 (canola) plantations [2] 400 palm (2014), as in [1] Soybean Oil well production. Average (kg Rapeseed as Borneo whether orangutan orangutan. content when area clearance −1 2 2 all to DLA in doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101654 orangutan remain logging harmful Measuring The the forests, [1] whether more in inhabited rubber areas had A information i) in b) the logged plantations Gaveau e101654. Analyse iii) and industrial The yield than the yield per of oil other palm crops three hectare is in crops, higher, kilograms but the to per hectare determine energy is whether content of the much the higher energy different oils is needed. a) Suggest palm b) a oil testable and one an energy content of i) the types oil ii) how iii) details iv) B C D risks Analysis 5. other Design experiment you of of will the experiment A hypothesis a) and and Present to type of that your oils. you table. test must of energy in [2] should by measuring the include: [2] energy you amount hypothesis This will the variables the relative content keep of the constant oil in [5] the you will minimize them. [3] evaluation of include Display test two the [3] results oils row quantitative b) to from measure how the content the oil for the in of a your clear and column variables. results graph or experiment and detailed headings to measure results and SI table. units the energy Remember for [3] using chart. a to suitable suction pump [3] thermometer c) Use calculations to evaluate the stirrer energy yields oil the and other investigated. d) Suggest per crop of that palm you have [3] scientic differences hectare in reasons energy for yield the between coiled to the crops. The diagram calorimeter measure shows which the a your to is energy Suggest method in water food designed content water to of foods glass accurately. on tube heat [3] the e) copper transfer how it three walls improves ways. [3] electrical supply heating to element heatproof which ignites the base food oxygen sample of food 23 E N E R G Y A B C D Sustainability The article here of palm was oil posted production online in 2015 at crop-42165. It was the written advisor Read If you people a happen outside particularly years, media to of positive images degraded a feeling to richer countries organize products Australia. palm oil that especially about an whose rich in oil Africa that oil for palm as tens of trees producing such as are oil of oil crops On 6–10 The is of per times in also years oil soil is is more to in people a tonnes China, wide and was seed and less than This is instead olive and there are nearly in owned content destructive palm and is annual annual times palm plots I of to a oil palm oil, it additional to rich produce as of the in this type of To oil it of is used shower only lauric yield oil. lauric cosmetics where The much by in many liquids, palm 3 “big viable acid this comes plant completely would tropical consumers containing In farm require land. who coconut for of returned Sarawak where palm crop. smallholder which country, 40% that individual Indonesia, producing is business” million whom recently in oil oil. about plots. oil up misconception account have visit all is in Much products palm food, and products. just Europe palm for and oil. rich realized use of is the of overwhelmingly productive oil ten Another at crops to but from in million detergents. that 10% rarely Board. million India oil, food palm to 70 to used replace 50 edible from coconut cultivating is salad farmland washing oil Oil global exported oil products. coconut, researcher Palm almost mostly or to least laundry substitute fruit exported alternative choose oil is is component toothpaste, gels is of critical oil 85% processed at oil cleaning was total from we is oil In is fact, growers, family- the largest smallholder the a saw at Agriculture below. estimated oil were prime amount a palm in of total of and Malaysian cooking crops Biotechnology crop? the a of independent Food Malaysia, require The acid, as an the questions Over and range oilseed is palm where including same the Professor the the of (Mt). Indonesia basis, temperate, required. 2014, uniquely soybean, Soil a ancestors efcient a as western and oilseed have organic highly tree cultivated hectare years. compared the story vitamin- billion people temperate 30 heard, African gatherer (canola), rich where been by Palm In If he and answer production is include wonder from 4,000 a trees around disrupted ploughing has as about where that hectares day. bre or who Nations then Kingdom a Wales, would oil story is and a the chocolate. wholesome, hunter than rapeseed plantations less our crop. sunower. lifetime tree to This 3 has that palm frequently to and attempts another billion millennia. productive palm 2 get typically of Murphy, United most to There United bountiful a every much by less and and the the recent has evil of cosmetics is to some been countries. provide feeds an in of ear th, orangutan is have much oil Over oil boycotts there richer food harvested for is oil France, But the forests. Indeed, from ancient of palm there countries The source in fruits 150 displaced consumer include palm South J organizations passage unlikely reaction. of the palm are tropical stopped. ranging Examples and of that needs to be you coverage burning, of mention Asia included been 24 scourge of to Organization oil: Denis University and Palm by crop area. fact-nding some of the innovative oil palm Over of ways the past informed away an from a towards a the bountiful encouraging independent social by has The that of has all There is over also this soils, oil palm farmed of CO is a some and the such of as grow oil can poor markets nature When release crops. edible in of an tropical targeted aim soon analysis in to a impact impact use the severe areas reserves climate where has a occurred. to establish where to to examine and need and palm superior Borneo planting cycle and of studies land in life measure climate improve and plantations corridors. oil onto be oil is palm, and sensitive is also essential Asia. By by palm for working solutions oil palm. to further forest eventually uniquely food security consumers many of Hopefully regain its as includes and to efcient together that processors oil signicant native and a community develop faced many minimized that enable is sometimes other of a basis rigorous which upland less farmers, problems more include international we and than decisions peat. ecological palm palm and scientists, amounts the crop Africa a Two facing But of undoubtedly should halted. and did between encroachment improperly But be are challenges example large will wildlife areas of oil rather soils, case-by-case crops, impact reserves There compared been of that peat environmental conclusions with a type biodiversity connections and have on change industry, oil crops. deal The active analysis which great or aimedat palm study of potential change globally on the comparable, the chain. One is conclude farming overall and norm”. oil on overall the temperate the rainforests farms. recent of soils palm oil most The the their found the Oil, supply effort cultivation. these oil. oil of on made assessment environmental Palm ecological soybean research peat for or robust the be Another as and of the members the impact habitats rapeseed of been increasingly the environmental other an of of research understanding One palm They depending that cons “transform 2,000 40% sectors international to to oil scourge and palm Sustainable should swing palm has certify of to approach reasonably to vision represent covering a body conserved. growing pendulum of pros crop. sustainable RSPO the started nuanced tropical on a making so view genuine are blanket-ban environmental credentials Roundtable RSPO, or has people crops. developments establishment and year simplistic more recognizes local other opinion unmitigated this that alongside the this rightful will place 2 found oil some palm of types crops of peat without can high readily CO as support one of the stars in the pantheon of global crops. emissions, 2 while 6. List others examples address 7. Denis palm Murphy oil 8. There of gives Write Apply argument. are a a un-farmed in by the article palm strong and oil of argument counter-argument has caused scientic to science production. in on of the palm harm ecosystems effectively in to [5] support based tropical language helping in oil that South- your [5] links information journals. left caused production Asia. be mentioned problems production. East should in Explain information. the used, the online which version are of this scientic importance of article papers giving to the sources published sources in of [5] 25 2 Transformation Claims ancient were Egypt emerged out moistened the Nile; material (photo); been turn would the all The High in line in paths enjoy. of of non- living possible? a public that a raised served district The years of line 1980s and derelict it into that is volunteers. remaining transformed 2 6 is that the many and it by Manhattan. after Is York industrial closed These into formerly railway for dead examples Line New maintained was can (spontaneous generation). park also dust and material organisms an have maggots. be be eels transformation living It guts could that eas into from that into there claims into esh water the earthworms mice philosopher claimed from in earth with transformed that of Greek Aristotle of made all was gardens can Diamonds forms of element rare are the into are unusual extremely 4.5–6.5 between Nearly more old. The desert ephemeral great in central plants natural Australia germinating, shows. Why do rarely receives growing and ephemeral rain, but owering plants in when in deserts just it a have does few a such a showy in and pressures and of of 1,300°C. billion does one of temperatures this transformation weeks, special diamonds than What forms transformed in and 900 all are conditions: high Pa the They other only diamonds very of common carbon. because carbon one are years suggest? occurs, the with world’s owers? 27 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Introduction A transformation matter Key and is living a radical organisms change can all of form. undergo Energy, chemical transformations. Energy concept: Change transformations transformation Related concept: context: Identities particles and reactions are molecules relationships Metabolism structural in over with a the shoot until bamboos, wherever Statement 2 8 tips leading happen Small this differs hundred type 1; the other types of chapter. of the there they of plants to a plant is are produce reproductive a is a mass only hundred owering, growing in stems phase the or in more with and which all leaves only years is old. the ways. is for of changes can transform our are or the species advantage identity. in even of and years are out its and 3 this and then seed, are This an the the between structure their cells cells roles. bamboos, setting the signicant Chapters carr ying this? cell different In inside example, particular produced. owering inquiry: chemical for for bonds so simultaneously a causing Radically months After cells, in which made, reactions humans, described owers members world. What In in are organisms occurring between specialized and bonds chemical reactions divergence. each new Living different differentiation occurs Chapter of transformations and changed. of Collectively, The in subject are broken is thousands described the Transformation Chemical Global are are of perform cells. metabolism. chemical can be produced process and transformed is as a result, called 4. irreversible transformation transformation bamboo transformation plant at may dies. the not In same some time, Transformations structure such in the life produces Gamete genetic the living Without greatest us of starts genes and natural undergo are change from in hand in relationships others with in that and inherited sexual larval stage reproduction. meiosis, cells overall animals, or mature the halves breaks from up parents. reproduction, of all selection, in biology, would transformations probably us many sexual with of the be slow. transformations years In in juvenile the for transformation by extremely of into a chromosomes meiosis evolution The cycle production combinations All turn gametes of happen organisms. transformation number the also transformations stage that of can the that the being this occur most a of family community. into an identity our as they adult. are members lives. teenage signicant, child change with during during Hand changes and with Transformations that occur lives during can all teenage be traced years and at ultimately other to times changes in in our Testosterone to star t breeding the happens metabolism chapter of our therefore cells. is The global identities and context of Teenage but it years can also are be a time of change, at in the late adult antlers end fall: of in male the summer. when elk (Cervus canadensis) spring, A females in preparation second stop for transformation releasing sex this pheromones, testosterone the be levels in males drop, causing relationships. elk causes growing with new interests and new antlers of to these relationships two shed. What are the advantages to male transformations? developing. Sometimes this is easy and fun, challenging 2 9 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N B I O C H E M I S T R Y What A is chemical chemical changed differ is steam the not the is The and a reaction a of also an causing an right, with a that Reactants an or is arrow to as into in that reaction happens in shown linking them a on to a simple word equation to simply formed. from its releases reactive, sugar and in sugar produce water takes in energy But a chemical surroundings: heat to energy the from its drop. reaction the left show can and the reactants In water water involves and energy reaction highly that reaction Dissolving the the are properties chemical are is are with, gas. products temperature are both steam a a water. Boiling broken take a endothermic transformation equation. reactants release surroundings, reaction are which because liquid bonds reaction of which starts chemical example, substances. a reaction have For both Reactants, a compound reaction, from surroundings; The stable chemical chemical can products hydrogen, chemical not that reactants. more reversibly exothermic transformation. The chemical same as a reaction? compounds the transformation changes, an of much also converted is or products. those oxygen produces still reaction into between are chemical elements from water a be represented products direction of on with the change. products the reactants and products are named. For example: hydrogen We can give chemical us use the formula more formula each of hydrogen the is water oxygen information for example for + about substance reaction H and for a reaction and that the produces oxygen is O 2 of each oxygen of these atom gases and we use the quantities. water again. because Let The molecules 2 contain two if relative two hydrogen atoms. atoms, A so water the molecule formula is H has O. one If we 2 write is the twice equation as much thus, oxygen the + H cannot correct this the left as is not on balanced, the O 2 We equation on H 2 by because there right: O 2 changing the formula of water to H O 2 because we that must is a double different the substance—it amount of water, is hydrogen which we peroxide. show as 2H 2 Instead O. 2 However, more the equation hydrogen on the is right H 2 3 0 still + O 2 not than balanced on the because left: 2H 2 O there is now If we double perfectly the amount of hydrogen + O 2 The equation two hydrogen each of balance 1. The the tells us molecules following two reaction red O that individual O are oxygen balanced and produced when molecule. if not, can you reaction the soil to in in all living that happens CO cells converted H 3 to O + break down toxic O 2 of O ) absorbed by water 2 2 aerobic + cell 2 respiration O 6 CO CO 2 produce Light-induced changed and H O which 2 is dioxide (which is the sum of reactions): 12 (NH is one CO happens H 6 it molecules 2 process C Light is peroxide: overall many in with carbon + 2 The equation cells: H 4. water equations between blood reaction hydrogen The the 2 react 2 3. 2H 2 that H The left, them? inside 2. the balanced: 2H Is on urea from carbon + 2 H + H 2 urine dioxide is and O O 2 hydrolysed by bacteria ammonia: CO 2 + NH 2 3 changes in from the retina cis-retinal exposure to light? of to Is the eye by retinal, trans-retinal this a in chemical causing just a few reaction? part of the molecule picoseconds. Is it a Has the to rotate molecule so that been transformation? light cis–retinal trans–retinal 31 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A B C D Gather of the What the materials following is the a that evidence banana that 1. Cut 2. Put 3. Add some 4. Add dry 5. Boil water in 6. Boil water containing 7. Add drops of some you experiments. and drops dry yeast of an a a new apple iodine yeast to a need to a carry your substance and small of on sugar cut cut of and observations being the the amount out observations is observe solution solution test and Organize on a the changes table of your that own occur in each design. formed? surfaces surface hydrogen leave into for of twenty pieces peroxide twenty minutes of in later. banana a test minutes or and apple. tube. longer if possible. tube. vinegar egg to B I O C H E M I S T R Y white egg in a test tube. white. What eect chemical The rate increase placed of a does enzyme have on a reaction? reaction reaction above an the can rates be increased without arrow in a being by a catalyst. changed chemical Catalysts themselves, so they are equation. catalyst reactants A catalyst cannot endothermic, the reaction An like can is a pH. currently by whether reduce is happen more being be it if if a speeds by reaction cells. up a are high extremely the a is energy is to get strongly is present. biochemical proteins, and temperatures, complex The or needed catalyst Enzymes living called exothermic energy activation this damaged and by are so is of Even the of itself. be large made enzyme energy). unless catalyst, can are reaction amount chance altered they They a the (activation biological only an can not there proteins of catalysed it will without other changes it but enzyme reaction change started exothermic, available, but products or molecules reactants in a and reaction substrates. enzyme substrates Unlike range of most of enzyme this They therefore biochemical up non-biological reactions. acts reactions. products catalysts, show as For enzymes do enzyme-substrate the catalyst example, in the just not one enzyme catalyse specicity. or a small catalase catalase hydrogen 32 peroxide water + oxygen wide type group only reaction: a Each of speeds A B C D Note: Hydrogen peroxide solution is used in this experiment. It is corrosive, so it is important not to get any −3 in the potato eyes or tissue on is skin being or clothes. used as a 1.0 mol source of dm is a catalase, suitable but concentration. other live tissues The can instructions also be here assume that used. 3 1. Put 5 2. Add of cm hydrogen peroxide solution into a test tube. test tube 3 0.5 hydrogen 5. Add ve same of cm liquid detergent and gently mix in with the peroxide. 4 × 4 × 4 time start mm an cubes of electronic uncooked potato and at the timer. total 3. A layer of Measure 4. Stop foam the taking should depth of develop foam measurements above every when the depth the foam is not increasing Calculate the maximum rate of oxygen Fur ther can also try test cubes the any experiment variables). of Repeat B. Use (the In the grind it a potato case per cubes of of the the in glowing below. variable) minute. with and a listed result before heat-treat the the number pulp temperature Repeat plunging experiment same to by experiments independent each the solution, D. foam the production A. Use detergent of potato experiments You oxygen with production perminute. C. peroxide volume. solution 5. foam minute. hydrogen in of solution. you Try a to of adding it to boiling the but water all other result cubes, of to conrm you factors that only are before chop you cubes each is do of it vary kept variable) potato but hydrogen 20 it that dependent the before for into sure number potato size, that (the predict different size same and need splint Make the cube oxygen. factor constant the an is one You in can each (control maximum rate of experiment. same into size. smaller pieces or peroxide. putting seconds them and into then let the hydrogen them cool to peroxide the ambient laboratory. experiment using hydrogen peroxide solution and potato cubes warmed to higher temperatures. E. Substitute could try the hydrogen water, ethanol peroxide and with sparkling other liquids to which detergent has been added. You water. Conclusions What properties of enzymes have you demonstrated in your experiments? 3 3 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N B I O C H E M I S T R Y How do Enzymes are structure. reactants site. The enzymes proteins As in a part of chemical reactants an with this are in below. In the example products, but the substrate a very reaction enzyme-catalysed may shown numbers be two distinctive structure, of they can substrates events vary—there work? of bind. the both is This is region region and The shown one in one and where is the active two products for (S) of diagrams and product the sequence the substrate substrates substrates a enzyme. reaction there three-dimensional have can example. products (P) active site enzyme (E) enzyme–substrate complex Binding shape them to start the new bonds former reaction. site or at reactants rule. tell enzymes that on, what have names enzymes the the dehydrogenase with –in should end International substrate removes of an ● Nitrate reductase ● Iodotyrosine deiodinase ● Phosphoglucose isomerase at the in –ase, Union of enzyme hydrogen What do these enzymes do? 34 after and then active each all a of from of Only an into in the active more (E) active energy the site, site. it have the This easier needed to broken, products which in of returns the to its substrates. enzyme have compatible substrates This catalyses of of change making substrates enzyme’s group and creates products. enzyme slight substrate, amount the an a substrate what accept particular very the is causes the bonds this site changed type both enzyme (EP) can explains one chemical bind the chemical reactions shapes to its specicity reaction where the similar. enzymes Later us be in site within lowers released can and most are bonds Soon complex active bonding of properties. and enzymes: the which are and chemical to formed They shape and only, few are substrates of decided break, The active A chemical weakening reaction. Naming substrates and triggers for of enzyme–product (ES) all for but example, the Biochemistry is, from end, so and an the rst decided type organic pepsin few acid of that reaction called and enzymes the trypsin, to be name catalysed. malate during but early discovered of For an on enzyme example, aerobic it was follow this should malate respiration. What biochemical inside Cells tiny our perform volume happen B I O C H E M I S T R Y cells? many of transformations chemical cytoplasm. transformations For example, a simultaneously human hepatocyte in a (liver −12 cell) has a volume of 3.4 × 10 liters (between three and four 3 billionths way anything These of of inside as In a can are a reaction and Because of initial a All in is enz yme the series a of points, of a in a can controlled achieve accomplished pathway. reactions, fed where ways of substrate or of for but into two in Most there a series metabolic some them. are Sometimes, products where the between next. They specicity, in a rst rst into are are a metabolic enz yme metabolic the intermediates, is of a reaction the end both a choice is product products called of enzyme is the is pathway. enz yme end C intermediate process of one intermediates. different second B intermediate example happen humans typically metabolic molecules substances reaction A by processed. substrates each are different enzyme-substrate for reactions sequences branching the of designed called transform pathway, substrate An plant this. linear have via reaction. required of that molecule metabolic nal as processed transformed, thousands transformations cycles how yet collectively consist pathway reaction ), chemical complex steps, metabolic over cm No chemical small pathways a a it. cell product respiration, in which glucose is broken down to release energy; another is What are between which converts simple inorganic substances including carbon water have 1. been glucose discovered and by Phenylalanine Proteins have are the There a into made same are 20 different R of basic carbon biochemists, to compounds, such as the but many examples more an pathways underground railway system? below. tyrosine subunits called amino acids. All amino acids structure. different group. other similarities metabolic dioxide and and the photosynthesis, amino Of these acids 20, 9 in proteins, amino each acids are of which essential has in H H O amino the human diet because they cannot be synthesized in the carboxyl body, N C C group for example, phenylalanine. The other 11 amino acids are non- group OH H R essential amino for acid most into phenylalanine. people, another. because Tyrosine, they for can be made example, can by be changing made one from variable The basic amino group structure of an acid 3 5 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N H H 1. What 2. The is the difference between phenylalanine and tyrosine? O N C C H OH enzyme that catalyses this reaction is called phenylalanine CH 2 hydroxylase 3. phenylalanine The genetic low levels (PAH). disease of the concentrations phenylalanine What in phenylketonuria enzyme of happens PAH. hydroxylation (PKU) What phenylalanine a will and results be the tyrosine in reaction? very effect in the on body? hydroxylase 4. PKU has blood some test is harmful routinely effects done a on the few development days after of babies, so a birth. H H O N C a) C H What treatment could be given to babies with PKU to avoid OH the CH harmful effects? 2 b) Why is before it not necessary to test babies, or start this treatment, birth? OH tyrosine 2. Lactose Lactose consists is of together. an the to sugar two It is glucose in milk. and Lactose monosaccharide digested exothermic in the hydrolysis CH galactose is a sugars, small disaccharide glucose intestine by and the CH OH C O OH H and H C C H OH most not do to Describe of Lactose of 3. Predict do 4. 3 6 Milk and milk products traditional par t only populations some of the are diet for not using what how the in H will OH H C C H OH OH enzyme and happen to lactase and Some human between adults populations Milk therefore which catalyzes as synthesize lactose the two galactose. galactose to enzyme lactase. many diet. structure enzymes the secrete in lactose-intolerant. glucose glucose different produce Explain is but them adult sugars synthase lactose, need an difference monosaccharide 2. naturally enzyme, making part the O galactose the not, be C C H OH children secrete adults tends 1. young to in the substrates. and the digest intestines production Explain the lactose. of adults who lactase. secretion in adulthood could have become a in common drink in their in OH C C OH glucose continue linked lactase, H C Babies galactose, enzyme 2 H OH it reaction. 2 H because populations milk. that keep cattle or other mammals and 3. Ethanol Ethanol and is the wine. process cell of ethanol form respiration even of happens to alcohol to of in of a acid that ethanol is to found acid toxic a is drinks acid Ethanoic source of therefore substance in ethanoic hepatocytes. provide ethanoic transformation or ethanoic Conversion that in to energy. an into is acid such a The be the that is harmless useful. H H H H O O H C C C H C C C O H H H If oxygen been ● If is ethanal added or H H H ethanol ● used conversion of something beer two-stage can example as hydrogen is ethanoic removed from a acid molecule, it has oxidized oxygen is removed or hydrogen added to a molecule it has been reduced. Different enzymes are used dehydrogenase) catalyses dehydrogenase) the ethanol or excessive 1. ethanoic alcohol Deduce acid 2. Explain 3. Suggest just 4. In a one different the reason reason rst and are ALDH is of reactions: much the due that ADH (aldehyde more harmful to (alcohol toxic side than either effects of it. change ethanol into ethanoic reductions. for for and many reactions or two different not enzymes converting in the ethanol to two reactions. ethanoic acid in reaction. Glucose humans acid the Ethanal consumption oxidations the the second. whether are for to the types fat transformation of cell: of glucose hepatocytes, into adipose fat cells happens (which in store several fat) and Three milk-secreting The formula cells for in the glucose mammary is C H 6 Fat molecules molecule. atoms, vary, consist Each with giving fatty oxygens a range of has only of at types a simple sugar. fatty acids acids long one of is 6 fatty a Glucose O 12 three acid gland. end. fat. linked chain The of to one carbon length of glycerol and hydrogen these chains can Glycerol Fat – simplied structure 37 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N The overall The metabolic these ● it two is size of a fat molecule pathway that is much transforms larger than glucose into that fat of glucose. therefore has properties: anabolic, because smaller molecules are converted into larger ones ● it includes increase Due to the changes catalyse into Humans have versions of that converts into harmless ALDH1 and several ALDH, toxic in mitochondrion. enzymes removal are of ALDH2. slower so be it as facial nausea different pathway. are into unable fat respiration is do stored to so enzyme Plants to structure, fat, can this in provide many metabolic needed transform as the a is the the back necessary body source to fat and of at certain energy. ush for rapid frequency a form much normal form, ethanal body to after Symptoms such palpitations, features more of a pronounced persistent. effectively of absent indicate frequency 3 8 are The 2. these the other more and molecular the of at for alcohol. Using A in glucose acid. variant the from and 1. a works ushing, and map is longer “hangover” the the Instead, cell or cytoplasm Both than removed drinking in content enzyme inside needed It rate takes lacking. used oxygen ethanal. ALDH2*504Lys of complex. humans the ethanal the works Alcohol are is but transform in reduce different the ethanoic works ALDH2 it and that content. differences to reaction glucose, times question: long reactions hydrogen needed each enzymes Data-based is the signicant are pathway reduction of an Almost all in all parts sampled of has the been world populations measured apart and the from key in over 350 human populations shows the in East shades of populations. Asia. black Red used It is triangles to on indicate ALDH2*504Lys. atlas three ALDH2*504Lys if necessary, countries with Japanese, a identify low Chinese three countries with a high frequency of the ALDH*504Lys frequency. and Korean people have ADH1C, a variant of the ADH enzyme. the This variant Explain 3. the Alcoholics where a Average USA 5 Do What consequences are you our reason know particular cases, it more substances all can other be proteins in (10.2 combination tend to frequency liters per l/year) enzymes of both consume is much than ADH1C excessive lower other and of the enzyme. ALDH*504Lys. amounts among forms of alcoholics it. In than populations non-alcoholics. or year is Russia much (15.1 metabolizing lower in l/year). China Suggest (6.7 l/year) reasons for than this, in the based on alcohol. can B I O C H E M I S T R Y other us? as a wide heat, occur. use a produced consisting range pressure The systems to efciently identity? produces such efcient and more trend. our for living only the a much transformations transformations or alcohol the affect do factors, organisms and about industry living is this ethanal having occurs, Canada chemical various to of to consumption enzymes chemical using for l/year), organisms The addicted alcohol (9.2 what ethanol ALDH*504Lys Suggest 4. converts to of and chemical biotechnology produce of living more cells, than antifoam In make amino uses some approach, including 50 to industry substances. biotechnological by substances, catalysts, and some enzymes acids. acid/base motor steam nutrient or pressure guage inoculant ltered sterile nutrient waste gases medium cold-water outlet impeller pH oxygen concentration probe probe temperature cooling probe jacket cold-water inlet sparger compressed air steam har vest Bioreactor used for culturing bacteria or pipe fungi 3 9 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Three ● groups Bacteria are Plants be are from make now a huge as are less used the organisms substances. to range crops to of in and biotechnology: only As plants their and is used ones that that modify described in mostly quickly, easily they cultured and bacteria, extracting because could they be they there in can are no chemicals of potential Chapter obtained naturally organisms so from produce. they It is produce other 10. alphabet how it from is examples the list produced for letters and and k to research how bioethanol growth citric hydrogen acid digoxin what humans organism use it. Can you z? follicle stimulating hormone hormone (FSH) (GH) isinglass erythropoietin does (EPO) a jasmolin cell transform amino acids proteins? Proteins bonds be substances with antibodies into grow can use. substances the substance it, other with were This any produces How they they different elds. growing genetically Biochemistry G E N E T I C S in because diverse commonly problems possible Select very used bioreactors. grown recently, nd widely objections ethical other are them. Animals Until very called easily ethical ● organisms metabolically vessels ● of are are chains made of amino between acids, the linked amine by group peptide (NH ) of bonds. one These amino acid 2 and the carboxyl summarized H H N O group this R H N OH (COOH) of another. The reaction can be equation: H C H 4 0 by C O C N OH H R H H O H H C C N C O C O 2 H OH R R The a equation hydrogen hydroxyl allows this shows atom (OH) is were removed, made a two the the and covalent bond therefore from from nitrogen strong that bonds to be amine group of one carboxyl group of the carbon in linkage is between have the the two called a hydrogen producing water. condensation—a amino and chemical the amino other acids peptide Linking broken, acid to bond in which This together; group amino a acid. Another hydroxyl reaction and amino bond. together removing new that acids is water is released. To make any together in in particular the proteins, correct each with hundreds or even challenge to get proteins, these it proteins. sequence The of data adenine A base of rst in stage a have a Because the cell, The base The type special name RNA, U make so correct. all of proteins (G) protein is and is Apart cells is linked amino consist of very can small synthesize amino acid proteins. using four thymine in acids signicant from store the stored, a cells stored of be proteins it different sequence guanine a Most acids, to different articially—only linear synthesis identical takes protein mRNA for copying the process transfer information that genetic RNA on genes, DNA (T); coded made bases: the particular form, in the of the is T base is sequence made gene, of with (thymine) information RNA to of a which one in DNA. another part of (mRNA). is a amino is transformation acid sequence translation. RNA the the copy there synthesis into this as The to where the messenger of is transcription. (uracil) copy known the 100% have 20 (tRNA), gene into It of a requires which the of another helps amino the protein. the acid cell sequence aprotein. Translation cytoplasm on the chain, is of coordinated cells, surface Amino of of group. amino remarkably, in sequence has stage R are gene. called called sequence (C), acids protein RNA is “translate” of a in base second of a acids There thousands to RNA the it more needed of of done contains process exception: be making cytosine amino different sequence Even amino sequence gene will the for gene (A), sequence a thousands cannot information DNA. The still protein, sequence. acids which three that a have that ends acts and complex ribosomes. peptide already lengthens bases translation called where by by as the one a Ribosomes bond been between joined amino stop protein signal is nanostructures acid is have amino together at a in a in catalytic acids form time. reached found is a When the the site formed. peptide a group mRNA, released. 41 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N DNA Transcription The base -pairing make one rules a messenger strand of the G–C and A–U RNA (mRNA) DNA double are used molecule to against helix. mRNA Translation Genetic the are Nuclear coding mRNA linked rules base up in are used sequence, the so to interpret amino sequence acids needed to membrane make a specic protein. mRNA tRNA Nucleus mRNA leaves through nucleus small holes amino in Protein the nuclear acid membrane. Cytoplasm Transfer brings the Summary Ribosomean in the endoplasmic amino The linking because would acids with folds acids that together, in a them Investigating Cell membranes Search the membrane PDB diversity contain Molecule sodium-potassium ● acetylcholine ● cadherin ● mechanosensitive does many of of to are R not a of are do a huge proteins Month protein distinctive in that such links can In as on it the other making emergent proteins, as groups tasks remarkable have shape diverse of a most each R is is in up of active are with site molecules living the of Amino brought each of the this and perform a wide variety ( of for functions. images of these channel each protein help it allows organisms. receptor of other enzymes. and pump structure that amino ribosome, surface. chain interact the group inside the chain by protein’s can properties the made transformation, membranes proteins website to their range present exposed amazingly to rough acids predict. that acids ribosome. proteins. amino adjacent ways, an on reticulum into groups meaning different the into to or (tRNA) proteins: ● How 4 2 the up hard some variety Proteins of completed very only acids together the be organelle, cytoplasm RNA amino to perform its function in the membrane? A B C D E Proteins show structures and an of a an huge diversity antibody aquaporin (E) (A), a in both function hemoglobin (B), and a structure. collagen (C), Shown here an synthase ATP are the (D) molecule 4 3 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N L TA Creative thinking skills understand Generate metaphors how cells provide the energy for and linking together amino acids. Can you think of analogies a ● The digestion acids to is link of proteins exothermic, amino acids so into single energy together has to better metaphor or analogy? amino to be make a put in amino linked protein. acids to amino ATP acids linked to tRNA ● Linking an amino acid to ATP (made amino linked respiration) is Transfer of up exothermic. in ● acids by this amino acid to tRNA a chain is exothermic. ● Linking tRNAs together is amino acids attached to exothermic. single The analogy of a rock being rolled up a hill amino is used in the diagram shown R E P R O D U C T I O N here to help What During to changes the become life a adolescence, girls. that This a female of human the that a but are summarized for less in are during bodies are and hair these directly differences childhood; Female (slight hair Pubic in voice Male deepening) Female pattern hair Underarm changes Primary of the during necessary between these for male puberty. for males and characteristics Males growth pattern and changes necessary parts develop size During below: growth Underarm in boys The directly Females Pubic of reproduction. not emphasize grows adolescent. puberty. birth, grow baby an the as that from systems table in sexual present obvious the then known structures do puber ty? newborn and occurs is characteristics they a child life body are Although sexual at humans, then reproductive reproduction, females occur transformation prepare Secondary are of characteristics reproduction. and cycle toddler, stage occur sexual acids growth hair pattern and facial changes in hair growth voice (greater deepening) adipose tissue Male pattern muscle development development Increased of 4 4 the width hips of the pelvis and thus Bone and growth larger to jaw give wider shoulders Data-based GnRH only of is one made the question: of in the human The 1. A body, is structure gene called transcribed How 3. – chain is usually a using the of in the ten amino protein. on a by It is one the part major cells a of stage the of other are 8 4. amino acids as of the GnRH acids or an the data the graph? in the 5. than as brain and molecule and the full is acts a as short name is hormone. 6. of One the causes three for and differences hormones secretion evidence of testes as the to effects secrete Testosterone proteins? and this of is LH shown and there in in in FSH. the also as of more causes secondary pubic LH hair. is to cause testosterone. production sexual At the of sperm characteristics approximately what LH age LH doolb evitaler snoitartnecnoc enomroh LH for similarities graph? this rather proteins large GnRH What advantage small the GnRH there short are stages? oligopeptide, is What such do you expect the hypothalamus to LH start GnRH 7. secreting What would GnRH? happen if a boy was lacking GnRH FSH 3 15 of hours 6 GnRH in an GNRH1 gene? FSH time Levels the GnRH GnRH 0 The gonadotropin-releasing twelve? What hypothalamus hormone. chain in chromosome acids oligopeptides by molecule rst or an rather causes made are amino called hormones, it is GnRH what proteins. amounts GNRH1 eight, A than – many chain yet GnRH of production 2. smallest miniscule transformation. GnRH and adult 9 12 15 (hours) two other human hormones over male 4 5 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N P H YS I O L O G Y What Over is the periods life an for adult insects, radical of when humans, to metamorphosis all animals, particularly example, over marine a body of known as grows and animals? and changes gradually several invertebrates change, body signicant the period the in years. develops. occur. There During changes from In animals, some amphibians, metamorphosis, a much can puberty that of a be in child including more sudden or occurs. Adult Mating Adult Adult maturation locust (about laying 2 weeks) eggs 5th Egg instar incubation (about 2 weeks) 4th Nymphal (about Egg 3rd instar 2nd Incomplete Insects of metamorphosis such abrupt begin instar stages weeks) pods 1st 5 as locusts, changes their life as to a in the life instar cycle grasshoppers their body fertilized of alocust and form. egg. instar dragonies As When with the all egg undergo animals, hatches, a series these a insects nymph Adult emerges. Repeated phases of growth followed by shedding of the (buttery) exoskeleton form every then time. occur, Each with the nymph new stage is exoskeleton closer in having form to a the modied adult, until Pupa Eggs the nal shedding of the exoskeleton. An adult then appears, with (chrysalis) wings mate This and and type functional females of life lay cycle reproductive organs. the eggs is fertilized called Adult that incomplete start males the and next females generation. metamorphosis. Larva (caterpillar) Insects egg, such which exoskeleton Complete the 4 6 life metamorphosis cycle of a butter y in There larva is as bees, hatches beetles out into repeatedly, then encases a very itself but radical in a and a butteries larva. without The any also larva signicant transformation, protective start grows covering called to life as and a changes pupation. form a fertilized sheds pupa. in its form. The Inside the immobile pupa, nearly remaining groups When process case. start this Male the change stages A B C D of in How does in form the some are in insect warm kept days. in, ● Make ● Look in care for ● Look of ● these Using a may can larvae a ● Create 1. What the pupae. longer. of of body from lay larval just on the A inside pupal a and of conditions adult. eggs to major timing Chapter of 9. supply are birds. rubbish that stage mealworm on The molitor) lizards the the an pupal one in and stage? (Tenebrio pet of the fertilized with considered the insect each entry. shedding They both will will of and be they within colony of or a larval chart advantages differ 10 can oatmeal, be with a the the exoskeletons. The mobile microscope, colour larvae. construct stages. distinguish cycle (moulting). shed individuals. from pupal life including exoskeleton dissecting and to of the larvae examine stationary often lens the two-column the of Date container magnifying are to laboratory observations individuals a is for on cycle the found advance take school evidence diagram be the emerges digested required. from for from food into are metamorphosis. Mealworms of larva females life species Depending measurements. Remove of complete source larvae the careful length a the adult and type dier larvae. as larvae Mealworm little stage of develop the buttery weather. y maintained very y and mate This called of pupal Alternatively, bins grow adults is cycle stores tissues completed, female life pet cells is the generation. body the Obtain sold and next of all pupae that from involves larvae. complete metamorphosis? 2. What 3. In are some males the dangers insects feed little voraciously. with or What L TA Communication Use A a Venn circles shared the Use variety diagram are features. of Venn are at all, the stage? metamorphosis whereas reasons organizers be used to for the this for organize enough Unique diagram pupation complete not large non-overlapping a the the females adult may feed difference? skills can drawn, of to features information contain of the writing the two tasks to writing. things make The being a comparison. overlapping compared are area then Two is overlapping used to described outline or listed in areas. to compare and contrast the processes of puberty and pupation. 4 7 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Data-based Female males toads into and deposit happens an question: frogs sperm externally. aquatic lay over The larval Metamorphosis eggs in them, so fertilized stage water the as western shows and the fertilization eggs known in differences two stage develop spadefoot groups in that when had they toad developed reached Metamorphosis the tadpoles into adults. is water Low water occurs, This is taken to reach same how stage metamorphosis same a subsequently Time changing the metamorphosis. High tadpole. between of metamorphosis 133 90 1.9 1.2 210 380 3.5 16.5 225 325 triggered: (days) ● Corticosterone causes the Body production mass at metamorphosis of proteins that act as thyroid (grams) hormone Cor ticosterone receptors in target cells in tadpoles. 3 concentration ● Thyroid hormone receptors are activated ● of thyroid receptors bind to concentration specic genes ● nucleus These and activated activate genes hormone (arbitrar y 1. cause a) lives eggs in in between spadefoot desert pools areas in formed toad (Spea California by rain. where the eggs have and lays Sometimes been to a lack of rain. In an tadpoles laid b) its a tank containing 3 dm Explain Using all initially all water, a high-water environment. the the data low-water then transferred to a tank which Half of containing provided a only 0.35 low-water dm Suggest the of R E P R O D U C T I O N three 1. table, explain stages are many events (sex movement humans (egg male are toad to which cells). to are reach cells) cells at is The food. sperm of to the being at how respond to western able different water the life the to times in levels. female by in in gamete the of is the male In and and animals, but and Male gametes female and because making owering grains female larger smaller, easier. ovaries. cycles? cycle: always is testes pollen life plants the gamete gamete by inside ovules. cycle stage male produced sexual production female nuclei inside of all some The produced are in types occur stored gametes egg occur different always contains ova tadpoles table gametes 4 8 the toad them Gametogenesis it mass. which The What There body same water, environment. in advantages response of in gave 3 size and environment. metamorphose were difference spadefoot spadefoot them high raised 3. of in mass of 3 in raised body shrink investigation were groups in the a metamorphosis, the difference water. western due the hammondii) 2. pools receptor units) Calculate low western ) them. metamorphosis. The (pg/cm in levels the hormone 3 hormone. Thyroid Activated ) by Thyroid binding (pg/cm in gametes plants female are the gametes 2. Fer tilization produce gamete a It of is stage in of number (n). the but plant life some male and so the is the to Zygotes cycle below plants and with female female nucleus cell. by gametes of This human number the of to male doubles gametes the contain fertilization cell has 46. chromosomes the gametes diploid as a with much is of used 46 are at of to halve the chromosomes produced. called number part the The haploid chromosomes gametogenesis, but in earlier. separate are division cells chromosomes the are of human happens there the 23 in animals the egg produced type When happens it the and cycle. have meiosis male example, halve life cells species For of zygote special number. of fertilization nucleus sexual male and female hermaphrodite—they parents, produce both gametes. male female gamete gamete (n) (n) meiosis adult fusion chromosomes Usually some a meiosis, number (2n). In by the essential which chromosome divide the chromosomes. therefore Meiosis is During with chromosomes, some 3. zygote. fuses number 23 which male meiosis adult fer tilization (2n) female (2n) z ygote (2n) growth How does meiosis growth halve the number of P H YS I O L O G Y chromosomes? Chromosomes are associated contains genes in a a long separate arranged sperm or characteristic 24in are with egg two gametes thenumber number. In sequence of a of it. All in fuse to cell, one of polar with are inherited in are 23 animals and a 8 in zygote from two from plants in different chromosomes bears doubles there a there and produce chromosomes genes, plant which chromosome humans, number 37 diploid molecules, Every molecule, In cell. haploid chimpanzees, When DNA along an DNA proteins. a sequence species in their during of a gametes: example. fertilization, haploid mother have for chromosomes the animals chromosomes garlic, the and gamete to the with and one diploid each from thefather. 4 9 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Special staining sequences structure have of is been a genes cells spread u are have to human chromosomes sequence procedures be out by next of to To the bursting so each each chromosomes distinguished. nucleus. rearranged two allow that a In the right image are diploid with other. It is clear type of below, stained cell. To chromosomes numbered different the with from this the spherical chromosomes left the are the same image that same gene that diploid chromosome. Numbers have been assigned to human chromosomes, going from chromosome 1, which is the largest, to 22 which is the smallest. The 23rd chromosome type determines whether a person is male or female. There are two possible sex chromosomes, which have been assigned the letters X and Y Before meiosis replicated, so molecules, Cell at the star t chromosomes of meiosis paired with described together in all the DNA chromosome with Chapter 9. the molecules consists associated Because of this of in two the nucleus identical proteins. DNA replication, are DNA replication there are is enough up DNA molecules producing that the Each each of of four the the cells numbered the middle been up of be of of 23 diploid cells. types free by types of cell. are It The to divide is the twice rst rst nuclear but 1, division pair up just diagram three and chromosomes. these must To get help with membrane The 5 during of meiosis, two divisions halved. chromosome. move. (chromosomes of the of to during chromosome chromosomes, pairs cell is chromosomes produced the included would one numbered the pairing for haploid number chromosomes 5 0 begins, each the down, left In a full this, other in so shows chromosome 11). of ensure each breaks to one types human the this have cell there Protein each bres chromosome microtubules the cell division The poles, of one two prepare connected DNA The to all the pole. This each chromosome. each of of half ensures (poles) the to each two of total the the pair cells that cell. poles, are connect which connected produced number These after of by to the rst chromosomes chromosomes. by the rst division. of in the division which that of Microtubules chromosomes. one each ends constructed chromosomes receives pair second molecules, the are chromosomes produced the of the ensuring each cells for one pull meiosis of microtubules to then divides. opposite and called Each becomes both poles meiosis are immediately again chromosome connected receive by one constructed consists of two microtubules DNA and molecule to from Cell of during meiosis moving we think of Two the The set produced of that the Four How of each at the does different many from characteristic genetic the movement molecules rst division chromosomes of the end of as of towards separate meiosis the poles to division chromosomes opposite poles begins chromosomes. preparing to four of the sexual of children each during the produced two are divisions haploid, of with meiosis one full species. of reproduction R E P R O D U C T I O N change genes? are other, feature cells meiosis combinations However this DNA by chromosomes cells as rst again movements ensure soon individual cells divide As the with produced unless sexual they by are two parents, identical reproduction—it is all twins. a of them This potent is are a source of diversity. 51 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A key event gametes. copy has a contributes of each two copies divisions. is of in copies or in matter Let us so a also each gene the and the father probably from zygote’s body the cells by are type of of so of passes on X genes by which Mitosis before. gametes located mitosis, female together, and produced differences. and existed fusion genes male come combination that process of never chromosome (apart The by fusion produced signicant genes cell take of an in in copy humans them is genes out the A event one undergoing many of key have carries each genes all done only of that into is but which versions cell each the has zygote males). to that of The another meiosis 25,000 mother is is Each on and is Y passed repeated has one therefore cell similarities described in 9. Meiosis by This meiosis Chapter the one gene. unchanged with from reproduction combination chromosomes on sexual Genes producing parent in sexual of are if two meiosis, it is example: cells a a gene, same are on. and haploid the meiosis passed reproduction. each not in all identical However, different matter Cells two. of us, and there it of chance so of the does are versions produced Some the two not alternative are present which one in passes produced. person who is in blood group AB has the B I and I a A ; 50% of the cells produced by meiosis will receive I and B 50% b, I . If there meiosis two are versions four and of possible they are all the eye colour combinations equally likely, gene of as and I b and I small each proportion other move we This add possible 1. is in a and I b and I cell and entering any two linked they pass because type, into if alternative we factor meiosis, many of are independent with the gametes them the by table: will but one are cell close pairs or of to genes another during assortment. versions, in all the number we have they most there genes of produce precisely are with possible in our the eight different combinations lifetime, same it is combination genes. If a cell there with are of a) these 3 different four produced. 5 2 as in Band produced B chromosome when gene However that genes known another immense. unlikely of of same combinations versions is the independently meiosis. If on present, cells B B A A also in shown A B are genes possible Calculate numbers b) 4 versions of c) of two combinations the number genes 10 with d) of genes of genes possible different 1,000 carries in out the meiosis, cells combinations versions: for each 2. Identical other. two 3. If 4. twin the and a the identical combinations of of twins of genes. genes are genes Is this as the each result fertilizing likely? If of two not, hypothesis? married identical twin women, would all same? for parents, fer tilization combinations combinations men be same hypothesis: better reasons mixed-race the identical identical offspring Meiosis this with suggest identical Explain of with you their have Consider sperms eggs can twins greater genetic compared generate great with genetic diversity among same-race children parents. diversity 53 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Summative Statement Small of assessment inquiry: chemical changes can transform our identity. Introduction The do A B C D they The In theme and genetic are the male X being or be far the 1. paired The start The X a) the b) the and Y the their ends location shown end end of structure (red) but the how a early stages of whether one In their lengths, at their ends, males. but signicant the sex of the division be Y them gene SRY, carry carried by Draw in a testis diagrams to cell at show at meiosis of and allowing transformation. meiosis. of X the Despite chromosomes chromosomes would division X Y females, of in small meiosis. most division second and structure shows rst X chromosomes. happens off determines large [2] meiosis. [2] at elsewhere dierent of the with a Y (grey). The gene blue SRY is 2. SRY codes for a protein of 204 amino acids called TDF (testis band determining Outline into 3. the the Until factor genes. could that testes. acid The to genes into DNA what to Suggest some the of six or the the weeks places instead secrete cause the embryonic changes of a sequence old females. testes. there The TDF to embryonic ovaries. development base of SRY [5] and specic and into the to males in the TDF . ovaries testes causes develop of four prevent ovaries embryo transform between develop into are developing Deduce during that sequence embryos binds These developing b) processes amino differences gonads a) factor). human visible 5 4 the X one the along chromosomes of – they? chromosomes, rst humans chromosomes same X are the in same sets below between Y have they of these have two up meiosis Y are chromosomes have pair the than diagram of Males structure when genes where in have differences gender pair female. chromosome, the X 23rd is extensive of Females different more Y how chromosomes chromosomes to assessment basis chromosome. two this arise humans, we of is them to in transcription certain from develop hormone gonads no embryonic a activate gonads are into testosterone. a female [2] that testosterone male embryo. will [4] cause A B C D Investigating This reaction amylase happens in the mouth: salivary amylase starch The amount takes of for a starch of amylase sample of solution. ● Obtain ● Put 5 cm ● Put 1 cm ● Heat ● Put a maltase in saliva saliva You can sample of to can digest use the liquid be all assessed the starch following saliva by from testing in a how long measured it quantity protocol: one person. 3 of 1% starch of saliva solution in a test tube. 3 can When Test a few into drop than two for both all or but tube. the use up to spotting tile, so pour the starch mix. for it a temperature, starch has minutes, If on starch. starch three tests. depressions and mixture between procedure time ● the the test saliva until test °C. into are the of minutes intervals the uids another 37 solution the longer to repeatedly solution ● tubes iodine you ● both in takes diluted at 30-second been you less starch intervals digested. can than If extend 30 solution this the seconds, or test at for a takes time repeat shorter intervals. Calculate the rate of starch digestion in milligrams per minute. 4. a) Choose more amylase in the saliva of girls ● There is more amylase in the saliva of boys ● There is no saliva of the Describe Use girls how variables. Either using for you your calculate clearly. the Evaluate and between boys your plan (null choice to test the than amount than of boys. girls. amylase in the hypothesis). of hypothesis. your hypothesis, [3] including control [3] whatever display difference reasons working e) hypotheses: is teacher, d) these There of c) of ● Explain b) one results, average rates or of results starch supplied digestion, by your showing your [3] chart rates. your actual or graph you think is most appropriate to [3] hypothesis using the results of the experiment. [3] 5 5 T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A B C D The 5. genetic a) The gene located to b) be in of The a for a of inherit gamete of adjacent scatter to of salivary concentration of 1. more from in each all than one in amylase Explain gene of AMY1. we two both that on of a is there AMY1. This chromosome parents. are gene expect [3] copies gene This might humans. the or DNA is why Tandem repeated, repeats with the other. below 50 activity repeats bases graph sample this tandem sequences repeats in codes humans passed amylase chromosome copies because are of that on two Many is basis shows the number European-American amylase (AMY1 of copies individuals protein) in their of AMY1 and also the saliva. 7 avilas 6 lm/nietorp 5 4 3 1YMA 2 gm 1 0 0 2 4 AMY1 i) State the AMY1 ii) AMY1 iii) c) the and Explain The minimum, copies. Outline 6 diet. Six traditionally diets. The relationship 14 16 number and between concentration reasons other eat 12 copy maximum for European-American starch gene median number low this number [2] relationship. [2] population starch the amylase. populations cumulative of diets and frequency traditionally were that below eat fo evitalumuC slaudividni noitroporp 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 3 AMY1 High 4 5 diploid 6 gene 7 copy 8 9 number Starch European- American Low Starch a 10 the of high three high shows 1.0 2 copies eats investigated, three graph of 0.0 5 6 of [3] the the 10 8 diploid that starch results. A B C D i) What ii) Suggest Genetic 6. difculty light. orange a) Suggest green b) The for next testing each show? [2] [3] red of light of a green deuteranomaly, green a where and person in instead which person in to some see if the absorbs deuteranomaly females has wavelengths can yellow, be as populations. they have red- [4] required to is 0.4% trend. condition frequency blindness. genes this graph blindness the form and the between absorbs The males reasons two is in for color blindness light. color located and normally of data explanation commonest red 6% the distinguishing that or as color in The pigment high an does counseling Red-green of trend for other normal on the red X and green vision chromosome. These are genes are very similar in base sequence. They code for This image is called transformation versions a of the protein light-absorbing opsin. pigment. This Three protein binds differences in to retinal base to form used that sequence see cause three differences in amino acid sequence in opsin, to a is test the pigment to absorb either red or green is due to the presence of a and vision. The normal person is number would into another which with red-green color light. blindness. Deuteranomaly plate transformed number cause a different changed version are of Fur ther available at images http://www. the gene coding for the green-absorbing opsin. 277 277 tyrosine phenylalanine The red- 285 180 and coding alanine alanine versions of opsin regions. The 1 From the 2 boy language c) Genetic have a of the with that d) 5 with should be i) a son ii) a daughter that a and is his inheriting on such deuteranomaly to has the 3 4 given, 5 write deuteranomaly to use clear the and 6 have amino dierences that absorption are six acid aect light indicated. an for a simple [4] parents If chances who a normal condition it. been condition. wife inheriting the Try 2 of understand. about the have causes offered Discuss as you genetic given effects 1 condition. would counselling child 6 probable this he deuteranomaly that 4 information explanation young 3 for green-absorbing 285 180 threonine serine genes might husband vision, has explain advice of [2] [2] identity might that having have. a genetic condition [3] 57 3 To Form make shapes, you sense of whether solve the the world from around descriptions us or Some come par ts Y ou But in of can dierent me put there’s are 5 8 twigs? on directly me only colors curvy, and some anywhere one What Two by rely recognizing obser ving place am shapes. are you’d that’s I? Two leaves? straight. like, right. familiar them. riddle? I we Can Endless forms most beautiful and Charles Rhinoceros Blue It beetle poison is not (Oryctes arrow frog separable, being Dar win, for tinctorius) form nor can to most wonder ful have been evolved. On the Origin of Species nasicornis) (Dendrobates possible are and do Two-owered Red starsh without matter Rober t itself orchid (Echinaster matter be (Bulbophyllum sepositus) because purged of biorum) it is not form. Grosseteste )eceip elzzup wasgij A( 5 9 F O R M Introduction Observing, appear Key in describing, nature identifying stands at the and core of classifying science, the as forms does that understanding concept: Relationships the relationships Form Related concept: is the context: shape and them. structure of an organism. We are all very Form familiar Global between Identities form and with the between human form and we can notice small differences in individuals. relationships There is natural as by Our for and own 6 0 been is an also species. is used classify form try what to global to their Across name important us diversity order novel. organisms allows The to of part of between between How organisms the myriad life world on by human Earth. is generalizing societies, and It shared as well distinctive features have groups. of assess context of organisms into do you of own a know hair who style or you hat are? is our how this Identity just a small minds. inquiry: Relationships differences to amount identity. closely chapter Knowledge related is we of are therefore to identities relationships. our of to form Choice Statement humans have used human other tremendous recognizing features been a are of revealed forms. by similarities and in humans sign of develops this, but from identity an early itself age. resides in How is form Similarities and basis natural of the classication animal, and called similar classes; divided level This of system of taxon for table, diverse and is and new most the of or taxon in and of further phylum into is were life, for divides of original used example, kingdoms into similar into the commonly divided groups families which groups, taxa) class. of kingdoms One groups orders; genera. into The of orders lowest species. larger form species organisms. system families; the between of divided classication, kingdom a form This B I O D I V E R S I T Y classication? individual are similar (singular with Largest An classes larger example, in recognizes fungus. phyla. into in classication classication successively A differences system plant groups are used is any Some domain Taxon similar is species called type of the group examples added are above are put hierarchy in the into of taxa. hierarchy, shown in the kingdom. Humans Neander thals Chimpanzee African elephant groups Domain Eukar yota Eukar yota Eukar yota Eukar yota Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Order Primates Primates Primates Proboscidea Family Hominidae Hominidae Hominidae Elephantidae Genus Homo Homo Pan Loxodonta Species sapiens neander thalensis troglodytes cyclotis Smallest and least diverse groups L TA Communication Use and skills interpret a range of discipline -specic terms What a is the mountain different name To is lion? names Puma address different a difference issues standardized relies the on that isn’t to may the naming use languages refer for about the There to a puma, one! the In same a cougar, popular animal, a panther culture whose we and use these scientic concolor. names confusion between of which of arise same across system and academics is being Greek when using have that because developed avoids discussed. words the from scientists (nomenclature) organism Latin cultures organism, This these nomenclature system were system was developed. 61 F O R M Despite attempts creation life and of to standardize databases The such catalogue of as life naming, the has variation Encyclopedia assisted in of the still life, effort exists. The to The tree of address this variation. L TA Information literacy Understand A a database way you rst that the is that it to answer Tracking the a be learned your down of easily database, be to use collection can visit have Access a and skills there to family, Even genus, within different. harmful species is eld called that experts eating 6 2 Agaricus campestris in it in species are Enter this the organized and some in updated. procedural database, chapter. of that is, such When steps determine Life species Record (kingdom, can to usually can there called studied form who often the Catalogue organism the be mushroom similar toxic These have is name the phylum, of any complete class, order, species). one humans The the that managed taxonomy database of are “query” systems question. mentioned taxonomy information accessed, ( organism technology can forms form of of be the Agaricus causes identify and campestris destroying liver wild failure by that death form distinctly the earliest benecial forms delicious their Amanita virosa are From Amanita and them. so useful is angel fungi that species. organisms distinguished the varieties to can eat, virosa, if be selected. but it which ingested. should times, and risk is so Only How Each can species Closely of strong re. Western Orford cedar and Humans have animals. You A each of form like to to the an The are and to members key looking 1. 2. 4. 5. the The the a (Cedrus that used in features here will leaves let from Leaves are shorter 15–50 short best to the key should side the mm identify branches needles scales are ovoid (spurs) light the Atlas that of the and had world: deodara), cedar Port (Cryptomeria plants either a and reading dichotomous numberered about the through key. specic of the stages. species name be Cedar trees on Mount Lebanon features we would species or conspicuous—they constant—shared on different on by all shorter Needles in whorls of 30–50, shorter Needles in whorls of 10–20, 15–30 smells Tips shoots sour 30 cedar by from the the section stem ............................................ .........1 stem ........................................................ 5 and clustered in whorls of 10–40 stems ................................................................................ 3 transverse section .................................Cryptomeria japonica ........................................................................................ Cedrus mm smooth, deodara ...................................................................................................... 4 stout than mm and 25 long mm ................................................. Cedrus atlantica ............................................................ Cedrus eshy, scales do not have translucent libani glands, fruity ..................................................................................................................... 6 thin and harsh, scales have a translucent gland, foliage parsley ............................................................................ Chamaecyparis uniformly with long than shoots foliage of mm in of trees. against transverse older rhombic out pressed in species mature spread Needles leafy long, that that long, shoots mm you side 35–50 Foliage by be Needles Foliage parts familiar of should also 5–15 of in trees (Cedrus is decay occidentalis). describes us and but other statements lead are the It pests, libani) using Needles of to Japanese cedars or around furniture. cedar recognize of species. there key. elongated Tips in sequence pair either are Needles to plant so species. shown at smells 6. a one will form see. of in a and (Thuja species of years resistance Deodar cedar other even overexploited, unfamilar Leaves on 3. stage of the This its discovered ability consider of lawsoniana), white consists choose features The we identify. easy were possible key of all but P L A N TS plants? them. buildings plicata), identify each from similar Lebanon were (Thuja inbuilt can of stage, next timber form thousands ships, in in identify identify because atlantica) Northern dichotomous In for to very to (Chamaecyparis japonica) descriptions used growing cedar be used construct similar red different durable (Cedrus form may be been trees Mountains produced to and Cedar can has Mediterrean is species that Cedarwood use plant related differences but we yellowish white streaks green below, below, smelling smelling of of cooked apples ..................Thuja lawsoniana occidentalis pineapples ......................................... Thuja plicata 63 F O R M Conifers Using (Class 1. Trees and a dichotomous shrubs Use the stems and They produce male cones gametes in and female not in the key to photos recognize the different types of A–D. in A B C D female then cones. produce shown leaves. pollen and dichotomous with cedar roots, key Pinopsida) seeds They owers do or fruits. Species far: discovered so 630 2. Every species genus 3. a for Some species All an the Western example name. a) them being b) them being together 5. This key reasons in out local park could the 6 4 your Find and the in key same are as a is binomial, the genus consisting and the of a species in key have the reasons types reasons types the of for cedar genus name. this. according to their for: of several same cedar different genera and not all genus. smells of the the classied smells What explain regarded the given cedar? Explain as plants distinguishing not usually features. being used Suggest in keys. own what base tree. the includes for identication Make and in is name. red included species English organism species name Give 4. and of identication types make key of a trees grow key on dichotomous just on leaf your key school for campus identifying characterstics or on all or in them. parts of a You Reptiles Same or Predict placed by dierent? whether in the nding the same the ve or species different classication shown groups using the in the and photographs then test Catalogue of your Life (Class are prediction website. A class of animals skin vertebrate with and species Reptilia) lungs. have females a lay dry scaly Most four eggs legs with and soft shells. Varanus komodoensis (Komodo Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern dragon) brown snake) Species far: Caiman crocodilus (spectacled caiman) and do we dierent so 10,300 tur tle) Podocnemis sextuberculata (Amazon How Chelonia mydas (green discovered river tur tle) decide forms of if a organisms species or B I O D I V E R S I T Y are dierent species? All members features are Members of of a insignicant, species are famously such a those To forms we us what to one agree makes features vary. is who are species members a of to or be their variations split into may be separate were species These constant identication. whether who many form. species and forms species. on are small the the the two of a Darwin sides splitters, of and lumpers”. lump to split species a of for debatable biologists make the whether what to for keys The often enough few decide It terms “Those make within also bigger. different share dichotomous species or debate: need species in invented who help a used is. species together them The recognizably into key similar. two to Two this or is different more species, understanding factors hold a species together: 6 5 F O R M ● interbreeding—if produce ● adaptation—if will This need leads ray-nned Actinopterygii) A of animals and of a with bone scales, rather cartilage. with vertebrate skeleton a They single (operculum) ns for gills covering and a a of organisms will breed remain organisms with each other populations in ferox. denition of similar lake to Gillaroo are red ferox spots; a brown form sonaghen similar have the same lifestyle, they of in species: a group of interbreeding form. in have are Melvin north-western trout. have silvery Lough These separate golden with black silvery with trout Ireland populations local anks ns, few are names: with many that has sufciently gillaroo, large black three red sonaghen spots; spots and a few spots. swim of the forms has particular feeding preferences. Gillaroo feed buoyancy. ferox open move are on from of breed larger lake other move Lough upstream and the lterfeed Gillaroo water choosing snails predators back reverse discovered on sonaghen water. carries in to bed, mostly sh—including Melvin of lake. the slower-owing in zooplankton downstream the one on to the to shallow in deep smaller breed in sea and the and ferox inlet rivers rivers to the and and trout—in the Sonaghen inlet water, water, river do lake, the with sonaghen ferox smaller ones. 28,000 Gillaroo Sonaghen II elbairav SONAGHEN FEROX ESKE lacinonac GILLAROO canonical Ferox that offspring so faster-owing 6 6 and adaptations. is whereas far: same are Melvin principally Species group Lough Each bladder a of they question: and than have offspring Data-based different made gill to that group sh (Class class the us organisms Bony viable a variable I Samples Melvin of the 1. an Describe brown the trout measured. the Deduce three from Analysis which shown forms Discuss forms Lough of the of trout Eske. data combines from Thirty resulted the Lough aspects in a differences graph between the each 1. Which 2. Give 3. What 4. Suggest is the three you can the other a can parts of gillaroo, sonaghen them. interbreeding between the Melvin. forms of Lough Melvin trout are of the ordination of brown trout from Asymmetric show or photo of face side and the of of in Abraham the which differences you of the right form face show form draw about body where the a left between Lincoln’s the Lincoln. with left One mirror side the and left shows image right and a normal view and the alongside. sides right of sides the of face? Lincoln’s face. face? and the right sides are different in: form form. signicant have nd all left normal conclusion is to been Lough three examples internal face between not. here show b) try in the or has question: external and there form illustrations signicance a) Our the in Eske. photographs others in trout species Data-based The of whether Discuss Lough similarities whether separate 4. of ordination, ferox three 3. also were as obtained forms. and 2. and form known were it out part showing how of our more in symmetrical identity. Some photographs. it is and what people If you you prefer one manipulate would look side a like of their digital if you face image had of to the your exact other own face symmetry. 67 F O R M B I O D I V E R S I T Y How All humans form, but spend at much so possible belong we tend much seeing do to to time differences that humans the same notice species at that would do so differences. looking humans dier we other indeed should Perhaps humans miss differ in in be and in very this other more form? is similar because become species. form than in we adept It is also other species. The children represent separated Inuit of Swedes and in these humans par ts the of of photos from the Arctic, Yao nor th-west Aborigines of widely world: of China, Europe Australia The two factors interbreeding 50,000 spread has have 1 or because how Are 2 part Are of there of many that form the have greatly different types in differences and hair they differences a the more Africa separated the could form not of are in Over and is have between not similarities then separation humans therefore easy developed. humans? usually differences are past populations. world, It form the geographical lifestyle. form in out around of similar lifestyle. This colour are or species migrated world. differences skin of same between vary because more to the interbreeding signicant Remember be parts signicant there members humans all conditions developed see make adaptation so, almost prevented Also, to years to that and of in considered to structure. form between humans? 3 Our physical identity 6 8 are form there? is part of our identity. What other parts of our Which animals are most similar in form to B I O D I V E R S I T Y humans? The in small form are group are the of species in the recognized in this apes. family pygmaeus Pongo abelii gorilla Gorilla beringei troglodytes Pan paniscus are scientic Currently, most similar language, seven they species are (Bornean orangutan) orangutan) gorilla) (Eastern gorilla) (common chimpanzee) (bonobo) sapiens the humans more Hominidae. (Western Pan are which use (Sumatran Gorilla What to To family: Pongo Homo 1. animals great (humans) similarities in form between human hands and the hands of orangutan, bonobos and gorillas? These hands photos with orangutan 2. What are the differences in form between these Considering bonobos and differences 4. The great Pan, the other aspects gorillas, between apes Pongo, species are Gorilla should are of there them and currently and be the external more How classied of similarities (top left), of bonobo right) and gorilla (above) orangutan, or more humans? classied Homo. form human hands hands? (top 3. show the do in four we together different decide in the genera: whether same some of genus? Thumbless Humans ve have ngers. trying to do these Write 2. Compose 3. Tie 4. Open Can you using with a a text bottle nd your a the tasks thumb and advantage without of using four an ngers rather opposable either of your than thumb by thumbs: pen. shoelace a opposable Discover 1. a an message or a with task on your cell phone (mobile phone). necktie. a that screwcap. is even more difcult to do without thumbs? 6 9 F O R M Data-based The number example, table of the shows described question: species bee current and per genus how Splitting genus Andrena estimates many and varies from consists for how different Number of of 1 to over many genera over 1,300 species they are Number genera Group lumping 1,000. species have of Mean of The been classied species For into. number species per genus Birds Anthophila Primates monkeys 4.65 425 16,230 38.2 72 463 6.43 39 88 2.26 14,000 350,000 (bees) and apes) (whales, and Flowering 1. 10,600 (lemurs, Cetaceans dolphins 2,280 porpoises) plants Calculate the mean number of species per genus of owering plants. 2. Suggest reasons for a high number for a higher of species per genus in the Anthophila. 3. Suggest genus 4. B I O D I V E R S I T Y 7 0 Sperm whale (Physeter catodon) than Suggest genus reasons the What type Consider these number of primates per cetaceans. reasons in mean for the owering of four larger plants mean than number in classication the is Whale shark species best? animals: of birds. (Rhincodon typus) per Manatee Which is (Trichechus manatus) the odd one out? If you used a single Elephant feature (Loxodonta africana) to decide, such Mammals as the environment where these animals live, you have produced (Class an articial together might the classication. organisms think same because Which that the family, the that whale makes that the This are not whale, of and type of closely the shark underwater the manatee shark—a classication related. and the For This mammals, cartilaginous sh—the all is odd be the one A you belong would as to wrong elephant. out. class of animals glands hair, birds and insects all have wings, so they could be this would vertebrate with for offspring. feeding ear in an articial classication, but be there are many differences between bones and a in have their double system with unhelpful four because young placed circulatory together mammary Mammals three middle Bats, Mammalia) grouping example, manatee organisms. are risks chambers in their them. heart. To of avoid the articial relationships different features way, they with reasonable example, will classication, feed before produce we its between predict young with can so the that milk a aim they group to need that of discovered produced to by the the closeness consider together. allow characteristics newly reect organisms classications condence, can species, they natural biologists us to mother’s In this predict, species. species many For of mammal mammary Species glands. far: Articial classication does not have a predictive discovered so 5,520 value. 71 F O R M Cartilaginous sh Data-based question: Sperm whales and whale sharks (Class Elasmobranchii) A class of animals scales, vertebrate with ns The diagrams here show the bone structure of a ipper and a n: placoid and a skeleton humerus basal made of cartilage radial than bone. They plates rather have rods (made (made of car tilage) (made of collagen) of car tilage) gills with slits and multiple no swim gill bladder. ulna radius 1 5 fin rays 4 2 1 Species discovered 3 What and far: are the similarities between the ipper of a sperm whale so the pectoral n of a whale shark? 1,150 2. Compare the 3. contrast the form of the skeleton in the n and ipper. Compare by and other nding out aspects of whether form each in sperm animal has whales the and whale following sharks structures: diaphragm, gills, intestines, kidneys, lungs, mammary glands, nostrils, navel, toes and vertebrae. You could show your ndings in a table using ticks or crosses to indicate whether a structure is present or not. 4. Discuss whether grouped The together diagrams manatee sperm and here of an in a show whales natural the and whale sharks should be classication. bone structure of the front limb of a elephant. humerus ulna radius humerus ulna radius 5. Considering sperm discuss 6. Predict navels. 72 the whales which with a limb and of bone other them reason structure features should be whether of of the elephants, form classied manatees of manatees these and animals, together. and elephants have What are the main groups of P L A N TS owering plants? The owering any other hierarchy Two plants plant of classes group taxa have dicotyledons. are in they huge most are been The a a group habitats phylum, recognized table shows that in the on so are land. are the In abundant the divided past: typical more than in these Angiospermophyta) classes. two and groups. Plants and with leaves owers Monocots long and narrow, or oblong Leaves broad and ver y varied in with of leaf wrapped round stem Leaf attached petiole Parallel leaf veins Leaf roots attached to the (leaf veins Primar y stem in other and multiples One This a of plant is a not in of the ower to the stem with in leaf ) just one. form as certain or fours Two classication If a you you dicot can, because use you roots a branched this a within the ovules containing into two natural to branching other The it classes. Some relationships impossible and the monocotyledons Because of to this problems simply calling or other any is evidence of these than decide many table the from par ts stem Ovules develop with into seeds into fruits. and ovaries it of the ower ves aspects to of form determine look some at as are whether many monocots others, the with many that taxa the as and aspects dicots in are the how of be the owering divided more tree of many some clades into closely a of are diagram of traditional shown plant there biologists of are far: discovered so 268,000 a seven to here. make should owering instead plants related owering classes classication groups, the monocotyledons groups organisms within the should eight other of division groups objectively groups the the dicotyledons problem all doubt between with of into There but groups. female respects. thrown group, separate the has are network Species Research ovary cotyledons should because attached and or and Enclosed stalk) root Stamens in (seed monocot plant’s atypical par ts three natural included, the other cotyledon is stamens pollen, ovaries. gametes. Unbranched Stamens roots also shape with Base stems, and Dicots producing Leaves plants (Phylum traditional into monocotyledons form Flowering be. plants recommend phyla, classes hierarchy. Amborellales Flowering Nymphaeales plants Austrobaileyales Chloranthales magnoliids monocots basal dicots eudicots 73 F O R M Monocot Are the What or the other dicot? four plant monocots species and in the dicots photos can you monocots nd or growing dicots? near your school? Tradescantia virginiana (spider wor t) Syringa vulgaris (lilac) Hibiscus waimeae (aloalo) Erythronium grandiorum (glacier P L A N TS Does mathematics help us lily) understand form? One and In of the form this most by book, of living out many 74 parallels in design in living in between the many plant and organisms in their that biology instances and is On in structures he He and saw also the continue incorporate growth 1917. where forms. engineers already form. of published animal engineering Mathematicians problems history Thompson, describes relationships organisms. inspiration books Wentworth Thompson mathematical pointed famous D’Arcy form to nd solutions to Thompson of leaves number 21, be 34, pointed and is owers the 55, out sum 89 calculated and and of so using that the the on. this there ⎛1 ⎝ The a pineapple, spiral rows rows. in numbers a whole in ⎛1 ⎝ √5 − this numbers: number in the 1, arrangement series, 1, 2, each 3, Fibonacci 5, 8, series 13, can √5 ⎞ directions and Fibonacci ⎠ 2 example, direction the In the n for Two one series. preceding nth between ∙ ⎠ 2 link equation: 1 √5 ⎞ − √5 In + ∙ = n a Fibonacci two n 1 F is the of subunits rows thirteen series. can in be the You are can arranged seen. other There in radiating are eight spiral direction—adjacent check this next time you see pineapple. A a romanesco remarkable conforms series, spiral the rows spiral each Count there If the in leaves number each are test next 3 or this, leaf between a the stem is with 0 and a many and where the the the rows the singly of near two to a the lower attached How Leaf fraction Are positioning start that more). spiral attached whorls—the To of direction? to leaf leaves on stem does of the is is spiral above the in in the (Leaf 0) above rotate it? You number number of of head. the than follows stem directly the ower adjacent also a the directly numerator denominator edge stem—rather leaf the times the numbers How Fibonacci pairs this nd leaf can The fractions found in plants are 1 , 2 2 , 3 3 , 5 5 , 8 8 leaf , 13 and demoninator are always next Fibonacci of orets of are of in within the rows? series. (Leaf 1, 2, stem produce around above Leaf 0. In bay (Laurus nobilis), Leaf 5 is 13 , 21 and so on. The directly but above Leaf 0 and the 34 one to each other of leaves rotates twice in round the rows and the spiral numerator numbers subunits are 1 Fibonacci the in the then rotations of is that series? Fibonacci and around the or many the in subunit. What numbers to both cauliower structure the stem between these series. two leaves 75 F O R M B I O D I V E R S I T Y How are organisms grouped into kingdoms? Many but we organisms others can sometimes the that Obelia is an a bacteria. B C D Method and for be To look recognized check at shows animal. fungi A to us. plant, plant and easily here like recognize A have photograph supercially can confuse the part but if of its examining cells an a of Obelia cells are human how cheek the or a colony, need to an animal, species cells. For which examined, therefore and plant kingdom structure Biologists animals as which to it is in, looks obvious know distinguish is example, how them to from cells Obelia longissima 1. Obtain a sample swabbing 2. Dab the Add a 4. Leave your 5. Put with cotton transfer 3. it your drop for of from cotton bud onto the lining of your cheek by bud. the middle of a microscope slide to cells. of at a cells stain, least a such as minute methylene to allow blue. the stain to penetrate cells. on a cover slip and remove any excess stain with a paper towel. 6. Put low the Search 8. Move 9. on the stage of your microscope and at the the slide slide to so nd that the cells these that show most cells are in the study the structure clearly. middle of the eld view. Change 10. Draw you to high some can of see, power your and cells including and cell add labels membrane, for the of your cells. structures cytoplasm and Human cheek 7 6 examine power. 7. of slide cells that nucleus. A B C D Mosses and liverwor ts (Phylum B Method 1. Obtain for a examining leaf of a moss moss or leaf leafy liverwort that is one cell thick. Plants no 2. Cut off drop a few of leaves water on using a dissecting microscope scissors and place them with true Carry out stages 3 to 10 as for but Some simple stems and slide. leaves; 3. rhizoids roots. in have a Bryophyta) cells cheek cells. only a There others attened is no transport phloem) seeds. have thallus. specialized tissue and (xylem no Produces pollen spores or or in sporangia. Species far: When you contrast one for for the plant You have them Although with a animal consider cell permanent that and The may animal table or cells should may not you have be can compare three present so 16,240 and columns: and one each cells. whether each cellulose of these cell wall, structures is chloroplasts present: and large vacuole. clearly visible microscope, mitochondria stored plant table. membrane, not light a structures and should nucleus, studied using discovered in both carbohydrate: in you plant starch the can and in cells add to animal plant that you your cells cells and and have table examined the presence different glycogen in forms of of animal cells. 77 F O R M C E L L S How are cells arranged in multicellular organisms? Most plants composed types cells of and of cells the There is Groups Most of Hydra viridissima, micrograph, tentacles to in the the body has and gut, a of are of just are are two into plants. millimetre usually randomly organized for corals, more in lungs, are different arranged; into tissues. example, sea plants Stems, Some animals anemones tissues most organs. The a are tissues, have organization in not includes animals organized organs animal function than There than and roots kidneys and and this. animals. and leaves heart are organs. this opening that it is Cnidaria. The appears white micrograph and two endoderm tissues: in level They which and larger one. stinging single showing phylum wall seen are just have Cnidaria, of not same plants tissues examples that organism. the another examples an cells, organisms phylum jellysh. are in performing multicellular in animals many in contains this just and ectoderm Transverse section through Ascaris lumbricoides, a parasite of the gut, showing its reproductive organs. The intestine (not containing food) is the large attened tube in the center. The ovaries appear as yellow spheres and the two uteri as large red spheres. Ascaris is in the phylum Nematoda and has an outer cuticle made of protein (yellow) with a muscle wall (red) adjacent to it Adding How many tissues can you In this groups chapter, the number of species and typical form of three distinguish in this transverse plant and four animal groups have been given. To increase your section of a stem and the knowledge of biodiversity you could research other groups and surrounding scaly leaves of add them to your list. Among plants you could add ferns or Casuarina equisetifolia? Colour has been added to the image to make the dierences between divide Angiospermophytes amphibia and birds to your into list smaller of vertebrate the tissues clearer. The diameter of of the section is 1 mm 78 the many groups of groups. invertebrates. You groups could and add add any Why Until are relatively kingdom, It was but new some These ways two kingdoms, taxa. a the so cell in on from each group. groups the Because must need structure be for as they a higher between the in show are level very basis. that The are It in eukaryotes. Bacteria, divided in as sequences. from and either this base are the Although groups Archaea domains on DNA eukaryotes at they was B I O D I V E R S I T Y proposed. classied distinct named was structure. classied from two other were be cell be came into classication metabolism, cannot divide classication? domain can their their in called organisms they groups explains in all based in taxon taxon relationships third three highest diverse different as This the that form, about needed higher prokaryotes as Differences the very in prokaryte Eukaryotes of are evidence that a prokaryotes variation showed 1990 known or prokaryotes recently, in already eukaryotes little domains the with into hierarchy classication. three domains are shown in table. Cell wall Archaea Bacteria Made Made of pseudopeptidoglycan of Eukaryotes peptidoglycan Made of cellulose or chitin if present Chromosome Circular Nucleus Not Cytoplasm No Circular present Not mitochondria or membrane -bound other organelles No Linear present Present mitochondria or membrane -bound other organelles Mitochondria are Cell shapes Unicellular of cell rods with shapes, and a limited mostly range spheres, spirals Archaea from a hot spring in Yellowstone Unicellular of cell rods with shapes, and a limited mostly range spheres, other Unicellular a organelles present huge or range multicellular of cell with shapes. spirals Bacteria from plaque on teeth and membrane -bound Eukaryote cells (diatoms) in plankton from a lake National Park 79 F O R M Summative Statement of inquiry: Relationships differences assessment between between organisms the myriad are of revealed by similarities and forms. Introduction This assessment hands the A B C D with right ve hand endings, many joints 1. The in X-ray many each 2. 3. – are whether A number the monkeys, opposable so are to Fingerprints are used to establish identity 8 0 and human this assess closeness Explain a is the a In Humans most high touch. have humans density There movement hand. Use hand tissue be of the There X-ray of are in are to also them. 27 bones count (metacarpals) species on the and have evaluate relationship. between all and in how in identical including whether to thumbs of with group. each to form nger. twins. are that carnivorous are so similar in distinguish. ngerprints of [3] have can help [3] the a gorillas, which difcult or Asian one assumed ngerprints organ, animals segment is pennanti) are an opposable African last even ngerprints (Martes have together human form, body, whether classied they the gibbons, every that [3] to a control human Discuss Koalas difference species. to wrist. of ridges have information, the of to ones a apes, that shers of in the different weasels. Using forms of thumb. contain sensitive animal should species other hand. [3] great due a the relationships palm hand variable a in koalas. A form 5. also with few 8 other ngerprints relatives X-ray of a human hand of thumbs Fingerprints are the very of and digits muscles bones the other and chimpanzees in The and (phalanges). [3] They the theme ngers and hands system. small the them including bones Discuss four hand shows digit including 4. the hand on dominant. making in form the based digits: is nerve Human is an organism and to A B C D Investigating 6. The relative in humans. of the 2nd Many 7. the development length The of (index) hypotheses and nger ratio out investigation a) Formulate b) Design a c) Collect data d) Evaluate e) Explain Human a the how hands By paddle-shaped 23 ngers. mm death By long. of mutations having where day an babies extra two or it. 32 of and are born or at an normal are 4th is (ring) correlations as variable the ability in length nger. between sport. Carry [3] test or your hypothesis. based extend early a with of and of no digits [10] the of Syndactyly is data. methods. 8 mm signs the the of the digits. your [4] [3] embryonic and by division deformity fused your stage accomplished with on development, separate is growth are hand dividing the for formed thumb. digits of hypothesis development nger more the the by [10] have there of such to improve formation affect traits your plates hand stages: develop 52, cells can of could day length suggested investigation to hand Digit some Sometimes you ngers hypothesis. analyse the calculated the these validity start by been testable and is human in scientic development. or other various ratio have 2D/4D an the 2D/4D of long of a thumb hand other cells. hands. Gene Polydactyly the is programmed is condition together. Stages in the development of the hand showing regions of cells that die (red) and regions that continue to grow and divide (green). Draw diagrams, polydactyly 8. The drug 1957 and women. and based 1961 to those over was treat Thalidomide in on syndactyly thalidomide hands during and used nausea caused 10,000 shown could above develop in some and to an explain [5] between sickness development whose how embryo. countries morning abnormal children in mothers in of took pregnant the the arms drug pregnancy. 81 F O R M In Germany, UK, In it was the drug the available United repeatedly the drug a The FDA number was far a refused of L TA Information Preview a a total of born in the time been as six skim from the FDA done on to a Food In the and refused a pregnant Drug license women, these trials. thalidomide could not fetus so tests for or the made in a were to but There cross the unnecessary. license due the doctor. of do deformities were thalidomide from the requests with unrestricted. manufacturers refused Germany that was prescription license such literacy and a developing than by had drug mistakes harmed a Each repeatedly children the with America, trials reach smaller Explain being that and of requested safety view placenta thalidomide (FDA). manufacturers was of only States Administration until sale and the thalidomide UK. that led Germany to and so the many UK. children [5] skills videos to build understanding On the MYP resources video for eAssessment, and you information. preview time At If start have video and your is will Once Note help New you the of so are there library will expected strategies that a you you can don’t be to of a short extract employ end up to under you have library a and video, ve to minutes preview the to the review questions. examination authors reason. note you you you to exam. contains among start preview the the time questions question with the prioritize want to York Reference of the reference watching Shadow position. watching position of the Times”. thalidomide 8 2 quickly minutes provide practice “The ve themes Sometimes, number resource a access that purpose ideas and you and should the requires for note any resources. you watching information to If a watch this from it. video least to important. might To for have which eAssessment the it a the library present, will most the of selected common are will material. from videos during resource During This There of contents the watch skim pressure the the and stimulus to you should the a video, the video on still while in viewing be pause the video’s thalidomide After point the timer video often in content taking it, in that If so, provides notes. You answer. locate the video: Report/The whether for take notes. your notes, discuss to your Tragedy/Retro prescribed. the it slider what the drug purpose? support for your A B C D Hands 9. and Countless here: that are a are sensory images drawing part sized two identity of of of a sensory according to information images helps hands praying us have by produced. Albrecht homunculus the from area of them. understand Praying hands by Albrecht Dürer been hands in cortex Discuss our which in the how identity. Two Dürer parts brain well are and of the that each shown hands body receives of the [5] Sensory homunculus 83 4 Function Functions, What The the 8 4 are jaw purposes the of of molar (wisdom molar have a roles are related but are not quite the same. dierences? Homo function and neanderthalensis grinding tooth) brous seems function? to was long plant cause and foods. more In held two modern problems premolars humans, than and the benets, three jaw if it is molar shorter develops. teeth and Does with the our third third Roundhouses used the for end have both of turning of a units steam cabs that directions, roundhouses have ofces, there a been each end equally building and well lost. found factories near for and your at trains original been been were locomotives Modern the has including has at run so functions Is turntables journey. control power with in function New some, theatres. home that “repurposed”? The function stinger by on and on the the which used egg a egg you Why does many this pocket different functions of tools? the knife What different have are the the In stinger right sac is are organs for parasitic ovipositor the exoskeleton and inside never into ovipositors, insects host bee’s Stingers laying. pierces the poison are wasps, a attackers poison lower left. by of kill Here, the modied of to injecting them. is is it. have lays an Male bees stingers. explain Can this? so the tools? 8 5 F U N C T I O N Introduction In simple pumps Key terms, blood; a the function clock tells us of something the time. is what Humans it does. design The objects heart so that concept: Systems they The Related concept: can Orientation out and function. organisms The function have ever The overall watch the its part of function studied in is to human function tell the body, of a time. each of investigated. human digital As in physiology body purpose perform of their the object. functions. a living within organism a system. interacts In this with chapter, other parts, function is relation to the key concept of systems. molecules to component par ts has a overall without function which could the study carry on out each organs of and of its its some normal Each of To understand body how this right time in and most activities context of orientation in space the not a complex systems successfully, the individual systems—working is be inquiry: component the components—from per formed Statement of achieved, vital global function, To relies cells, is together the seamlessly. 8 6 the to time Human the is evolved in therefore space a living component carrying context: of Function Each Global perform parts system place for must the perform system as a its specic whole to function be at successful. and time. we will turn to the As in roles a drama, must Spencer to its proposed in 1851: function speak of laws is laws are Spencer “separateness structure”. different of This We generalists. In the is law biologist of all life have on is In us that specialists chapter we case, and of at and In all vital Herbert each biology exceptions organs organ we to would be role. with parts specialized look and specialization: different perform role vestigial former accompanied are to organ, varied theme shall a philosopher each their the they and has organization.” this lost the to so universally because expect organism function found. that telling this living The expanded is a because duty structures functions. of “A often exceptions—organs Herbert part performed. wrote own rarely be each to their how of separateness an carry organism out functions have different better molecules, of cells than and p “ What are organs are specialized for particular functions, featuring the is the point frequently nervous systems. We can also test Spencer’s law by trying to that p do PET of not scans of per formed cor tex about in organs have the verbs parietal the by a that very left side dierent occipital and lobes); of the par ts lobe); saying and perform a wide specialized of the show in functions and organs that and the dierent area types from in speaking frontal, a mosquito functions, have Clockwise (auditor y (hearing (centres of structure. brain. hearing them speech brain range the of upper task right: temporal areas of temporal the and asked like this about many body par ts nd of examples a digestive parasites. The and of mosquito?” Questions an but clearly does overall have an animal function? are sight lobe); temporal parietal (visual thinking and lobes) 87 F U N C T I O N C E L L S What of a Cells cell of the A a cell light to an micrograph animal of par t are to as small. as a of the par ts out allows things. system. role No shape to or be The The The living each and part helps of but in it micrograph magnication nucleus cells and the is cell and also usually show can much relatively the clearly reveal large cytoplasm because structures greater. It also in the reveals membrane. of membrane of (10 the nm hundred Five structures cells are on cell that described which the is are in needed the to perform functions within eukaryotic table. is across) any a gaps in cell’s and of but continuous—there Function Prevents ver y thousandth millimetre it prevents harmful is entering. aren’t it. system, allow the nucleus cell from the double pores large that is is a par t cytoplasm membrane in it. of Nuclei amounts of by a with contain DNA and protein. of cytoplasm once thought water with dissolved electron that it small of it that contains they two the of from as the cell. in exit of copies inside ready to proteins the the be by cytoplasm. copies pass out pores. chemical factor y of with around cytoplasm conditions membranes. are from reactions either open must prepared compar tments these by an and Organelles the rest then nuclear processing are is substances made edited separated called cytoplasm or shows cell needs into membranes many Most and ribosomes the the microscope separated one but structures the just substances in organelles. are be of are translated Acts was to the or from genes. Working through The the unwanted membrane cell genes These of leaving products. nucleus so As the entr y Stores separated par ts from substances the waste The useful contents a that 8 8 a of efciently Structure thin Cytoplasm of cell outside Nucleus interior structure function seen, structures electron the living its the nucleus An the of orderly whole. grainy. because of very carry the slightly so details Name Membrane it structure function such cytoplasm p Electron functions and microscope looks more the allows features they up miniature cell just the cell? make is a are that the so rest are of par ticular need can them that be special carried out. Mitochondrion The mitochondrion example that has of two separating rest of inner the sur face The is in the the is increase cell form with of energy (ATP) respiration, release carbon folded the usable from cytoplasm. The to a aerobic of not spherical is an by which energy compounds is from using oxygen. its an Ribosomes organelle surrounded membrane. only Supplies membranes ribosome that an area. example a it is organelle membrane inwards Ribosomes an It and about is proteins by Many roughly ver y made small— 0.00002 mm out make that the dierent using from all needs. proteins copied the the cell can genes be sent nucleus. in diameter. Balloon Evaluate debate information membrane, keeping p In a a air the debate balloon crashing. and mitochondrion, one cell nucleus structure or (cytoplasm, ribosome), then cell argue for it. balloon hot about In cell this you and debate must get imagine one must you rid of that be imagine one, there thrown that then are out there another, too to many prevent are and too so people it ying sinking many cell in and structures on… 8 9 F U N C T I O N C E L L S How do cells specialize for par ticular functions? Within the human specialized contain earlier. for extra Some a body wide structures of there range these in of is an addition extra amazing different to structures range functions. the ve are of cell Many basic ones represented types cell types described below. Lysosomes: sacs inside, digest with and bacteria are used therefore or taken other in Glycogen enzymes which by clusters to the destroy to organisms a of which can glucose be or protein as Keratin fibres: tough proteins fibres that microscopic that repel and myosin body filaments: contractile bending scaffolding water, hard Actin resist so molecules polysaccharide cell Microtubules: hollow granules: many easily of glycogen, molecules added removed and compression and act poles groups of cells shrink, die and turn into parts proteins that pull the cell into different shapes Vesicles: small, spherical, Pseudopodia: movable outgrowths of the cell consist various forms but sacs of a single often membrane becoming they with cup-shaped substances so that in can enclose such something inside in a as enzymes, vesicle neurotransmitters or vacuole or Microvilli: multiple membrane Cilia: narrow 1. projections Formulate are a) Cells are White 9 0 Cells the the finger-like is in cell that cells the projections contact with beat with regarding below lining so of of the cell surrounding a whip-like which they the small action of can fluid these extra perform intestine, structures their functions: where digested absorbed. blood and Neurons it hypothesis in synapses d) of forming tissue c) a needed foods b) where hormones cells engulng that ght the transmit from that that one develop organisms nerve neuron into disease hair by causing impulses to another. or nail. moving and into the infected infection. send signals across 2. The photos four cell types knowledge structures to are in shown the here previous deduce the cell are electron question. type in III IV a more one of specialized about perform This over its the scientic and what cell and your cell cell type in investigate types your the body that structures you that want enable to it know to function. baby 100 your photo of visible. II Pick micrographs Apply each I Research p (I–IV) boy, busy dierent investigating cell types in his his toes, body, does each not with a yet know dierent that there are function 91 F U N C T I O N C E L L S What In is Chapter human look 3 like that the have cheek been an cells which Which is a without This any look at lining the microscope. unusual them tissues help cheek to light allows (I–V) a to in cheek structure Though features, perform the cheek lining cells they their cell? of they might have a function wall. to perform various (a–d)? I. They are very II. They are at III. Their IV. They cell with protecting features of opportunity cells structure. functions o is lining average efciently, p Cells function there cheek specialized 1 the thin cells cells with membrane is that a overlap thin adjacent attened impermeable cells. nucleus. to most substances. rubbed are easily rubbed off, so the cheek lining is replaced every lining day or so. V. They a. Protecting in b. contain the which mouth from is a tough damage brous by acids protein. and other chemicals food Providing moved c. keratin a smooth easily Protecting surface during the inside the mouth so food can be chewing mouth from damage by hard foods when they are chewed d. Preventing getting C E L L S bacteria into cheek the mouth from causing an infection by tissues How do cells communicate with other cells? Read this Cell to text cell carefully the functions send and receive with one cell Chemical Each signals signal the binding of the cell. a a neurons. synapse. 20 The nanometres synapse by one bind. off are When of of special the the signal major proteins signals at a Neurotransmitters to used, receiving called is change type of attached the binding it. receptors. specic for to activity just a communication neurons synapse are to able cell. two a cell molecule used between the one receptor in are commonly molecules neurons neurons; are signal bodies Cells another where changes junction our cells. and surface parts between the by questions. within signals chemical its the various molecular The wide. of needed Chemical on other answer the received set gap is of numbers can Neurotransmitters between then the site can site, Small receptors are has to few signals. releasing receptor molecular and communication coordinate 9 2 in is is called only released into neurotransmitters about the travel across the the other trigger junction neuron. or stop a nerve neurotransmitter. system, specic though to cell from the the cells Receptors a membrane types at on are each the used can type in synapse of the and of either nervous there is a neurotransmitter. They of are them secrete specic such binding used the molecular carried to via target cells hormones hormone signals the in are are used other parts endocrine only in cell bloodstream present of gland in that cells. hormones the is on neurotransmitters depending example that for target hormones protein with one secrete cells receptors different each another that The hormone’s Some for to binding, impulse, communication. body. cells. are bind Many only receptor Hormones and After as are site insulin located exposed are in proteins. the on The membrane the outside of receptors of target the cell. for cells, Steroid p Receptor hormones, pass the such through as the cytoplasm testosterone plasma or the and membrane estrogen, of cells. are smaller Their and receptors can are in Muscle using When are a hormone changed in binds some to way. its receptor, Some the receptors cell’s activities cause a in the this of reactions for to that example, rapidly particular changing When the receptor then genes the hormone binds to genes genes 1. Explain 3. early the Explain code and are enters in on visible. receptors them binds up to (orange during are to and female par ts Estrogen and on from the form of a in being the and Synapses control moods our also use neurotransmitter cell. estrogen dimer activating and receptor puber ty that the controlled off, dimer. This growth receptors brain in are bind or pink), the serotonin. Some, produced receptor that activate were these onwards needed for neurotransmitter. or hormones have a more or hormones have a more body. neurotransmitters effect and pair DNA image different Other being needed the DNA the hormone. switch to development a the cells neurotransmitters the whether widespread and receptors proteins lines for that sites associated reasons on for embr yonic whether effect specic of enzymes. (pink) estrogen dotted the hormone Explain rapid make during every 2. to that 12 effect nucleus protein estrogen of Blue the of causes any development. omitted it the activate in types (blue) adjacent amplies system serotonin. emotions cascade the movements digestive nucleus. for neurotransmitter on the body. 9 3 F U N C T I O N 4. Every can receptor bind. which 5. than Data-based The the text question: below is Independent part have “minimal genome” to now exist they long and have one—by of mycoides. Venter, scientists, and selectively Mycoplasma the led molecule the the minimum survive and set replicate. the genes into “rebooted” sprang a into a single the genetically life once the just 473 synthetic genes have have species genes and for of empty and a got of called cell DNA cell smaller JCVI-Syn-3.0 to The researchers for M. DNA functions of Calculate the an bases, of a goal is a every Explain M. genitalium, DNA bases. can instead of double the cell so simple molecular gene,” Science. which 9 4 the that genes in currently have function. how a the gene researchers was needed could for discover the has in to survive in the and reproduce laboratory. volume several Discuss whether the 473 genes in JVCI- weeks that we must all have a function. Naturally and said the biological scientists, The latest microbe About two-thirds of genome have known bacteria have more 473 genes. For example, Mycoplasma function writing is occurring can in taken from its natural habitat in the stomach of cattle has about 900 expect none, all genes. called the genes functions. it reasonable to or some in of minimal bacterium The Is its JCVI-Syn-3.0. of genitalium. the JCVI-Syn-3.0. in the the journal genes percentage unknown mycoides of 324 synthetic than determine the related 4 “Our discovered it Syn-3.0 needed have and until than genome microbe hours body? the 3. three human down successfully every the smaller re-synthesized 531,000 is natural 600,000 “supercharged” within anything Craig bacterium 525 function Does genome whether bacterial a functions. more. microbe known to and 2. smallest site 2016. this With binding by genes they then strand a molecules minimum 1. the has certain existing veteran until They proteins only free-living enthusiast required of which bind? receptors p to group to Mycoplasma by eliminated other site the question with life chromosome a special from March over for called synthetic article 27 to a molecules as protein successfully, tinkering bacterium The researcher required answered genome online pondered a such reduced from reproduce creating a an newspaper Scientists cell of Life Which specic Proteins has these extra genes to have a function? Living The by difference listing response, white and or have they are p Star between seven in been living jelly the Assigning Biologists in the table body. List both of the non-living nutrition, and How is sometimes respiration, movement. sometimes jelly”. 2016 in functions dened they Draw are “star Januar y life so and life: found could in you The mysterious natural nd explained growth, out habitats whether non-living? have organisms, of reproduction photo called or found living functions excretion, lumps P H YS I O L O G Y non-living? are below organs a Shropshire, to small called and and England, organs and number of “functions complete systems it of by that in an area geese had been feeding systems processes life” or adding are where that “life where involved. we expect to occur in all living functions”. each See if life you function can get is performed above 10 in organs the in any columns. Life function Nutrition Respiration Response Excretion Reproduction Movement System Organs 9 5 F U N C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y What We are type likely disorganized and not other organization become system. In succeed. and themselves, Mintzberg’s as Key “when”. there unhappy everyday organizations always “where” to of If be unproductive managers productive question we might and life, and words understand useful works try efcient for if we to as living for are make part at of a businesses possible managers how insights best? but work organisms do are organize managers. organigram— TOP an example of an MANAGEMENT organizational you devise an management for an such model. Can alternative structure organization as a school or a TECHNOSUPPORT business it with Can and an you an to MIDDLE represent organization human STRUCTURE organigram? draw organigram the represent of MANAGEMENT the body? WORKING The that English it is better generalist in one even are or try to to two though and assign functions. 80% The synthesis “Jack of it which plasma all each trades By to a body, contrast, the liver one a cell type. cuboidal some proteins of has rather us than organs many and serum tells let are of a specialize functions, multifunctional functions including none” many These shape the of specialist, the have all. master In just are and function them is following of of perform hepatocytes, diameter. ● saying BASE about 25 cells µm in hepatocytes: albumin, brinogen prothrombin ● synthesis ● synthesis ● storage ● transformation ● regulation glucose of of of lipoproteins cholesterol vitamin of into of D and and and assembly bile salts sugar a LDL part and of HDL the complexes secretion ofbile iron carbohydrates blood as of level into by lipids reversible transformation of glycogen ● detoxication ● transformation of drugs of and toxins ammonia into absorbed by the body urea. 1 What are the advantages of specializing 2 What are the advantages of performing in a one wide function? range of functions? 3 What wider 9 6 examples world? of specialists and generalists can you nd in the Two extremes many of different which are business functions separated cell of a functions. nuclei, 4 What is separate 5 What carry 6 is is the What advantage the same p Storage one parallel with undivided in the 200–300 and rough having of having function, advantage examples Discuss a is of together and with cell ofces “silos”, restrictions liver that have lysosomes one and endoplasmic at The performs or also all two many reticulum. functions performed of many rather having small than all one compartments large in functions which compartment? carried the tanks can and an nd division reasons at you oil for the rener y in into type in the wider world of out in one open-plan silos. of organization Singapore seen in these p Enclosed hills p Cells on organization. space separate where space? organization 8. is smooth open-plan organization hepatocytes advantage the undivided 7. performed an mitochondria, their are compartments? out What in the cell contrast, 500–4,000 compartments of There bacterial In are parts intercommunication. cytoplasm organization Kingston Penitentiar y, Ontario, Canada in photos. elds in the valley Swaledale, Yorkshire, p Dormitor y in Compostela, a pilgrim’s and open grazing on the UK hostel at Santiago de Spain 97 F U N C T I O N Data-based Nutrition humans. inserted and no The pie diet) the is one into a 14- The With show the in is parenteral processes feeding composition Total of published potassium, of each that nutrition all person living with nutrition a organisms sterile (TPN), all must solution perform, of nutrients uid in trace Mineral for TPN nutrients and Dietary magnesium, elements. of nutrition used 2015–2020 calcium, of group parenteral is also are daily Guidelines chloride T welve via supplied a needle intravenously and different for nutritional Americans. phosphorus vitamins (TPN) Nutritional goals for are (FDA both diets required, needed in each Americans Vitamins Dietary 0.28 are goals For shown. Vitamins elements g 1.6 ber g 30 6.02 including nutrients gut. quantities grams a parenteral the 18-year-olds smaller mass life total through sodium, with major nutrition vein. to elements diet. the passes charts together of Parenteral food for question: Total g g Mineral elements Lipids 9.9 50 g g Starch and sugar Glucose Lipids 130 g Amino 150 g 95 g acids 48 g Protein 50 1. Compare 2. Explain 3. starch b) amino c) vitamins d) dietary The TPN 4. Suggest 5. Of the 20 Discuss and FDA differences diets between by giving TPN and three similarities. FDA-recommended diet in: acids ber. for three can TPN uid reason How 9 8 the a) the 6 the g must this sterile conditions amino the be acids other whether but this is not necessary with food ingested by mouth. What is difference? 8 that used to amino nutrients might make acids such be as result in proteins by obtained amino a if acids patient in human cells, they are have a hospital not 12 needing are usually included function in in cells the or TPN. included in TPN. diet? are merely needed. Why in are sequence Animals single gut All such gut cavity same as is in the rather polyps lined used time organs coral cavity stages the the for with the and and same the than one ingesting digestion in of in jellysh type food digestive of digest A their of food single egesting absorption undigested food therefore the food gut a the wastes. happen at for moving food mixing food cavity being into a to place. and in using opening f lagella semi-digested P H YS I O L O G Y parallel? tissue. and system secretion taken of digestive Endoderm enzymes vacuole from a digestion in of microvilli food surface vacuoles with area large single carries layer a cnidarian out of all cells – the that functions of for digestion absorbing of vesicles digested and absorption of food foods muscle for f ibre locomotion ingestion In humans, mouth to intestine the small passes anus: organs: cavity, the intestine through mouth (duodenum associated mouth food and the cavity, ileum), salivary pancreas and the a organs and that secretes that of esophagus, colon glands that liver series that secrete secretes bile into the are into juice the and food small There saliva pancreatic of link stomach, rectum. proteins the into small also the intestine. Healthy mouth digestive system cavity esophagus stomach liver spleen colon small intestine rectum appendix anus 9 9 F U N C T I O N The tables nutrition below and 10 show in organs alphabetical that are part order of the 10 specic digestive Function of digested Absorption of water system. of food to foods such as amino acids and glucose Appendix Colon break up larger lumps and increase the sur face area Esophagus Digestion of carbohydrates such as starch by enzymes that require a pH close to neutral Liver Digestion of lipids Mouth Digestion of proteins by enz ymes that require acid Digestion of proteins by enz ymes that require a Killing bacteria Temporar y to such and as prevent storage Swallowing of fats gut food and oils by infections that cannot enz ymes (food all be that require a pH close to neutral conditions pH close to neutral 2. For each When of you through 3. Try of 4. immediately Small to the the 10 larger and performs an essential function for the rabbit—it holds bacteria that digest cellulose in plant cell walls glands intestine have in the assigned which the digestive explain the digestive Discuss functions the table, a) the b) no same each function functions reasons there functions functions nd out which organ or are at to an organ, performed as deduce food the passes system. system whether in it. are are for the sequence all. as in which the functions performed. any organs thathave: human appendix, but it is much cavity Salivar y performs sequence is equivalent to the very small bladder Stomach organs Rabbits have a structure that gall Rectum poisoning) digested and Pancreas vomiting 1. 10 0 of Organ Absorption Chewing functions each other in the digestive system Data-based question: CT scans of abdominal 1. organs Identify a) the these organ organ b) 2. the Bone CT colored adjacent two bright tissue scan. organs: is to and yellow shown Identify red the the green it organs. pale ve yellow bones on that this are visible. 3. The small and right explain 4. Computerized scanners a small tomography consist part of of the a ring body. (CT that or are organs around and a computer analyses detailed images of them structures is CT visible scan. appearance tissue it with has the occurs in muscle in in the Describe the same the scan. appearance scan. tissue centre and that Identify are four visible. a) Identify, with reasons, the ventral side to (front) make the passed 5. through its wherever CAT) rotates X-rays Muscle intestine of and dorsal side (back) of the inside person. the body. The CT one level scan above shows normal b) organs at in the abdomen. No Identify, sides problems How The is two were the body system and system can is likened from telephone system. p What the are automobile this similarities assembly to its an and dierences and this The the the reasons, the left and right person. chapter line the are where nervous between digestive P H YS I O L O G Y organized? organization assembly parts and line in system. of patient. system featured nervous manufactured in nervous systems the be diagnosed with health an system? the of a digestive the digestive product system to p What a are the telephone similarities system and and the dierences ner vous between a system? 101 F U N C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y What The is the nervous that all central The system have transform it the shows includes same into nervous table function an many essential electrical of of sensory receptor Where are the sensory sensory function: signal, receptors. they which receptor? is detect then They a are cells stimulus transmitted and to the system. the functions of specic What Type a receptors sensory type of receptors. stimulus is detected by the located? receptors? Baroreceptors Walls Chemoreceptors Tongue Five Nose Many Photoreceptors of Retina blood of the vessels Blood eye pressure dierent Rods dierent detect Cones Mechanoreceptors Skin Inner ear Muscles Hypothalamus Thermoreceptors Skin 1. Propose 2. Design on message this child’s are the tongue a an sensory p What of sensory brain hypothesis to experiment pressure Sound vibrations how investigate is the where associated 10 2 function are the with of a cat ’s the receptors whiskers receptors whiskers blue light movement of body uids temperatures a chemoreceptor the functions of might one work. type receptor. conveying? sensor y light muscles cold or (dim) and hair Hot p Who has nose, located? does more the of the avoid use injur y? receptors snier receptor glassblower to sensor y airpor t type sensor y and and concentration What p What green Solute explain to red, (tastes) (smells) intensity Touch, of groups odorants low detect Stretching Osmoreceptors chemical dog or in its the handler? of What main Some head 1. 2 is called Which What p Sea Sensory 3. groups is a head and the some do locating P H YS I O L O G Y the head? not. The development the of animals function of a develop a head and of a do not? p Ant p Macaws are particularly eye, which head? atworm the all ear, widely high nose distributed in concentrations and tongue. All the human body, of them in the of these organs but sense are located head. Discuss the 4. have in of cephalization. receptors are organs: the organs anemones p Marine in advantage sense animals is there the Suggest in the reasons for the main sense organs being located in head. the disadvantages of sense organs being located elsewhere body. 10 3 F U N C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y Where the The that – part the of which and receptors located can overall function adjusts for image of the distance on the Ciliary Suspensory muscle ligament eye and is vision. light It has intensity, to a complex produce eye Retina – contains cells, rods the of enters this area the density full ef ficiency transparent layer responsible for in rays the carry center the at cells of eye. the opening the there is light eye. the a retina layer of containing pigment the melanin. This layer that no ensures light Blind Lens entering is the reflected out optic back through spot – at the exit point of the eye cells the pupil. nerve. here cannot p Structure 10 4 nerve to that lets Behind composed the visual the (bending) of fers works neurones impulses brain. into thus only light. nerve – sensory refraction which and but bright which – the cones a of of has of sharpness Optic Cornea – circular light-sensitive cones. eye. maximum Pupil the and light highest enter and to Fovea – light structure clear the amount most a retina. expand contract that in coloured the control sensory eye? focused Iris are of the eye (in so be horizontal There light are no falling detected. section) light-sensitive on this region rear of the at The retina which in the part is a images retina: of the hemispherical are projected. rods cell and that screen There cones. absorbs the are Both light, at back two take types their which is of the of onto photoreceptors name either eye from the rod-shaped or cone-shaped. 1. Rods and cones 2. Rods Rods cones most and Where 3 sclera are cones are and useful at different times. When are rods and useful? are there cones not most form distributed rods a and tissue evenly most layer through the retina. cones? in the choroid retina but there pigment are epithelium many other tissues in the eye. What is the function of these rods other tissues? without 4. What is any the Would of it be possible to have the sense of and cones vision them? difference between a sensory receptor and a sense bipolar cells retina organ? The diagram of the tissues in the wall of the eye shows a layer of ganglion ganglion cells, ganglion cells which are process a type signals of from neuron rods (nerve and cones cell). and Most then of convey p Structure the signals form to images. the visual About stimulated by light coordinate various ● adjustments ● setting in ● the relation secretion to centres 1% of they size to of the “biological clock” night of the and hormone the brain cells signals to day the ganglion send responses the of to where are they are used photoreceptors. other intensity parts of of the of the the structures controls melatonin 1. Find and each then eyelashes, What is 3. Explain brightly 4. Blue from a pupil, labelled the reason where the that light: when which we do promotes things sleep. eyes are others. the baby or common Identify the eye and it is time in to the go eye to help us sleep P H YS I O L O G Y the in the photograph diagram opening of to tear of show the baby their (lacrimal) relative gland ducts, eyebrow. for illuminated of sketch sclera, and eye it? structures iris, eyelid indigenous for these draw positions: 2. of around the pupil that function of When brain when is wall to p Photoreceptors What cells the was in lit some has appearing when dimly some population pupil the black? photo was taken—in a room. human parts of brown the eyes populations world and but where explain all the are of absent the reasons this. 10 5 to decide F U N C T I O N 5. Muscles eye 6. close There only and 7. in and are are L TA Critical Question above are statements, such as in this then the to change offer an in Where It the body. from 1.4 the (40–600 is contrast, the and inner are two all the of which signals, and the eye, explain but an where eyes answer your the eyebrow the eyelashes rather to than this just one? question and hypothesis. formulation expressed guesses, of as a of but cause hypothesis. variable) variable) are a “If....then...because...” (manipulated observations that are order where ne hairs will based are on based effect is be changed observed an suggesting and ability possible upon to causes. evidence and relationship. receptors can a cells. are like the a hair used This snail The The cells, for in that for hair is we of are of transforming which between a by in amplify a into 0.1 of hair For and sound insects. are cells spiral bony uid-lled three positioned types: vibrations sounds. the vibrations ying hollow two of humans called divided are up frequencies are around surface invertebrates. containing cells and world pick hearing consists tube many generated They shell, the outer that length range skull. the legs different the the in from to located their to cochlea responsible outer sounds close Varying in spiral. be on receptors vibrate. inside hear are hairs cochlea. rather into they inside the to would respond which deep in membranes cells, in sensory ear, coiled membranes does predictions sensory receptor looking also just have ne located chamber tube, via Hz), in When closure? two in test Hypotheses for receptors indeed these In not to the the way”. that spiders air mm, closed. hearing? obvious This to having (responding the necessary example, be for below hypothesis for possibility are for seems us, are reasonable use “If explanation Hypotheses a a commonly this to skills asks Hypotheses way, and of reasonable 7 reasons experiment thinking Making eye hypotheses advantages an the located. formulate design the above Suggest are the could then 10 6 it. allow are eyelashes above What eyelids what eyebrow You P H YS I O L O G Y the canals by between inner into hair nerve vestibular vestibular membrane canal pressure tectorial membrane outer hair cells ner ve f ibers basilar membrane inner hair tympanic p Cross-section Sound these is waves in consists waves which the then in cochlea, a pass sensory the in it its through by the and in The the stiffness. of to a in in sound cochlea vestibular canal. of The lowest parts to basilar When crosses to the it of the the highest frequencies. vibrations waves. sound canals the consequence, response that canal, The these, different the responds the canal. One detect neurotransmitter neuron the As vibrating membrane sensory in tympanic tympanic innermost frequencies a uid the frequencies parts the basilar releases to Inside membranes. different and waves. the end through outermost to neuron. pressure inner width to particular cell of separated sound close by hair series at canal cochlea outwards are of the inwards varies with cells caused a response frequencies in pass cochlea vibrates of connected membrane, Hair through cells a in this their hairs happens synapse to a neurotransmitter p The by transmitting Find a a diagram middle and nerve of inner the ear impulse structure and then to of auditory the centers whole answer ear these in the scanning including the outer, micrograph shows that from project outer questions. hair a) What pass is the from sequence the air of structures outside until they through are which dissipated sound inside waves the ear? b) Discuss whether the sound waves are passing through a function hair cells is or gas at each stage in this sequence. Explain 3. The functions loudness waves. also the How avoid of are ear a of sound we able damage the is to round due to hear from and the with with been the removed. outer amplify the and tectorial sound frequency inner making more hair human cells hearing sensitive windows. amplitude sounds sounds oval to of adjacent detect, much 2. of hairs inner solid, that liquid has The vibrations the the cells. The membrane 1. electron brain. of low high the sound amplitude and amplitude? 10 7 F U N C T I O N Tuning Either of the orchestra attend one, At the then start of instruments. an of Why do can 440 the accurately with not L TA Affective do person of cystic One adapt been or a well with response. lost, with live circumstance resilient life difcult with medical over that know and other to can the to all the that the to answers play in tune tune give to as can be a to an their these a an must A A at rest pitch 440 of of questions challenge in for a tuned the still to oboe? this. How their How with could young low (hertz). ask notes If a used standard tune Hz you having with orchestra? instruments answers A are Hz the their (often the broadcast generator. tune note play the online sound instruments the your an they tune play pitch musicians plays sure other cannot same watch musicians oboist make instruments notes—try Learning and events to a the a to or the grief, to life an such a dialysis to you and do musician. violinists cancer diagnosis leading in treatment? circumstances members. such Accepting things enabling practicing as their to a child Many people resilience. altering involves gaining of due community and lives, receiving onset situations response optimism their parent response friends resilient resolving or leading resilient maintaining change bag life-altering members, a that ileostomy condition time Supporting exercise, a supports family expressing encouraging 10 8 deal to brosis relationships Hz) an to the or using resilience people having generally high concert device concert experiments skills Practicing How the instruments instruments orchestral some Usually electronic pitch p an do as close help discussing perspective empathy. is on the personal supports what a has situation, Summative Statement Each the of inquiry: component right assessment time in and a system place for must the perform system as a its specic whole to function be at successful. Introduction In this summative humans, gut A B C D and Cystic 1. the where consequences brosis United channels mucus a) assessment and you certain if investigate functions functions are the are not need for a performed performed gut in in the effectively. brosis Cystic the when in that State (CF) States is of certain causes the the most America cells do lung function common and not function problems of the genetic north-west and resulting blocks pancreatic disease Europe. the duct. in in Canada, Chloride very viscous pancreatic duct. [1] 40 A percentile a given the 50th female measure percentage 50% of people percentile. CF a patients in The in of the to observations the bar used indicate in population chart United (right) States a value population have shows and the a height the Canada occur. lower percentage that are in For than of each FC of six different distribution height for the percentile general classes. population, If their then heights 25% of matched them US Can mean 33 37 median 26 32 below stneitap example, is )%( which (centile) 30 Key 20 10 the would be 0 above the 75th percentile. <5 25–50 height b) Using the US data in the bar chart, deduce the effect of CF on Source growth. c) Suggest d) The chance where 2. Some can through into the connected data: at effect where a a normal America normal of CF CF or patients growth rates on growth. patient a reduced seem and lives to affects rate. have suggest [3] a their Deduce higher possible reasons [3] patients pass the that growing North of this. for suggests of of /69/3/531.full reasons in chance for [3] data percentile at an the this a) Suggest b) Compare the by one and reason ileostomy end abdomen to one have it of wall the is created concealed for tting functions of bag an tted. small surgically under an Material intestine. An and from the opening the bag gut (stoma) is clothing. ileostomy ileostomy bag. bag and [1] the stoma large intestine ileostomy bag giving similarity and one difference. [2] 10 9 >75 F U N C T I O N c) What change in diet would you recommend to a patient after tube they top of have of to dialysis bag simulate bag tted? [1] What change of an in the volume ileostomy bag? of urine would you expect after the [1] tubing simulating A B C D Investigating food absorption the contents the ileostomy thread tting foods an with d) cotton mixture had bag sealed the lining of the gut (epithelium) of Dialysis tubing is manufactured for use in kidney machines. It can be gut through used which to simulate absorption of food by diffusion in the gut, because it water food is absorbed is similar in permeability. The diagram shows how such a simulation simulating blood the of in wall the gut base of could bag knotted to prevent leaks be Possible contrived. foods Digested to test: foods Undigested glucose starch aspar tic The B of starch—with ● amino ● casein—with 3. Formulate Design an Explain Interpret the Evaluate using the Evaluate or with powder) using these Benedict’s methods: test test indicator or a pH probe test. for the scientic will (milk detected strips to test variables. you be universal biuret function reasoning. your of the gut (to digest food) [3] hypothesis, including how you [8] collect data in your investigation. [4] evaluation results data of your and investigation explain your in results a results using table. [3] scientic [3] the validity investigation. 10. Explain 110 it the reasoning. your iodine experiment and 7. the can test hypothesis how Present 9. a control 6. 8. urine the casein foods acids—with explain Analysis acid) such ● 5. D amino glucose—with will C (an ● 4. A acid presence and foods your how of method. you your hypothesis based on the outcome of [3] could Was it a extend valid or test of improve your your hypothesis? method. [3] [3] A B C D Researching The following Biotechnology. through the the text Vol risks is from 22. tasks of Pp that GM foods Netherwood, 204–209. Read T. et the al. 2004. passage Nature and work follow. Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract If we new in ingest genes genetically enter equivalent resistance markers concern, bacteria the to investigate in the new to gut genes create strains. with or small of The intact intervals a from Few the issue to is Explain be the happens small d) Write the to and a a gut copies At been end epsps gut the volunteers it feces was with biological of was before the DNA of knowledge gene. the the twelve The epsps 0.0001% epsps of the in gene. volunteers material the recovered scientists out Explain of to this new why get the check the the None from of the whether from the gene, with ingested seven the the epsps contained during of the the gene In the no to a feces before collected and after of an suggesting bacteria experiment or numbers before gut the the normal evidence experiment, gene in the small had had material gene was in with either very the There this before bacteria bacteria bags tests already volunteers ileostomy transfer experiment volunteers experiment. the occurred collected to of of experiment. that seven ingestion that the newspaper it. of materials had started. permission research. genes research in [3] GM into this [3] intestines. ingesting done increase the for start bacteria the carrying risk. conclusions of soya the the contain and gene contained after a time from essential signicant the GM At contents consider large of fed epsps. the collected provide of the of did These presence from trace bags 3.7% intestines volunteers the the feces any of volunteers. volunteers. bacteria easily for the between to done dangerous seven of twelve ileostomy persist can worthwhile. brief risks all volunteers still tested whether to collected egested scientists foods the were why were from called this and Explain genes twelve were gene bags volunteers c) and at been the showed as potential gut. after ileostomy b) contents a from None transferred and used (who used are be potentially bags absent has transferred volunteers containing new researchers intestines) normal might Research and gut are often destroyed, be ileostomy samples 11. a) can The they whether novel are foods, Antibiotic modication gut. are that foods. which genetic because in gut non-GM genes in our modied can epsps but drawn gene as it about passes what through the [3] article GM be explaining foods, strong for the readers views on research who this have subject. into little [6] 111 5 Movement Movement par ticles to happens galaxies at ever y within level, the from subatomic universe. Many birds distances migrate. has of any Arctic species, year reason the for and on the pull sea tidal water fall Bay of Scotia, 1 12 it exerts causes vertical occurs Fundy, where much the moves movements. and is Earth, that greatest as What migrations? moon around the ying between Antarctica. As tern route kilometres Greenland 113 longest 71,000 each only the the huge they Although weighing grams, travel when as 16 The rise in the Nova it can be metres. The of maple the syrup seasonal conducting climates, roots rises into in maple the concentrated store in trunk. and the containers. by of maple winter. sugar tree trees collecting of trees the into the takes movement tissues before converted industry in starch the Taps sap sap trees. The late are in cold their is winter and hammered out syrup evaporating the In starch drips The advantage is the into then water Huge quantities hydraulic uid the into or piston piston out inside rod to similarities and hydraulic Much warfare launch this of case is bowstring archer other based an arrow, providing establishing examples know? of is projectiles. Do of living on The ballistics with the kinetic the - projectile organisms other can cylinder barrel This in of of an two are directions. are causes attached a directions. needed What there movement by hydraulic barrel and cylinders of moved transmits one differences systems be Pumping and for are between muscle animals? in stretched energy trajectory. ballistics the a the hydraulic in in of force movement action rock move. unidirectional Different of excavators. can use and an What do you this type movement? 