Thangal Kunju Musaliar Centenary Public School & Junior College (Affiliated to CBSE with Reg. No.930347) T.K.M COLLEGE COMPLEX, KOLLAM-691005 CHEMISTRY PROJECT REPORT 2010-2011 Thangal Kunju Musaliar Centenary Public School & Junior College (A affiliated to CBSE with Reg. No.930447) TKMC P.O., Karicode, Kollam-691 005 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project work entitled on “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COMMERCIAL ANTACIDS” on Chemistry submitted ……………………………………… CBSE by………. Register Number……………… of class XII for All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination is a bonafide record during the year 2010-2011. VALUED BY TEACHER IN CHARGE EXTERNAL EXAMINER DATE:………….. PRINCIPAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success of any project depends largely on people associated with it. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the enthusiasm of all these personalities. I am immensely grateful to principal Mrs. Latha Alexander, Chief Coordinator Mr. Rajendra Prasad for giving us opportunity to do the project & for all help given at school. I extend my sincere gratitude to our chemistry faculties Mr.Subin & Mrs.Gaya for supervising our project work. Their constant stimulus inspiration and advice were indispensable to the accomplishment of this task. We are thankful to all our teachers and non-teachers for their help during my course of study. We take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our parents for their encouragement and support. Above all we are thankful to Almighty God as the present work has seen the light of day due to His blessings. INVESTIGATION OF FOAMING CAPACITY OF DIFFERENT WASHING SOAP AND EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM CARBONATE ON THEM CONTENT Sl.N INDEX Page No o 1 2 Introduction • Types of soaps 1-3 4 Cleaning action of soap 5 • Foaming capacity in terms 6 • of quality of water 2 3 4 5 Experiment:1 Experiment : 2 Conclusion Bibliography 7-9 10-13 14 14 INTRODUCTION Soaps and detergents are cleaning ingredients that are able to remove oil particles from surfaces because of their unique chemical properties. Soaps are created by the chemical reaction of a jetty acid with on alkali metal hydroxide. In a chemical sense soap is a salt made up of a corboxylix acid and an alkali like sodium of potassium. The cleaning action of soap and detergents is a result of thrill, ability to surround oil particles on a surface and disperse it in water. Bar soap has been used for centuries and continues to be an important product for batching and cleaning. It is also a mild antiseptic and ingestible antidote for certain poisons. SOAP Soap is a common term for a number of related compounds used as of washing clothes or bathing. Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids such as stearic acid (C17 H35 COOH), palmittic acid (C15 H31 COOH) and oleic acid (C17H35 COOH) they have the general formula RCOONa and R COONa. Soap is produced by a saponification or basic hydrolysis reaction of a fat or oil. Currently sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide is used to neutralize the fatty acid and convert it to the salt. GENERAL OVERALL HYDROLYSIS REACTION Fat + NaOH glycerol + sodium salt of CH3(CH2)16 COOH +NaOH CH2-CH-CH2+ CH3(CH2)16COONa+ OH OH OH Although the reaction is shown as one step reaction, it is in fact two steps. The net effect as that the ester bonds all broken. The glycerol turns back into an alcohol. The fatty acid is turned into a salt due to the presence of abasic solution of NaoH. In the carboxyl group, one oxygen now has a negative charge that attacts the positive sodium ion. A molecule of soap consists of two parts. a) Alkyl group – it is oil soluble b) Corboxyl group – It is water soluble Types of soaps The type of fatty acid and length of the carbon chain determines the unique properties of various soaps. Tallow or animal fats give plimarily sodium stearate (18 carbons) a very hard, insoluble soap. more insoluble. Fatty acids with longer chains are even As a matter of fact, 3inc stearate is used in talcum powders because it is water repellent. Coconut oil is a source of lauric acid (12 carbons) which can be made into sodium lourate. This soap is very soluble and will lather easily even in sea water. Fatty acids with only 10 or fewer carbons are not used in soaps because they irritate the skin and have objectionable odors. CLEANSING ACTION OF SOAP The cleansing action of soap is determined by its polar and non-polar structured in conjunction with an application of solubility principals. The long hydrocarbon chain is off course non polar and hydrophobic (repelled by water). The “salt” end of the soap molecule is ironic and hydrophilic. All the soaps are not equally effective in washing or their cleaning action. Their cleaning action depends upon the solubility of the alkyl chain in grease or oil and of the carboxylate part dissolves in water, as emulsion is formed between grease and water, which appears as form. On treatment with excess of water dirt as well as the emulsion is washed away. Thus the quality of the soap is determined from the extend to which it produces from with water or its foaming capacity. Foaming capacity in terms of quality of water Foaming cpacity depends upon the quality of water. It soft water (free from ca2+ and Mg2+ ions) is used, soap produces lather easily, on the other