ABWC ENTERPRISE DILLA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF THE GREENLAND Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] j DILLA UNIVERSITY ABWCENTERPRISE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING HOSTING COMPANY: - AMHARA BUILDING WORKS CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE TITLE: - INTERNSHIP REPORT DURATION: - FOUR MONTHS (JUNE-SEPTEMBER 2021 G.C) ADVISER: - YARED TILAHUN (M.Sc.) ABWC ENTERPRISE SUPERVISOR: - ABEBE ALEMAYEHU (M.Sc.) PREPERD BY: - DANIEL YILKAL………………. ID NO :- RTCH-5687/17 DILLA, ETHIOPIA (2021 GC.) PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 1 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Declaration I, DANIEL YILKAL hereby declare that this internship report is prepared and submitted by me under the guidance and supervision of my academic mentor, Mr. YARED TILAHUN. I want to express that I have successfully followed the activities in the site and achieved my mission during the internship periods. In addition, I had compiled this report according to writing guideline for an internship attached by university industry linkage and community services (UILCS), office of the institute. Finally, I can assure that the report contains all the events and procedures that I observed and performed during the internship periods. _________________________ _______________ Student Signature _________________________ _______________ Mentor Signature _________________________ _______________ Supervisor PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL Signature i Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Acknowledgement Above all, I want to thank the ALMIGHTY GOD for what I have done for me until today, blessing my life and giving me patience and strength to finish this internship report and internship project. Then, I would like to express my humble and deepest gratitude to Amhara Building Works Construction Enterprise and workers of an enterprise Especially for project manager (Engineer ABEBE ALEMAYEHU (MSc. CEng)), site engineer (Engineer SOLOMON (MSc. CEng)), office engineer (Mr.TYACHEW METALGN), consult engineer (Mr. GETENET), construction Forman’s (Mr.DEGISEW and Mr. TSEHANEH), data collector (Mr. ZERIHUN and Mr. DEMISEW) and other who help me on each and every part of site and office work to respond questions without being bored by sacrifice their working time. Finally, my gratitude goes to Dilla University College of engineering and technology for their effort to organize and deliver such important program. And also thanks to instructor YARED TILAHUN (MSc) who is Dilla University Advisor for providing me with the chance of exploring difference Knowledge from internship project. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL ii Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Executive summary This is a report, which I have prepared to make a representative document for my four-month internship program. It is all about the practical knowledge I gained, the value added and the new brand idea I was grasped through the continuous support of my supervisor. Moreover, this report is an outcome of the exercise I conducted during my internship period at AMHARA BUILDING WORKS CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE. In these report, I was tried to describe about the company’s profile and background that I have worked by including brief history, objectives, vision, mission, main products or services, and the overall organization. In addition to that, I was tried to describe briefly about the overall internship experience, which, all works conducted on the site, the tasks I performed, and the ideal things that I inspected are dealt on. In addition, I was describing on tasks that I was able to understand both in office and on site of supper structure by including details starting from the entry to the company to the challenges that I faced and the measures that I tried to take during the course of the program. I have also presented my observations and experiences during the intern time about the overall benefits I gained from the internship program. I was tried to discuss the skills that I gained which are proven to be quite helpful in the long run. And mention detail benefits are dealt on based on aspects such as improving and upgrading:- practical skills, theoretical skill, team playing skill, interpersonal communication skill, work ethics, leadership skill and entrepreneurship skill. Finally, at the end I cease my report with conclusion and recommendation to the concerned sectors. Accordingly, I tried to conclude in short how the internship program was looks like and the overall company’s performance in which I have been practiced. Moreover, I recommended the companies and university that I thought it would be indispensable for their success. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL iii Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Table of content Declaration ............................................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................. ii Executive summary ................................................................................................................................ iii Table of content ..................................................................................................................................... iv List of tables............................................................................................................................................ v List of figures ......................................................................................................................................... vi Abbreviation ......................................................................................................................................... vii 1. 2. 3. BACKGROUND OF HOSTING COMPANY ............................................................................... 1 1.1. History of ABWC enterprise .................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Vision....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Mission .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.4. Strategic directions ................................................................................................................. 1 1.5. Main products and services of ABWC Enterprise ................................................................... 2 1.6. Main customers or the end users of ABWC enterprise’s ........................................................ 2 1.7. Overall organization and work flow ........................................................................................ 4 OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE .................................................................................... 5 2.1. How I get into the company.................................................................................................... 5 2.2. The section that I had been working in .................................................................................. 5 2.3. Work tasks I have been executing .......................................................................................... 8 2.4. The procedure I followed while performing my tasks .......................................................... 25 2.5. Qualities I have been in performing my work tasks. ............................................................ 26 2.6. Challenges faced me while performing work task ................................................................ 26 2.7. Measures I took to overcome my challenge ......................................................................... 27 OVER ALL BENEFITS THAT I HAVE GAINED FROM THIS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM .. 28 3.1. Practical skills ........................................................................................................................ 28 3.2. Theoretical Knowledge ......................................................................................................... 28 3.3. Interpersonal Communication Skill ....................................................................................... 29 3.4. Team Playing Skill .................................................................................................................. 29 3.5. Leadership Skill ..................................................................................................................... 