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Jazz History MUS 114 Syllabus Fall 2020

CRN: 30881, M, W, F – originally 11am-11:50am (Zoom link for Day 1 on page 6)
In this nontechnical survey class, you will learn about the history and development of Jazz - one of America’s
most important forms of musical art and expression - from its West African roots to contemporary styles.
1. You will be introduced to the musical elements and instruments that are found in jazz music.
2. You will learn to understand jazz forms and concepts of improvisation through listening and study.
3. You will be presented with the history of jazz from Early Jazz through now, focusing on major style
traits, important innovators and other musicians, as well as the broader cultural and political history.
4. You will develop a sense of jazz music through the listening of recordings (including video).
5. You will be given the resources to continue to enjoy and study jazz after leaving this class, with the
knowledge that the history of jazz is still being made.
6. You will communicate about your experience with jazz by writing a brief jazz concert review.
1. This will be an all-online course (asynchronous). You will need to have access to the internet and
a computer/device that allows you web access in order to complete the course. I will host a live
zoom class on the first day, Monday at 11am, so you can get to know me and we can go over this
document together. This will be recorded and posted later the same day if you cannot attend.
2. The course will be primarily asynchronous. You will never be required to attend a live zoom
session. There will only be a few, and they will be recorded. All recorded materials will be made
available to you asap via Blackboard.
3. Lectures are divided into video modules that you can watch at any time, but I recommend keeping
up each week so you don’t fall behind. TIP: Chapters may have more than one module – if you see
labels like “CH3 Part 1 Lecture” and “CH 3 Part 1 Video,” then those videos are both for Chapter 3
part 1. Watch the “lecture” first, then the “video.” Then proceed to CH3 Part 2 Lecture and Part 2
Video, and so on. There may be several videos for each chapter or only one. Lecture/modules will
appear for the next unit once the previous unit is finished. You may be able to work ahead within a
4. It is up to you to decide how you want to supplement your learning in addition to watching these
modules. You may choose to read the available chapter outlines or listen to playlists or specific
songs or review chapter PowerPoints on their own. This is all up to you. Each unit (about every four
weeks) ends with an exam (details below).
5. Live exam review sessions will take place at 11am on the scheduled Fridays for 50 minutes. You
may join the live zoom sessions, though there may be limited time for questions. You will not be
required to attend these live sessions, and they will be recorded and posted asap. Once a review
session has ended, the exam becomes available on Blackboard and you may begin it any time before
it is due.
6. Announcements will deliver important reminders and information to you. Please be sure you are able
to receive emails from me/our course and check the Blackboard page frequently because
announcements are also posted there.
7. Keep track of things to do each week by clicking on “Course Content, Unit #, then Week #.”
In addition, a schedule of important dates appears on the last page of this syllabus.
1. A computer with internet and audio capability. You will need to stream videos of class lectures, including
audio and video excerpts. You will also need to complete all work to be turned-in or completed online.
Please know your UIC net id and password – and be sure you can log in to uic.Blackboard.com.
2. Textbook: Recommended, but not required (I recommend just ordering the ebook access due to likely
shipping time delays, but if you’re interested, you may certainly order a physical book)
Jazz: 2nd Edition; by Scott DeVeaux, Gary Giddens; W.W. Norton & Company; 2nd edition;
ISBN: 978-0-393-93706-0, 566 pages, paperback; ©2015
The book cover has a picture of a bass player, and “Jazz 2ND EDITION” is written in blue font.
eBook: https://digital.wwnorton.com/jazz2
There are other editions of this book by these authors simply titled JAZZ appearing in either red or green
font, or EXPERIENCE JAZZ. These are NOT the correct books!
3. Blackboard Site (login to uic.Blackboard.com using your UIC net id username/password)
Our Blackboard page contains these folders, among others, that contain everything you need to know.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – these will usually be emailed to you when posted, but you can find them here.
SYLLABUS – our course syllabus, including a schedule of chapters and due dates for everything.
COURSE CONTENT – All recorded lectures and videos for each unit/chapter are found here. In
addition, Chapter PowerPoints (used in video lectures) and Spotify playlists (with images of song
title/artist) appear at the bottom of each week should you need/want them. You can also look up
songs on YouTube or other streaming platforms using the playlist image if you don’t use Spotify.