hand, hard water (containing Ca2+and Mg2+ ions) is used only a small amount of lather is produced and only a curdy precipitate of calcium and magnesium salt of fatty acid are formed. That is, it precipitate as “bath-tub ring” by calcium or magnesium ions present in “hard” water. The effects of “hard” water on calcium and magnesium ions is minimized by the addition of “builders”. The most common builders to be used is sodium trimetaphosphate. The phosphate react with calcium or magnesium ion and keep in solution by washing away from soap molecule. The soap molecule can then do its job without interference from calcium or magnesium ions. Ather “builders” include sodium corbonate borax and sodium silicat are currently in detergents. a) Arrangement of stearate ions on the surface of water at low concentrations of soap b) Arrangement of strerate ions inside the bulk of water (ionic micelle) at critical micelle concentrations of soap a) Grease on cloth (b) stearate iron arranging around the grease droplet and c) Grease droplet surrounded by stearate irons (micelle formed) EXPERIMENT-1 TO COMPARE THE FOAMING CAPACITIES OF DIFFERENT SAMPLES OF SOAPS. Requirements (a) Apparatus Five 100ml conical flasks, five 20ml test tubes, 100ml measuring cylinder, test tube stand, weight box and stop watch. (b) Chemicals Five different samples of soap and distilled water. Theory There is no quantitative method for the determination of foaming capacity of a soap. The foaming capacity of soap depends upon concentration of soap in the sample. Solution of different soap are prepared by dissolving their equal weights in equal volumes of distilled water. These solutions are shaken vigorously to produce foam and then they are allowed to stand. Time taken for the disappearance of foam are measured for different samples. Longer the time taken for the disappearance of foam in a given sample of soap, greater is its foaming capacity. PROCEDURE Take five 100ml conical flasks and lobel them as A,B,C,D,E. Take 50ml of water in each conical flask and then add 2g of different samples of soap to each flask. Warm to dissolve and get a clear solution. Arrange five test tubes on a test tube stand labelled as A,B,C,Dand E. Take ICC of the soap solution from each conicol flask ad to the corresponding test tube. Shake the test tube for 1 minute by covering its mouth by the thumb. Foam will be formed in the test tube. Start the stop watch and note the time taken for the disappearance of foam. Repeat the same procedure for the test tubes B, C,D and E. Shaking each tube with the same force and noting the time taken for disappearance of the foam. Observations Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Test tube DR. WASH KB ONAM CHECK URVASHI SUPER GOLD Vol. of soap Vol.of Time taken for sol taken water disappearance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 added 10ml 10ml 10ml 10ml 10ml of foam 9.58 hrs 4.45 hrs 8.30 hrs 7.30 hrs 9.00 hrs ml ml ml ml ml EXPERIMENT -2 TO STUDY THE EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM CARBONATE ON FOAMING CAPACITY OF A SOAP. Requirements (a) Apparatus One 100ml conical flask, 20ml test tubes, 100ml measuring cylinder, test tube stand, weight box, stop watch and burner. (b) Chemicals Soap samples, distilled water, tap water and m/10 Na2Co3 solution. Theory Calcium and magnesium ions present in the tap water interfere in the foaming capacity of soap. These ions combine with soap and form insoluble calcium and magnesium salts which get precipitated. 2C17H35COONa + Ca2+ (C17H35COO)2 Ca +2Na+. Therefore, the presence of these ions effect the foaming capacity of soap and hence their cleaning capacity. When Na2CO3 is added to the tap water, calcium and magnesium ions gets precipitated as their carbonates in the presence of Na2CO3, Ca2+ + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2Na+ Mg2+ + Na2CO3 Foaming MgCO3 + 2Na+ capacity of the water increases. In order determine the effect of NO2CO3 on the foaming capacity of asample of soap it is first shaken with distrilled water there with top water and finally with top water containing equal volume of M/10 Na2CO3 solution and then the time taken for siroppealance of foam it noted. PROCEDURE 1. Weigh accurately 0.5g of the given amount of soap and transfer to a 100ml of conical flask. Add 50ml of distilled water and wolm to dissolve till clear solution is obtained. 2. Take three 20ml test tubes and label them as 1,2 and A,B and C. To test tube A add 10ml of distilled water, to test tube C add 5ml of tap water 5ml of M/10 Na2CO3 solution. 3. Add 1ml of soap solution to each tube. 4. Cork test tube A tightly and shake vigorously for 1minute. Place the test tube on the test tube stand and start the stop watch immediately. Note the taken for the disappearance of foam. 5. Repeat the same procedure for test tube B and C, rate the time taken for the disappearance of foam. OBSERVATIONS Weight of soap taken = 0.5g Volume of distilled water taken for propering solution = 50ml Tube Water used Vol. of soap Time taken for the sol added oisappearance 1 10.00 ml distrilled 1.00ml foam 8.30 hrs 2 water (A) 10ml of tap water 1.00 ml 6.30 hrs 3 (B) 5.00 ml of tap water and 5.00 ml m/10 Na2CO3 (C) of CONCLUSION • Foaming capacity of soap is maximum in distilled water as compared to that in tap water. • Foaming capacity of tap water increases on addition of Na2CO3 solution. BIBLIOGRAPHY • • www.chemistry •