29 3.6. Work Ethics Issues................................................................................................................. 29 3.7. Entrepreneurship skill ........................................................................................................... 30 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 31 RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................................ 32 REFERENCE........................................................................................................................................ 33 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................... 34 PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL iv Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] List of tables Table 1-removing period of formwork for structures .............................................................. 15 Table 2-moment distribution.................................................................................................... 20 Table 3-different grades of concrete used in our site ............................................................... 23 PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL v Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] List of figures Figure 1 combolcha administration building (G+7) .................................................................. 2 Figure 2 bure industry shed........................................................................................................ 2 Figure 3 ABWC Enterprise head office G+7 & G+5 twin building. ......................................... 2 Figure 4 road constructions carried out by ABWCE ................................................................ 2 Figure 5 overall organization work flow of Amhara building works construction enterprise... 4 Figure 6 gojjam cultural center auditorium building aerial view and auditorium interior ........ 5 Figure 7-site staff organizational chart ...................................................................................... 5 Figure 8 takeoff sheet format ..................................................................................................... 9 Figure 9 bar schedule format ................................................................................................... 10 Figure 10 bill of quantity format .............................................................................................. 10 Figure 11 cost break down format ........................................................................................... 10 Figure 12 grand summary format ............................................................................................ 11 Figure 13 sample payment certificate ...................................................................................... 11 Figure 14 beam formwork ....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 15 -column formwork construction .............................................................................. 13 Figure 16-flat slab formwork ................................................................................................... 13 Figure 17-flat slab formwork ................................................................................................... 13 Figure 18-stair formwork ......................................................................................................... 14 Figure 19-column spacer.......................................................................................................... 14 Figure 20-checking H. alignment ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 21- checking V. alignment ........................................................................................... 14 Figure 22 false works ............................................................................................................... 15 Figure 23-position of beam reinforcements ............................................................................. 16 Figure 25-column construction ................................................................................................ 18 Figure 26-stair reinforcement .................................................................................................. 19 Figure 27-solid slab reinforcement .......................................................................................... 20 Figure 28-column strip and middle strip reinforcement for positive moment ......................... 20 Figure 29-column strip and middle strip reinforcements for positive and negative moment .. 21 Figure 30-shear wall construction ............................................................................................ 21 Figure 31-concrete mixing ....................................................................................................... 23 Figure 32- Concrete transporting using barilla and chute ........................................................ 24 Figure 33-compaction of concrete ........................................................................................... 25 PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL vi Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Abbreviation 1. BC….........................Building Contractor. 2. GC….........................General Contractor. 3. ABWC enterprise….........Amhara Building Works Construction Enterprise. 4. EBCS…...Ethiopian Building Codes and Standards. 5. ANRS …..........Amhara National Regional State. 6. C30… Concrete grade having compressive strength of 30Mpa. 7. ETB: Ethiopian birr. 8. L*W*D: Length*Width*Depth. 9. Mpa: mega Pascal. 10. RC: Reinforced concrete. 11. UIL: University industry linkage. 12. Φ: Diameter. 13. 1:2:3: 1bag cement, 2 volume of sand, 3 volume of aggregate. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL vii Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 1. BACKGROUND OF HOSTING COMPANY 1.1. History of ABWC enterprise ABWC Enterprise is governmental enterprise of the Amhara regional state, which has marvelous success stories in the building construction. Prior to 2016, the Enterprise under the names of ANRS housing development project office and ANRS construction and housing development Agency had been able to undertake several projects. Since 2006 GC, the Amhara national regional state has been implementing a government-led low and middle-income housing program. The program had a mission to alleviate the housing problem in the region. The ANRS Housing development project office was assigned to coordinate the low cost condominium projects, which were initially implemented in 8 major cities of the region. The number of the beneficiary cities has reached from 8 to 12 in two years of period. The council of the Amhara regional government has passed a regulation bill no.131/2015, which gave the legal basis for the establishment of the Enterprise. The company with an initial capital of 964,838,269.00 ETB is established as a public enterprise of the regional government. 1.2. Vision Our vision is to be among the top building construction enterprise in east Africa in 2025. 1.3. Mission To build and deliver high quality and cost effective building constructions on schedule for our clients; to produce construction input materials and apply updated construction technologies; to contribute our share for the sustainable development and gap filling of the sector. 1.4. Strategic directions The strategic directions of the enterprise supposed to achieve its mission are: Making efficient organization structure and identifying potential area of investment. Maintaining technical and managerial competency. Enhancing the employees’ Knowledge and Skill. Promoting and realizing of KAIZEN philosophy based material management. Getting and establishing trust and confidence among the public as well as with the state administration. Getting full access of information regarding the new development trend locally and globally. Building of work atmosphere free of rent seeking attitude and practice. