Uploaded by Jeaneth Mirabel

Lesson Plan: Room Layout & Fashion Show Stage

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
S.Y. 2021 – 2022
Detailed Lesson Plan in
Prepared by:
Program / Class / Section: BIT III-W
Room / Venue :Google Meet
Date / Session :SESSION #6
Time / Duration :7:00 AM – 12:00 PM (5 hours)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
✓ Define what room layout is.
✓ Explain the different types of event room layout and the fashion show stage.
✓ Design own room layout style.
✓ Appreciate the essence of room layout in fashion industry.
B. Instructional Materials and Devices
✓ Laptop
✓ PowerPoint Presentation Software
C. References
focusrooms.co.za. (n.d.) Make Table layouts work for you. Retrieved on September 25, 2020 from
socialtables.com. (n.d.) Top fashion show stage design ideas inspired by new york fashion week.
Retrieved on September 25, 2020 from https://www.socialtables.com/blog/meeting- event-design/fashion-show-stage/
A. Preparation
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity / Response
1. Prayer
The teacher will ask their class who will be the assigned to lead the
One of the student unmute their mic and response to the teacher then
prayer today.
the student’s starts to lead the prayer.
2. Daily routine
“Good Morning Class!”
“Good Morning Ma’am!”
Checking of attendance.
“Okay class before we start our discussion may I request that
Students will turn on their camera.
everyone to turn on the front camera for taking screen shots for our
attendance today.”
3. Review of the past lesson
The teacher will ask somebody from the class to recall the previous
One of the students will volunteer to recall and explain the previous
lesson that discussed last meeting.
“Very Good”
The teacher will present short summary of the previous lesson using
PowerPoint Presentation to remember the past lesson.
4. Motivation
“Before we start to our new lesson let us have a short activity. Do you
familiar class to 4 pics 1 word?
“Okay Very Good”
“I have here 4 sets of picture, so if you want to answer just unmute
your mic.’’
“Yes Ma’am! “
“Are you ready class?”
“Yes Ma’am!”
The teacher will start to share her screen and will open her prepared
PowerPoint Presentation for activity.
“Very good”
“Very good, okay next”
“Fashion show”
“Very good, okay last.”
“Okay, very good class, thank you for your participation I hope you
enjoy this short activity.”
“Based on our activity what do you think our lesson for today class?”
“Room Layout and Fashion Show Stage”
B. Lesson Proper / Presentation
Teacher’s Activity
The teacher will present her prepared PowerPoint presentation
through share screen containing the first slide
“Today we will going to discuss about the room layout and fashion
show stage.”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the objectives.
“To start with our discussion, let’s have first our target objectives”
Students’ Activity / Response
Students listen attentively and muted their mic.
“At the end of the lesson, the student are expected to:
✓ Define what room layout is.
✓ Explain the different types of event room layout and the fashion
shows stage.
✓ Design own room layout style.
✓ Appreciate the essence of room layout in fashion industry.”
“Before we start let’s define first what room layout is?”
“Anyone who wants to answer class?”
“Very good.”
One of the students raised their hand.
The teacher will present the next slide containing the definition of room
“Room Layout an event room layout must be set-up to encourage
client engagement, mobility, and networking. A good layout will be
able to change the experience of the guests during the entire event”
“Basically room layout always considers the type of events and
participants to be able to generate better prospects for the guests
whether the occasion is about a learning activity, team collaboration,
or an artist performance.”
“Okay class, what do you think the several factors of room layout?”
“Very good”
One of the students raised their hand to answer the question.
“Take note class, that the room layout is dependent on several factors
such as:
1. Space of the event hall
2. Audience size
3. Level of activity or interaction required
4. Place required for dinner tables, meeting tables and head
5. Details of equipment required such as projectors, screen,
flip chart, board, dance floor, stage, etc.)”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the types of layout
The teacher will present the next slide containing the first types of
“Set Up: Tables and chairs on one side of the table, facing the
speaking point or podium.”
“This types of layout is the seating arrangement allows the participants
to work, take notes or use laptop if require, here the sample layout this
classroom layout is popular for lectures, meetings, seminars, and
training sessions.”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the second types of
“Next is the banquet style, who wants to read?”
One of the students volunteers to read the content of the slide
“Thank you.”
“This can also be called cluster setup. In a conference, workshop or
training, cluster set up is perfect for working in groups.”
“The banquet style it is a round or square tables and chairs are all
around the table, and of course it is popular for wedding receptions,
award nights, networking dinners and other informal events.
The teacher will present the next slide containing the third types of
“Next is the hollow square style suitable for smaller groups (up to 30
attendees) where the speaker is at the center or at one end of the
“Basically the set up of this hollow square style is the rectangular
tables arranged in a square and also these types of layout are usually
for small meetings, training sessions and workshops.”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the fourth types of
“Cinema style also called Theater Style, this type of seating does not
use a table which is beneficial if space needs to be maximized. It is
ideal for audience-type events.”
“These types of layout are popular for lectures, performances, and
product launches also these cinema style the set is that all chairs are
laid out in rows all facing the speaking point or podium. Rows can be
straight lines or curved to give a stadium effect.”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the fifth types of
“Next is the boardroom style, who wants to read?
One of the students volunteers to read the content of slide
“Thank you!”
“Boardroom style- A rectangle or oval table with chairs all around the
“What do you think usually can be used this types of layout?”
The student answers the question.
“Very good”
“So this set up is best for board or director meetings, committee
meetings, team briefing and interviews. It generally has a very formal
set up and ideal for discussion and brainstorming activities.