Some chapters continue into another week, so their PowerPoints and Playlists appear in both.
CHAPTER OUTLINES/AUTHOR VIDEO – There are detailed chapter outlines from the textbook
available here. Chapter outlines are particularly helpful when completing assignments or
reviewing for exams. Chapter outlines for the next unit will become available at the end of each
unit. There are author videos posted here that may explain certain topics in more detail.
ZOOM MEETINGS – Any live zoom class information will be posted here.
----the following Blackboard folders will only appear at specific times--STUDY SHEETS & REVIEWS – Before each exam, this folder will become available with the Study
Sheet detailing topics to know for the exam. I will use it during Friday live review sessions.
ESSAY TURN-IN – There is one essay (details below) and you will submit that here when it is available.
EXTRA CREDIT – There will be an extra credit assignment later in the semester.
VIDEOS – I may post additional video resources here if they do not appear in a lecture/module.
*All Assignments and Exams will be completed via Blackboard. You will find them in the weeks in
which they occur according to the course schedule.
Attendance Policy
None. Please try to keep up with using Course Content folder. You can also review the course schedule
(last page) for information about assignments, exam, and other deadlines.
Policy for Assignments
Assignments will be completed via Blackboard. They are found in the first and second weeks of each
unit under COURSE CONTENT folder (except Assignment 4, which only appears in the first week of
Unit 4). You will have multiple attempts. I will use the highest grade you submitted as your score. Once
available, each assignment will remain visible and available until 11:59pm on the last day of class in
case you forget or can’t get to one. However, each assignment is focused on a particular chapter that
appears on that unit’s exam, so if you do it during the week it appears it will both help prepare you for
part of that unit’s exam and it will be done! If you forget an assignment during the semester, simply go
back to the unit/week in which it was scheduled and you may take it. Thus you don’t need to ask
permission to make it up. However, the final absolute deadline for all assignments is 11:59pm on
12/4/20 (as stated in the course schedule).
Policy for Tests/Exams
Exams will be completed via Blackboard. They will appear in the last Friday of each unit and become
available at 12:00pm, or right after our live review session. You will have multiple attempts. I will use
the highest exam grade you submitted as your score. The testing format may vary slightly, but exams
will include primarily multiple choice or true/false questions. Brief fill-in-the-blank sections, matching,
short answer, or listening questions may be included. Make-up tests are NOT offered except in cases of
emergency per agreement with me. Exams become available on their scheduled Friday, are open for the
weekend, and are due by 11am that Monday-except EXAM 4 which is due Tuesday, 12/8/20 at 11am to
give you an extra day of flexibility because of final exam week.
Policy for Jazz Performance Essay
Details about the essay can be found below. The due date is clearly indicated. No extensions granted.
Extra Credit
Details about the extra credit will be made available via Blackboard, including topic and due date.
Electronic Communication/Blackboard
If you need to contact me, please use email (murphydg@uic.edu). Please include your name/course in
SUBJECT of email so I know that it’s from a student, and therefore important.
Academic Integrity Policy
As an academic community, UIC is committed to providing an environment in which research, learning,
and scholarship can flourish and in which all endeavors are guided by academic and professional
integrity. All members of the campus community–students, staff, faculty, and administrators–share the
responsibility of ensuring that these standards are upheld so that such an environment exists. Instances
of academic misconduct by students will be handled pursuant to UIC’s Community Standards (see
the Student Disciplinary Policy): https://dos.uic.edu/conductforstudents.shtml
LISTENING TO MUSIC - (a word about active listening)
By dedicating some time to only listen to (jazz) music, you will be able to focus more deeply on
various elements within the music. Listening while doing anything else means your attention is
divided. One of the best ways to learn about jazz is to hear it without distraction or interruption.
Make ‘active listening’ a goal. You don’t HAVE to do much listening, but you should try to!
There will be 4 assignments. Most, but not all are in the form of a quiz about a specific chapter.
You will be graded on the highest score submitted. As stated above, always try to do the
assignments in the week they are assigned. If you forget or cannot get to one, they will remain
open until the end of the last day of classes. All assignments are due by 11:59pm on 12/4/20.