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 1 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 1.5. Main products and services of ABWC Enterprise ABWC Enterprise In the period of 2006 – 2012 GC, the ANRS project office had, successfully, completed over 836 Condominiums ranging from G+2 to G+4. These Condominiums has enabled to alleviate the housing problems of 20093(twenty thousand ninety three) people. and different type of buildings (G+0) to (G+7) in different town for different Figure 1 combolcha administration building (G+7) purpose. Amhara building works construction enterprise delivers: Services in general contracting. Services in consulting. Services in construction management. Services in the production and sales of agro-stone technology based products (Partition walls, roof Figure 2 bure industry shed ceilings, doors, windows, skirts and so on...) Services in the production of aggregates of various size (00; 01; 02). Services in the production of hollow cement block of various size. Services in construction material test (HCB test, Aggregate test, Silt content test). Services in machinery and vehicles rental. 1.6. Figure 3 ABWC Enterprise head office G+7 & G+5 twin building. Main customers or the end users of ABWC enterprise’s Since its establishment as housing development project office in 2006 G C, the company had taken several contract agreements with a total sum of above 3 billion Birr, which are completed and delivered for their end users or clients. Few of them are listed as follows: Peoples live in different town: Since ABC works Enterprise built 836 Condominiums of five typologies Figure 4 road constructions carried out by ABWCE ranging from G+2 to G+4 in 12 Towns of the region. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 2 Internship report University Student: Such as Condominiums for Students dormitory G+3 and G+4, in [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Debretabor University. And Condominiums for Students dormitory G+3 and G+4, in Woldiya University. Different Enterprises: Since 62 Production Buildings (G+0 to G+4) for micro and small enterprises in different town of country. In addition, Buildings for new Plywood factories in D/Markos, Enjibara and Combolcha Buildings for new gypsum factory in Dejen are built by ABC Works enterprise. Students: 48 High Schools in various Weredas of the Amhara Region. And High Schools in various Weredas of the Benshangulgumz Region. At present time, ABC Works Enterprise is engaging in several ongoing construction project works. The Total contract amount of these projects exceeds 2 billion birr. Few of ongoing projects are: Oromo zone’s office Building, Kemissie, (G+6). Gojjam Cultural and Auditorium Building (G+3). Bahirdar and gonder industry zone. Cmbolcha administration office (G+7). South Gondar zone administration office (G+4). PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 3 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 1.7. Overall organization and work flow Figure 5 overall organization work flow of Amhara building works construction enterprise PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 4 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE 2.1. How I get into the company The university has an internship program that allows students to get practical knowledge; we had detailed orientation by the internship coordinators and our department head. I get into the company-sending letter that was gin to us by the university industry linkage (UIL) officer to the company office. Soon the project manager positively accepted my request to work as an intern student on the company. I decided to work on this company for two reasons. Firs, the company was located in my hometown Debre Markos. The second reasons is that, the company is well organized in which i can learn a lot from the experienced engineer and other staff members. 2.2. The section that I had been working in In ABC Works enterprise on Gojjam Cultural Center Auditorium building project, there were two working sections, office and site. I had no specific work position in the company, but i have been working in different sections of the company (site). To develop and improve my practical skills I was spent my time more on the site. I had been working on the side of the consultant and site supervisor in office then my role was not only limited to visiting sites and practically understanding the job but my role was also to make some, quantity takeoffs, bar Figure 6 gojjam cultural center schedules of the project Gojjam Cultural auditorium auditorium building aerial view and auditorium interior building in office. The workflow in sections of the site works was good and the power is come from the manager and transfer to the other system. In the following chart show, the workflow of the hosting company and work breakdown of Gojjam cultural center Auditorium building project as follows: Figure 7-site staff organizational chart PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 5 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Project manager: He/she is the person who manages and control the overall activities in a given project. All the departments are responsible to the project manager. Each department of a given construction project should submit report work executed, work plan/schedule in daily, weekly, and monthly bases. Some Responsibilities of a Project manager include but not limited to the following: Monitor the work progress on hand. Analyze work progress ahead, predict any difficulties, and prepare a proper mitigation. Prepare and offer subcontractor agreements. Examine takeoff sheets and payment certificates and ask payment for works executed. Reviewing reports produced by the office engineer. Go through the reports, schedules, and material request submitted by the construction engineer. Validating subcontractor’s payment. Approving material request and ordering the materials through the project administration for their purchase, etc. Sit engineer: the Site Engineer is the one who is closer to the construction work and he/she gives more clarification and guidance of the site work. The Site Engineer is assigned at a particular site if the construction project consists different sites and he/she works closer with construction crew. Among different important activities that the Site Engineer, some of them are: Follow – ups excavation, bar bending, formwork installation, and concrete casting works. Works closely with the General Forman and the construction crew. Organizes and prepares weekly/monthly report. Verifying/preparing takeoff sheets of executed work. Check and correct subcontractor payment certificate. Quantifying and requesting material need for the work that is going to be executed. Reporting and submitting daily output in site diary. Office engineer: The main responsibilities of the Office Engineer is preparation of the weekly and monthly reports of the activities on the project and reporting to the project manager and Head Office. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 6 Internship report Among the activities of the Office Engineer is reporting on the cost and benefit that the [DILLA UNIVERSITY] company made. Among major Office Engineer activities, some of them are: Organization and preparation of financial reports and financial progress, Preparation of the Payment Certificate Analysis/Preparation of the direct cost, Computation of weekly and monthly expense of o Labor. o Machinery and equipment, and o Material. Preparation of working drawing, Limited redesign work for checking the original drawing provided by the consulting agent, Compiling and reporting data collected from the Data Collectors and Quantity Surveyors, etc. Administrator: Most contactor consists project administrator. This person is very important in the way that any financial activities and construction material store is managed by him. Some of the responsibilities of the Administrator are: Paying approved payments. Buying approved materials requested by the construction head. Paying wage for daily labor worker. Managing and administrating site store. Managing equipment maintenance shop and personnel, etc... General Forman: This person is very important construction personnel in monitoring the site activity and works closely with the Site Engineer. He/she should get assistance and clarification on project design drawings and he/she should guide the construction crew in achieving the desired output. Some of the activities performed by the General Forman are: Understanding and interpreting project design drawings: o Structural drawings. o Electrical drawings. o Sanitary drawings. