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ASME 2021 Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Key Changes

Key changes to
the ASME 2021
Boiler & Pressure
Vessel Code
BPVC Section I ‒ Rules for
Construction of Power Boilers
BPVC Section VII ‒
Recommended Guidelines for the
Care of Power Boilers
BPVC Section IV ‒ Rules for
Construction of Heating Boilers
BPVC Section VI ‒ Recommended
Rules for the Care and Operation
of Heating Boilers
319 & 320)
BPVC Section I
Provides construction requirements used by
manufacturers and others to assist in all
methods of construction of power boilers,
including coal fired, heat-recovery-steam
generators, electric, miniature, firetube and
Key changes:
Location: PG-58.3.1
PG-58.3.1 was revised to further
clarify the limits of Boiler External
Piping (BEP) for a single installation
as a result of previous changes made
to Figures PG-58.2-1, 58.2-4, and PG58.2-4.
Location: PG-69
Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV)
Code Section XIII was developed to
consolidate and standardize pressure
relief device requirements for BPV
Codes. To ensure a smooth
transition, modifications to Section I
have been issued concurrent with the
issuance of Section XIII, including the
transfer of pressure relief device
requirements from PG-69.1.2, PG69.1.3, PG69.1.5 through PG-69.2.6 to
Section XIII.
The remaining Section I overpressure
protection requirements have been
Cross-references have been updated.
A new Nonmandatory Appendix G
has been added to list the new
locations for all requirements
formerly located in A-311 and PG-69.
Location: PW-39
PW-39.1 was revised to add
reference to Table PW-39.2,
addressing temperature ranges for
dissimilar and similar weld joints.
Holding temperatures in Tables PW39-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 was revised to
a range rather than just a minimum
Table PW-39-5 was revised to add
new note 5.
Table PW-39-8 was revised to include
note added referencing Table PW39.2 for dissimilar metal welds.
Table references were revised in PW39.4.3.1, PW-39-5.1.1 and PW-395.1.2.
BPVC Section VII
Provides guidelines to assist those directly
responsible for operating, maintaining, and
examining power boilers. These boilers
include stationary, portable, and traction type
boilers, but not locomotive and hightemperature water boilers, miniature boilers,
heating boilers (see Section VI), pressure
vessels, or marine boilers. Guidelines are also
provided for operation of auxiliary equipment
and appliances that affect the safe and
reliable operation of power boilers.
Key changes:
Location: Article 100
Figures were added for a watertube
boiler and package boiler.
BPVC Section IV
Provides construction requirements used by
manufacturers and others to assist in the
material selection, manufacturing, installation
and inspection of steam heating boilers, hot
water heating boilers, hot water supply
boilers and potable water heaters that are
directly fired by oil, gas, electricity, coal, or
other solid or liquid fuels intended for
operation at or below the pressure and
temperature limits outlined in this document.
Key changes:
Location: Tables HF-300.1, HF300.1M,
HF-300.2, HF300.2M, HLW-300 and HLW301, HG-301.2(i), HF-201(b)(1), Table 4-1
This item removes the allowable
stress tables from BPV Section IV
and update the reference to these
table throughout BPV Section IV to
BPV Section II, Part D. The allowable
stress tables currently in BPV Section
IV was been added to 2019 edition of
BPV Section II. Presently, the
allowable stress tables pertaining to
BPV Section IV are mandatory, while
in BPV Section II, they are for
information only. Record 19-274 has
been created to make the BPV
Section IV allowable stress tables in
BPV Section II mandatory.
Location: Article 4 & HLW-800
A new ASME BPV Section XIII is
being developed to consolidate and
standardize pressure relief device
requirements for BPV Codes. This
item contains all the revisions to BPV
Section IV necessary to adopt BPV
Section XIII. This includes the
transfer of pressure relief device
requirements from BPV Section IV to
BPV Section XIII and restructuring
the remaining construction Code
overpressure protection
Location: New Part HG, Article 8
Modular boiler requirements are
scattered throughout BPV Section IV
in paras. HG-330.6, HG-530.3, HG607, HG-615, HG-710.4, HG-716, &
Appendix E. This makes it difficult for
new users to understand the
requirements for modular boilers. In
addition to consolidating the
information in one location, the
requirements were clarified as a
result of jurisdictional questions and
BPVC Section VI
Provides recommended guidelines to
promote safety in the use of steam heating,
hot water heating and hot water supply
boilers that are directly fired with oil, gas,
electricity, coal, or other solid and liquid
fuels. These guidelines are intended for use
by those directly responsible for operating
and maintaining heating and hot water
supply boilers. And only apply to boilers
subject to the service restrictions of BPVC
Section IV.
Key changes:
Location: Article 2
Added a definition for maximum
water temperature in article 2
BPVC Section III ‒ Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Facility
• BPVC Section XI ‒ Rules for
Inservice Inspection of Nuclear
Power Plant Components
BPVC Section III
This section is comprised of four major
divisions that cover nuclear components,
concrete containments, transportation &
storage containment systems along with
high temperature reactors. These divisions
address the material selection,
manufacturing, installation, examination,
testing, overpressure protection, inspection,
stamping and certification for the
construction of nuclear facility components,
assuring their pressure boundary integrity
and the structural integrity.
