.9 9 1 1 : Euclidean Spaces ~nation . * R- Set of all real numbers * N- set of all - 23 - integers positive 1 1 1 : ~finition . . of set the elements all r-dimensional on Euclidean an R n-ordered with devoted and space by coordinates xu) 3/2 = viER and : .... 1 In it point * iR'-x-axis * IR -> My-plane * IR3 -> Even R"-space (IR" for short) called is numbers in iRh myz-space though Definition 1 : 1 there is no IR"for to show geometry 434 but these spaces , exist. 2 : . - Let Plu , O origin 42 , and un) ...., at ending : · * nector A has * The difference point p (b) neither distance The directed The . called is line nector a between the points or and nectors the if and . p all are If P is not the the is origin origin called is zero Playe point a at the segment starting n-vector , and D is said is be to , - op then , lengtho the is called the is called while rector zero a op then and ends at un) direction a nor ...., that and but point , a a = has vector a and nector length both which , n)"is .., vector . non-zero non-zero a (x ,, 42 ,. vector zero the by denoted > length from origin P point M" in component. nonzero between has starts O one point a the components whose least at P be vector that a direction ; which a the is distance between . and P Definition 1 1 3 . : . - a re Plu Let (y1-x (1 . : Hence , if you terminal vector space xz IRh · is defined ye - vector is x2 , equal ..., yu points - . R denote the point at starting and P ending at $ xn) in anywhere a to Rh Let in segment by a rector non-zero a ,, be directed line the (y1 -x = yn) .., the the same my-plane vector without may its changing initial and have points. , ..., a R resulting this establishes , and = more $(y11y21 and yu-xn) ..., ·9 direction , the P(x 1 un) vector a 2) . ..., , 42-42 ,, called is uz , = dr) (n , , 2 one-to-one a Rh in , defined ..., un) in , there , 1 1 1 : there . can 1R" that points and vectors in unique nector op corresponding to the point relation between is a unique is a be treated point (M as the set , of Mc all ..., Mu) corresponding vectors in . uph to the is p . , for each point Conversely for nector a , . Hence , the