SNONFLAKEE BEGINNER - NOTES SeL can be devided into five different langua-e Command types. T0 ereate Snouwflake objects, you ned to usÁ Data Defni lion kanßuae (DDL) COmmands, Geenß acess to thöse ohjecks TequeS veyiies the Data control°Languaße (DCL), Next you'll use Data Manipulation kanguaße CDMI) COmmands to manipulate the data inta and out of Siou flake. Transackion Control tanguape (rcA) comimands enable you to manag transacton blodks. Data. query lnguae (bQL) Statements are then used to acially Quer tthe data..Follouing is alist of Common 'soL conmmands, orfanise by type* DDL (Data Definition Language) Commands: CREATE-To CTeate databages, tables, trioßers and other data base objeets " ALTER-TD chanße or modify the exisin Stuctareof the dafabase, t also chanßs Qmeet-Kant the Scheme of he database objerts. "TRUNCATe -TO delete or remove all the eords fsom the table. Also Yemoves the Space atlocated for storing the table reords. RENAME- TO changße the name of the daBa base table. " DROP - To delete /rermove the daBabase objects from the sQL dakabase. We Can easilg Temove the entie table, view,or index. from the databage using ths. DeSsCRIBE SeT UNSET SHOW USe " COMMeNT DCL(Daa control kanguaße)comTmands: "GRANT-Tt fives uses access privilees to the database. "REVOke -This Withdraucs the users acess priviles by frven by using the Grant. DML (Dta ManipulalÕn kanguaße) Command3 " FNSERT- Used to (nsert the daa into a table. "UPDATE - to update enistinß dan within a table. DeLETe -TD delete TeCords from a data base table " L0ck- Table control concurencH " MERGe G ET CopY INTO AIST PUT ReMOVe VALIDATE TCL (Transaction Control. Lanßuaße command "INSERT BectN - 0Pens a Transactton "CommiT- coTnmits a Transactín ROLL BACK- Roll backs a transaction in case of any ersors OCums. D9L (Data Query lanpuage command " SekecT- used to Yetrieve data from the data base. -Www. this oding: Use ROLE SYSADMIN; UsE WAReHOUSE COMPUTE_- WH; CRCATE OR RePLACe DATA BASe DeMO4_DB; CREATe OR REPLACe SCHEMA SUBQUERI ES; CReATeOR REPLACe TABLE DEMO De. SUBqUE RIeS (TD Inteßer, ANTT Snteßer, TOtal Integer INSE RT INTO DERIVeD (TD, AMT, Total) VALDES (, 1000, 4000),(, QO00, 3500),(3, 3000, (5, 5000, 3400, 6, 6000, Qaaa); SELECT *+ FROM DEMO4 DB.SUBUERIes. bERIVeD; SeCeCT TyThs C0ding : CREATE OR RePLACe TABLE DEOA DB. SUBQUeRIeS (D Tnteger, AMT Tnteger, Total Tnteger INSERT TNTO TABLe R (TD , AMT ,TOtal) VACUES (1, 1000,8300), (e, 1001, 190), (, 3000, 5, 1200 , 3232), 6, (000, 222); SeLeCT * FROM DEMD4_DB. SUB QUeeiES.TABLE2 We can write an uncorelaled Subaaery : ty ths Coding SELECT TD, AMT FRONM DEMO4 DB. SUBAUe RIes. DERIVED WHeRe AMT = (SeLECT MAx (AMT) FRD DEMO4_DB.SUBveRieS. TABLE Rj Aets Try executinß a coelaled Subiery now; SeLECT TD, AMT FRO DEMO4_ DB. SUBQuERIes. DERIVeD WHeRE AMT =(SELECT AMT FROM DEMD. D8.SUB QUeRIes,TABLeR WHERe TD = TD); Let's o head and add MAK: SeLECT ID, AMT FRON DeMD_DB.SUBQveRIEs. DeRIVeD WHERe AMT = (SeLecT MAXx (AMT) FROM DEMD4-DB. SUBAUE RIES.TABLE.R WHERe ID = TD); -wlww.bepec. in Lets see wha! happen IE We change the eyuals ipn to a greater- than thing: SELECT TD, AMT FROM DENO4- DB. SUBAVERIes. DeRIVED WHERe AMT > (SELeCT MAX (AMT) FROM DEMD4_DB. SUBQUe RIes.TABLER WHERe TD = ID); kets &ee what happeng if we change MAx to AvG3 SELECT TD, AMT FRDM DeM04_ DB.SUBQUeRIES. DERNeD tWHERe AMT> (SeLecT AVG (AMT) FROM DeMO4-DB SUBQUERIES.TABLER WHERE TD = TDD; Try this codng : SeLECT TD, AMT, AMT * |D as AMT1,AMT1 t20 FROM DEMD_ DB. SUBQUeRIEs. DERIvED; -Waw. bepeto io Ty this coding : SeLecT Sub.TD,Sub.AMT, Sub, AMT1+ R0as AMT FROM (SeLECT TD, AMT, AMT 10 Qs AMT1 FROM DEMD4- DB. SUBAveRIES. DERIVED AS SUb Ty This (oding WiTH CTer AS (SELeCT TD. AMT, AMT* |D QS AT FROM DEM04_DB.SUBQVeRIes. DERIVED) SELeCT a.DD, b. AMTb-AMTR+ 20 as AMTR FRON DeMO4- DB. SUBQveRIes. DeRIVED a ToIN CTeT b ON (a.ID= b.TD); -wwtw. bepec. in @meet Kanth