G P R S R Y H V T H S T R Y WHAT ISTORY? HISTORY • According to Merriam Dictionary, ‘Hi”story i”sa chronoIopi”caf record ofsi’pni”fi’cant events /sucA as those affecti'np a nation or i”nsti”tuti’on) often incfudl'np an explanatlan of thei'r causes. • Accordin9 to American Historical Association, °/-Y/xrory/x a cririralexaminati”on of the past l'n order to understand, interpret end interpret critico/ly the forces and refers that have shaped the present and the future. A T E R EDUCATIONAL ING I THE I NES MICHELLE C. LLANES HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING IN THE PHILIPPINES • According to the Department of Education, today's educational planning in the Philippines can claim an unbroken history even before the establishment of our formal educational system. • During the pre-Spanish era and the period of more than four centuries when the Philippines was a possession of Spain and of the United States there was a long and routine sort of educational planning though it was not visible enough to HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING IN THE PHILIPPINES • At a mi”nimum, they had to estimate how many students there would be, how many r/assroom, teachers, desks and books w'ou/d be needed to serve them adequately, how much money these would require, where the money would come from, and how and when i”t would be spent. Thi's process w'as educuti'onal plonnln‹y which i+as taken for prantedas a normal part of the schooladmi”ni”strators’Job. Much more in some instances, it was abused that it led to 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOI’4IC COUNCIL (NEC) PROGRAI"1 IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY (PIA) PRESIDENTIAL ECONOPIIC StAFF (PES) IHARTIAL LAW 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENTPLANNING NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL (NEC} In 1935, Commonwealth Act No. 2 was passed which created the National Fducation Council (NEC). It was the central authority responsible for the “formulation of definite and consistent national economicpoIici”es and the preparation of comprehensive economic and soci'aI development 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONONIC COUNCIL (NEC) The formulation of any set of policies pr any program in the counci!, was usually the concern of any or all of the following four groups: •The Council proper composed of Congressional members, appointive members from the Executive Branch and representatives of the private sector: • The technicat staff for the council composed of members of its three main offices: National Planning, Foreign Aid Coordination and Statistical Coordination and Standards; ''• Other artments offic encies the Budget Commission, Central Department Finance Presidential Economic Staff and 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL (NEC) The law required approval by the President of bath policies and prDgrams DI the Council before they could be implemented by the government's departments, offices, nd agencies The National Economic Council was under the Office of the President and headed by a chairman with cabinet rank. He was directly responsible to the President of the Philippines Aside frDm NEC, there were planning cDmmittees set up in sDme of the departments or agencies of the government. 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOI'4IC COUNCIL (NEC) On the regional level, planning was undertaken by the various regional development authorities. the level, provincial economic planning was set under the auspices of the defunct Emergency Administration. The NEC coordinated the planning activities of 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING uAz›O›vAL ECONO›'sIC COUNCIL ( EC) The NEC was basically an advisory body with no executive functions (with the exception of foreign aid). In order to coordinate the implementation of development projects, a Development Council composed of heads of executive departments concerned with the economic and social development, head of major government agencies and legislative leader. This CDuncil was presided over by the President himself, who required the members to submit in person progress reports on the different major projects. The Chairman of the NEC acted as Executive Secretary of the Development CounciL The Secretariat of the NEC had an integrated Social Development 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOt'4lC COUNCIL (NEC) 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING The Pro lementation A enc (PIA) was created through Executive Order No. into meet the need for an implementing authority to push tnrough development plans. 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOI’4IC COUNCIL (NEC) PROGRAI"1 IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY (PIA) PRESIDENTIAL ECONOPIIC StAFF (PES) 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PRESIDENTIAL ECONOMIC MAFF tPES) The was changed to PES, Presidential Economic Staff. These two agencies —the NEC and the PES, the one on planning and the other on programming, stood head above all other governmentexecutive departments, corporations, financial institutions, chartered cities and governments in matters pertainingto these two 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Executive Order No. 53, dated December 8, 1966 created the Man Ower Develo ment Council under the Office of the President of the Philippines to undertake the responsibility of assessing human resources and forecasting the needs for trained personnel at various occupational levels. 