e dr an w MEASURING THE y ud st CHAPTER Z t no 2914122 15 00 m co . es MACRO ECONOMY Overview The importance The composition a GDP and how its measured of GDP and how it has changed over time How to use GDP to measure he evolution a living standards over time How to use GDP to measure differences in living standards across countries 2 1 Introduction It was really hard to the extent measure of the Great Depression so kusnete and his Department of Commerce developed the NationalIncome and Product Accounts The national income accounting providesandrewstudynotes.com a systematic method for aggregating the production into a buddies at the Us single overall economic activity National accounting how its performing It also shows that total production total income total spending the state of the economy and will Provides a picture or This chapter discusses the central elements and how these are treated Provides a snapshot of 2 2 Measuring the State of the Economy Thekey measure i in an economy over GDP defined as the market value of he final goods and services produced a certain period of time Production Expenditure Income The Prin tiple is straightforward employs workers GDP can the production approach Consider a farm owned be measured as the An alternative way is long as all he pitted tangerines by Homer produces tangerines total tangerines produced in a period and his is to measure his total sales my expenditure approach As are sold these two measures will be eaval andrewstudynotes.com theincome both the worker's wages and Homer's Homer's prorit profitThe income approach All the productions are all Paid y ud st an income everyone as t no to all the leftover is w adds are Paid a wage and e dr an Finally the workers a national accounting Productionexualsexpenditr­esincome hey give Theseraciest different ways to calculate GDP and are defined so is in Profits a Quotation maun as the profit referred to by economists identical values economic Proeits are different for normal usage from microeconomics we learn that unless firms have some specialprice setting abilities in a Perceit lompetition economic profits is zero We now look at each approach to GDP in turn The Expenditure Approach to GDP The national income accounts divide he Thisbreakdown appears in one a identity y It goods and services purchased intoseveral categories he fundamental accounting eavations called the national andrewstudynotes.com Gt NX income 7 where Y GDP C Consumption I Investment 6 Government purchases NX net exports exports Representing imports the expendinriapproach this elevation shows mat goods and services can serve direerentpurposes it can be consumed invested by me private sectors Purchased bythe government or shipped abroad for foreigners to use Starting in 2015 the US Products also includes a new category or investment called intellectual Poorerty IPP This category includes R D spending on durable intangible goods such software and musil andrewstudynotes.com as m co . es This example illustrates the fundamental Principle y ud st GDP t no its this thats recorded in producing store w spending although spending also includes transter payments As purchases are actually e dr an One should distinguish between government Purchases and spending Purchases are included in balance When export on and import Another common name is me trade the trade balance is negative c import Theres some discussion export and theres a trade deficit how the historical GDP for ha us Theres a point in me rising trade deficit and consumption in hu US According to me date a part orwhy he tradedeficit it intreasing is becausetheres a rise in consumption A trade deficit essentially means that the US is essentially borrowing from me rest of the world Theremust be eventually Paid whish will show up as trade surpluses at which time there will be less space for Gov Purchases investment and consumption An increase in consumption could also be caused by different reasons Consuming now means andrewstudynotes.com consuming less in the future and this is maybe because either consumers believe mat the Us will be richer in the future The Income Table 7.2 and benefits or that theres easy credit and consumers save too little Approach to GDP Shows the income approach to GDP Net operating surplus is just a A large Part fancy way is compensations or sayingprofit andrewstudynotes.com to employees wages m people trade internationally ii e co . es Finally Finally indirect business taxes include sales away to and property tax m co . es paid by the Private sector t no compensate for his depreciation depreciation Some of the income are put Process y ud st wear and tear on capital is called not completely used in the production w The are e dr an Capital refers to inputs to the Production Mat The Production Approath to GDP Ifs important to note that computing GDP as theres no double counting Suppose to 100 mil or cars mane a the value of goods and services in the economy here GDP only increases by We can view his in two ways first only the final sales Each a GDP equal to Producer creates an amount value added is calculating each producer by subtracting the 10 mil an automobile factory 100 mil of goods and services are counted value added intermediate Products from Thesteel company Produces go mil 10 mil to steel company sells during production This therevenue generated