1 13 M O V E M E N T Introduction Movement is a environment. Key change Within in a position biological with respect context, to other materials things can ow, in an like concept: Change blood through materials Related concept: context: Fairness response move and arms Energy development Movement in be times. of one This to a ower move buds at all, time -lapse it will as movements you of water when open. something does Statement 114 in Can the not of changes activity At the by molecular pumps or level, diffuse may to of in you think living move like to by in the into key in achieve waste the heat can locomotion. rising atmosphere the and concept of change, concepts of movement evaluating elements of comparing could be relation jumping the contractions to from to be canopies. movement and the closing of water and in like a such tree of in of the in change change at movement the from, move different position changes jumps ower a things Indeed, change the case and something as it this why environment. another, and how position something to monkey opening the the in may the impact oceans rainfall due to patterns. at drought or climate abundant in or relative over time, buds. atmosphere Changes change rainfall affect in the due to forest movement weather of the be in areas of the patterns, world that would normally experience these phenomena. Overall, such severely impact the future of the planet, so in this chapter world explore all? weather fair changes of the global context of fairness inquiry: not Muscle another through other the one moving forest the to systems change a differences. relation the may The lungs. membranes ver y not owers that cell sunlight Inquiry with clearance causing slow through don’t if lm reveal by structure Changes Although them, air across through or detected position such move in understanding relation can legs relates position. involves take or moved concentration heaps intercepted of to and can compost seem vessels be Movement in Global can to patterns future caused by generations. current economic and development. we In the ● living world, Substances Water way, such as the air in as Different other, ● move in as the mass parts can and occur out example, of in are on or can veins a cells enter molecules blood windpipe, across leave move and pumped range the scales: cell cells by the and membrane. osmosis. between arteries, around of a tissues. gases, body In in a such process ow. of through Whole for individual Liquids, known ● can molecules, similar ● movement an organism growth organisms can or can muscle move be moved in relation to each action. from one location to another—this is locomotion. Particle The theory direction random more in of from opposite that atoms movement movement move the high states causes areas of direction. concentration to an of and individual particles high The to of movement low are particles become concentration net area molecules constantly is random. evenly to low of motion. This spread, because concentration particles concentration in is from known an as than area of diffusion. This the left, The movement of gases between body cells and the blood experiment diusion two dioxide is is a an example waste of product diffusion of in aerobic living things. respiration so it Carbon is at a but higher their their bromine kept concentration in Oxygen cells is than used up in by blood passing aerobic through respiration so capillaries it is at a are the inside exchanged tissues in and cells tissues carbon than in through dioxide nearby blood. diffusion moving by For this oxygen gas. are On the arranged open ends contents, (brown) by together, gaseous and a air, glass are lid. in the lid is removed, lower diusion concentration jars separate When tissues. demonstrates a in with capillaries gas of reason, moving gases into out. can be occurs, seen spreading and into the on can explained this be the upper (apparatus par ticle bromine gradually right). jar How using theor y? Exploring diusion through simulations and animations An animation is a allows the follow investigative and viewer dynamic simulations to alter visual variables procedures help us model to as of within the visualize a an process. simulation animation animation events A plays. happening or to Animations on a body molecular In the level that interactive are otherwise simulation of not directly diffusion cell visible. across a membrane CO CO 2 O 2 2 produced by the University of Colorado, Boulder CO (https://phet. 2 CO 2 O 2, you can CO control the the insertion particles that of can channels pass into through by a membrane diffusion. and In a produced by the Concord Consortium random Write a movement script movement Your for and animation factors, such as an and animation collisions should you collision that between also take temperature, can of investigate particles shows into the in O 2 exchange in how rate cells and between the blood the diffusion. random results account inuence how result how particles 2 (https://concord. body org/stem-resources/diffusion), blood different Gas activity, O 2 observe of diffusion. external diffusion. 115 M O V E M E N T P H YS I O L O G Y What A movement solution solute, in is a a mixture solvent. solute and If solutions two through, water then where interaction lowering to area is the by a moves of vial carrot on in chloride a the left (table vial contains carrot If both carrots size on same the experiment, in in at known solution, salt is as a the almost of The membrane the solute always movement doesn’t area of let lower concentration. the solvent, some net is that water NaCl as of solute solute In the living solute–solvent molecules, movement known the the water effectively through osmosis. solution a sodium right water the only. initially star t how their material, water and the were the dierence of salt) water. The a contains solution salt barrier water The osmosis? dissolved a from high concentration. permeable in in solvent. solvent water their selectively contains example, separated the limits that For the are the concentration world, is occurs of can size the be explained? osmosis Osmosis from a is the lower to impermeable chloride A B C D movement a to higher sodium of water solute through a selectively concentration. chloride, water Here, diuses permeable because into the the side membrane membrane with the solution Aim In this experiment we will use potato tissue to investigate the process of osmosis in solution, as indicated cells. Method 1. Prepare six different concentrations of sodium chloride in the table. –1 Concentration of NaCl solution (mol L ) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.80 100 90 80 70 50 20 0 10 20 30 50 80 3 Volume of distilled H O (cm ) 2 3 Volume 116 of 1 M NaCl (cm ) is sodium a 3 2. Place test to 3. 20 tubes, 0.80 Using them cut cm of each with solution each of the a core onto the a borer, create tile a cores or into mm one potato core 5. After two hours, remove measurements against where data you sodium the Describe separate containing a full test tubes; this concentration will result range of in three NaCl, sets from 0.0 of six molar how on towel. each the set collected, line cylinders Then of the cores of test potato using a tissue; remove scalpel and a the ruler potato peel (calibrated and in place millimetres), from determine graph this method can length change. Would be test tubes the test and store tubes for and two hours measure at them. room temperature. Record your tubes. concentration the of lengths. into each chloride trend percentage for 18 paper 30 Place the sets three molar. 4. Using into the of the crosses solutions. the modied using percentage What is in length the and then signicance of graph the it point x-axis? using mass change or a percentage length as a mass reporter change be instead more of a accurate? Extension Repeat the do explain you What is experiment the exchange The diagram owering in (right) chloroplasts dioxide This is used creates boiled potato relationship and plant. using cores: are your results any different and if yes, how this? shows the and P L A N TS gas transpiration? a leaf Photosynthesis in between from oxygen is waxy cuticle occurs mesophyll. concentration a Carbon epidermis produced. gradients chloroplast palisade which cause carbon dioxide to diffuse mesophyll into the leaf and oxygen to diffuse out. cell The exchange which are of gases occurs microscopic pores via in wall stomata, the epidermis. nucleus spongy air Whenever the stomata are open, space water mesophyll vapour them. molecules Water can pass evaporates through from moist vacuole cell walls inside concentration. the If leaf the creating a high concentration of guard water lower, in a vapor it in the diffuses process atmosphere out called through outside the is cell stoma stomata transpiration. 1 17 M O V E M E N T A B C D The diagram of leafy a a reservoir tube. A (to takes tube. The up in right water, to over be of to potometer. of through the tube the bubble will bubble can The tap and a apparatus in a zero along reservoir stopper, capillary point. the monitored the consists rubber graduated the move be below out This hole marks the carry a shoot) capillary time. reset a tightly the progress position bubble shows tted the bubble plant its below shoot As the capillary by recording allows the replicates. shoot A plastic over the bag plant. The has has been branches inside of condensation water transpired plant ’s leaves. of a the on it from How secured reser voir potted scale bag from the can this potometer be air bubble beaker of water explained? Design on an experiment transpiration. measure wind 1. What are 2. Discuss You speed the the to measure can using units of concept the simulate an of using wind a speed fan; you can anemometer. wind of effect wind speed? movement in relation to this experiment. 3. Transpiration blow a air at testable rates very are high hypothesis not as speeds: that high as have could expected you be when noticed this? investigated to fans Suggest explain this observation. P H YS I O L O G Y How to does walls The regain cell is It cellulose types of of drawn the is lost in drawn a cell of a walls; cells from of the from vessels away the roots cell walls blotting almost paper, of is entirely even if it be of tissue by as type These xylem. xylem of molecules modelled towel rise leaf. No vessel. capillary and adhesion. cellulose. to a the called nearest cells paper has inside water known or a the leaf can paper walls within between attraction leaf cell from walls attraction this to water from few the consist through of through piece paper loss water on water dry a than depends Adhesion edge causes more water action. 1 18 move leaves? Transpiration leaf water by in placing water. Water vertically is to the These quickly do so. No matter how transpiration, walls the lose force each they water, nearest force cause other because of combined not to walls out inside because with an vessels. in water are together Water transpiration and rises the adhesion. might This to by in in When causes be does stem of the out powerful apart from happen bonds. through water of pulling usually hydrogen the a this pulled not by sucked expect cohesion water lose amount xylem vapor. held cohesion. of leaf therefore We the the equal Transpiration molecules molecules of dry xylem change is cell replaced vessel. water water pull water do is inside and water property it xylem (suction) to much This the molecules. xylem vessels 1 cohesion 2 adhesion 1 2 water leaving through xylem vessel water stomata molecule epidermal soil water soil from roots root hair water This piece of celer y Transpiration coloring tissue are can leaf true to be be stalks stem from was the drawn the from (petioles) been placed celer y into deduced had cytoplasm par ticle moves into cell not used in in the water leaves xylem the absorbs from that (now pattern had blue removed) vessels stems. What this xylem of vessel soil and blue food coloring created moved of blue celer y coloration to causing upwards. The coloration. The pattern added suction, it. the position sticks would of that you blue xylem we eat expect if a experiment? 1 19 M O V E M E N T A B C D We can use movement leading to a shoot liquids the movement, given leafy of larger so the of Pelargonium through leaves blue the will dye (geranium) xylem. have Vascular greater penetrates to velocity higher up investigate bundles the of sap stem in a time. Method ● Prepare water ● Cut ● After cut a a (you leafy an the of on M E TA B O L I S M make of color dye of the the is visible of it of this and methylene stand from using how a it the a be in the dye scalpel. sections formula dye in black). solution. and Record you move quantify blue almost solution liquids to to clean the propose formula Pelargonium of solution through plants, use sugars sugars your stem through understanding then solution Pelargonium remove bundles in do the sections the vascular Plants xylem stem movement, How want your movement concentrated hour, serial whether Based very cut. through for the the rate rate of stem. move in (carbohydrates) plants? by photosynthesis in leaves and phloem other organs that contain chloroplasts. These sugars can be moved source throughout (leaf the plant, either to storage organs or for use in other cell) water plant tissues. Plants carbohydrates have known as a specialized tissue for the transport of phloem. sucrose The pressure-ow hypothesis is used to explain the movement of sap companion within phloem. source of A high concentration of sugar in the phloem near the cell This is production creates pressure withdrawn at in the leaf within other draws the locations water phloem. within At the from the the same plant, nearby time, either at xylem. sugar storage sink (root cell) organs This water pressure. there companion cell 12 0 or in causes is tissues water The high that to will leave phloem pressure sap to use the the therefore the sugar. phloem low by moves pressure These osmosis from sinks. are known and the so as sinks. creates source low where Data-based It is to not a certain greater currently tree of is known, northern water whether height found gravity question: The in than which the wet California. increasingly upwards trees the is could tallest about As trees the tree height species. grow 110 m. taller, movement leaves longest This limits both expansion a of maximum sufcient The leaf the rate soil (l) growth leaf of area, graph with in of the height which is dots leaves and ve shortest for green represent represent that dots leaves tree the height represent for individual mean that for the of a for ve certain mean height leaf the a of the certain tree. of Estimate the mean length of the: m tree the a) longest leaves b) shortest c) longest d) shortest for a 90 impose even when leaves for a 90 m tree present. shows tree triangles tree. and will photosynthesis moisture following length the Red tree 1. This Grey samples. forests grow the to tree temperate restricts towards limits the height variation (h) of leaves for a 20 m tree in 1,925 leaves for a 20 m tree. tree 2. As the what 3. height of happens the tree the maximum b) the minimum leaf c) the variability in what outline to: a) Explain increases, leaf limits carbohydrates can length length leaf the be length. rate at carried which away from the leaves. 4. With reference transpiration, disadvantage 5. Does the there How are materials multicellular Multicellular transport phloem xylem of organisms tissue often have throughout specialized which of data a photosynthesis a in limit one large the to surface graph tree and advantage and area suggest one leaf. that height? P H YS I O L O G Y inside organisms? materials tissues moved is to state are for the specialized the movement specialized systems organism. for the of for Vascular the plants carbohydrates transport of water have and and nutrients. Humans a heart have and a circulatory blood. The system blood is that moved consists around of the blood body vessels, by the 1 21 M O V E M E N T contraction capillaries in the of the the tissues carries The the and them heart is lungs a veins which away from across Blood The the diagram blood of the body, represents through hear t with and the oxygenated the carr ying blood (blue). occurs lungs in the and ar teries ow Vena ● carr ying (red) of and the with to all the the in deduce side the waste products the arteries blood the vessels and and to include carry blood capillaries where surrounding tissues walls. system described of blood vessels which as capillary is location pumping Blood known circulatory blood other organs. heart, forming the right vessels between cells and kidneys. other smaller several cava: a atrium vein of which the an the ventricle ● artery left Pulmonary of ● the the below. vessel in Read the the diagram brings deoxygenated blood to the heart which to the artery: right Pulmonary the the carries oxygenated blood away from tissues of the body carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs ventricle vein: carries oxygenated blood from the lung to heart tissues What is the and cells in the to adjust another of hear t (cardiac) our aware of and the to atria, the the decrease ventricles the heart. inside the Their heart coordinated that coordinated there which circular size of example of the body, without heart right the in moving hear t? blood the volume causes pushes decreases of the function to Within contraction of into cardiac volume blood, is chambers. blood contraction movement beat doing not pupil in the cause iris without control involuntary controlled What direction? that consciously muscles the of is it. are muscles conscious cells the on as cells of including of the muscle these blood cells, body. organs contracts of wall the radial a muscle unique force known This human internal the exert of the are Similarly, the chambers. around cells causes ventricles. cells role through chambers these In the muscle contract 12 2 to and exchange capillaries micrograph of dioxide to toward and Aorta: Cardiac muscle oxygen left. blood A and the P H YS I O L O G Y nutrients deoxygenated Gas the carries chambers around blood the side blood layer and pump movement from veins blood carbon exchanged thin right of up heart function the ● This The lungs left carry descriptions to the double the are the picks to and materials heart. lungs is muscle. that the eye, direct The lives the Muscle and pumps iris that muscle without muscle our example, Cardiac frequency our cardiac For within move input. involuntary. throughout ensures controlled. of our movements is power us being blood in How does veins With This the aect each artery the the then and neck by propelled in circulatory the After Veins the the on veins Referring by valves the to light left) and the vein (top muscle brown). Ar teries from and is heart the a elastic of (purple) away the from and continues ows in the the and the a to hear t, a push This wrist and pulse. blood along collects blood. in veins. They also pressure on heart. ar ter y layer in direction. of of containing the the increase structure tissue of to in feeling one ow pressure. bers diameter. blood muscles to high elastic detected artery back wall under original be backward through the its P H YS I O L O G Y and blood? The capillaries, compare bers blood rest beat the blood section to can blood in of arteries the skeletal right). Within carr y the artery that of micrograph, smooth hear t so the over prevent returns ar teries stretched. arteries materials that micrograph a be the of next contraction which The the the of to ngers system exchange have depend return contraction Blood enters walls holding of movement blood artery wall structure the heartbeat, causes expansion in the and of while arteries an ar ter y the vein connective veins carr y and veins. (bottom is a layer tissue blood of (light back to body How do skeletal muscles eect movement? Movement (bending) in such limbs conjunction Skeletal as in running a with muscle is achieved voluntary the consists fashion. skeletal of system elongated by extending Voluntary to make structures and exing muscles the body called P H YS I O L O G Y work move. muscle bers. 12 3 M O V E M E N T Each muscle myobrils. units Every called sarcomeres contract ber contains myobril sarcomeres. within with many a great It parallel consists is the muscle of a structures series combined that causes of separate action the known of muscle as contractile millions as a of whole to force. bundle muscle of single f ibres muscle f ibre one sarcomere skeletal muscle myof ibril ner ve The structure For example, the human is attached radius, The triceps humerus, end, the the the by the is of muscles pairs of relaxes. and 12 4 the as is is the the bone to work bones by (shoulder two to ex and tendons. blade) bones in the to scapula The and to forearm. extend biceps the When arm. upper the triceps triceps exert end in the the ulna, upper the contracts, the are force referred in it leg. of an to arm. larger of extends as opposite movement example in to scapula of single the create Another its muscles and At the the also its to the lower bones arm in by elbow. the they triceps the attached the hamstrings at capillar y muscles attached exes the When muscles is to attached and and smaller biceps triceps biceps biceps Muscle which forearm. skeletal tendons is strengthening The human arm. which contracted, of blood when an antagonistic directions. one antagonistic Antagonistic contracts pair is pair the and the other quadriceps tendon biceps scapula (contracted) biceps (relaxed) The biceps and triceps muscles origin are antagonistic; their concer ted radius triceps movement enables the movement (relaxed) of the whole arm. Why are triceps separate (contracted) muscles needed for humerus exing and extending the arm? inser tion ulna The place several For and where types of example, exion. sheets A B C D of Safety Keep at note: the Bones tissue your two Raw if each elbow are called meet is known permitting is held a hinge a joint together at as a certain a joint. which joint There range of permits by tough are movement. extension cords or ligaments. chicken hands investigation; bones joint, away may from available, be contaminated your use face and by mouth the bacteria throughout Salmonella. this gloves. Materials ● A ● Dissecting chicken Recording ● Design about As a data the you equipment: tray, scalpel, blunt probe, forceps results including ● wing of will tendons draw wing, distribution that allow structures muscles, work, chicken table various and which and label should various you found a in to note your observations chicken wing, ligaments. simple show diagram the location of your and tissues. Method 1. Rinse the chicken thoroughly 2. Pick up think 3. Move the your the dry it wing wing joints. wing with and is under a paper imagine from the Describe it cool, water and towel. is right the running still or range on left of the side chicken. of the movement Do bird? of you Explain. the joints. 12 5 M O V E M E N T 4. Carefully wing, Remove some and 5. of them. to tray. the straighten What of is shiny, the role contraction the they occurs by radial cage and of that inhalation recoil, needed. muscle down probe other break hard of to without muscles horizontally note and how that at the bend the exes the white and a ends are above movement the joints. bones joint to of move. and On each muscles, expose ligaments. observe covering of intercostal and but in the the then bones How of many how joint the bones surfaces movement human causes ventilation and exhalation. and t is is muscle the role muscles thorax of which from between the the the lungs muscle lower can each diaphragm, the of Two Shallow types of in lungs? therefore inhalation. two the separates muscle thorax What bres that by the types the pressure exhalation be used these is the if forced muscle types: sheet-like abdomen? ribs, which move the rib out? intercostal down up? it the the abdomen blunt and muscles, the joint of cause internal the white of up hold tendons the to external to pulling together? volume is a each groups note muscle with contract, structure cage of elastic exhalation it skin. cartilage. processes increase it, chicken the joint. joint ventilation muscle when The and and Observe Bend and a Use muscles upside white hold the under grabbing from different the each along wing. wing. wing of a nger of below joint? muscle label shiny them, the wing ligaments the 12 6 the each your then muscles many extends chicken made ● on length muscles bottom. on chicken Turn that together. ● to each entire the sliding tissues “elbow” on diagram, remove ● the pull Observe the How the Pull causes. muscle ● top individual your is from muscles Again twin rst connective the it It by the through the the P H YS I O L O G Y skin along cut separate Straighten 8. skin to Observe attached 7. the not the the cutting tearing 6. cut trying and wall muscle between the ribs, which move the rib in? muscles, which can push organs in the abdomen in ver tebral column ribs ribs diaphragm diaphragm Inhalation What and exhalation air windpipe tubes humans movements exchange Inhaled in in passes or into trachea. known as the the The are required for P H YS I O L O G Y gas alveolus? lungs through trachea bronchi. movement a branches Bronchi divide rigid left tube and further called right into the into smaller tubes: trachea bronchioles. are tiny These ● sacs. The In smallest the movements during bronchioles human occur inhalation in the lung, end alveoli in are groups the of sites alveoli, of gas which exchange. bronchus alveoli: alveolus expands and air is drawn in from bronchiole the bronchioles alveolus ● during forced exhalation out into the the alveolus decreases in volume and air is bronchioles ● blood ows through the capillaries adjacent to the alveolus The trachea right How does each of these movements increase the rate of gas exchange and alveoli? You should include the concept of concentration left subdivide narrower in your bronchi. several into the Bronchi times bronchioles. into At the end of gradients bronchioles in branches wall. are alveoli, the sites of answer. gas oxygen-rich returns and is to then around inhaled exchange blood the hear t distributed the body air alveolus deoxygenated blood carr ying carbon dioxide carbon dioxide oxygen capillar y In the human lung, gas exchange occurs in structures called alveoli 12 7 M O V E M E N T A B C D Design on an experiment variables Ventilation Stand still positions: at a and dust cilia (yellow) captured by and the still, by the placing then lying a of after on both one the positions your the rest position rate. hand measure prone possible of effect ventilation procedure implications bronchiole mucus person on the cage. ventilation minute ground can rib be in and rate these lying explored. results. it and one the might suffering difcult restrict How the a (left) build-up what asthma of constricted suffering exercise? pollen and counted illustration inamed, nd with rate Other the on people trachea sitting angle. Based of the determine minute Repeat possible predict of be symptoms a sur face can Asthma with the to heart How does air pollution aect gas exchange? an of rate. 45° as one rest normal Micrograph for heart Discuss rate and back P H YS I O L O G Y such (right) from in asthma, symptoms be. Why from to do asthma recover does after asthma movement of air? (pink) hair-like Smoking, fossil fuels inhaled then, by foreign on stoves that transportation Inhaling cancer, surface Together the for air. including The cooking of with these the beating matter trachea of the the is these upwards from movement elevates airborne emphysema mucus, air and made cilia in cilia, burn a the the of may burning of particulates in cause lung diseases, asthma. up of serve and they and level particles do cells to wave-like ways so wood trap with hair-like airborne movement, lungs. not Air they pollutants continue to cilia. particles; remove can expel stop harmful materials. Asthma is inamed estimated some age a long-term and 300 million countries groups. 12 8 an it is During environmental to lung narrowed, immune of the an condition making the reaction such that in smoke, the or breathing normally. have inamed dust bronchioles breathe long-term episode, causes to population common as which harder world’s most asthma triggers it asthma disease which difculties. and in affecting bronchioles pollen, are An react can all to lead How The do large, colored blood are is macrophages cell. to engulf these cell The foreign up study with of a is the a are still The in of the distance of movement. impact researchers on the of Find exposure Journal explored exposure away? and watch a video of this type of it. England in the the amoeboid the New participants of structure might description trafc are movement towards some exhibiting a that by How move white orange movement them. been of macrophage cup-shaped to has type cells this question: The team that colored other then write roadside asthma. cell of does form published Medicine, effects It guided macrophage Data-based a and cells, to they and cells function around be when movement of smaller foreign. macrophage bacteria shaped macrophage—a bacteria as closes a The membrane that In is The bacteria. identied to irregularly yellow move? the people study 3. to trac Explain deduce this the a on indicators myeloperoxidase conclusion that is of asthma results and supported by data. were 8.1 asked one of the separate pH of park and two hours and six in walk busiest central The in each Oxford central exhaled walk and Hyde London, Park, on Street, London, researchers participants’ before through along streets occasion. the hours on delahxe occasion, the two trafc-free one a for htaerb large walk Hp a to measured breath three 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 hours 7.6 hours after the start of each walk. −2 The 3 hours lower the exhaled. pH, the more Researchers carbon also dioxide measured is the which is a chemical of walk Park indicator Street swelling. breath Hyde the caused Park Explain Calculate pH the and these changes by walking along percentage increase between Oxford participants. for Oxford results. myeloperoxidase Street in Hyde of Park 50 and esadixorepoleym Street. contrast gn( through and lm 1− Compare exhaled 2. start ) 1. 6 to of Oxford of relation being level Hyde myeloperoxidase, in 40 30 20 10 0 12 9 M O V E M E N T P L A N TS Do plants Four responses discuss move? of whether locomotion or a plants the recently germinated gravitropism—also was germinated dark. in Never theless, downwards (negative oriented itself it moved These in stem causes that the the root to cur ving and and any in seed growth around a two or table by more (Bryonia dioica) type in of is response response xed objects to and below. growth, of a these touch. other It as uses plants each case processes. climbing known In movement, vine that thigmotropism, tendrils to help to it wrap climb. shoot emerging from plant the sun— towards hormones bend from a window cause the towards cells light the to illustrate on the side of elongate. This The “sensitive plant ” (Mimosa pudica) of that illustrates a type light. movement inward in a after their carnivorous is being hinge -like regain 13 0 the growing the cue or the of br yony illustrates in responded gravity. fur thest stem illustrating orientation without to is geotropism. The gravitropism) growing Plant is is seedling gravitropism). The response seedlings as sideways correctly phototropism. the known a (positive upwards corn shown has combination Red This are plant a touch touched. They structure original plants. response: and form. A can ush put similar it its leaves water back close out of again mechanism cells to exists in Data-based Charles Darwin phototropism canary question: grass conducted in the 19th (Phalaris Darwin’s an phototropism experiment century. canariensis) He on experiment d) Explain placed seedlings not in the rising reasons to more for than shoot curvature 90°. a 100 open window. and one Curvature accurately The side front towards of a the south-west light was traced measured. diagrams curvature in of shown three Explain shoots rather illustrate why than after Darwin the eight measured three toohS hours. below seedlings erutavruc 1. on )seerged( box one. 80 60 40 20 10 30 60 Time 3. a) If a small over the respond 2. The graph shows average shoot to was shoots the start time to delay curve before At what unilateral from towards time was the shoot the response kept the dark. the in Describe the in Invertebrates investigate laboratory pattern the them. move these or hypotheses test If Darwin’s be in of shoot curvature wavelengths there some graph. One if using you with devise a wide make natural and variety careful is given of methods. observations environments. appropriate suggestion woodlouse found in if the experiment You could experimental You either also is little wavelengths blue (450 or slater moist, dark is a What not do you shoots were is repeated with of can no unidirectional but you a response strong response wavelengths. draw from with What this? can in the propose procedures to here. common habitats or nm) The do curving conclusions D light. placed rapidly? shown B is they light? light, C cap this? Predict different most A foil shoots, the c) c) the 180 (min) time. What b) of 150 light curvature b) a) 120 unilateral aluminium top conclude over 90 in such organism as under which the tends surface to of Common shiny woodlice (Oniscus asellus) are small terrestrial crustaceans of the leaf order Isopoda. They have a litter in a forest. segmented, oval, somewhat Design an experiment similar organism) to test the rate of movement of slaters (or a attened body. They live in moist environments, under in response to an environmental variable, such stones and bark and in decaying as temperature, moisture, light or shelter. Different dependent vegetation. Some species in this variables could be measured such as the number of turns per order are able to roll themselves unit time, the percentage speed time at at which a certain distance is covered or the into a ball when threatened. rest. 13 1 M O V E M E N T E C O L O G Y How are water We in live on a tornadoes in fastest at more, and 2 the waterfalls These and harm second, power waves but is have rapids abiotic but also severe developed weather to The live torrent mountain beaches. Coconuts and other tree seeds sometimes travel water. thousands of kilometres across the ocean. rivers before pollen with the leaves grains open when projecting has are male and blown stigmas owers produced shed by are the in in huge grouped early wind. in spring quantities separate and Female owers. of light owers Andes It where and albatross techniques of energy nearly search a of from food, being ows but sea for Flow the moved and the Rainfall also cause down of living the the is both able are adaptations to It lives swim or on is on native given the that and dive sheltered unlikely to soaring and kilometres and per day in white sites use slope their the beside venture. in the soaring waves. They apping to fast-owing (Diomedea exulans) without of movement. ledges winds organisms examples choice, America. dynamic thousand of the risks own predators Wandering using second. (Merganetta armata) under the and coastlines. Consider and South in among water to clear world rivers nests per Tidal on air impacts. your duck of variations cyclones supplies uplands pose of of effects major a creates Current mass events in metres water of Sun greater. opportunities. and grow into coconut palms at the top of sandy catkins. They air movement 100 the from examples the Florida major have high (Corylus avelana) to Hurricanes, much movements research by water can are naturally dispersed by the sea, so they can germinate Hazel over the of in Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) are large buoyant seeds that hanging 13 2 of with descent then have speeds drive oceans. life-sustaining and caused species of humans, and per that the from provide natural for here in slower, overall action snowfall Energy pressure wind are metres the planet. water cause so ooding; and and oceans pounding restless temperature rates adapted movement? atmosphere is organisms can this way wings. to travel in y Summative Statement The of inquiry: changes activity assessment in may the not weather be fair to patterns future caused by current economic generations. Introduction In this summative activities on a fair inuence continental that assessment the the will movement basis. benets you You of the will of water need changes consider to in bear today how the in human water mind come at a cycle and whether cost to it is future generations. A B C D Water 1. evaporation The data square below metre the State b) Calculate the using data display rate these the forests of from mean Outline the d) Suggest reasons e) Summarize the water in annual of trends from evaporation all forest in the data these types and forest of water ages a and rate for pine age a of per types. forest. [1] forest, graph to [4] displayed causes each Construct rates. trends. evaporation different 60-year-old types. evaporation for a rate different evaporation mean c) cycle forests shows from a) the in in the graph. [2] [3] of ecosystem. water movement in the [5] −1 Evaporation Age (years) rate (mm yr ) 5 10 20 40 60 100 140 Pine - - - 580 530 450 430 Spruce - - - 540 570 490 440 Birch 310 350 445 550 590 470 430 and aspen Source A B C D of Factors You can data: aecting make transpiration sycamore to rate rate of as in prevent The the a by the simple of transpiration apparatus placing water. rate a Cover cutting the for measuring from surface a of tree the the such water rate as of beech with or vegetable oil evaporation. of change in transpiration, mass changes the so mass you may be of will the need small (at system to will take the be a careful level of measure of the measurements milligrams). 13 3 M O V E M E N T 2. Describe one of your rate 3. method of air ow method, Evaluate the B C D investigating variable. from a fan include transpiration potometer. A for environmental speed In a apparatus Possible and details with area of are effect on transpiration variables are: of attached how accuracy you the you and using, leaves amount propose precision. which is to to of the of light, stem. measure the [10] known as a mass [5] Transpiration and the Makarieva and Gorshkov hypothesis The yellow line approximately encloses Forest the Atlantic distribution The Atlantic part of Water as air to rain When and a as tropical ow could next 13 4 how the and increase page ocean of water draw Brazil such and of the “biotic Gorshkov also covers a small rainfall and the diagram there of from is of is carried enough water drop falls in less for to the the by water ground of less a liquid therefore evaporation. reduce rainfall there hypothesis how has plants The is I been shows adjacent high within diagrams Diagram desert as in areas [5] Forest ows. atmospheric volume evaporation could Brazil. explain river a high Atlantic shows cool much areas forests hypothesis. II is Brazil again. pump” to it in condensed areas in Forest as Forest occupies in air clearance The of where the condenses, pressure illustrate and heights Atlantic rates. coast Atlantic evaporate the that forests Makarieva to Low winds Explain river vapor to the Much then because gas. such In can water creates 4. currents the Argentina. from condense. pressure, than follows and evaporating upward vapor Forest Paraguay to rainfall developed these shown forest ocean. and by forests on the adjacent I 5. II Using there 6. scientic will or Brazil. [5] Using Forest the effect of of to river the Brazil forest continuous surface biotic of only on cover a the the the west. a that and of Explain what Atlantic is to reach context of at for Brazil ➡ evaporation ➡ movement of moist air moist air of of the [6] Atlantic but also IV the the effect continent. the of further new the to collect hypothesis reduce of rainfall clearance expansion industries, sugar-cane, fairness will want in a that and of scientic clearance so of threaten the the [8] purposes scientically of would testing rainforest. development of you aimed whether justied growth data Forest Amazonian Discuss movement IV investigation 8. ➡ increase illustrates III 7. coast hypothesis. forest, III Forest the diagram evaporation whether can pump” Diagram forest off plants clearance in for Atlantic Ocean how rainfall coastal across intact “biotic hypothesis, to hypothesis Atlantic to reduce rainforests a explain according pump clearance from the knowledge, not forest formulate evaporation ows will Amazonian of the scientic and According more from your rainfall in be Brazil, reasoning, ➡ coffee, Atlantic towns increased tea, supported and of of tobacco cattle and judgments. development in Forest and cities, farming biofuel Consider your or the crops. the discussion. Try global [10] 13 5 6 Interaction Interactions all objects, small One as the of slightly so Because water of water surface An interaction when we mouth out that is open. law for an equal a law, there to do if time as you you to should be forward air. the there opposite the of occur air states action and movement See 13 6 motion movement to force According reaction our Newton’s every reaction. this of place with We violently. third takes sneeze What you expect reaction? notice sneeze. it next the behaves elastic—a to molecule charged other. electrostatic of though property tension. and molecules surface as is negatively each these interactions as molecules. each attracted between those positively other charged are water side slightly occur even it known is as p By understanding interactions able to and predict scientists have able of been the to the with In main system the Rosetta the this a 305 meter network life of radio observatories elsewhere transmissions the METI might these telescope in our from program receive, for are The intelligent transmits we Arecibo that galaxy. though messages at Puerto attempting SETI extra-terrestrial would of not that Rico searches part comet any 67P . the act were forces, between with all mass. of with for civilizations distant receive is interaction program messages thousands in rendezvous interactions objects with for probe example gravitational which send parts precision, example, of to distant solar amazing A their outcomes, probes p being and civilizations responses to years. 13 7 I N T E R A C T I O N Introduction Interactions could Key be are living effects that organisms, things have systems on within each other. organisms, The things non-living concept: Relationships objects Related concept: context: chemical substances. such as gravity which predictable Physics and investigates electromagnetism, fundamental interactions Interaction more Global or interactions Identities have complex and results. their In biology, outcomes are interactions harder to are predict, much but they are and nonetheless important. Interactions with relationships with that our The Four was in by 1958. The sparrow was rice one species eating grown from China followed also eat insect the in tree in but result decrease rather than shows how understand allow context of us to this build especially relationships chapter is therefore relationships. tree the of the campaign sparrows years because of was in family and almost the locusts pests and global humans human successful eliminating The other because consumption. The was and friends identity. with Zedong of some for our animals, campaign Mao Eurasian was targeted it Pests begun colleagues, shape identities other and rice a other crops substantial food an that they availability increase. This impor tant it interactions is to in biology Statement When that, 13 8 of two over inquiry: or more time, individuals impact and interact, contribute they to form their relationships identity. Interactions Some between relationships example, the every species affect each consider made a how sensory lead two we a main may prey other by focus seem killing species, and of this chapter. one-sided, and eating animals in a for it, but group all or that look the species responses. nervous can harm. For benets benets harm at key involve the information cause that by is system, processed Most so in and of these this how chapter we decisions are response. species relationship therefore to between Relationships chapter, its animals mediated benecial between on the animals harms effects between Interactions are has are that between predator are other. Interactions responses animals a wide analyzed example, them one both be both. species species range of a to nd mutualistic Parasitism and are causes unlikely types of whether is relationship an harm to example to the persist. relationship they In and of other. this this is p concept. A cheetah using its ner vous whether to depends Two reef types o of mutually Komodo in benecial relationship Indonesia. The Amblyglyphidodon aureus (golden (bluestreak cleaner sh are evident are Chromis viridis damselsh) in this photo (blue -green of a chromis) stalks sensor y cheetah before it system begin on can is its prey receptors how get to a chase. This close to and decide the the prey detected and Labroides dimidiatus wrasse) 13 9 I N T E R A C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y How are signals nervous A basic part of some ideas 1. the nerve signal 2. to the nervous another. information. about A of body basic by the system? function the transmitted The nervous impulse To system is to understand following text transmit how box this signals is gives from done 10 we one need important system. is an in the nervous Neurons are cells in electrical signal that is used to convey a system. the nervous system that can transmit impulses. 3. Neurons and cytoplasm, from 4. How does a message bottle dier from bers metre long, part by the of a two and main long parts: narrow a cell nerve body bers with a nucleus extending out body. vary in which single length is an from relatively enormous length short for a to over a structure that cell. Nerve impulses can travel at up to 120 metres per second signals along carried cell of in 5. a the Nerve is p consist ner vous nerve bers. system? 6. Nerve bers around 7. 8. Nerves can contain bers. Every organ A spinal a has in These bundles, structures anything one or from more with are just nerves a protective called a few sheath nerves. up connecting to it millions to the between impulses chemical two cannot signal is neurons pass used. is across The called a a synapse. synapse chemical is and called instead a neurotransmitter. Transmitting Use the how summary as illustrations 14 0 signals information signals are clear if in the text transmitted and you by box the interesting can. to write nervous as a summary system. possible and of Make include of brain cord. junction 10. Nerve grouped outside. nerve or 9. the are your some How Nerve but does bers most impulses bers, can are millimetre and structure and consist always a positively and the except us of of a or that is and same to from about wide—a as metres very a to 20 of along stimuli, P H YS I O L O G Y micrometres, capillary. second to signal? hundredth blood per rapidly 5 a a Nerve nerve especially those opportunity. bers is simple. membrane central to across with the the negatively an transmit width 120 respond outside. when diameter up nerve cell ber micrometres the at to voltage uid in 10 about danger The is vary move helping membrane nerve about can signifying a movement membrane charged This impulse ions voltage is They are cytoplasm of due nerve to between remains cylindrical inside. at an is in shape this impulses. imbalance the −70 It There in cytoplasm millivolts inside (mV), passing. p During a nerve immediately impulse returns to the voltage −70 mV . rises These to +40 voltage mV and changes then are almost due Hundreds visible been to cut. in the membrane opening briey and letting ions closing. inwards, open The causing allowing Pumps in the rst the channels voltage potassium membrane to ions to rise to then open to allow +40 diffuse move mV . out, the sodium Other causing sodium ions to bers ner ve hold the are has collagen ner ve together in a bundle diffuse channels a and a through, bers then ner ve Rope -like molecules channels of where return then to potassium −70 ions mV . back peak of are the They ber +40mV because and travels an to or there is impulse the full nerve none always other—it at impulse all. starts never at goes one in end the a ber so “domino on causes effect”. from an one impulse An end to at impulse the the next at one point point along along the 1 you 2 or Discuss the think of 3 domino whether same nerve any other 1 p to 2 time 3 4 (ms) other. examples of all-or-nothing, Voltage changes impulse. The one- indicated during star t with of an the a ner ve impulse arrow effects? the properties spread as of a disease transmission of within a nerve a population impulse has along a ber. Discuss ber potential a is way, sa resting −70 ber p Can uis initiations 0 and failed threshold −55 direction. are nerve m 0 oi a sn to is o rising there +40 tu properties: nothing”—either “one-way” nerve opposite ● voltage impulse. s They or distinctive nerve o ● the “all another enarbmem with are some for m u id They have prepare s n o i impulses to n i Nerve ● started, egatlov they )Vm( where is whether an the example movement of reaction of or an impulse along a nerve interaction. 141 5 I N T E R A C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y What Imagine is a you temperature By the time reacted by stimulus within a you and response endings and detect of motor in the neurons response is the brain. into hot from of the hot is rapidly a of rapidly have They are this, to and you is an carried a be small the skin then synapses out It act hot. already of have a response neurons of occurs that junctions probably as the fastest thermoreceptors impulses with motor the to cord and between ensure the association neurons. spinal contract made neurons the very make. with to by is transmit stimulated connections will The out synapses of is number crossed. can test it example a response. is have impulses and These on pull the sensory that an to foot and appropriate stimulus. transmit we and the in in water system neurons also stimulus is it forget foot done only to association the how and have neurons The the foot nervous which to when the you a hot because stimulus. neurons This to The turn bathwater response very by made Association have transmit leg, but put you the water. you out. sensory in bath, that second very a before (synapses) heat The hot a that which the take foot sensory neurons muscles out of the cord. motor withdraws of neurons The your action? withdrawal impulses of to water realize pulling fraction neurons, muscle going the between spinal Contraction are of transmit type reex become have is a already reex. body impulses aware is It being up that the we responded. is a useful spinal have This way cord put type of to our of foot simple responding harmed. psoas the leg sensory association neuron neuron water vertebral psoas from column muscle vertebrae arises to T 12 hip L 5 joint motor psoas attaches spinal neuron lesser cord to located inside trachanter the of the vertebral femur column femur sacrum motor neuron pelvis muscle sensory nerve f iber neuron endings neuromuscular junctions 14 2 1. What a) 2. does is using the 3 Discuss 4 Can B D The and There radial. fully when we say be out its is are advantage whether cord the held a light in of rather than withdrawal if reex (PLR) to is meaning two smooth These are reex of antagonistic the other is a the reex withdrawal is reex brain? is a cause reaction harm mechanism light involuntary, contracted, withdrawal or to an interaction. others when we action? response types out the we the involuntary? carrying responsible reex size that b) spinal pupillary changes iris the we carry C mean unconscious What A it intensity. that it muscle because fully is by This not controlled involved they which in cause the response by is the changing opposite pupil at carried the out conscious the size of movements center by activity the of of muscle of pupil: the the eye tissue the the brain. circular iris. in When and one is relaxed. Hypothesis The pupil becomes constricted in response to the stimulus of bright light entering the eye. Materials ● Video ● camera ● Torch Video analysis software Method 1. Dim the 2. Take 3. Import a lighting video and then recording shine before, a torch during into and the after eye the of a bright volunteer. light stimulus, using the recording into a video analysis software program You a phone should the video frame by frame. If your software allows you and distances, you could plot a graph of pupil diameter use willing to volunteers measure only and informed analyze camera. over time. in biology experiments Results 1. Describe 2. a) What muscle action caused b) What muscle action would a) What is the advantage of dilating b) What is the advantage of constricting 3. Extension Humans what to tend eye dominant eye, PLR is a you know right by if have the and cranial withdrawal your to dominant reex is one pupils cause dominant stimulus the to become pupils the to constricted? become dilated? pupils? the pupils? of eye. bright Does light is the given pupil only constrict to the in the non- versa? because spinal are how the experiment vice reex already, timing happened. is mediated because cranial long it or these the spinal reexes by neurons neurons reexes that in the mediate faster? Why? it brain. are You in The the could spinal cord. investigate Based to see if on what you are take. 14 3 I N T E R A C T I O N P H YS I O L O G Y What and If we is can choose the preparing more of P H YS I O L O G Y The to How is to them a decide than not, that a of in of or For the muscle over parts not her voluntary respond of an muscles the this and by of a out and an of can action cerebral part made to athlete sprinting initiate cord, is to start to in spinal or to either neurons not example, when control or function network contract whether voluntary. voluntary control complex many has contract brain. whether race exerts to Voluntary the a is between actions? consciously response for She whether in dierence involuntary stimulus, block. the the decide or not. hemispheres the brain is the decision the combined much about action synapses. are decisions made by the nervous system? Signals that can only impulses neuron that neuron and When an triggers the one diffuses in the is to diving board the pupils of are scared is cautious of 14 4 our o or the eye a at of a is each There are as synapse. and is the the many ensures The presynaptic post-synaptic neuron neuron. it different possible neurotransmitters, The binds This direction. presynaptic collectively gap synapse. to but neurotransmitter special neuron. This receptor is proteins described in rise voltage to cause (become impulse the voltage is a larger away on voltage the the less across They its direction negative, amount in the of the so of synapse and as an the Excitatory membrane to cause an opposite—they impulse will cause only be neurotransmitter. neuron −50 the tend of excitatory change. the excitatory reaches membrane neuron’s they do so the classed post-synaptic membrane from are post-synaptic negative), more triggered across the change. neurotransmitters become with An to mV . whenever The impulse membrane of is the is dilating when involuntar y. risk-taker natural end it a correct neuron returns to −70 mV . Each time the voltage rises high whereas the cause Inhibitory post-synaptic jump the the synapse post-synaptic depending inhibitory, transmitted to the or triggered used the chemical. neuron the to across in 4. impulse. action a bers receives known post-synaptic voltage muscle that synaptic of neurotransmitters Voluntar y signal released Neurotransmitters p of are direction nerve reaches the membrane Chapter the release type one neuron which across in along brings the impulse chemicals, only pass pass identity is we to −50 per mV an impulse is sent. This can happen hundreds of times second. Being a par t One post-synaptic neurons, some of neuron which may have release synapses with neurotransmitters many that presynaptic stimulate impulses voltage falls as rises be others across the to the −50 mV of whether The release neurotransmitters membrane different hundreds decide 1. and an types of impulse presynaptic an impulse presynaptic of the post-synaptic neurotransmitter will be triggered. neurons is neurons that and triggered labelled all in A, B neuron reach In of the inhibit the it. in rises Every brain them them. C in the and time there it can combination post-synaptic and The neuron. diagram B release neurotransmitters releases an inhibitory that stimulate neurotransmitter. impulses, The table but A D shows some observations. Presynaptic neuron in which an Is impulse post-synaptic arrives at the synapse A A B B an impulse initiated in D the neuron? No and and C B together Yes D together No and D together C Yes p The ends four Do you expect an impulse in the post-synaptic neuron if there ner ve in: with between the them post-synaptic a) B b) e) Can D c) C d) A, B and work out whether there would be an from are synapses and one neuron. The C? arrows you bers neurons are shown impulses of presynaptic impulse of with indicate movement the of direction the ner ve impulses any 2. When other chasing cheetah’s These combinations? its prey, decision factors either neurotransmitters release 3. to there cause to are multiple be inhibitory released. inuencing a or What excitatory factors would cause of: a) inhibitory neurotransmitters? b) excitatory neurotransmitters? Discuss factors continue. whether the chase is an example of reaction or interaction. In this and life the and millisecond cheetah death impala about has to chase make which decide continuing—most of both decisions way to whether its chases the cheetah ever y run. The it is wor th end in failure 14 5 I N T E R A C T I O N A B C D How quickly expect hypothesis. to test this Materials A carry hold a out this your to body be factors to faster do you make or a slower need to voluntary than take response involuntary into account to a stimulus? reexes? when Do Propose designing an you your own experiment method method this either taken side Once from conversion of measuring investigation, Student thumb. time other centimeter on When expect responses What and 30 thumb and you hypothesis? convenient To it. do voluntary 1 ruler of at the drops 0 the Student the 2 cm where will end, need so mark ruler has moment table, you one voluntary at DD ruler is to pair hangs the without caught the it response the lower ruler, with vertically. end warning, starts distance up time another Student the Student make dropping dropped of involves a note until in it has of puts catch centimeters and is 1 nger actually it can RT dropping Student distance caught a their without to the was student. 2 ruler, 2 catching will and touching between dropped be ruler. nger (DD); deduced response the from time in milliseconds: DD RT DD RT DD RT DD RT DD RT DD RT 1 45 6 111 11 150 16 181 21 207 26 230 2 64 7 120 12 156 17 186 22 212 27 235 3 78 8 128 13 163 18 192 23 217 28 239 4 90 9 136 14 169 19 197 24 221 29 243 5 101 10 143 15 175 20 202 25 226 30 247 1. a) Display Include from b) the the Using you your results mean person’s the data found in graphically, response time with for fastest to slowest displayed in your your trials are the each response person times with a for different range bar to people show kept the separate. variation times. graph, reliable discuss and whether whether the the mean differences response between times the that people were signicant. 2. The many same 3. Response such 14 6 different person. as Can times methods you for tests withdrawing a for explain such foot measuring how as we catching from hot response respond a dropping bathwater. time faster Can in ruler you give some are different tests usually suggest a results, than even for the others? longer than hypothesis to for reexes explain this? Chain 1. reaction How fast can hands pass to person last challenge signal on is person timer the in as last reaches 2. What 3. How 4. In them L TA Creative to In an a the a As the and countries part of tests vehicle the view through has to such a that public that a a busy press as another The on a reaction in key rst signal the and signal stopped. time per pass person? through involves are used in positive up. each person feedback, Discuss so whether of in that all something communication What the links the the rate will familiar Analogies they be example are strategies, familiar and commonly to it with? to nd stimulus the of to reaction a chain the response? becomes is faster appropriate. the used or important What concept in idea will it science. a to concept think they be represents Can you that about is the interested should think of in? be some biology? to awareness be A might The passed video see person response to suddenly used an to and is assessment before played while travelling being each assessed accident crossing the unexpected decide to risk, road or maneuver. whether responding driving of a learner these hazards Becoming a driver involves learning to enough. can use and develop of an is interact You the analogy familiar p quickly from tests making recognizing case analogy. used roads. in device between have pedestrian is the an hazard area. vehicle is a driver assessment driver be clarifying. analogies In a when signal The skills link awareness is out can reactants making Hazard many squeeze call a the electronic timer did so hand chain. an rst analogies obvious of the a the reaction closed sees start hand communication when examples in from chain eyes reaction chain until analogy, simple, the mean represent. audience the thinking is them should neurons Generating meant of with holding signal The someone should so the many if people squeeze done send of chain? chain person faster the ahead they chain hand jump the was analogy a best chemistry, and long in cannot movement An a the search download the neural term “hazard online pathways tests perception and needed then to use test” them respond safely whether they with are all other cautious road or users risk-takers to quickly enough as a driver. 14 7 I N T E R A C T I O N L TA Thinking What You can a) 1 is in context the relationship explore There is people issue some who playing faster this a this answers to games these and identity? questions. of time develop times. could the video that lot games response situations debating evidence spend video by between In be what an advantage? b) Are there any arguments video of Some 2 on we a video games we indicate are not that the best use time? ctional when that games leisure counter- involve identity. play taking Who these are games, p ourselves If 3 there are between play 4. A or ctional differences gamers video higher the and games or percentage in identity? games much of because boys is this playing than because video girls Saving a penalty depends on the in soccer free In soccer people games play Data-based require their rapid time responses playing and some people spend them identity non-gamers, of Video video of shapes particular identity games. What are question: Taking (football) a penalty kick in is a identity types particular the reasons choose to way? for this? penalties taken 11 meters from the goal goalkeeper line. guessing correctly direction the in will average velocity of the kicked ball is 112 km/hour. Only which the ball The be goalkeeper defends the goal. kicked 1. Calculate 2. The goal middle the the is 7.32 may time time intercept meters have taken the taken to for ball wide, move the if for it the so 3.5 a ball meters kicked to reach goalkeeper goalkeeper is to to to the goal standing reach move the the far in ball. enough extreme left or line. the Estimate to right of the goal. 3. There were matches a 4. goal scored, 64 penalties 1992 Calculate scored the and Discuss the saved by the the the for English 2015. goal Of and Premier these, 205 percentage percentage reasons in and missed goalkeeper. being 14 8 1,749 between that such a were small goalkeeper. of League 1,480 were football resulted saved penalties by that in the were saved. percentage of penalties 5. Suggest the could 6. Data to use move our life a cranial sensory secrete Pavlov dogs’ and using tted cheeks buzzer, He that our dogs. Dogs result in the eye for a the use to increase penalty a kicker goal. goalkeeper reason inuence responses The responses of or scoring Suggest salivate the the for is not goalkeepers strategy. additional new could that of strategy experiences. is could he the most were when pathways nose to cells can in develop famous carried they of reexes? see the during early out or neurons P H YS I O L O G Y by smell that salivary food. link glands that in was as or had learned stimulus the to with of to ticking it the if The to dog no food dogs the prospect whether a would even learned of of given associate the of another sound food, conditioned Discuss if before presented. type a that the salivate then collect response repeatedly smelled the quantities showed was 1. this so immediately called right. through such eventually This or use tubes secreted or of reex metronome saw best learning receptors stimulus, dogs chance or saliva. stimuli. a shown into measure saliva the the left to goalkeeper penalty experiences result Pavlov, This that the the increase either have as experiments Ivan to that saving reluctant past Biologists of suggests being Can strategies chance new of food. behavior is reex. a conditioned p reex is an example of reaction or Ivan into 2. Suggest a hypothesis for how new Pavlov had tubes inser ted interaction. reexes can be set up by the so the side salivation of dogs’ cheeks could easily be obser ved nervous 3. 4. Find an system. example an experiment. an example. Explain the of a conditioned Domestic benets to an pets reex such animal as of that cats is are learning not the possible result of sources conditioned of reexes. 14 9 I N T E R A C T I O N What E C O L O G Y types between Animals their two in species There table are lists of relationship Predation: predator and eats the a its kills prey catch American and rivers bears trial to of learn and river up are the their how error obtain same two and use limited a are bears on of these the and common of an to or the sh obser ving bears. Water falls so site they rich in as are in America. Young catch by grounds the on a sh easier either older to by more salmon have to leap catch. The protein. Pinyon pines (Pinus edulis) produce many to large seeds in certain years and few in others. the Birds such as the pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus resource cyanocephalus) come to harvest them by day eating some immediately and burying the rest in soil. Mammals such as the pinyon mouse (Peromyscus truei) also feed on the seeds mostly nocturnally. The more seeds that are taken by birds the fewer are available to mammals (i.e. there is a negative correlation). Parasitism: lives on or obtaining and a in parasite its food harming host from it it Varroa of mites honey Varroa adults lives and Asiatic groom on honey each has bees are Mutualism: species live association gaining two in Clownsh close with benet both the by of to consumed of two by In the a the recent provide a into sea the mites so decades honey colonies species sea have bee been of for cleaning eat live among anemone food not sea tentacles scales sea sea anemone. The clownsh the benets and blood. carefully western many stinging over lar vae their it. because mucus parasites host. remove Varroa (Heteractis magnica). They harm bee out (Apis cerana) to and are other (Amphiprion nigripes) tentacles anemone’s 15 0 no sucking limited. spread out have outside by other (Apis mellifera) wiped the feeds infestations Varroa (Varroa destructor) bees. They in do a their skin. There ser vice and layer cause have anemones: anemone’s not of are clownsh also tentacles. lure interact muscles. types of prey with The that example relationship (Ursus arctos) are there community? interactions with types a community system migrating spawning favored falls salmon attempt of other salmon nor th-west experienced species based number or brown consume upstream the Competition: ecological in Example Nor th catches is relationship species nervous four examples Type an senses, of each occur between interspecic of other relationship each. between Can using between them. relationship. you animal nd The other species? Data-based Red squirrels squirrels Europe. In the It long-term p (Sciurus (Sciurus In century. question: vulgaris) carolinensis) United spread study Red to of and are are Kingdom East native native the Anglia, squirrel grey an squirrels to to northern North eastern grey this large study, area of squirrel area in the east communities in the area. Sciurus vulgaris p biologists East Anglia divided into 10 upa × 10 Europe America, of and but was the northern are now introduced UK, during Asia; also at the eastern common the end 1970s, as in of grey parts the of 19th shown by a Sciurus carolinensis 180 km 160 grid squares presence 22 or squirrel years, absence in each between graph shows of grid both species square 1960 the the and 140 for 1982. dirg The recorded serauqs of and results. red only graph, the deduce relationships data in which could the of these have squirrels present 100 80 rebmun Using grey 120 fo 1. squirrels present 60 40 caused the changes: competition, predation, parasitism or 20 both species present mutualism. 0 ‘60 2. Red and grey squirrels are in ‘62 ‘64 ‘66 ‘68 ‘70 ‘72 ‘74 ‘76 ‘78 ‘80 ‘82 the year same genus (Sciurus), so they are Source: closely that one from 3 related, of very examples The red is 1982, more What of squirrel red therefore 4 them is different any in making likely a parasite closely of the cause you the from effect local give other Can species disappeared devastating would and animals. related disappeared to Reynolds JC, Journal of Animal Ecology (1985), 54, 149–162 unlikely groups squirrels had advice a it each where grid red its host. think one is square completely on from squirrels. extinction about is you of a introduction Parasites of a any parasite soon East after and grey Anglia. Discuss and their reasons for the hosts this? other squirrels The whether spread are Can is its usually you host? arrived. of grey competition nd or Then squirrels predation species. of alien species, based on the data in this question? 1 51 I N T E R A C T I O N Data-based The Hudson’s trappers The in lynx of (Lynx can the therefore relative numbers 1. numbers The from and size pattern of of a) How many b) Calculate the and hares and furs the in hare response follow in a the to The of the wild. cyclical p Snowshoe the falls. cycles are long there each between cycle hare Canada estimate lynx snowshoe from populations. an and years. snowshoe two as lynx many predator, used how for uctuated, hare of rises its the be of bought Canada canadensis), in Canada Company furs americanus) changes data Bay northern numbers (Lepus question: lasts 1845 on and hares Canada lynx make up between 60 and 97% of diet 1935? average. 150 snowshoe )raey Canada hare lynx rep 125 sdnasuoht( 100 75 sruf fo 50 rebmun 25 0 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 year p 2. The The lynx occur 3. graph shows also after cyclical hare changes decreases in the number of hares c) decreases in the number of lynx d) increases lynx is a) What b) When one type of of there Snowshoe the number group are few of advantages factor in from numbers Suggest an 1845 over to 1935 similar explanation for time periods each of but these changes changes: hares. does that the some to the uctuate that Company lynx species hares, numbers another of of relationship three hare number Bay numbers. b) in the the Hudson,s increases The in in the a) Suggest 15 2 from undergoes those Suggest 4. records could of are predators lynx the other even cause have other with areas these the of hare. other predators predators in of may doing where they uctuations. predators kill of and the hare? consume lynx. this. are not predated by lynx. 5 For there a) How b) Does c) Is What to is in the host, 1. Give 2. a) a population population the Make a list Make a of of food of with of of hares hares between species affected have a “parasite” from it by effects predator they the on and each be affected by the other. lynx? the its must population prey an of example lynx? of between interaction? E C O L O G Y is and an organism causing it that lives on or harm. “predator”. similarities prey second two parasites? denition denition between dierences and obtaining predator b) interaction relationship are biological its the the predators The be list and in the relationships parasite showing with between host. differences in these two types of relationship. 