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Cadence Tool Tutorial: Verilog Simulation

Commands to be used to execute the CADENCE TOOL
Click on MobaXterm icon on desktop and enter the following details:
IP Adress :
Type : SSH
User id: student1
( you can select any user from student1 to student20)
Port : 22
Create a directory by name svb1
[student5@cadence_server ~]$ mkdir svb1
To observe the created directory type ls then files would be displayed
[student5@cadence_server ~]$ ls
Open the directory svb1
[student5@cadence_server ~]$ cd svb1
[student5@cadence_server svb1]$
Now change from bash shell to c shell
[student5@cadence_server svb1]$csh
Now open the cadence tools
[student5@cadence_server svb1]$source /home/install/cshrc
Welcome to Cadence Tools Suite
[student5@cadence_server ~/svb1]$
Now for typing the verilog code count.v use gedit
[student5@cadence_server ~/svb1]$ gedit count.v
Type the code and save
Now for typing the test bench code count.v use gedit
[student5@cadence_server ~/svb1]$ gedit counttb.v
Type the code and save
For simulation and running the code use nclaunch tools
[student5@cadence_server ~/svb1]$ nclaunch –new &
After simulation use imc –gui for code coverage
[student5@cadence_server ~/svb1]$ imc -gui