by while the automobile produces too did andrewstudynotes.com Another point is that only new production counts A dealerbugs a car for 17 sells to a family for 20 The Wil 20 doesnt count towards GDP as it doesnt rant as new production instead he prosit a servile ii e binding a car for me raming does scent so 3 Whats Included GDP and What Not By seeing whats not included in GDP we arent included in measuring GDP as in the market It can see some of its limitations Domestic worms it only includes goods and services that are transacted also omits the health of a nation's people Conventional measures dont incorporate way to Quantitatively A potentially a measure me change in health significant limitation is that it doesnt include thangs in environmental resources Extracting nonrenewable materials increases GDP but the reduction of the resources isnt deduited andrewstudynotes.com look at thegap andrewstudynotes.com m countries its way beyond in other welfare measures way richer than other co expectenly and leisure Essentially it shows that even though the US is . es welfare measures such as lice t no Case Study Beyond GDP This Provides an example of incorporating GDPinto other y ud st w e dr an from GDP while that there are important diorevenies between welfare and GDP they are Still correlated and e dr an The study concludes y ud st w therefore remains incormative t no Time m over co . es 2 3 Measuring Changes Calculating GDPin a given year is way simpler than comparing different countries or across different time Periods Economists use the word nominal to refer to a measure been separated at and use real to refer only to the actual fine GDP when Priles and Quantities havent Quantity of goods and services Nominal and real GDP are related by a simple eavation 7.23 nominal GDP Price level x real GDP If an economy produces 31 Phones to shoo each the nominal is13700 while he real is 37 Phones Nominal GDP can increase either because Price level has gone up or real GDP hasgoneup The issue lies A on figuring which one causes an increase in nominal GDP Simple Example When Real GDP Doesnt Change Consider a simple economy consisting of apple and computers Nominal GDPis therefore nominal GDP prices of apples Quantity of apples t Suppose at Now in 500 201g apple Sf t 900 Computer lostS of computers 1 each and 5 computers 5goo each Thenominal is in 2018 theres no apples o prices of computers o a 5 5,000 2 each and computer 1000 each reteris Paribus Nominal for 800 7811001 5 song is 6 ooo Computer Nominal GDP increases by 1000 despite the economy producing the same amount Here he change in GDP is because theres an increase in Price To control the change in priies when multiple goods are included we use the same set andrewstudynotes.com a To distinguish nominal from 201gdollars or wid dollars y ud st t no Where Rec GDP Change apple costs 3 and computer still 1000 and the economy Produces 550 apples and 6 computers Calculating the nominal economy yields Interms use the Measured in Producing more wig prices to find t 11mg ftp.es 550 1,6507 6.000 GDP the economy is or real GDP we can 7650 Alternatively we can use To calculate real me real GDP in 2070 o 7.100 6 wig prices real GDP in wig is change from wig to 72020 is therefore goods relative to 201g the same as its nominal GDP 6000 The real 1,700 or the 2020 Prices real 110018Gooo GDP 18.31 in 7020 would then lava the nominal GDP in 2070 7680 Real GDP in long it asks So 500 using now pries the change in we get is 6800 61500 7,680 Thi second example reveals mat 1,150 real GDP dieters depending on whether we use Quantity Indexes The method t Imogen aspeyres the initial Roig or he final7010Prix Paasche and Chain Weighting of computing real GDP changes using initial poises is caned me aspeyres Index In general the dicoerence shouldnt be hav we're salivating two consecutive years But when dealing with a large period a time while the final year is called the Paarshe Index much ie especially with high inflation his could vary significantly A third and it 1 more preferred method is called the Fisher index or chain weighting To calculate compute the first two indexes and calculate the average Using his previous examples we get 18.3t t 17.71 18.01 The chain weighted index therefore says that real GDP is higher 18 in row man song 2 a andrewstudynotes.com m that in 2070 Consider an example where real GDP does change Suppose co . es A Second Example in w nominal variables in current dollars and real variables real variables we measure e dr an Prices to calculate real GDP each year of real chain weighted GDP in Tong is then computed byfinding the level y ud st t no 61483 m co long is therefore . es The real chain weighted GDP in Ie w such that if it were to grow at Idi it would laval to me 2070 level X C l t o 1801 7 650 7 X 7,650 1.18 6,483 x e dr an The level To illustrate the issue of a long period of time consider the price of apples and computers in 7960 and 7015 The laspeyres would use the 1960 Prices and the Paas he will use me 2015 prices In 1960 computer Priles are relatively way more expensive has grown significantly it would Produle compared to apple but as computer output very fast growth for real GDP using hue Caspeyres index Using the Paasch index where its less relatively more expensive in 2015 it will Produce much slower grown Chain weighting provides