Divisions 1 & 2, Subsection NCA, General
Contains general requirements for
manufacturers, fabricators, installers,
designers, material manufacturers, material
suppliers, and owners of nuclear power
plants. These requirements are referenced
throughout Division 1 & Division 2 for quality
assurance, Code Symbol stamping and
authorized inspection for Class 1, 2, 3, MC,
CS & CC construction.
Contains both mandatory and nonmandatory appendices referenced by all
Divisions of Section III. The mandatory
appendices contain requirements for
construction (e.g., design and design
analysis methods, Data Report Forms), while
the non-mandatory appendices provide
additional information or guidance for the
use of Section III (e.g., guidance on preparing
a Design Report).
Key changes:
Location: NCA-1110
NCA-1111 has been revised to
include the scope of Division 5 and to
provide a reference to Subsection HA
to direct the user to general
requirements for high temperature
Location: NCA-3461, NCA-3561, NCA3661, NCA-3684, NCA-3785
NCA-3461, NCA-3561, NCA-3661,
NCA-3684 and NCA-3785 have been
revised to provide consistency and
clarification regarding N type
Certificate Holders responsibilities,
such as eliminating the need for one
N type Certificate holder to survey or
audit another N type Certificate
holder being subcontracted, as long
as the scope of work is already
described within that subcontractor's
Location: NCA-3551
NCA-3551.3 has been revised to
require the Certified Design Report
Summary to be certified by a
Certifying Engineer along with the
Design Report for standard supports.
Location: NCA-3862.2
NCA-3862.2 has been revised to add
requirements for N-type certification
of materials, which was previously
not addressed in the Code.
Key changes:
Location: Mandatory Appendix XIII-3400
Paragraph XIII-3430 has been revised
to add a new criterion to explicitly
address the ratchet limit due to
thermal membrane stress in addition
to combined thermal membrane plus
bending stress range. As a result,
thermal stresses have been removed
from the 3-Sm limit when
determining whether simplified
elastic-plastic analysis may be
performed in XIII-3450(a).
Location: Mandatory Appendix XXVI,
Nonmandatory Supplement E
Appendix XXVI has been updated to
add new Nonmandatory Supplement
E to provide guidance for the
pressure design of PE and metallicto-PE flanged joints.
An additional statement allowing for
the use of Nonmandatory
Supplement E was included in XXVI4521.
Location: Nonmandatory Appendix B
Nonmandatory Appendix B has been
revised to add guidance for
additional ultrasonic examination for
high alloy metals, such as stainless
steel and nickel alloy, that have not
undergone significant reduction from
the cast state.
Location: Nonmandatory Appendix MM
New Nonmandatory Appendix MM
has been added to provide guidance
on the stress linearization process,
based on the stress linearization
guidelines in Section VIII - Division 2,
including recommendations for postprocessing the results of an elastic
finite element stress analysis for
comparison to the stress limits of
Section III.
Division 1, Subsection NB, Class 1
Contains requirements used to assist in
material selection, manufacturing,
examination, inspection, testing and
overpressure protection of items that are
intended to conform to the requirements for
Class 1 construction.
Key changes:
Location: NB-3324
NB-3324 has been revised to add an
additional thickness formula for
nonspherical heads in Class 1
construction. NB3324 has previously
only provided tentative thickness
formulas for cylindrical shells and
spherical heads.
Location: NB-3500
NB-3500 has been revised to define
requirements for safety relief devices,
specifically to address Pilot Operated
Relief Valves (PORVs) and Pressure
Actuated Relief Valves (PARVs)
design and test requirements.
Additional requirements were added
for nozzle and disk design to address
Sm allowable for non-listed
Division 1, Subsection NCD, Class 2 and
Class 3 Components
Subsection NC, Class 2 Components, and
Subsection ND, Class 3 Components, have
been consolidated into one Section III
Subsection NCD, Class 2 and Class 3
Components. New Subsection NCD contains
requirements used to assist in material
selection, manufacturing, examination,
inspection, testing and overpressure
protection of items that are intended to
conform to the requirements for Class 2 or
Class 3 construction. All Section III Division
references to Subsection NC and Subsection
ND have been reviewed and revised
accordingly to reflect the consolidation of
Subsection NCD.
Key changes:
Location: General
Subsections NC and ND have been
consolidated into one Subsection
NCD. The new Subsection NCD
contains the requirements for both
Class 1 and Class 2 components.
Location: NCD-3500
NCD-3531.1 and NCD-3593.1 have
been revised to add design and test
requirements to address Pilot
Operated Relief Valves (PORVs) and
Pressure Actuated Relief Valves
(PARVs). Additional language was
added to NCD-3595.3 and NB3595.5
for Nozzle and Disk design,
respectively, to address S allowable
for non-listed materials.
Location: Table NCD-4622.7(b)-1
Table NCD-4622.7(b)-1 has been
revised to add rows for socket welds
for P-No. 3 (except Gr. 3), P-No. 9A
Gr. 1, and P-No. 9B Gr. 1.
Division 1, Subsection NE, Class MC
Contains requirements used to assist in
material selection, manufacturing,
examination, inspection, testing and
overpressure protection of metal
containment vessels that are intended to
conform to the requirements for Class MC
Key changes:
Location: Figure NE-2575.2-1
Figure NE-2575.2-1 has been revised
to add General Note C to clarify that
the sketch shown is typical but is to
be used as guide for minimum
required coverage of other
Location: NE-3228
NE-3228.1(a) has been deleted since
the limitation on analytical methods
for "the remaining stress limits" is no
longer needed. Given the improved
understanding of analysis methods
and the fact that different failure
modes are involved, performing a
shakedown analysis should not
preclude performing a separate
inelastic analysis for primary limits.
