Character Creation Kid Creation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Choose Kid type (Like a dnd class) ○ Includes a feature (proficiency specific skill) Choose your special item (ie Izzy’s computer) ○ Can spend a bond point for free when using it Choose a Talent ○ Basically skills you’re proficient in ○ Have rank (level) that can be advanced ○ Add # of dice = to talent’s rank Choose a flaw ○ Have setback when flaw is relevant to a test Choose a desire ○ What your kid wants more than anything else ○ When pursuing causes problems, get 1 bond strain and 1XP Choose stuff ○ Mundane items that you have in your pockets Determine relationships ○ How do you know the other PCs/NPCs? Choose traits ○ Set logic, reflect, and spirit to 4, 3, and 2 in any order Set stamina to ○ 9+bond level (10 at level 1) Choose a virtue ○ Earn EXP when embodying virtue Set Bond level, bond points, and bond strain ○ Bond level = level of your digimon ○ Bond points = Spend for bonuses, start at 6 ○ Bond strain = When greater than max bond points, bond break episode Digimon (Rookie) creation ● ● ● Choose classification ○ Basic aesthetic that gives boost when exploring through favored environment Choose element ○ 10 different types that provide setback/boost depending on the match-up (think pokemon) Choose nature ○ Has a positive and negative side for RP/narrative choices ● ● Determine stats ○ 2 x Power=damage ○ 5+ 3 x Heart=HP ○ Brains=Initiative and # of Sig attack uses ○ Agility=Dodge ■ For Rookie stage, distribute 8 ability points (max score of 4 starting at 1 in each stat) ■ Stats change each stage of evolution Create signature attack ○ Name ○ # of uses = to brains stat (get all back at end of combat) ○ Element (Can be different that digimon’s element) ○ Effect (Wide variety of mechanical effects, like spells) ○ Quality (Physical characteristic that can be relevant to tests) Evolution Creation ● ● ● ● ● Parameters ○ In-training=Newborn/tired/hungry ○ Rookie=Default ○ Champion=Bond lvl 3 ○ Ultimate=Bond lvl 6 ○ Mega=Bond lvl 9 Cost of evo ○ “When the need is great…” ○ Keep damage, costs 1 Bond Point (First time evo, reset HP, no bond point cost) ○ When evolving multiple times/rest, 1 bond strain Devolution ○ Devolve at end of combat/scene, when hitting 0 HP, or GM discretion ○ When devolve, roll Heart DR 2, success Rookie, fail In-training ■ When champion or higher hits 0HP roll Heart DR 3 Damage and Evo ○ Keep track of damage, not HP ■ When Devo, minimum health 1 if not at 0 Creating Evos ○ Same process as above, different numbers ○ Class and element ○ Simple = +2 to each stat on evo ■ From scratch start each stat at 2 ■ Champion: Distribute 6, max 5 ■ Ultimate: Distr 8, Max 6 ■ Mega: Distr 10, Max 6 ○ HP ○ ○ ○ ○ ■ Champion: 10 + 4x Heart ■ Ultimate: 15 + 5x Heart ■ Mega: 20 +6x Heart Damage ■ C: 2x Power ■ U: 3x Power ■ M: 4x Power Dodge and Initiative ■ Same as before, Agility and Brains respectively Sig attack ■ Starting rank higher, can use previous evo sig attacks ■ C: Rank 2 ■ U: Rank 3 ■ M: Rank 4 Choose new quality Playing the Game Tests ● ● ● Assemble Dice Pool ○ For kids ■ Roll # of dice of Trait (stat) + # of dice of Talent Rank (Proficiency) against Difficulty Rating ○ For digimon ■ Roll + Stat ■ (If relevant) + # of dice of Quality rank + # of dice of Signature attack rank # + boost if super effective (3 or more = success) DR (Difficulty Rating) ○ Number of d6 that must roll 4+ to be successful ■ 1 simple ■ 2 standard ■ 3 tough ■ 4 severe ■ 5 extreme ■ 6 Almost impossible ○ Can spend bond points to roll additional dice ○ On a failure, you may choose push roll to reroll for 1 bond strain Setback and boost ○ Setback 5+ is a success ○ Boost 3+ is a success Combat ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Roll Initiative ○ Roll + Brains ○ If surprised, have setback ○ + relevant qualities Taking a turn ○ Each digimon and kid can take an action ■ Evolving doesn’t count as an action ○ Can spend action to defend ■ Roll with boost on dodge until next turn ○ Can delay your turn Attacking and defending ○ Attack roll VS dodge roll ○ If attacker rolls more successes, deal damage ○ When defending, roll with dodge until next turn Attacker dice pools ○ Use power when target is close, or there’s an opening in enemy’s defense ○ Use Heart when putting yourself in harm’s way, or when overwhelmed ○ Use Brains when far away or from secure position ○ Use Agility when moving to close distance/keeping up, or attacking stealthily ■ If using signature attack, add a number of dice equal to the attack’s rank ■ If digimon has a relevant quality, add a number of dice equal to the quality’s rank Defender dice pools ○ Dodge: Number of dice = to Agility ○ If digimon has a relevant quality, add a number of dice equal to the quality’s rank Setback and Boost ○ Add boost if element of attack is super effective! ○ Add setback if element of attack is not very effective… ○ If attacking digimon is 1 evo stage higher, gain boost ■ If 2 or more stage difference, attacker has double boost ○ GM can has always choose if rolls