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سائنس کا امتحانی پرچہ، جماعت 6

GRADE 6 ( Section-A )
SCIENCE PART – B (Subjective Type)
School :
Tehsil :
District: CHAKWAL
General Instructions for Teachers :
1. It is mandatory to use Rubrics for marking of papers for uniform marking throughout the Punjab.
2. In case of any ambiguity, please consult rubrics manual, rubrics video or PEC trained LMT of your district.
‫ ےسراہطبرکےتکسںیہ۔‬LMT‫ ےکرٹڈنیرکدہاےنپعلضےک‬PEC‫روربسکوڈیویای‬،‫آپروربسکونیملئ‬،‫۔یسکااہبمیکوصرتںیم‬٢
3. If a student writes anything other than that given in textbook or model answer of rubrics and if that is correct, please award
him/her marks.
4. No marks will be given for irrelevant answer.
Question No: 1
a ) (https://pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/21753) Define a tissue. (2 Marks)
Rubric: Award two marks for the correct answer.
Model answer: A group of cells performing the same function is
called a tissue.
Which of the following organisms are unicellular and which are multicellular? (4 Marks)
1. Butterfly 2. Amoeba 3. Paramecium 4. Human
)4(‫درجذلیاجدناروںںیم شےسوکنےساجندارویینولیسرلاوروکنےسیٹلمولیسرلںیہ؟‬
‫۔ااسنن‬4‫۔ریپا یم‬3‫۔اابیم‬2‫۔یلتت‬1
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct identification.
Model answer: 1. Multicellular 2. Unicellular3.
Unicellular4. Multicellular
What is the role of the cell wall in a plant cell? (4 Marks)
Rubric: Award four marks for the correct answer.
Model answer: 1. The outermost covering of a plant cell is called
the cell wall. 2. It is made of a hard material, called cellulose. 3.
The cell wall supports cell 4. The cell wall gives it shape.
Question No: 2
a ) (https://pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/22355) Give three reasons to prove that structure of the
leaf facilitates photosynthesis. (3 Marks)
)3(‫نیتووجاہتںیھکلوجہیاثتبرکںیےکےتپیکاستخوفوٹ ھیزسےکلمعوکآاسنانبیتےہ۔‬
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct reason.
Model answer:
1. Most leaves have a flat blade to absorb maximum light.
2. Leaves are thin so carbon dioxide and light can reach inner cells ‫۔ےتپابرکیوہےتںیہاتہکاکرنبڈایئآاسکڈئاورروینشآاسینےسادنروینزلیسکتچنہپےکس۔‬2
3. Leaves have a large number of stomata in the lower epidermis
to facilitate the exchange of gases.
4. Thick layer of mesophyll cells makes enough food for the plant.
‫۔زیمولفزلیسیکومیٹہہتوپدوں ن‬4
5. Vascular bundle in the leaf helps to carry water to
‫۔وتپںںیمواوکسرلڈنبلاپینوکوفوٹ یزسرکےنواےلزلیسکتاچنہپےناورولگوکزوکانےسدور‬5
photosynthesizing cells and glucose away from them.
Where are the following parts located in the leaf? (3 Marks)
1. Stomata
2. Chloroplast
3. Xylem
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct part.
Model answer:
1. Lower epidermis
2. Mesophyll
3. Vascular bundle
‫۔ ئ‬2
‫۔زا م‬3
Prove with the help of an experiment that the process of photosynthesis occurs in the leaf. (4 Marks)
)4(‫اکیرجتےبیکدمدےساثتبرکںیہکوفوٹ ھیزساکلمعےتپںیموہاتےہ۔‬
Rubric: Award four marks for the correct answer.
Model answer:
1. Take two squares of black paper. This paper should be big
enough to cover the sides of the leaf completely.
2. Now put one square on one side and another square on the
opposite side of the leaf and tape them together.
3. Place the plant in a sunny place and water it every other day for
a week.
4. After a week remove the squares and you will see that these
leaves show different colors than other leaves. This proves that
the leaf is responsible for photosynthesis as without
photosynthesis its color becomes different.
‫۔اکیےتفہےکدعبرمعبلکشواےل نت‬4
‫ڑکٹوںوکاٹہدںی۔انوتپںاکرگن نت‬
‫وہاگ۔اسےساثتبوہاتےہہکوفوٹ یزسےتپںیموہیتےہویکہکنوفوٹ یزسےکریغباساک‬
Question No: 3
a ) (https://pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/25041) Write any two uses of nitrogen. (2 Marks)
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct use.
