FORMS Notes Illustration Character Sheet Personal Data PC Name Age Gender Player Name Model History Table Roll Loss Table Roll Character Details Tragic Circumstances Job Skills All job skills start at Lv. 1. During character creation, divide 6 levels between them, with Lv. 4 the maximum possible at this time. Mastered Knowledge Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Agility Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Negotiation Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Mastered Lv. 5 Mastered Lv. 5 Mastered Brawling Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Suppression Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Mechatronics Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Mastered Lv. 5 Mastered Lv. 5 Convictor Data Part Classification Name MAT Armor ENG Armor Reserves Type Cost Target Timing Effect Head Body Arm Leg Totals HP 7 + = Modifier Weapon Data Name Type Element Load Range Atk Cost Attack Dice Timing Effect HP Tracker Flashword Skill Rank Table As I Saw It Checkflow flowchart Check Starts Dice Roll If you want to use Standby Skills, announce that before you roll. Fail Recovery Check Roll extra dice equal to the number of successess Success Success Dice Roll Fail Check ends Roll +3D Getting it Done Later If noone is making a recovery check, skip right to Getting It Done Later. Convictor Drive Activation Condition Convictor Drive activates when a PC's HP drops to 0 or less. Players may, at any time, have their PC take 1d damage in order to deliberately lower their HP and activate Convictor Drive. 20 S+ 19 S 18 S- 17 A+ 16 A 15 A- 14 B+ 13 B 12 B- 11 C+ 10 C 9 C- 8 D+ 7 D 6 D- 5 E+ 4 E 3 E- 2 Out of Rank Making a Standard Check 1. The check starts. The GM will announce the required number of successes. 2. Explain what action you're taking and which Job Skill you want to use. 3. Declare whether or not you're using Standby Skills. If you are using them, explain how. 4. If the GM agrees your method is reasonable, make your dice roll. Your number of successes is equal to the number of dice that come up 5 or higher. If this is higher than the required number of successes, you succeed at the check. In addition, rolls of 10 are Critical and add 2 to the number of successes. * PCs who aren't participating in an Investigation Card cannot be involved with checks related to that Investigation Card. Recovery checks 1. The PC undertaking the mission fails their check. 2. Announce that you want to make a Recovery Check. Explain what action you're taking to help them and which Job Skill you want to use. 3. If the GM agrees your method is reasonable, make your dice roll. The PC undertaking the mission can roll additional dice equivalent to your number of successes in the Recovery Check. * Each individual PC may make only 1 Recovery Check per Investigation Card. * Standby Skills can be used with Recovery Checks. * Multiple PCs may make Recovery Checks during the same mission. Getting It Done Later 1. If after Recovery Checks the mission check still hasn't succeeded, the PC must Get It Done Later. 2. The PC rolls 3 extra dice. Adept This interrupts any action currently taking place. You may move up to 2 squares. You may then make an attack at a cost of 0. This attack has a Critical Value of 7, and you gain +4D to its attack dice. After rolling your attack dice, you may change the value of one die of your choice to 10. If any number of PCs have retreated from battle, for each PC who has retreated, you may at this same time change the value of one die of your choice to 11. Runner This interrupts any action currently taking place. You may move to any square on the battlefield. You may then make an attack at a cost of 0. You gain +3D to its attack dice. After rolling your attack dice, you may change the value of two dice of your choice to 11. 3. After rolling these dice, add 1 Delay Counter. The GM should keep track of these. 4. If the required number of successes still hasn't been met, continue to Get It Done Later until it has. Shooter This interrupts any action currently taking place. You may make an attack at a cost of 0. When choosing targets, ignore the range of your chosen weapon. Add +3D to your attack dice for this attack, and decrease the Critical Value by -5. Strength This interrupts any action currently taking place. You may move up to 1 square. You may then make an attack at a cost of 0. You gain +6D to this attack's attack dice. combat Sheet Height Bonus High Sky Area 7 8 9 + 1D Midair Area 4 5 6 +2D + 1D Ground Area 1 2 3 Reserves Tracker Enemy Initiative Reserves Enemy Initiative 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Starting Position Threat Level Name HP Weapon Type Attack Dice Weapon Element Range MAT ENG Movement Situational Delay I All PCs take a -1 penalty to their maximum Reserves. 