Location: NE-4211
NE-4211 has been revised to align
Location: NE-6111
NE-6111 has been revised to clarify
that “non-welded access opening
covers” are exempted from pressure
Division 1, Subsection NF, Supports
Contains requirements used to assist in
material selection, manufacturing, inspection
and examination of supports that are
intended to conform to the requirements for
Classes 1, 2, 3 and MC construction.
Supports are defined as metal supports that
are designed to transmit loads from the
pressure retaining barrier of the component
or piping to the load carrying building
Key changes:
Location: NF-3223.5, NF-3252.3, NF3270, NF-3570, NF-3670
Various revisions were made to
Subsection NF and Appendix F to
reflect appropriate stress limit
conditions identified in the NRC
Regulatory Guide 1.130, “Service
Limits and Loading Combinations for
Class 1 Plate and Shell Type
Location: NF-3322
NF-3322 has been revised to be
consistent with AISC 360-16 and to
align with current industry guidance
for pinconnected members.
Two new figures were also added to
provide clarity in application of the
dimensional limitations described in
the text.
Location: NF-3223, NF-3252
NF-3223.5 added to provide
additional specificity as to how to
determine the critical buckling stress
of NF Plate and Shell designs.
Division 1, Subsection NG, Core Support
Contains requirements to assist in material
selection, manufacturing, inspection and
examination required in the manufacture and
installation of core support structures. Core
support structures are defined as structures
or parts of structures designed to provide
direct support or restraint of the core (fuel &
blanket assemblies) within the reactor
pressure vessel.
Key changes:
Location: NG-3211
NG-3211 has been revised to provide
requirements to address buckling of
beams and columns.
Location: NG-3213
The terms related to stress analysis
in NG-3213 have been updated to be
consistent with those in Mandatory
Appendix XIII, Design Based on
Stress Analysis.
Location: NG-3228
NE-3228.1(a) has been deleted since
the limitation on analytical methods
for "the remaining stress limits" is no
longer needed. Given the improved
understanding of analysis methods
and the fact that different failure
modes are involved, performing a
shakedown analysis should not
preclude performing a separate
inelastic analysis for primary limits.
Location: NG-3225, NG-3228, NG-3235
NG-3225, NG-3228, NG-3235 have
been revised to consolidate and
clarify the rules for limit analysis
within Subsection NG.
Division 2, Code for Concrete Containments
Contains requirements for concrete
containment structures, pre-stressed or
reinforced. This Division establishes rules to
assist in material selection, manufacturing,
construction, examination, testing, marking,
stamping and preparation of reports for
prestressed and reinforced concrete
containments. These requirements are
applicable only to those components that are
designed to provide a pressure retaining or
containing barrier.
Key changes:
Location: BPV III-2
BPV III-2 has been revised to correct
material sizing system
inconsistencies. All metric bar and
coupler sizes referenced within the
Code have been revised to maintain
the US material sizing system.
Location: CC-2121(c), CC-2438.4.1, CC2438.4.2
CC-2121(c) has been revised to
clarify that this article also provides
requirements for corrosion
prevention materials in CC-2438.
CC-2438.4.1 and CC-2438.4.2 have
been revised to clarify that
qualification test data and test data
for permanent corrosion protection
material as defined in CC-2438 shall
be certified.
Location: Article D2-II-1000
A definition for Tension Tie Member
has been added to D2-II-1000, Terms
and Definitions.
Location: CC-2623.2, Table CC-2623.2-1,
CC-2710, CC-3121, Figure CC-4542.2-6
Table CC-2623.2-1 is revised to
update strength requirements for
CC-2710 and CC-3121 are revised to
provide clarification on existing
A new note was added to Figure CC4542.2-6.
Location: Table CC-2231.1-1, CC-2232.3
Various revisions to CC-5200-1, Table
CC-2231-1, CC-2224.3, and CC-5232
to allow for self consolidating
Division 3, Containment Systems for
Transportation and Storage of Spent
Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive
Provides requirements used to assist in the
design and construction of containment
systems for spent nuclear fuel and high-level
radioactive material & waste during storage
and transport use. Contains general
requirement rules to assist in the material
selection, manufacturing, examination,
testing, marking, stamping and preparation
of reports for Class TC and SC. Includes
requirements to assist in the construction of
internal support structures (also referred to
as baskets) regarding the strength integrity
of items and the failure or excessive
deformation of which would cause the loss
of geometric configuration of the
containment contents.
Key changes:
Location: Subsections WB, WC, and WD
Subsections, WB, WC and WD have
been revised to clarify the prohibition
of certain welding processes (i.e.
electrogas (EGW), electroslag (ESW)
and continuous drive friction, and
specially designed seal welds.
Location: WC-2129 and WC-3263
Section WC-2129 has been added to
include requirements for fabricated
hubbed flanges. Section WC-3263
has been added to include
requirements for Category C Weld
Joints for Flat Heads with Hubs.
Location: WB-3000
Figures WB-3221-1, WB-3222-1 and
WB-3224.1-1, paragraphs WB3224(b), WB-3234(a) and WB3234(b) have been revised and a new
paragraph WB-3234(c) has been
added to clarify the requirements for
the hypothetical fire event.