have boost or setback Damage ○ When attack is successful deals damage of damage score + extra damage = to difference between the attack and dodge rolls ○ When a digimon hits 0HP they devolve and add 1 point to the critical gauge ○ When a kid hits 0 Stamina, add 1 harm and add 1 point to the critical gauge Conditions ○ Poison, stun, disorient, weak, vulnerable, immobile, incapacitated, boosted Critical Gauge ○ ● ● ● ● Whenever a player rolls a 6 in combat (Including initiative roll) or a PC hits 0 HP/0 Stamina add 1 to the critical gauge ○ 2x number of players (including GM) to fill the crit gauge Critical Moves ○ When Critical gauge is filled, the party picks one: ■ Critical Combo Attack ● The PC Animon use their Signature Attacks in unison to bring down an enemy. The Player who triggers this Critical Move uses their action and picks a target for the attack, then each PC Animon in the Combat Encounter makes an Attack roll against the same target using their Signature Attack (though this doesn’t count as a Use). The target’s Dodge roll must be made with one Setback (ignoring all other sources of Setback and Boost). Each successful Attack roll deals damage as usual. ■ Critical Evolution ● The PC Animon conjure the energy to Evolve to face a crisis. Each PC Animon may Evolve to their highest available Stage without the need to spend Bond Points or gain any required Bond Strain. ■ Critical Success ● Even the impossible can be achieved with commitment and a little luck. A PC may automatically pass a single Test without the need to roll. The Players must all agree on which PC and which Test this Critical Move is used on (This cannot be used on an attack roll). ■ Critical Threat ● Something terrible happens but the PCs are resolved to deal with it together. All PCs have their Bond Points fully restored. The GM describes how a current problem gets tremendously worse, or how a new and unforeseen problem becomes a major threat. Catching your Breath ○ After combat can regain 1 + Heart score HP ○ Kids only recover stamina when Resting Suffering Harm ○ When a PC hits 0 stamina/0 HP suffer 1 harm ○ If bond strain > bond points suffer 1 harm ○ Particular tests can cause harm ■ When harmed, gain bond strain = to severity of harm (unless bond strain caused harm) ■ If more harm than slots, bond strain 2 + severity of harm Severity and recording harm ● ● ○ 3 total harm slots, severity can be 1, 2, or 3 ○ Record what the harm is Shaken ○ When harm slots are full, become shaken ○ All PCs roll have setback Healing harm ○ Remove 1 harm at a time during rest Rest Scenes ● ● ● R&R ○ Eating/sleeping for at least a few hours for a Rest ■ Regain stamina to half of max ■ Digimon regain 1 + Heart score HP ■ If kid and digimon rest together, regain 1 bond point ○ Full Recovery if you relax in a comfortable environment for at least 2 days Rest Activities ○ Recuperate: Fully heal by eating a hearty meal, sleep restfully, or another restorative activity ○ Socialize: Play or chat, regain 1 bond point ○ De-stress: Calm self through conversation/meditation, roll d6. If successful, regain 1 bond strain. ○ Make a plan: Describe specific obstacle, roll brains DR 2. Gain boost to rolls to overcome that obstacle. ○ Address Harm: Roll + applicable stat, DR 1 + harm severity Healing ○ Certain talents, qualities, items can also heal PCs ■ For talent/quality difference of rank vs DR 1 = hp or stamina regained ■ Items recover a standard amount Bonds ● ● All characters start with 6 bond points ○ Can spend points to ■ Better Odds: 1 BP, + 2 dice on any roll ■ Dig deep: 1 BP, Extra use of sig attack ■ Interject: 2 BP, Extra Action in combat ■ Fight on: 3 BP, Instead of hitting 0HP/stamina, drop to 1 ■ Lucky break: 1-3 BP, add a change to story ○ Special Item allows you to spend 1 BP for free ○ BP restored when resting or levelling up Bond strain from ○ Harm ● ○ Pushing rolls ○ Evolution ○ Desire ○ Failing a test Bond Break episode ○ When bond strain is > than bond point maximum ○ Can’t gain bond points, reduce bond stress, or rest until resolved ○ Might result in dark evolution Using the digivice ● Starting functions ○ Fast Travel ○ Evolution Upgrades: ● Utility ● Detect ● Communicator ● Map ● Storage ● Booster ● Ani-scanner Growing Stronger ● Earning EXP ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 1 EXP at end of session 1 EXP when testing virtue 1 EXP AND bond strain when pursuing desire 5 EXP when completing bond break episode 1-3 EXP when completing combat/major objectives ● Minor upgrades ○ At 5 EXP increase talent OR quality rank by 1 ● Major Upgrades ○ Level up at 10 EXP ■ Bond level, stamina, bond points all increased by 1 ■ Choose from: ● New talent rank 1 ● New Quality rank 1 ● ● ● ○ New effect on signature attack Rank up rookie or champion Signature attack Increase talent OR quality rank by 1 ○ Can’t pick same improvement twice in a row New evolutions at levels 3, 6, and 9 ● Score Improvements ○ At levels 2, 4, 6, and 8 choose: ■ Max HP +5 ■ Damage Score +2 ■ Dodge +1 ■ Initiative/sig attack uses +1 ● To all digimon stages!