3. Even if parasites numbers 4. With each whether to of of it is research unfamiliar deciding the host the a don’t kill in an animals predator the lifestyle with which them. type of their host, area. Discuss shown or of in parasite some How they of well the of relationship how photos, six your each to this humans. the do tend try reduce happens. to You animals decide may if denitions species the has you need are work with in humans? p Tapeworm p Mosquito p Castor p Cockroach p Hookworm p Vampire 5 A parasite way by has the a clear effect on its host, but is it inuenced in bean tick bat any host? 15 3 I N T E R A C T I O N Could When body, a parasite our detect it against have parasites and it. principles before been to parasite. We might intestinal about evading hygiene to it This is expect was one no the parasites this and human however, the immune started to control carry us? antibodies humans developed, humans of of drugs for should parasites, of good the system produce Many Before be invades immune methods system. ever their applying lives parasites common or more longer and had for types the case. consequences might have investigate the of some this claims made What E C O L O G Y to many is not list different as Relationship Example Territoriality Rufous nectar and honey defend secreting territories Nor th be adjusted without large Group defence during so that excessive likely such to of establish size of enough energy the western territor y food use Indian temporar y through the in is can available defending a area. Sea skaters (Halobates robustus) are ightless insects that live on the surface of coastal waters around the Galapagos islands. At times they form groups of 100 or more individuals called otillas. Fish in the water below come up to the surface to predate sea skaters. The larger the otilla the lower the predation rate due to better vigilance. 15 4 recent Find a studies suggest newspaper that article be to other look at not all in are of a members animal of included. need with in their we see cooperative. all between observed of behavior them species competition only possible species? relationships been containing as loyal we patterns not a members (Selasphorus rufus) migration America. The have be of behavior, examples territories even of because are to When Behavior bees owers Paintbrush. They types gives but hosts. relationship animals they species. hummingbirds establish so below same of cooperate. surprising, resources positive, human members expect and their it. types might species entirely for in between We be benets the each other. members social This same of The the animals such Sexual conict Bighorn sheep (Ovis candadensis) live in mountains and deserts of western North America. During the breeding season in November males frequently ght for females with repeated head-butting and the clash of horns. After winning the ght against another male a bighorn ram defends the females during the period when they are fertile ensuring that no other males mate with them. Monogamy Wilson’s a only do year. not they mate laid by male to days Predation parents food back Nor thern predators for of and be over are to Infanticide they a are The from and lives urban in of females male all one and gains the so at females of their colonies A she egg leaves and the about par tner sea on single hatched and chick. bring grey other sh pike pike nor thern inver tebrates smaller langur groups birds which can pike —they therefore have a both If a then they forests Most he adult dominant usually mates then and groups many new group male infants (Semnopithecus male infants. of in India. dominant control the eat Large eat voracious in ones. in their are and and on. southern the and though through male rivers Smaller infants. The females season pairs returns newly catch larger black-footed consist this egg her long hypoleucos) areas the young meter large female forage later cannibalistic. hide in summer. (Esox lucius) lakes mammals and is and chick. hemisphere. They when of their the pike even feeding After nding then for form Males mate end incubate food breeding others the oceans hatching. winter. The Both the females and female. later southern colonies. the the Antarctic bringing in any after at (Oceanites oceanicus) in and penguins Antarctica 70 land with in chick Emperor the to incubation single is petrel feeds Males breed share care that comes each Parental storm seabird with rear are kills the his ospring. 1 Can all of these relationships be classied as competitive or cooperative? 2 Considering your competition to be own identity, more do you consider cooperation or important? 15 5 I N T E R A C T I O N E C O L O G Y Can social Social animals group gains Consider ● a in small again that feed. (vigilance) larger the Ostrich Mara in feeding on the in to cheating? groups. provide If it, a member they are of the cheating. When done group, head, relying the more raise their attack they are less often individual on who the and a much less to is put looking individual vigilance, individual vigilant than for ostrich and the down the has to never would in for predators because ostrich others look heads out benecial sometimes to their continuously for an and periodically group, each singly then this fed others disadvantages or in feed heads them cooperatively: the their sometimes be of raise raised cheating. being group? Masai Kenya ● side is They might An much living helping camelus) head. are from without their What prevent examples: groups. to benets (Struthio predators gain benet these Ostriches animals Ravens (Corvus corax) sometimes feed in groups, using cooperation of to increase their success rate. An experiment was carried out aviary using lumps ravens kept in an aviary. To obtain a food reward, two of ravens had to pull on opposite ends of a string at the same time. cheese They with learned some cooperating more than ravens feeding string passing through metal with their the do of this the individuals share of the experimental but were group in more than the food group Can and who reward. group. willing others cooperate not cheated There you to did were predict go by only how the on taking seven results have been different with a very large experimental group? loops 1. What but will then follow 2. What 3. a) happen some their can Apart b) What in example from a social individuals prevent human 15 6 to loosely might platform in how members in until examples methods of can to there cheating school group start in tests a or is if there cheat a high group of exams, is and initially more level of no and cheating, more cheating? animals? can you suggest any cheating? human societies use to minimize cheating? 4. a) If ostriches and less groups b) Can time of you Do you genes Do suggest In think dictate mutualistic ● They close ● Both benet ● Each individual ● The live two from are in the corals but the a supply on this As with the form by of not and the expelled. coral to is is of this or or enormous is a species happen? it likelier that their cooperators? ever cheat on E C O L O G Y food time or frequently that of that and the very other come together. cannot. different consist with either in species, gives algae Instead a the place and it the calcium digested there Cnidaria is also can use coral are a opening often the diagram with a group in stay by of in respiration. enough and It to reefs 4). unicellular the coral continue cannot the to be dioxide also from coral provides construct are or the of provides energy Coral of of carbon algae detritus Chapter they the the cavity cells alive where supply in ring and (a in carbonate. gut a to in included live with organisms taken algae to polyps single relationship gain that a of smaller digested Photosynthesis oxygen a therefore hard based relationship. benet paler is and organisms rather of of mutualism, the other, unlikely. nutrients from foods oxygen called without the and from bleaching the so Coral to photosynthesizing and is the catching These algae success food features: together. cavity digestion coral. mineral This these function by cells examples stop all a gut digested. secreting and algae use of other continue to does cheats has live mutualistic The the food by health the a a The for other in relationship If are members feed polyp’s mutualistic oxygen feeding prevents groups cooperate Cnidaria zooxanthellae. supply skeleton and They used are respiration a what time relationship. are phylum photosynthesize. consumed the performs tentacles. into called polyp, more kingdoms. tentacles endothelium algae large species proximity from outside. their Some to they species individuals in stinging taken of relationship two different seawater with learn whether of is predators, circumstances ravens Individuals using spend forming? examples what ● of for from can other? typical Corals groups looking mutualistic each A larger ostriches forming? 5. in algae. both species cheating cells in continue algae inside oxygen A corals variety to produced effectively or the of provide as by the safety, long the coral then because from mutualistic them photosynthesis, of benet a the is as algae. unable algae colour environmental they of are the stresses 157 I N T E R A C T I O N cause bleaching, optimum Does Bleached Barrier coral Reef in on the May L TA At the end of The the There of are a ● Complete during ● Complete of the ● Review ● Within ● on each are the the of A-D the exam. assessment relevant units that biology ever occur mutualistic to an meant course as MYP in mutualistic relationship to certicate measure described recommended compatibility will screen least of are strategies screen Complete between 15 8 of criteria at seeking work familiarization Make that of of hardware on each the relationships? before you Research answer this other question. in to the are required extent criteria ensure A, that to B, to which C you and are undertake they have on screen met the D. well prepared to skills: undertaken. style For biology assessment the and students assessments the kinds library 5, MYP your the above eAssessment number demonstrate are skills MYP objectives that Great for assessments. temperatures 2016 Organization Preparing of sea photosynthesis. cheating examples for including to a ensure list one Ask you and of your the global covered this that these in the exam and to MYP the used and one IB. such This as review device that provides calculators, that the the is going students videos, be require to be used with the experience resource understood. with gain actions each of familiarity to be them. with the answers. of All of this relevant made to are specic expectations context. were criterion answers denition that might each sample global the of terms review career that the few. provide Review context by a ensure les. command chooses your to expectations terms teacher IB test be name are context. global will to there the provided that specimen session, this tools criteria, with task simulators checker in the the assessments global to it. context Imagine eAssessment. will and the have consider possible themes all links Summative Statement When that, of two over assessment inquiry: or more time, individuals impact and interact, contribute they to form their relationships identity. Introduction Whales focus are on more and between B C D Sperm ● ● ● a whales in this one second in and The summative species species that have where assessment humans assessment, and been there is includes also to with the thoroughly an urgent need opportunities consider to interactions humans. whales sperm any animal They can whale on live (Physeter microcephalus) has the largest brain of Earth. for more than 70 years and grow to lengths of over metres. Sperm and whales rays. Sperm mostly They sometimes ● a reex The 20 in of investigation. investigate A theme interactions researched for the when are feed to venture whales whales dive more only young on feed squid, at than 2 of to with 300–800 kilometers vulnerable or together depths deep predation octopus meters, (2,000 by but m). orcas and pilot weakened. p ● Females and young males live in stable family groups that consist Adult a calf calf of several adult females together with their female in has the remora Calves 10 are years. older cared Males than ● Adult ● Sperm males live whales During the between of it life and a) between b) between Explain 3. Females 20 end is of of a within the family group, an In groups usually for when to (sucker sh) it about they are the whales there variety will be the season. of within inhabiting and to explanation hunting? sperm for at whales gave a species whale calves sperm females other sperm produce past a mating sounds and for between many groups. interactions oceans. What types occur: advantages the the making whale animals individual the whale vocal, during communication sperm could sperm and and other currently years. from except highly prey possible humans, What alone are of interaction 2. cooperatively ejected with 10. echolocation 1. for are whale Ocean. The offspring. attached ● sperm Indian of intervals to in animals? others whales were birth drop and of the its living of hunted young of in species? [3] groups. [3] between and more [3] 4 killed and by frequently. pregnancy rate since the [3] 15 9 I N T E R A C T I O N 4. What factors whales? A B C D and whales spend Narwhals by major are can can as of (a 5. Explain 6. Humans are the Explain if 7. the details of Explain A B C D most canine tooth feeding and spend on The winter or used suggests as nar whal sense 16 0 organ tusk acts as the cold test will that sperm over The of rate a rst the “Heart a is accompanied system, which response by a is changes long diving rate kilometers to the body. during have 2 breath. Diving followed parts is: of taking slows dive. reex. down [3] One in humans water.” human water. the be a heart hypothesis. controlled. of contact that rate to slow down [3] slowing than ensure the Include Your the the method heart with all cold rate should is due water. investigation is to [6] safe and [3] of nar whals is feature side and of in winter cod, diving the is the a most large upper males adult of coastal formed but having in the holes it northerly tusk jaw. can that The grow mixed of species develops tusk to a of from always length has of a a more as shrimp meters between either of groups there 3 or pack under more and 10 females of is males ice, the to ice catch individuals. with and their females can juveniles. cracks open where and 1500 of consist but water squid of groups in up they migration, reached deep depth groups waters during a usually males, winter in cuttlesh, to live groups breathing are the into pack that channels become sometimes summering ice waters and ice-free. with narwhals they Much over smaller the migrate larger 1,000 groups have to groups individuals, reform. At the that end the cold monoceros) left especially end shallower research can form narwhal of form, the the halibut, These At to distinctive on them. also of circulatory reex. rate), expecting in the might tested depths meters. of heart we rather ages spiral sometimes young size meters. Narwhals Recent you 1,500 heart in variables (Monodon Its be for to different so possibility The 3 brain without diving slower could the than a acceptable. narwhal the immersed Estimating left-handed p for breathing whale. than to immersed how ethically of reasons how oceans functioning experiment the stopping is is an the more the owing that the exclude 8. large underwater mammals face face Design the reex mammalian reasons hypothesis when to to slowing blood in hour dive the diving dive an changes bradycardia amount the over known explain [3] Investigating Sperm could of summer the narwhal must migrate back a the sea near the coast freezes over completely. to deep water before Narwhals emit echolocation used or for May a of and their time young narwhal The text “Age-specic monoceros) Hansen, published The in Arctic and last 27 decline intensive possible the factor Age of layer some age cases, animals dentinal reliable in is in an techniques narwhal and urgent tissue a failed age need and, are and for to no life growth in known- use in and 1980s including assumes aspartic older called in stable amino Thus, reliable increments in and at as a the acids a in estimation of In our age estimation. the eye lens collected in are age. of the can tissues, the All the is converted thus it L-form. L-form rate also to the potentially Because amino of into is acids aspartic of the the for most age mammals. study, mammalian for isomeric incorporated racemization body of method including rate, ratio since the different however, D/L of mammals, The D-enantiomers. marker used 2 organisms fastest used of acids, in constant the frequently have normally living and has L- exist ages However, humans. amino can technique assess estimation and proteins, and used acid all acids eye The are lens and Eyeballs during Uummannaq nuclei proteins among body racemization. animals history. that to sediments. studies age whales amino slowly, be for racemization developed several acid, proteins acid marine technique of successfully developing their has provide been growth hence, to especially have there revealing individuals. the aspartic D-form counting was originally fossils In population has, Steen paper was the One whales (Monodon acid forms use reliable of by the biological reference narwhals, known for of The the best more However, has length increasingly needed. entitled narwhals The narwhal Validation by narwhals captivity with layers for No the whales). Mammology population to toothed teeth. done in and walruses paper a during species’ performed captivity. results available there been of is summer. Calves Heide-Jørgensen, of April during and aspartic Greenland a determination the growth individuals. kept in a is in by Journal sustainable availability been groups and scientic in in together. year-round Greenland ensure studying age traditionally around species determination m born (killer and probably place months Forchhammer. the 4–5 attributable To Peter found populations, the for is orca a are sharks longevity monoceros) experienced the for is in close estimated C However, West hunting. dynamics method mainly likely narwhal Mads 2007 and as to are 20 bears, are navigation takes calves polar for knocks about adults Mads reaches management knowledge key that have most of and remain by used Mating so for remarkable (Monodon the milk introduction Garde, Canada. decades populations of Eva waters months, Greenland maturity northern 2 and February whale physical the are whistles always Nachman, narwhal at calf Clicks groups. predated from by 14 with predators West Gösta on toothed be growth from racemization” H is lasts and can natural below within calves mother only sounds. Distinctive gestation feed which the prey. of communication Mothers but range the and the in most subject from Inuit were the to 75 hunt used for nucleus stable in of the detectable narwhals of were narwhals Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland. age. 1 61 I N T E R A C T I O N 9. Explain the narwhals. 10. Discuss age of 11. The the bar for the scientists in measuring the ages of [3] the method? problems validity of narwhals. the Can scientists’ you methods suggest any for estimating improvements to the the [3] chart below shows the age estimates produced by the research. 16 females slahwran 14 males 12 unknown 10 fo 8 rebmun 6 4 2 0 0 1 age b) What was the most c) Suggest the 12. The sex chart a of reason some below Greenland in is of an (years) oldest frequent for of the the the age 1 1 the – 0 was 1 0 What 1 1 – a) groups 5 0 1 9 0 – 9 9 8 0 – 8 9 7 0 – 7 9 6 0 – 6 9 5 0 – 5 9 4 0 – 4 9 9 3 0 – 3 2 0 – 1 0 – 0 2 9 – 1 9 9 age narwhal? age of scientists narwhals. pyramid the not [1] narwhals? being able [1] to determine [1] for the human population in 2014. Greenland 2014 male female 100+ 95–99 90–94 85–89 80–84 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 55–59 50–54 45–49 40–44 35–39 30–34 25–29 20–24 15–19 10–14 5–9 0–4 3 2.4 population 1.8 (in 1.2 0.6 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 population age 16 2 0 thousands) group (in 2.4 3 thousands) a) Draw West b) B C D Hunting There are research the 13. Write The concerns of a should be about in recent using able have from by component ivory b) The the of done in human and narwhal. partly to The investigate Inuit (a it diets food scientic and ways. Should know what be a ages narwhal. [3] were non-scientists thousand estimated past, ries of can the are so but the skin for be now sustained and prey and killed the used. There fatally catch a gures signicant products blubber) or the catch been are were main and by spearing ofcial $1,000 Inuit years annual have narwhals Narwhals the sold to involved recovered, and are the more. over very remaining narwhals a long stable. predator– [3] be allowed other of the whale into hunting effect is to part continue of of Inuit species with these it each be social hunt narwhals even if it [3] there but narwhals on to identity narwhals? narwhals, communicate its of bibliography. that reported predator important research groups are from between survival with way an velocity the of a least numbers relationships an at with hunting. can numbers the Compared in ages a narwhals’ in method not to made which Inuit is but due relationship? the for high shots losses the the for [3] numbers but on suitable how traditional rie of threatens in hunting was language hunted boats, with because c) between paper style Greenland, relationship Should a explain Similar Predator–prey the in understand. and tusks periods to scientic be signicant muktaaq prey investigated identity narwhal that underestimate Is narwhals [3] continued in the been years. concerns wounded a) the scientic to 1,000. narwhals large to should Canada of now the differences Inuit rates paragraph of for hunting. 15. Narwhals Inuit about reference a the pyramids. and survival chart [3] for age nar whals estimated, are reasons reference 14. Write pyramid narwhal into effect age Greenland. Suggest the A an is has been known other in allowed that little they live sophisticated if animals? very we do not [3] 16 3 7 Balance A balanced diet consists carbohydrates, dietary but lipids, ber. not the proteins, What chart photo Does appropriate provides more. pie The It of this and are mean In minerals, much the must shows as different some the or transport, mode the 16 4 of as be of foods in each and people others example, transport work–life of and uses, in our diet? food type. unbalanced? many work for is body included amounts diet water the categories all cities of vitamins, energy four they that school quantities a helps balance? cycle use bus. us to public Which more with Yoga ago. originated Research physical and balance. can also by helping could to effect the help it on reduce of and regular both years increase exibility is the falls. depression promote can balance knees for 5,000 strength, prevent evidence exercise physical that strengthening particularly some about especially The a therefore India suggests tness, achieved body, in lower ankles. There yoga and Yoga is sessions stress. mental How and health? Slacklining popular that 1970s. at webbing A walk low allows recoil, Why with In to so bounce it on easier dangerous Balance it with is by tragic white is avoiding the of to ip by of weight turbulent been boats in can balance the capsizing refugees they What about easy have crowded when boat. balance arms? consequences. cases board line can achieved There because the and potentially Mediterranean side to distribution water. it end. trampoline. and rafting boat, and of outstretched water even a and on to stretch kayaking the end slackliners as is anchors tension it of tensioned balance from sport since length is two slackliners The increasingly developed the or an recreational has between is over saw we from on to a one rescue learn such events? 16 5 B A L A N C E Introduction Systems can Key be are sets static or of interacting dynamic and or interdependent simple or complex. components, They can be which open concept: Systems (where necessary matter-based Related Global concept: context: resources resources are are not renewed regularly), removed or closed replaced but (where energy ows Balance Fairness in and or out out) of or the isolated system). (where To neither maintain matter order in nor the energy human ows body in and in and natural or built environments, systems must be kept in balance. development A balance is free to is move becomes From this to expanding provide remain peace, to for had the led a the B.C. goddess vir tuous pivot equal has can used for Maat is only sustainable if systems in scale put for has great will a However, living on strain organisms years. This depiction of the In balance. hear ts of the on to the dead The two pans. natural be, important of the end. the to on on necessary questions development Hear t. that developed. thousands weighed beam each continue combine all at placed balance and we pan are of the Weighing life remain a has population. how shows of been, inquiry: Development and consisting weights concept sustainability been and weighing, population human and have 1300 Egypt, when human the for central answered: fairness from a Development be Balances 16 6 on level used observation ecosystems. of device beam The Statement a with Earth? papyrus mythology discover of dates ancient whether they The in biology. two ● concept types of In of balance this homeostasis, stability the In chapter which of within an both cases, systems to are the in many focus will contexts be on regulation between balance function. at is of the internal organism ecosystems, relationships continue useful balance: environment ● is the allows If which results different complex balance is from organisms. systems lost, then to entire risk. Toco Ecosystems and internal body systems so complex, dynamic and open. This makes they difcult usually to remain achieve. in Natural balance but ecosystems they can also be in by natural events or by human internal environment of mammals is balanced mechanisms Until the Island in and arrival the subtropical tree had the and is about to 110 only in in have existed years, be the on for sustainability contrast, temperate hemisphere old. What is are the America, and uses it changes while toco in to other toucan forest ecosystems species has homeostasis. the of toucan largest Blood ow bill to are of the any bill increased in warm conditions and is restricted when very feedback is colder. body How could temperature in this help balance at to keep the toucan’s 38–39°C? was a the led to with species without the forest, Easter how far this Island impor tant it nor th may Ear th. as long of be It as the ecosystems. forests only habitats, benet population demonstrating amazing open to sustainable Australia ecosystem rat, bird but by show to prefer species ecosystem. with human 2,000–3,000. rainforest million native 15,000 examples oldest could all there forest ecosystem, provided Queensland the and development Tropical of to other for this few Easter Polynesian extinct. The resources dropped of on Pacic, combined the species risen humans use, of destruction becoming of negative the energy. broadleaved introduction 21 much south-east Unsustainable the using of actions. it precisely one threatened. The is The (Ramphastos toco) be unsustainable South bird disrupted may balance from more toucans are about of the In nor thern 10,000 years reason? 167 B A L A N C E M E TA B O L I S M How in is glucose concentration kept balance? Glucose SI blood is units supplied for (mmol/L). by measuring The scale blood the to cells thoughout concentration shows a range of are the body. millimoles possible blood The per correct liter glucose concentrations. Extreme with hypoglycemia seizures and loss Lowest normal Hyperglycemia of consciousness concentration after Highest Lowest for 0.0 concentration normal 1.0 brain Average function 2.0 4.0 Blood 5.0 glucose after 6.0 The basic SI units concentration per liter. For concentration one mole 180 grams, at moles glucose so a a of one is of has 180 processes mole of grams dissolved in each or micromoles may be even per used if concentration full be can the is and very shown be transported control have used of not the add of or body contains glucose remove kept entire and it body rapidly. keep blood glucose concentrations narrow glucose limits, removed the from amount the blood that be is balanced added. with hormones. A This is the amount achieved hormone is a using blood both in the glucose secreted by blood. The two concentration cells concentration in the whereas secreted principal are insulin pancreas. glucagon by a chemical gland hormones and Insulin used glucagon. decreases increases cell to They blood it. 1. Deduce which hormone causes these processes: scientists a) conversion b) use of glycogen to glucose always same forms abbreviation. example, all of by For the same 5 mmol/l 5 mmol/dm 5 mmol of glucose rather than fat by body cells to generate energy respiration. these 2. mean the be the in abbreviated. Unfortunately, in grams can messenger are can or 5 cannot because on a test stick liter glucose Units level Blood glucose concentration by placing the drop of blood small. ● 10.0 can be measured by pricking a solution. Millimoles periods of nger with a sterile lancet and ● if more per must liter risks glucose of glucose for short 9.0 blood about between liter than concentration constant only To solution persisting 8.0 volume example, of health (mmol/L) for are serious eating 7.0 Glucose ● normal concentration concentration 3.0 with fasting What hormone is secreted by the pancreas after a meal with a thing: 3. 3 high sugar Low blood content? sugar concentrations can cause feelings of hunger. −1 liter a) Explain the reasons for b) Explain the reasons for hunger at the end hunger returning of the night. −3 5 mmol What slash does dm a mean? negative forward What indices a do mean high protein or a fat high sugar content more than a rapidly breakfast after with a content. Blood glucose concentration is sometimes very high units? vigorous 16 8 with in 4. SI breakfast exercise. Suggest an explanation for this. at the end of processes glucose to that the glucose release the of release in liver or of liver from glucose and uptake of adipose acids liver to into cells for glycogen glucose cells conversion L TA literacy for respiration conversion produced amino of muscle blood by cells in remove the and to into its fats skills information in a variety of formats platforms processes presented illustrate in the presenting to by glycerol Present The uptake cells glycogen glucose Information and use down cells body gut in that from glucose food glucose produced breaking glucose from digested in processes add blood that this a or image concept this produce add of remove as a set information? poster of balance. On explaining blood glucose scales. Can page what It you of there can been intended think 171 we is have do a is to to better an way of opportunity avoid diabetes. What formats could you use to make the poster as effective There are approximately 40 grams as of sugar in a 355 ml can of cola possible? This may depend on who the target audience is for the or other soda—eight times the poster and where it will be displayed. amount that is normally being carried by the blood. What is the concentration of sugar in such a can of soft drink? What are the epidemic A person who concentration produce longer rise The 8 has in insulin respond insulin too of is to highest mmol/L. balance, (Type to it normal 1 is the unable either effectively or current 2 their their P H YS I O L O G Y or blood pancreas their diabetes). concentration, concentration untreated keep because (Type glucose recurrently to because diabetes) blood either With of diabetes? diabetes reduce high, causes does body As it glucose the cells role therefore not no of tends to persistently. of diabetes, blood the glucose in balance concentration can is rise far 16 9 B A L A N C E higher. coma 100 Concentrations and present two are mmol/L in likely Type that 1 for is are the at sometimes by to this prevent adjusting Both the to This is too and avoid diabetes It onset glucose 1 populations, populations. the are a body’s in diabetes. own the illustrated the is still Type 2 1 of more two in The is injecting later is in much life. It more is treated glucose. prevalent are in greater almost in graphs. 1 fo raey wen %( sesac –0 fo ot epyt dlo-raey-41 setebaid )nerdlihc 0.02 0.01 rep 0 1980 1990 2000 year 10.0 )noitalupop 9.0 8.0 7.0 SU 6.0 fo %( 5.0 etar 4.0 setebaid 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 year black Asian male female 14 all certain 0.03 1970 so treated 0.04 84 is insulin Germany 82 it reasons children, Colorado 80 high system diabetes and diabetes intake the immune Sweden 1960 over then 0.06 1950 17 0 are Finland 0.05 diabetic glucose glucose, pancreas. Type increases by there develops develops becoming though a concentrations If containing concentration rapid cause diabetes. cells high. to concentrations usually usually likely glucose solution of unclear. rising Type diet of result are recorded. glucose test developed early blood from the Blood been blood a mmol/L insulin-producing called than types human it is has present monitoring common or drinking person diabetes destroying sometimes urine, after a 30 life-threatening. have the hours over by Use the obtain data to of ● Is the ● Could diabetes risk of we in our catch What are the we have can do Osmosis solute is be able of In to permeable type between with the to is the are particularly all complex. A B C D A be lm). 2. If you 3. to What the only out about is the in it the a in in the are genes? infectious developing— a of diabetes? poster to explain M E TA B O L I S M is dissolved the liquid in and 5. difference and the solute is of in cells so by to cells form need freely osmosis. direction solute uid liquid therefore The in a water are out Chapter of This water concentration outside. concentration to is a Water to a whereas advantage the model size of is ratio more used a cell the it moves area a as you 20 the food a cell diameter ratio in for 10 so 12. for items is to are Chapter membrane µm difcult cytoplasm seal of are systems in calculated size a would their and to is Models fully thickness of making model when membrane that between A tested. because explored lm thick, make be organisms have PVC same to experiments living ratio osmosis. hypothesis models µm to produce investigating the the our which rates membranes lower needs size cells, cell biology of 10 wanted give is for of of concentration. allows concept cell is What be, useful made 1. solute variables The It the one questions: diabetes? that the the by can cell moves by of you diabetes. cell described has that of Most as that research these systems increasing particle Water valuable the model can avoid determined higher cells in. is that the could inuenced immune model cytoplasm representation control it You consider research, cytoplasm water. area our for to chemical take the the Model a diabetes. should developing your try movement movement from in any solution. to information environment—such reasons done other diabetes when of any of You developing chance you and causes both. the what to the affect When a graphs or factors diseases A the research types ● in osmosis (known nm cell, the occur. plastic The membrane wrap or cling thick. membrane how Question to as and wide that of would the the plastic model lm? have to 1? diameter and the membrane thickness same? Method Follow these ● Cut ● Fold out a the instructions piece lm in of to make plastic half over lm the a model that end is of cell: about your 100 mm × 100 mm. nger. 171 B A L A N C E ● Bring ● Remove the solution you Squeeze the ● the sides together shape and will get ends of a to make pour in model the tubular 0.5 cell tubular plastic a mol/L with shape a shape around sucrose solution. diameter together your of to 20 seal If you mm, the nger. use 4.2 assuming tube, if it ml is possible of sucrose spherical. with no air inside. film sucrose solution water or sucrose To investigate other To in nd after a 1.0 out they solution osmosis mol/L whether have from been the you could sucrose the in solution. model the outside M E TA B O L I S M make cells You gain solutions. of the two How cell is blood too much water the Maintaining An is adult blood in 2.4 The 17 2 will of out be an hour nd you pure their will water or have and more, mass to if the possible. before and remove all the incorrect. concentration the our and balance cell cells, become inside for in of the balance? enters cells of average and glucose, so of size the they outside is membrane swell dehydrated. one of of biologists of All level for about the the up To cell carries and must be of with burst. prevent functions 4.7 solute which blood solutes overall added is liters blood is and cause measure measured together to measured plasma of cells. hormones these an one are ions, of use concentration), normal has remainder mineral water. concentrations solute The in in one osmosis, them mass place them by solute concentration these and it a If risk—if too much this, the solute kept the same. the kidney, in the osmoregulation. liters osmosis, take the this plasma proteins, leave permeability concentration of cells water you or the out, process lose kept water passes should or When model The model solution is 290 blood, The carbon water of in give in of the move solute per 2.6 osmoles of dissolved by concentration. liter. osmolarity (osmol milliosmoles liters consists dioxide to moles the which plasma per Each of (total or liter. Osm). 1. Is water added processes: 2. a) of digestive in the In Samuel there to the sweating, juices Nor someone the Can 3. on a osmolarity you Plasma blood proteins malnutrition excessive saliva, e) poem water, any is their this c) from cell it by each respiration, absorption of The the d) water of these secretion from food Rime of Ancient Mariner are develop vena dying using a of everywhere, drop blood of thirst drink. and in of suffering abdomens their the due of seawater, not lower. osmosis? osmolarity from tissues. drink higher, understanding are swollen they becomes component who water to plasma your major Children amounts inferior exhaling, as Taylor’s boat of explain plasma. removed words: Water, If or urination? Coleridge these b) such intestines, f ) are plasma severe to Can retention you of protein of explain this? cava aorta adrenal gland cortex adrenal vein medulla right renal with artery – high renal with contains urea vein – lower contains stores cm of expelling sphincter – which to up it carries The kidneys water from wastes to and after urine urethra from outside receive it body muscle of urine removed urethra of to bladder about before from bladder urethra – to f low urine bladder urine ring controls from carries kidney 3 500 blood concentration ureter – bladder – blood concentration urea from kidney blood then from being from return the stored the the blood in the renal blood are ar ter y, to the remove urea circulation eventually expelled and a through from the variable the renal body amount of vein. The through the bladder 17 3 B A L A N C E The osmolarity removed. must be Thirst is uids, The the in ● a signal Blood is a knot-like passes The ltrate capillary shaped the such Water water the at of to water or (285–295 gained add the a water and to amounts three-step that are has is such because the are as of by are from can water large through have salt is plasma of water process and that in a the not the vary. small If there removed. by drinking solutes takes of large blood in place and is a walls As called all returned the dilute there This the useful to the by osmosis. amounts of of urine The water concentrated the solute of blood. a a cup- tubule. substances Waste concentration are urine of excreted. 1. Filtration 2. Reabsorption 3. Excretion 2 peritubular capillaries renal vein of reabsorbed, which Reabsorption capsule excretion is as the renal are Bowman’s urinar y is amount capillaries 3 allow process. blood. glomerular 1 that such through capsule. tubule, the ltration pressure tube, in reabsorbed. ltrate renal divides composed molecules plasma. this under renal volumes increases permeable size, which each capillaries Bowman’s large ar ter y 1 74 or glomerulus. the narrow concentration volumes to out the of a from the artery, structures, production from added mosmol/L) amounts the renal very apart forced start the called according along urea solute by million reabsorbed produces the volumes retained been reabsorbed kidney pressure collected at a capillaries through ows glucose kidney about capillaries pass reabsorbed reduces of particles ltrate is the high to walls products Urine need form ball structure as to to which separation range if losses. balancing These particles proteins, ● safe amounts production, brought repeatedly Blood As a changes kidneys. any ● we of urine glomerulus. ● within water method is plasma between that replace other of remain balance plasma the blood a to up ● To of the of small blood 295 increase more fo )L /lomsom( detected ADH more secreted volume water reabsorbed low concentration osmoreceptors pituitary nephrons volume and in hypothalamus gland of kidney concentration 290 of urine doolb etulos amsalp noitartnecnoc high volume decrease less ADH less high water concentration detected secreted reabsorbed low 285 The the is solute brain the concentration called pituitary hormones, ADH ltrate and 4. in the heart the the glands least to the secrete nine. One in one of water ow chart blood kidneys. of is reabsorbed shows responses blood the pumped If is the cardiac supplied volume glomerular out of to the by the output the is blood is b) What volume of ltrate is produced per day? Blood What How Within a process. the original to in of a be are level. is of side of liters per per minute? out as it 1.5 of liters ltrate of is urine in a reabsorbed day, as it ows types it the of the at night ow is in young reduced. be maintenance gap to used to a humans the keep use gap, that and the any the of original so the change in balance. internal the relatively and about positive causes achieve M E TA B O L I S M future between decreases Biologists of the control: feedback are limits. of about the used work? information feedback feedback can bodies uses increases mechanisms the kidneys adults decisions Negative narrow the control control Negative so to and this? make restored. for in to two within environment pumped children feedback feedback homeostasis be feedback process reversed, body produces volume feedback Positive level to older advantage system, new Negative the the There negative. level but does outcome and is increases nephrons? continues children, the the ltered minute? the is capillaries. per of 5 kidneys produced person to left is a of two from ltrate that part concentration. the of that of percentage or these volume Assuming a hypothalamus What through in of 10% through monitored a) what 7. The volume Appoximately passes to of solute 20% passes what at is Adjacent other secretes amount blood Approximately minute, 6. in plasma (ADH). nephron. decreases the 5. hormone the blood Whereas pituitary increases of hypothalamus. gland. the anti-diuretic the other conditions term constant animals. internal The 175 B A L A N C E advantage kept if in the of ideal large (set level original point) (set hostile. maintain The cells is are even variable disadvantage energy have homeostasis. concentration, level point) blood pH to be and is that used and of blood core Blood solute body variables glucose concentration, temperature that are kept are relatively level constant Positive the as of Positive feedback human processes The have benets feedback are and the secrete blood, Insulin is cells are rise. A negative illustrated rises. insulin, lowering also not also In secreted positive by the and considering causes in feedback people it, so blood glucose than ltrate glucose for the from can rise 290 so from volumes of from blood the urine 1. 320 and If death Explain cruise b) an or in used, the for force childbirth. homeostatic mosmol/L, in is 10–50% type control in exothermic of a The is to is 2 drawn to up make in into the glucose from feedback. but can the body continue all to it the higher the removing blood solute the glucose. rise glucose higher the and overall to a concentration higher. solute normal this occurs vehicle reaction in these and Glucose concentration concentration condition cases. chemical rise kidney. re-established, feedback glucose the solute including blood and blood take negative diabetes, total excreted, of if detect therefore making higher, positive cells reabsorb compared not of to is are of develop. blood and causes higher balance which a) loop concentration mmol/L mosmol/L. coma during normal happens concentrations water osmosis cells Type ltrate Large feedback above common sometimes concentration ltrate. the water solute 50 is dangers This then kidney the of normal, by with concentration reach when what body may concentration overall it less progressively pancreas glucose loop concentration can but the concentration. to High the much contractions non-diabetics, which sensitive positive is homeostasis. increase occurs feedback impossible This of failed. of concentration part body to muscle sometimes a feedback example, 17 6 of that conditions, environment amounts examples decreased stable is level to original and outside sometimes increased homeostasis situations: leads of to 2. c) a rock d) the Viral concert water or Salmon start remain the up to their feeding rivers adjust to toilet result in life fever, in streams between to mature fresh a too oat close to a loudspeaker valve. which whether How growing, out with gets is fever a is higher than maintained and one sea. After to adapt from again. This poses water to seawater? rivers three some years swim therefore seawater signicant fresh swimming salmon Salmon salmon and before adult water can back have and then back normal by feedback. reproduce. from guitarist Discuss for and and oceans, a a question: there downstream in can negative Data-based years, of temperature. positive and tank infections body when challenges The vertical bars of younger salmon are fading for and a silvery sheen is developing, showing that osmoregulation. The salmon that swim out to sea this individual is undergoing smoltication in are called that smolts, make so salmon the ready called smoltication. 1. In the gills, in the table, a developmental large in fresh b) in seawater. this surface deduce a) for changes transition area whether of cells tissue in water smoltication, need their gain to or the lose surrounding water by water. osmosis Using when a the data salmon is to blood excrete plasma blood (mosmol/l) plasma 285 1000 young large in concentration <15 Seawater they gills Solute Salmon Before exposed water Fresh a) is the Fluid 2. preparation for migration out into the ocean are salmon volumes balance. eat of food, dilute Explain the but drink urine to reasons little keep for or the no water. solute Despite this, concentration of this. + b) Before water 3. a) After smoltication into in the smoltication Explain b) blood the reasons Drinking large amounts of Na and gills and for by Cl ions protein migration doing quantities of are pumped pumps. out to by active Explain sea, salmon the transport reasons drink for large from the doing surrounding this. quantities of seawater. this. seawater makes it necessary for salmon to remove large + that 4. the Summarize it to adjust and Na salmon the could changes from a Cl ions from their body every day. Suggest two methods of removal use. that occur fresh-water in habitat a salmon to during the process of smoltication that allow seawater. 17 7 B A L A N C E E C O L O G Y What factors growth In “An of Essay Thomas a on cause Principle increases many the of size many One of the population best year. typical increase doves They life in of have a of size (published in 1798) increase 20th an is the an survive ever and faster of two when years. They The eggs they after and are below their of reproduce, rate. the species, reaching it the can one therefore table decade spread Asian century, size breed the at examples quickly. during generation ratio. There are this. clutch three unchecked, geometrical Originally the sometimes of a does decaocto). during span Population” when each documented numbers population in in examples Europe Collared a offspring (Streptopelia through per a natural of dove the exponential stated: Population, If the population? the Malthus can shows arrival in raise the the ve old the in collared spread UK year have the 1950s. broods and have capacity to estimated Britain. Estimated Logarithm UK population of UK Y ear 1. Plot a doves 2. a) 1955 4 0.60 1956 16 1.20 1957 45 1.65 1958 100 2.00 1959 205 2.30 1960 675 2.83 1961 1900 3.28 1962 4650 3.67 1963 10,200 4. 1964 18,855 4.28 graph in show Britain the from exponential increase. population logarithm 1955 to 1964. of population 1955 increase dove 17 8 to Geometrical the population was is to growth test also whether exponential, estimated curve of collared 1964. sometimes To 01 logarithmic increase plot population called a in second size for the collared graph each or to year show from b) If population on the graph whether Britain 3. Calculate doves With set be as short his as and of double to an of the as Malthus average If with had a the of the two Deduce growth in exponential, straight dove line. the points Discuss population in is the of to the collared animals early double doubling it is where of marriages a this means people fewer has in can longer. stated the the population time much Malthus manners the Bureau, America This between of more than been time, or century, the of US can that 50 but change combinations the in found the 2010 exponentially as time fast exponential. is rising at an increases. reproduction will and doubling years—not still population exponential emigration, 1910 increased means approximately 18th nature that these population America, of year. the immigration a Thomas the Census States doubling of years.” was in of ample, per in and Europe, United 1.5% population 1964. example, plants States processes a for checks of population which a British and States the observed no the numbers In more states shorter is with collared population, United rate—that there are hour. United of the twenty-ve rate American increasing 4. an been in the 1955 bacteria, human the the population at Even In modern itself According the growth consequently the genuinely joined in times between the “In be increase many half have could was exponential. time. about essay: pure, to how of subsistence any was exponential Writing in the doubled period increase size of cause a and death population. exponential population. a) Reproduction b) Very high c) Very low rate and death reproduction reproduction rate rate rate and and are equal. even even higher lower death death rate. rate. Puballs Giant puffballs when the are fungus reproduces. They produced Calvatia contain gigantea as 12 many as Calvatia most × prolic claimed the 7 10 spores, gigantea that Earth possibly parent. the would It land be making the has been surface covered of with 12 puffballs and if all produced Investigate 7 × 10 another this spores grew puffball. claim. 17 9 B A L A N C E 5. Explain relative 6. How What exponentially a rate can despite on factors. the important size of a subsistence” uctuate high of the Different these are shown shaded Predation—if Mineral rise of and a a prey species higher rises, percentage the is rates. They affect in dense by year become population. Light—in population factors factors per animal and some individuals may not obtain enough the and the from reproduction Various Food—the denser the population, the less food is available predators in terms of “early marriages” faster? prevent Plants of growth death. population Animals numbers and population exponential population? mechanisms. dependent of of populations depending most exponential means factors of of reproduction growth natural feedback of “ample the growth Many causes rates can make E C O L O G Y the to This are and may due or never to less known and so not rise negative intense, as density- animals. some develop in plants receive nutrients—deciencies elements but The table. populations others is more plants the year, dense of may enough specic be light mineral populations predated Breeding for sites—if breeding, population 18 0 animals there may need be not a be special type enough for of a site dense Water—there the may requirements not of all be enough plants in a water dense in the soil for population Disease spread are and easily in denser and parasites populations so death Pests rates and diseases populations so spread death more rates are easily in dense plant higher higher What In parasitism—pathogens more is nature, with each an populations other. E C O L O G Y ecosystem? of Some different of these species live interactions together are and considered interact in Henri Rousseau painted Fight Chapter 6. Ecologists call a group of populations living together Between a Tiger and a Bualo in an the area a community. area—plants, A animals, community fungi, includes bacteria, and all all the species other in in 1908. What interactions organisms. between species, apart from predator–prey, could Rousseau Typically there are very large numbers of species. Interactions within have added to his depiction of a a community are biotic—they take place between living things. forest community? Members of an (non-living) rock, water these air a and various products for into use in community overall who ecological community environment. air. parts it. Organisms of For The the of example, organisms ecological suggested system calling it take abiotic photosynthesis was an interact materials plants put absorb release its with environment that environment and and also abiotic forward it. 1935 by abiotic soil, from waste dioxide into environment in need release carbon oxygen abiotic they and their includes from The idea form Arthur the that one Tansley, ecosystem. Mangrove ecosystem the coast materials tree is a in the does release for growing inundated of each a by along mangrove its it abiotic what absorb? What does in forest tropics. What and does adaptations of develops into environment materials type that a tree need soils that are seawater for par t day? 181 B A L A N C E How E C O L O G Y are supplies sustained Rothamsted extemely been The is application fertilizer one shown )eratceh/sennot( 10 8 Research, on of eld over per the into 170 years. results below. in a 3-year rotation with manure in a 3-year rotation with NPK continuous wheat with NPK continuous wheat with manure continuous wheat with no and strip and elements NPK the on strip yields year receives control this site Crops every strip the with this is experiment. each is Yields of UK, Broadbalk compared The wheat London, the strips One graph wheat of agricultural called hectare mineral ecosystem? north fertilizer. strips. in a divided for tonne fertilized an long-running grown eld in of of and are an of wheat since a or have 1843. different has had very ten long-running of no low—about more tonnes experiment on are fertilizer fertilizer fertilizer fertilizer (control) 6 dleiy 4 taehw 2 0 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 year 1. According a) growing b) manure those 2. In the of this Yields to Plants on such grouped the as 18 2 is or a rotating chemical of wheat used short-stemmed control strip and the obtain water. soil to and the phosphorus (primary calcium is it better with for other fertilizer crop yields: crops? containing in the variety. experiments What were was the effects and (Fe, small do very you carbon, All are the but known and mineral plants potassium are not yet dropped this? elements as that have from hydrogen other amounts and low draw oxygen that from they elements. need They absorb. required in large macronutrients). (secondary in are conclusions nutrients required (which type wheat from Nitrogen, Nine year which elements)? the according quantities ● NPK new What Sulphur, every results, yields? quantities ● or a dioxide obtained ● to Broadbalk wheat three on zero. carbon the 1970s, changed 3. to magnesium are required in moderate macronutrients). Mo, B, Cu, quantities Mn, Na, Zn, Ni (micronutrients). and Cl) are are are In total, some the soil ecosystems, soil for amounts from may out back the At in. source of come growth the is of soil have years each ecosystems, of It a plants millions other vigorous take provides the essential be that different they we balanced all these have still underlying would that chemical absorbing yet from this plants must 15 been and year but of not be see. by chemical elements not rock run or enough The the elements. be to elements are from out. Small washed sustain amounts amounts that that In in the plants are put recycled within the from ecosystem. Broadbalk, the eld. The permanently ultimately remain shows in this balance mineral from the soil. unsustainable. the how system, one is disrupted elements be in the for wheat experiment ecosystems, sustainable can removing Broadbalk Natural are element The by contained where ever. The crop grains is are lost therefore elements diagram here recycled. phosphate ions absorption in decomposition soil or roots by fungi by water and and photosynthesis bacteria phosphorus compounds phosphorus compounds death in dead and in organic bacteria matter and in fungi plants, ATP and e.g. DNA, RNA, phospholipids herbivores death feeding phosphorus in compounds animals carnivores The phosphorus What cycle processes keep atmospheric CO in E C O L O G Y 2 balance? Huge year amounts and are of carbon removed dioxide from it. are The added main to the process atmosphere that removes each CO is 2 photosynthesis, which happens bacteria (cyanobacteria). calcium carbonate CO is in plants, also algae removed and by photosynthetic animals that deposit 2 these for a become long part and of other calcium limestone rock, salts the in shells carbon or may skeletons. not be If released time. 18 3 B A L A N C E Carbon then is dioxide excreted also The in million chart in million cell respiration is exposed, releasing shows A or atmosphere it, below gigatonnes. by atmosphere the rock carbonate ow uxes the into limestone calcium produced into released Where is into from weak these gigatonne water. a in organisms Carbon into with thousand in dioxide the attack the atmosphere. estimates million and wildres. rainwater dioxide processes, is all combustion acids carbon in of global tonnes, or a kilograms. combustion in forest res carbon dioxide 120 respiration in in the photosynthesis terrestrial Earth’s organisms in land plants 120 atmosphere (800) acid decay release of dissolving limestone of CO of CO 2 2 90 in regions in regions of oceanic 90 of oceanic upwelling downwelling carbon dioxide 50 respiration 50 2– carbonate ions (CO photosynthesis ) 3 in in marine and algae and hydrogen cyanobacteria organisms carbonate dissolved ions in (HCO3 the ) oceans (38,000) deposition of limestone 1. Using the carbon 2. Construct such data dioxide as a forests, Combustion changes carbon of dioxide carbon There coal, is oil burning dioxide 18 4 of an in year. natural of into the the the the explain the (on in the page for ow production atmosphere 10,000 this of fuel concentration chart is and cement, ecosystems the and land-use gigatonnes year, but increasing of Discuss the by and carbon the of balance. of quantity only four difference. reserves atmosphere. in terrestrial nine each gigatonnes reserves. the 183). approximately Explain gas how remain cycle atmosphere the fossil can carbon data fuels, estimated and all of release into chart, atmosphere diagram fossil dioxide per ow the using cycle currently gigatonnes 4. the in diagram phosphorus 3. in in the probable releasing the Earth’s effects carbon of A B C D Balancing Carbon A photosynthesis dioxide makes narrow-range whether carbon decreased. carbonate The below. carbon dioxide the lowest most water dioxide can usually The range indicates concentration. lowest carbon pH dioxide used of has is when dissolves. to show or hydrogen this pH indicator and indicates the the are highest highest pH concentration. → ← it used increased of lowest Purple be called colours the → CO acidic therefore concentration indicator Yellow respiration slightly indicator indicator. shown and pH and → ← highest ← least pH CO 2 The 2 diagrams leaves and below show some possible combinations of plant animals. air tight seal wire woodlice mesh basket test tube leaf hydrogen carbonate indicator 1 1. 2 Explain the containing 2. The reason the same experiment changed inside colour. the 3. What is 4. Assuming tubes the intermediate do end the of the volume be Explain for the pH you all should of the and 4 being the same size and indicator. as soon reasons tube carbon the of than indicator expect tubes ended the longer purpose that colour for 3 for as not the indicator keeping has animals this. without starts red, dioxide indicator a leaf or indicating animals? an concentration, to be in each what tube at the experiment? 18 5 B A L A N C E 5 What to combination keep the carbon of leaves dioxide and/or animals concentration would inside a be needed tube in balance? 6. What with colour a leaf aluminium E C O L O G Y What live in spread colder an Ice out over rapidly, be a the by other therefore The in drilling 18 6 cores using rig a act the is this ice of this ancient is These the by the the indicator tubes was to be in covered the tube with light? rise at in the been ice occur of carbon end bursting heat of and of to retained ice by your bubbles in by rapidly you A gas the one ice trapped over from cores. hear a If ancient air are in one and kilometers years. you Antarctic ice Samples hold popping air. trapped can atmosphere. are of 6°C feedback four of as climate special Bubbles very concentrations is gradually increasing These Earth’s sheets retreat much switch millions can start as global nish. that over drilling of that them. and sheet ear rising ice becomes Interglacials greenhouse an then mechanisms, start causes climate suggest accumulated to changes the decreasing obtained next as years. changes by of temperatures changing has cycle feedback other of a (glaciations) glaciations covered and have the average amount places poles positive causes of which ice and which thousands years. two Antarctic deep obtained if rapid glaciations global hundred altered of in the The tens with mechanisms Antarctic exclude the Age from temperatures to to expect concentration (interglacials). in foil you animals, glaciation? We to no causes dioxide a would but a piece sound Scientists past in have 650,000 it. The carefully years graph concentration glaciations to also shows two isotopes and below has the from higher estimate air measured shows varied much an collected of the very levels hydrogen low samples dioxide The carbon levels during temperatures ( ice carbon results. 1 of from at the on the concentration dioxide end interglacials. based spanning the of The graph ratio between 2 H and H) in the ice. The higher the 2 temperature, snow falling the on more water molecules containing H there are in Antarctica. )vm pp( 320 300 noitartnecnoc 280 260 240 edixoid 220 200 nobrac 180 160 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 Years 1. What were during 2. What the the past The difference shown by between to much temperature a) the million State the in the data carbon current lowest 200,000 100,000 0 present carbon dioxide concentrations years? between according per 4. is and 650,000 relationship temperature 3. highest 300,000 before the the on carbon data dioxide in highest the graph increases dioxide average the and is for concentration and graph? lowest about each temperatures 9°C. Calculate increase of 10 how parts concentration. carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere. b) Calculate the c) The highest carbon currently at the The how much concentration dioxide rising end higher of at the 2 current found in concentration ppm last concentration the of a year, glaciation. carbon the of What dioxide ice the which concentration are is than cores. atmosphere is is 200 the now times is faster reasons higher for than than this? at any d) time since scientists the Oligocene being doing epoch, anything 23 million about this years and if ago. so, Should what? 18 7 B A L A N C E Glaciations more ref lection of Interglacials sunlight by ice ice rapidly retreats e n a e e ic m n i e O 2 C r t s i ice and permafrost melts ice allowing more gradually trapped absorption and CO 2 organic spreads matter decomposed trapped in is of not and methane to sunlight conversion is and permafrost and escape to heat accumulated organic matter decompose to releasing CO 2 The positive interglacials and understood from This then back change so How in an could 2. Can 3. At you times may more In normal and rises. conditions, This westwards currents Pacic, so western so 18 8 the the which time that the of the of causes of South the it in it any towards have Earth’s is the equator formed a have than an of well the switch around the Sun elliptical 100,000 glacial and one years. interglacial climate. cause a switch colder from on a Earth to warming? might ice explain sheets during and recent why this switch? extended cover—this this during causes gradually that complete caused path orbit history, quite Earth’s rapid theories Earth’s are to with the warming what course becoming the could orbit the there other Earth’s affects the which clear closely conditions in less The over believe cause glaciations is circular coincides change with What almost circular) during much glaciations. is called has it not They Snowball happened recently? of the water water downward are air across The is about of Pacic This and that air the Trade half Pacic water tropical warms 8°C. currents the movement the the about in from Sunlight crossed by ocean America. water Pacic Pacic has risen the the ocean. upward of warm across the has causes surface movement coast air surface surface to a but that balance above temperature that Westward it, by its air more the the Pacic strong near across near Indonesia draws to during interglacial. an orbit nd even Earth. Niño—disruption to interglacial further El cooling scientists glaciation mechanisms scientists, between periods, 1. by glaciation changes (and feedback causes is from the the They near up upper of Winds to is cause to on move cold, the up it atmosphere. that westward it in moves South warm west towards cools This the heated blow water the America The side is across water continue. the so Pacic winds as Ecuador higher water western water source Trade drawn the resulting surface from meter of The Winds. this is the a parts east. in winds than the air to the the are east. surface above completes a convective in the loop eastern moves upwards results in the Periodically El of warm Niño. current water moves more area this warm sinking of in western side the The heating South and the of area atmosphere Pacic east that Niño very This and rainfall. usually is from again, are 1. the to draw One the circulation normal when 2. Draw of in a air effects the an diagram infographic of El world of rainfall have irregular two to west can to reach dry by and and because the less there is effects some westwards cold becomes so the phenomenon reason, and there so a some east weaker climates, of Pacic and in of the a warmer. further become the Countries Peru, around during with further of of the world Niño. the is tropical coast heavy because The in rainfall west air the beyond. water the experience cold in movement or heaviest on above replaced Pacic side the El rises west, condensation western as Air therefore encouraging the such event. east are middle patterns the Niño therefore on droughts. weather regions for back water both east, the and countries El Winds water for strong cooler move Trade warmest of rainfall of concept of 10. intervals years. displace to an results very phytoplankton balance feedback, ocean other of becomes during The experience tropical less of and that The the of end area of between of an El warmest two Niño and seven period surface years. may water be back They due to persist for slow-moving towards Indonesia. blow feedback in Niño where water and or text diagrams. Pacic El to the show and the is area sinks water event. from areas out surface positive in altitude, cold re-establishing conditions there warm is atmosphere it the rates high The sheries. moves becomes operates eastwards blowing Chapter to Winds should of in that annotated diagram pattern the at months waves information two in Niño Pacic at surface. growth major thrown ocean This eastwards ocean become the Pacic Pacic. consequences develop rapidly conditions. the of the Evntually Indonesia normally positive normal Use As El upper winds side normally eastern over westwards Winds. an is moves the rapid and currents of moves the water. heavy happen Trade with in and air also that above supports western side Trade water by considered nine the mechanisms have which There that of normal, extensive causes once Pacic warmest conditions anything but the rising the during divides western and consequences El surface and in eastern the water western currents of the than changes air pronounced of America oods. of the Pacic, ecosystems blowing the water on western westwards therefore and Winds on the marine winds up strength water both of further the of The in back and diverse Trade warmest east of piled loop more The the slows. in rises moves nutrient-rich upwards convective air then pattern If reduction and is water water The which creation this called the in Pacic Ocean the Niño other event. form represent on the you in other the part live. of Pelagic red crabs (Pleuroncodes planipes) are native to the eastern Pacic coast of Mexico, but during El Niño events they can are known to travel 1500 miles further north, to Oregon (US) 18 9 B A L A N C E Summative Statement of assessment inquiry: Development is only sustainable if systems remain in balance. Introduction In this be summative upset Chilean to bear naturally salmon in mind development A B C D Toxic “red 1. Fish 600,000 Young which over is will then the salmon 2015 huge called eggs The be case possible not how taking El studies. to in balance Niño The achieve can and question sustainable balance. areas numbers of algae in algae appear sh itwas are coast a and or posed consumed. salmon increased were Chilean were sei strandings coincided which coast in called that 27 were at of sea. than [4] developed of vast an such of large algal as algae up a in these or dead one and if of The red off degrees. El the of the sardines another the powerful the salmon part at by by (Balaenoptera of seafood salmon either tonnes one water several health million On dead history. with killed killed 40,000 up warmed by younger temperatures whales washed smolts, sea. appearance human Some coast, 337 were to farms washed is to for [4] water dumped the tides” organisms estimated neurotoxin. site, of in consisted The seawater threat An “red land- needed become farms at required seawater. ever neurotoxin a they 2015. tanks is salmon They ecosystem. virulent if to rapidly. numbers an in water Chile. water huge in of until nearly are water salmon in in salmon fresh largest spread reared Adult develop fresh the are of the produced consumption reared to would they fresh how produced containing supply from 2016 the and suddenly a Chile farms hatcheries. that early off human these salmon algae Explain for and transferred and southern transferred problems molluscsand 19 0 consider activity, as are of stocking of The it coast numbers can 3. of for tanks. were bloom. human industry systems the fertilized can smolts late along tonnes the Explain by whether installations lling In is global salmon produce 2. if and farming you tides” farms based assessment borealis) biggest tides Niño event, Chilean Populations of for the much the of populations unbalanced. 4. A B C D factors balance and, Find 5. a pond, balance, lake, the Formulate algae from a Design how and 7. B C D river or is at in ocean balance. the coast water Suggest of and reasons Chile for becoming bring the populations end the red of tides. algae back into [3] aquarium for in rather what exponentially. which than is the being numbers bright preventing Explain the the of green algae or numbers reasons for are red. of your [3] experiment you will what you The maps two periods. the the show Each red Atlantic and the salmon, distribution b) Describe the changes in area rather the of is, how you including investigation constant. Chilean one than [7] will salmon salmon the native farms distribution 2009–2010. your measure it virus of salmon in [5] ISA represents Describe and the hypothesis, variables results. main spot your variables variable your a) 2006–2007 test control dependent analyse farming below to independent keep your will salmon 2006–2007 in off least, clear hypothesis scientic are could water how reared present blooms alter how stay water time will Chilean 8. a you Explain and A a always they the that rising hypothesis. 6. time in for algal so are [4] Suggest Modelling in algae that in farm. farms The Pacic species. 2006–2007. occurred in sh [3] between [2] 2009–2010 Pacific Pacific Ocean Ocean 19 1 B A L A N C E 50% Operating farms 45% 400 35% 300 dna 30% g n i r t a r epo 250 25% 200 20% 150 15% fo 100 r ebmun 10% 50 5% 0% 0 N O o c not of with the data to farms. [5] non- are salmon trout killed farm on farms there Pacic salmon 0 t are species are v - A Both but - 1 u and ISA the salmon water. 