Division 5, High Temperature Reactors
Contains the requirements for the
construction of metallic and nonmetallic
components use in the construction of high
temperature reactors and their supporting
systems. Includes requirements for Class A
and Class B metallic components, metallic
component supports, metallic and
nonmetallic core support structures used in
the construction of high temperature
reactors and their supporting systems.
Key changes:
Location: HHA-3217
HHA-3217 has been revised to
update the failure probability
calculation to increase the accuracy
for fine grained graphite materials
Location: Figure HBB-T-1420-1E
Figure HBB-T-1420-1E has been
revised to update the series of
fatigue curves for Grade 91 at
elevated temperatures from 700F to
Location: Appendix HBB-T
Appendix HBB-T has been revised to
provide equations for the
isochronous stress-strain curves to:
(1) allow the designer to easily
calculate values at arbitrary
combinations and time, stress and
temperature, (2) to fix several curves
that were found to have error and (3)
to replot all the isochronous stressstrain curves to have a common
BPVC Section XI
Provides requirements to assist in the
maintenance of the nuclear power plant and
to return the plant to service following a
plant outage. These rules also stipulate
duties of the Authorized Nuclear Inservice
Inspector (ANII) to verify that the program
has been completed, permitting the plant to
return to service in a safe and expeditious
manner. Application of this Section begins
when the requirements of the Construction
Code have been satisfied.
Division 1, Rules for Inspection and Testing
of Components of Light-Water-Cooled
Provides rules for a mandatory program of
examination, inspections and testing to
evidence adequate safety and to manage
deterioration and aging effects in light-water
cooled nuclear power plants. Examination
methods used during inservice inspection
are specified and requirements for
qualification of Nondestructive Examination
(NDE) personnel are included. Procedures
for evaluation of inspection results and
subsequent disposition of results of
evaluations are provided. Requirements for
repair/replacement activities are provided to
restore an item to compliance with the
Construction Code and continued operation.
System pressure testing requirements are
identified in accordance with the appropriate
examination categories. Requirements are
provided for the preparation, submittal and
retention of records and reports.
Key changes:
Location: Mandatory Appendix VIII,
Supplement 15
Supplement 15 has been added to
Mandatory Appendix VIII.
Supplement 15 defines the
qualification requirements for
procedures, personnel and
equipment used for the volumetric
examination of pressurized water
reactor (PWR) vessel upper head
penetrations. This revision facilitates
compliance with Code requirements
by organizing the requirements in
one location and reformatting them
in a consistent manner.
Location: Nonmandatory Appendix Y
A new Nonmandatory Appendix has
been added to consolidate all
existing and future crack growth rate
curves used in Section XI. This
Nonmandatory Appendix shows the
relationships between fatigue crack
growth rates and stress corrosion
crack growth rates for austenitic,
ferritic, and nickel alloy steels for use
in analytical evaluations.
Location: Nonmandatory Appendix Z
A new Nonmandatory Appendix has
been added to provide guidance for
critical attributes which will be
addressed in the Owner’s inspection
program. This Nonmandatory
Appendix addresses a gap
previously in Section XI relative to
the inspection requirements for
Class 2 and Class 3 buried piping
and components.
Division 2, Requirements for Reliability and
Integrity Management (RIM) Programs for
Nuclear Power Plants
Provides requirements to assist in the
creation of the Reliability and Integrity
Management (RIM) Program for all types of
nuclear power plants, including advanced
nuclear reactor designs. The RIM Program
addresses the entire lifecycle of a plant and
includes a combination of monitoring,
examinations, tests, operation and
maintenance requirements that ensure that
each Structure, System and Component
(SSC) included in the RIM Program scope
meets plant risk and reliability goals.
Key changes:
Location: I-1.1 and Figures I-1.1-1
through I-1.1-6
Figures I-1.1-1 through I-1.1-6 have
replaced the original Figures I-1.1-1
through I-1.1-7 to fully integrate the
flowcharts to convey the RIM
process more effectively. I-1.1 has
been revised to update the
descriptions of the symbols used in
the flowcharts.
Pressure Vessels
BPVC Section VIII ‒ Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels
BPVC Section X ‒ FiberReinforced Plastic Pressure
BPVC Section XII ‒ Rules for
Construction and Continued
Service of Transport Tanks
Provides requirements to assist in the
manufacturing, testing, inspection and
certification of both fired and unfired
pressure vessels. Section VIII specifically
refers to those pressure vessels that operate
at pressures, either internal or external, that
exceed 15 psig. It is divided into 3 divisions,
each of which cover different vessel
Division 1, Rules for Construction of
Pressure Vessels
Provides requirements to assist in the
manufacturing, inspection, testing and
certification of pressure vessels operating at
either internal or external pressure
exceeding 15 psig. Such pressure vessels
may be fired or unfired. Specific
requirements apply to several classes of
material used in pressure vessel
construction and fabrication methods such
as welding, forging, and brazing. Division 1
contains mandatory and nonmandatory
appendices detailing supplementary criteria
to assist with design for nondestructive
examination and inspection acceptance
Key changes:
Location: Part UG
Section VIII, Division 1, has adopted
the new ASME BPVC Section XIII,
Rules for Overpressure Protection.
