“Early attachment to mothers and fathers” Author discusses the findings of previous researches and theoretical perspectives. They suggest that father-child interactions can provide more opportunities for learning ER skills in emotionally motivating situations. They also state that having a secure attachment to one parent may impact the attachment with the other parent “Child emotion regulation mediates the association...” The author discusses the implications of the information they found regarding the tripartite model and the preventing and treatment of internalizing disorders in young people. They highlight the importance of targeting parent emotion regulation and mental health, emotion-related parenting behaviours, and family emotional climate in interventions to promote healthy emotion regulation and better mental health in younger people “Attachment style mediates the relationship between...” The paper states and concludes that attachment insecurity is a significant factor in expression of somatic distress among individuals with trauma histories and severe mental illness. Addressing attachment styles and mentalization capacities may enhance the treatment of somatic distress and improve the quality of life of these individuals. The importance of considering social-cognitive factors in the intervention of trauma-related disorders is highlighted “Masculine voices predict attachment style...” The paper searches for association between sexually dimorphic vocal properties (voice pitch and F0 variation) and attachment styles among straight individuals in romantic relationships. The paper eventually concludes in the discussion, that men with more masculine voices, the individuals with the lower F0 variation, are more avoidantly attached and use less constructive communication patterns than men with feminine voices. (Page 5 – Line 16 and Page 5 – Line 9). It discusses the possible explanations for these, such as the role of testosterone, mate value, and sexual selection. The paper concludes with noting that further research should replicate these results across different populations (currently Chinese) “Attachment styles, self-esteem, flexible goal adjustment...” The authors of this paper examine how attachment styles, self-esteem and flexible goal adjustment (FGA) affect women’s satisfaction in romantic relationships. They propose a model in which selfesteem is the middle point between attachment styles and relationship satisfaction, FGA moderates this effect. The discussion and results support the previously mentioned model and suggest that selfesteem plays an important role in linking attachment styles and relationship satisfaction together. They also state that FGA influences the strength of self-esteem, quote “Therefore, individuals with high FGA are probably more willing to take relationship-promoting actions, which results in higher relationship satisfaction.” Quote close, and quote “it would be more effective to boost self-esteem for women with high FGA as compared to those with low FGA.” Quote close. (Page 11 – Line 26 and Page 11 – Line 30) “Why are you passionately in love?” “Then and now: The legacy and future of attachment research” “Adolescence as a pivotal period for emotion regulation development” “Emotion dysregulation and symptoms of anxiety and depression in early adolescence” “Emotion regulation among children in foster care versus birth parent care”