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Dynamics Homework 1: Concepts and Review

Dynamics - ENG 262
Homework 1
Due January 26, 2023
Question 1:
Summarize below 6 to 12 new concetps or ideas that you learned on January 23rd. You may also
list information that you have previously learned, but found the review useful.
1. Taking the derivatives of a position vs time graph gives the equation
for acceleration and velocity.
2. I found the 5th rule for significant figures to be useful. The rule was
that trailing zeros without a decimal are not significant.
3. When multiplying and dividing numbers the results have the same
number of significant figures as the number with the least significant
4. The visual representation of the trig function can be drawn by first
picking a point along the unit circle. Drawing perpendicular lines from
the axis to the point will show sin and cos.
5. Rectlinear means a particle moves in a straight line.
6. Curlinear means a particle follows a line in two or three dimensions.
7. Inflection points are where the second derivative is zero. It is a
change in curvature.
8. ________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________
Question 2:
List weaknesses or other concepts that we should review in this class.
1. How to visualize the graph of functions.
2. How to know when to use certain Integration techniques.