This new Section consolidates and
standardizes pressure relief device
requirements for all ASME BPVC
Location: Mandatory Appendices
Mandatory Appendix 47 has been
added to Section VIII, Division 1, to
prescribe minimum competence
requirements for performing design
activities, as well as qualification and
certification requirements for design
Location: UG-11
Revisions have been made to
provide requirements for a Section
VIII, Division 1 pressure vessel to be
constructed using a cast acrylic
Location: Nonmandatory Appendices
Nonmandatory Appendix UIG-A has
been added to serve as a quick
reference guide for Manufacturers to
use in conjunction with Part UIG. The
Appendix summarizes the
requirements for the manufacture of
certified material and graphite
pressure vessels.
Division 2, Alternative Rules
Provides requirements to assist in the
manufacturing, inspection, testing and
certification of pressure vessels operating at
either internal or external pressures
exceeding 15 psig. Such vessels may be
fired or unfired. This pressure may be
obtained from an external source or by the
application of heat from a direct or indirect
source, or any combination thereof. These
rules provide an alternative to the minimum
requirements for pressure vessels under
Division 1 rules.
In comparison to Division 1, the Division 2
requirements for assistance in material
selection, manufacturing and nondestructive
examination are more rigorous; however,
higher design stress intensify values are
Key changes:
Location: Part 2 – 2.3, Annex 2-B and
Annex 2-J
This proposal allows engineers to
provide Code services, in addition to
Certifying Engineers and Designers.
Educational requirements for
engineers and Designers, have also
been added. These changes aligns
the requirements of Appendix 47 of
Section VIII, Division 1.
Location: Part 2 – 2-F.7.1
Upon review of Section VIII, Division
2, the goal was to align it with
Division 1, by allowing direct
stamping on the vessel under certain
conditions. When this direct
stamping was added, the size of the
characters was increased, but did
not leave a provision in Division 2 for
the smaller, 4 mm (5/32 in.)
characters when stamping on a
nameplate. This action corrects that
oversight and makes Division 2
consistent with Division 1 to include
the character size of 4 mm (5/32 in.)
for stamping on the nameplate.
Location: Part 9
Section VIII, Division 2, has adopted
the new ASME BPVC Section XIII,
Rules for Overpressure Protection.
This new Section consolidates and
standardizes pressure relief device
requirements for all ASME BPVC
To ensure a smooth transition,
modifications to Section VIII,
Division 2, have been issued
concurrent with the issuance of
Section XIII, including the transfer of
pressure relief device requirements
from Part 9 to Section XIII. The
remaining Section VIII, Division 2
overpressure protection
requirements have been
restructured within new paragraphs
of Part 9. In addition, the following
changes have been made:
Cross-references have been
Annex 9A has been revised to
adopt Section XIII.
A new Annex 9B has been added
to list the new locations for all
requirements formerly located in
Part 9
Division 3, Alternative Rules for
Construction of High Pressure Vessels
Provides guidelines for pressure vessels
operating at internal or external pressures
above 10,000 psi. It does not establish
maximum pressure limits for either Section
VIII, Divisions 1 or 2, nor minimum pressure
limits for this Division.
Key changes:
Location: KM-400.2 and KM-400.2M
KM-400.2 and KM-400.2M have
been revised to add new cautionary
notes (11) and (12) that involve the
chloride stress corrosion cracking of
austenitic stainless steels and the
corrosion of free-machining
stainless steels, respectively.
Location: KD-2, KD-3, and Mandatory
Appendix 1
KD-2, KD-3, and Mandatory Appendix
1 revisions have been made to
correct “von mises equivalent stress”
terms to “equivalent stress”
Location: Tables KD-320.1, KD-320.1M,
and Figures KD-320.3 and KD-320.3M
Tables KD-320.1, KD-320.1M, and
Figures KD-320.3 and KD-320.3M
have been revised to update the
austenitic stainless-steel fatigue
Location: KF-826
KF-826 was revised to update the
rules for calculating maximum
permissible gaps for welded layered
Location: KR Sections
KR sections have been updated to
reference the new Section XIII on
Overpressure Protection
Forms K-4 and K-5 have been
removed and a new Nonmandatory
Appendix M added for the new
All applicable references within
Division 3 have been updated and
the reference to PTC-25 has been
removed from KG141.
BPVC Section X
Provides requirements to assist in the
construction of a fiber-reinforced plastic
pressure vessel (FRP) in conformance with a
manufacturer’s design report. It includes
production, processing, fabrication,
inspection and testing methods required for
the vessel. Section X includes three Classes
of vessel design: Class I - nondestructive
qualification test; Class II – mandatory
design rules and acceptance testing by
nondestructive methods and Class III –
qualification through the destructive test of
a prototype. These vessels are not permitted
to store, handle or process lethal fluids.
Vessel fabrication is limited to the following
processes: bag-molding, centrifugal casting,
filament-winding and contact molding.
Key changes:
Location: Figures RD-620.5, RD-620.6 &
Laminate tapers for nozzle
attachments have been revised from
6:1 to 4:1 to align with 4:1 tapers on
head/shell and shell/shell joints.
Location: RD-1172.1
Permit the use of a KD factor of 1.0
for all chopped strand mat laminates
and laminates consisting of chopped
strand mat and woven roving. The
KD factor would remain at 0.84 for
all other types of laminates. This
revision would bring the Section X
requirements in line with those of
Location: General
Adopt the new Section XIII,
Overpressure Protection. This
includes the transfer of pressure
relief device requirements from
Section X to Section XIII and the
restructuring of the remaining
overpressure protection
Location: RG-111, RD-111, RT-412.2,
Non-mandatory Appendix AH
Increase the maximum operating
pressure to 2,000 psi. All existing
Section X Class I rules can be
followed as written. Section X, Class
I vessels with polar bosses can
currently be fabricated and Codestamped up to 3,000 psi.
