EUDAIMONISM PRESENTED BY: GROUP 3 CONTENT: WHAT IS EUDAIMONISM? SALIENT POINTS OF EUDAIMONISM AND ITS NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE EFFECTS MANIFESTATIONS IS LIVING A HEDONISTIC LIFE RECOMMENDABLE? WHAT IS EUDAIMONISM? “Eudaimonia” Eu means good Daimon means spirit Blessed/God favored condition Happiness (while achieving goodness) = healthy state of mind It is achieving the highest good and happiness The ultimate goal of man in life SALIENT POINTS: (POSITIVE) Sustainable It is attainable and feasible. Moral bearing Does not step on ethical and moral views. Long term happiness The ultimate goal. SALIENT POINTS: (NEGATIVE) Cultural variations Different views of morally and ethically good acts. Imbalance to short-term enjoyment Sticking only to the goal. Self-pressure Pressuring self to achieve eudaimonia. MANIFESTATIONS: Following your morals: Knowing your priorities and goals. Setting goals and attaining it: Studying to graduate college. Giving meaning to life: Positive self-reinforcement. Self-care: Not giving into peer pressure. HEDONISTIC OR A EUDAIMONISM LIFE? We do not recommend a hedonistic way of living because it only gives a short-term happiness. Also, it makes people forget their main purpose in living. A hedonistic life does not sustain moral values and responsibilities. If we were to recommend a way of living to our loved ones, it would be eudaimonism because it revolves around self-growth and practices virtue while attaining the ultimate goal in life. This also makes us closer to God. RESOURCES: Econation. (2022, December 19). Hedonism or eudaimonism: Happiness.,as%20well%20as%20the%20self Yahoo! (n.d.). Yahoo!;_ylt=Awr1QTgaT_FkMzQqeWK1Rwx.;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkA2E1NzRlNzVmNjQ4YTkyODI3YWVkMzdjN2JjNTU3ODBlBGdwb3MDMg RpdANiaW5n? Yahoo! (n.d.-a). Yahoo!;_ylt=Awr1QTgaT_FkMzQqhGK1Rwx.;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkAzdlMWNlYTEyNjI1NmFmZjQ4YjgyYWU5OWM2ZjdlZGVlBGdwb3MDMTM EaXQDYmluZw--? Yahoo! (n.d.-a). Yahoo;_ylt=Awr1QTgaT_FkMzQqgmK1Rwx.;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkA2JmNzNlMzcyM2RmNjRkZjMxNWEyOGE5NmY1OGNjMzM4BGdwb3MD MTEEaXQDYmluZw--? Ndhea2&sigi=H7NgVGpWtLzJ&sigt=dHai2QK6g3Ip&.crumb=KCTBBX3NwIB&type=E210PH885G0