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 7 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] o Architectural drawings. Guiding the Chief Carpenter, Gang Chief, Mason, Electrician, and labors. Monitoring and follow up: o Bar bending, reinforcement assembly, and arrangement, o Excavation works. o Formwork installation. o Electric conduit laying. o Concrete casting. Etc… Reporting and discussing site challenges with the Site Engineer. Data collector: He/she collects project work data. The data collected include daily work executed, subcontractor work quantity, material on site, number of construction crew with their title, etc. Then, this is reported and submitted to the Office Engineer for report preparation and documentation purpose. The data collector will be responsible for the following duties: Collecting of daily work activities including material, labor and machineries and time taken for each work item. Preparation of cost analysis for all activities as per construction schedule in coordination with site engineer. Prepare take off sheet Prepare site diary Prepare monthly report coordinate with office engineer. 2.3. Work tasks I have been executing While performing my task at the company, I have noticed how every activity was going in its own working procedure. In this section of my report, I will try to describe some of the activities that I have performed in my hosting company. Throughout the internship session, I engaged and executed both office and site work. 2.3.1. Office work: Office work are works that are carried in the office mainly divided in to the technical and management part. Ongoing site work resorts and problems against execution of works are recorded and reported in the office. The main tasks conducted in the office includes: PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 8 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Preparation of work plan/method of statement The method of statement is prepare before the construction is start. and prepared by project manager and the site engineer. Construction work method statements are essential for the safe construction of building works that meet the client’s performance requirements. This technical note describes the process of writing and method of statement and gives guidance on appropriate structure and contents. The method of statement will be concerned with safety, quality and logistic (human resource, equipment and material) for an activity of work. Preparation of work methodology The working methodology is one of the pat of method of statement and specified by following as the contract document. As technical specification is the guideline for the execution of the construction activity, the work is to be performed in line with this bill of quantity (BOQ). The following is sample work methodology for placing of reinforcement bar that I see in the office and execute in the site. Preparing Bar Schedule. Preparing appropriate reinforcement as per the bar schedule. Place the reinforcement inside the formwork Polish the reinforcement bar before concreting if there is any rust. Preparation of takeoff sheet This is a process of measuring or scaling dimensions from drawings and recording all dimensions in an easily understandable format. These special formats are called “Takeoff sheets” or “Dimension Paper. Figure 8 takeoff sheet format The purpose of each column Column 1 is used for stating the number of times an item occurs and is called the timesing column. Forward slash is followed after the unit less number. It means ‘times’. Column 2 is called dimension column as it is used to enter the dimensions of the items of works. The dimensions are entered in the order of Length, Width & Height or thickness. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 9 Internship report Column 3 is called squaring column. The stated dimensions in column 2 are multiplied to [DILLA UNIVERSITY] determine the quantity of the work either in m, m2, m3 or in pcs. Or No. Column 4 is called description column and description of the work item in squaring column is Briefly stated. Preparation of bar schedule A separate sheet (Bar Schedule) is used to prepare reinforcement quantities as shown below. Figure 9 bar schedule format Preparation of bill of quantity It is the format which is used in a bill of quantity to list (include) a short description of the Specification along with its measuring unit, quantity and unit prices to determine the total cost for each trade of item. Figure 10 bill of quantity format Preparing cost break down Used to estimate the amount of direct labor, equipment, and material cost. Figure 11 cost break down format PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 10 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Preparation of grand summary This format is the total summary that select from the total quantity at each work item. Figure 12 grand summary format Preparation of payment certificate Payment certificates should be prepared on official formats. And should be signed by the supervisor, consultant, client, and the contractor. Figure 13 sample payment certificate PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 11 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Preparation of site diary A site diary is also known as construction log or site journal or company log. Have the following advantages: Identify the number of labor. Identify the shortage of material. Identify the shortage of labor. Identify waste time in day-to-day activities by different reasons. Some documents stored in the office: One copy of the contract agreement. One set of approved drawings. One set of approved bill of quantities and specifications. One copy of General Conditions of contract. One set of approved Ethiopian standards, and BS. 2.3.2. Site work When I came to this site the construction work of the substructures are almost finished only I have seen the grade beam from sub structure and at the super structure I have seen the following structures and work executing at the site. Like beam, column, slab, staircase, shear wall (lift), hunched beam etc... Formwork Formwork is a temporary structural element, designed and erected to safely supporting vertical and lateral load of fluid concrete until the concrete sets and support self and other applied loads on the structure. One should always remember that these works should be constructed in such a way that removal of formwork can be done easily as planned. In our site, we use three types of formworks as listed below: Steel formwork: used for circular columns and other circular structure. Plywood: we use plywood for casting of shear wall structure in the site. Wooden formwork: we use this for all rectangular and square structure of the site (footing pad, foundation columns, grade beams…………). Formwork for beams: The carpenters prepare all the material then began their work with fixing the timber PONTE AND SPONDA (site term) referring soffit and Side of beam at the right position with or without the false work. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 12 Figure 14 beam formwork Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Formwork for columns: Generally, the formwork construction held for the elevation and foundation column as a whole. To construct these columns the first step was standing the reinforcement bars. The length, number of the bars and amount of stirrups were taken from the detail drawing of the plan. Figure 15 -column formwork construction The construction was began from the base which is called KRACHARI (in ordinary word) used as fixing in the position of the preceding stages. And members called GANCHO (in ordinary word) used as tying the eucalyptus on the floor during construction, those GANCHO will be cut after finishing our work even if they serve as stirrup for common house construction they are wastage in such projects like. Slab formwork: Slab formwork is installed using props commonly called Cristi. The props are mainly used for the purpose of supporting the Soffit formwork. They are erected so that they could have consistent height and form a level surface for laying the bottom formwork of the slab, commonly called Fondo. Figure 17-flat slab formwork Figure 16-flat slab formwork PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 13 Internship report Slab formwork and beams formworks are usually built up together. In addition to that, they are [DILLA UNIVERSITY] casted at same time. These formworks basically consists bottom soffit and side formwork, commonly known as Sponda. In my company, I observed flat slab formwork and concrete casting. Stair formwork: Firs erect eucalyptus and set formwork by take caring the inclination of the