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OFOVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING NATIONAL ECONOI’4IC COUNCIL (NEC) PROGRAI"1 IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY (PIA) PRESIDENTIAL ECONOPIIC StAFF (PES) IHARTIAL LAW 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING With the proclamation of Martial Law in 1972 and the impfementati of the /ntegrdted Reorpanzzation Plan, the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) was created for the purpose recommending continuing coordinated lly integrated social economic plans and programs. 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENTPLANNING NATIONAL KONOMIC AND DEVELOP IENT AUTHORITY {NEDA) overseei•9 9°vernment development pro9rams. It nati'onaI fIT!Plementation. deveI•P *• 1I. DEVELOPMENT OFEDUCATIONAL PLANNING EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT DECREEOF 1972 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING In 1954, the defunct Congress of the Philippines created the Board of National Education through Re ublic Act No. 1124 Its broad functions were: •to formulate the objectives and basic policies of education in conformi with the Constitution; •to coordinate the objectives, functions, and activities of different types of educational institutions; and •set u eneral oals of accom lishments for the entire 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING The Board aside from being the highest policy maktng body in education has been kn as the first official planning body for education. Initially, its activities that were concentrated on the ublic school s stem were Integrated with the national development plan. 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING 1I. DEVELOPMENT OFEDUCATIONAL PLANNING Republic Act No. 4372 amended Republic Act No. 1124and provided among others the following additional functions of the Board of National Education; • To establish guidelines, policies, and criteria an the basis of which the examination, evaluation and approval of textbooks by the Board of Textbooks shall be made. * No compile educational statistics, keep records on education, conduct researches, surveys, and studies on educational conditions and problems, evaluate the effects of national educational policies and undertake such other activities as to effectively carry out all purpose 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Tp secure data and information from all government offices and entities and educational institutions, public and private, and to consult and confer with the o1ces and personnel thereof, on such matters as may be necessary for the Board to discharge its functions. To submit an annual report to the President and to Congress not later than January thirty-first of each year which shall include a compilation of the national educational policies formulated by the 6oard, an evaluation of the national educational system, and recommendation to the Executive and Legislative branches of the government on the improvement of the educational system of the country. 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING 196S-1970 D£PT. I IEMORANDUM NO.10 s. 1965 issued by the secretary of education Bureaus and agencies to integrate and coordinate efforts in the administration of developmental programs and to effect a closer cooperation with the national planning agencies, NEC and PES Department of Education Coordinating Committee fOr Educational Planning 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Operational planning then the Department Education originated from its three bureaus. Although in principle these bureau-sectoral plans were consolidated at the level of the Secretary of Education, In practice they were submitted to the Office of the President with hardly any substantial change and were not coursed through the Board of National Education unless they involved changes in curricula and standards. 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING It can be said that in the past years the partial educational planning in the Philippines, both of olic and implementing levels, was more concerned wlth “humanistic values”, “quality of instruction”, and cost-determination”, than integration into the general strategy accelerated economic development,according to the DECS 1I. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Through the Office of the Division of Educational Department of Education conducted a comprehensive review the educational system in coordination with the Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE). 1I. DEVELOPMENT OFEDUCATIONAL PLANNING EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT DECREEOF 1972 1I. DEVELOPMENT OFEDUCATIONAL PLANNING EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPI'4ENT DECREE OF 1972 National Board of Education (NBE) shall assisted by an off‹ce of planning and research Planning Service in the Department of Education 1I. DEVELOPMENT OFEDUCATIONAL PLANNING EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPI'4ENT DECREE OF 1972 Education Development Decree of 1972 defined a 10-year education plan that focused on curriculum development, upgrading physical facilities, adoption of cost-saving instructional technology, retraining of teachers nd administrators, accreditation, admissions testing, guidance and counseling, democratizing access through financial assistance, shifting un baste education NEC stands for PES stands for PIA stands for NEDA stands for PCSPE stands for