IP INVESTIGATORY PROJECT SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SESSION: 2023-2024 SUBMITTED BY: ABHISHEK KUMAR SINGH CLASS: XII- E ROLL NO: 02 SUBMITTED TO: Mr. P.K. SHUKLA INDEX S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOPIC PAGE NO. CERTIFICATE 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4 CODE 5-15 OUTPUT 16-18 BILIOGRAPHY 19 This is to certify that ABHISHEK KUMAR SINGH of class XII E of K.V.IIT KANPUR has done his project on SCHOOL MANAGEMENT under my supervision. He has taken interest and has shown the most sincerity in the completion of this project. I certify this Project up to my expectation & as per guidelines issued by CBSE, NEW DELHI. Internal Examiner Principal External Examiner It is with pleasure that I acknowledge my sincere gratitude to our teacher, Mr. P.K SHUKLA who taught and undertook the responsibility of teaching the subject Informatics Practices. I have been greatly benefited from his classes. I am especially indebted to our Principal who has always been a source of encouragement and support and without whose inspiration this project would not have been a successful I would like to place on record heartfelt thanks to him. Finally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the other students for my batch their friendship & the fine times that we all shared together. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1. HARDWARE: ✓Processor ✓Keyboard ✓Minimum memory:2GB 2. SOFTWARE: ✓Operating System –OS7, OS8 ✓Python IDLE ✓MYSQL BIBLIOGRAPHY ->S.L ARORA ->https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/cprogramminglanguage/ >https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp ->https://chat.openai.com/