an average or thesetwo extremes and therefore a Provide a better picture More generally we calculate gear by year basis To compute from each year real GDP in 7015 using both 2014 and the chain index on 1960 2015 we compute real GDP change for a 7015 Prints Roly using W ly and 7013 and to or Poise Indexes and Inflation For each of the three indexes theres a corresponding Price index Recall the basic formula for nominal GDP nominalGDP Pri le level a real GDP In the This 7.37 national accounts the equation that satisfies this education is called the GDPdeflator comes from the fact that real GDP we can calculate real GDP as notifs Theres a simple him to calculate the percentage change by applying the formula in 7.3 in two different gearsThe percentage change in a mathematiial Product is approximately eaves to thesum of the percentage changes in each components Applying Percentage change in nominal GDP We saw a percentage changein to 7.3 yields Percentage thanges in real GDP Price level above that he chain weighted real GDPchange is 18 change is 77.5 we can get a price change level of while he nominal GDP 7.7.5 18 g 51 This is also known as andrewstudynotes.com y ud st w e dr an the inelation rate 32914172 index essentially solves his issue Bikram 30141 12 57 main downside of chain weighting is mat we must be careful when adding together the components a real GDP The sum a red chain weighted C I G and Nx doesnt usually The add up to real different chain weighted Gop The reason is that dicoerent components The important lesson is it you are interested in Particular share such as I in GDP look at the ratio of the nominal GDP as this will add up the Chain Case le youreinterested in weighted real measures a discussion on the Federal Reserve Economic Database and how you can use the data just refer bath for simple guidance Essentially collect data for me US economicdata 2 4 Comparing Economic Performance compare the economia performance between rate first For example in 2014 US GDPis Suppose Countries across need to figure out the exchang 16.4trillion and China's GDP is Go.g trillionguan two countries we we exchange rate is 6.14yuan for 1 Then Go g trillion Yuan Then real economic growth use Study The FRED Database There To Prices are used in constructing we need to figyuen Agig trillion apply the same prices to get a more accurate comparison Otherwise the Quantities The right may bethe same and the GDP diverences is just due to different prices way to correct this is to use a common set of Priies to calculate real GDP in the economy a goods Produced andrewstudynotes.com m relative Priies for goods involving semiconductors were falling rapidlyaround 1st year which was rapid enough to cause an error using his two other indexes Using a chain weighted co of the motivations of the US Doc introducing chain weighted index is because the . es One t no Using Chain Weighted Data real GPPchina real Gdp chink g ÉÉ price level v s Figgins To measure China's 2.57 a nominal one date m can substitute 2.4 into 2.5 co We Prine level v s Chinese prices . es real 6Drchinariles Us prices rather than t no China's GDP using y ud st Say we'd like to compute 7.4 real GDP w nominal GDP Price level GDP and real e dr an Recallthe eduction relating nominal GG GDP in US prices we need to adjust For me relative Price level of goods in United States versus China The rest of the boon will use the UN International Table data set incorporates here Priles to The dam show mat Comparisons Program which the Penn World ionstrust comparable measures of real GDP goods in China is about sgt me prines a goods in the Us on average Therebore Iii Plugging this into 2.6 Igg o 9 g trillion e 16.8 trillion Instead a 40 1 Smaller China's real GDP is about 21 larger than the Us This is kinda makes sense as even though on a person basis China's GDP is 4 times poorer man the Us China has 6 time the population so the total GDP D roughly the same In general rith countries have higher Prices because of higher wages and his translates to lower Prices ter serviles thpractise this means translating GDPonly on to largerdioverenies andrewstudynotes.com exchange rates will translate e dr an Summary y ud st w 1 National income accounting provides an overall aggregate economic activity where GDP is the keymeasure It can be viewed as total expenditure totalincome or a total production in an economy t no m co T Ct Gf It NX 3 Akey lesson a theincome . es 7 The expenditure approach to GDP makes use of the fundamental national income identity approach is that labor's share a GDP it relatively stable over time at about 13 4 In the production approach its only he waive a final production that counts Eavivalentry GDP is the sum a value added at eachstage ee the production 5 Nominal GDP refers to the values or GDP measured in current prices in a given year Real GDP GDP in two different years using her same set of prices Changes in real GDP therefore reelects changes in Produition instead a changes in Prices involves computing G Chain weighting Provides a Period as 7 International a more accurate estimate or changes in real GDP over a large amount it measures the changes in lath year comparisons of GDP involvetwo steps First convert his currencies using theexchange rate and compare them using the common Prices 30 4 22 13 54 4hr or min a andrewstudynotes.com