stair. Setting the reinforcement as per the drawing and fix the riser formwork. Take car the formwork at the landing for remove pin connection of the concrete by adding the length of the going. Figure 18-stair formwork Techniques that we should taking care while preparing formwork: Horizontal alignment: - to maintain columns position and to avoid torsion effect. Checked by LIGNA (in ordinary word) (see figure 19). Vertical alignment: - to check columns slope and to avoid eccentric moment they used plumb bob(TUMBI) to saw the alignment was correct(see figure 18). Opening: - at top of the formwork there is an opening used for pouring and vibrating of the concrete. We fill the concrete to a depth of 1.5 m from total column height 3.00 m of elevation column in order to avoid segregation. Spacer: - are provided for face of column as concrete cover (see figure 20). Figure 19-column spacer Figure 20-checking H. alignment PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 14 Figure 21- checking V. alignment Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Removal period of formwork: Structure Removal time Vertical formwork to columns, walls and beams 16 hours Soffit formwork to slab, stair 21 days Proposed to slabs 14 days Soffit formwork to beams 21 days Proposed to beams 14 days Table 1-removing period of formwork for structures Scaffolding Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials to aid in the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings, bridges and all of man made structures. Scaffolding supports formwork and other structures (such as precast girders). These are: Christy: Christy made as long as the story height from floor slab to the beam of the next floor, it support the soffit form work of the beam & distribute the load coming from the beam to the lower floor slab, it was fixed with a horizontal structure call it “mager ”. Ponty: Ponty are structures which support the soffit formwork of slab temporarily & distribute the load coming from slab. Figure 22 false works Beam A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending moment, shear and torsion effect. Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 15 Internship report but can also be used to carry horizontal loads (i.e. loads due to an earthquake or wind). The [DILLA UNIVERSITY] loads carried by a beam are transferred to columns, walls, or girders, which then transfer the force to adjacent structural compression members. Beam reinforcement: Generally, there are three types of reinforcement in beam namely negative, positive and stirrups reinforcement. Positive bars: These kinds of bars are mainly used to resist the positive moment. This moment is mostly developed at the mid span on the beams and these positive bars are placed at the mid span. Negative bars: These are bars used to resist negative moment. Most of the time they are found at the support of the beams. They are placed on 1/3 of span length from the center of the column to top, where bending moment is maximum. Stirrups: There is bars that placed to provide diagonal shear resistance it‟ called “stafa” (site term). The spacing of stirrups near the support is closer than the span since there is a high shear force up to one-third of the beam and maximum at “d” distance from the center of the beam column connection. The main purpose of stirrup in beam is to resist the diagonal shear faller or to resist the continuous diagonal crack of beam. Figure 23-position of beam reinforcements Lapping should be fulfill the following criteria as EN standard: Laps between bars should normally be staggered and not located in areas of high moments/forces. At any section should normally be arranged symmetrically. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 16 Internship report The clear distance between lapped bars should not be greater than 4Φ or 50 mm, [DILLA UNIVERSITY] otherwise the lap length should be increased by a length equal to the clear space where it exceeds 4Φ or 50 mm; The longitudinal distance between two adjacent laps should not be less than 0,3 times the lap length, l0; In case of adjacent laps, the clear distance between adjacent bars should not be less than 2Φ or 20 mm. Column A column is a vertical structural member transmitting axial compression loads with or without moments. Column support mainly vertical loads from the floors and roof and transmit these loads to the foundation. Usually column is called compression member, because the compression forces or stresses dominate their behavior. In addition, most columns are subjected to moment as well as axial load. The bending action may produce tensile forces over a part of the cross section. Any building structure loads increase as we go down to the ground and so bottom structural members are properly configured that they carry all super structural loads above it and transfer safely to the foundation. Hence the sections of columns in upper stores are reduced as they have to carry lesser loads. But center lines of columns must coincide accurately for various columns of different stores. Each column diameter, reinforcement etc. is not the same. Their reinforcement size and length are vary this is because of load variability. Longitudinal (main) bars:-secured to starter bars projecting from the column or foundation below. It works with the concrete to carry the compressive loads and they resist the tensile stresses. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 17 Internship report Links (ties) stirrups: - these are wrapped around the vertical bar to prevent buckling and the [DILLA UNIVERSITY] definition as beam for shear failure prevention. Figure 24-column construction How to check vertical and horizontal alignment of column: The Forman check the column before and after the formwork is casted. Before concrete is placed, vertical and horizontal alignment should be checked. The horizontal alignment of column is checked by measuring distance from alignment rope to formwork by using the center-to-center distance from the drawing. The vertical alignment of column is checked by plum bob. 1. Extend plum bob (TUMBI) from tip to down ward 2. After a plum bob (TUMBI) is arrest; measure the distance at top, middle and bottom part between end point of form work and plum bob. Then, if the measured distance at every point is equal, we say that the column is vertically aligned As we discussed above the lap length of column is 40Φ mm as per EBCS. Stair The staircase is structure, which is an important component of a building, and create the means of access between the various floors in the building. It consists of a flight of steps, usually with one or more intermediate landings (horizontal slab platforms) provided between the floor levels. The horizontal top portion of a step (where the foot rests) is termed tread and the vertical projection of the step (i.e., the vertical distance between two neighboring steps) is called riser. Reinforcement bar for stair: Proper detailing of the longitudinal bars is required at the junction of the flight and landing slab. The bottom bars in the waist slab should not be continued to the bottom of the upper PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 18 Internship report landing slab at the reentrant corner, but extended to the top of the landing slab. This is to prevent [DILLA UNIVERSITY] the bars (in tension) from breaking out at reentrant corners. Figure 25-stair reinforcement Slab Slabs are structural part of a building that transmit load acting on it normal to their plane and then to beam. It is widely used for firm floors and roof of the building. Their aim is to provide a level surface capable of supporting the occupants of a building, equipment’s, furniture’s and sometimes-internal partitions. . They are supported by either beams or walls or directly by columns. Solid slab: It is a type of slab, which has beams mostly have higher thickness than the slab. In the site this slab has a thickness of 15 cm. Tension loads on the slab resisted by providing positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement should be at the bottom in longitudinal and transversal direction of the span. Field moment reaches quickly to the long span length than the short span length. Short length bars have a tendency of bending than long length bars that is why short bars are put at the bottom. Top reinforcement used to resist negative moment. If the span was at the edge, the top reinforcement bends L/3 of its span length serves as negative(for support moment) reinforcement. