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X-Ray Tube: Construction, Function, and X-Ray Production

An x-ray tube functions as a specific energy converter, receiving electrical energy and
converting it into two other forms of energy: x-radiation (1%) and heat (99%). Heat is considered
the undesirable product of this conversion process; therefore x-radiation is created by taking the
energy from the electrons and converting it into photons. This very specific energy conversion
takes place in the x-ray tube.
NB: This article is about the modern vacuum tube. For the first twenty years after Roentgen's
discovery, all tubes were of the gas type.
Construction of the x-ray tube
The x-ray tube contains two principal elements:
1. filament (also acts as cathode): boils off electrons by thermionic emission
2. target (also acts as anode): electrons strike to produce x-rays
Additional components include:
expansion bellows (provide space for oil to expand)
tube envelope (evacuated)
tube housing
cooling dielectric oil
induction stator
tube window: usually made from beryllium, not glass
The filament/cathode and target/anode are contained in the envelope, which provides vacuum,
support and electrical insulation. The envelope is most often made from glass, although some
tubes contain envelopes formed from ceramic or even metal 4. Glass envelope is more prone to
failure because tungsten filament vapourises and coats on the surface of glass, altering the electic
potential of tube, resulting in the formation of electric arc, causing tube failure. On the other
hand, metal envelope maintains the electric potential across the tube, making it less likely to fail.
Thus, most high output x-ray tube uses metal envelope 6.
An X-ray tube can have two filaments at the cathode where smaller filament produces a smaller
focal spot, thus images with greater detail. However, the image will be easily blurred by
movement artefacts. Meanwhile, larger filament produces high intensity X-rays with quick
exposures, thus less influenced by movment artefacts 7.
For some demanding application, such as dual energy CT, rotating envelope tubes (RET) are
used. Unlike conventional x-ray tubes, in rotating envelope tubes, not only the anode, but the
entire vacuum tube rotates, furthermore, the anode is in direct contact with the liquid coolant,
resulting in improved heat conduction and increased performance 4.
The energy used for this process is provided from a generator, connected by an electrical circuit
connected to the x-ray tube. The generator also needs to convert the mains supplied alternating
current (AC), into direct current (DC), as needed by the x-ray tube. The reason for this is to
ensure a constant unidirectional flow of electrons from the positive charged cathode to
negatively charged anode.
The quality and the quantity of the x-radiation are controlled by adjusting the electrical
parameters (kV – tube voltage (potential difference applied across the tube), mA – tube current
(flows through the tube) and exposure time, usually a fraction of a second.
X-ray production
To summarize, x-rays are produced in a standard way: by heating a filament, which releases
electrons by thermionic emission, accelerating electrons with a high voltage and allowing them
to collide with the focal spot on the target/anode. X-rays are produced via two interactions in the
Bremsstrahlung x-rays
Bremsstrahlung x-rays (German for "braking") - electrons lose kinetic energy as they pass
through atoms in the anode because they are attracted to the positively charges nuclei. The closer
to the nucleus the electron passes, the more kinetic energy it loses and it is deflected to continue
moving in another direction at lower energy, or stopped altogether. This is where maximum
kinetic energy is transferred to the production of an x-ray that is emitted from the anode.
Characteristic x-rays
If electrons possess an energy that is equivalent to, or greater than, the binding energy of the
orbiting electrons in target atoms, these electrons are likely to be ejected from the atom. This
most often occurs in the inner electron shell (K-shell). The ejected electron is known as a
photoelectron. The vacancy left in the K-shell must be filled in order for the atom to remain
stable (law of conservation of energy) so outer shell electrons drop down to fill the shell. This
process of electron transfer between shells produces x-rays that are "characteristic" of the
binding energies of that particular atom/material, hence the name.