1 0 0 u g l - 1 farms trout introduced and of salmon Interpret brown Chilean sh of operating virus 1 J J 2010. coastal 0 1 M u number and 0 y n - 1 0 A a p a r r - - 1 1 0 0 F M a the prevalence operating virus. ISA in 1 J e N a b n 1 v ISA 0 0 - the information ISA the of of Atlantic by it. often kills far higher than sea. could mortality in due populations to of ISA virus salmon in and trout [3] spread from one salmon farm to [2] sustainable 11. Consider 0 a the open ISA 9 Building O how o farms Suggest c A for salmon the t u of to been and cells of sh. reasons and - g to of disease the the 2007 rainbow with the blood number have viral shows line), rivers Chilean rivers 0 - the outbreak of 0 J they in 9 9 n an 0 M u a y A but a number from the both resistance 100% 9 - p a r r - - 0 0 9 9 0 B D and infected another. C 9 to in Suggest in A 9 F strong become close b) M Chile, However, a) b salmon to period populations show can 0 J now e a 10. Atlantic a the is red above (green and changes (ISA) the chart farms bars) over the infects The salmon bars) anemia virus them. (blue explain native 9 c N D Chilean (red salmon The destroys disease n e O o c A Infectious salmon. 0 0 t v - - 0 0 8 8 8 8 u u g l - 0 0 8 8 J J M u n 0 - 0 8 A a p y a r r - - 0 0 8 8 8 F M J e N D a b 0 0 8 c e A S O o c n t v - - 0 0 7 7 7 p - - 0 0 e J u u g l - 0 0 7 7 7 9. farming statements that you below can nd industr y together on with salmon any farming other in Chile and elsewhere. ● Salmon the at farming 1980s $100 2006 19 2 ecnelaverp evitisop 40% 350 )%( sm raf 450 million $2 developed onwards. billion. in For 1990. at a rapid example, By 2000 rate in southern exports to Japan they were $1 Chile were billion from valued and by ● Many they salmon are in farms close have been proximity. constructed Some farms and are in very some large cases and 2 stocking ● Salmon 70,000 more ● densities farming people jobs Salmon in is including ● There is wild provides in in all ) are often employment Chile. these omega-3 need for human salmon m southern selenium a growing per very for Only high. more copper than mining provides Chile. high unsaturated (sh nutrients: fatty and acids, increases can vitamins A long and chain D, and minerals iodine. population, that protein, be in protein-rich but caught there is without a foods limit to to causing feed the the amount populations of to collapse. ● Salmon species It 1 ● can kg are caught take of problem. ● Crop Can a in essay the L TA nal range of writing also that these in only they alternative pellets usually of these and used made to from feed wild-caught concentration feces other to of Large gradually viruses in been other them sh as well to in sh farms. produce farms can into the bacterial far releasing water. parasites are is accumulate, decomposes, as antibiotics near deposits minerals control the omega-3 bred answer using to this farming that damage are released diseases, a recurrent every with year by increasing can to fatty GM needed in a technology. question: industry provide the acids be food wider developed for world? the in Chile growing or human [15] skills counterclaims this assessment in support requires evaluate requires of students an to to your students argument. support counterclaims. perspectives alternative the populations. produce information not so resistance. thinking task and tonnes world Addressing The are kg and salmon without Critical 3 The farms have sustainable population bed. 300 that diet an elsewhere wild bacteria Over plants write feces antibiotic salmon’s Now sea salmon of wild as phosphorus Pathogenic Chilean the carnivorous salmon. with the nitrogen, levels in much produce than covering ● as farmed Salmon higher naturally This chosen to synthesize a Argumentative their viewpoint, involves viewpoint but anticipating and addressing viewpoints. 19 3 8 Environment Environment: all that surrounds us. This by iconic Apollo Anders while It on in called 24 the lunar December around Earth horizon “the most environmental taken”. world a The from lunar up by way the the this and missions Earth In so was the changed from Yann documents our on have than been planet view 19 4 this is that How marble” Apollo view of the help United project, French Arthus-Bertrand planet and 150 It by a is estimated printed in worldwide, more people. from using exhibited cities seen us a environmental photographs, 200million the and our billboards more of and the Above”, photography. his all thing on the summed moon, ”blue taken ever point best Earth.” other photographer that been seeing came the Nations-supported aerial above has profoundly? “Earth activist, of important photographs Moon. inuential “We discovered has rising vantage explore most we 1968, photograph mission taken Bill the and impact Anders: to was crewmember orbit shows the photograph 8 Does than seeing different understand it point of better? Environments British artist materials ice, found leaves, such a change who in the feathers, way conditions that in time. natural will Andy short-lived petals they the with creates Goldsworthy works of environment and twigs. disappear They as they art such are are is a using as snow, constructed changed in by environment. The “Virtuoso statue off the Providence is about made cement, pH as Why is life it similar of meters a tall special to has colonize same it. for possible that is of allowing structures as and type the important environment New Bahamas seawater, man-made as The which the marine coast in 2.5 from Man” to to be the surrounds them? 19 5 E N V I R O N M E N T Introduction Every living (biotic) Key and organism has non-living an environment. (abiotic) things It that comprises surround all the the living organism. concept: Change The Related Global concept: context: cultural environment place where it to ecological an individual When we organism apply the is its concept habitat—the of environment Environment Personal an conditions Environment is in the the term becomes ecosystem as a much broader and whole. and expression a major factor see if in These The a blue bright change, might Statement of driving this are gentian cover have for Both for owers color is in the it is biotic a and and needs alpine attract habitat provide expression, aesthetic but benets human-induced and changes were for are measured taken. photographed scarce might pollinating Change these at 2,500 is meters. insects. With decrease. What human undermine is environments. gentian? inuence be and evolution. task factors to it chances therefore abiotic understanding to because survival fundamental action (Gentiana verna) blue organisms affects selection and necessar y this living ecosystems occurring concept blue snow natural in to health; inquiry: Environments benets. key and biologists. changes therefore important conditions environmental to vitally development Monitoring cultural community, encompasses inuences 19 6 of lives. climate consequence Sudden environmental eruptions, for as landslides, example, glaciers shifts retreat, signicant role organisms can Abiotic as soil, that in are they referred to can take to on or or between time. light species Some of volcanic Other of changes, new ecosystems organisms and play the loss a of these changes. of the intensity that a wind habitat Relationships considered and environment and share environment. Chapter result environment features are the earthquakes. their organisms the be development long non-living other can signicant communities in a temperature, have interactions climate, structuring are the ecological wildres in lead factors water, factors in changes abiotic in speed. and Biotic any between Chapters factors such in 6 effects species and 7; ecosystems are Concrete create 7. but In this chapter we look rst at habitats and then at how Later affect in the organisms, chapter we and how consider organisms changes to affect the the the humans and what effects they have had. environment. environment Habitat caused climate introduction of environmental effects for one area. Another Romania’s What from Case Movile allowing are been time Movile for of the 5.5 rich and forms in (8%). a ammonia in to but fossil There lakes wetland of and are swamps now valuable and small developed, biodiversity with whole area is that protected the often the harmful there Chernobyl in has widespread occasionally at and of destruction, fuels most thriving about in are (Ukraine) surrounding Vă că res ti, in the heart of environments what case to its but E C O L O G Y high the water (3%) life is no Sea the that time, of biotic that follows undisturbed coast within system an of in is the during Romania had been evolved consists by the in of (1%), that but hydrogen low sulde was sealed off isolation a network mineral-rich atmosphere methane light over effects particular environments cave ooded concentrations and at remained with and happen the A evolving. cave and research. example Black and Movile ecosystem dioxide has the look discovery, chambers are about the been environment The changes studies that have close environmental evidence humans, Until years. small humans. now wild see obtain Often by unique carbon There used humans outside of the failed Cave? located million cracks This the of explosion species learn to 1986. by species, nuclear environment that in is burning some to Bucharest. studied factors. Cave, discovered from is altered opposite—an rare widely scientists abiotic entire we caused The city, to are other example can studies have with capital environment and and benets. example, due species changes humans unexpected is change alien built at Văcărești, patchwork grasslands, the pollution, were scheme complex such by dams reser voir abiotic a factors a is waters. unusually in oxygen and enters. 19 7 E N V I R O N M E N T Food cave chains are else. the are unlike 1. the in aid their here have their in Movile, woodlouse, but is in the being as assigned also in a species yet organism clearly be of related in skin is a eyeless gain Movile to energy the is that similar genus coloring. predator on the the feed on them. occur found nowhere outside enough cave of chemical to Armadillidium, The of centipedes, walls from feeding Cave The invertebrates organisms woodlouse or Nepa, are that outside. Microscopic invertebrates in classied eyes genus but water woodlouse others scorpion, and pseudoscorpions is and other animals. for the concentration whether roosting 3. Explain of 4. An the high of concentration oxygen cave would in air in provide of carbon the a dioxide cave. suitable environment bats. the advantages by cave unnamed the endemic Suggest unnamed, of being eyeless in Movile Cave. species reasons for is one such a that is high found nowhere number of else. endemic species in MovileCave. water but 5 What genus Nepa E C O L O G Y from What The conclusion Movile is a such as in which nd shelter, absence of predators tolerant of a specic in Habitats small could coral vary be water, as the in Organisms while as a habitat streams For about organism conditions evolution range and environment of normally mates, water, for territory Some conditions; found their is and organisms others can its survival, be the are very requirements. from for is required environment. large a log, oor land have areas or parasite. lakes. plants supportive. forest, body Habitats deep that more of the Marine and adaptations plants is this and example, them an the rotting ocean have water around wide widely, the draw protection, in habitat such reefs, habitat. very their sites we habitat? Organisms food, can Cave? environment habitat. 19 8 other species reasons low with no There Discuss genus Armadillidium, to the bacteria methane. those habitat: attacked scorpion, to has of from adaptations sur vival preferred it specialized for that cave different and are A are lms of species them and Organisms types Suggest 2. with bacteria, 33 eyeless. highly cave suldes system. species also of These cave outside a using lms There the covered reactions these in host be or desert organism on land include or kelp to that in fresh forests, vents. them often exible grassland a can habitats sea help of have stems survive rigid in their stems because for the preferred support, water Habitat 1. For case each of studies the information following from the case text and studies the habitats, identify accompanying of images. The sea coast, kelp and forest in and the the they a past, that territor y (sh, sea habitat, give year, sea otters for within along sheltered from a furs, molluscs severe their the marine beaches ocean otters’ territories otters the remain salt and threatened but of California with under using kilometer length. The diving became a storms. The in urchins, their factors, deep. The protection during all abiotic lives metres kilometers hunted recovered 20 action few prey were to favored wave same for a up reefs typically forage In is and (Enhydra lutris) waters barrier winds are otter in biotic water to crustaceans). species numbers because have since. The lagoon jellysh (Mastigias papua) has a life span of about four months and is active in the summer and autumn. Its habitat consists of coastal waters such as bays and lagoons, where it feeds on animal plankton. Algae living in its tissues produce food for the jellysh to use. During the day, the lagoon jelly travels upward, orienting its body to absorb maximum sunlight. The number of lagoon jellies in some mangrove lakes declined dramatically in 1998, possibly because of an El Niño event. The temperature of the mangrove lakes rose, as did the saltiness, creating a less than ideal environment for the jellysh. By the year 2000, numbers recovered. Lagoon algae jellies are symbionts popular make among them aquarists because their color ful. The spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) inhabits forests in the west of North America. It prefers old growth forest that has never been logged, because this provides mixed ages of tree and dense cover. Y oung are raised using natural holes in large trees as nestsites. The spotted prey. It voles. The are It is forests nor thern has inhabited at the indigenous and farmers on the of and uses mammals larger spotted old on the other. The to var y, locate and and eagles. there features. The redwood British hand, Fish to squirrels as between one US owl as such growth conict hearing dierent California a its such birds slightly inhabits groups the by with nor thern centre and on owl night small by subspecies from at on preyed spotted range been hunts feeds itself several that owl usually forests Columbia. It conser vationists and loggers and Wildlife Ser vice 2 has set aside 35,000 km as critical habitat but this is still beingchallenged. 19 9 E N V I R O N M E N T The elfcup fungus (Chlorociboria aeruginascens) grows on fallen logs and on trees with dead wood, in temperate deciduous forests in Europe and North America. It prefers poplar, aspen, oak and ash trees as hosts and it requires moisture to grow. The fungus stains the wood blue or green, making the timber very sought after by furniture makers and artists. The 2. Identify a habitat the organism. the image L TA Thinking Relate each cultural of your Attempt with in in to local area capture descriptions of where as a many biotic and specic features abiotic the case expression, studies thinking in the previous ways in which humans express ● the ways in which humans discover ● how humans appreciate E C O L O G Y artistry, ideas, the beliefs creation much dogs and The increasing The habitat that deer in large are social made up the of most in this In the of as have can you be can impacts found. in on the the Take a photo. photo of Annotate organism. global context of personal and values and of and of by the for Plains sea soil birds otter, of living as due whose are soil to it owls that time cattle lost absence forests. of this Where completely, control, sea kelp otters forests the antelope habitat often urchins been was by tend reduced become by in and the mule active. populations sea have to grazing. described feeding on earlier them. families kelp can structure composition pronghorn dogs giving to that systems improves plant native burrowing rainwater, also are burrows tunnel compaction bison, urchin such change prairie that extensive consist systems dogs where sea rodents dig channeling reverses controls They sites that environment? burrows prairie graze there plant-eating tunnel burrows. range, chapter, are The is the America. runoff digging their beauty. nesting plovers. patterns its sp.) North preferentially In and aect aeration grazing vicinity 20 0 humans. organism evidence provide erosion inltrate. that of mountain prevent several its to and (Cynomys grasslands subsequently of of factors for nature craft, How Prairie live living activity organisms dogs inedible about: the communities is context ● Prairie fungus to in degraded. overgraze number Along or with the catastrophic habitat kelp or storms The food fronds, and acorn effects source, reduces banksia Its the lower slopes the ground, the its layers each year becoming brown of As of soil a seen highly is near the from the in both water on is provided it source season, the is by as a the from lying lateral dry. are of species can and a into period such as the New Holland perched important on a honeyeater banksia ower banksia community. have on is the biological nutrients habitat, pollinators preservation the its and below roots There in honeyeaters of Western areas mineral by plant for from 15meters and less organisms other tree low lost owering living forests coastlines level water water food on kelp owering mostly function examples, shelter making making overall a obtain this only the the use vulnerable is the can that seawater. soils, surface, is species effect of if of important the these signicant Even Some Later other for sandy the of prionotes) banksia tree critically of on roots. species removes turbidity dunes. honeyeater. important also on protection the acorn tap when pollinators tree the has (Banksia habitat long it the increases Australia. using this a the abiotic environment. 1 What evidence do a) living b) biodiversity these organisms examples changing being affected the by provide abiotic these for: environment? changes to the abiotic environment? 2. The of keystone an arch a) What b) Which c) What is Can you which is bridge the keystone reason a wedge-shaped species keystone the is whole species for nd other examples of would collapse? These primary volcano which there areas known as mosses and break it collect fungi down of is or the summit ecosystem? the to at examples identify described keystone here? species in the a glacier no colonized arrive as retreats, by a biological Pioneer or them pieces; pioneers, plants, species, ecological without community of an of bare as community species seeds, such which penetrating dead creating such E C O L O G Y areas rock appear life. spores from smaller keystone and succession? succession. roots into larger or initially become around growth erupts primary laments in trying ecosystem a an stone together. ecosystems? environment is structure in abiotic When with a locks the What on a are natural 3. of that soil grasses rock and conditions and in shrubs. a lichens, germinate the material as and that algae, and grow, helping mineral to particles favor These process the plants 2 01 E N V I R O N M E N T further for improve shrubs and Throughout in the water amount Sometimes that by used Plants quickly colonize a left by the Skaftafellsjökull and may create the conditions needed trees. process, of solar the activities energy through process have res Imagine a stored greater or a similar to biological of in living the things induce community, inltration world What would b) What does where This life happen this tell primary and changes they percolation, succession community agriculture. a) increase and they is had to known not newly you which about as occurs has in been areas disrupted secondary succession. evolved. formed the areas effects of of bare living rock? organisms bare on gravel quality quality. to oods, 1 this soil soil then retention improve the natural environments? retreating glacier in 2. Research an example of primary or secondary succession that Iceland happens gardens in the that area are a) What are b) What type where no the longer rst of plants ecological develop—grassland, E C O L O G Y Do abiotic aect A to group area of of organisms are an as we consider environment 1. Deserts Even a can are For Reserve the San or yx between the dominating landscape Nature South deser t in the Reser ve, been quick-growing all or would something choose eventually else? environment species the place of the the can effects in soil long during 6, a burst area is known together discuss in a in the an types community. factors of time of activity desert burst the forms of brief California that we abiotic periods a an living in the community. bare has of in organisms that a cause Africa owers the Chapter normally Mountains and In between have rain living populations organisms South The and is soil poor is and the in also rich calcium. vegetation on in the from spring is has a rain. living Goegap ephemeral there it without plant rainseason. an area very of high in nickel, Few chromium plants can and tolerate magnesium these is stunted. There are unusually conditions high Namaqualand, normally covered plants bare with that numbers of jewelower endemic plant (Caulanthus species, such amplexicaulis). as the Santa Wherever the Barbara same have occurs in the world owers serpentinebarrens. 20 2 could the type color ful rock you Goegap Africa. The has same can of colorful Rafael city roofs. spring pH. owers on example, serpentine An take that in a or colonize? the community. period with the examples Nature In of have things. In communities? can areas brief growth 2. that live. community in population; ecological interaction Here a to forest factors natural ecologists you cultivated there are sparse ecosystems called rock 3. In temperate growing and regions, conditions summer, wide for when thin-walled winter, smaller this cycle visible is varies as between temperature, In this scanning (Larix decidua), vary vessels in ring tree of years and can and other electron the summer. The each year. gray yellow annual ring show bands of of of fast while year with in spring fastest, autumn The of annual are result growth growth differences of is rings in factors. annual open smaller one During appear. each correlated the contain consists cells width abiotic large, year. produced, where The the seasons, photosynthesis xylem be micrograph bands well-dened through trunks, xylem. by and are thick-walled rainfall early An a trees transpiration xylem and represented characterized rings vessels, vessels and one from a larch produced and slow are in tree produced growth Santa spring and later Barbara endemic jewelower, species of an serpentine soils region 20 3 E N V I R O N M E N T sequence of below rings from menziesii). a It a 40-year Douglas grew in that r a the plantation 0891 (Pseudotsuga shows 1. Starting with the annual the value 1980, ring in a and was trees. the Explain how procedure for measure each the year width and of record table. 3. Construct using you for a standardized measuring graph whatever The end of periodically start is of dark. the same of the annual format you species The growth was measured. latitude 2. thinned each Four by felling annual of the ring rings some is of in in height The each others of the scatter seed parts trees graph source of light are dated. 0102 photograph growth 0991 The question: Trees 0002 Data-based and of per Europe. year shows the the growth, your in height, in height of trees raised from it. grown from imported The growth rings. ring width, is consider shown height of of trees as a the percentage trees raised of the from growth local seeds in seeds. appropriate. 120 4. Suggest a reason for the narrow rings in the 110 most recent years. 100 % in Douglas England. 200 mm Using graph, in during growth of the the Wyre rainfall to during but was 1995 hypothesis growing r below 1996. and that season the was and photograph Douglas Forest, August) 1994, the the the years, 1990, data in (May most evaluate rainfall the in 1989, the area, season mm in grew evitaler 5. this growing above 160 In tree thgieh main r htworg The your 90 80 70 60 50 40 low reduces 30 trees. 20 35 6. Discuss whether the data provides 40 45 latitude that the factors growth other of than Douglas temperature r trees timber. seeds are widely Young from them. A site a trees 7. trees. mature growth grown are trees study to raised and was latitude of 57°, in Identify the origin collecting Trees were trial 20 4 site from and Pinus the out on Highlands using from sylvestris seeds relationship and 65 seeds / 70 °N between latitude growth: between 35° and 57° b) between 57° and 70° a Suggest reasons trees collected local seeds near the from for the relationships of and collected 60 imported germinating carried grown 55 of a) between Scotland. origin produce by 8. at of affect of Pine 50 evidence trees the latitude growth of of origin the of imported seeds trees. ®IB Organization Data-based The two average question: principle annual Climate variables in temperature determines climate and the Using are precipitation. The the variables community determines combination that the develops type over of community answer the following questions: What type of time of plant community will these at an average annual temperature plant in an Boreal of 15°C of 150 and average annual precipitation area. cm? forest )mc( 300 2. What range of rainfall permits forest Desert noi tatipicerp development? Grassland 250 Permanent 3. ice What is the range of temperatures over 200 which Temperate desert can develop? deciduous launna 150 4. forest If you climb a high mountain, you will Temperate move through different plant communities: rainforest 100 egareva forest, Tropical rainforest of herb-rich scattered grassland, alpine plants a community and nally rock 50 Tundra and snow. –20 –10 0 10 20 average What is annual the Electromagnetic in the form characterized by materials in absorb 1,000 mm. carbon us in range of Molecules has and of of as energy and different nm in the nitrous wavelengths –12 light). wavelengths Earth’s oxide and ranging –5 becomes intense? –1 molecules Molecules between 700 such nm –3 liquid as absorb and infrared 1 mm. (eV) 2 10 7х10 4 10 7 10 10 10 10 (m) –7 10 of 1and 1 10 10 through example, vapor between Wavelength 6 more electromagnetic atmosphere, water –3 10 >10 warming these are with For absorb (visible have travel waves interact Energy 10 global to E C O L O G Y can ways. chlorophyll which that electromagnetic various gases and eect? energy, 400–700 methane, which form These such microwaves, dioxide, radiation waves. a wavelength pigments the water of is happen (°C) greenhouse around photosynthetic radiation temperature radiation if will 30 more space What communities 0 and plant graph, develop two of average 1. annual type –7 –10 –8 4х10 10 10 –13 –16 10 <10 Gamma Radio waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-rays rays the possible wavelengths 700 Radio rays, waves, X-rays microwaves and and ultraviolet infrared light are at nm radiation the are higher 400 at the nm lower end. Visible gamma energy light is a end of the mid-range range of rays and overlap spectrum, energy of X-rays while gamma radiation 20 5 E N V I R O N M E N T Have and you found parked it is ever in it a to be heating space was effect rst horticulture. through the warming form pass of infrared, glass similar does not. is strikes the on or the so other Earth’s it reaches reective much infrared is can is the Sun has Earth’s absorbed use by inside in and has rock, them. soil because been Most in light such as the used of the short the Some of it back out other materials long but greenhouse. of or enters visible photosynthesis; These relatively of any passes car greenhouse, lengths, outside by surface. it the the relatively absorbed a that in radiation, wave than day enclosed sunlight lengths heating into found an used inside atmosphere. materials with faster ar ticial not that warming radiation be up and of re-emit longer sunny gotten into are form wave with builds no that the a be? glass materials short the and in you on closed this through Earth’s from nm) organisms surface, the though the might materials radiation greenhouses radiation by windows Have greenhouses warmed in of windows radiation therefore even occurs other atmosphere; the thermal 20 6 and ice in (400–700 atmosphere, plants rates its passing Whereas Heat lot Why absorbed glass, higher process is a expected? of inside? in These infrared. wavelengths all sunlight and up. electromagnetic by of with than with warm through temperature the area observed Photosynthesis A room Electromagnetic them freely a warmer sunny uncomfortably The the entered is gases in absorbed some through materials then wavelengths re-emit (8–15 µm) and some energy as gases in is if Earth or natural are be by gases out into infrared atmosphere other would back the gases effect. methane dioxide all the greenhouse and absorbed passing than greenhouse a it from warmer The of and Carbon the too cold phenomenon absorb dioxide, greenhouse far space. warming principal and atmosphere, This was water in the support in causes able infrared effect that to the gases. moderation Thus it Earth radiation are cause nitrogen Without atmosphere, life. preventing the to the be escape. they vapour, greenhouse gases to the radiation that the in is known the oxides any carbon temperatures greenhouse benets living on effect is organisms. space some is shor twave reected back radiation into space Sun solar greenhouse radiation gases atmosphere shor twave some radiation of the longwave passes radiation emitted by absorbed by the through Ear th is atmosphere greenhouse par ts of are gases so the is Ear th's trapped sur face reective, such as ice Ear th The sur face of the electromagnetic If the concentration thermal effect of the infrared will be increase has has led rise, the to What all of human 1. carbon 2. methane? 3. nitrogen at is have Carbon any time since called generate are activities gases been in the rapid dioxide in the start in some of the of as wind, up atmosphere and recent 20 the as emissions increases is million other the more in at most higher The Revolution effect. temperatures climate into now years. greenhouse and rises, greenhouse Industrial average rain the particular past enhanced and summed cause re -radiates intercepted the the and Sun be warming that which will There global reects the greenhouse place what is from gases. than taken processes increase, of greater. consequence absorbs, radiation greenhouse concentrations and Ear th radiation The on weather Earth events change. atmosphere of: dioxide? oxides? 207 E N V I R O N M E N T Modelling Fill by a ask the with collecting water can water. the be greenhouse gas Displace generated displaced by eect the water from inverting a in the chemical the ask in ask with reaction a pan carbon such and as then dioxide, sodium either using bicarbonate displacing the water bottled and with gas vinegar. the CO or The gas. 2 Stopper the ask with standard laboratory but a with Position ask both temperature over asks a one-holed contains an stopper. thermometer equal just either the a hole. data-logging thermometer As set a control, up the or same a apparatus air. distance 10-minute Insert through from period. a 100 Compare W light how bulb the and then temperature record changes the in changes the two in asks time. This experiment light on and off Data-based The that over a grade following could to be extended simulate question: graphs show night over and one more 24-hour cycles by using a timer to switch a day. Greenhouse the or gases concentration of CO in the Earth’s atmosphere detected at Mauna 2 Loa Observatory in Hawaii, from 1958 to 2015, and the monthly over ria ni OC 2 1980 1990 2000 erutraped OC 2 noitcarf noitcarf 1970 1960 morf ni yrd yrd 325 ongoing 0 –1 –2 –3 Jan 2010 Apr Jul change 2. Mauna a) Outline b) What a) Identify b) Hawaii these Changes of the of how 20 8 in the Loa how in concentration the is in continuous mountain the factors are of CO levels, the top in as CO when northern that methods could of to the carbon this be described in of changed over for 7, biological removing which 700,000 atmospheric a greenhouse Chapter last has of Suggest responsible the dioxide the time period measured. rise? hemisphere. over on concentration concentrations changed variation (yearly average deviation) 2 taken Hawaii contributing atmospheric climate measurements concentration months months research the by Oct month 2 obser ved 1. year. 1 year the typical 2 ylraey ria 350 egareva 375 An a 3 )lom/loml( )lom/loml( 400 variation gases allow years. process carbon have carbon dioxide that is falling. occurs during dioxide. been scientists investigated to gain an using some understanding The following either as parts graphs per show million the concentrations (ppm) (a) or part per of three billion greenhouse gases since 1750, expressed (ppb). 400 m 2– ) W( )mpp( 300 0 1800 1900 evitaidar nobrac 1 gnicrof edixoid 350 2000 year 2000 (b) evitaidar 500 gnicrof 0.2 W( 1000 m 2– enahtem 0.4 ) )bpp( 1500 0 1800 1900 2000 year W( )bpp( m 2– ) 330 (c) 270 0 evitaidar suortin 0.1 gnicrof edixo 300 240 1800 1900 2000 year 3. 4. a) Using b) Calculate Compare of 5. the the the methane what a) methane? The factor relative Which gas graphs, determine percentage concentration and By Determine 6. three nitrous is the of oxide of carbon in the concentration concentrations each dioxide same of gas is a current carbon contributes measure of the level of relative most to the in since the of each of the gases in the year 2000. 1750. atmosphere in 2000 to the concentration year. b) nitrous forcing the increase the dioxide greater than the concentration of: oxide? amount forcing greenhouse of for heat each energy of the trapped three per unit area. gases. effect? 20 9 E N V I R O N M E N T What E C O L O G Y Natural from and is this A number lifestyle World of and phone Fund take do? 21 0 of questions, action to and therefore websites personal websites anyone reduce and is cattle eor ts of the in are to reared in allow taken landll are to contributions to their are can only become carbon two greenhouse footprint. and examples. aware Is to of ways into algae are as there in farms dumps, it gases. are from and by also from Nitrogen rice oxides agricultural to The (http:// anything they you a can could emission of decomposes; dioxide promote used their answering which the carbon ponds then analyze myclimate By now dioxide released released minimize waste electricity. The pumped algae. The individuals is on them are production, permafrost. and remove carbon Methane Arctic household produce is of gases? fertilizers. being from waste of of also electricity sheep vehicles use released growth for matter of and concentrations quantities fuels and organic the burned gas transportation. engines site, Huge fossil thawing ( series landll Methane of of of gases footprint apps identify Wildlife by combustion and carbon for the including captured the your and greenhouse greenhouse activity. systems of greenhouse but burning from produced gases. Track human the homes, activities, At release decomposition paddies are to by digestive from sources atmosphere, due released heating the processes the rising the are for greenhouse at this released site, photosynthesis biofuel it from production Data-based Sunlight question: includes Ozone ultraviolet depletion radiation (UV). primary As productivity –3 (mg it passes through the atmosphere, ozone (O C xed m –1 d ) ) 3 0 absorbs about 98% of the UV radiation with 20 40 60 0 Full wavelengths between 200 nm and 315 sunlight nm; Sunlight 90% of atmospheric ozone is in a part of 5 upper What are the Chemicals of the benets UV released by by chlorouorocarbons to life on Earth humans, removed Sunlight of ozone? (CFCs) UVB stratosphere. htped absorption called )m( 1. atmosphere with the and UVA with UVB removed 10 15 especially from aerosol cans 20 and other ozone in devices, the caused large stratosphere, decreases particularly in over 25 Antarctica. in size The from Antarctic the late ”ozone 1970s to the hole” early increased 21st Primar y productivity amount century, ozone but throughout concentrations radiation penetrated the the UV and Earth’s more UV 3. a) Explain surface. data in the the harming 2. Based on the ozone hole data reach below, its when maximum did size? b) Using c) the Predict, in CFCs were the and called stratospheric Antarctic ozone (the hole (purple sequence runs and from violet) left to from right, left to bottom stabilized. data with effects Antarctic has of UV Ocean from 280 to 315 phytoplankton different either or on phytoplankton of been 315 nm. to both UV A Primary in and full in nm and for and provided by ultraviolet the graph, UVB the light reasons, light on the as a the effects marine food result of an in harm. of chains chemicals international Protocol. concentrations article more Ocean. Montreal ozone discuss causes ozone-destroying out An sunlight UVB due measured and and to had Discuss draw UV A UVB production was 4. the investigated. 400 photosynthesis depths UVB, depth the journal By 2005 had that ozone Science abundance in over right) have wavelengths in or Antarctic reported Antarctic The of from 2016 top evidence, graph, UV A other phased treaty 1979-2014 function phytoplankton. ultraviolet The a the whether as exposure stratosphere decreased to of to begun the from how to increase. conclusions the the case world of that ozone we should depletion community responded it. at with removed. 21 1 E N V I R O N M E N T E C O L O G Y What are global We can impact the consequences of warming? expect on ecological climate ecological summarized due to global warming Some examples in climates to of have an impacts are below. Yellow cedars Analysis of change communities. of warmer freezing would but live winters weather normally with Many cues, better that the way. For same time in chicks are is events in the in of there an British there but cedar spring is like that snow, the healthy of and spring it is with has freeze is a Columbia. trend persistent shallow increase where climates autumn. events not the breeding emerging consequences from temperate However, example, its reduced cover, still spring timing earlier. same to indicates spring. Yellow protected snow cold data by in roots snow lethal that cover, root deeper-rooted on drainage. biological noticeably early cedar especially shown leading declining with wetlands station in be damage. Yellow soils in weather all European earlier. This increasing over pied but the reduces chick the organisms grounds, are driven Research has last have 30 ycatcher mor tality food and seasonal to 40 years changed in arrives caterpillars the by repeatedly it at feeds supply, declining the to with is the its the ycatcher populations. Walruses from In use which 2007, water, the to ice to sea where thousand oes dive ice it trips a assembly dense food resources walruses Coral on by is reefs ear th. of are coral of corals too live is the which said coral is the 21 2 be its an for the in a Ocean. This most close beyond the the place beaches single of to to of will a base as the feed. rest Alaska. the as such edge location Fur thermore, and prey walruses biologically association stress, brown colour for as provide depend it the picture situation that young clams. shallow Several between Over time, deplete mor tality such bottom of young stampeding. bleached. This to their alternative zooxanthellae color. This organisms deep renowned appears feed moving coast. the in under the needed maintain Indian to to to bottom-dwelling along the among are warm, on animals due zooxanthellae. The When too sought along Corals places shrank, settling higher are as feed was walruses feeding to of be picture still was on the taken the At the the only for to algae these ocean this waters coral. the Some zooxanthellae, and thus Maldives, the their called algae. point, bleached nutrients in not coral due when shows with threatens is expelled. contains coral environments symbiotic corals example, can diverse with coral in the itself, sur vival. but You can research scientic the for sources cigarette decades campaigns Air and after of effects, not industry there the political was Carbon by Dioxide used biologists the concentration of to you are of an open evidence global to causes and use that cancer similar warming. trials (FACE) experiments effect area. only remember tobacco FACE the careful should over forest be that scientic likely Enrichment in We deny investigate CO must ones. to strong progress are but continued misinformation Following Free more of We raising might 2 expect the rate would remove of some the atmosphere. are being Besides set the photosynthesis up A in FACE of the series excess of natural to increase, carbon large-scale or dioxide FACE semi-natural experiment in the which oak from experiments forests. forest in the UK (photo right), a similar experiment is taking place The set-up used concentration a eucalyptus forest in Australia; four more forest Early but results that You planned suggest this can are is soon follow the that sample can What evidence by progress natural of help of the of the to a in forests shortage these does of increase minerals experiments world’s absorb climate raise an oak the carbon forest in dioxide Staordshire from 400 to 550 ppm future. biomass limited representative forests for of FACE (UK ) experiments to in forests, the excess change so in initially the online. they carbon soil, They should dioxide due to increased especially are give that a being photosynthesis, nitrogen set strong up in or a indication humans are phosphorus. of whether releasing. can 31-May be obtained from phenology? 21-May Phenology in such plants. that nesting Evidence from in for the is a timing birds climate phenological BudBurst allows of to natural owering change can be studies. citizen individuals or of science submit tsri f Project as study fael obtained the dub events is project 11-May 1-May 21-Apr phenology 11-Apr data can for be any plant. searched by The resulting species, database date, owering 1-Apr time, fruiting time, leaf color changes 38 and 40 42 44 latitude many other Outline the relationship between The relationship rst leaf Suggest rst the for apple latitude trees in the and rst Eastern leaf bud United States bud. of 2. between latitude appearance and 48 variables. 1. 46 (degrees) factors that affect when America leaves bud. 213 E N V I R O N M E N T 3. Discuss whether 4. Discuss what 5. Visit the this might National map/24) and a) Are there b) Are the is be a cause the impacts Geographic carry out similar trends in other effect on Project further trends in and an relationship ecosystem BudBurst investigations leaf budding species L TA variety Citizen leaf is simply a correlation. budding. ( the trees of digital science natural with is the world examples on the of whether scientist or a collected. between Some scientists are entirely in peers below. West Coast and and exper ts environments collection by number others earlier it the East Coast? skills increasing have whether similar? Collaborate the as apple Communication to of website such for or and members citizen not, the science can citizen of data public. and institutes and relating There enter projects the are an where data rely a media opportunities collect science research and analysis of using on anyone, that they collaboration public, while public-driven. Data-based question: Is climate change causing any species to move their range? The of graph records number below of of shows bird the breeding databases. results of (nesting) Using the data analysis from 1. a have whereby half identied a is the expansion ”half-way” all records for a Calculate species of that north of it. evidence geographical This for type changes of of location analysis range and gives in of northward species in the range UK? the total mean northward range half North America during the period. are strong many in are study south rate bird location, expansion of mean for available, 2. scientists What 3 a) Estimate range species. since how has far moved the in northward North America 2002. 2.5 b) one assumption you have made answer. 2 naem noisnapxe drawhtron )raey/mk( egnar your 4. 1.5 Predict the northward 5. Discuss potential range whether consequences movement there is any of of birds. doubt 1 about the causes expansion. 0.5 0 UK 20-year period (ending 21 4 State in 1991) North America 26-year (ending period in 2002) of the northward range in What are Globalization to be has introduced Sometimes their alien new threaten become made into these it the survival invasive Data-based Invasive alien of so species they lack they native from are not predators come to species. one and of alien the in ecosystems species world found. competitors dominate An part naturally has and then species. question: species environmental for where species environment, an easy areas alien E C O L O G Y species? issue are in Invasive a alien species serious most parts Marine of the world. ecosystems <1900 1900–1909 Data from with the Nordic environments is shown here, 1910–1919 1920–1929 numbers of invertebrate, vertebrate 1930–1939 and plants or fungus species indicated in each 1940–1949 1950–1959 bar. 1960–1969 1970_1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 <1900 1900–1909 0 10 20 30 40 50 1910–1919 number of alien species 1920–1929 1930–1939 1940–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970_1979 1. There are far more alien species in terrestrial 1980–1989 habitats 1990–1999 0 200 400 600 number 800 of habitats. 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 alien in freshwater Suggest reasons or for marine this difference. species 2. Freshwater than Analyze the between ecosystems also <1900 the data to three nd types other of differences ecosystem and similarities. 1900–1909 1910–1919 3. Choose an example of an invasive alien 1920–1929 species 1930–1939 in your area. Try to nd answers to 1940–1949 these questions: 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970_1979 a) Where b) How c) What d) How did the alien species come from? 1980–1989 1990–1999 0 10 20 number of 30 alien 40 did it travel to your area? 50 ecological problems is it causing? species could the alien species be controlled? 21 5 E N V I R O N M E N T Action on deforestation 2 An intact indicates of forest that there biodiversity, on Earth loss The landscape was are carbon already (IFL) no signs storage, greatly is dened of as human water a area activity. cycles reduced; an and further of at They other loss least are 500 the most ecosystem of 7.2% km was in which valuable functions. registered By by remote areas for 2000, 2013, sensing conservation the area with the of IFLs rate of increasing. bar S. chart below America, Eurasia, IFL losses between 2000 and 2013 by region and according to cause. tropical southern and shows boreal temperate Africa N. America, northern boreal Southeast N. America, southern and Eurasia, Asia boreal temperate northern boreal Australia S. America, temperate 0 50 100 150 200 2 × km Source: 1. Is Potapov et Is Sci. deforestation eliminating 2. al. there Adv. an 250 300 350 3 10 2017;3:e1600821 important enough issue for us to focus our efforts on reducing or it? anything that you together with your fellow students can do that will really make a difference? 3. Is the what 21 6 maxim we “Think should do? globally, act locally” relevant here? How does the data help us to decide Summative Statement of inquiry: Environments human these assessment provide cultural aesthetic expression, but and health benets human-induced and inuence changes undermine benets. Introduction In this terms to of the question A B C D by 1. Distinguish 2. Outline of between the keystone as clear Wales zones the of Sea aims world; zonation in extent with the to and air which natural changes pollution. these changes services to that Prince record images useful. can be the colored seaweeds above that greenhouse effect and climate change. [5] [2] the From red-brown cli the investigate species in [2] species. Passage. and is We structure concepts: scientically yellow-brown maura) species ShoreZone being species. invasive interfere the following b) well of community ecology pioneer throughout to considered structure a) Project be due consider environments. Community the to we distribution structure community provided assessment natural community The in summative it on Passage, other Alaska truly the black trees (United cliffs we in can and of here Alaska’s is as of Prince distinguish cariosus), lichen States beautiful shown (Semibalanus distichus), and are upwards, barnacles coastlines photograph observed (Fucus along produces The waterline spruces of Wales habitats then (Verrucaria shrubs. America) 21 7 E N V I R O N M E N T 3. Suggest reasons a) barnacles b) lichens cliff c) A B C D 4. and The not or growing seaweeds higher growing up on only the on cliff the [2] middle part of the [2] trees Trees for: air and air in particles of not growing lower down on the cliff. [2] pollution urban pollution Area shrubs areas solids in and urban Lead contains gases. areas of a The New variety table York Nitrogen dioxide of pollutants, below and Nitrous shows rural the areas oxide including level of air nearby. Sulfur dioxide –3 (μg m ) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Urban 0.09 37.7 39.3 18.7 Rural 0.04 6.2 0.5 2.3 Compare areas. 5. Tree in the urban nutrients limiting ground has areas. near atmospheric the in factor measured two same on was pollution type of growth one areas of a Populus soil all lack The below The (green in that rates. and year. as way in bar bars) of urban and Trees areas. of growth chart urban High of rural was in of trees rural pots mineral not the above biomass) areas quality and levels shows urban air grown the (root below four in were nutrients ground and improving deltoides investigated. ensured biomass) after rural soil suggested growth York the (shoot been The New containing for of [2] planting areas levels the was results (red bars). Key 80 rural )g( ssamoib 100 areas urban toohs 60 ssamoib 20 areas 40 0 )g( toor 20 40 R1 R2 U1 U2 U3 U4 sites a) Evaluate the methods manipulation b) Evaluate Can 21 8 you the and control method suggest used any of in of the investigation, variables. presentation improvements? especially the [3] of data [2] in the bar chart. c) Outline of d) the Populus Discuss deltoides deltoides whether a) The in between near May New agricultural the and data and the September forested be in in rural show Compare and can concentration below York. that differences urban the histograms from the between differences 6. conclusions the growth air about the chart. [2] rates could of urban ozone and due to [2] exposure rural exposures growth of Populus be pollutants. range ozone areas. bar areas of in the drawn areas in urban, [2] 10 Key urban 8 urban areas agricultural areas 6 forested areas 4 setis 2 fo rebmun 0 rural 8 6 4 2 0 30 35 40 seasonal b) The concentrations deltoides were the scatter previous in the Give of graph ozone growth below. of of for this 50 exposure measured parts reasons 45 ozone at and eight Using shoot The data suggest Populus deltoides your the sites. the question, 55 (ppb) in a the of Populus are shown scatter hypothesis between hypothesis. growth results urban graph for and in and in differences rural areas. [2] 100 Key rural areas urban areas 80 )g( ssamoib 60 toohs 40 20 0 15 Source (2003), of 25 data Nature, used 424, in 35 all graphs pages 45 on pages 55 218-219: JW Greg, et al., 183–186 21 9 E N V I R O N M E N T 7. Trees are them in shows able their the to remove biomass pollution Pollution 0.03 - 0.67 a) Generate b) Choose one procedure A B C D The The in emerald emerald large over in parts 100 the ash of map removal of - borer trees. by on trees 1.87 to from per - be their in to air - 4.50 trends explain it. This across store map the US. kilometer the and either surfaces. 3.38 test and counties square explain used the 3.37 hypotheses could borer them (tonnes 1.86 these 4.51 - 8.41 observed. carefully [2] a [3] invasion (Agrilus Canada million trap hypotheses that ash or removed 0.68 two pollutants and planipennis) the Affected United areas of is an States, the invasive where United it alien has States insect killed are shown below. 120°W 100°W 80°W 60°W 50°N 50°N An adult emerald ash borer 30°N 30°N Key Low 0 50 100 Moderate Moderate 200 300 400 500 Map High produced by CO FHTET, on IL Fort Collins, 11-16-2012 File: EAB_Detection_Likelihood.mxd Miles High Albers Equal Area 100°W 2 20 Conic Projection Project: EAB Risk Analysis 80°W 2013 Larvae the limits an the down over a a) in range the Identify Display that c) limit 73 −29 79 −32 93 −34 98 −36 99 and Suggest of a into regions of If for A B C D The The fewer data (a years. years numbers over amount cycle, the results larvae was of the ash the infested whether that are most borer. type of [2] chart or graph [4] winter US states. Using temperatures they have emerald increase could a if in the the warming States been ash an over cold borer. look at of a average region trend most of has affected historical meteorological evidence the warming of emerald of Bird The be results a online range enough Report of to your minimum the occurred by the monthly databases. trend, winter infestation. in [1] the emerald minimum [2] outline the reasons is to effort in use ash America (CBC) are borer in stored has the in a been sponsoring month public of an December database that for can be ( may partly the North Count online there time of to from participants may measure using suitable. heavily United Society accessed some but of Christmas 100 readily life also [3] Audubon over States emerald table coldest whether You nd impacts annual In it. the consequence were the borer. you the possible temperatures f) the most the the but [3] Inquire ash in United by determine temperature e) the reproduction ndings. d) of affected nd shows of emerge mor tality −28 one two-year table mortality 5 data a and larvae, % (°C) parts winter many temperatures. experienced consider the percentage to The 34 database, years leading growth. sub-zero over kills −23 the Choose tree only −18 the you others, which of larvae signicantly b) of the not population temperature by inside weather development slows Coldest reside Cold experiment tested 8. insect season. the which of of next have other due the amount to been years, this. number of many time and One of people uctuations way birds spent counting to in birds, raw standardize reported searching for per count CBC party birds or hour the expended). 2 21 E N V I R O N M E N T The emerald ash populations. the CBC Great ● The 9. on Write A by a felled health to deaths of the is likely to hypotheses your search is to from Explain of an will what by have below an impact and location the to have test it focus showing damage online article of in forests. on bird using on the research borer and is lung importance making titled the in your the birds of ash are backed that with 15 the over US to For lar vae York Yourself claims research. borer New made [2] that investigation, emerald ”Immerse references claims. of are in eat numbers. claims associated of to indicating disease that numbers. Conservation scientic birds [5] due which All for supply in found language. food in food decrease Environmental to when provides increase reduce you published ash birds birds Health”, heart the these these tree given emerald infestation scientic benets research 2 2 2 so Better references due so trees ash posted for reference a) ash seeds account has Forest the trees Department State a of of borer appropriate trunk 10. The of ash an using one ltering ash inside death feed infestation region. emerald insects ● Choose database, Lakes The borer in about up example, death of 20,000 a trees extra states. published scientic b) One Y., of the references Prestemon, (2013).The are Liebhold, from Preventive Medicine. could mark and the on with these the A., of it, G., Gatziolis, Between Spread the Trees Butry, D., and Mao, using the that Health: Journal abstract language Michael, M. Human EAB.American Find D., of of this non-scientists [3] three EAB Donovan, 44(2):139-45. summarize understand. H-X infested this: Relationship Evidence research The J., is trees and will in be For t cut Erie, Ontario, Canada indicates that they down 2 23 9 Patterns Regularities are obser vable all around us. Due to Sun, At we the the the central quite 2 24 in solstice, contain this and each such when a repeated have intricate tile as the seasons. years aligned the to sunrise celebrations Why is of the Stonehenge it be perfect motif and are oral used What mosaic? 5000 were and been architecture. to year. will around repeating allowing geometric and of 4000 solstice monuments and rotation structures winter Complex art its pattern phenomena decorative both a stone perfect that patterns. highly of and constructed the summer Designs see of natural alignment not tilt experience sunset these in Earth’s Stonehenge, ago, of the now again? called patterns for are centuries repeats can you y In of geometry, an object a in transformation the transformations the red leaf leaf? onto because over What the it is across coordinate necessary light about blue created different by to refers plane. the Can transform those leaf? to you the necessary This repeating pattern a change to simple identify dark is in blue position the leaf transform known pattern as onto the a over red fractal and scales. x Symmetry in Though nature in a two in equal bottom gives biology parts but two no halves echinoderms, section of an results from symmetry that left or that such as are is reections right. are the the almost In always of one pentaradial reections sea balanced star, of but one can distribution approximate, another. In symmetry, another. also be a This found of a parts cut radial cut around through symmetry, through type of any for axis axis there one symmetry elsewhere, an an is is of of symmetry. should a top ve result and arms characteristic example, in the of cross- apple. 2 25 PAT T E R N S Introduction Patterns natural Key can occur world, in both scientists time look and for space. When predictable observing things the happening over concept: Relationships time, form Related concept: or for predictable testable as context: Orientation in inductive of theories things based in on space. these They then patterns. based on reasoning. the observation Once such of patterns generalizations is are known formed, time predictions and and Patterns Generalization Global distributions hypotheses can be made and tested. Nobel prize-winning scientists space James data Watson that helped Scientists variables the in data, With time and Reticulated of this you use girae‘s whether girae it or a is the patterns coat a make their results the relationship or nd over to on to about investigate graphs. points on between a the recognize If the structure relationships there graph is form variables. patterns a a By clear of in DNA. between pattern straight looking line, for in it is patterns relationships. time, with that able predictions experiments example were something predictable there is a might frequency. certain time of always For day happen example, that a at an the same observer hummingbird to identify reticulated Rothschild’s to feed particular at a group ower of owers. opens at a They certain might time also during note the that day, so a on reasonable opening conclusion pattern are might be that the feeding pattern related. girae? Statement Observing explain 2 2 6 day Crick Rothschild this Can a do scientists notice comes of Francis them plot for patterns might often results, evidence and of inquiry: patterns how the allows living scientists world to works. propose new theories that and ower Some of stripes may the and camouage predator is most to Another type the for have similar them to or and to forms. the have Can nectar there in you from always a role natural These as or in species or living or see they of patterns owers? Is or may the in act spots, space allow predators is the within here are a that as a prey sign to tness. niche shown to things roles world patterns giraffes, signal health similar hummingbird extract are Within observed that the coats. predators individual’s related in animal undetected, toxic. an pattern are patterns of against prey organisms buttery nature, of of that Unrelated its even mates structure often or colors pray stalk distasteful potential striking vibrant in that patterns of organism. an the ecosystem adaptations might anything make truly it of easier random in patterns? In this chapter, we explore how patterns of similarities lead us Some hummingbirds such as to the ruby-throated hummingbird recognize universal described in features of living things. Patterns can often be (Archilochus colubris) migrate between seasonal feeding and terms of the spatial relationships between their repeating nesting grounds. elements; context they here is L TA Creative could ● shells, all a Generate cyclical testable in a that right testable plants are basis of ● Outline the steps you Pale should clouded be by tested butter y time, hence the global space. skills twining handed left (such as beans) and DNA versions. for whether handed DNA, versions, snails or or both. hypothesis. could or over thinking or your constant yellow and hypothesis right the variables recur hypothesis left Explain other time climb or ● Hypotheses in and innovative plants exist twining be orientation and Generate Snail can perform one in at other a to time. words (Colias hyalae) test your This hypothesis. requires keeping “controlled”. showing its proboscis in side view 2 27 PAT T E R N S M E TA B O L I S M What proper ties are shared by all living organisms? A pattern diversity groups of discern be created life, the a life then form discover to Living we be things do In their organize the and species on of how to in try they to should evolving years that today. used the them Earth of Earth be at repeated and on billions could look from properties alive they ago. If this ancestral If we can distinguish things. of characteristics, reproduction, waste, all existed of we often and being such as composed maintaining internal responding of cells, to the obtaining conditions that are surroundings. ever yday Examine that some are organisms, for organisms number When patterns living properties, determine living these of species all repeated. evidence non-living a is characteristics study expect by growth, we are 1. and expelling from How ancestral common of origins strong might share environment, distinct is shared living nutrients, Biologists There these between something evolutionary common true, if combinations species. classied. from is is of terms, and the that we the that recognize ame photograph your answer something to a) What properties are b) What properties do is seedlings construct following found both the alive? not and the that is only the in a Venn diagram to questions: the seedlings ame? and the ame possess? c) 2. What What the properties ame, alive? 2 2 8 properties and do that are the found only seedlings lead us to say in the possess that seedling? that only are the missing seedlings from are B I O D I V E R S I T Y Which organisms have a pattern of segmentation? Some structures example of is the hexagons. without store is squares of or nature comb shapes and for in made tessellation overlapping honey reason wax A arrangement found that and pollen, bees is a t consist by and close to the repeated honeybees, geometric without making of rear Bees in of a a An tessellation by repeated the pattern honeycombs What hexagons is formed make offspring. comb which pattern together gaps. subunits. do and you not to think the triangles, circles? A honey comb is two sided, with each corner of a hexagon on one side opposite the centre of a hexagon on the other side. What is the advantage of this pattern? Symmetry in patterns Symmetry generates concept form 1. Can of you is nd obvious explored examples patterns. in in Chapter that These are seen in the form of many organisms. The 2. chapter of these types of symmetry: a) bilateral mirror b) radial does c) The 2. shell not change a) Is b) Does the the where the the left and right sides are other? rotation overall where around a xed point shape? rotation along a screw axis translation? mollusc structure the where each symmetry, causes of of symmetry, helical also symmetry, images shell Nautilus of the have a consists shell helical symmetrical of or a series of whorl sections. spiral? pattern? 2 2 9 PAT T E R N S The repeating segments and and of fused or types of have a body are it is pattern class of is is the called variation in thorax is (3 the and centipedes segmentation. which including advantage distinctive What millipedes Myriapoda, arthropods, more the body of part insects, insects than of segments) the and of in the have the and head abdomen having different the a phylum column, series of in of is vertebrae having the Chordata. which a series Most another rather of members example than short a bones of of single bone. rather than back? centipedes only have one pair per segment This scan shows two of the twelve thoracic vertebrae (top) and ve lumbar vertebrae. Humans also have seven cervical vertebrae in the neck, above the thoracic vertebrae. What could be the reasons for having dierent type of vertebrae? this phylum segmentation has two pairs of legs, whereas 23 0 the myriapods body: Each segment in a millipede Millipedes of segmentation? sections advantage all is are segment? in bones All form segments). advantage longer show the the What segments vertebral because in segments), 12 Humans the of type are bodies. segments groups (11 this Arthropoda. segmented (6 in centipedes phylum The subunits What is fewer, How do other We in now segments know organisms ● The the ● The the During give certain sequence of in melanogaster. relation insects and G E N E T I C S called of the homeotic genes regulates homeotic animals. most genes of the These is this genes genes commonly the fruit organism development of are direct studied y Drosophila occur a similar the in two different area of body. antennapedia development bithorax group of group development different the is of development the all One homeotic group y’s to genes in embryos. The Each fruit that and development the in animals? function groups. develop is composed these of abdomen genes segments ve genes and regulates head. composed the of of are the y three and genes the constantly body and is involved in thorax. expressed specic in structures orderto and roles. The homeotic development regions the head legs only in adult genes of both the the control same y the body embr yo and y halteres and legs legs and wings 1 2 4 5 6 7 antennapedia Although 8 9 bithorax there are more homeotic genes in humans, they display the same patterns as the y genes: their order on the DNA is the In the early Haeckel and their same action sequence Drosophila during as in homeotic the the development fruit genes y. To perform test the of the embryo whether same the follows human functions, the and scientists that in a human homeotic gene to the embryo of a fruit y all the the correct development of the the ver tebrates early stages Ernst pattern look of similar their development. diagram emphasizes and similarities observed centur y, obser ved embr yonic His transferred 19th same between tor toise embryo. (top), at chick, early dog, stages in man development. What can be (bottom) their similarities obser ved? 2 31 PAT T E R N S What patterns Patterns do not the examples the timing of are only exist shown the there here life in in the the and timing of distribution in each case life of cycles? variables discuss what in space, the but The population varies over cicadas, low have cycle. They and crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) live in large of Christmas Island. Males red to the coast and mate. All and females fer tilised high tide eggs into the the last water quar ter at of the the rise turn of moon, of or is times of show when Brimstone question: the when Ovum Lar va Pupa Imago 232 2 study three eggs 3 of 1 2 3 patterns circles), in years a shor t red life blood inside them and invade cells. This to a of pattern malaria in the with and a shivering fever two and days sweating if the that malaria caused three are the most Plasmodium is vivax if Plasmodium the cause. butter ies timing likely caterpillars Mar 4 in in by days of to (green natural be seen circles) phenomena. ying and in the The UK chrysalises charts (black (purple below circles). circles) show They can the also found. rhamni) Feb 4 Phenology butteries (red (Gonepteryx Jan 1 17 cause out coldness malariae Phenology or December. or based as habitats the is Data 13 in in takes November known release then during in females cycle their invade blood adults, present ever y ver y burst symptoms migrate shown numbers gives forests Consider occurs. that a reproduce then other the time. pattern insect Magicicada tredecim however, parasites cells, the Mature explosion malaria in the consistently numbers, The of time. are population Red over of cycle. also advantages 1 2 3 Apr 4 1 2 3 May 4 1 2 3 Jun 4 1 2 3 Jul 4 1 2 3 Aug 4 1 2 3 Sep 4 1 2 3 Oct 4 1 2 3 Nov 4 1 2 3 Dec 4 1 2 3 4 Adonis blue (Polyommatus Jan 1 2 Feb 3 4 1 2 bellargus) Mar 3 4 1 2 Apr 3 4 1 2 May 3 4 1 2 3 Jun 4 1 2 3 Jul 4 1 2 3 Aug 4 1 2 Sep 3 4 1 2 Oct 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 Nov 4 1 2 4 1 2 Dec 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 Ovum Lar va Pupa Imago Painted lady (Vanessa Jan 1 2 cardui) Feb 3 4 1 2 Mar 3 4 1 2 Apr 3 4 1 2 May 3 4 1 2 3 Jun 4 1 2 3 Jul 4 1 2 3 Aug 4 1 2 Sep 3 4 1 2 Oct 3 4 Nov 3 Dec 3 3 4 Ovum Lar va Pupa Imago Source of all data: 1. Describe the 2. Explain the differences between the data for the Brimstone and the Adonis 3. Explain the differences between the data for the Brimstone and the Painted Data-based Erwin four adenine, to was types thymine, analyzed the determine cycle of the Brimstone question: What Chargaff different life DNA the aware of that of patterns DNA a and great percentage guanine. range of of each are contained nitrogen-containing cytosine buttery, of his data is shown in the 3. type Determine data to identify any the a) octopus b) chicken. stages of the cycle. blue. lady. structure ratio in of guanine DNA? to cytosine in: of base. Deduce the approximate relationship Analyze the amount of guanine and the patterns. amount Organism the of He between the in timing base: organisms table. the observable 4. Some including % % % % Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine 5. of cytosine Determine the in ratio all of organisms. adenine to thymine in: Corn 26.8 22.8 23.2 27.2 Octopus 33.2 17.6 17.6 31.6 Yeast 31.3 18.7 17.1 32.9 E. coli 24.7 26.0 25.7 23.6 Chicken 28.0 22.0 21.6 28.4 22.8 27.1 6. Wheat ? 22.7 Sea ? 17.7 urchin ? Determine the four the bases sum in of the Compare in the the corn. Deduce the approximate the of amount thymine of in relationship adenine all and the organisms. ? percentages for Suggest of the why these ratios are not exact in all organisms. corn. relative different b) amount 8. 2. chicken between 7. 1. a) amounts of guanine Predict for the expected percentage of adenine expected percentage of adenine, wheat. organisms. 9. Predict the cytosine and thymine for the sea urchin. 23 3 PAT T E R N S How G E N E T I C S did patterns discover A number study of was DNA was uncovering James prize beam created The Understanding what of the had a the pattern the image helped structure of of is passed pattern of Hershey 1950s, associated that and signicant and Maurice structure diffraction are the Chase effort with the hereditary showed was how invested into DNA. Crick the DNA? of data the dots structure. a rays that The DNA. by crystal was of DNA the dots Nobel and crystallography. and and obtained of the Wilkins X-ray collected Franklin spacing shared Maurice obtained through of Wilkins the pattern analyzed. showed that indicated the might visible of the helix, including its diameter (2 nm) and the length in of this the and Watson established protein. contributed helical dimensions generate In Francis X-rays by not of experiments Macleod structure Franklin X-shaped DNA and determining Rosalind A and made. the Watson, for scientic Avery DNA Crick structure famous DNA. material new of the help one complete turn of the helix (3.4 nm). elucidate the DNA The three types of subunit in DNA are nitrogenous bases, phosphate molecule groups James DNA the A and ve-carbon Watson might molecule. linked by Watson T that used to test would two be pattern strands made of to on Crick and hypothesize opposite alternating that sides sugars of attached knew of bases that two to on sugar. opposite two rings each of of the strands and would be strands. bases atoms The and (adenine that the and other in a the of thymine) X-ray paired sugar had data only had together and one ring. revealed, would phosphate be and From they too that the bases diameter deduced wide to thymine that t and of the adenine between the DNA lines pair the molecule: mark the should X-ray be too narrow. Chargaff ’s What are data This still showed left the four possible cytosine pairings that pairings actually between exist in they? base Crick and Watson tested their hypothesis for the structure of DNA the distance occupy by making their models. discovery in This is described 1953. It was the in Chapter start of the 12. They branch of published science now diraction known as molecular biology, pattern been 234 with Francis T DNA. match Crick guanine bases. to and base between and would base bonds a (cytosine strands the diffraction helix, strands deoxyribose. C A dashed These with consisted and pairing Franklin’s double guanine) helix Models a called G phosphates, used be sugars immensely productive. which continues to this day and has Patterns DNA An is a in the nucleic individual nucleotides Looking at structure acid DNA held the of because molecule together picture of to DNA it is is a form the long a DNA the pattern of orientation 2. Describe the pattern of the words KAYAK, palindromes backwards. 