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 19 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Figure 26-solid slab reinforcement Flat slab: As we saw in the class and the science of flat slab have two portions to transfer loads from slab to directly to the column with or without drop panels and/or column head by using, Column strip. Middle strip. Therefore, I will write and indicate in the following form when l saw in the site. In addition, l will try to compare the fieldwork and the paper work. Flat slabs have support moment and field or span moment. The support moments are negative but the span moment are positive moment. However, these two moments are distribute through column and middle strip of the slab. The distribution of moments are shown below in the table. Moment Column strip Middle strip At the support 75% 25% At the span 55% 45% Table 2-moment distribution Therefore, by using the above table we can distribute the moments. These is all about the definition. But how to set the rebar’s we can see in the following figures. Figure 27-column strip and middle strip reinforcement for positive moment PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 20 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] The rebar found in column strip transfer/carry moments approximately 55% of the total positive moment. Lx/4m in both side of the center of the column. Middle strip reinforcement of the carry approximately 45% of the total positive moment. Lx/4m in both side of the center of the column. Figure 28-column strip and middle strip reinforcements for positive and negative moment Shear wall Shear walls are vertical elements of the horizontal force resisting system; they can resist forces directed along the length of the wall. Shear wall is very important for the structure to have sufficient strength against vertical loads together with adequate stiffness to resist lateral forces. Figure 29-shear wall construction Expansion joint Expansion joint is used to: To prevent failure of the building; when using expansion joint the failure of some parts of the block is not affect the adjacent block. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 21 Internship report To maintain the building easily when the part of the building is fail accidentally or [DILLA UNIVERSITY] finished its life time, it is possible to maintain only the failure part of the building or block without the effect of the adjacent buildings or blocks. To protect differential settlement; the settlement of one block is no or less effect for the other block. Concrete work Concrete work is obtained by mixing aggregate, cement, sand and water. Properties of concrete depends on: The amount and type of cement The amount of fine and coarse aggregate (aggregate gradation) Water to cement ratio Curing of concrete and Temperature and humidity during mixing, transporting, and placing First, we have to check the following ingredients before we start mixing the concrete: Cement: Cement is used as a binder between sand and the coarse aggregate. The binding ability depends on the type of cement used and the water-cement ratio. Cement should be stored separately from other items and should be protected from contact of moisture. For a particular project type of cement should be selected. Ordinary Portland Cement or Pozolonic Portland Cement are different types of cement Company Brands. In the site we have been working the type of cement used are: Derban Cement (the one mostly used), East Cement, and Muger Cement. Aggregate and sand: Consists of naturally occurring sand, and basaltic stone gravel. Aggregate used in cement should be clean, hard, sharp and durable. Moreover, have to be free from excessive dust and harmful material like iron, mica, shale. Each grade of crushed gravel is stored separately in well drained and in a place which prevent any possibility of intermixing. Sand is used to avoid the presence of voids, which prevent segregation, and it reduces the amount of cement that would have been used. Water: Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actively participates in the chemical reaction with cement. Water has two advantages in concrete mix. This are it reacts chemically with cement and it lubricates all other materials and makes the concrete workable. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 22 Internship report In this section we will see about mix proportion of concrete, mixing of concrete, transportation, [DILLA UNIVERSITY] conveying, placing of concrete, curing of concrete, and other related topics about concrete work. Mix proportions: The mix proportion is different for different construction part of the building. It is essential to produce appropriate mix design using the proposed proportion or trial mixes and tests to achieve the required strength. In our site the mix is proportioned by using a gauge box, manufactured from plywood with dimensions 40 * 50cm, the depth varies depending on the grade of concrete. For example, for C25 the depth is 20cm and for C30, 18cm. However, the mix ratio remains the same 1:2:3 (1 cement to 2 Sand to 3 aggregate) because the depth balance the grade of concrete. Concrete class mix- ratio Box dimension(cm) C-5 1:4:6 20*40*50 C-25 1:2:3 20*40*50 C-30 1:2:3 18*40*50 Table 3-different grades of concrete used in our site Mixing of concrete: The concrete is mixed in our site using an efficient automatic mechanical mixer and by hand. The concrete mixing procedure is: Water is poured to the mix drum to wash away all unnecessary materials in it. Cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate added according to specific grade of concrete. Sufficient water added that will result in a workable mix, which can be poured efficiently into position around reinforcement and will produce a dense concrete of specific strength. The mixing process is stopped when the cement is thoroughly distributed throughout the mass, approximately 3 minutes Figure 30-concrete mixing after the whole of water has been added. The concrete will not be discharged from the mixer unless it is properly mixed, having a uniform color and consistency. The amount of water is adjusted by trial and error and based on experience as described previously PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 23 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Transporting, conveying, and placing of concrete: Means transport the ready mixed concrete from the mixer to the working place, and this depends on the size of the job, depth below ground level or height above the ground level at which the concrete is to be placed & the quick transportation of concrete is essential In our site we use Chutes for underground construction such as footing pad and manual transportation of concrete (barilla, The transport of concrete had been conveying using a barilla, which is made from corrugated iron sheet and eucalyptus. Two people have involved in carrying the barilla.) for foundation columns, grade beam, columns, and other construction works, and manual transportation for above ground construction. The transport of concrete had been conveying using a barilla, which is made from corrugated iron sheet and eucalyptus. Two people have involved in carrying the barilla. Figure 31- Concrete transporting using barilla and chute Placing of concrete: It refers to casting of the concrete on its final position and thus ensures proper distribution of concrete in the structure; Concrete must be placed in position as soon after mixing as possible and before too stiff to work. The important points to be noted in placing concrete are the following: Inside of form work should be inspected. Check for the proper positioning of spacers and reinforcement. Choose the right equipment for the concrete. There should be no segregation of concrete when it is placed. It should be thoroughly compacted in position in layers. Avoid excessive horizontal movement. Maintain sufficient placement capacity. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 24 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Compacting of concrete: Compaction is the shaking or vibrating of the concrete to liquefy it and expel any trapped air. Compaction must be done as concrete is placed, while it is still plastic. Never let concrete dry out and stiffen because it will be too difficult to compact. Properly compacted concrete is more dense, strong and durable. Figure 32-compaction of concrete Curing of concrete: Curing is the operation of maintaining humidity and temperature of freshly placed concrete to assure satisfactory hydration of cement and proper hardening of the concrete or to keep concrete moist for some time (3 - 7 days). By keeping concrete, moist the bond between the paste and the aggregates gets stronger. 