Location: 8-100.3
Add reference to KD-10 in Section
VIII, Div. 3 and to make it clear that
load sharing pressure parts include
not only the metallic liner but the end
BPVC Section XII
Provides requirements to assist in the
construction and continued service of
pressure vessels for the transportation of
dangerous goods via highway, rail, air or
water. “Continued service” is an all-inclusive
term referring to inspection, testing, repair,
alteration and recertification of a transport
tank that has been in service. The term
“pressure vessel” refers to the pressure
boundary defined by the geometric scope of
Section XII, and includes, but is not limited
to, the shell, heads and openings. The term
“Tank” refers to the pressure vessel,
appurtenances and additional components
that are covered by the Section XII Modal
Key changes:
Location: TM-120
TM-120 has been revised to parallel
the new wording used in BPV VIII
Div. 1 UG-10.
Location: TP-200
TP-200 has been revised to require
that all repairs and alterations to the
pressure vessel of a transport tank
be performed by organizations
holding a National Board “R”
Certificate of Authorization. In the
2019 Edition, the requirement
indicated “TR” Certificates. “TR”
Certificates are not supported or
recognized by the National Board.
Key changes:
Location: Part TR, Mandatory App XIX,
Forms TV-1 and TD-1, Modal
Section XII has adopted the new
ASME BPVC Section XIII, Rules for
Overpressure Protection. This new
Section consolidates and
standardizes pressure relief device
requirements for all ASME BPVC
Sections. To ensure a smooth
transition, modifications to Section
XII have been issued concurrent with
the issuance of Section XIII. These
changes include the transfer of
pressure relief device requirements
from Part TR to Section XIII and the
restructuring of the remaining
overpressure protection
requirements within the new Part
Location: Mandatory Appendix XX
To provide clarity, a slightly modified
version of Section VIII, Division 1,
Mandatory Appendix 2 has been
added to Section XII. The relevant
cross-references in Article TD-5 have
been added to Section XII. The
relevant cross-references in Article
TD-5 have been updated
Location: Mandatory Appendix VIII
Figure VIII-2-2 BPVC Section XII Rules
for Construction and Continued Service
of Transport Tanks:
The value of the coefficient c1 for
the ellipse shape when a/b = 0.9 has
been revised to -0.057. In the 2019
Edition, this value was given as
−0.097. However, S. Timoshenko’s
Strength of Materials, Part II (1930)
lists this value as 0.057
Service &
BPVC Section II ‒ Materials
BPVC Section V ‒ Nondestructive
BPVC Section IX ‒ Welding,
Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
BPVC Section XIII ‒ Rules for
Overpressure Protection
BPVC Section II
Provides material specifications and
material properties adequate for safety in
the field of pressure equipment for ASME
construction that is referenced by the other
BPVC sections.
Part A, Ferrous Material Specifications
A “Service Section” to other ASME
standards, Section II, Part A provides
specifications for ferrous materials
adequate for safety in the field of pressure
equipment. These specifications contain
requirements for chemical and mechanical
properties, heat treatment, manufacturing,
heat and product analyses, and methods of
Key changes:
Location: General
Updates to the latest adopted edition
have been made to over 15
Location: General
Two new specifications have been
added SA-988/SA-988M “Standard
Specification for Hot IsostaticallyPressed Stainless Steel Flanges,
Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High
Temperature Service” and SA989/SA-989M “Standard
Specification for Hot Isostatically
Pressed Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts for High
Temperature Service”
Location: General
One specification has been removed
SA/NF A 36-215 “Specification for
Weldable Fine Grain Steels for
Transportation of Dangerous
Location: General
The range of acceptable ASTM
editions has been updated for a
number of specifications.
Location: Mandatory Appendix IV
The Guideline on the Approval of
New Materials Under the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has
been updated.
Part B, Nonferrous Material Specifications
A “Service Section” to other ASME
standards, Section II, Part B provides
specifications for nonferrous materials
adequate for safety in the field of pressure
equipment. These specifications contain
requirements for chemical and mechanical
properties, heat treatment, manufacturing,
heat and product analyses, and methods of
Key changes:
Location: General
Updates to the latest adopted edition
have been made to over 45
Location: General
Two new specifications have been
added SB-752/SB-752M “ Standard
Specification for Castings,
Zirconium-Base, Corrosion
Resistant, for General Application”
and SB-834 “Standard Specification
for Pressure Consolidated Powder
Metallurgy Iron-Nickel-ChromiumMolybdenum (UNS N08367), NickelChromium-Molybdenum-Columbium
(Nb) (UNS N06625), NickelChromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600
and N06690), and Nickel-ChromiumIron-Columbium-Molybdenum (UNS
N07718) Alloy Pipe Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts”.
Location: General
One specification has been removed
SB-858 “Test Method for Ammonia
Vapor Test for Determining
Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion
Cracking in Copper Alloys”.
Location: Table II-200-1
The range of acceptable ASTM
editions has been updated for a
number of specifications.
