BAHRIA UNIVERSITY, (Karachi Campus) Department of Software Engineering Assignment#03– Fall 2023 COURSE TITLE: Class: Course Instructor: Max. Marks: Computing Fundamentals BSE 1B ENGR. M IRFAN MALIK 5 Points CLO1 COURSE CODE: Shift: Start Date: Submission Date: CSC-110 Morning 19th Dec 2023 24th Dec 2023 Q1: ABC Company is launching new multipurpose text-editing software that will allow users to collaborate, maintain version history, and add various graphical elements. Their policy is to reserve all rights for the software but marketing purposes, they are willing to offer a free 15-day usage. Identify the category in which the above-mentioned software will fall. Q2: (a) Computers are designed in such a way that extra functionalities can be added when required. Briefly describe the purpose of expansion slots and expansion cards also define any two expansion cards with example. (b) Define system bus and how it works by combining the functions of other main buses. Q3: Elaborate digital watermarks and its uses? List the software that are used for digital watermarks? Good luck