Uploaded by Akshaya S

Tomato Plant Photosynthesis Worksheet

Tomato Plant
With sufficient water and sunlight, my plant was able to go through the process of photosynthesis to
grow the stem and leaves. It used the sun's energy and converted it into chemical energy (usable energy).
- C02 +water = light energy/chlorophyll = glucose +oxygen
Glucose is a sugar formed in this process which contains stored chemical energy, most plants convert this
sugar into starch for storage and some will use it as energy.
Energy enters an ecosystem when producers carry out photosynthesis, capturing energy from the
sun and storing it as chemical potential energy. During this process, matter from the
environment (in the form of carbon dioxide and water) is taken in and rearranged into organic
molecules (sugars). These organic molecules can power the producers’ life processes via cellular
respiration (which release more carbon dioxide as well as heat), or they can be stored as biomass.
Next, energy and matter move up the trophic levels of an ecosystem as producers are eaten by
primary consumers, which are then eaten by secondary consumers, and so on. Some of the
organic material eaten by consumers is used for cellular respiration (again, releasing carbon
dioxide and heat), some is stored as biomass, and the rest is excreted as waste. Dead producers
and consumers and their waste products provide matter and energy to decomposers.
Decomposers transform matter back into inorganic forms that can be recycled within the
(information used from my notes, ppt (D2L) and worksheets)