2.4. The procedure I followed while performing my tasks First, when they told me to handle a particular task, I try to ask everything that is unclear for me to execute that task. Then I go through with the work and try to finish the work within the time they gave me. The office Engineer takes and sees all the works I have done. He checks and corrects me if there is an error with my work. After this, he tells me the correct way to handle the task. For example in quantity surveying or when I prepare take off sheets, I try to explain or describe all necessary steps that has to be followed for every items of works as per specification and bill of quantities. I try to follow the easiest and short methodology in order to qualify different tasks in understandable manner when the other person sees it. I need to work each and every task by myself unless I didn’t understand it well. Additionally I want to execute any type of work independently, accurately and with the required speed. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 25 Internship report After I have finished my office works, I want to see activities that are under going on site. [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Because as a training taker I have to observe and participate both in office and site in order to develop my theoretical as well as practical skills. Whenever, when I perform site works, I followed the following procedure: First, I follow safety procedure; I wear helmet and safety shoes. I enter in to the site and write all the activities done on a sheet of paper. I observe or I ask how I do the work and participate on working well. When I get to the site in the morning, I take the floor plan and check the work done. For instance if the work scheduled for the previous night was concrete casting I check if the concrete casting is stopped at 1/3 from a major structure. Then I check the finished work by referring the plan. E.g. if the finished task is reinforcement work of the column, I check the quantity and check the proper orientation of bars and its diameter. If the finished work is formwork of the column, I check horizontal and vertical alignments of column by using the bubble (plumb bob) and so on…. 2.5. Qualities I have been in performing my work tasks. To tell you the truth, I try to complete any tasks that are expected from me within specified time. Especially I was focus on the accuracy of works and in finishing them quickly. I independently go through with the work without need of much assistance. Apart from the work, I assist my staff members by sharing ideas with them and I have given a good service in different offices with good communication with my staff members. Polite way of treating everybody in the site as well as in the office is crucial thing in order to have a good link of work with all stakeholders of the company. Because of this, I make a smooth relationship with all of my staff members to avoid interruption of workflow. In addition, I developed a good work ethics during this period. Like punctuality, reliability, professionalism, accuracy and so on… 2.6. Challenges faced me while performing work task It is know that every work needs strong motivation to participate and perform it. When I enter to the company I assumed that everything run smoothly. After I enter, the company there is no direct and smooth way to run in any direction. Generally, the challenges that is facing me in 4-months internship program were look like this: The challenge I have faced while I am working is lack of allocating (distribution) of works to the practicing students like me regularly. As a trainer, they have to arrange PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 26 Internship report continuous works to the practicing students in order to train us in all aspects of [DILLA UNIVERSITY] construction sector. In addition, they have to control our performance and punctuality throughout the training. Weather condition made me not to easily perform my tasks. Communication with the site worker with site knowledge. Less accessible transport service in the morning. The lack of theoretical concept about office work. The lack of knowledge in quantity survey. The design of the project was very complex and difficult to understand easily in internship or in student stage. Lack of safety tools and materials, safety tips in the project site. 2.7. Measures I took to overcome my challenges Throughout the training, I try to fix my obstacles within my own talent and skill because these challenges make me stronger and increase my technical skill. I try to adopt the culture, belief and general life style of the site community. Here some of the methods I took in order to solve those problems: When there is no task is available for me, I try to cooperatively work with the quantity surveyor and data collector. Within these measures, I try to use my training time effectively as per expected. I asked the site engineer to prepare for us the working space out of the site. Ask Forman and engineers to understand the complex drawing and get more information. Wear strong and good quality construction safety shoes. Generally, the working progress of this internship program was so exciting and full of challenging. Those challenging also made some body to know the work follow method. Since any kinds of construction was full of problems and those problems should be solved. Therefore, I can say that these follow methods made me to develop my knowledge and experience in skills. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 27 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 3. OVER ALL BENEFITS THAT I HAVE GAINED FROM THIS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In my internship too, there were some benefits those are gained accordingly. While I was working in Amhara Building Works Construction Enterprise on Gojjam Cultural Center Auditorium Building hall for a specific location in Deber Markos town in general I have gained the following important and interesting benefits. 3.1. Practical skills When I started working in the company something was new for me. I had only the theoretical Knowledge of the works. It was really fascinating and inspiring to see and experience the lessons we have been learning for the past four years. So I tried to experience and learn every work as much as I can. I tried to learn every aspects of the work both technical and nontechnical terms. From our internship time in Amhara Building Works Construction Enterprise on Gojjam Cultural Center Auditorium Building, I deserve high practical skill in site and office work. Some Practical skills I gained in the company are listed below; Reade real design and drawing with its specifications. Preparing bill of quantity for construction work Where negative bars are placed. How flat slabs are constructed. How formworks are braced for columns (using plumb bob i.e. for vertical alignment) How slab & beam formwork prepared How & when scaffoldings are erected and removed. Concrete work such as mixing, Casting, transporting, and curing of concrete for different construction and other practical skill. 3.2. Theoretical Knowledge Since the practice depends first on theory, it was easy to correspond with each other. It is not very challenging to change the theory into practice. Theoretical knowledge is dependable on principles, logic and calculations. It is interesting when the theoretical knowledge & the practice meet exactly as you wanted to. In my internship time I have gained so many, theoretical knowledge’s in addition to practical Skills. Since I work in the site and office sections of the company, some of the theoretical knowledge learn and read is applied effectively. And these help me to exercise and understand in unforgettable way because I was done some site and office work by my selves. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 28 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] 3.3. Interpersonal Communication Skill Interpersonal communication is a way of communication that a person have with other people Who might have contact with. Meeting with the staffs was a little tough. Then after time has passed I let my selves to them by reasonably talking on issues those are related to the office work. Then step by-step when I got into the work, there comes the opportunity to communicate on work related talks. The other relation we involved was with internees who were come from different universities with different backgrounds. The First week of our meeting, it possessed a great effort for nice interaction because of background, hobby and other similar things. Our relation developed with days and we investigate common friends. 3.4. Team Playing Skill Team playing skill is a skill of a person to work with other people co-operatively. This skill was developed easily and rapidly. It begins when we were in campus. Some assignments given were done in groups. This helps us to handle different characters of the persons we worked with. Our work tasks need lot of cooperation and communication with one another especially in site work section because site works need high degree of coordination with accuracy. In each and every tasks contribution of every individuals adds a value for the best output. While we were doing this different tasks, ideas where rose and there were arguments between us. 3.5. Leadership Skill Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples. In our internship time in ABWC Enterprise on Gojjam Cultural Center Auditorium Building Project different works help us to Improve and exercise my leadership ability. Leading a work came with responsibility. And the works give responsibility of performing different site works and work bill of quantity with other peoples. These highly contribute to the process of improving my leadership skill. 3.6. Work Ethics Issues Punctuality: - arriving on time at work was necessary since it was part of my job. In any part of Work punctuality is directly related with accuracy, correctness and finally with result of test. Being not punctual means reporting incorrect result, this is because most of office works are related with time, and arriving on time in all part of project is must to have accurate and correct result. All this helped me to understand how punctuality is important in work place. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 29 Internship report Responsibility: - I have taken responsibility to the jobs I were doing and the equipment’s. [DILLA UNIVERSITY] Responsibility in our work place was important work Ethics, because I was responsible for all tasks I perform. This helped me to understand the importance of responsibility. Office disciplines: - in work place, I do not have to disturb the working atmosphere. For example, Abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and things, which disturb other worker’s working mood. Cooperation: - Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working. That is because it is through such system problems could be easily solved, which facilitate the workflow in the company. 3.7. Entrepreneurship skill By now in our country, construction is the leading business relative to other new business. Since our country is developing country the country need different more civil facilities to become developed country, which need high participation of construction technology and management parties starting from, design up to finishing construction. Construction needs high investment, which delivers high profit for both contractor and client. We saw and hear different construction related problems. Understanding this make me to think more about being Entrepreneur and we saw different construction firms, which work together with Amhara Building Works Construction Enterprise. At last but not least, now a days Entrepreneurship is significant issue in worldwide because of increasing number of literate manpower. I observed that there are many job opportunities in the construction sector, if someone takes contracts or sub–contracts. This shows someone can be successful in generating income for him/herself and has job opportunities for people for instance some of the sub- sectors such as carpentry, electrician, Reinforcement works (bar bender), sanitary work and etc… in the construction work. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 30 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] CONCLUSION From the past internship time I conclude the following based on practical and theoretical knowledge that gained from my internship time: In my internship period I got the chance to improve both my theoretical and practical knowledge When I stay in the site I was learned how to communicate with the site workers. I Believed that the skills gained from the internship will actually help me for my future career, because I was familiar with the skills, which are essential in the working environment. More supports me to learn the different hierarchs of the projects. During these past internship time, I have been able to see the different theoretical and practical aspects, methodologies. I have been fulfilling our curiosity in learning practically building construction well in this internship program. Generally, the internship program creates a vital role in our four years theoretical lessons. The internship program connects me to the real construction works and made me to hold a vital confidence. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 31 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] RECOMMENDATION From my internship time, I recommended the following regarding to Hosting Company, college of engineering and technology and university industry linkage respectively. For Hosting Company: During the last my intern time I could observe different hard working activities in the site. However, there are some points to be recommended, because those activities have negative impact on construction industry. Avoid or decrease delay preparations of drawing and delay delivery of drawing. Prepare or full fill safety tolls and materials in the site or in office for engineer and daily labor. Mark or paint accidental place in the site such as deep hole, edge of building structure… Care should be taken when handling, casting and placing the concrete Take consecutive attendance for internship student come from different organization For college of engineering and Technology: Make a strong linkage with hosting company and control the attitude and efficiency of the student in the site. Assign advisor on time and control the connection between advisor and the internship student. Give greater attention for practical knowledge before internship semesters. Give necessary and required information about internship for student before start the internship. Control the student with department and create linkage with hosting company and collect Information about the student. Control and mange advisor that assign for students. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 32 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] REFERENCE 1. http://abwce.org.et/?q=content/background 2. http://abwce.org.et/?q=content/mission-and-visio 3. Company documents containing organizational structure and brief history. 4. Others related internship reports. 5. Building construction handouts. 6. Construction materials handouts. 7. Reinforced concrete structure I & II handouts. 8. Oral information. PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 33 Internship report [DILLA UNIVERSITY] APPENDIX Armata: concrete. Buhaka: mix of cement and water. Senkelo: which is used for transport of the concrete and other materials. Riga: is leveled wood/steel, which is used to level concrete during casting and as supporter in formwork Mero: is like bar used to chisel the concrete and as a peg. Crista: is a vertical member made up of wooden or steel material, which is used to support the structural formwork Fondo: it is a panel used to under beam or bottom formwork. Sponda: it is a side/depth formwork of beams, which helps to keep the dimensions of the beam. Cracher: It is a wooden strut used to support column formwork or panels. Penci: is `panel but is small in size which is used to fill the small opening in form work. Tumbi: This is used to check verticality alignments of column formwork and used in masonry works ̸ plumbing bobs Mefas: is flat tool used level the concrete during casting. Barela: This is wooden supported flat plate used to transport concrete works like cement, aggregate, sand etc. Kebalato: for guiding bar space in the slab for top and bottom reinforcement PREPARED BY DANIEL YILKAL 34