Model answer:
1. Nitrogen to store explosives in storage tanks.
2. Nitrogen is used in light bulbs to prevent the filament from
burning up.
What is the composition of the major three gases present in the air? (3 Marks)
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct answer.
Model answer:
About 78 percent of the air is nitrogen gas, 21 percent is oxygen
gas, and 0.03 to 0.04 percent is carbon dioxide gas.
Why air is important for us? Give any five points.(5 Marks)
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct point.
Model answer:
1. We breathe in the air.
2. Air is needed for burning.
3. We pump air into the footballs, balloons and tyres of our
4. In our homes, we use air pressure to draw dust into the bag of
the vacuum cleaner.
5. Fish and other animals in water use the air dissolved in water
for respiration.
6. Plants use air to make their food.
Question No: 4
a ) (https://pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/22217) Write three differences between regular and
diffused reflection. (6 Marks)
Rubric: Award two marks for each correct difference.
Model Answer:
Regular reflection
Diffused reflection
1. This type of reflection
1. This type of reflection occurs on
occurs on smooth surfaces rough surfaces such as a
such as a plane mirror.
2. In this type of reflection, the
2. In this type of reflection,
reflected rays are not in a parallel
the reflected rays are
parallel to each other.
3. In this type of reflection, 3. In this type of reflection, the
the reflected rays are in one reflected rays are directed in
different directions.
‫فلیک ن‬
‫ومنےناک ش‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫۔اسمسقیکر‬1 ‫ومہاروحطسںرپوہیتےہ‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫۔اسمسقیکر‬2 ‫سکعنمدشہاعشںیع‬،‫ںیم‬
‫ر ڈاعشںیع‬،‫ںیم‬
‫فلیک ن‬
‫ر ڈاعشںیع‬،‫۔اسمسقےکااکعنسںیم‬3 ‫رفلیک ڈاعشںیعاکی‬،‫ںیم‬
Write the names of labeled parts of the given image. (6 Marks)
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct name.
Model answer: 1. Normal 2. Incident ray 3. Reflected ray 4. Plane
mirror 5. The angle of incidence 6. Angle of reflection
‫۔الگنیآفاڈیسنسنی‬5‫۔نیلپرمر‬4‫۔ر ڈرے‬3‫۔اڈیسنٹنرے‬2‫۔شانرلم‬1:‫ومنےناکوجاب‬
‫فلیک ن‬
Question No: 5
a ) (https://pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/24805) Write two benefits of the Global Positioning
System. (2 Marks)
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct benefit.
Model answer: 1. You can find your position anywhere in the
world accurate to 10m or less. 2. It is freely accessible to anyone
with the help of a GPS receiver. 3. It can increase our knowledge
about space.
Write the dates according to the given key milestones in space technology. (4 Marks)
1. Soviet Union launched Sputnik-1.
2. United States launched Explorer-1.
3. Launch of Apollo 11.
4. United States launched Skylab.
‫س ٹن‬
‫وھچڑا۔‬1-‫۔وستیوینینےن پ ک‬1
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct date.
Model answer: 1. October 4, 1957 2. January 31,1958 3. July 16,
1969 4. May 14, 1973
What do you know about geostationary orbits and polar orbits? (2+2=4 Marks)
Rubric: Award two marks for each correct orbit.
Model answer: Geostationary Orbits: The orbit in which an
artificial satellite completes its one orbit in the same time that the
earth takes to complete one spin is called geostationary orbit. A
satellite in this orbit looks stationary from the earth. Polar Orbit:
Polar orbit passes over the north and south poles of the earth. So,
satellites moving in this orbit scan the whole Earth during their
‫وہآرٹبسجںیمونصمیع ی الٹئاانپاکیرکچایسوتقںیم‬:‫ویجرنشیٹسیآرسٹب‬:‫ومنےناکوجاب‬
‫وپرلآرٹبزنیمےکامشیل‬:‫اسآرٹبںیماکیسی الٹئزنیمےساسنکرظنآاتےہ۔وپرلآرٹب‬
‫اسآرٹبںیموھگےنمواےلسی السٹئاینپرحتک‬،‫اورونجیبوپزلےکاورپےسزگراتےہ۔اسےیل‬
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