2 Situational Delay II All PCs take a -1 penalty to their maximum Reserves. 3 Situational Delay III All PCs take a -2 penalty to their maximum Reserves. 4 Extra Firepower I The boss gets +1D to their attack dice. 5 Extra Firepower II Up to 2 enemies of Threat Level 4 or below get +1D to their attack dice. 6 Extra Firepower III One enemy of Threat Level 3 or below gets +2D to their attack dice. 7 Last Stand I A random PC takes a -1 penalty to their HP. 8 Last Stand II A random PC takes a -1 penalty to their HP. 9 Last Stand III Two random PCs take a -1 penalty to their HP. 10 Despair Roll 1D twice more and apply penalties from this table as rolled. For each Delay Counter the PCs have, the GM rolls 1D and applies the indicated penalty from this table. If the GM rolls a Delay Event that has already happened in this combat, ignore that roll and do not apply the penalty again. If a penalty would cause a PC's maximum Reserves to decrease below 7, set their maximum Reserves to 7 instead. If a penalty would cause a PC's HP to decrease below 4, set their HP to 4 instead. Behavior Flight Effects Flow of Combat Delay Event Table 1 Initiative Taking Turns A turn is the unit of time during which each PC, and also each enemy, can take actions. It's always the turn of the character with the highest Reserves. During turns, PCs may take the following actions in the following order. I. Movement The PC may move to any square of their choice. Each square moved costs them 2 Reserves. However, if a PC without equipment that says "You may enter the High Sky Area" is in the High Sky, they can't voluntarily move and thus will fall. PCs cannot move after having attacked on the same turn. II. Attacking The PC may declare that they are making an attack with a weapon of their choice. They should then roll the weapon's listed attack dice. They do damage to their target corresponding to the number of dice equal to or above the target's armor. Make sure that you use the armor value matching the attack's element. After performing both actions, the PC pays the cost of those actions from their Reserves, and their turn ends. If there is another PC with the same amount of Reserves as the previous PC started their turn with, it becomes that PC's turn next. Once all PCs with a given Reserves number have taken their turns, if there's an enemy with Initiative matching that Reserves number, that enemy may take a turn. PC Name record Sheet Commendation points & Use Record Rank Callsign CP Award Criteria Current / Total Owned Convictor Parts CP Usage Table Personalize a weapon 8 pt Boost a weapon's firepower 12 pt Acquire a Convictor part 4 pt 3 pt Make Active Mode customizations 12 pt Had their character sheet ready 1 pt 12 pt Wasn't late to the session 2 pt Make Standby Mode customizations Improve a job Skill 6 pt Didn't use Convictor Drive 2 pt Master a job Skill 12 pt Survived the session 7 pt Took part in the feedback session 3 pt Served as the Coordinator Owned Weapon Data Head Parts α β γ Body Parts α β γ Arm Parts α β γ Leg Parts α β γ Name Standby Mode Customizations Active Mode Customizations Cleared Scenarios Player Name Notes Personal Nickname Firepower Boosts Scenario Title Player Count Numebr of Investigation Cards Estimated Play Time Number of Intel Cards Summary for Players Summary for Game Masters The Mastermind's Plot Ending Climax Phase Opening Phase Scenario Title Investigation Card 1 Investigation Card Abandoned Complex 2 Weird Rampaging Robots Reveal Condition N/A Minimum PCs 2 Favored Skills Reveal Condition Minimum PCs 2 Agility, Suppression, Negotiation Overview Favored Skills Brawling, Agility, M Overview During the 6 months spent by Drive to investigate THUNDER, they haveexoframes discoveredrampaging a high amoth There is a sighting of odd Objective Find any traces of THUNDER. Objective Stop the exoframes. Investigation Card 3 Investigation Card Intercept a THUNDER Convoy Reveal Condition Minimum PCs 2 Favored Skills Overview Reveal Condition Minimum PCs Favored Skills Overview A convoy of unmarked vehicles has been detected within the premises of Yokohama Zone, high a Objective Stop the convoy! Objective Intel Card A THUNDER's recruitment methods Reveal Condition Reveal Along Investigation Card 2 Overview Intel Card B THUNDER Bioframes Reveal Condition Reveal along Investigation Card 3 Overview THUNDER has a rather peculiar method of recruitment, rather than gathering from willing THUNDER has seemed to be developing theirparti ow Intel Card C Intel Card THUNDER's current location Reveal Condition Reveal Condition Complete Investigation Card 3 Overview Overview After reviewing the kidnapped victims as well as their captors, DRIVE is able to triangulate the lo