You will be required to take 4 exams throughout the semester. The dates are listed below in the
COURSE CALENDAR, and the chapters for each unit are listed. Exams will make up 60% of
your final grade. Units will be spaced out about every 4 weeks (I group the first two “parts” of
the textbook as UNIT 1 so it aligns with the course schedule). Live zoom review sessions will
occur just before the exams become available. The last exam is NOT comprehensive.
You must complete a 2-page jazz performance review essay based on this YouTube video of a
previously recorded live concert.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAHeKmhbExQ&feature=youtu.be&t=1
MICHAEL BRECKER QUARTET – Live at the Newport Jazz Festival 1998
1. You are required to watch this entire concert, which is less than an hour. I recommend
using headphones to avoid distraction and making every effort to watch it all at once
without interruption. This will keep your experience as close to “live” as possible.
2. You are required to write one Live Performance Review about this concert. It should be
2 pages (12-point font, 1” margins, double-spaced). Please include your name and class,
but use only 2-3 lines. Points are awarded based on length (approximately 2 pages after
editing), but most importantly on quality of grammar, spelling, and content. Your article
should be treated as a professionally written essay that describes various elements you
observed during the concert. The general direction of the essay is fairly open, but try to
utilize musical terms that you’ve learned, and pay attention to musical elements and
things happening on stage. Don’t focus on what people were wearing or what the weather
was like. Don’t resort to statements like, “It was sweet.” or “It sucked.” Essays should be
edited for grammar and spelling. Have someone else read it. The Writing Center offers
free online assistance here: https://uic.mywconline.com/
3. You will upload/submit your completed essay using the link on our Blackboard page
named: “ESSAY TURN-IN.” Please visit the Essay Turn-In area to read the full
instructions for submission such as accepted file types (like doc, docx, pdf, txt, rtf...). Do
not email files or share the file with me. Only use the folder and follow the instructions.
o Essay is due by 11:59pm on Thursday, 11/12/20 (via Blackboard)
When the extra credit becomes available, you will be able to access it in the Blackboard folder:
Extra Credit (will become available later). There you will find:
1. the actual extra credit assignment with instructions
2. the link to submit your completed work (Extra Credit Turn-In)
3. the Extra Credit Instructions Video where I explain it in detail
Course Grading Criteria
Here are the basic criteria for earning each letter grade:
• A – You completed all course requirements on time and with high quality. You earned high grades on
nearly all coursework/exams and wrote an excellent Jazz Performance Review Essay
• B – Completed all course requirements adequately. You performed fairly well on exams. Your Jazz
Performance Review was completed on-time and was well-written.
• C – Completed most course requirements adequately.
• D – Completed few course requirements adequately.
• F – Did not complete course requirements.
Grading for this course will be comprised of three parts:
• Tests
• Assignments/other activities
• Essay (Professional Critique of a Live Performance) 10%
If you have a religious holiday that in some way conflicts with a course requirement, please reach out to
me asap. I shall make every reasonable effort to honor the request, and otherwise not penalize the student.
If the student feels aggrieved, he/she may request remedy through the campus grievance procedure.
Visit https://catalog.uic.edu/gcat/academic-calendar/#2020-20 to review important academic deadlines
at UIC.
The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that
students with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students
with disabilities who require accommodations for access to and/or participation in this course are
welcome but must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). You may contact DRC at
312-413-2183 (v) or 773-649-4535 (VP/Relay) and consult the following:
UIC is committed to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity, and
human dignity involving students and employees. Freedom from discrimination is a foundation for all
decision making at UIC. Students are encouraged to study the University's “Nondiscrimination
Statement”. Students are also urged to read the document “Public Formal Grievance Procedures”.
Information on these policies and procedures is available on the University web pages of the Office of
Access and Equity: www.uic.edu/depts/oae.
If you find yourself having difficulty with the course material or any other difficulties in your student life,
don’t hesitate to ask for help! Come to me, or if it is about an issue beyond this class, please contact your
college advisors, or get help from any number of other support services on campus. You can get a referral
to the right place, or help on the spot, from a concerned advisor in the Undergraduate Success Center
(USC) at usc@uic.edu.
The Writing Center, located in Grant Hall 105, offers one-on-one consultation with student writers
who need help developing ideas, or need advice, guidance or additional instruction on any aspects of
writing in any class. Tutors are prepared to spend fifty minutes per appointment, and there is no limit to
the number of tutoring sessions you can have each semester. Make an appointment and be on time!