3. Why of is the An 5´ 5. Palindromic the palindromic, base of two minor sequences grooves. are examples forwards in DNA even that strands. as is: though read the neither same backwards? Does When have the same palindrome 3´ as of and the CTTAAG regarded nucleotides. strands shape. ROTATOR GAATTC as palindromic can a and read 3´ 4. How of major 5´ strands a they example this forwards REDDER because of two helix: Describe of of helical 1. The chain composed base sequences DNA structure sequence be have in an DNA extra have repeatedly of DNA of the had been type some of symmetry? important roles. Can you copied? discovered, it was nd one? G E N E T I C S immediately parental obvious how between copies bases on the molecule two strands could are be weak. made. They The are DNA bonds called hydrogen C C bonds and can quite easily be broken. The double helix can C be separated each of the into two single strands. strands as a New strands mold or can then template. be Many made A using needed to do this, but the principal ones are DNA G T enzymes G are C T polymerases. A T They make nucleotide the new consists strands of a by linking deoxyribose nucleotides sugar, a together. phosphate G therefore and Each a A C base. G The A T G nucleotides are added, one at time to make a longer and longer C chain. A G In the structure of DNA, adenine on one strand is only ever paired T T with thymine on the other strand and guanine with cytosine. This is T C C A T A T C C A A G C called complementary base pairing. It is the key to copying DNA. The G G A base on the template strand determines which base there should be T A A T A on the new strand. the wrong base, the template it If DNA will not polymerase form tries hydrogen to add bonds a nucleotide with the base with A T T A T on G C C A strand and it will be rejected. Because of this, the T two A T T DNA molecules produced when DNA is copied have exactly the same sequences as each other and as the original molecule – they so the process of copying DNA is called DNA replication. C are old replicas, A G G base T A strand new new strand Four strand dierent nucleotide replicate types are used old strand of to DNA 23 5 PAT T E R N S G E N E T I C S When The DNA that both Looking ● is DNA inside a of cells at the the that ● are eukaryotic, organelles and DNA is ● rather up cell for meiosis, Why do a cell, DNA is the have cells divides, full are located cell cell a in set of so genes. either: the cytoplasm compartments prokaryotes). a nucleus such as and membrane-bound mitochondria, (plants, animals and Golgi fungi apparatuses have division happen in different ways in the two in one circular molecules which and is and then some DNA produced divides. bacteria two copy is molecules, The it This can molecule. are pulled whole be of that every but described division in the produced both of DNA there in making molecules associated molecule molecules so DNA proteins DNA mitosis, which DNA have each moved one cell just complicated. circular this the cell, multiple division and have to process completed in minutes. have gets doing and the carefully division cell mostly more than and of inside ssion thirty replicated their of can membrane-bound reticulum of binary and Before C E L L S cells Eukaryotes slower before division eukaryotes. ends than that no cytoplasm replicated called less replicated by organisation DNA and and opposite be example the replication This to cells). Prokaryote is an endoplasmic prokaryotes ● have with in eukaryotic has produced meaning they (bacteria cell internal prokaryotic, and replicated? the a Chapter and are with then cells second are division linear, them. nucleus molecule. is cell is packaged produced The usual method in the method called 2. cell enlargement alternate? The diagram below eukaryotes during It in is a cycle shows growth which cell a pattern and followed when division and lost cell cell cell volume volume halved doubled cell enlargement during 23 6 interphase by multicellular damaged cells enlargement division and cell or mitosis are replaced. alternate. Before The cell division process nuclei is condensed Cell to It enlargement proteins increase DNA and through cell this some for there must nucleus the DNA to be into be two two nuclei in the genetically tightly cell. identical packaged up into this phase the DNA of a the phase cell is needed structures Many up, involves and processes the during must the very for within these in active, growth. the cell activities be life of as require unpackaged cell called producing The such a and DNA is all mitochondria access to spread the out nucleus. division explains one substances number. the packaged These other and in divide requires happens During and replicated happen chromosomes. interphase. So, used mitosis. can cell What would 2. What would 3. Zygotes of happen enlargement a cannot if if a cell a series between of the requires at division divided cell requires happen alternating happen perform which enlargement therefore pattern 1. mitosis cell DNA the same and divisions. it had be be tightly unpacked. time, which replicated without without How to to enlargement. repeatedly divisions DNA the before divided the can any this its DNA? enlarging? cell happen? What pattern of events occurs during mitosis? Mitosis is identical the process nuclei. 1 It Early is that divides easier to one observe nucleus in prophase 2 Each into plants Late chromosome two cells genetically than animal 3 two extend are identical DNA each formed the from pole to Microtubules equator two by replication Metaphase Microtubules contains molecules cells. prophase Microtubules growing C E L L S to in The nuclear poles from are different molecules the attached DNA in each Chromosomes interphase are membrane has chromosome. becoming broken shorter and down and fatter chromosomes by supercoiling have the moved to equator Anaphase 6 All chromosomes have the Each reached poles split Microtubules membranes into break form two and chromosome nuclear has around down them genetically The cell identical divides Microtubules Chromosomes chromosomes. pull (cytokinesis) the uncoil form are no to and genetically two cells with longer genetically identical identical individually nuclei chromosomes visible to opposite poles 237 PAT T E R N S One a of the growing onion is the cells the cell other By most plant root. A in have rounded is a the enlarging cells in stages in metaphase, a tip cells this questions than are in in of and observe of cells the with the a events and series have mitosis from end of is in root the tip section. visible given tip of out, of an Most of because interphase. changes been is spread in have of the this DNA dividing—it mitosis mitosis, series anaphase to at nucleus rather root the places photograph shown studying The convenient The chromosomes. can be observed. names: prophase, telophase. Interphase The DNA and the cell of cell the is activities. chromosome chromosomes able use it During this phase, contains two to is to spread provide the identical out the DNA DNA through the information is replicated nucleus needed so that for all each molecules. Prophase The a chromosomes coiling nuclear double process. are At membrane. structure condensing this stage Though because the (shortening chromosomes difcult the and DNA to has see, are each been thickening) still inside chromosome by a is a replicated. Metaphase The by nuclear membrane microtubules These Each into microtubules chromosome a disappears line link still at the the and the centre of chromosomes contains two chromosomes the to identical cell the (the poles DNA are pulled equator). of the cell. molecules. Anaphase The microtubules identical cell. DNA Each pull each molecules chromosome chromosome and now pulling contains apart, them just to separating opposite one DNA the poles of the molecule. Telophase The chromosomes around The them. cell can The now reach DNA divide the of poles the into and nuclear chromosomes two identical membranes uncoils and reform spreads cells Interphase The two cells happening 23 8 are and now the in cells the start phase to where enlarge. many cell activities are out. Mitosis 1. Six in onion onion root metaphase. 2. How many 3. Cells in not small cells are in in are you prophase the are micrograph are in they? anaphase? in pairs, and out How cells in cells spread can tip nuclei lumpy. telophase Cells cells fully appears 4. tip Which telophase relatively are root so they have the chromosomes the nucleus many pairs of still cells in identify? have strands or lumps visible are in the being nucleus coiled chromosomes. prophase 5. The and relative cells in up to How which phase. form many lengths each because is of DNA closest Which from the cytoplasm root (pink) tip and of an onion nuclei showing (purple) condensed cells time Cells molecules of in to prophase the the phase can you see? Which of these is closest to the start of end? four takes phases the of mitosis shortest and can be which deduced takes the from the longest Why do cells divide before they have grown numbers of time? C E L L S to a very large size? Unicellular size. Cells size. There ● Cells and organisms, in multicellular are need various to release membrane the such materials of and in a organisms some how cell and affects out. As The for from cell gets it it a they their very reach large a large surroundings of do cell while and to the the this, uses needs larger, to this. area can quickly quickly cell grow before surface the how how a divide substances quickly therefore never explanations substances. affects volume materials, Amoeba, possible absorb other as produces transport ratio between the Small of a organisms single consist cell—they unicellular. These surface area and the volume makes transport more and more types of a of are Animal cells consist mainly of water. The cell membrane holds in about the cell contents is very thin and has little strength. a increases structural stronger ● A typical genes. used failure. than cell These during access to there the a one genes life more tissue single has the A is cell made of the nucleus, contain of a more of which One rapidly risk many same essential cell. information and of cells the will cell a on human the one tooth μm) in micrometre diameter As and size of that (0.001 cell bacteria problem. sur face ● are dierent are unicellular suffering therefore be volume. contains all information nucleus enough could for a the that not very organism’s is actively provide large cell. 23 9 PAT T E R N S L TA Critical thinking Evaluating 1 the 2 Which a the skills evidence explanations of reason the for and written explanations larger arguments in do organisms the you text all think being is valid? most important multicellular? Debate as this Almost all organisms that are with other students and try to achieve consensus. larger than a millimetre in diameter consist of more than 3 Can you think of any other explanations? one cell—they are multicellular. 1 Are there any consequences of being unicellular that are This ant and the plant that it is an advantage? on both consist of many cells, so they are multicellular 2 Calculate mm get larger? given What C E L L S A tissue Tissues if Cell to is a are a to only The alga Spirogyra reproducing lament of multicellular cylindrical unidimensional 24 0 is sexually, each cells. pattern but individual Its tissue a have in a three has to the in the unwanted Leaf in cells in at limits and as to 100 cubes cell size perform? structure organisms, same 10 and all function. of genetically way, together the and which result the are identical cells is a cells tissue. must have gaps. of as for 1, ratio tissues? many appearance, precision for the membranes same tissue dimensional, to implications cell produce the ratios happens there develop single a the with regular is volume multicellular holds avoid to What that are used geometrical a therefore is these to are cells found of shape or it just of adhesion the two unless is What functions Mitosis tissues have one, group group cell suitable Some a the area cubes. patterns eukaryotic. and surface diameter a the the layer, but we cannot tessellation. examples The here expect pattern the pattern is can be show. moss Bryum capillare are so them two arranged dimensional in a The lens outside ber have of the and cells no eye inside that are nucleus transverse has a cuboidal ver y 4-7µm or epithelium regular wide array and organelles. of on 10-12µm Here they the transparent Ciliated long. They cells seen mucus are columnar (yellow) in section is with an cilia up epithelium: epithelium out on of the the the lining consisting exposed air ways, of of end. These to help the trachea column-shaped cells keep the waft lungs clean What are the advantages and disadvantages R E P R O D U C T I O N of asexual reproduction? In asexual reproduction genetically identical. reproduction. ● In bacteria cell ● What and divides in once, offspring. The become In multicellular offspring group Asexual of cloning 1. What that is are is described the a longer consist a offspring stage the as in type can after single organism. the only and parent reproduce producing cell are asexual of Amoeba, parent exists of a parent can single cell cells but called 10. asexual because they in produced sometimes Chapter reproduce methods. in of rst on such The different identical advantage successful of the All its can two go on themselves. many consists genetically are no organisms, reproduction of it is parent. depends ssion). each parents are one eukaryotes (binary because There only next unicellular single only is replication offspring to repeatedly. DNA happens two asexually there other by cloning. reproduction are well In asexually some cases the cases it adapted a parent. Articial for is the methods organisms to their environment? 2. What is during the a disadvantage period of of asexual environmental reproduction to a species change? 241 PAT T E R N S 3. Choose a) one Asexual with b) a of Asexual is population reproduction generation c) hypotheses reproduction low Asexual these and more investigate prevalent it: in small populations in species density. is more prevalent with a short time. reproduction has evolved many times. The bacterium Enterococcus faecalis lives in the human intestine. Here it is reproducing asexually by binary ssion. To remain in the intestine its reproduction rate must be equal or higher than the rate of its removal in feces Plantlets are produced asexually diagremontianum. They their 24 2 independent already existence along have the roots edges when of the they leaves drop o of Bryophyllum the plant and star t Summative Statement of Observing explain assessment inquiry: patterns how the allows living scientists world to propose new theories that works. Introduction In this summative associated spatial patterns plants. with to with We the keep A B C D they mind of relate investigate distribution in of while we traits patterns the the in a) Outline b) Design a yellow objects on in the that in a the human scale. and and to associated The is time pattern examine body assessment space cyclical pattern geographic the the then question how helps us to world. cicada the to We geographic place, that could consider cicadas. both the natural properties test rst in completing orientation understand Cyclical 1. as nally observation better assessment metamorphosis be life are cycle shared performed image below are by to all living things. determine insect eggs if or [6] the candy. [3] Adult the 2. The periodical where the insect developing. life its known outer sheds its as skin are graph in The to At fth prolonged burst in the the end instar become stage. a septemdecim underground, instars. shows each following a Magicicada spends While skin. emergence, The cicada the the short adult the of period goes of underground information in the above the from stage underground ve periods period, At emerging nymph cycle it and point ground nymphs graph, of sheds underground adult. population life time instar from lived of a through each emerges percentage Using it has cicada nal of the occurs. that answer the questions. 24 3 PAT T E R N S 100 ratsni instar5 instar4 80 hcae instar3 instar2 60 fo instar1 egatnecrep 40 20 0 7 year Changes in percentage a) of lar vae In year instar b) in each 5, 3 d) what how species, from would in e) what look what when Predict i) In year one the ii) that The that mole instar in is iv) A B C D The cicada suck on over the Investigating 3. a The golden 1.62. systems a + 24 4 b is nymphs that are in the kill animal occurred. to this of Magicicada the adult in this [2] cicadas occurred occur? in 2011, Determine [3] cicada During are an cicada, found there emergence than is It is like argued cicadas. higher that the year, caterpillars. with their Explain roots why numbers on the underground instar attach of of the cicadas themselves Predict the cicada pattern periodical tissue. of lives fth the cicada. the irrational to cicada the roots mole are. to and nymphs. a is to b appear geometry, mathematician Euclid of fth population [3] plant pattern eats of roots tree and damage [3] human number forearm art many approximately and times in architecture. human equal The knowledge Ancient Greek b to a as a [3] associated in of takes next. periodical rather leaves. the Predict cycle an emergence leaves. oak cycle to emergence cicadas found propor tions ratiois cycle population periodical oak life adults an fungus nymphs life If including root life [3] where the the b to a + area the eat on be an of relation the and nymphs. the of complete next in have trees. invertebrates a of the effect infect in emergence eats might immature occur time. where trees can period [2] graph over patterns the nymphs iii) will preferentially Mature 16-year percentage years would area Predict a emergence previous caterpillar birds over the 17. many these the stage [2] like year the emergence events in Deduce Predict instar stage. Predict last determine septemdecin c) since wrote about it 2,300 years ago, though he did not the ratio Nautilis a) use the “golden applies shell, in and Show that bones in the the ratio” some others situations state golden nger. a name. that ratio Some where it erroneously it doesn’t, doesn’t applies to apply every claim such when pair of as it that in the does. adjacent [3] b a + a b + b a 8 5 8 13 + 5 = 1.62 8 5 b) 3 Design to a wrist data (a) classmates A B C D Investigating In a and to sunlight in to a given be to wrist record to plant, space in an if the the nger golden leaf allow (b) of ratio of for of the the you leaves in as your [7] plants far maximum elbow and applies. distribution arrangement would ? measurements longest determine patterns photosynthetic possible table ? apart as amount of captured. 24 5 PAT T E R N S The following Each cell a 360° 0.25 4. A B C D orange divides object it turn, patterns can a Use the leaf pattern Using This a three genetic article is of 90° a turn. 0.5 the a cell. In the represents from Within the the simulation, a 180° website Mathisfun. simulation, a turn degree of turn, 1 a when turn of generated Aloe plant. patterns abridged to from from the simulator to explain the [5] protect against poaching science-updates/genes-and-geography/. Read DNA We tend human the to skin Take you see large hand, tells ourselves color, two will coding people words, is Even once 24 6 within in and answer the of questions than In DNA are that less world. Earth of the makes than tiny and the aren’t the as handful others. for of DNA differences dramatic between in The these as of that follow. So of The far base are another. small entire only signatures a are populations mutation is non-coding are function one In more than in responsible is so sequences, bases been natural version how of adjacent has of particular, consequence sequence the speaking, sequences sequences, over base of repeats no favor across within differences. short not no are human process does of variable genetic Microsatellites consisting these as they some small repeated. one as just Comparatively common same. us overwhelming differences small other. fraction the or similar. genome. people, fact, genetic in on 99.9% are populations on we ethnicity, pretty anywhere the that evidence, whether all individuals between nationality, we’re their populations of that more between thought. majority by concentrated varies between us everything one-thousandth that Scientic from that sequences other unique up differences genetically nd passage geography populations. other divide In and the the represents turn. images in developed represents take turn represents were it a are each found for selection microsatellite seems many repeated. to that times to be the Microsatellites are passed the number from of unchanged. changes in genomes, in However, the coding changes microsatellites Differences develop to parent repeats between the with of number far more of the to base be national The To Researchers genetic come can code from. use to They program of sequences genetic able to of accurate of increasingly origins. This 5. State 6. Distinguish 7. a) how across using looking as guesses studied are data about Once why other used to species obtain extremely human between the Suggest may be in and microsatellites so and megafauna combat came evidence of obtained They be the few of of each allows from its by a both to resume. a threatened. data built feces from it microsatellite ivory to be up. from as and microsatellites. population of populations been of base population DNA ban a remaining elephant samples in to international again has fallen then poaching once extracted lengths elephant can is Africa individuals the our due Since poaching, proles extracted the of had failures and allowed one whole 1990s ivory. and elephant killing The proles of compared, from which tusks identied. important, beings genes of obtained DNA being can many the resolve have to the possible. for researchers of Researchers a hundreds in elephant microsatellite of people by levels against Illegal are genetically. microsatellites. are useful in [3] [3] tracing geographic [3] specic c) By the statistical occur similar Explain origin. b) once. slivers ancestries. Microsatellites are at this analyzes microsatellites make people’s that tiny where accomplish computer patterns these predict ght governments of try the Africa. survival species of populations. our in community used separateness low trade in in weakening repeats therefore can very on our of example poaching frequently. populations and for with remaining compared rapidly evidence offspring, sequences occur relatively provide to to usually be origin actions specic used. of the might ivory be is taken situations in determined, to limit which suggest elephant what poaching. microsatellite [3] sequences [3] 24 7 10 A Consequences consequence Consequences unavoidable, events in can be positive history. is the result unexpected, and What of something predictable, negative. types of Consider consequence that happened avoidable, these do examples they each of illustrate? t This at makeshift Camp the rst case in of a avian new all a of the over think of other Catherine of England’s repeatedly stillbirth Only resulted or one wanted a wife. the remarry. He in Rome annul to 16th usually granted diplomatic just the been Charles V . prisoner. the and to of Holy The By nephew not the the was In were discreet Rome sacked had by Emperor in effect of the marriage and set led to to in Can coincidences you nd a power the becoming other examples having consequences? As the motion of was refused Henry. England a Aragon Pope rejected protestant. historical Henry determined Pope some but Catherine Henry of son. of that unlikely a Charles her Pope changes was Roman surprisingly annul of marriage. and Pope VIII coincidence, consequence, of with invaded troops Henry annulments pressure, that miscarriage, and his you pregnancies death needed century, and Can had? survived. heir to the in early daughter male was to infected people. Her in rapidly population have Aragon the produced consequences might rst was infect world, million epidemic that spread the world’s 50 any of u could disease parts killed this t The almost was mutations virus which was where u” Spanish random inuenza humans. ward Kansas, “Spanish of strain, third in 1918. consequence an hospital Funston recorded 24 8 before. major About that was with km 66 million more the than Earth, wide and in which avian out. “rst likely can chains the our causes we another of of the volcanic to not this of followed, non‐ species prove, impact it died seems was a interrelated of or would and and and to would can as be on the the so of the same or if on consequences strikes profound different never start Earth asteroid be follow the our whether again whether such that of beyond debated through grandparents, generations life may origins consequences ancestors eruptions yet months complex parents evolution tape events evolution do of have planet, chance to individual evolution Biologists ran six event other asteroid and non-mammalian pathways immediate ammonites, off 180 were and many set our millions mammalian life. The collided over Earth. beyond through and that trace of extend across extinction impossible that on rain asteroid crater impact remaining cause” a deep. acid dinosaurs changes We all km the mass Although very A 10 an km of megatsunamis, darkness. ago forming 20 consequences years know paths. the or that We answer question. 24 9 C O N S E Q U E N C E S Science Key is the knowledge of consequences and concept: Change dependence Related Global concept: context: of one fact upon another. Consequences Scientic and Introduction technical innovation Philosopher effects or Thomas results consequences prepared to react Genetics of just is one one of to us. It is on the the suering from conditions, muscular can lives be of used our DNA has come carefully technical plants possible in or important world and genetics have key or Understanding can being trigger. concept of life more Hence, to of scientic discover change. innovation, such as edit to the it over is possible make genes the the them of genetic more right the This humans. impact ethically Differences consequences. years they animals the change. how to are better consequences. experiments and questions all of Consequences means major 150 whether in events. events the controlled 1651. events that to from crop raise of in examples can now natural this earlier characteristics allowed useful These that for us we to have use ways. to people genetic such as Duchenne dystropy Statement Scientic we 25 0 clearest of innovations editing linked even innovations of chain changes in using modication a this inherited has the the causes of of closely research, research improve to of base Knowledge Gene are wrote outcomes potential consequences or Hobbes have of inquiry: and on technical the world. innovations can change the impacts that Experimental objectively. variable is constant. the In a typical Another independent that biology, it experiment often research is the is If causes ethical is to or for and conclude be night‐time with easy lighting, myopia bedroom passed are than from example to but more parents parent reminds to us with that investigated one independent variables see if it kept changes conclude We do call a to the An correlations. that the with the variable with For the normal have a a light vision, the to be is as a myopia young child. consequence explanation leave increase on is that example, between lights myopia obvious approach correlation that we to reasons. probably child to can changes. sleeping likely be variable. revealed It other we impossible (short‐sightedness) would does, other look 1990s all measured the to investigation, with it dependent sometimes for used in scientic variable the consequences varied, variable. variable responds, then allows deliberately independent In science on and that their genetic chance careful is in of parents children’s factors myopia. not to of This assume that a correlation High shows hyperopia Hyperopia (long that there Normal vision Myopia (short is a causal link—it does not. Is myopia sleeping a consequence with the lights of on? sight) sight) High 100 2 myopia 1 1 16 15 21 80 egatnecrep 29 60 50 66 40 48 20 31 9 1 7 3 0 Darkness Night night-time light Room ambient before age light lighting 2 In the mouse on the left, a gene that aects hair growth has been knocked out The research into myopia biology—whether that we inherit environment years. This consider helping Several strain all it to from created known this gene our for as parents us the some has been of by or our are our of a the strains in this mice replaced or the and we an be is example. In inactivated, to the shall innovation are DNA formative developed. active of in especially early debate been gene the technical Knockout removed, having and have questions experiences, nature–nurture answers. big consequence parents Scientic different consequences one characteristics chapter. provide thousand one the is in our illustrates each allowing investigated. 2 51 C O N S E Q U E N C E S G E N E T I C S What All our been are do genes known they of sexual gametes. with genes genes in one can have version one or In a Gene p Parents pass on just half genes in each It is which sperm comes and is a matter of combination together therefore in a the in is one gene gene. The various They are are rare Since DNA, A father but even versions events. as of the They from (in in sequence mutation known as parent mostly the to sperm) base the parent’s gene as a the caused offspring fuse sequences cells, occurs. small new usually of has widely the changes be bases it we profoundly. produces a 1950s more change alleles can of but very Mostly same a the essentially sequences egg). the so proteins, passed the and changes, consequences. bases. are the precisely mutation in parents? characteristics from (in of These genes genes are a parents. acids our mother gamete mutagenic as this form only but Usually or differ by gene. by radiation or a chemicals, mutation but occurs it is a and matter what of the chance new base where will in be. the Mutations chance of genes gamete inherited do not occur happen if because living a new organisms allele were of a gene designed is needed. rather than This would evolved and we by then only see changes to base sequences mutations are harmful (deleterious) that are benecial. child Many This are leads not player arm there The p important no For bones in children, not is the the That them their the genes right-handed professional for child hold only that this. to their cause player the and Of characteristics stronger racquet. bones if in If a the the playing these course, tennis, during disease. acquired happen play genetic develops inuence characteristics from X-ray of the arms of a to and biology: muscles would in in tennis used mechanism acquiring tennis player arm a stronger mutations encourage inheriting principle example, inherited. genetic may child than an specic is parent and has are caused to inherited. muscles 25 2 of our or would a bases. amino all humans, mutations sequence egg. a of our composed reproduction, major two from are of from of by their genes almost there base of inherited sequences from occasionally just inherit sequences inuence During in are that inheriting determine we tennis playing tennis characteristics; tennis-playing but that their is different. lifetime rather parents. p X-ray of the newborn forearms baby of a A B C D By of comparing the a) bone b) the It and newborn not of have Design a only this a scientic valid variables L TA When data small, both thinking and the human Others speak. is be are more group our the p each relative Skin hair the right-handed tennis player and development one arm right‐handed to after have people birth? stronger have bones stronger and right muscles arms and than the left‐handed to test this and arm hypothesis. right‐handed strength? How simple method would be to measure the people. Can would A you you suggest analyze a better the method? What results? conclusions from scientic comparing data a to that the testable can be experiments, tennis support are player’s prediction a the it is X-ray while conclusion. collected, of of characteristics the due colour entirely consequence importance colour, freckles bone causes left‐ experiences about one on controlled? develop the from Is of In at important with the the same general, a that sufcient infant’s time sample X-ray, a relevant cautious recognizing size less that than one ve is too better. debate third debates forearms babies? assessing be characteristics entirely the about: skills to A below. of insufcient acquired many for When Nature –nur ture Some arms to of deduce arms. conclusions might images that investigation need collected. of activity left X‐rays you newborn tennis method drawing is the can hypothesis: suppor ted approach pair of would Critical Draw be this stronger circumference in physical Consider people Is what development effect might other. contrasting baby, of and are (nurture); relative entirely the our partly nature nature and p or of to cell nature nurture, nurture Sickle due intelligence importance to consequence environment, be of for an and genes, example, genetic is or our factors example nurture. are any such the (nature) of this. to a our and There Consider due as eye languages the colour. that are have we partly been examples combination. How could investigated? anemia p Tattoos, hair ear piercing and length 253 C O N S E Q U E N C E S p Height p G E N E T I C S ABO blood How Gregor were at a did rst time less when theory Ovule where the Stigma is gamete the in would change colour and to the did varieties their one of to can For eye and If it was blending generations example, colours everyone experiments Mendel characteristics inheritance. brown where the his a will a an working generally of our parents. inheritance lead human and had it was to less and population mixture of heights intermediate eye height. where pollen plant. be In a between purebred have developed together varieties 1856 and 1863 using purebred and In so by quite pollen saving peas it the is is variety, same easily by unlikely seed only particularly all the plants characteristics. growing to be from easy many spread plants plants to with because and Purebred the them the of from desired owers tend self‐pollinate. Mendel chose varieties of pea that differed in distinctive (purple or white) ways, for male example, the colour of the owers and the height produced of the plant (tall experiments the stigmas crosses of all were 25 4 one because inherited. discovered of many population. (offspring) characteristics. is of are been blending and genetics mixture experiments pea variety other gametes a of genes hadn’t course same his progeny varieties containing how genes? the pollen Anther a blue discover father show Addiction which receives produced DNA called over with Mendel female is the show we variation starting is to that happens, p Mendel Mendel the believed This groups and of by in or the one He transferring owers of progeny Mendel’s like dwarf). of pollen another are crosses the performed parental the variety. called were from the rst simple anthers We lial The call or same—all types. hybridization F1 of other of one these hybrids. the type F1 variety to experiments The hybrid had results plants apparently disappeared. For white‐owered they were just example, peas, as all in the purple as a cross F1 between hybrids their were purple purple‐owered purple‐owered parent. This is not and and blending inheritance. Mendel what allowed type of the progeny always the this generation, F2 again, same. 75% apparently peas had parents. been the were hybrid they Both in of a Neither of discrete the by purple the and F1 the ower just as were appeared in example Despite white‐owered as nor the the Again, false. our nd white. white process. was results types were coloration determine to purple/white 25% generation, were inheritance which the parental Using hybridization blending factors the they self‐pollinate, Again, original ratio. in and to produced. the 3:1 disappearing changed plants purple‐owered reappeared theory that F1 original white this Mendel had showed had characteristics that revealed are passed p A cross seeded unchanged from together a parent to offspring. Different factors could hybrid but then separate again when the offspring. This is Mendel’s law of segregation. We now gives factors What the this investigated found than the that other. statement: example, and the all other pea white. These allele white was the a allele for dominant this case, used To for a purple that of hybrids of lacks any a own were ower protein If is allele all that rather these are F1 grown allowed ratio of to F2 self-pollinate, a peas G E N E T I C S for in the and a must the of resulting do and every types rather experiment” . be was a For purple factor makes that them alleles. only pass it have on owers to their and one for intermediate‐coloured owers letters is an is a hidden result most so A genes allele, modied in if In is one. characteristic a and alleles. anthocyanin, that for recessive is denote dominant in dominant allele to recessive code not in emphasize parent that plants recessive a to must gene: remember either they a purple owers sequence dominant A used any one always purple for in if and parental factor pea than peas italics there of for recessive. alleles or so allele in the another colour, produced, activity, both of used observed versions Mendel we base Recessive normal and allele pigment is not realized one purple the present. the one and white‐owered dominance, Using of purple-owered Mendel owers is purple protein. forms have have white all alternative because owers. were characteristics constancy were or dominant protein. version are plants but is understand for white. their allele the the this purple‐owered purple‐ Hybrid This different plants plants factors owers, owers. F1 called F1 plants for seven “Transitional Pure‐breeding progeny. the He the makes the 3:1 Mendel’s yellow-seeded if same? Mendel case genes. makes all and, call and these yellow- green-seeded hybrid hybrids produces and come peas in between the alleles an code active such as protein production are present 25 5 C O N S E Q U E N C E S then some dominant then Flower colour purple or in peas can of the active form characteristic. none of the active If of the protein recessive protein is alleles made is made, are and a the we only different see ones the present characteristic be is seen, for example, white owers. white Recent the in research gene binds to specic the a peas cells the factors a is are present, and G E N E T I C S What Mendel from an for of knew their F1 pea causes white the a He one of and Aa of is now more gametes made. are ratio can much deduced are The explain of No so one purple the used so transcription the if only genes are allele for switched off white. ratio? inherited two different recessive. plants they algebra had factors example, white‐owered and could to For and owers F2 that these produced synthesize remain purple‐owered for and He In meiosis type the to the the The of 1 one an equal inherit explain recessive two the 3:1 a chance of the ratio in + a) events plant gametes nuclear diploid in receive of + 2Aa are + aa white‐owered, that are the are are occurring pollen ovule, a grains haploid is with are of each two each type is so in of the copies gene. the gamete contain only in one the of owers by of each set being sets of meiosis. 2. the pea chromosome produced chromosome is male two Chapter ovule Cells pea containing halved described and in female diploid—they chromosomes there of aa anthers copies one and division the cells, two AA anthers, Inside pea = white. the number both therefore only a)(A made. The happens and + Inside being cells special Meiosis type and that factors each. purple chromosomes. plant. A purple‐owered 3 fully. chromosomes. This had A, development, owers 3:1 on generation. overall We between two (A AA hybrids dominant dominant these or F1 one cross one owers. factor F2 of has inheriting same his parents, hybrid plants that Mendel’s the at anthocyanin are produced anthocyanin protein switches allele petals anthocyanin. a DNA for factors ower in and that colour for This plant’s With transcription ower codes needed production. shown factor. pea places genes during has affecting Mendel’s transcription 25 6 so and by therefore one copy matter grains a of of chance and alleles, which chance A 2 A half The of and and × egg a the (½ A a × a cell = A coming coming or is by and different passed a pea half during together together together a two them together vice as the versa. alleles to plant a. It is a is ½ ¼. × also = There pollen The ½ present, gamete. that has a fertilization. is are chance matter The ¼. of Aa is a pollen and chance chance two could of the Similarly, are grain Of both A it of two the different ways contain is therefore ½. outcomes called of contain fuse coming egg the produced alleles ½) If which will and possible diagram gene. cells gametes dominant of each a of Punnett genetic crosses can be shown using a square. Male gametes A a AA Aa A setemag elameF aA aa a Data-based 1. Some varieties others, called Mendel to question: Tall of dwarf crossed produce pea F1 plant peas grow varieties, grow pure-breeding hybrids, which to tall and about to less and were dwar f all two metres than dwarf tall. peas half a can and metre. varieties What tall together you p conclude from Wild for 2. The F1 hybrids generation. pea were Use a allowed Punnett to self-pollinate square diagram to to produce explain the an F2 reasons in suppor t other expecting a 3:1 ratio in the as use they plants, cultivated shor ter for plants tendrils this? but varieties stem climb high some grow sections, so much are F2. dwar f 2 57 C O N S E Q U E N C E S 3. There were 4. were tall actually and a) Calculate b) Explain Mendel that 100 tall and a) why the the F2 plants. from the same Calculate Does in the Mendel published ignored for apply were only to rediscovered of in One is rose comb p Rose the self-pollinate. of both the dwarf from the tall F2 He plants separately each produced of the of 100 all tall plants. homozygous if each were dwarf heterozygous found from plants and word and 3:1. if two there of are two pea At the 30 the plants in work as in in years, end theory work inheritance percentage homozygous F2 and generation. the same way peas? the 1860s, the 19th it it was was century, its largely thought several inheritance realized soon but because blending they were the in partly of of of and in many biologists when signicance. discovered to they Examples other plants examples so If Mendelian pure-breeding crossed the of together, allele for chickens all single inheritance the F1 comb is with birds discovered single have comb the dominant. If in and normal these animals F1 rose single chickens comb are mated with one-quarter Some from breeding that birds grey ndings is grey were and dominant feathers rose of and and peas. white one the the for were For breeds called with from have single combs and combs. in of other the F2 other, chicken so a there a of has were was a F1 When 1:2:1 This ratio ts with one grey of with allele plumage. pure- hybrids the alleles—neither grey slightly between produced blue”). the chicken feathers that cross generation. dominance white discovered example, “Andalusian each chickens over three-quarters inheritance (often crossed white apart other, Mendel’s black were each have examples different 25 8 tall research Mendel’s comb. are comb, Single 787 animals. of comb p peas. Mendelian and his than questioning to seeds 28 using expected species more which plants. progeny present inheritance other of alleles. heterozygous G E N E T I C S the from included are total, precisely self-pollinated results allele in dwarf collected grew 72 to generation He He plants wasn’t Progeny these different tall ratio from other F2 dwarf. of F2 progeny. Explain b) ratio separately. the were collected dwarf plants the allowed seed only 277 1064 F1 black, Mendel’s allele for black Other t examples Mendelian processes of male meiosis and its and female the male and together being located 1. humans 2. In the sets female the allele for Can two blue-eyed b) Can two brown-eyed order to Holsteins Hereford were coat Holstein the of 1870s of are genes and in the and research homologous the number united fertilization. pairs by fusion Mendel’s that halving chromosome brown a eyes the cow milk, no have a is In others of during some being dominant for with produce cow must black beef. the cases, located to over genes the allele if a from these milk have a with have Many black children? blue-eyed for coat They semen a used patches. head, outcome brown-eyed widely and white white possible is each head reared with have parents cattle black are parents inseminated all bred of produce cattle articially progeny breed have red Discuss in The not eyes. Holstein a in time known did chromosomes. a) and to that explained chromosomes due same the meiosis, of be discovered gametes were blue The could therefore during two sex was discovered reproduction. was for In p on they sexual between ratios on were both It then non-Mendelian but gametes separate chromosomes, close all, during 1880s, rediscovery. of at occur chromosomes fusion inheritance ratios that in of calf every and head cattle bulls. no year. patches. all-white Holstein Hereford coat production. white an child? The white Holstein-Hereford are patches. crosses together. p Hereford bull p Holstein–Hereford cross 25 9 C O N S E Q U E N C E S 3. Welsh Mountain breeding all have black black lightens to expected Note Black female that there in are parents In most is against long that an it before the when the are together, but of genetic to male for If the coat are pure- F1 progeny gradually older. What is the together? white coats in sheep, for sheep closely to marry marry disease of the sheep bred gene coats. in mating reasons we a or cousin. offspring between now having related? brother rst were can a of of closely close and laws Using them, in the us parents. were using some protect related relatives understood. explain sister Such The known principles one disease as example. brown from white mated lambs, sheep recessive illegal illegal risk are are or Leicesters. are is black consequences discovered Garrod investigated urine it also high Mendel a F1 White consequences Archibald and the they colour two also who is the harmful urine if have sheep while Bluefaced countries countries Normal white p What can grey-black sheep G E N E T I C S p and coats outcome example, p a sheep was a pioneer alkaptonuria, urine that turns of which black on research causes a exposure into genetic person to air. (1 case to diseases. produce Garrod He deep made these a observations: person with alkaptonuria ● Although he ● ● If found one parent had unusually high who rst In were ve large children total 2 6 0 alkaptonuria families of at is extremely which the several disease, proportion their people rare individuals offspring with in had very 250,000 the rarely alkaptonuria people), disease. did, had but an parents cousins. families and 57 in least children that one who he of found, them were where had normal there were alkaptonuria, and 19 who ve there had or more were a alkaptonuria. These observations caused by symbol for A the H. is which who H likely they do child the with allele of to a allele. that the two one having h. disease can is the and h alleles other alleles, they use h Grandfather Grandmother Hh HH and alkaptonuria inherit. if is alkaptonuria. their one Two parent of parents produce each chance can allele two with H to The the has disease alkaptonuria disease We causes because certain the dominant person have have and children allele disease are not normal that alkaptonuria child has very recessive the with The rarely rare for recessive person no a H suggest of have one 25%. of Father Mother Uncle Aunt HH Hh Hh HH a one their Having two Man parents unless that the diagram with carry an parents shows h are how alkaptonuria a if allele is related. man he very The can marries Wife/first Hh uncommon cousin Hh pedigree have his a child rst Normal males Normal females cousin, Male because he and his wife have both inherited with alkaptonuria the Son h allele It is from now gene a metabolic it is acid, which dominant is H 1. What is Hh that breaks The not chance into consequence acid converts enzyme the blood of mutations enzyme amino colourless the in This the enzyme a present, is homogentisic cannot is in phenylalanine compound. and in involved be If the produced, excreted in so urine, black. of children a HGD. down HGD accumulates or is enzyme colour, brown b) Calculate mating rst 3. is acid the the excess. dark allele has alkaptonuria hh a child with a with alkaptonuria woman who has if these a man with the combinations alleles: a) 2. a dark disease of in grandparent. for pathway homogentisic it that codes present which making shared known a if a hh whether between the HH chance brother of and genetic sister or disease from a is higher mating from a between two cousins. Self–pollination siblings, the a c) yet result reasons of for in plants genetic is an diseases self-pollination even are in a closer rarely mating observed pure-breeding than when between progeny variety. Explain are the this. 2 61 C O N S E Q U E N C E S G E N E T I C S How in 1. Genes on are long DNA are made DNA molecules only clearly mitosis. This into two the cell out and Do all is Ever y on it, be in same can be a cell the has a and to of Do all up A of one of roundworm, mosquito, for you a simple to A many be gene of of shor tly be can break it down is before spread placed to on burst a it. of of (and during of that therefore meiosis. reveal type genes DNA Chromosomes in the Special structure that body cells chromosome, genes. sequence in pair form so of genes of its during each gamete which has gives three chromosomes human’s of can chromosomes. Parascaris equorum, combinations one that four chromosomes. The of is bases. a length Alleles sequence. The nucleotide one We during has yellow pairs are two possible fever and so eight possible. chromosomes could gametes? normal 4. answer. research. together sequence same each Aedes aegypti, combinations there without questions nucleus number randomly, chromosomes combinations How the a can dierences of chromosomes oriented either horse pairs of are receive have question, chromosomes? pairs meiosis each sequence humans their The same up applied genes have the is next. of show of big non-coding normally two there variation? the pair is chromosomes coil mitosis linear sequence used so divides same there sections can in pressure a grouped nuclei chromosomes. These on ● that between with 3. is gene same structure) stains ● with one the if variation chromosomes. Chromosomes have chromosome usually smaller they identical and or is into are genetic humans? This narrow, when process counted slide and called ver y two. humans between have are visible the chromosomes 2. DNA genetically splits microscope ● of molecules much base. of of a DNA gene with dier commonest polymorphisms SNPs can have a specic in their dierences (SNPs), major hemoglobin mutated hemoglobin sequence base are which single aect consequences. DNA C T T C A T G A A G U A just For mRNA example, in the one base hemoglobin change gene from causes adenine to sickle -cell thymine anemia. Protein ● How many dierent polymorphisms humans? 2 6 2 single have been nucleotide discovered in Glu Val Is genetic Mutations twins are have continually some development. 60–70 Research Unless variation must Mutations when regions these genetic mutations children. but variation of can into we at not are increasing occur any position chromosomes called sequence and is dog, Mutations conserved were but our the Even that identical during we parents, same G E N E T I C S humans? mutations suggest at along have it occur do DNA it was precisely unchanged they the conserved example), certainly sequences, of from compared, highly found for variation. rates receive in pass to rate, their on our genetic humans. human rat genetic because eliminated in genomes are to mutation did human conserved element. adding differences mutations be sequences (mouse, that increasing is in of any seen the same sequences. the as an a sequence; highly of other species ultra-conserved in highly conserved not persist in the specic base If genomes known chromosome, that and ultra- population. p Computer-generated of Some of these conserved sequences code for the active site of a pectinase, If a mutation changes the amino acid sequence at the the the enzyme will almost certainly fail to catalyse its six reaction. If site that with the reaction catalysed mutation will by the enzyme die. This could the egg, sperm is vital happen at to a survival, very early individuals stage in var y course In a eliminated similar proteins gene as do when mutations Here not have to the their so are with or mutations mutation zygote. eliminated can This is the The at the mutation is pectin. from dierent acids enz yme, in but specic such as fungi the par ts the of active of site, are that mutations identical, indicating dies. from with survive an it from to individuals offspring. or individual receptors, too, consequences, sequence an hormone expression. harmful that way, such in digest considerably, amino the development—even acids the Pectinases chemical amino active active site, in an pink enzyme. model showing genes that promoters base the sequence mutation and example pass of a on code that the vital would be deleterious regulate have die. process for there very Individuals normal called gene natural selection. Natural shown are selection that nor mutation does of the deleterious. increase is of a a not is gene human decrease in of to 60–70 Nearly DNA change matter eliminates the is but therefore A not acid because of only neutral at an as are research on could gene, fate one mutations Genetic only or of of be is about spread level two neither because in a neutral our variation equilibrium has neutral—they This a The pass but generation survival. function disappear. probably per mutations sequence. we few most mutations mutations other chances does children. population population the the amino chance, our new all that deleterious gene mutations two copies through in and the is the but the human not increasing. 2 63 C O N S E Q U E N C E S Genetic 1. Put drift nine bag. the The red blue balls and blue balls are is parental a mutant. one a red ball normal The bag into allele a If and represents Shake out to up the balls randomly; another are the took a called if bag, it if of the is it offspring. out in the bag blue is red parental add do Replace and one ball so one blue likewise; the bag take there ball nine blues and one it Repeat the with 10 natural the you stage 2 offspring until more red will these that Is red balls process in you have populations drift. likely mutant spread that allele through population or be eliminated? are The chance of the red. red 3. up a genetic the b) still end generation. a) 2. you simulated you have 10 balls in mutant replacing bag. one can allele the be blue calculated mathematically. 4. The offspring bag now becomes the Is parental bag. Repeat stages 2 and 3 the chance greater in small or large to populations? produce another generation. c) 5. Continue until all the balls are blue or How could simulate Data-based The in image these question: shows the sequences represented using Comparing amino stands just acid for one a letter: Histone HUMAN MOUSE RAT COW CHIMP 1. amino sequence specic for H1 this activity be of a amino example, (residues acid A all or deleterious 20 stands protein amino for called acids alanine histone found and K in for LA A T P K KA K K P K K P V K A S K P K K TVK A AK P V K V V K VK P V K A S K P K K AK T V K K K A AK P K K A A S K A P SK K P K A T P V K K A K K K P A A T P K KA K K P K K K A AK P K K A A S K A P SK K P K A T P V K K A K K K PAATPKK T KKPK T VK A K P V K A S K P K K T K PV K KKA S K P K K A A S K A P TK K P K A T P V K K A K K K L A A T P K KA K K P K T VK A K P V K A S K P K K AK P V K differences there I V K VK P V K A S K P K K to record the letter can be AK P V K are Mouse chart Each 120-180) PA A T P K K A K K P K many H1. proteins lysine. K K A AK P K K A A S K A P SK K P K A T P V K K A K K K how to mutations? sequences structural acid; benecial KKA S K P K K A A S K A P TK K P K A T P V K K A K K K Count modied red. Rat Cow Chimp numbers. Human 2. Which two species a) smallest show: Mouse the amount of genetic variation? b) the second Rat smallest amount of genetic Cow variation? 3. 2 6 4 Suggest an explanation for the differences in genetic variation between these ve species. How does Natural selection It and continued has the the a is biology. all is natural diverse theory of publication the process “big that ever forms of his ideas since by of 1. variation This variation How 2. is does Chances an sexual of are survival Some they and together rst of exist. Natural years. in the whole appeared Charles selection 1859. in It on has resulted Darwin the 1830s, selection is of Earth but the in developed delayed inevitable populations. to mutation reproduction and and cause sexual reproduction. variation reproduction are in a population? affected by characteristics. factors that have an impact on chances of reproduction: individuals are life billions now natural survival many links E V O L U T I O N work? things: due individual’s There ● is that when over that until consequence There three idea” began life evolution of selection likely reproduction to and are more grow they successful more are rapidly less at competing and likely to have die for more during food, so resources periods of for food shortage. ● Some individuals escaping ● Some Some epidemics individuals example, by Can 3. by ghting you are better are or at by more that their their nd Offspring are chased individuals during ● when kill evading effective resistant predators, for example, by camouage. to disease, so they survive others. more physical successful at appearance, attracting their a mate, courtship for displays or rivals. real examples inherit of these or characteristics other from factors? their parents. p Some characteristics are acquired as a result of our The peppered betularia) but most are due to our genes and can therefore moth (Biston environment, be passed on to is predators during vulnerable when daylight it to roosts hours on the offspring. branches Does evolution by natural selection happen with characteristics are two having that were acquired as a result of our of birch forms black of trees. There the wings moth, and one the environment? other white wings with peppering. Which form the of in better areas where and chance with birch form is areas unpolluted in in here covered in air are pale lichens? Which favoured selection has sur vival branches covered black by natural polluted birch black industrial branches soot are with no lichens? 2 6 5 C O N S E Q U E N C E S Simulations Two or such more as a gripping tongs, by for of E V O L U T I O N uses rounds the only is due Fossil lived genes, developed and 70,000 Read on their traditional includes marine much mammals and given blunt have at caught up or seeds. seeds the one area, variety as the seeds, are students tool either re-spread best with for north pattern the skin that cells. vitamin the very visible, despite being amounts of melanin, Exposure to ultraviolet most rst Their over a of North were lighter of the variation the black light between causes people modern million years humans and in colors in ago. color, in sapiens) Africa Between out America skin (Homo ancestors migrated South changes skin humans pre-human of and 100,000 Africa Asia. resulting long-established and As in they the populations north. selection Sunlight is ● Melanin absorbs ● Ultraviolet more the here intense converts radiation causes cancers. Vitamin deciency write human an explanation skin based color. the equator than the poles. radiation. converted malignant then in radiation. near ultraviolet then and variation ultraviolet radiation is Ultraviolet given for ● be related cholesterol into vitamin mutations in in the skin into pre-vitamin D. skin cells that can result sh that causes D reduces calcium absorption in the intestine rickets. which ● Few ● Ultraviolet foods naturally contain vitamin D. and are rich radiation causes degradation of folate (vitamin D ● Folate deciency developmental 2 6 6 all inherited. groups Europe, are the but be skin there of in Africa. ago information which color B ). 12 in of of time fewest of Is an laundry group same the elimination wide forceps, the and a over in nor th diet oily dark contains ● to by shows through natural skin can Sunlight than may it ● ● expected. This so years further D3 far that spread student time, eliminated picking melanin, sub-Saharan had living the for variations more evidence in current skins human small of migrated in are feeding Each short students tool synthesized to spread darker in to synthesis living a are holders, are seeds? pigment have for small, Students tube tweezers. mass, of least-adapted and What caused variation in human skin color? due Inuit or large test tool, The selection bench. as tongs, one number Differences p such students. more the types, laboratory barbecue their natural seed tools students other of in pregnant abnormalities women in increases babies. the risk of and What is the selection One to of each natural of dierence and these selection. Progressive change characteristics of a in E V O L U T I O N natural evolution? pairs In between of each statements pair, which refers is to evolution and the other which? the Non-random population or one transmission generation to the of next genes from because better- DEFINITIONS species over the generations adapted sur vival … daily and throughout variation, that even which adding hourly the up is all the bad, that and insensibly and wherever scrutinizing, world, slightest; rejecting good; working, silently oers, it be length exist, would EARLY at it too of too bold time, perhaps be have a greater chance of reproduction commencement whenever oppor tunity to and and would great preser ving is … ever y individuals millions of the bold imagine, the of to ages living which have the the the mankind, that arisen GREAT in began before of imagine, animals that ear th histor y warm-blooded lament, to since all from FIRST one CAUSE DESCRIPTIONS the improvement being in relation inorganic of to each its conditions organic organic of endued and life. down its (Charles animality, new those posterity, par ts… with and improvements world without the of power of delivering by generation to end! Dar win, The Origin of Species, 1859) (Erasmus Dierences dierent between ages fossils in rocks of EXAMPLES OF EVIDENCE CAUSE Dar win, Dierences in reproduction that Causes with acquiring dier in Zoonomia, rates of sur vival between heritable 1794) and varieties of a species characteristics OR evolution Consequence of natural selection CONSEQUENCE 2 67 C O N S E Q U E N C E S Data-based question: The evolution of penguins The evolution investigated of living genes. Using have all penguins penguins and data related This is to deduce of penguins. the evidence the the base has a the tree to a morphology proved them, diagram different most been sequences also available called the has comparing constructed other. Emperor by species Fossil closely p of cladogram likely to species of useful. biologists show are and how to each allows evolutionary us origins swimming Aptenodytes forsteri (Emperor Aptenodytes penguin) Aptenodytes patagonicus (King Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie penguin) penguin) Pygoscelis Pygoscelis papua (Gentoo penguin) Pygoscelis antarcticus (Chinstrap Eudyptula minor (Fairy penguin) penguin) Spheniscus Spheniscus magellanicus (Magellanic Spheniscus demersus (Jackass Spheniscus humboldti (Humboldt penguin) Spheniscus mendiculus (Galápagos penguin) Megadyptes antipodes (Yellow-eyed Eudyptes pachyrhynchus (Fiordland Eudyptes sclateri (Erect-crested Eudyptes Eudyptes chrysolophus (Macaroni To which 2. How 3. Fossil ago. 4. can Penguins a) larger b) smaller In several and or if Explain seen as to how that the evidence (Emperor wings common size even occurred with Suggest the though reasons of for including most penguins penguins between largest Snares penguin) penguin) penguin, penguin) ancestor including penguin species penguins in Royal closely do lived not far evolving related? y? about species the penguin) since south to 70 million that and years time? the smallest become southwards migrate northwards. do varieties of not of all one classied. problem for of splits in equator. being the have biologists just are forsteri presence migrate they are the often the cases, plants Aptenodytes considerably they if the suggests how vary close is explain Roughly species 2 6 8 we evidence species 5. species penguin) penguin, penguin) Eudyptes chrysocome (Rockhopper 1. penguin) penguin) agree species. Darwin by This used populations evolution whether it that natural is as populations quite a common evidence might selection. or of in might his penguin problem great not be are separate when book Origin separate animals of Species. species can be What on The causes species to B I O D I V E R S I T Y evolve islands? text below Convention 150 new was on government Islands boast adapted Biological a leaders truly island dwellers larger landmasses emerged become other from large land evolutionary genetic with by by and or dwarsm predation. on time, in and Genetic loss of was as Species they to isolation highly ability by to become off of a These unique species can disperse sizes from distinct specialized y, newly distance exerts population from populations some development and the islands islands, located of of signed break ocean adaptations. the diversity website Summit. life. the this the unusual the these areas emergence and of islands Once result the Earth across isolated Over that Rio on on convention assemblage oor. masses. article This 1992 drifting small, forces an dispersing characteristics gigantism the ocean to reservoir new against or the at unique either conned from Diversity. include or tend defend to be p low and species often become concentrated in small conned areas. Lopevi the Many island species are endemic, meaning that they are endemic else species endemics variety. home rises For endemic. reptiles In 8,000 the It has often over are species number been biodiversity that they thought be some of is the of all while that out of of in Cuba are the proportion a to as of land plants and up of Vanuatu. islands formed can from also coral be reefs of birds, and more than with Africa. contribution their small is nation biodiversity 80 make are Guatemala it over that topographic species sub-Saharan make reservoirs and There making species islands each. of of proportion mammals, island mainland three collectively richest size island plants, The Madagascar, remarked island and of found concentrations number Hawaiian only endemic sense, can of 50% have on of The endemic. mammals, nearby, do. higher isolation, 90% some global on to area. “hot In this spots”, animals Earth. There living is no evidence matter species speciation The dodo is What are to a are the famous have most species is new most example died It species. on of This important frequently on a This species the for process factors that island process at from non- existing is called causing islands? factors islands created evidence important inhabited out. being abundant frequently annihilated. the new There produce happen species happening for Earth. What to completely island on splitting speciation. 2. increasing endemic harbour continents Mauritius, endemic containing 1. with both highest than Islands amphibians 18 Honduras, Earth. example, and to on one islands archipelago New nowhere is volcanic is of been Mauritius. Many called extinction. causing the has extinction to be moment? 2 6 9 C O N S E Q U E N C E S G E N E T I C S What is genetic modication? There ● are two Vertical transfer one-way sexual ● types ow or recipient. pass from of the resistance move the of bacteria. now it by is The 1970s, happens common cell from in small to a either are genes in all of genes direction added of to the is a happens is between is during transferred. existing transferred is some extra species the tree to but species loops of This explains that branching species, recipient. and one transfer for two genome of small. than can how horizontal DNA another. evolution others. called take genes A of diagrams—there rst was a easy example inserted gene for using for for of was the human that transfer in to It often plasmids place for between antibiotic consequence bacteria are cannot cross-links insulin 1973 was when put into of Many been extra an the antibiotic coli. useful Later same human genetically exist genes Escherichia supplies diabetes. have naturally insert bacterium abundant treating bacteria gene biologists this into consequence, available produced horizontal relatively the As became set It only branches! gene in in full It species species mechanisms bacteria, a horizontal. offspring. generations. and donor to and species where donor gene represented soon more different can articially. 27 0 a a genes bacteria, horizontal Because of much in parent the happen a vertical transfer transfer is from number within between in the between resistance be from transfer bacteria of Genes could Horizontal happens is reproduction transfer transfer transfer: down Horizontal Vertical can genes Usually gene gene genes transfer individuals. Vertical of of asexual Horizontal a of type insulin proteins modied. are Horizontal gene uncommon typically or in in plants has a ● plants where two mutualistic and been are plants make pests a has and until to given only transfer Some live relationship, is recently animals. organisms animals possible Examples Crop in transfer but as to feeding general plants are resistant which weeds ● can to kills ● insect be controlled crop produce vaccines for treatments diseases in contain health in ● a ● and use as against such genetically plant 2. Can 3. Using transfer 1970s it articially. that: proteins be in their easily and milk so harvested produce hormones increase growth less phosphate infectious plant that rates polluting in foods feces more by digesting effectively as that produce promote omega-3 for high fatty allergy-free human milk consumption protein milk for or cheese production process What the host humans nutrients of modication 1. gene them can release acids The and so ● ● known, animals useful secrete herbicide growing antibodies rule since livestock make them a are parasite and they ● a However, Farm on as below. that: toxin a extremely examples together vertical. genes been transferring or genetic modied is the or GM a crops what importance you of example animal be articially engineering. organisms latest farm genes that legally know keeping The to an organism organisms is produced genetic are (GMOs). of genetic you grown about can in gene “natural” modication in either a crop nd? your area transfer, and GM or are they evaluate organisms banned? the p separate. GloFish are genetically 4. Would a GMO be non-genetically favoured modied by one? natural What selection would over this a depend produce on? zebra (Danio rerio) a that modied red, uorescent danios have green been to or orange pigment 2 71 C O N S E Q U E N C E S G E N E T I C S What tool Restriction DNA endonucleases: cutting modication naturally has How each could is occurring organisms, The are in a genetic engineer’s kit? Genetic of tools enz yme been assembled. one EcoR1 possible enzymes, be useful cuts DNA because DNA Some in gene here: enz ymes a molecular and of RNA these are These enz ymes scissors by have over ligase: joining This enz ymes A T T act cutting been 200 T A Plasmids: vectors for gene transfer type link of enz yme G A A T T C T A A G is larger DNA These are that are also for polymerase: copying enz yme can cut at makes seal sugar- nicks chains is of and DNA necessar y into a when plasmid or molecule. small found In gene This the loops bacteria of and can copies is a few main bacterium about plasmids 50 times are used is it at high being evolved in the Thermus aquaticus, hot of work without since bacterium enz yme typical DNA transfer. enz yme in a but lab, temperatures lives extra in in circular denatured 272 of sequences. micro-organisms. The larger. DNA specic C is DNA to inser ted chromosome a at that base bonds together gene other Taq molecular A G a T table. endonucleases discovered dierent nucleotides. This T micro- the C so C like DNA restriction phosphate G A in sequences. Thousands dierent DNA shown consisting and transfer? base DNA toolkit, molecules springs. used a DNA to In the make lab, which this multiple fragment. G E N E T I C S Is genetic modication ethical? Scientists work. have must Ethical an obligation consequences of scientic of has about been modication. ethical to consider be question it of your ethical transfer or benecial starting. predict are good controversy more own for of but over these their and the harmful Consequences and or of scientists there could be bad. the ethics questions, of or genetic frame an debate. to genes animals other one to they implications complex, the before hard considerable ethical very both research may the often whether Debate Is are consider their research disagreement There always questions to from species? Is it ethical disease in using to cure humans genetic modication? Is it ethical modied food to use crops supply cause for harm to genetically increase humans to if the they wildlife? Is sell it ethical GM to foods produce if the and long-term p consequences are Hydra viridissima is a pond not animal that can reproduce known with certainty? asexually by budding. A small Is genetic of humans allows could ethical research result therapies outgrowth forms on the side, modication for in if which develops into a new it that polyp and then detaches new disease? What is cloning? Cloning can in its broadest reproduce doing this Some animals but most cells. can types articially by Often individual. differentiated by is and cannot. cells, It an group much is asexual of reproduction. gardeners have cuttings, asexually, relatively early-stage embryonic more but is taking reproduce splitting each It sense asexually articially, G E N E T I C S difcult techniques for to embryo cells to for developed methods aphids clone into an have an of groups into older now and Hydra, animal small develops clone this plants example. including easy Many a of separate animal been that has developed. 