Location: Mandatory Appendix IV
The Guideline on the Approval of
New Materials Under the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has
been updated.
Part C, Specifications for Welding Rods,
Electrodes, and Filler Metals
A “Service Section” to the other BPVC
Sections, Section II, Part C provides material
specifications, designated by SFA numbers
and derived from AWS specifications. In
addition, the section provides acceptability,
chemical composition, mechanical usability,
surfacing, testing requirements and
procedures, operating characteristics, and
intended uses for welding rods, electrodes
and filler metals.
Key changes:
Location: SFA-5.01M/SFA-5.0, SFA5.17/SFA-5.17M, SFA-5.26/SFA-5.26M,
SFA-5.28/SFA-5.28M, SFA-5.34/SFA5.34M, SFA-5.39/SFA-5.39M
Updates have been made to the
listed specifications to stay current
with the latest AWS revisions.
Location: SFA-5.36/SFA-5.36M
This specification has been
withdrawn in response to the
withdrawal of A5.36/A5.36M by AWS
and ANSI. The electrodes will
continue to be listed in A5.18, A5.20,
A5.28 and A5.29.
Part DC, Properties (Customary)
A “Service Section” to other ASME
standards, Section II, Part DC provides
tables of material properties including
allowable design, tensile and yield stress
values, physical properties and external
pressure charts and tables. Part DC
facilitates ready identification of materials to
specific sections of the Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code and includes appendices which
contain additional information such as
guidance on the process for approval of new
materials. Access to the online version of
the stress tables is included with purchase
of the hard copy.
Key changes:
Location: Tables 1A, 5A, U and Y-1
Existing stress lines for Grade 91
have been designated as “Type 1”
and new lines have been added for
Grade 91 “Type 2” with higher
allowable stresses.
Location: Tables 6A - 6D
Tables 6A through 6D containing
allowable stresses for ASME BPVC
Section IV have been made
Location: General
Code cases 2445-2, 2543, and 26031 have been incorporated.
Location: General
Additions and revisions to stress
tables and mechanical property
tables have been made to support
updated specifications.
Location: Mandatory Appendix 5
The Guideline on the Approval of
New Materials Under the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has
been updated.
Part DM, Properties (Metric)
A “Service Section” to other ASME
standards, Section II, Part DM provides
tables of material properties including
allowable design, tensile and yield stress
values, physical properties and external
pressure charts and tables. Part DM
facilitates ready identification of materials to
specific Sections of the Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code and includes appendices, which
contain additional information such as
guidance on the process for approval of new
materials. Access to the online version of
the stress tables is included with purchase
of the hard copy.
Key changes:
Location: Tables 1A, 5A, U and Y-1
Existing stress lines for Grade 91
have been designated as “Type 1”
and new lines have been added for
Grade 91 “Type 2” with higher
allowable stresses.
Location: Tables 1A, 5A, U and Y-1
Tables 6A through 6D containing
allowable stresses for ASME BPVC
Section IV have been made
mandatory. o Location: General •
Code cases 2445-2, 2543, and 26031 have been incorporated.
Location: General
Code cases 2445-2, 2543, and 26031 have been incorporated.
Location: General
Additions and revisions to stress
tables and mechanical property
tables have been made to support
updated specifications.
Location: Mandatory Appendix 5
The Guideline on the Approval of
New Materials Under the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has
been updated.
BPVC Section V
A “Service Section” to other BPVC Sections,
Section V provides requirements and
methods for nondestructive examination
(NDE). These NDE methods are intended to
detect surface and internal imperfections in
materials, welds, fabricated parts and
They include radiographic examination,
ultrasonic examination, liquid penetrant
examination, magnetic particle examination,
eddy current examination, visual
examination, leak testing and acoustic
emission examination. This also includes
the manufacturer’s examination
responsibilities along with the duties of
Authorized Inspectors and requirements for
qualification of personnel performing
inspections and examination.
Key changes:
Location: Article 4 New Nonmandatory
Appendices, Article 5 New
Nonmandatory Appendices
Presently, there are no Transfer
Correction Techniques identified in
BPV Section V, Articles 4 or 5. This
item proposed to develop rules for
the Use of Transfer Correction for
Calibration and Examination
Differences in Surface Finish, Heat
Treatment, and other Condition in
BPV Section V, Articles 4 & 5.
Location: New Article 21
This items creates a new Article 21
for Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC)
Examination. In recent years the
number of equipment vendors
offering Pulse Eddy Current (PEC)
equipment has sharply increased, as
well as the field application of the
technique. It was therefore decided
to propose a new article be created
for Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC)
examination in BPV Section V Code.
Location: Subsection B Documents
Article 1, T-120(d) does indicate that
Subsection B documents are
mandatory requirements only to the
extent specified. In spite of that
existing requirement (which was
recently reinforced under approved
record 20-25), we still receive
inquires that indicate that many
Code users do not understand that,
in many cases, Subsection B
documents may be mandatory only
in part or not at all. The new
cautionary note is intended to further
reinforce the requirement in T120(d).
Location: New Article 20
In order to support the new
developments in additive
manufacturing, Section V revised
BPVC Section V to incorporate
Computed Tomography into the
Code for examination of Pressure
Technology components.
BPVC Section IX
A “Service Section” to other BPVC Sections,
Section IX provides requirements relating to
the qualification of welding, brazing and
fusing procedures. It also covers rules
relating to the qualification and
requalification of welders and brazers, along
with welding and brazing operators in order
that they may perform welding or brazing in
component manufacturing. Welding, brazing
and fusing data cover essential and
nonessential variables specific to the
welding, brazing or fusing process used.