Bring the paper on which you're working, as well as any related drafts or notes, and information about
the assignment. For an appointment, call the Writing Center at (312) 413-2206, or stop by room 105 of
Grant Hall. Visit the Writing Center website at https://writingcenter.uic.edu for more information.
The Math and Science Learning Center, located in the Science and Engineering South Building (SES)
3rd floor, room 247, is a meeting place for students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math. It is a
welcoming learning environment that provides diverse forms of academic support to students in Math
and Science courses at UIC. Ask questions, explore challenging concepts, develop new ideas, and learn
together. No appointments are necessary to take advantage of these free academic support services open
to all students! For more info, visit the website at https://mslc.uic.edu
Public Computer Labs are available throughout campus where you may write and/or print out your
work. For a list of labs and the hours they’re open, go to www.accc.uic.edu/pclabs. There can be lines
for access, so be aware if you ever need to print something, or jump on quickly...
The Academic Center for Excellence can help if you feel you need more individualized instruction in
reading and/or writing, study skills, time management, etc. Phone: (312) 413-0031.
Counseling Services are available for all UIC students. You may seek free and confidential services
from the Counseling Center www.counseling.uic.edu. The Counseling Center is located in the Student
Services Building; you may contact them at (312) 996-3490. In addition to offering counseling services,
the Counseling Center also operates the InTouch Crisis Hotline from 6:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. They offer
support and referrals to callers, as well as telephone crisis interventions; please call (312) 996-5535.
Day 1: Intro/Syllabus Overview 11am, Monday, August 24, 2020
Professor Murphy is inviting you to a Zoom meeting: Jazz History Day 1 Class Session (optional)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 3521 9689
Passcode: 3D%4iLxr
Live Exam Review Sessions: 11am (see Zoom folder on Blackboard for all links)
Please review University policies if you have questions about UIC’s COVID-19 safety protocols.
Week/Day/Date (2020) Item/Event
UNIT 1 (Weeks 1-4; Chapters 1-6)
Week 2/Friday, 9/4
Week 3/Monday, 9/7
Week 4/Friday, 9/11
Live Zoom Review Session
Week 4/Friday, 9/11
EXAM 1: (Ch 2-6) BEGINS
Due on Blackboard by 11:59pm
11:00-11:50am (will be recorded)
Submit before Monday, 9/14 at 11am
UNIT 2 (Weeks 5-8; Chapters 7-10)
Week 6/Friday, 10/2
Week 8/Friday, 10/16
Live Zoom Review Session
Week 8/Friday, 10/16
EXAM 2: (Ch 7-10) BEGINS
Due on Blackboard by 11:59pm
11:00-11:50am (will be recorded)
Submit before Monday, 10/19 at 11am
UNIT 3 (Weeks 9-12; Chapters 11-14)
Week 10/Friday, 10/30 ASSIGNMENT 3 DUE
Week 10/Friday, 10/30
**Last Day to use optional late
Week 11/Tuesday, 11/3
Week 11/Thurs, 11/12 JAZZ ESSAY DUE (2-page paper)
Week 12/Friday, 11/13 Live Zoom Review Session
Week 12/Friday, 11/13 EXAM 3: (Ch 11-14) BEGINS
Due on Blackboard by 11:59pm
drop and receive a W on your record.
Submit via Blackboard by 11:59pm
11:00-11:50am (will be recorded)
Submit before Monday, 11/16 at 11am
UNIT 4 (Weeks 13-16; Chapters 15-19)
Week 13/Friday, 11/20 ASSIGNMENT 4 DUE
Week 14, 11/26 & 27
Week 15/Friday, 12/4
Live Zoom Review Session
Week 15/Friday, 12/4
EXAM 4: (Ch 15-19) BEGINS
Week 15/Friday, 12/4
All Assignments absolute due date
Week 15/Friday, 12/4
**Last Day of Instruction
Due on Blackboard by 11:59pm
11:00-11:50am (will be recorded)
Submit before Tuesday, 12/8 at 11am
Submit before 11:59pm
NOTE: The calendar is provided for reference. Use it as a guide primarily for due dates and as a suggested
course pace for you. All deadlines are firm except assignments, which can be completed up until 12/4 11:59pm.
-Professor Murphy