273 C O N S E Q U E N C E S The rst carried which from successful out an this could It way have was cells egg a not from cells the small the large Nobel until an on the two the sheep horses, and that a cloned was animal their gland starved of to join to might its was have the from nucleus an he and John treated very likely Gurdon was In named sheep. a sheep them of one and is Cells and next out The were to of lamb probably were One electricity case zygote. Dolly, with Xenopus, inactive. placed pulse just As differentiated removed. adult was A like a using of each was of used several that the most existed. other now an cells together. developed and frogs. was frog Xenopus, that tadpoles were make nucleus. born eggs cloned was nuclei gland cell new the taken the Xenopus mammal and were cells of embryo removed nucleus into missing goats It a Some adult used an 2012. improvements rate. with He than Gurdon mammary ever cloned it older Gurdon. water. tadpole. mammary fused Cattle, success in The cells cells in become obtained the John animal successfully to 1996 inactive egg by an replaced prize adult. of eggs Xenopus subsequently famous p and developed These hundred, was 1960s a gone from cultured. make of were removed to cell cell awarded the unfertilized egg intestine in in lays cloning in be mammal technique possible species have to have greatly clone since raised humans been the using Each potato tuber planted differentiated cells from an adult, but this has not been done because grows and then reproduces asexually to form 10 or more of serious ethical concerns. new tubers. This is a natural 1. What is the advantage of cloning an adult animal rather than method of cloning and embryo? explains how vast numbers of genetically identical potatoes 2. Is the natural process of human embryos splitting to can be produced identical 3 2 74 Dolly meets the media What are twins the a form ethical of cloning? objections to cloning humans? produce an Summative Statement Scientic we have of inquiry: and on assessment technical the innovations can change the impacts that world. Introduction Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the world’s most important non-grain p food crop and is central to global food security. More than 300 Potato that tons of potato 40,000 A B C D Late 1. blight In on tubers the 1840s, many for because the emigrated crops was Ireland 2. the at even can that Late so a little varieties South year. more of long blight time. is In Potatoes than have of people of a become potatoes blight”, The genetic had to potato. Some the died of lack of failed starvation of genetic in year after consequences destruction diversity potatoes years. from a The have been process Explain wild entire and many potato diversity. potato were crops Explain grown in how species developed took a hundreds cultivated and reasons from or variety for it wild maybe of plant taking [3] by potato the and micro-organism species, do not Phytophthora many Phytophthora suffer plants from late are resistant blight. to Explain this Some infestans could develop in populations of to are late varieties of potato have been produced that to then the Suggest that 5. In the variety reasons was blight. Phytophthora often only starts for resistant a infestans, works to for a suffer this potato will and and dying soon spread stems to and due the other also to are growing tubers this few from cultivated becoming but on already blight disease the resistance leaves how [3] cultivated resistant Desiree) har vest dependent leaves 4. to about plant wild (variety humans. micro-organism resistance ready [3] of caused wild Ireland crops Irish America. developed infestans. each “late America. time. thousands be such in When disease eight to in consequence was Cultivated species 3. in more there people food. of immense—one how produced genes—many are disease potatoes year are protein-coding tubers million years late potato and blight. variety susceptible to late [3] past, produced varieties resistant by with resistance wild gene. innovations potato cross-breeding species Scientic have made it varieties were cultivated that and contained a technological possible to transfer 2 75 C O N S E Q U E N C E S individual venturii new A B C D to an millions one 20 variety the A B C D Micropropagation of potato varieties Depar tment of St of wild potato. resistant might for species Suggest potato such as Solanum advantages varieties. of this [3] Formulate b) Explain c) Design Analyzing the an by more of the rapid has needed to of produced, farmers naturally, the method been for clone end a tuber this cloning with method testable a of cloning to up growing plant. to season. a potatoes—you bud, to cloning small of new cloning; for develop roots test based for your on your could pieces an to reasoning experiment or Think of buds hypothesis, scientic potato of (micropropagation). encourage a potato allowed method improve a) and a of are [3] bud might variety variety produced portions of more rooting rapidly. innovation. innovation. hypothesis. tissue innovation example, your use [3] [3] [9] methods a) Present the data that you have collected in your experiment, of using Biotechnology, from at 8. the be need a this planted articial inside hormone new of potato. an cuttings, p is may of Choose that varieties developing tubers tuber tubers from for improved of Explain 7. resistance potatoes When If for cultivated method Cloning 6. genes suitable tables and charts. [5] University Petersburg, Russia b) Interpret the reasoning. A B C D c) Evaluate d) Suggest Genetically Late blight from July crops had it been venturii a explain of improvements modied and produced gene been your results using scientic in as by your or method and extensions to your your hypothesis experiment. [3] [2] potatoes troublesome disease some many announced The had and validity fungicide was England. the onward with 2014, is data [5] that as a transferred 15 at to The have prevent Sainsbury the the wild potato disease to blight-resistant the from to potatoes. farmers times new biologists Rpi-vnt1.1 of years spray the GM spreads potato disease. potato Laboratory In variety in species Solanum variety Desiree. See Field trials blight in over the unmodied The yield of Regulations potatoes, altered 27 6 Desiree the years GM there the almost potato is the no presence showed modied plants prevented but by three genetically crop the high level twice from as gene. resistance with leaves destroyed high tasting mechanism new of plants, completely was biologists known of a Desiree for as the the each the GM taste to of late the year. non-GM. Desiree being Over are 400 known number have If R a in of been stack genes R they to genes the using the developed Jones for quoted as of before 9. of potato Union think are variety years. is GM unlikely crops for granted that a team it is going to human license they company. research “I infestans. to had Professor has been unfortunate to taxpayers’ benet funded that from work the way Europeans”. an evaluation potatoes to arguments whether Union a many American European Write for large resistance transferred biologists farmers the similarly technology the saying American fruits an led resistance Phytophthora growing the a make blight GM to who in European approval but blight overcome were should late consumption, for that discovered of resistant give potatoes, genes potatoes Because conferring for you or and they as effectively L TA Reflection Consider genetic them resistant. ending should in in modication blight against, think approved language of make the your with be an banned United States. evaluation. p Consider overall as in Try assessment the to Solanum venturii both of European use scientic [15] skills ethical, cultural and environmental implications Ethics is the academic “wrongness” in their linked of a to strategy recognized for that should most be that both sides or response we the to our or of action. to the “rightness” Since often important ethical on groups have a can people be or differ strongly approach a considerations a rational can be common compromise potential The but be these if there is examine existing about goal likely even and these of If it First, is maximizing might of an be action should a potential remote should moral within seek similar employ outcome caution practices issues to framework. position other is considered. consequences most catastrophic, similar beliefs considers mind. relies should examine related with is weighed. considered, Lastly, made that community, Secondly, involve It open opposing consequences practiced. have of carefully actively the course approaching approach the discovered. for for an that considerations values. with motivations benet ethical personal systematic the particular priorities, considerations One a discipline be judgments our the be we communities most consistent cases. 277 11 Evidence Scientic ideas obser vation Romans cooking a of a modern to the Lead in is that easily was down in a an suggest ruling the a as “sapa” of taste. recipes; that class lead of In in lead acetate, book Apicus many A data. leaden of those minority poisoning Rome areas of The ingredient. empire. counts to solution sugary Roman as extracted used Roman applications 278 of through and was contributed where historians evidence? and puried from ore. It is malleable and unsurprisingly was widely used Rome. ingesting from the what ancient Lead in of “sapa” scholars decline disagree, has collection widespread juice resulting which include suppor ted interpretation grape vessels, contains recipes and boiled compound are for making lead has times for the a pottery suggest use and signicant of that lead. eating adverse scholars utensils effect were on aware and our of in the health. this, yet production Analysis other of of wine. primary documents We now source indicate know documents dangerous Evidence of The shown skull partial the remains individuals, Georgia. did not evolution debate rst and much an Man adult discovered stomach was the a fruit How changed in court presentation What types admissible? similarities between and the lawyers involve of of What considerable ancestors exist other and within a examples hampered by a of lack a of well-preserved bog in from and scientists no among What traces the is time that wild were of body 200 BC Analysis his last seeds. able meat, contents, the of how to only meal see or grain of diets of Under sh signicance knowledge over about Denmark. showed barley were is a this have useful? are are the differences scientic in human evidence. evidence use that about the evidence and erectus ecosystems can dated contents seeds. fact? Trials in gruel there fresh and was man microscope that the evidence? Tollund of from features fueled know being fragmentary. Dmanisi, human European you in have which when understanding of Homo theories variation Do often comes ve skulls about species. of existing invaded how is here uncovered The t past evidence that court? 279 E V I D E N C E Introduction How do scientists understanding Key of gather the evidence world? and There use are it to many expand our different steps scientists concept: Relationships take to world Related concept: achieve and hypotheses, recorded. context: Scientic of of all, they interesting make observations phenomena. This of can the natural often lead which Scientists are then possible make explanations some for predictions the observations which help them controlled experiments to test whether the hypotheses are true innovation or not. this Carrying allows scientists new In the them to ones. This The for global technical and This year John claim. That Statement Healthy disease. of be the explored methods lead map of this until to deaths between likelihood of in with on a how its deaths map close of a and cholera the he had was being to is aected no scientic Street by in and medicine from Soho London, water, evidence in water by from provide stemming systematic the evidence can outcomes. Broad outburst evidence variables. transmitted area. This house inhabitants was the method. vaccinations, health allow it; formulate qualitative innovations around cholera a chapter analyze even scientic between this all suspicion when or quantitative methods, improved that the between and exist are cholera 1854, as and ultimately experimentation Experimental that met that will data hypotheses, known and collect which initial observation hypothesized not cholera relationship and to they distinguish relationships Snow ’s is, we is observation study Snow their steps direct context contemporaries record of method, the conclusions, reject innovation 1854. experiments, draw series creativity is the or Both population human to through experiments. evidence out accept scientic obtained 2 8 0 rst note and design technical this: Evidence to Global take to but sustain allowed approach pump in in the his him his to showed Broad the Street cholera inquiry: lifestyles can be based on evidence of relationships between types of behavior and risks of In science, cancer for incidence example incidence When of articles within the that outline for in such number of vaccination as when years rate the rate smoking, lead to of or inverse, decreased yield are the interesting discovered, edited and scientic scientists reviewed signicance exploration. results or and new publish other implications Published community by and of results their ndings scientists. a are sometimes relationships result often more Journal and indicate debated widely by public. Popular studies, media and articles allows their results may making literate in direct, with increases are further the be disease. variables journals areas a can increases when experiments between in relationships exaggerate critically capable eld are it often of direct organized to complex to non-experts. and important evaluating researchers and in to own tables, importance that claims. keep their specialized the up to readers Reading date research, graphs analysis, and they with but are particular scientically scientic the not and journal developments because charts are of published are always often subject accessible This careful are This is dissemination understood by why to the reputable the public public and scientists of research not ensure that ndings, misrepresented so by there that is they journalists. engraving 12th out centur y an experiment. proponent method to of and describe the shows the of the scientic Roger Franciscan He use the use natural method was of Bacon, monk, an the of early scientic mathematics world. Why so successful modernresearch? The rst mass production and clinical trials of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV ) made from live but altered viruses were conducted in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s. The success of these clinical trials paved the way for the vaccine’s key The Lancet, oldest and Ar ticles by rst best within other published known the research. This is to known 1823, scientic journal researchers in have ensure as peer is a one medical been the of the journals. reviewed quality review of the a carr ying role in the global poliomyelitis eradication campaign. This stamp from Egypt is part of a campaign to promote vaccination 2 81 is in E V I D E N C E C E L L S What evidence led to the discovery of mitosis? Cells reproduce have reached functions division also such must needed Walther Parascaris a shown as many a as before smaller an they perform ones. organism Cell grows. It is in the 19th larvae and drawings for century. in of division genetic the He made roundworm salamander of material the in cells nucleus the by nucleus stains. way times evidence made as this cannot cells. Flemming’s called are repeatedly do cells efciently division He must large salamander of provide these They damaged cell mitosis. chemicals such or in Some They as happen lost studied named two. because exchange replace here. in size, observations using How gas a therefore to he Drawings C E L L S as equorum. process visible dividing large Flemming microscope are by too of presenting does qualitative cell evidence division need to happen to produce enough cells to conver t a fer tilized Evidence If all will the To a cells scientic in repeatedly number the for of nd many the cells of the into will an prediction body double. cells number egg divide at the in the number of doublings are in be the to human humans. body by reference time, the total mathematical 1, is 2, 4, 8, 16 to reason. number pattern, and so the on until reached. necessary, An human? made same this sequence cells there can According follow adult we estimate need to obtained know by how careful 13 research and an body. adult Try to published This calculate the is in 2013 is that there 37,200,000,000,000 number of cell are or divisions 3.72 37.2 × 10 trillion needed to cells in cells. produce 13 3.72× of 10 cells. You numbers—there do are not have easier to ways work to do out the the complete calculation. sequence The answer 13 you should get is that 45 doublings gives 3.52 × 10 cells, which 13 is nearly many 2 8 2 enough more than and 46 doublings needed. gives 7.04 × 10 cells, which is Data-based question: Caenorhabditis elegans development 2. The C. graph elegans Interpret these shows in the the a) Do b) What The is the cells is Caenorhabditis elegans is a atworm that is of in cell and biological divisions research. during hermaphrodite) its It life have a follows and xed a precise both total they are adults. sexes the all the graph cell number graph to divide of to in life. answer synchronously? approximate one Interpret How of time division cells this answer many needed (male number Here C. elegans is cells data and after and these interval the 210 the next? minutes data in questions: cell divisions would be pattern of to produce 182 cells? cells b) when in of minutes widely a) used total 182. the data number 210 questions: between 3. the rst Have all cells completed this number of surrounded divisions? by large which numbers is of provided the as unicellular food for it in bacterium E. coli, laboratories 4. The pattern C.elegans 1. Caenorhabditis elegans atworms start a single cell. Adult males have a development involves 1,031 cells. Calculate how total would have to occur to many adult male, if all cells divide apoptosis. same time In 131 How cells many kill cells themselves must be produce at by cell division if the nal cell exactly total the death). cell produced an called cell of by divisions process (programmed hermaphrodites, exactly a in life apoptosis as of in an adult hermaphrodite is 959? (synchronously). 180 rebmun 120 llec 60 0 0 Is there cell can Leonard a may ends be of to but the to 100 how many 150 times a 200 human G E N E T I C S divide? embryo up possible, limit Hayick, human divide a 50 60 an American were times grown but apparently limiting then not factor. chromosomes. biologist, in an stop, many articial so time a 45 more. Telomeres Each discovered are cell or cell 46 culture, divisions Structures the that the of cells they is called sections divides, if from would certainly telomeres DNA telomere at the becomes 2 83 E V I D E N C E shorter, in a of cell until human that shortening lifestyle is life division divisions 2004. it is too (the they are to PNAS. Vol.101 zygote) possible. a has is of more divisions. telomeres, setting some between rate Pp. any long There telomere (49). allow shorter, variable lower “Accelerated to become highly leads short a but limit evidence individuals telomere shortening with to the that and shortening in response The each cell round number the that life rate a (Epel, to rst of of healthy ES et al. stress”. 17312–17315). Data-based question: Ageing and telomere shortening The graph green in a that The scanning line large shows the represents sample. exists in length the The about blue 1% of telomeres average of line the as telomere represents a function length the for of a age. The certain telomere age length population. electron 12 micrograph #10 shows of the chromosome telomeres 10 in )bk( marked green htgnel 8 6 50% eremolet 4 1% 2 0 0 10 20 30 Source of data: syndromes”. Armanios, Nat 1. Describe 2. Evaluate Rev the the M. Gen. and Pp. relationship that 60 70 (years) Blackburn, Vol.13. claim 50 40 age EH. 2012. “The telomere 693–704 between telomere age and length is telomere variable length. within a population. 3. Suggest some possible causes of shorter telomeres in some individuals. 4. a) b) List If three the on processes ability mitosis of body decreased consequences? 2 8 4 the which are to with dependent carry age, out what on mitosis. processes would be dependent some of the Are there number Some cells produce that our are with cells do difcult these The cells lost of cells cells named ends cell divisions. of Human only if their cells This develop HeLa seems can for to will grow are on types In that into a cells be be has no even They by been limit to came this, human there the into though as it our C E L L S cultured a of in life, the so Most have it more endlessly. in number from In lives, adult they must Cells cells sperm. makes dividing the they tissue. are throughout protective tumor do telomeres. throughout develop telomerase may of males dividing cells To lengthens several that limited? endlessly. surface. go theory tumor laboratories of times found that in a Lack. is that many and is replacement, divide suitable HeLa times chromosomes conditions the which in of divide. this however the They Henrietta explanation divide skin contain it. called There tumor telomerase; to the the number making cells occur allow from huge to telomerase, however for 1951. woman capacity telomerase. for strain since the to divisions telomerase the not gene cell enzyme these that producing A have the skin testes the of produce cells exceptions do in (such a cells HeLa not liquid as produce cells become culture, incubation the divide, at too either enzyme the telomeres short in for tubes or at further dishes, but 37 ° C) 2 8 5 E V I D E N C E H E A LT H How is the rate of growth of a tumor determined? Cancer in the is body. because some and the Tumors may rate of periods of nd is index is of (P , M, and calculated by T) of so cells and this index in also N = dividing is scan. scans, rate the cells the of is can the + A + In quickly rate scanning would the of be of T undesirable of tumors by biopsy. examined phases cells + it involve can index. taken four number M grows the growth mitotic sample each by This with of lost. minimal. measured The + tumor tumors repeatedly been tumors, posed each a the other be the (P so have of I). in of The with a mitosis interphase The mitotic formula: (P Mitotic are In on tissue, cells. using that division calculating a of spread, repeated stained, number A could size the of the threat treatment. index number the the delay and cells cell also frequently, so between of urgent. tumor delaying The total a often over divide slow, of sectioned counted groups measuring mitotic microscope. N very without the are and controls cells waiting To growth, particularly growth assessed is is and be (I); the be consequence sample the normal tumors, repeatedly is to treatment division The due + M + A + T) = × 100% N In a fast mitosis index The The mitotic photograph melanoma Nuclei in index of interphase vessel How 2. In 3. How many of of section are in are in be 2 8 6 Calculate the mitotic time, a high so a malignant purple. Red are blood skin Nuclei cells in cancer. of cells a blood orange. mitosis? is each cell? interphase? and the red It is easiest blood cells index of this tumor. to count should proportion whenever high. ignored. 4. tumor one life-threatening stained tumor mitosis nuclei will through brown. the are any tumor causes stained cells number a that cells stage a mitosis through many what the in are passing 1. shows tumor, cells of growing at be the of cells biopsy are is performing taken, the mitotic Data-based The table with The for shows one rates with three ranges of the are of of rates of There of cancer women tumors index. and 2. a) for and (If were the in survival after a positive the survival there is a survival or negative between rate positive rate index is higher.) What is the is the mitotic after six index years? relationship, higher if the then mitotic index. b) Overall there rates relationship and women mitotic survival Is cancer. separately larger numbers ranges index for breast shown and mitotic equal three Mitotic survival form smaller approximately each the particular survival women question: 6 years explanation for this correlation? (%) Mitotic index 11–20 mm tumors > 20 mm 3. tumors Is a < 0.1 100 100 100 83 4. 0.11 – 0.5 the size better The 81 women you the data consider L TA Information Finding, in scans of reason Display tumor of this of the trial their or the mitotic chance were liver of all and index survival? given bones and 79 X-rays 1. the indicator regular > 0.5 of in most whatever graph or their for breasts these and liver. What is the tests? chart appropriate. literacy skills interpreting, judging and creating information ● Present ● Collect information and informed ● Identify The data paper in source Activity number The of a scientic L Patients 11. are by Pp three made bars. most Looking With two tumor the data bar chart. is to of formats identify and solutions platforms. and make secondary is a secondary primary journal. et al. with sources. source. The 2003. source The correct reference “Prognostic Node-Negative because primary to this Relevance Breast it has source of Cancer.” been is a primary Mitotic Vol 16, 1067–1075. way possible size, You of displaying ways giving need of data grouping three to the groups decide the of which is with bars: two by bars allows a or bar chart. mitotic two index groups comparisons to be easily. for large and question Medri, in variety data another conventional There and this from is: a decisions. primary in obtained analyze in correlations data clear sets this enough in is data is usually for any a common done with correlation type a to of analysis. computer be but deduced here from a 2 87 E V I D E N C E H E A LT H What is the consequence of tumor cellsmoving? Broadly speaking, malignant. do not threat damage to also tumors, to and Carcinoid so of the intestine This type 1 in that 30,000 of it surrounding tissue cells them. The it is where it not 2 8 8 tumor wall The just into will to a part of oxygen actions, but if and secondary consequence of secondary or the but as cancer. They may secondary a the It in of of the visible. The not it elsewhere. only the happens in must adhesions that then cells bind or these break a vein), migrate itself tumor in between (usually in a cells tumor probably cells a other cavities vessel Most tumor many. is movement primary then but between establish the left follows break body blood and villi) but collagen, allow and liver, body must body. right (with tumor? move as to tumors, movement tumor, of nutrients. cell tissue. and major establish growing, the malignant through or the wall is and cell tissue one tumor such vessel a regarded they to intestine digested move lymph and localized pose surrounding then Proteins not usually nodes tumor benign remain do where parts must surrounding establish one It they intestine; the benign they health. the other be must another of lymph The cells. must cell the to tissues. of a to small tumors: not body, where to this steps. receive these and of Is cells other body carried perform move to the structure spread so are threat of of but destroy the damaged cases. together, the vessel is can tumor pattern attach through tumor they and wall folded types grow, tissues, of major the wall complex so. in normal of two may why parts a the Movement the are tumor is invade other tumor, about so this tumors spread are tumors surrounding health; Malignant there Benign is many therefore fail of to able will is out position to do usually Primary tumors removed, together is sometimes it in size surgery is before often because of their is but bone. or varies usual Some cells, tumor of the location that is there depending the it a that are cure and lymph are cancer. location location that used either The nodes, chemicals. these makes no the many. type in reduce surgically, cancer with Ironically, too the with treat chemicals cells. are on to to tumor there tumors develop approach to needed secondary the is Radiation either of If tumor tissue. tumor, radiotherapy. all The surrounding because is surgery. primary commonly tumors chemotherapy. be by the a called remove they The secondary of in because may location tumors including or to treated cells This this be some kill surgery tumor, and form with to tumors secondary to often impossible of primary brain used impossible. secondary It can has kill is any do the spread This chemicals of liver, called dividing not work Lymph well with slow growing tumors that have a low mitotic index. body recent only years tumor chemical cells treatments rather than all have been dividing developed that target is the some percentage target of of in of but change in Cancer treatments However, Debate how to cells. difcult these 1 What 2 Is are there a are the to for how is successfully. the of world, has decades they in better have with reasons in been and it and needed with the to schemes been other some much should vessels enter the from inter vals lymph higher carried (shown blood hear t. The has system swellings along the by green) near at vessels are nodes been development how form normal of body secondary recent than years they raised by so were some survival in the new rates past. treatments. students: new treatments national health being services very or expensive? health Brain insurance drains is major there into migrate a Cancer a that and cured. improved issues limit how be much questions treated Cancer many research can have be deaths understanding cells, cancer cancers all for more tumor and many the much into cannot of countries. research tumors with 15% developed progress treatments, cancer about medical immense cells cases cause uid tissues lymph the Sadly, is In pay for cancer MRI scan of a 39-year-old treatments? man with secondar y tumors (metastases) 3 Should individuals treatments that or only families have a be allowed small chance to pay for expensive of extending life signicantly? What factors in causenormal tumor A tumor group The but of small. starts with specic of body a single mutations any chance The environment cells to can change H E A LT H into cells? chance the the of reason one all of why of body have these them cell to changing take mutations occurring tumors place are not in into to a the occurring the same tumor genes is very cell innitesimally is rare cell. in A the cell. small, extremely is that our 2 8 9 E V I D E N C E bodies into a contain tumor Mutations stable are high and chemicals, of these mutagens. Ionizing when radiation nuclear released bombs due to can cancer after wards. bombs during and cause so war fare, two far at Nagasaki. The shows a later a the can is nitrosamines (found cause in (found (such cell. DNA in as so they (UV) and high refer are is a very various (Y rays), radiation tobacco we change example: rays hydroxyl at but for gamma cooked cancer, a could large. conditions, X-rays, meat which mutations, mutations, cause in ultraviolet species of quite DNA cause radiation: oxygen mutations is chance to shortwave can one also smoked radicals) foods), and temperatures). to them as carcinogens cancer). are Explain how each of the following can cause cancer: deaths test a) nuclear bombs b) articial c) smoking d) X-rays. nuclear been used sunbeds Hiroshima photo detonation 2. Debate made Some other it is whether illegal people each because have of hypotheses impor tant cancer, so suggest that that to of an using know these is if four that data can have causes increase the be an of from in the hairdressers example factors factors hairdressers the they suggested occupations. This validity 2 9 0 as any environmental factors amines factors As changes normal and cells, collective (ionizing) such of decades Only have in reactive (acarcinoma 1. detonated the chemical heterocyclic All so particles benzene, numbers chemical energy alpha ● cell, substance physical ● vast a in question risk have of experiments environment identied increased and risk rates Scientists or of other of sources. hairdressers cancer? cancer evaluate removed. What of should be cancer. higher hypothesis. 1 In are than the this case causing evidence would Data-based The UN has developed Development down into further question: Goals”, 169 17 main which targets. subdivided Global further targets measurable broken are of even evidence of progress to be pollution number human number 3 refers to good and aims to health ensure pollution promote well-being for all healthy at is a signicant all both and of these indicators By 2030, deaths water and and substantially illnesses soil pollution the of chemicals and 3.9.1 air, are Mor tality ambient By 2030, reduce special other Source: The to air of barrier to goals. of The success specic related to air shown in the following table. rate attributed to household and pollution adverse cities, quality per capita including and 11.6.2 by paying municipal and soil Annual (i.e. PM2.5 1. Outline rate attributed pollution mean and and levels PM10) in to “hazardous chemicals, contamination” of ne cities par ticulate (population matter weighted) and management map matter and attention waste the impact air Mor tality water environmental and contamination 3.9.2 11.6 and ages. number hazardous and cities resilient Indicators reduce from safe, lives Targets 3.9 making and pollution and on inclusive, quantied. targets well-being focuses sustainable. achieving Goal 11 settlements indicators, Air allowing air Goal ”Sustainable are These into distribution shows (PM10). damage the global pattern Particulates lung tissue. can of be Further, particulate inhaled might adhere to the distribution surface of and increase the risk of particulate air Predict the pattern of the global the distribution particle of globally. carcinogenic 2. chemicals the pollution of respiratory diseases such as cancer. asthma, emphysema and lung c a n c e r. 2 91 E V I D E N C E Lichens of or fungi are composite living in close photosynthetic types of lichen generally, the organisms bacteria. that are lower that association There sensitive the are to pollution consist with 3. Using algae the different lung pollution; rates, the diversity of biodiversity number of of lichens locations Italy. the lichen graph, identify mortality due biodiversity in to the region. Explain in was the determined Veneto Mortality due to lung to the relationship lung cancer and between lichen mortality biodiversity. at region, men who had lived in one region in for north-east and in between lichens. Only a data the due The the cancer Veneto 4. higher only relationship their entire life were included in the cancer investigation. in each from of the these examination relationship shown locations in between the of was medical these following determined two records. variables 5. The Suggest one reason for two reasons excluding other men. is graph. 6. Suggest graph G E N E T I C S What were Genome All of the organism scientists Genome all lying objectives on of the the points line the of on best the t. Human Project? genetic is the not for information referred to collaborated Project. This as in its a within the genome. venture project had In DNA the known a as number of late the of an individual 20th century, Human objectives including: ● determining 3 Phosphoglycerate a protein living 2 9 2 that things is kinase universal billion and DNA ● identifying ● making documenting base the pairs location in of the the sequence human of the more genome genes is the information in investigation. available to scientists for further than To locate DNA genes, that act scientists as signals look to for start or specic stop three-base translation of sequences messenger in the jak3 RNA. severe A start signal rst needs to be located. If a long sequence of bases combined BCKDHA immunodeficiency maple without any stop signals follows and there is then a stop signal, urine long base sequence is likely to be a syrup the disease gene. DMPK The completion of the project was announced in 2003, and APOE the myotonic data collected development has of led to a great applications range of further research and including: Human 60 ● development of atherosclerosis dystrophy the personal genome analysis related to chromosome million base pairs, 19 of contains which over more than health 85% have been mapped. This process has ● understanding of evolutionary relationships shown that there are over 1,700 genes chromosome ● comparison How are human Medical Project researchers to compare genomes their genomes Analysis of increased makes predicts that it they of may well can be Comparison a gene the the This from to better by (Adoxophyes honmai, is a The of respond provides cytochrome common Diatraea a in a certain person’s fewer disease between to person is can condition. to Genome condition. leading if at then The genome drugs, side be analysis that meaning effects. organisms evidence C of oxidase, sequences sequences saccharalis, genetic individual the with between base their G E N E T I C S Human Differences indicate variations The of a the research? the have increasingly disease. will from who cause can in health affected. treatments protein mutation. not prevention sequences has in possible identify gene accumulate are analysis person DNA detected individuals relatedness for metabolism. to given of of species. information genome lead that the who This suffering Determining have DNA indicate possible how used individual’s that different useful people medicine. risk advice the may an personalized have of from patterns genome the also genomes the with given of 19 in for Ostrinia relationships. an enzyme most part that species, of the furnacalis but gene and Nearly is time four Ostrinia eukaryotic essential over in all for species energy differences species nubilalis) of are buttery shown in the table. A. honmai D. saccharalis O. furnacalis O. nubilalis 1. What (5') T (5') A (5') T (5') C does A C G T A G G G G A G C T A A A T T A G C G C A C G A T C G G G C G T G A T C G T (3') T G C A T C C C C T C G A T T T A A T C G C G T G C T A G C C C G C A C T A G C A (3') A G G T A G G C G A G C T T A A T T A G G G C A C G A A C G G G C G T G A T C C T (3') A A G T A G G G G A G A T C G C T A A G C G C A C G A T A A T A G C T G A T C G T (3') the data given here suggest about the relationship between the species in the table? 2 9 3 on E V I D E N C E 2. Based on the table, which two species are the most closely A related? technician Neander thal sample and will humans East What Genome known if they are mapping as model have has short have as projec t. who from its a sample genetic par t 100,000 fossilized of material the in to Europe 30,000 bone. The ex trac ted Neander thal Neander thals lived of neander thalensis) were and ear ly the years M iddle ago organisms? been carried organisms. useful laboratories, of model drilling (Homo sequenced genome G E N E T I C S is out Species characteristics, generation for are such times, or a number chosen as ease for of of this species research rearing production of in large numbers offspring. Model organisms Saccharomyces include cerevisiae the and fruit the y soil Drosophila nematode melanogaster, worm yeast Caenorhabditis elegans. The puer genes to making it mapped 2 9 4 sh Fugu rubripes is humans faster after but to the a much map. It human a model smaller was the genome organism amount rst of ver tebrate map was because genetic to have completed it has a material its similar set between entire of genes, genome Over are 60% of similar about such Mus has in 1,500 as direct The D. those Once a the less also genes of to as the elegans. found immune model human among gene is have animals. organisms diversity hypothesized a that C. are human model and and that complex used layout existence universality in is similar families from matches disease melanogaster gene musculis a human been identied Scientists in all system, For are this organism. have animals. The genes, likely the mouse far identied Some less reason thus to have mouse genome genome. further living identied illustrates the idea of things. in one species, similar p sequences will be sought in other species. Through a The gene that codes for the procedure production of the protein leptin known as “knocking organism. The out”, effect of a gene can deactivating be the deactivated gene can in give a model an has been “knocked out” in the indication mouse on the left. This allowed scientists to recognize that of the function of that gene. leptin plays a role in energy Scientists humans were using What able to locate mice as a evidence infectious Until to 19th century, causes such as specic Under sites that cause a nutrient showed process formalized 1. If an 2. The with was to common foul a of a the leptin cause attribute odours by Robert is of individual suspected the or in of evil exist infectious spirits. and the the metabolism, giving insight into H E A LT H diseases Louis could into of be Pasteur the the should under a from pus several in a microscope of an infectious disease postulates. disease, be the bacteria. cause four pus cultured culture variety from disease the specic of extracted and specic Koch suffering with he infection single establishing cause to organisms conditions, skin Examination organism specic the of it controlled presence was of disease. solution. The function such health concerns as obesity established exposure a person the the organism. disease-causing of carefully on model determine diseases? the established and then found in the large suspected numbers in disease. cause organism can be isolated and cultured. 3. The cultured introduced 4. The organism into organism original healthy that organism individual original a and should was must should test lead be the disease when individual. suspected be to found of in identical causing large to the disease numbers what was in found in the in the test the host. 2 9 5 E V I D E N C E Healthy animal iseased Koch's rst postulate animal Suspected pathogen Obser ve under Red a sample microscope blood cell Red blood cell Koch's Culture No second postulate sample from pathogens diseased or healthy present animals Cultured pathogen Inocu with ate ea t suspected y anima Koch's pathogen third postulate iseased animal Obser ve the sample under microscope Suspected pathogen Culture Koch's The of work of infection innovations 2 9 6 Pasteur for of and several Koch led diseases, vaccinations and as to discovering well as to the pasteurization the specic highly of four th milk. postulate cause successful Disease Specic Malaria Trypanosoma sp. (protozoan) Measles measles Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacterium) Amoebic Entamoeba histolytica (protozoan) dysenter y Per tussis (whooping cough) HIV Robert Koch presence infected using Discuss his 3 For which 4 What 5. Discuss are Pathogens by on body a which the will person Vaccines consist they the a may Edward people The to who people vocal these object others falsely Thimerosal is a culture observed apply tube and in the a by the the blood method of above microscope to living to in a this to in postulates not be helpful? the third postulate. H E A LT H a and further the disease, vaccine of This the is depends results against by the the in the disease, pathogen, of way for and immunity. so similar survived as thimerosal autism vaccine as a and He that extracted people with smallpox. vaccines questionable to for noticing smallpox. to may injection. unaffected immune success, enough needed an after They Alternatively antibodies injected obvious between is smallpox became on that the of pathogen. administered cowpox of person recovery antibodies development based vials a response. infections version of When disease. usually inclusion added of immune the their links postulates models? organisms. from people claim animal infections despite the of production are suffered Koch’s Koch’s microorganism developed of would cells any weakened a to disease. develops an stimulating treated to and out stimulate minority he caused work? memory cowpox Unfortunately, a of causing Vaccines had from a was could considerations resist or contain it. that Koch limitations disease immunity by Jenner material it. both dead anthrax bacteria limitations carrying has to of ethical rapidly pathogen immunity types pathogen work of cause disease of that how mice, possible the are production cows, vaccines infected their Explain the the do virus hypothesis. some identifying How rod-shaped infected conrm 2. of infection virus hypothesized cows. of Bordetella per tussis (bacterium) AIDS 1. cause are resisted evidence. Some preservative, by of whereas vaccination. containing more than one An dose, in order to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. When example takes preservative mercury enters the compound. body, it is broken down to ethylmercury, of a book that this a issue thimerosal with as a the use of preser vative in vaccines 2 97 E V I D E N C E There H H H C Hg H C are most but they of H are two types of organic mercury compounds to which people H H commonly have mercury exposed—methylmercury different that can properties. build up in and ethylmercury— Methylmercuryis certain kinds of sh a compound and humans H are exposed to it when eating this sh. In humans, methylmercury ethylmercury can be absorbed into the blood through the intestine, and at high (EtHg) levels Structural formulas methylmercur y link was and vaccine question: postulated measles, and rise MMR between mumps the as a methylmercury, quickly Data-based triple acts toxin, and of and the does DTP use rubella childhood and of ethylmercury not tend MMR vaccine was introduced to the (MMR) after a measles very outbreak there be to considerable no system. in Britain killed some cleared from the of believe single in vaccines such a and making autism. a link Japan, 17 has the but the MMR vaccine programme was was and and only single vaccines used 180 children 13-year the top graph vaccinated shows (MMR in the the UK. percentage uptake) over a 40 100 80 40 30 60 20 10 20 0 0 period. 87 88 89 90 Outline the the period pattern shown of in MMR the uptake graph. 92 91 year 2. % of in optional 50 120 detaniccav data is [2] 60 140 7 The vaccination vaccines. evitalumuc MMR single advocating 70 160 sraey The than vaccination propose rep rather doctors thereafter. autism instead. for in in people. ecnedicni triple reasons introduced terminated shown 000,01 Suggest between in ot 1. to more [2] people link body accumulate. research ega use to contrast human MMR continue In autism. research connection, is MMR 1993 Though nervous about 1989, 1988 the vaccines In The affecting of ethylmercur y A it of 93 birth of 94 95 96 97 cohort over The [3] data in incidence the of second autism in graph Japan shows for the children 95 % coverage by the age of grouped 2 4. Outline )%( over ekatpu 90 5. by the the the trend period Evaluate RMM is year linked using to the that in the shown the they MMR incidence in data were the the born of graph. claim vaccine. in. autism [2] that autism [3] 85 The the third tetanus 80 1990–1 92–3 94–5 96–7 98–9 2000–1 graph history of and provides the triple pertussis) information DTP in vaccine England about (diptheria, and Wales 02–05 over a 50-year period. The incidence of year pertussis 1940 3. Suggest, giving a reason, a year in 2 9 8 UK media may have carried a 1995 cough) (red). A is shown second curve between (blue) which shows the (whooping and story DTP vaccine uptake from the mid-1960s to the mid-1990s. The period when the stories about alleged green British bar media side indicates carried effects of 6. a Using the changes many 50 DTP data in years in rates from the of graph, explain whooping 1940 to 1990. the cough in the [3] vaccination. The medical journal The Lancet was criticized ecnedicni 500 DTP introduced after 93% it published a paper in 1998 regarding a link 300 between the MMR vaccine and autism. In vaccine February 2004, The Lancet published a statement uptake 200 rep sissutrep 000 ,001 81% 400 31% by 10 of the paper’s 13 co-authors withdrawing 100 their claim that there is the possibility that MMR 0 could 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 cause autism. The journal completely 1990 year withdrew one of the the research researchers unethically in article was conducting in 2010, found the to after have acted research. L TA Information literacy skills Is Finding, interpreting, a and creating this Use Find an media article on skills to analyze conducting sources, it is author’s name the to can corporation clicking on internet about is the content using consult be What the the credentials to where This take article and shows a convince can the author. What and you as a reader is qualied to speak can says determine “About this by us”. of the website? Typically some organizations than .com, but are this more will still judgment. the author provided links to the sources to create the content on the website? evaluate the citations on the site provide enough credentials that with .org sources so that they can be partially an evaluated author You that domain information would do? link for Do of or organization that responsibility you .gov require the used the is suitable internet sites located. prepared of organization vaccines. Has author an this communications. research better the by does and .edu, When What information critical-literacy interpret provided corporation? or ● website judging authority without opening them? on vaccinations? What The of wall of oxygen the coronary the and coronary branch all is heart become of the to heart veins Blood provides form wall. deoxygenated, coronary muscle nutrients. arteries repeatedly parts is hear t which a tissue dense Having the carry blood it and pumped this therefore to supply. cardiac The network picked ows back to H E A LT H disease? up on the of muscle coronary capillaries waste from right requires supply through arteries that products the a serves and capillaries atrium of the to the heart. 2 9 9 E V I D E N C E Coronary heart as building plaque arteries. the The artery forming coronar y cells a narrower. the in the the These starts wall become artery. heart H E A LT H artery part These contracting of with one hardened changes If a attack What clot fatty or deposits more and of make increase is ar ter y wall rates and within a of person’s the is a the the dislodged, hear t coronary of the the risk it known coronary inside of will of blood be clots carried on health of blood receive way narrower. reaching is supplied oxygen this is outcome or The cardiac by the coronary clot may muscle blocked glucose, commonly of that are heart certain ofcials pressure – disease There coronary the from so they known heart as stop a disease. contribute to disease? heart a becomes that factors between High longer populations. risk wall common relationships advice heart no and blood coordinated and are The of a branches preventing cells in coronary vary a disease. factor seeking increases widely number the New and to of Age leads the to countries which evidence risk reduce risk. between factors for the modications incidence reduces increase the of in CHD. elasticity of ar tery arteries. women. plaque supply with Men the evidence A more lack Cholesterol LDL. High rates of of is likely increases heart. inactivity itself. with are Smoking to Recent is that perhaps exercise it in is obesity the more the lipoproteins from pressure and increases transported density suffer blood Inactivity suggests that to high and are blood (HDL) deceases correlation risk in are of pressure factors. of being overweight than being overweight high two than oxygen contributing signicant the blood blood forms: associated pressure. HDL with and reduced (blocked) with CHD, with in low of risk, why large CHD density CHD. High but some are to rates. LDL may not have ethnic quantities lipoproteins levels this levels predisposed explain consume have rates Lipoprotein genetically low arteries. increased LDLs. may while increased formation 3 0 0 the blockage, branch. ar tery in deposits within where form plaque up (CHD) ar teries to healthy disease of in of be the fat blood in the because solely due different groups, as associated increases are are diet. levels and are blood they to such cholesterol (LDL) plaque associated correlated Some people regardless the of Maasai saturated fat of to are diet. This Kenya, and yet Summative Statement of inquiry: Healthy lifestyles types behavior of assessment can be and based risks of on evidence of relationships between disease. Introduction In this While summative completing healthy A B C D The 1. lifestyle causes a) of Outline b) A an iii) a lifestyle human is starts pattern then mitochondria What is b) Estimate is your If the cells Like whole division of of of diseases. rate single that cell in that In follows a study, so the of that the an nuclei in a precise development adult. are embryo cells the The organisms, structures of to an simple stains, cell supports leading eventually number the embryo appear not at pattern such of as C. blue of of the elegans and visible. this stage? embryo. [1] How reliable [2] the 64 have to cells, been divide nuclei? embryo how up one to many this rounds stage? nucleus into of cell [2] two [1] each contain more nuclei or more [1] mitochondria pre-existing if has: [3] divisions elegans. used cells, consequence slower a and there is that evidence shape identical mitochondria? f) risk disease. choosing [1] way. contained would process the the causing how [1] cause Other total embryo genetically cause studied overall the disease uorescent estimate? division Do fetus green. the a this cell been with a) minimize the with of a has in Caenorhabditis treated factors about [1] outline caused life divisions What cause. case, embryo, was e) of pathogen-based atworm d) example a each explore think disease ii) cell c) can environmental controlled an behaviors an In we assessment i) disease 2. assessment the the than can mitochondria. mitochondria the only embryo in cells? be produced What the would embryo by be the divided at a [2] 3 01 E V I D E N C E A B C D Analyzing and childhood Increasing outside of pressure In an related dietary late 1960s, disease of the in with aim the factors: Between whether of in as and 2012, 34,000 the are factors smoking, which are in in high are blood factors for (1972 of was the of set and in shows the the of to 100% help up, pressure. determine 30–59 at Finland, were the participated. in death factors, level set cardiovascular project risk coronary eastern was blood reduction the To main high aged eastern the project conducted women, as three from in CHD. community prevalence is the rate men for in each rates both of the observed). Women 100 ni ni 2791 2791 120 l evel l evel 80 fo fo 60 egatnecreP egatnecreP 40 20 40 20 0 0 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 1972 1977 1982 1987 year 1992 1997 2002 2007 year Prevalence Average blood a) and the population based on smoking, cholesterol cholesterol concentration mortality Estimate the and Identify men. c) mortality blood CHD in pressure CHD 1972 b) smoking pressure Average Actual of blood Predicted reduction 2012 which in in men. risk actual CHD mortality between [1] factor changed most signicantly in [1] Distinguish women 3 0 2 cancer which risk death risk smoking living below the highest levels and and highest working-age study men graphs changes a taken study 60 1972 disease, community-based cholesterol, and the the a the Men 80 of the with CHD, reducing women variables 100 unlike all had carrying from measures Over data well of 1972 beginning men hear t history control, choices, world, dietary the efcient. as family Finland the country deaths The and individual’s decrease risk coronar y mor tality gender bad to health. the heart part age, and declining 3. data between over the the course changes of the in smoking study. [1] in men and 2012 d) i) Distinguish CHD ii) 4. The and Suggest bar chart the shows The 100,000 people. in for ten mortality people Lung who the actual predictions. reasons globally. and between the rate is have difference. with the has never in deaths due to [2] cancers cancer reductions [2] the highest number been of split mortality deaths into per deaths rates year in in smokers smoked. 9 8 )000,001 7 6 ×( shtaed 5 4 launnA 3 2 1 0 etatsorp saercnap xivrec )srekoms-non( gnul sugahposeo tsaerb revil mutcer/noloc hcamots )srekoms( gnul a) Calculate smokers b) i) how compared Deaths ii) due Suggest changes to time be the for a variable, consequences patient. to involving taken very chance the in of non-smokers this paradox. would cancer is in [1] environment, which lung would drop if [3] apart reduce from deaths stopping due to lung [2] research the cancer Explain smoking, the non-smokers. lung smoked. cancer. In to greater to nobody cigarette c) much 174 lung patients tumor ranging of the with to from 30 doubling lung double to rate in 1,077 of a cancer size days. tumor in was Japan, found Discuss for the [3] 3 0 3 E V I D E N C E 5. Gapminder variety global One of data health of refers of ( the to good reducing The data mortality Nations’ health under-5 HIV , exploration, and shown due in four 17 that makes including “Sustainable well-being. mortality malaria, deaths in for website data a wider related to issues. United reducing diarrhea, available is to the from measles, This such Development goal includes infectious pertussis, Goals” the target diseases pneumonia, as as well as accidents. graph countries represents since 1800, the as trend in under-5 investigated on Gapminder. 750 Chile Australia 700 650 )nrob 600 000,1 550 rep 500 gniyd 450 sdlo-raey 400 350 5–0( 300 ytilatrom 250 200 dlihc 150 100 50 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 years a) State b) Compare four the under-5 contrast countries. c) Suggest d) The database for to nd and in trends the observed Development mortality currently the rate Australia in in under-5 1800. [1] mortality in the [2] reasons Sustainable under-5 3 0 4 and mortality to 25 three four per Goal 1,000 countries countries patterns. target in that that all for 2030 countries. have have [2] yet reached to is to Use that reach reduce the target that target. [2] 6. Explore the question with to Clearly b) Choose c) explore state B C D available how question. representative for graphs Gapminder. A sets regarding your justication Produce d) data on Gapminder health and indicators develop have a changed time. a) a other Analyze countries choice. using the for your study and provide [2] trails functionality on [2] your Consequences this [1] graphs of and smoking state your during conclusions. [2] pregnancy Ultrasound scans are used to 7. The text that follows consists of two extracts from check that a fetus is developing “Molecular normally in utero. Fetal growth Epidemiology: On the Path to Prevention?” by FP Perera in the is slower in women who smoke Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2000, Vol 92, pp 602–612). during pregnancy Tobacco very top PAHs smoke of the and smoking, and toxicants, retention in the of early Explain what utero iii) cell b) The is nd c) List in risks of also detoxication to or from DNA the develop of in a over utero or smoke, to and air of in at the including automobile air from grilled the tobacco food. early years Experimental and immaturity, environmental pollution and greater higher cancers many or physiologic the ranks from life. toxicants, that still indoor in variety repair, fact in air smoked later exposure exposure and development, sources; and carcinogens, outdoor cancer tobacco increased opportunity of adults pesticides, known in exposures types than 55 consumption differential risks carcinogen found industrial life, many lung contains from adult of It are other diet include of human rate of initiated radiation. absorption cell in the womb decades. by: [1] written in to [1] scientic pieces why of women language understand. article pregnant pregnant and because may the PAHs the greater stages meant difcult other that, potent [1] comprehensible become in nitrosamines, have proliferation. text may is the reduced early years i) carcinogen ii) in PAHs, toxicants, a carcinogens. occurring experience mechanisms during as plants and increase indicate including proliferation a) data underlying power heating; exposures children 1949 hydrocarbons). from and with in environmental disproportionately infants and of emissions epidemiologic or identied aromatic cooking, Compared The list (polycyclic exhaust can was to it explain would health based Write to be advice on the that a women wrong that text non-scientists short who for you and have them would extracts. easily to just smoke. give [8] to [4] 3 0 5 12 Models Complex systems When I had And To I was two all And sick toys me at lay my beside happy sometimes be and pillows my keep can for all an explored using simplied a-bed, I head, me the lay, day. hour or was That And the sits sees The representations. giant upon before pleasant great the him, land of and still pillow-hill, dale and plain, counterpane. so ˝The Land of Counterpane˝ I watched With my dierent leaden soldiers uniforms and go, by Robert Louis Stevenson drills, Among the bed-clothes, through the hills; And All sometimes up and sent down my ships among the in eets sheets; This Or brought my trees and houses poem models And 3 0 6 planted cities all about. describes the author’s experiences of out, to from children his childhood. about small What world is play? so appealing Physical models sometimes test full of size placed test constructed purposes, wind of the advantage of the shape new before are to What the a shape cars tunnels resistance. of for example, designed in air for models newly are is modelling constructing car a prototype? Niels Bohr atomic orbited model, and Ernest structure by in which negatively electrons Rutherford in the charged orbitals proposed positively electrons. further a model charged from the to nucleus = 3 n = 2 n = 1 of nucleus According n is this have Light more the energy, nucleus Electrons the you use containing as electrons energy do not planetary Can so is emitted, actually model this of to to an usually move atomic model different move in in xed structure explain the orbital the closer form orbits like therefore colours of of to light. planets. Is invalid? reworks metals? Weather forecasts are based on atmospheric variables such as temperature and air pressure that are monitored at many sites around the world. Complex computer models predict changes in these variables over the following hours and days. How far into the future are weather forecasts accurate in yourarea? 3 07 M O D E L S Introduction While a system biological Key can systems be composed typically have of just many two interacting interacting elements, elements, making concept: Systems them very between Related concept: to emergent properties context: Globalization challenging elements are to study. often The very interactions complicated and can is properties. “the whole is A simple greater phrase than the that sum sums of its up emergent parts”. and Biologists sustainability entirety, features may so not they that are approximation, simplied can factors, so and or they are in models able of comprehend variables to be cause relationships linked to in the and the in only system contain only helpful, natural response and effect. forecast global a Despite very change explore that research. still something how closely to models their can used complex are be simplied important these predict they understand hence need create representation Models to and system’s Models lead Global complex the as being they to an are a different They of its world. future context in the allow us behavior, globalization sustainability. Snow geese are migratory birds that breed in the Arctic. They spend the winter in the central region of the United States of America, where they feed on crops such as winter wheat, rice and corn. As more food is available, the overall population of snow geese increases which has a negative impact on the local environment. Modelling this system led to proposals for managing the environment in a sustainable way. Can you think of a dierent example where a model was used in decision-making? Statement Methods that 3 0 8 of of inquiry: achieving explore sustainability differences between can be systems. developed using models Scientists use models to explain phenomena, Modelling make can be may over real used not might be predictions be be to run timescales so are ecological inuences whether mitigate general are of it too the is on we a local are adverse short to They and a on that or Simulations too of Analysis a long for can explore experiments simulation allows the changes to run in model to reality. for research can global overexploiting effects senses, or outcomes Simulation Models processes directly. useful communities. of human closer particularly help scale. natural ecosystems. us into to They interactions investigate can resources be human used and to how They can help as does this impact within predict we can answer these questions: ● how are ● how can long term? with observe that that hypotheses. simulations to Analysis rened, test observable difcult time. Models and people our connected way of life, and and how the systems we have in me? place, last COBWEB is a large-scale ecological simulation program. Here it is being used for modelling interactions between four species of predator (triangles) and four species of prey (squares). Many parameters such as breeding rate can be varied to investigate the eects. The outcome of this particular simulation was that all four prey species became extinct due to overexploitation and as a consequence the populations of all four predator species crashed 3 0 9 M O D E L S G E N E T I C S How A wide Crick metal can range and explain all Crick sure and Watson that bond made angles are more now model bond were all lengths propor tion. Why the When DNA sophisticated and was this for of such some Health printing Files 3D can be printer become Crick now their them on in the DNA, with indicated other can by in wall It was examined investigate analyzed their it that it second they Francis metal, the did not model had which represented methods as 3D of constructing printing. This molecular technology is models schools have a 3D printer. The US now widely National has models of an online tens downloaded such and part of as for and proteins someone what is of database, thousands with free and who now from used to the print nucleic can the les as different NIH 3D models acids. teach known of needed you “the If Print of you how molecules. to maker Exchange complex have use access it, you to a could community”. (seated) the is Science Behind a two- the two of double helix ribbons. What DNA structure produced? A model 3D 310 DNA. to was of representation models be clamps model models. sheets model, London. dimensional of DNA preser ved Museum of who from (standing) James Watson discuss and rst construct in molecules and to made accurately. ( Francis stands properties used models their biochemists of be models? correct were impor tant? can used laboratory available, Institute and Watson physical in available their of all construct methods DNA. structure Much and of convinced the of James rods structure we of printing a ribosome and three dierent transfer RNA molecules produced by Streamlining ● Make a in sh model material as barracuda, long water. You can model without as it is using denser produce a any than model ns. tube ● Drop the model into a vertical tube reach and the time bottom. measuring to ● a a more Make models barracuda, but hypothesis about shape and of its with it takes could but greater reliable other long You cylinder, contrive get how if use sides to a large possible vertical with of glass water barracuda simplied water try drop, to result. with the same modied volume shapes. Use as your them to model test a the barracuda effect on water resistance. To catch their barracuda 40 km/h. Their shape L TA In over water allowing them thinking modelling this chapter, Physical ● Mathematical ● Conceptual All types of can models that at can many be models model the essential look models argue skills an we ● might at streamlined this Critical Is swim reduces resistance, do prey, can an can help be 1. What is value 2. Some biologists investigations in us the used think to that a to types the resulting a model aid and complex rst of in observations is can of using help with experiments any and by framing there what the is them. visualization. and make hypotheses scientic framed suggest biology? ways frame investigation hypothesis in phenomena and stage and they results predictions scientic before research of analyze about be all learning make should starting argue and be of different effective used modelling par t draw conclusions. generalizations. and for this reason we investigation. a hypothesis? an observing hypothesis stage should in be. most Do you agree? 3. Some or scientic discovery examples of is breakthroughs made by a are stroke serendipitous of the result luck discoveries of rather and is serendipity. than by modelling This careful is where planning. unnecessary in an Do these observation you know any cases? 31 1 M O D E L S How 3D are printing needed for process is a model printer to be but the for in having onto a new leg printing is skin a uses The a an cell use as whole a cells. The and cells in arranged each in gel vessel perform grafts, of the its to the heart of 3D tissue and the Plastics including currently of for motion were metals being cells is using needed of 3D a 3D the skin, out of living cells organ techniques made are printer places for multilayered structures which functional that positions bioprinting in transplanting. materials complex relative generation guide improvements organs into organ function. the and distributing correct STL cells. printing components in applied 3D producing an layer. materials are to as have bone, cartilage. is organ of complex layers the ink. provides framework printer away, to shortage things, model structures been a by also printer instead other. When washed accurate is used layer are printing involves known Techniques living models 3D technique sticky suppor ting the living other but the which then longevity enabled supporting An other there is object using human have (CAD), in Organ inkjet-type of in models, point printed proposed types printing science, with making. printing? 3D patient wound. manufacturing where a 3D advances used, model increase adding blood for 3D structure, model material and a This the rst already design desired produce available tissues. starting to are in construct head the and to the le. a compatible patient of used The of Recent printer. The used computer-aided transplant skin be printing. (stereolithography) With Future can 3D computer developed models for places gel patterns on top the gel result of is is a 3Dorgan Using computer-assisted hear t-shaped 1. Visit 2. Select the create a 3. Drag 4. Scale and 312 the a it website box to Projects tab new design disc on the left and design. shape down to dimensions to the 12 the workpane. height mm × of 12 2 mm mm. generate a simple 5. Drag Scale and a it down copy 6. Rotate 7. Select 8. Group menu 9. cylinder Under and the all a the height paste box of a shape the the the of workpane. 2 second by items mm and diameter of 12 mm cylinder. here the Group kidneys button on the toolbar top. for is 3D a save the item. model shown It can also be printing. of two kidneys, and the ureter. Use a CAD application to the a 45°. using Design menu, downloaded 10. Pictured to to items. all at shape in this associated generate blood the vessels models of image. 3 13 M O D E L S L TA Communication skills of Take eective notes in class what what make eective summar y is distinct from hearing in that a more active process. Listen to we can the Ted Talk is Atala called: “Printing a human you listen “What do need to a video or a lecture, to learn by think about are writing down. think why faster our than mind a person wanders can during talk. lectures. are supplementary activities you can do listening?” recording the ideas of the speaker: ask ● I to kidney”. while Before us by These Anthony requires listening This is record notes We Listening to and thinking about questions that the For presentation doesn’t address example, ● 1. What challenge does Atala mention to forming been why in there the have eld of been so few regenerative clinical What has been achieved medicine? so far need to be If and your mode of you know answer note-taking the notes record speaker says. blank word for Listeners word can as fast as a if you have less is slower, speaker want likely you verbatim shown speaker so to said that talks, result in would notes. typed but to However, verbatim to This is in your the questions notes lecture, ahead of have time, the leaving below as the you questions and writing listen. spaces between entries in your notes, so you can add reviewing in your things later on when you notes. type studies notes selective because space answers If are what you notes the are not understanding anyway. research You online to can ask nd the the your speaker, teacher answers later take or do on. handwritten Focus note-taking. to guiding hand- have remembering compared relation have type are writing in you everything often that almost that carefully. Leave that has surmounted? down Verbatim what what a Choose about said. questions challenges opinions advances to 2. your explain making a more on the big ideas of the speaker selection than How do the specic biologists use facts given. graphs to model relationships? In many variable) experiments, on another independent and ● the A bar chart example, content ● A bar is used chart ● A in line an or graph is scientic 31 4 if and on the variable dependent the put vertical independent pears histogram for in can of be is an used example, used and investigation graphs (the one conventionally investigation quantitative Line of (the independent variable) on the is tested. The horizontal x-axis y-axis. variable investigation is categoric, of the for vitamin C fruits. discontinuous, birds is variable apples of effect variable variable dependent the of when the clutch the continuously the activity used investigation: to if of model the variable number size of on variable, a for enzyme quantitative laid mortality independent an is eggs per of variable relationship different at two by nestlings. is example, at and clutch pH pH in an levels. stages in a 1. A graph predict The can the plotted 2. is to show When results points plotted relationship. The graphs expected on a a is on the a This of the any a form show curve a types there conventionally y is performed dependent The the is of no called an graph relationship to variable. may experiment drawn done “by mathematical two if of from curve sometimes or the are be or it may be equation. obtained graph, is on experimentally. general been experiments independent mathematical have below before tested procedure type graph of then using statistical drawn effect model sketched be on eye” the but equation relationship relationship. a curve even y graph it to is the to also Note it to the use the a curve. the that is data model better position and if and the line straight! y Graphs showing between x The as level the of y level x increases of x The is as increased. When than we to look in the up each shown When into a graphs right. level The you You in x decreases of x There is relationship should maximum or a they of also x say are the like and at minimum. x and this, say relationship and y level (when x complicated line on should the here, as x is divide level as x y the relationship of x, is change). changes the example, y doesn’t more you what what For often U-shaped between graphs ranges no between x Consider describe is increased y biology, above. different range. reaches at three increased. graph the of y increased. the graph level relationships variables of the is y increases x from x = to 5 units, 5units. The is 0 As x increased it is can called decreases, increases relationship line, y where take a from one 5 to 0 variable various linear reaching forms. increase. a minimum units, y If it takes here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 increases. increases Shown 0 when when another the form are three of a variable straight other possibilities: y y y x x is to directly y, if there increase in y increased zero, y proportional is is a as and also linear x zero. exponential happens is when x An y is is to if the directly the size increase increase of x, so increases, the y larger become in proportional that as x increases and in larger. A decelerating happens in y if the become smaller This is as x increase increases smaller because approaching saturation and increases. a the level of y maximum is or level. 