Location: QW-200.4, Table QW-255, QW403.10 and QW-404.32
Revision of QW-200.4, Table QW255, QW-403.10 and QW-404.32
concerning GMAW in short-circuit
transfer mode. These revisions
remove the requirements that limit
the base metal and weld metal
thickness to 1.1 times their
respective thicknesses when using
GMAW in the short-circuiting
transfer mode for WPSs.
Location: QW-403.6, QW-406.3, QW407.2, QW-409.1, QW-409.4 and QW410.9
Revision of QW-403.6, QW-406.3,
QW-407.2, QW-409.1, QW-409.4 and
QW-410.9 regarding exemptions for
materials not affected by cooling
rate when toughness qualification is
required. The toughness of P-No. 8,
P-No.21 through 26 and P-No. 41
through 49 materials is not affected
by cooling rate like carbon and alloy
steels are. This change exempts
those materials from variables that
affect cooling rate such as interpass
temperature, minimum thickness
and heat input.
Location: QG-106
Revision of QG-106(a) regarding
supervising qualification activities.
This revision removes the
requirement that persons who sign
qualification records be qualified in
accordance with QG-106(b) and
instead, requires the organization to
designate those who will be
responsible for supervision, control,
evaluation, and acceptance of
qualification testing.
Location: QG-108
Revision of QG-108 regarding
qualifications made to previous
editions. This revision clarifies that
any qualification requirements of the
edition of the referencing code,
standard, or specification applicable
to the product being joined must be
met in addition to the allowances in
QG-108 even when they were not
present when the WPS was originally
Code Cases
BPVC Section I ‒ Rules for
Construction of Power Boilers
BPVC Section IV ‒ Rules for
Construction of Heating Boilers
BPVC Section VIII ‒ Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels
BPVC Section III ‒ Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Facility
BPVC Section XI ‒ Rules for
Inservice Inspection of Nuclear
A “Service Section” to other BPVC Sections,
Section XIII provides rules for the
overpressure protection of pressurized
equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels
and piping systems. This standard includes
requirements to assist in the material
selection, manufacturing, inspection,
assembly, testing and marking of pressure
relief valves, rupture disk devices, pin
devices, spring-actuated non-reclosing
devices, and temperature & pressure relief
valves. Section XIII also covers devices in
combination, capacity and flow resistance
certification, authorization to use The ASME
Single Certification Mark, installation and
overpressure protection by system design.
BPVC Section I Code
Provides the latest code cases for Section I,
Power Boilers. These approved alternatives
run across different methods of
construction of power boilers, including coal
fired, heat-recovery-steam generators,
electric, miniature, firetube and locomotive.
When fully and correctly implemented, the
guidelines found within this book help Code
users achieve continued quality and safety.
While the Code Cases found here are not
mandatory for construction and certification
of equipment to the BPV Code, they are used
extensively by manufacturers and others to
permit the incorporation of designs,
materials or other items into Code
BPVC Section IV Code
Provides the latest code cases for Section
IV, Heating Boilers. These approved
alternatives run across different methods of
construction of steam heating boilers, hot
water heating boilers, hot water supply
boilers and potable water heaters that are
directly fired by oil, gas, electricity, coal, or
other solid or liquid fuels intended for
operation at or below the pressure and
temperature limits outlined in Section IV.
When fully and correctly implemented, the
guidelines found within this book help Code
users achieve continued quality and safety.
While the Code Cases found here are not
mandatory for construction and certification
of equipment to the BPV Code, they are used
extensively by manufacturers and others to
permit the incorporation of designs,
materials or other items into Code
BPVC Section VIII Code
Provides the latest code cases for Section
VIII, Pressure Vessels. These approved
alternatives run across different methods of
construction of both fired and unfired
pressure vessels, which operate at
pressures, either internal or external, that
exceed 15 psig. When fully and correctly
implemented, the guidelines found within
this book help Code users achieve continued
quality and safety. While the Code Cases
found here are not mandatory for
construction and certification of equipment
to the BPV Code, they are used extensively
by manufacturers and others to permit the
incorporation of designs, materials or other
items into Code construction.
BPVC Section III Code
Provides the latest code cases for Section
III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear
Facilities. These approved alternatives run
across different methods of construction of
nuclear components, concrete
containments, transportation & storage
containment systems along with high
temperature reactors. When fully and
correctly implemented, the guidelines found
within this book help Code users achieve
continued quality and safety. While the Code
Case requirements found here are not
mandatory for construction and certification
of equipment to the nuclear section of the
BPV Code, they are used extensively by
manufacturers and others to permit the
incorporation of designs, materials or other
items into Code construction.
BPVC Section XI Code
Provides the latest code cases for Section
XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear
Components. These approved alternative
are designed to maintain the nuclear power
plant and to return the plant to service
following plant outages. In addition, they
may cover the duties of the Authorized
Nuclear Inservice Inspector to verify that the
program has been completed, permitting the
plant to return to service in a safe and
expeditious manner. When fully and
correctly implemented, the requirements
found within this book help Code users
achieve continued quality and safety. While
the Code Cases found here are not
mandatory, they are used extensively by
those directly responsible for operating,
maintaining and inspecting nuclear power
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