The teacher will present the next slide containing the sixth types of
“Cocktail style Ideally No chairs or tables – standing space only”
“These types of style are popular for cocktail parties, business mixers
and other social events and also this style makes the most efficient
use of floor space, with guests free to mingle as they please. This can
also be called cafe style and offers a very relaxed and informal vibe.
Finger food and other small bites are served in lieu of a sit-down meal.
The teacher will present the next slide containing the seventh types of
“U-shape & Double-U Style- Popular for conferences, meetings,
training sessions and workshops.
“The U-shape & Double-U Style the set up is the rectangle tables set
up in a U-shape; this set up lends itself perfectly to conferences and
training. The space in the center of the “U” creates opportunity for the
presenter or speaker to insert themself into the crowd, eliminating a
sense of separation from delegates and speakers. This is great for
coursing interaction and discussions.”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the eight types of
“Next is the Cabaret Style.”
“Cabaret style round tables with guests seated on one side so
everyone has a view of the presenter/s.”
“This style is popular for award nights, comedy nights, gala dinners,
and workshops, and this is an ideal seating style for audience-type
events or events presentations with group work. The inefficient use of
floor space does mean a reduction in seating capacity.
The teacher will present the next slide containing the ninth types of
“ Tables and chairs are angled for better line of vision and engagement
between participants”
“This style is basically mimics the classroom setup but with improved
view from outer ends to give participants better line of vision. It can
maximize seating capacity, is good for large groups, and allows for
small group exercises and it is popular for seminars and trainings
The teacher will present the next slide containing the last types of
“Last is the runway.”
“Runway- a long arrangement of seats with a staging area at the
center to serve as catwalk.”
“This set up and style is popular for Fashion shows, presentations,
product launches, displays and commonly used for fashion shows it
can be a dynamic layout for product launches, performances and
presentations to gain more interaction from attendees as you can
reach more of them, particularly if there is more than one person on
stage at a time. It can be with or without tables.”
“Okay, class we are done in different types of layout, can you give the
essence of room layout in fashion industry?”
Student will volunteer to answer the question.
“The essence of room layout in fashion industry is for big time event,
promotions and of course it is the source of income or it has a lot of
The teacher will present the next slide containing the first element of
fashion show stage.
“Let’s proceed to the elements of fashion show stage.”
“Who wants to read?”
One of the student Volunteers to read the content of the slide
“Thank you!”
“The Runway. A fashion show runway’s typical dimensions are 28 feet
long and 8 feet high, but they can vary greatly depending on the venue
and the planner’s creativity.”
“Basically the typical dimensions of runway are about 28 feet long
and 8 feet high, The runway with a T at the end is a popular
variation that gives the designer a chance to line up several models,
showing more of the collection at once. If you have plenty of
width in your venue, consider an X-shaped stage where
audiences on both sides of the “X” will get a good view and the onstage flow is smooth. However, creativity and innovation are part of
the fashion industry so it is not restricted to conduct a show on
runways alone. It can be on a museum hall, a parking lot, or a
mall atrium with escalator”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the second element
of fashion show stage.
“Next is the backdrop”
“The Backdrop. The backdrop must prevent distractions from the
clothing designs. Best to use drapes or flat panels”
“ Basically this backdrop it helps to enhance and emphasize your
event theme and style through custom design and imager, and of
course one in the center and one on each side of the stage where
models can enter from either the left or the right of center”
The teacher will present the next slide containing the third element of
fashion show stage.
“Lastly is the lighting”
“The lighting. Lighting creates a mood, adds visual interest, and
allows the audience to see every detail of the clothing collections.”
“This elements of fashion show stage it can help set the tone or the
mood of the audience, good light design will result in an event that the
runs smoothly and delivers on the atmosphere you want to create. So
you choose a lighting design that doesn’t change the colors or tones of
the clothes in person, on live stream, and in photos or videos. Get a
lighting company with experience in fashion show production and
source a venue with enough vertical room for good lighting design.
Bring color add-ons with LED up lighting on the backdrops or panels at
the back of the stage.”
“That is our lesson for today; do you have any question class about
our lesson today
“None ma’am.
C. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity
“I know you’ve learned a lot from our lesson today, anyone who can
summarize the lesson today?”
(Call 3 students to generalize the topic)
“Thank you, it is very important to learn these different types of layout
in fashion industry for to be able to generate better prospects for the
guests whether the occasion is about a learning activity, team
collaboration, or an artist performance.”
Students’ Activity / Response
Students volunteer to answer the questions.
Teacher’s Activity
The teacher read the direction carefully.
Direction: Read the question carefully and write your answer on the
blank provided.
Test I. Identification
1. __________What room layout style is referred to in this
statement “This room combines elements of several other
conference room types?
2. __________Lack of good place for each guest to place a
computer, notebook, or a plate of food or drink is an advantage
of what room layout style?
3. __________What room layout is also known as cluster setup?
4. __________What types of layout are popular for wedding
receptions, award nights, networking dinners, and other
informal event.
5. __________What element of fashion show stage must prevent
distractions from the clothing designs. Best to use drapes or flat
Students’ Activity / Response
The students read the instruction and answer all the questions.
Test II. Essay
6-10. In 3-5 sentences explains the three elements of fashion show
The assigned student will lead the closing prayer.
“Thank you Ma’am!”
“Before we end may I call the student that assigned for closing
“Thank you for today class!”
Teacher’s Activity
Directions: In a short bond paper draw your own design room layout
style and make it creative and colour your work and give a brief
explanation about your design.
Grading Rubrics:
30 points
10 points
10 points
50 points
Students’ Activity / Response
The students take down notes the assignment given by the teacher.