31 5 M O D E L S a) b) y c) y y 1. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Examples biology 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 of graphs 2. Sketch 3. If plants to the of a of in relationship the graphs a), between b) and species grow competition, so a linear to show x and y c). y as x is relationships: an exponential decrease in y as x is increased c) an accelerating decrease in y as x is increased. biological in following b) a decrease the a Suggest example increased of each of the graphs in question in density , high or density , number as of they plants grow per larger, unit the area, smallest decreases. plants The die due decrease −3/2 has been This observed observation to t has the mathematical become known as equation Yoda’s y = law, x and the following process is publication called of a self-thinning. study by K. Yoda −3/2 and of collaborators, surviving growth summarizing plants, ρ characteristic is the of the this density species relationship of the as W surviving = Cρ plants, , and where C is a W is the constant mean dry reecting weight the concerned. 100,000 )g( 10,000 thgiew tnalp 1,000 elohw naem 100 10 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 2 density The scatter graphs pensylvanica (left) 1. Compare show and the density and mean tree mass (number of pure, mass of the two species 316 1 tree per m 2 b) 10 trees per m ) dense, at: 2 a) per Abies balsamea (right). mean 1. law together the graph a) question: Y oda’s single effects shown the from experiments Data-based Describe 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m even-aged forests of Prunus 2. Identify a) 3. which growing Discuss at the be to maths the 4. yet, end of with you called 5. A next come found: density a back and questions If with the largest mean mass. mathematical density two b) you and mean you haven’t attempt mass. will need covered the to these questions in at 5. how whether for logarithms. can year Explain the was highest between approach familiar the evidence relationship Note: species it the ts Yoda’s data the could be tested mathematical to model see that is law. logarithmic scale has been used for both the x In commercial forestry, such as this stand of white r in New Mexico, trees are removed and y axes. before they die because of self-thinning. a) Explain b) Predict the advantage of this for these What are the advantages of doing this during graphs. the growth of a stand of trees? What is the the shape of the curve if logarithmic advantage of repeated moderate thinning, scales How are had not been used. statistical rather than infrequent major thinning? samples used to model populations? Scientists face the wanting population. called a model at can be Stratied sample. (strata) has very To proportion 1. If can to you of a all the 3. a needed within the if equal carry out what sample, a is the to being help divided the are that individuals the An sample selected. a of of In are the practice, random. representative different and the categories same sample. you the meet reasons based stratied a for on randomly. model on street this to not being a population? often chosen into population member truly get stratum, whole are of within is a member population. every sample each groups of of every number individuals in election study model people the numbers to used what of to chance representative to characteristics smaller that in included hundred community, a random population an the used sampling before give is ensure sample telephone you a questionnaire, landline school study sometimes rst polls If to an to the Opinion sampling about impractical achieved be strata representative 2. is random ask answer be To have this is sample difcult do it choose The sampling with know that random. population it They sample. effective chosen to challenge of a Does whole random would you calls to this voting as using method of population? sampling dene voters of your the strata school? 317 M O D E L S Data-based A study was children question: conducted with immediately fever. to Does see Twelve before and 1 aspirin how effective 4-year-old hour after Temperature Patient and 1. of Find a) 2. a) 3 37.9 39.4 38.8 5 38.4 37.6 6 38.2 37.9 7 39.2 38.3 8 39.5 37.8 9 39.3 38.2 10 39.0 38.4 11 38.8 38.5 12 38.6 37.8 Remington Sciences, the the pg the competing anyone. In pamphlet access plot For of each the 318 on The body temperature temperatures results are as in taken follows: after variation with that be is a This additional both Applications after data that English a was to the Biology treatment with aspirin. sets. the lowers to of is a a group body model a open system branch situations case treatment representative of where access and economistWilliam were animal, after with aspirin. temperature of the in broader example with each cattle the shared could an individuals are not Forster of to mathematical mathematics the herders entitled herder using let by Lloydpublished sharing receive are overuse their increased that owned a cows of an common additional risk of a open- graze. damage to children. To population organisms? hypothetical they whole in is used theory are b) aspirin data description Game strategies the in b) aspirin between which the aspirin sample games included with temperature: this model (°C) edition with the resources on Schork: Statistics conclusion that 1833, but their children? temperatures: treatment optimal that and Second treatment average resource. benets, of symbols. for land 163, range think and reducing had in 37.6 38.8 mathematical predicts aspirin 4 can concepts Temperature (°C) 3 interaction A in u aspirin. 37.8 Evaluate How of 39.5 before you be from 39.1 Comment Find administration before temperature could 2 before c) aspirin suffering 1 data: Health girls body number aspirin Source lower of what extent children? do the commons. assigned strategy What to Game pay-offs that gives strategy pay-off is matrix theory for the best uses certain a decisions. maximum for the pay-off benet herder matrix. Game to the Quantities theory whole community can predicts be the community. according to the below? Herder Cooperate A Add an additional Cooperate A: second best A: cow worst B redreH B: Add an second A: additional theory organisms of an in can make of why such best or in using stansburiana), morph and a used B: to on the model best third best matrix offer as in is This side-blotched the in best pay-off for between the strategies of developed explanations cooperation exist and The third interactions strategies population. male “morphs” worst pay-off which yellow-throated Each A: ecosystems. strategies persist illustrated forms A predictions altruism be depends organisms. to also natural individual other B: cow B: Game best three wild: and can be lizards ( Uta different orange-throated, blue-throated. undertakes a different reproductive The three morphs of Uta stansburiana strategy. a large The territory, relatively impinge both on the with becoming the more to chooses making mate it with there, common morph one mate so as for females within employs the a his and behavior of defends territory. “sneaking” produce The carefully the ensuring aggressive ultimately they and very female The strategy, lizards. They territory offspring. impossible her, and throat's females the throat is blue guards sneakers production sneaker morph defender hprom her, all markings orange yellow-throated throat the with yellow morph ycneuqerf mate mating unagressive mimicking to orange-throated morph aggressive morph of time blue-throated offspring and overtaking the population of yellow-throated sneakers. However, the blue Graph of male frequency cannot defend graphical 1. What blue 2. the 3. model game beats What their mate here does idealizes this yellow name is against the pattern and given the orange to the aggressive changes remind beats type of in orange throats. frequency you of: of yellow morph throats each beats over time The morph. orange; blue? mathematical pattern shown in graph? Construct colour a pay-off morphs of matrix for the breeding success of the three lizard. 319 M O D E L S How to can agent-based simulate Agent-based the actions theory, agents. of For with the with each prey many agents in and an inuences and might the the Explain, an to of are the used They predict between epidemic cod can in to simulate use the game overall autonomous can be population been simulated, that also of be interact used of what agent b) to simulate effects Grand if between variables investigate can resources the prevented effects to between multiple such how as stable community. adverse on with altered natural interactions interactions simulated, ecological how examples, examples simulating efciency an can catastrophic with be population have for Predator-prey hunting persist can had mitigated be Banks models human be avoided. in the been The north-west created to overshing. is meant mitigation by of these phrases: adverse effects of: overexploitation of b) ideal species autonomous Suggest a) is overexploitation Atlantic 2. interactions of that agents. strategies members ecosystems, in simulate programs other used ecosystems? autonomous spread the modelling on collapse a) being ecosystem. can Agent-based 1. the modelling rate how and in be other. populations and of individual predator breeding computer systems example, Multi-agent species are interactions complex outcome interactions models and modelling of natural resources, apart from overshing cod adverse effects of humans on ecosystems, apart from overexploitation. 3. Discuss based E C O L O G Y whether it modelling, is to necessary check the to re-run simulations in agent- outcome. How can the ecological footprint help our understanding of model resource consumption? The Earth’s cropland sheries. productive These ● supplying renewable ● absorbing waste The ecological amount with 320 biologically and of these we resources generate, footprint productive services. It areas is a land can land such as model that that used to our can we include services food including area be areas provide and be nd the we grassland, need: oxygen carbon each forests, that used emissions. to require total estimate to areas the provide us required for the whole available. used 1. to Use the 2. The that human The graphic resources your biggest do to activities Every this areas you Compare Explain a and identify that how whether quantitative changes in the we Footprint model of pursue the of the what resource more indication sources obtain land that the day”. affect patterns can the your has area footprint of it a can are be a takes countries as day across discover what you daily the most. known mean our tool support which footprint in well to identify might change to tool Identify calendar this as land. web-based the and ecological what inform areas that land the a Use Earth. identies Suggest model ecological on of from Network much these lifestyle. consumption lightly” organization overshoot aspect to services Global to in Earth ( “tread year, “Earth 4. you lifestyle on about model and organization allows results decisions your can 3. model inform the population and as how practice. the globe. emerge. 3 21 M O D E L S Summative Statement Methods that of of assessment inquiry: achieving explore sustainability differences between can be developed using models systems. Introduction In this summative models. habitat A B C D loss and Comparing The bar Brazil, line a are curve) and ecosystem loss below show correlation given: showing the the we use representations forest charts with statistics assessment Simplied the in Indonesia annual curve in condence number be used of to different investigate changes. mean change a can forest that level 45,000 Forest Indonesia in over of the loss increment Brazil Indonesia the increment loss (p) loss indicates annual forest and the overall for forest years 1,021 loss, Three a trend (correlation correlation curve. 45,000 annual = and trend. Forest Brazil 2 km 40,000 mk( 2 ) = Correlation 0.83 35,000 = 0.001 p–value 30,000 tserof 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 launnA ssol 30,000 [2] Compare and contrast forest c) Compare and contrast the what correlation 32 2 in in: Indonesia correlation curves and for Brazil. is indicated curves. reasons for by the p-values for the two [2] forest loss in Indonesia and [3] Indonesia [3] Explain Suggest loss countries Brazil. [3] and 21–11 2008–09 both 0.009 11–01 ii) Brazil. 2. 2 km –0.71 01–90 [2] in = 90–80 2003–04 loss 80–70 i) forest 70–60 annual 60–50 the 50–40 40–30 30–20 20–10 10–00 21–11 11–01 01–90 90–80 80–70 70–60 60–50 50–40 40–30 30–20 20–10 10–00 State year b) d) –1,318 = 35,000 p–value a) annual = 40,000 Correlation year 1. loss increment A B C D Designing The map being 3. a here FACE shows the distribution of places on the Earth where forest is being lost and forest is gained. a) Identify b) Identify The experiment forecast million two a areas country increase over the where in next dioxide Enrichment around the world where could FACE) simulate is forest atmospheric century (or to forest being is being carbon have and both in are the not lost dioxide profound experiments conditions lost gained. and [2] gained. concentration effects on being set up forests of the 30 m Suggest from forests. in A 400 how to series representative this 550 of or six areas is possible. more Free-Air of parts [3] per Carbon natural forest future. diameter wind trees CO 2 no thgieh lacol ,m 72–42 yponac gnidneped shrubs herbs/moses litter/coarse woody debris streams/pools Basic design of a forest FACE experiment Tower pipe 4. a) Explain how test how the forest areas you dependent b) Discuss in you site of up be controlled future. a FACE chosen, establish effectively the set should would and how forests would and how what variables your experiment, model many the would would including suppor ting from dioxide is which black plastic carbon released circular independent, be. [7] simulate conditions [3] 323 M O D E L S A B C D Investigating 5. Visit the forest website of loss the using about a) Choose b) Determine cover c) a country. how loss. e) the covered in Identify the tree cover f) Visit the country percentage Forest database world’s Watch that contains forests. ranks globally in terms of tree year loss. your chosen country that is on record that had the greatest amount of [1] how NASA of [2] much percentage the of Global another [1] the trees. Determine what status or [1] Determine d) the database organization ( information a is res of the country regenerated database is forest. primary forest and [2] ( earth-observation-data/near-real-time/rms/active-re-data) determine g) Using h) A B C D the websites on zoos article the which lives. is an area as temperatures, as place put biotic and the where on wide varieties parts of the zoo to Early des zoos kept in species than small as like were of live so the natural as in others, in [2] your country. data. magazine [4] [2] and a range the of that it is like are the of habitats. zoo and of is a are contain native to challenge Animals with as 200 of cities, little cannot were relatively have for urban small This in large that these zoos are to and is grow, popular in the middle There and is many landmarks animals and kept of that in modern parks in zoos provide technique called are Many open-range roam sit still redesigned. sprawling popular habitats were difcult. to enclosures. as cities, zoos historic or zoos, These territory habitats. natural regulated expansion urban destroyed cities. giving recreating zoos Often, developed outside more located smaller ago. many and toward usually buildings be trend governments. making zoo’s In many the a are zoos, room the living by is animals? space Zoos years of Jardin of resemble all habitats. du more Urban as of there inspected of Zoos museums allow. animals availability view. Today, in habitats. light A habitat realistic 324 to country. gather your the normally captivity to areas, would chosen Geographic physical Menagerie more as forests model predators. diversity display space of people a well of environment availability such and your habitat zoos up animals model Plantes animals of Earth in representing National moisture, animals for the as status population the factors above the visually natural or res follow. do presence display the soil, of from made and active model that or organism such a ways Ahabitatis factors food as below the about method questions what Habitat a any indicated Decide the well are information answer In there further Evaluating Read if of landscape zoos suburbs give more animals natural building immersion. The the a San largest suburban 4,000 0.4 square habitats, polar The and such of in has African Zoos Russia, cold like Siberia Compare b) wild Winter in The the a its world. features a in very the of daily an to of or the Evaluate on the the a Conduct help extinct The off model habitat on the is has after condors captive wild mammals does to with to in the the into nothing west a humidity. of condor, coast of zoos due pairs today. wild say does Animals to to and breeding programs the animals, to in wild population. require The with re-introduced breeding of high several largely that Celsius. breeding breeding are more Celsius. lemur California been animals species the degrees of The even re-introduction The native re-introduction left the is degrees species captive wild. There few -10 snow. loss of that little are habitat. especially vast recover territory lost for habitat. the [4] to your nearest practised? housed research lion of a the survival, the bird habitat in are about the is making Novosibirsk and 15 enclosure States, California large visit is to for of zoos rain about two many parks. temperatures technique that type Madagascar, right. virtual habitat animal Compare of summer contrast that are Madagascar habitat choice. island The native releasing Novosibirsk, ecosystems Lemurs the and actual an warm as at large Critics such of into United wildlife an has heated of about summer, temperatures is Novosibirsk goal animals 8,000 winter Zoo receives each environment. millimeters in specialized Jurong rain Madagascar programs The jungle 60 Novosibirsk animal amingoes that just Madagascar of drastic: (almost than around exhibit and pandas.) enclosures more humid difference natural acres). 1,000 climates, and immersive with a a However, millimeters gets its reindeer animals. has it in (featuring expansive from than coast. lion habitat a) specic recreate of your (with 2,000 225 Landscape their includes same. is is than acres). into specialized lemurs. native Identify or It species) forest more species east is 8. have Africa’s Make also even more must primate actual Zoo more tundra California, States. thunderstorm. in animals both the wetlands simulated (100 animals bamboo for southern houses Singapore 600 Jurong in United different kilometers zoos Park birds 7. is habitats Bird as or Diego Most that (800 divides which 8square Zoo, the kilometers bears) San park, in zoo animals immersion 6. Diego zoo in on your the zoo. To what extent [4] local features zoo of or the a zoo of natural organism. and one the contrast located habitat the at of natural the the zoo habitat you animal at have the of that chosen. zoo you organism [4] have chosen. [3] 325 Glossary 3D printing is the printing applying process repeated that thin involves layers of making three-dimensional quick-drying material objects following by digital models. Abiotic factors are the non-living climatic Acquired characteristics are physical during Active transpor t is the in factors its which edaphic characteristics inuence the environment, including factors. which are acquired by an individual organism lifetime. movement living factors and cells of substances against a such as concentration mineral gradient: salts i.e. through from low a membrane to high concentration. Adaptation gradually will over become anti-diuretic ADH of water Adhesion is Alien are species the in sticking species (singular through Amino acids are the period blood by gets do of not accident alveolus) which are to the low, generation of a particular organism environment. pituitary allows gland, kidneys to secreted when reabsorb quantity water. molecules. normally occur in an area but have been intentionally. the tiny air diffuses units each its unlike or oxygen monomer time, from together which of adapted hormone, the introduced Alveoli a better of all in sacs and proteins at the end carbon and of each dioxide contain bronchiole diffuses the out. –COOH and –NH 2 groups Anabolism is the at either phase of complicated Anaphase is the that stage (owering Aor ta is Archaea the the largest ventricle is domain an Ar tery artery from Ar ticial classication is a the is in 32 6 the life and than of concerned of ones, between with e.g. the building formation metaphase chromatids seed-bearing heart. (mitosis) and or of up of glycogen. telophase homologous the that body, includes prokaryotes plants carrying that oxygenated prokaryotes that are produce that more live closely owers. blood in out from the extreme related to bacteria. wide heart system are of of evolutionary is simpler division artery a that (meiosis). environments eukaryotes molecule. from splitting plants) left a the metabolism nuclear in chromosomes Angiosperms of molecules of results end muscular-walled towards the classifying body vessel that carries blood tissue. organisms relationships. blood based on something other than away is Asthma a disease airway living Baroreceptor is a Biceps is the Biopsy is a Biotechnology is the or Biotic factors plasma Bryophytes characterized by inammation and reversible triphosphate is a substance used as a store of chemical energy by sensory receptor exor muscle surgical use in in the extraction of living blood of vessels upper a arm sample organisms that for of the detects which cells blood bends or the pressure. forearm. tissue. production of useful substances processes. are is lungs cells. factors humans) Blood the narrowing. adenine ATP of the are arising which liquid part primitive from the inuence of blood, plants, activities the of living organisms (including environment. which liverworts is about and 90% mosses, water. with simple stems, leaves and roots. Cancer is Capillaries are the Carbon the carbon cycle a disease characterized narrowest cycle atmosphere, Carbon footprint a carbon is the plants, footprint equivalents community Carcinogen a chemical Catalyst a catalyst or a agent is a itself cell membrane Cell wall the cell wall chemical chemical starting is Chemoreceptor is Chromosome a its a a class is which part down are clone is a system a closed energy Cohesion is a This For is of carbon between the dioxide by the or greenhouse activities of an gas individual, a outer a of DNA and cellulose. produces different a new from burns in oxygen, none of the the water properties is of made plant system. is up and of This in a classies kingdoms down linear cells. system kingdoms, broken genes animal into are classes, orders. descendant plant which of gases. called phylum cell. quite has reaction change. changes. which groups each identical in and both nucleus chemical the hydrogen classication into original looks liquid are a made reaction often when of of cells, chemical the large phylums, one plant chemical detects very an of which in rate chemical boundary colourless coil the permanent wall in subdivided from cancer increases biological into is division. soil. carbon substance found genetically system of example, that long the into then reproduction Closed of a are organisms the atmosphere the elements, is and any outer water which circulation cause that occurs receptor chromosome broken a This constituent living Clone rigid substances. sequence Class a change sensory can forms substance. formed. of the cell vessel. amount undergoing the a the into that membrane change blood constant substance is uncontrolled company Cell Chemical of animals is emitted a without type by no produced by vegetative seedling. material can escape, though can. force of attraction between two identical molecules. 327 G L O S S A R Y is Competition a form struggle (1; Condensation in in reex a for hear t disease is access physics) a is is larger a or heart to the the a between same change reaction molecule, conditioned situation Coronary interaction chemistry) make Conditioned of reex is state from which with in an ecosystem involving a resource. of in individuals the reaction two loss that of is gas (or vapour) molecules are to a joined liquid; (2; together to water. learned in response to a specic stimulus. disease due to blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Cytoplasm is the Detritivore is a consumer is a disorder Diabetes-type Dichotomous 1 keys are protoplasm the that living ingests by type dead the of cell lack key, which is organic of the made found outside nucleus. material. hormone up the of brief insulin. descriptions arranged in pairs. (abbreviation: Dicotyledons a caused simplest numbered of dicots) are a class of angiosperm with two seed leaves (cotyledons). Dierentiation involves cells function and Diusion is the Diploid describes or mixing a tissues undergoing a change toward a more specialized form. of cell two liquids which has without paired mechanical sets of help. homologous chromosomes in its nucleus. Diving is reex a response body to activities (abbreviation DNA the genetic diving that for replication is the production DNA transcription is the copying the Dominant a Ecosystem an largest El is Niño an is radiation vacuum. Electron is a photograph is a property elements Endoplasmic reticulum is a Endothermic reaction a that of surface chemical of of of of a group acid) is every copies that involves changes in of a nucleic acid which contains cell. DNA. code. that masks includes the a presence community group of and the the of similar recessive physical phyla phenotype. environment it. ocean currents that results in signicant climate in the the form image system that of waves produced emerges by at an from the speed electron the of light in a microscope. interaction of the system. membranes area and reaction surroundings. 32 8 with travels the network large genetic by birds consumption. effects. is proper ty energy carried biological abnormality Electromagnetic Emergent a associated ecological micrograph the and oxygen identical phenotype ecosystem is of taxonomic dominant that of mammals deoxyribonucleic information DNA Domain in decrease is a joined site during of to the protein which heat nuclear and membrane. lipid energy is It has synthesis. taken in from the a and Energy is the Environment the capacity are Epidemic is the (or is an Evolution is the is Exothermic a reaction consists which to of it of an the the organism gradual not work. the conditions which surround an reactions. disease normally esophagus and all infectious is do lives. biochemical disease mouth Eukaryote Exoskeleton the in system in spread gullet) the of and catalysts where Esophagus a environment organism Enzymes of is the from person present section at of to such the person a high in rate alimentary a place of occurrence. canal between stomach. that contain changing of compartmentalized a species of living cells with organism a true over a nucleus. long period time. a skeleton chemical found on reaction the outside during which of the heat animal. energy is transferred to the surroundings. Exponential growth occurs when a population size grows at a faster rate as the population size increases Extinction is the complete species F generation (rst or and group lial of irreversible organisms generation) is the disappearance from rst the of all living members of a Earth. generation of offspring in a genetic cross 1 (in F generation humans, (second the lial children). generation) is the second generation of offspring in a genetic 2 cross in Family (in biological belongs Fer tilization (in to the with Food a food a gamete chain Gamete the half Gametogenesis is Gene a the code is drift is is the which genetic the Genome mapping a that of of unit code is which in of the passes belongs (in cell to cell a family and each family code controls the lter by (from animals) gametes the fertilization during sexual zygote. between formed (in female the the nucleus during ltration. organisms meiosis in which an ecosystem. contains only (haploid). cells. chemical the male ovule); and called relationship sex the the through hereditary a of male chromosomes sex of as fusion single feeding acts ratio information, instruction sequence protein of of protein different synthesis genotypes composed for in within of a section of synthesis. bases of a DNA cells. a population due to events the genome the process a genus nucleus specialized change random Genome a a number molecule, Genetic is the nuclei form formation gene the to is female the liquid chain the the DNA Genetic clear each order. of reproduction is grandchildren). fertilization fusion Filtrate the classication, an plants) pollen) is humans, is of the entire genetic determining the material location of and an organism function of genes within genome 32 9 G L O S S A R Y is Genotype the genetic information about a particular organism as specied by its alleles. Genotypic is ratio the proportion Genus a Germination is the initial Global is the gradual warming a Glomerulus genus is a are Greenhouse Greenhouse eect gases group is of in stages is a of liver of the Habitat is a place Haploid describes air in a a of alleles species. seed to climate blood combinations form caused capillaries a seedling. by the located greenhouse in each effect. Bowman’s in vertebrate animals and is the main energy muscles. heat are in of organs gases. in world found and greenhouse gases of different kidney. trapping increase in possessing related growth tangle reproductive the closely change the the offspring of polysaccharide store Gonads a glomerulus capsule Glycogen is of of an animal. energy atmosphere in the which atmosphere absorb because infra-red of the radiation, effects causing of an temperature. which cell an which organism has a or single a community set of of unpaired organisms live. chromosomes in its nucleus. Heat is energy the energy difference Hepatocyte is a liver Herbivores are Heredity is Heterozygous describes organisms gene in the a Homeostasis is Homozygous describes Horizontal transfer is a which from feed information an one pair maintenance an organism pair transfer individuals. of of that of of on place to another as a result of a plants. passing organism given given the ows temperature. cell. genetic in that in from parents possesses two to offspring. different alleles of a particular chromosomes. a constant that internal possesses environment identical alleles of of a an organism. particular gene chromosomes. genetic Genes information from a donor are in either added to direction the between existing two genome of a recipient. plant Hormones hormones which, at Animal very hormones quantities Human Genome Project in 1988 the Hybrid Hydrogen bonding directly the genes a the is is closely the are chemicals special into 46 the can produced affect chemical Human by Genome of the every an cells and “messengers” bloodstream chromosomes by growth secreted endocrine Project human of began cell. plants, development. in small gland. to This identify project all was 2003. offspring related strong hydrogen, 3 3 0 the in hybrid specic concentration, international in completed two are low force such as of plants or animals produced from the cross of species. of attraction water between molecules. certain molecules that contain is Hydrolysis the chemical break Immunity Inductive Infrared reasoning radiation protection is the is the is a species way in hormone are actions Iris an Keystone species the iris on a compound is secreted the species heat energy medium liver which such when to species in with water which causes it to are not infection. based or by where controlled the eye from being a rises impacts is not above it into the patterns to a colder the It glycogen. found. activity controls normal. biological normally conscious and hotter of present. converting it by observation level signicantly of the water glucose glucose area part on transferred air blood that an is as remove coloured the against generalizations structure reaches the organism of introduced actions are a the are that an which without community Involuntary of formation stimulates Invasive of down. is place Insulin reaction of the amount brain. of light retina. whose structure population of a uctuations biological have a disproportionate effect community. 3 Kilo- is a Kinesis is an Kingdom a Koch’s is postulates Ligament Liver a metric increase kingdom a tough, at the is liver are has is in for a meaning the the elastic together a of × 10 movement rank structure large wide 1 establishing movable a rate highest of in the the in response classication specic connective cause tissue of to of an that a stimulus living organisms. infectious connects disease bones joints. and range warm-blooded sweat Mechanoreceptor is method and Mammals prex important of organ which acts as a “chemical factory” functions. vertebrates whose skin is covered with hair and has glands. sensory receptor that detects touch, movement, stretching or pressure. Meiosis (or reductive daughter Metabolism (or is occur the from in division) receiving metabolic that Metamorphosis cell cell activity) a living egg division is the half sum of the of all a cell which number the of results in each chromosomes. various biochemical reactions organism. transformation the is exactly that through the occurs larval in the and life pupal cycle stages of many to the arthropods adult form (imago). Metaphase is a phase and of involves nuclear genetic division material that occurs lining up between at the prophase equator of and the anaphase cell. −6 Micro- is Microtubules are of a metric prex protein based meaning 1 structures × 10 that are the components of the cytoskeleton cells. −3 Milli- is a metric Mitochondria (singular prex meaning mitochondrion) cytoplasm where energy 1 × the is 10 mitochondria produced from are the chemical organelles in the reactions. 3 31 G L O S S A R Y is Mitosis a division containing Mitotic index is the of of the in a simplied Model are species similar under the that a Monocotyledons (abbreviation: is is Mutation the a (or of sudden daughter cells, chromosomes of cells in each as the with a nucleus mother metaphase to the cell. total number are to study chosen time, explore to represent because so complex they they can be other systems. species. breed in studied They large more are numbers easily conditions. of within substance”. are the a class of angiosperm with only one seed seed. acid. It takes part in the transcription (copying) code. random faulty both they used for generation monocots) symbiosis) which chosen ribonucleic genetic in of number “amount (cotyledon) result Mutualism unit messenger of but laboratory SI two number the are short is mRNA of form representations Mole leaf same enough have to sample. are and cell proportion cells Models organisms a change DNA is a in the replication feeding genetic or faulty relationship material division between of of a cell, which may chromosomes. two organisms from benet. −9 is Nano- a metric Natural classication involves Natural selection the Negative feedback best is the Nerve impulse Neurone is a (or process is nerve the (or cell) its an based selection organ is 10 on states environment which signal chemical inhibit) the by × and produces which moves elongated, that will information evolutionary the a individual survive about to a of nerve branched cell axon of organism which reproduce. deviation correction along relationships. that from the a norm passes deviation. bre. is the basic unit of the system. adjacent Nucleus to 1 organisms natural electrical nervous Neurotransmitter of adapted controlling an meaning grouping theory is to prex released the by the transmission of a end nerve one impulse neurone across a to transmit synapse to an neurone. nucleus in the cell’s control centre and is contained within a nuclear membrane. Nymph is the immature form of some invertebrates which resembles the adult form. Oligopeptide is Open an system Order Organ a short open system in biological of a an is is amino acids. one which in classication, organ the is a collection some function movement concentrated 3 32 of materials family is part and of an energy order, can and escape an or order is enter. part class. perform Osmosis chain of a solution of different in the solvent by tissues which work together to organism. (usually diffusion water) across a from a dilute semipermeable to a more membrane. Ovum (plural Oval is a is the window Ovulation Parallel connections Phenology periodic the where is study the the or ratio is (or owing of the observable the ratio of of a light Photosynthesis is the unit of chemical photolysis) synthesize a Physical change a large plants is an between ovum Fallopian (egg tube) of the cell) to animals. middle from the the uterus, and inner ovaries where ear. to it is travel available the material of has more cyclical than events one such pathway as bud to follow. formation or process which group of an organism produced by the possessing different patterns of a certain energy. simple is physical being Physiology of organisms is of opening gamete genes. Photon is female characteristics its feature. Phylum the timing observable or is migration interaction Phenotypic release oviduct occur is ovum fertilization. nesting Phenotype an membrane-covered down for ova) separating combines foodstuffs of often of then such organisms called change is a one as hydrogen with from carbon water dioxide (light (dark stage stage) to glucose. sharing a similar basic structure. A phylum division. which results in no new chemical substance formed. study of the functions and activities of a living system. −12 is Pico- Pituitary gland a metric found at prex the base the endocrine Plasmid is piece Population a a of meaning 1 the 10 brain, it controls the production of hormones by glands. DNA population of × is a found group outside of of the individuals chromosome of the same within species a prokaryote. within a community. Positive feedback occurs that Post-synaptic neuron is where created the the the neuron end product of a process further amplies the process product. that receives neurotransmitter from the pre-synaptic neuron. is Potometer an apparatus articial are Predators Presynaptic neuron Prey Primary consumers Producers Products the is an feed that neuron animal on measures transpiration rates under natural or conditions. animals is which hunt, that that are animals that are therefore are the a eat other animals neurotransmitter source of food for a into called a their prey. synapse. predator. (plants). can make considered chemical chemical and releases is producers kill their as elements a or own source food of by autotrophic nutrition and energy. compounds that are produced during the reaction. 3 3 3 G L O S S A R Y Prokaryotes are organisms membrane, is Prophase the the (or Puber ty ar tery Pulmonary vein to the of is not surrounded by a nuclear bacteria. nuclear is material a division breaks stage of where genetic material condenses and down. development when the reproductive organs function. lungs (the pupil is artery (the pulmonary the as genetic membrane pulmonary the atrium Pupil stage adolescence) the to such nuclear begin Pulmonary rst whose vein only the carries only carries vein hole artery to at deoxygenated to blood oxygenated centre of blood from deoxygenated oxygenated carry the carry the from the right ventricle blood). the lungs to the left blood). iris which appears as a black circle. R group Random sample is the is a of sample being are Reactants variable the part from a of a chemical population compound, where every such as member an amino has an acid. equal chance selected. chemical elements or compounds that are or a chemical reaction starts with. Reaction rate is the rate chemical Recessive allele a is Reex actions at recessive part are of allele a are Respiration is special is Restriction is types the an a gene of release are of used up products are formed in a in from cuts affects an individual’s phenotype if it action of which we are aware, like etc. energy that only pair. vertebrates made enzyme that involuntary coughing, cold-blooded products reactants homozygous swallowing, Reptiles which reaction. a which living the lay organism breaking DNA at soft-shelled down specic which of eggs on occurs food land. when simple molecules. sequences. endonuclease Retina the retina Ribosomes are tiny the Secondary Sexual consumers reproduction Skeleton unit feed on in of the skeleton is is the Species is a Sperm is the Starch is a 3 34 attached synthesis a to of the cells at endoplasmic the back of reticulum. the eye. They are proteins. within a skeletal muscle. consumers. joining for light-sensitive of male structure internal in and an organs female animal and a gametes that (sex provides framework for cells). support for anchoring the body, muscles ligaments. Speciation and the of contraction protection and layer primary involves a the particles involved Sarcomere is formation group of containing male gamete polysaccharide fruit. new It is an of species. living organisms of the same kind. animals. found in important plants, especially carbohydrate in the energy roots, source. tubers, seeds Statistic a number Stoma (plural which stomata) surrounded Synapse is the System a Taxis (or collection tactic is the the Tendon (or Ter tiary consumers of sinew) of two interacting a of is about pore a found sample in the lower epidermis of a leaf, cells. adjacent elements the specic the a fact guard between neurones. that movement has of emergent an properties. organism with respect to a direction. theory, practice chromosomes is tough Tendons consist transmit the a pair is a and rules of classication of living and organisms. ends feed stoma movement) from study extinct Telomere of a a junction stimulus Taxonomy by represents on of Tissue is collection of Trachea (windpipe) Transcription is the copying Transformation is the uptake Translation transfer is a collagen tube of RNA bres that which relaxation which perform through the genetic donor and or tissue with connects are of repeated a cell muscle non-elastic, the muscle divisions to to and the a bone. therefore bone. consumers. cells of shortens connective contraction secondary that which a specic air is function. drawn into the lungs. code. DNA. ribosomal RNA take part in translation (protein synthesis). Translocation is the transport of minerals and products of photosynthesis within a plant. Transpiration is the process through the Triceps is the tRNA is transfer Tropism a in extensor tropism which muscle ribonucleic is water is lost by evaporation from the leaves stomata. a growth in the acid. or It upper takes arm part movement in which is straightens protein plants that the synthesis occurs forearm. (translation). due to a specic stimulus. Tumor a mass Unicellular describes such Ureters are Vaccine a of as unspecialized living organisms bacteria two tubes vaccine is a Vector in a an vector one is and liquid to Ventilation is the movement Ver tical is the transfer transfer Voluntary Zygote actions are actions is fertilized a female sex of are uncontrolled made up of cell only division. one single cell, urine preparation can from of the kidneys treated stimulate the to the bladder. disease-producing immune system to produce (organism) responsible for carrying pathogens from another. of air in genetic which egg by blood. agent organism which carry which the formed protozoans. which microorganisms antibodies cells are and out of information controlled produced by by the the lungs. from parent conscious fusion of to offspring. activity the of nucleus the of brain. the male and cells. 3 3 5 Index 3D printing ABO blood (models) groups acetaldehyde acorn baksia see (genetics, consequences) cannabis buttery of aigal air blooms alcohol ALDH and ush ALDH2 species amino structure amylase interaction (interaction) gas (movement) 128 Apicus Aristotle environment) Ascares (consequences) book, evidence) (movement) humans structure (consequences) and asymmetric trafc form and (gut blood parasite) movement 123 baksia similarity form and aigal (environment) plants rainforest in deserts (transformation) (balance) 27 bioreactors bleached 167 Roger blood 281 blooms concentration 269 69 79 66-7 lumping farming (ISA farming (sustainability) virus) 191-2 concept 167 192-3 on groups 76 70 organisms and segmentation Island Barrier Reef (mutualistic (balance) 176 176 168-9 eyes capillare butteries 167 Great 5 39 168-9 movement Bryum (energy) 158 control brown/blue 164 reies concentration metabolism blood in 169-71, hormones 168-9 salmon Niño humans (transformation) glucose feedback 190-1 glucose salmon Easter to kingdom (pattern), coral diabetes Chilean El islands? 68 trout and bioluminescence 201 Chilean diet on 70-1 form and biodiversity balance blood evolve 67 classication relationships) Bacon, to 229-30 ephemeral tropical species 65-6 splitting 129 67 Australia Acorn new Melvin species 249 exposure Lough 10 (form) organisms 78 36 35-6 269 and domains tyrosine 269 causes classication 278 112 37 (consequences) asymmetric 194 to (energy) animals 55-7 acid 37-8 glucose/galactose biodiversity 35 30-1 ethanoic fat speciation 264 (transformation) lumbricoides asthma 252, 26 asteroids to to extinction 215 what arteries/veins 35-9 34 biodiversity 38-9 28 311 reactions to biodiesel 38-9 physiology 113 (transformation) phenylalanine (ecology, (Roman tern glucose lactose 38-9 166 40 cells ethanol 190-1 Egypt metabolism; (models) enzymes 160-3 exchange (transformation) Bill ecology; (transformation) inside in ancient (movement) chemical enzyme activity Anders, arctic and in 165 also alphabet acids sequences see biochemistry 10-11 233 38-9 enzyme ALDH*504L YS alien (ATP) (transformation) enzyme 164 barracuda 320 (balance) pollution work-life ballistics 10-11 (pattern) modelling narwhals 166 heart bamboo triphosphate ages 201 (genetics, (ADP) adonis ecosystems environment) 254 adenosine agent-based 254 weighing weighing Yoga prionotes, diphosphate blue consequences) ethanal (Banksia addiction-smoking adenosine 312-13 in circulatory (genetics, moss (pattern) (phenology, system 122 consequences) 259 240 pattern) 232-3 188-9 introduction kayaking Caenhabditis 166-7 and white water photosynthesis/respiration rafting 165 185-6 Canada carbon elegans lynx and dioxide development snowshoe (CO hare (evidence) 283 (interaction) 151 ) 2 refugees in slacklining summative toto “red tropical sea 165 190-3 cars 167 tides” atmospheric levels assessment toucans toxic 3 3 6 Mediterranean 165 (models) in Australia Casuarina 167 Catherine (ecology glaciation cartilaginous 190-1 rainforest and 182-3 balance) 186-8 307 sh (Class equisetifolia of balance) (ecology, Aragon Elasmobranchii) (multicellular 72 organisms) (consequences) 248 78 cell description division cell enlargement growth alternation (pattern) (pattern) 236-7 coronary mortality 239 Crick, cells Caenhabditis elegans cell fertilized division (evidence) cell division meiosis (evidence) (pattern) (pattern) reaction Chargaff, 28, 139, in telomeres 191-2 (balance) plants articial best (CBC) 221-2 (evidence) type 2 170-1, sheep environment) 214 (movement) 27 115 (evidence) (interaction) helical 301 160 see Taylor 173 counselling) between 57 246-7 structure 234 also 250 50-1 263 236 233, Crick, 234-5, 310 Frances; melanogaster receptors from Watson, (pattern) James 231 communities ecological footprint energy (models) model ecology) 17-18, chains organisms 94 see 94-5 also ecology 93 reex project) 194 167 ecological food design (UN (balance) and 309 resource consumption 320-1 ecology 93 94 genome” Above" Island (models, cells 92 computer-assisted 49-51 235 consequences Easter 274 estrogen/estrogen conditioned 176 274 (genetic communication serotonin (balance, 176 reex Drosophila consequences) Samuel receptors 216 176 causes "Earth tadpole “minimal 169-71, diving meiosis (ecology, blindness 131 environment) disease life 285 276 hormones 243-4 59 (transformation) structure (genetics, function 170-1 mutations cloning color 284, 262 (form) change Coleridge, (pattern) 169 1 replication the cycle concentration control geography 49-51 (consequences) 71 Xenopus (ecology, type copying 262 71 potatoes Species experiment chromosomes 256-7 (consequences) climate Dolly life 109-10 DNA 70-1 natural 310 cicada 171 diffusion 280 Count of glucose diamonds 192-3 7-8 humans classication Origin feedback (transformation) in the genetics (consequences) number childhood Charles physiology) 145 farming sequence meiosis and diabetes 147 chromosomes gene cancer 59 insulin Bird diploid in 299-300 (CHD), 302-5 (function) deforestation 30-1 (evidence) Christmas brosis blood (balance) chlorophyll 234-5, patterns phototropism 32 salmon sustainability cholera On 233 reactions virus cystic (evidence) Francis cyclical form 52-3 240-1 chemical ISA 283 Darwin, 285 50-1, (interaction) Erwin enzymes human 282 (interaction) Chilean adult 237-9 cheetahs description to (evidence) (transformation) mitosis chain egg (evidence) evidence) disease 282 limits mitosis tissue development (health, heart (models) (interaction) 312-13 adaptation to air and water 132 relationships (balance) atmospheric CO 149 21-2 19-20 levels CO2 and 182-3 glaciation 186-8 2 conifers (Class Pinopsida) 64 exponential consequences amino acid asteroids exponential sequences ecology of denition 248 VIII Aragon knockout late blight summative also coronary 275 debate assessment heart contributory lights 251, on 251 253 disease factors 275-7 evolution; genetics 300 ash FACE and 178-9 prevention 180-1 182-3 202-3 217-18 216 borer invasion trials 213-14 warming 212-13 gases organisms cave communities 214 greenhouse ozone natural ecology effect Movile evidence) population sustainability greenhouse living (CHD) (health, forest global 248 biodiversity; change emerald with of population 215 deforestation sleeping u” factors species community 251 of (environment) climate disease nature–nurture see alien growth elements abiotic 250-1 mice and “Spanish 248 248 introduction myopia mineral 249 Catherine Henry 264 growth 220-3 205-8 208-9, 210 200-1 197-8 depletion 211 3 37 I N D E X prairie dogs primary sea otter tree trees air growth between 218-20 ethanal 203-4 species relationships between animals species ecology in and resource ecology and of consumption species 154-5 156-7 footprint 150 model adaptation to air Egypt El sustainability rainforests in (transformation) Niño adult wind elk emerald (Agilus plannipennis) 29 invasion 20-3 17-18, and Homo 279 erectus introduction metabolism oil 4-5 12-14 24-5 photosynthesis plants pyramids release 8 282 index cells 9 space shuttle summative assessment vegetable in 21-3 oils 22-3 cells transport anabolic reactions 12 12 movement energy heat cells into pollution 291-2 Lancet rates 287 281 278 pregnancy 305 301-5 297 court 279 279 tumor cells tumor (growth) tumor (mitotic also survival 298-9 281 trials in cancer movement 288-9 286 index) 286 297-8 cells; genetics (consequences) human skin natural selection color 266 natural selection/evolution 265-6 267 249 penguins 268 peppered moth 265 growth description 178-9 prevention 180-1 (function) of population (balance, ecology) 104-6 types FACE 5 kinetic radiant Fibonacci 5, sh 13 "Earth and natural from from habitat cave summative cells and 114 74 forest FACE forest loss (function) trials in (ecology, environment) Indonesia/Brazil (models) 73 110 (health, reactions of normal evidence) 32 body 289-90 cells into animals and similarity asymmetric 67 blue arrow poison owering plants to frog 73-5 humans 59 213-14 (models)322 324 form change 175-7 75 Angiospermophyta absorption database enzymes chemical plants balance) 176 139 (movement) comparison 217-23 195 ecology environment tumor 196-7 322-3 plants Phylum 194 food assessment in control monocots/dicots 194 photograph 197-8 Man" series buds owering 195 198-9 "Virtuoso also environment Above" moon introduction Movile (models) (metabolism, (interaction) ower environment change control positive/negative 5 5 thermal experiment feedback 5 potential earth body 295-7 assessment Man eye 12 normal 290 vaccines during exponential 12 air vaccine ideas pathways 15 of cancer and DTP poliovirus evolution 10-11 2 sustainability active and Tollund see 20 in of 280-1 mitotic vaccines seeds energy 5, 6-10 childhood 278 Thimerosal 13 change diseases mitosis The 21-2 5 and 289-90 distribution summative humans palm cells smoking changes cancer 301 and hairdressers oral 2 ecosystems form causes scientic 10 299-300 302-5 environment lead transformation) 12-13 Earth 3 3 8 mortality introduction 15-16 biodiesel see disease, MMR animals light disease heart infectious 188-9 canadensis, borer 182-3 167 26 (balance) (Cervus ash Australia energy cells heart global 181 278 coronary disease 320-1 organisms book) 280 tumor elements tropical (communication 38-9 coronary and ecosystems mineral (Roman cholera 132 description receptors 93 (acetaldehyde) Apicus 157-8 relationships ecological (movement), water cheating members cheating community (models), cells) evidence (interaction) social 34 34 estrogen/estrogen pollution mutualistic and naming 201-2 200-1 and ecology mechanism 200 succession 69 human hands humans genetic 83 DNA introduction Lough 80-1, 68 plasmids 60-2 Melvin trout and multicellular organisms red identication starsh reptiles sperm beetle whales taxonomy sharks modication variation leaves two twigs 61 families genera phyla 61 Franklin, campaign Rosalind (interaction) 138 function bee’s cell stinger cheek cystic lining GM Homo scans neanderthalensis brain 95-7, knife resilience summative 85 assessment orchestra physiology; (cell transfer cytoplasm nucleus ribosomes glycogen lysosomes variation in humans increase (gene (models) gas alveolus body between organisms 318-19 exchange and blood are Punnett square and is in same way in other 252 256-7 254-5 hybrids closely all related the same? 255-6 260-1 257 dwarf mountain peas sheep 257-8 260 (evidence) is there a limit to human cell division? 283-4 is there a limit to human cell division? - 285-6 Genome gene in are Project objectives 292-3 295 human genome and health 293-4 model organisms? 294-5 (pattern) replication genes and 236 231 poaching 246-7 development in insects/other animals 231 (transformation) acids into activity blindness proteins 40-1 56 57 53 54 sexual life sexual reproduction cycles translation 115 263 258-60 discovery) transcription (movement) 127-8 cells who diversity interaction work Mendel’s tall color 90-1 90 and ratio) makes peas it peas?) (parents) Mendel gender games in (3:1 amylase 90 specialization (does as Mendel amino 90 273-4 254 genetics 90 276-7 ethical? genetic segments granules pseudopodia modication 262 patterns 89 272 humans homeotic (cells) kit 270-1, in DNA 89 88 tool variation what mitochondrion 270 264 genetic genetics 88 271 (vertical/horizontal) engineering genetic 271 livestock) modication research 88 plants) genetic patterns receptors 252 genetic leptin parts) membrane drift Human 98 108 sensory 250 exceptions 109-11 nutrition see vesicles (farm genetics the function transfer Welsh 85 parenteral also 87 99-107 tuning function gene parents 84 108 roundhouses total (crop what 87 of physiology pocket 110 111 mosquitos PET transfer inheritance absorption foods of gene species 86 259 mutations 109-10 watch eyes inheritance 92 254 260-1 editing height 92-4 104-6 food jaw cell brosis digital eye 85 communication 262 252 cannabis gene is 234 humans 273-4 genetic 61 Pests in 254 gene gene 61 61 species Four 79 61 kingdoms groups brown/blue cloning 262 171 characteristics alkaptonuria 59 biodiversity 61, diabetes addiction-smoking orchid gametes 262 polymorphism blood acquired 58 human 263 (consequences) (classication) classes sequence in 262 genetics ABO two-owered domains number (balance), 58 276-7 combination genetics 69 two 270-1, humans chromosome nucleotide 80-3 in 272 272 chromosome increase 72 81-2 endonuclease polymerase genetic gene whale assessment thalidomide DNA kit 272 genetic 59 and 62 thumbless also 78 63-5 59 summative see taq 74-5 65 rhinoceros form plants tool 272 restriction 66 mathematics plant engineering ligase genetic 48-9 51-3 41-2 41-2 modication ethical? 273-4 3 3 9 I N D E X geometry giraffe’s (pattern) coat global distribution global warming coral reefs ecological glosh GM 291-2 modication) red 45 195 biology (models) effect greenhouse gases environment) (ecology, (population, Robert environment) interaction) 208-9, 210 effcup spotted Haeckel, owl Hayick, and Hobbes, comb division York Theo Lack, 290 human forearm human hands human skin (evidence) 285 248 consequences) (space infectious diseases infectious salmon determination life cycle identity shuttle) (interaction) organisms) 78 163 anemia evidence) parents insulin same (ISA) cells (energy) what 191-2 way in other species Canada chain 34 0 ratio lynx and reaction 66 232 hypothesis 134-5 (pattern) and 232 Mammalia) 71 (movement) plants (form) (asteroids, 113 74-5 consequences) 249 52-3 snowshoe as 151 solute consequences) (genetics, Mendel’s 256-7 consequences) hybrids consequences) (energy) metabolism all the 255-6 17 concentration control 168-9 175-7 173-4 in in model fresh cell concentration metabolism 171-2 water/seawater (energy) of blood 254-5 same? (balance) glucose salmon hare (genetics, makes kidneys 169 160-3 147 31 stansburiana, 129 (pattern) industry discovery osmosis narwhals cycles 52-3 feedback 252 interaction of (form) Gorshkov (Class 50-1, blood diabetes trout and (genetics, 14 258-60 and (Uta (movement) parasites mesocosm in life (transformation) meiosis gene 295-7 inheritance work 229 of Mendel 2 (health, timing lizards tredecima syrup genes 113 (pattern) see 245 295 319 megatsunamis 227 inuit 275 (pattern) evidence) changes Melvin mathematics 266 plants side-blotched maple 3:1 it timing mammals 244-5 83 (movement) photography in (genetics, (transpiration) (pattern) (consequences) life malaria 76 (multicellular hydrogen gene Makarieva glucose 80-1, and excavators peas? 251 278 distribution Magicicada 229 blood (pattern) hydraulic infrared 173-4 285 disease macrophages (evolution) narwhals metabolism) 296-7 Henrietta Lough 259 279 (form) (form) viridissima 297 (consequences) (evidence) male 26 consequences) proportions color Robert light-induced 259 168-9 cells hummingbirds ages 148 136 3 mice models) (pattern) (balance), cheek in 159-63 identity physiology (balance, blight leptin 250 (evidence) concentration leaf 147 254 (transformation) (genetics, human hunting (interaction) (genetics, New cow hormones test cell bull, erectus does ecology; Edward lead consequences) Thomas Holstein evidence) 283 (consequences) Line, Hydra molecules Jensen, late and VIII (health, 3 awareness honey 137 107 cancer (genetics, Hereford Homo and Jenner, Koch, 231 Leonard cells High 67P 159 assessment games knockout (hearing) Hallucigenia Henry comet 136 summative kidneys 99 Ernst cells height 142-3 199 199 hairdressers Hela 200 jellysh otter hazard 198 fungus lagoon hair 153 137 whales also comparison 151 (environment) description sea parasites and program 154 148-9 squirrels actions water 59 and probe video 162-3 football reex sperm 205-8 identity 138-9 grey sneezing 314-16 (ecology, inuit 163 Rosetta see habitat and SETI 274 greenhouse Grossteste, in predators 111 147 and (advantages) penalties 271 138 test narwhals introduction Andy John Greenland campaign awareness parasites (function) protein in Pests (interaction) 212 149 160 139 hunting 207 145 reex reex hazard 212-13 326-35 Gordon, diving sh 212 Goldsworthy, graphs (evidence) Four effect cedars foods GnRH pollution consequences (genetic glossary air 212 walruses Yellow of 139, conditioned 226 212 greenhouse seasons cheetahs 225 (pattern) 177 172-3 metabolic release pathways in thermal cells 35 narwhal 11-12 energy in humans metabolism (movement), metabolism (pattern), living organisms National 13-14 sugar in properties plants shared natural 120-2 by (Monodon early 46-7 nature–nurture locusts 46 Nautilus western spadefoot (Messages program for toad Obelia 137 On (pattern) onion root mitotic MMR tip index and DTP onion cells oral 239 cancer vaccines survival (evidence) rates (evidence) 287 298-9 models 3D printing modelling ecosystems barracuda cars design communities experiment comparison forest loss using and in biology introduction male snow models see lizards and sh (_Uta stansburiana_) 319 populations tern ballistics ower (Phylum Bryophyta, form) 77 gas moon syrup 115 and lady oil Louis and 211 233 152 reexes (interaction) 149 296 blue forests (form) with moss and cell division and growth cyclical patterns DNA replication DNA structure 197-8 lights on 251 126-7 cicada 226 229 forearm cycle 243-4 231 proportions reasoning 226 226-7 distribution cells lady 244-5 227 in determination plants 245 228 237-9 buttery 233 224 of butteries reproduction Spirogyra life 233 coat in 236-7 236 comb human alternation 239 225 alga Stonehenge 78 ventilation in enlargement melanogaster disadvantages environment) 233 240 division phenology 133 (ecology, lung buttery capillare painted 133-5 physiology and environment) (pattern) (interaction) patterns organisms 116 171-2 24-5 cell sexual sleeping buttery (energy) introduction 133-4 movement movement) 115 (ecology, hummingbirds 131 multicellular myopia blood 113 assessment Romania 96-7 173 cell life ecology; and 2 depletion inductive in air (biodiversity, physiology) (metabolism) respiration mitosis cave, (physiology) experience leaf evaporation also muscle and 130 woodlice see cells 114-15 transpiration movile body 113 116 summative water between 112 plants ozone honey industry segmentation shuttle giraffe’s excavators to oxygen Drosophila 129 114 introduction osmosis and geometry exchange hydraulic maple exposure 115 buds 281 229-30 (physiology, Bryum 324-5 113 diffusion adaptation (balance, adonis habitat 112 trafc 239 evidence) pattern 112 and 76 pattern) (OPV , (movement) cell, Pasteur, 322-5 movement asthma (mitosis, vaccine description past 307 liverworts animal?) 132 parasites 317-18 ecology and cells or 59 310-11 316-17 and 144-5 40 aerobic 311 assessment (plant Species model palm (movement) arctic 40 painted in evaluation mosses 40 space construction forecasts law also 318-19 314-16 samples summative weather organisms 308 streamlining Yoda’s animals bacteria seawater 324 between 310 geese statistical 322 308-9 side-blotched ribosomes Indonesia/Brazil database (interaction) osmosis 322-3 interaction tip organization 312-13 309 in 251 229 (biotechnology) pattern) loss physical organisms organisms 311 forest graphs root of poliovirus water FACE games Origin organisms in 307 ecological moon interaction 320 computer-assisted zoo and decisions longissima plants 312-13 agent-based the 237-9 and system (consequences) pattern) Intelligence) mitosis cells 267 debate (mollusc, nervous 48 Extra-Terrestrial 267 267 insects METI 160-3 267 descriptions evidence 46-8 interaction) 324 selection/evolution denitions 229 monoceros, magazine cause/consequence all metamorphosis animals ages Geographic summative symmetry 232-3 advantages/ 241-2 240 224 assessment in biology 243-7 225, 229 341 I N D E X timing of life vertebrae see also cycles evidence) 232 230 biodiversity; genetics; metabolism pattern in peppered energy football moth (interaction) starch (Biston betularia, evolution) 265 puffer (Darwin, models (balance), (function) of Charles) construction physiology scans or rabbits “star organs 104-6, sea made by and system reexes (nervous 141, system) actions GnRH 140 pollution and arteries/veins gas movement in gas exchange in gas exchange and macrophages 129 in exchange structure and circulatory alveolus system reptiles 122 plants 117-18 organisms muscle cells movement in heart and and blood lung movement ventilation roots to leaves 118-20 climate series identication mathematics movement sugar water see (form) owering aromatic gene photosynthesis combinations UK and 185-6 sustainability water/seawater energy) development of (metabolism, balance) in insects/other animals leaves (function) in head 103 (communication life for between Extra-Terrestrial cells) 93 Intelligence) cycles 49 (PAH, advantages/disadvantages 241-2 muscles during geese Snow, 48 49 reproduction smoking snow plants hydrocarbons 118-20 (genetics, 106-7 (Search skeletal 120 177 9 102 fertilization sexual to 51-3 310 Research, receptors (pattern) roots and 231 meiosis 245 74-5 from and (models) gametogenesis 130 movement also 117-18 63-5 (pattern) movement polycyclic 34 2 (form) distribution sexual 75 transpiration 49-51 48-9 137 205 (form) and chromosomes 104-6 SETI 7-8 exchange of 65 fresh serotonin 27 (environment) Fibonacci leaf in location chlorophyll gas (form) hearing deserts number 182-3 pattern) eye 46-8 48 plants Australian cycles description (transformation) toad halving 44 (chemical sensory plants metamorphosis 155 reproduction segments 123-6 from petrel 310 salmon seeds muscles 155 154 122-3 126-7 116 movement 154 (transformation) and ribosomes crops 120-2 155 155 storm Rothamsted 121-2 155 155 154 respiration in langur 155 life sexual RNA muscle spadefoot 123 127-8 transpiration multicellular metabolism movement species 45 sexual 128 blood of 154 conict puberty (movement) 151 142-3 members hummingbirds meiosis 144-6 (interaction) 155 reproduction 145 grey care Wilson’s 149 bers) 189 155 pike territoriality 144-5 4 155 skaters sexual nervous transmission also 257 232 between defence rufous 106-7 95 signal physiology 294 consequences) (interaction) penguins predation 102-3, voluntary/involuntary skeletal 151 179 evidence) (balance) squirrels sheep parental (nerve osmosis grey monogamy 96-7 napus) (pattern) actions northern (interaction) materials growth) (genetics, Niño infanticide head 101 transmission water in 103 experience blood and group organs signal physiology El bighorn 99-100 95 sense receptors decisions (interaction) 43 rubripes, (Brassica emperor main system physiology past square, relationships 101 (sequence/parallel) non-living of jelly” comparison 43 (Fugu cycles reex 100 sensory 275-7 44 black-footed organization see red 169-71 95 (advantages) nervous sh crabs, life 104-6 living air red 131 310-11 diabetes abdominal system functions location parasites (exponential rapeseed 8 digestive consequences) 200 185-6 physiology life puffballs Punnett phototropism physical and structure/function 148-9 5 respiration tuberosum, (ecology) membranes 149 photosynthesis eye dogs digestion 246-7 Ivan penalties CT prairie proteins 225 poaching Pavlov, (solanum predators patterns 305 potato John (movement) pregnancy (models) 280 308 123-6 (evidence) 305 program solute concentration balance) sound species u” in brown bears mutualism parasitism sperm “star alga jelly” statistical (interaction) and whale (pattern) in sh dwarf consequences) taxonomy telomerase (form) populations (models) 317-18 The Lancet 225, 229 shortening of Counterpane of the malaria pelagic tissue toto cycles parasites red crabs Man “red games 288-9 286 evidence) 286 297-8 230 identity (interaction) actions 148 (interaction) 144-6 evaporation James weather forecasts 284 heart Maurice (movement) 133 310 ancient sheep spadefoot movement) forests (models) in mountain shiny in 234-5, toad 307 Egypt (balance) (genetics, 166 consequences) (metamorphosis) 260 48 234 woodlice (Oniscus asellus, 131 284 (poem) Mariner law (models) 316-17 zoo 306 evaluation and habitat (models) 324-5 173 preservative,, evidence) 297 (pattern) 232 232 232 cells, pattern) (balance) tides” and Watson, Yoda’s (evidence) toucans toxic of evidence) 69 tredecim (group Tollund Ancient (vaccine life 20 281 Land of (evidence) 81-2 Rime (form) (health, (pattern) Wilkins, (evidence) (form) index (evidence) Welsh 285 telomere Magicicada 19, 20 evidence) vertebrae western The timing 15, 15, (health, (health, vaccines weighing (genetics, 62 The Thimerosal 20 16 movement water 311 (pattern) (evidence) thumbless levels common chromosomes 15, 3 peas enzyme thalidomide consumers voluntary/involuntary 257-8 (form) and 15 consumers consumers video telomeres aging 279 secondary mitotic 72 306 (models) biology and sharks 224 streamlining peas 203-4 (evidence) 240 Louis (pattern) (energy) tall 134-5 groups growth 159 95 and Robert in (ecology) court 15 cell 150 Strandbeests symmetry hypothesis tumor (function) Stonehenge Gorshkov producers trophic 150 samples Stevenson, in tertiary 150 whales growth trials primary 150 mites trees detritivores 150 and 133-4 trophic relationships 150 whales Spirogyra 248 150 pines predation varroa 107 150 competition sperm Makakarieva (metabolism, (consequences) community clownsh pinyon blood rate description “Spanish of 172-3 240-1 279 167 (balance) 190-1 transformation alcohol ush amylase Australia bamboo 38-9 activity 28 biochemistry bioreactors chemical Egypt 28, 30-1, 30 and Line, chemical New introduction York reactions 29-30 changes organisms 31 39-40 46-7 proteins membranes in reproduction summative also 32 26 physiology see 32 27 light-induced other 34-8 26 elk enzymes High 30-1, 39 reactions diamonds adult 55-7 27 44-5, 43 48-53 assessment 54-7 genetics transpiration (movement) 34 3 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On it These is not may which other When due be the not in revise error our rather and they show understanding. experiment understanding may of that The we is that the example understanding experiments. of revising comes all you from Consider also are O, O given all the rather oxygen from of to water containing the oxygen than produced splitting of O. in that This they shows photosynthesis water into oxygen hydrogen. T welve molecules of water must the split per glucose, but six new water molecules revise subsequently the six molecules photosynthesis our process isotope summary than produced, shown must the be in giving a the the net equation. more summary use Clearly, complicated equation suggests. equation Discuss for that that oxygen photosynthesis. of Another oxygen dioxide of need results cause plants than release are your the show isotope to be extension of carbon isotopes found and to some the with normal results comes are that from The unusual be should occasions, incorrect. O. O to is our is understanding, come Experiments experiments this support must evidence is the indicates on released in your class the meaning of the photosynthesis: following 6H O + 6CO → + terms in dogmatic How similar are leaves and relation to this text: 6O available: 836999 that skills understanding Sometimes 19 activities scientific new 0 the skills Revise 978 of contexts criteria L TA knowledge Also 4&5 critically conceptual will framework ● with resource solar steadfast open-minded. panels? 8 Leaves have evolved over millions of years; solar panels have been developed by electrical engineers over recent decades. Consider how similar leaves and solar panels are by making a list of similarities and a list of differences. You could include size, shape, energy source, energy conversion and efciency . Solar panels increasingly How do A pigment is the green is electrons more of are than stored, is of light the a very in or fraction of a up and light into second. electrons such as and In and order must be glucose. an of a look for cannot the used Plant reects green. they chemical in can in but cause level. high-energy store quickly cells role energy The P L A N TS Chlorophyll light, higher energy . they and energy? light. blue chlorophyll, to tops important and leaves, the jump roof farmland absorbs red chemical however, satellites, stores plays reach to on former that it absorbs molecule unstable, compounds on chlorophyll, blue the converted high-energy chemical installed arrays substance plants why red is in Chlorophyll electrons how being large build chemical This photons particular This a pigment energy. light. When plants is main absorbing are in energy energy the only for to be production store Variegated plants containing the chlorophyll small but amounts of glucose, so when there is rapid photosynthesis they convert not in chloroplasts, to starch. This leads us to a testable hypothesis: starch is only produced if there is chlorophyll in a leaf white. 1 to get in chloroplasts pigment par ts leaf the of the cells appears Normal and leaf lack yellow variegated cell. varieties How the by or photosynthesis have green some others. Where it contact: web email tel +44 (0)1536 452620 fax +44 (0)1865 313472 of privet are shown here