7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook Introduction to Python 1. It is general purpose, interpreted, object-oriented, high level and multi-pu rpose programming language 2. Simple and platform independent 3. Beginner Friendly 4. Open source and portable Variables It is one kind of identifier. Identifier User defined words Rules to define and identifier 1. It may contain alphabets (upper & lower case), digits (0-9) and and undersco re(_) 2. It should not start with digit 3. Should not be Keyword 4. Strickly case sensitive 5. Length may be anything Assigning single value to multiple variables a = b = c = 100 a,b,c = 10,20,30 Operators Arithmetic Operators + --> Addition - ==> Substraction * ==> Multiplication / ==> Division // ==> Floor Division % ==> Modulus ** ==> Power Relational localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 1/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM > >= < <= == != python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook ==> Greater than ==> Greater than or equal to Logical and or not Bitwise & AND | OR ^ XOR ~ NOT >> Right shift << Left shift Assignment = +=, -=, *=, /=, //=, %=, **= &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<= Membership in not in In [2]: a = 10 b = 20 c = a & b print (c) a = 10 b = 20 c = a | b print (c) 30 localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 2/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [4]: # a = 10 # b = 20 # c = a ^ b # print (c) x = 143 key = 1000 x = x ^ key print(x) 871 In [5]: x = x ^ key print(x) 143 In [6]: x=10 y = ~x print(y) -11 In [7]: x=10 y = x >> 2 print(y) 2 In [8]: x=10 y = x << 3 print(y) 80 In [9]: a = 10 b = 20 a += b # a = a + b print(a) 30 localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 3/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [10]: a+=1 print(a) 31 In [11]: char = 'a' print (char in "aeiouAEIOU") True In [13]: import string print(dir(string)) ['Formatter', 'Template', '_ChainMap', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cache d__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__s pec__', '_re', '_sentinel_dict', '_string', 'ascii_letters', 'ascii_lowerc ase', 'ascii_uppercase', 'capwords', 'digits', 'hexdigits', 'octdigits', 'printable', 'punctuation', 'whitespace'] In [15]: print (string.ascii_letters) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ In [18]: char = 'J' print (char in string.ascii_letters and char not in "aeiouAEIOU") True In [19]: a = 10 b = 10 #checking whether both objects refer same memory print (a is b) True In [20]: print (a==b) True localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 4/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [21]: print (id(a)) print(id(b)) 2973664018960 2973664018960 In [22]: l1 = [1,2,3] l2 = [1,2,3] print(l1 is l2) False In [23]: print(l1==l2) True In [25]: #keywords or reserved words import keyword print(keyword.kwlist) print(len(keyword.kwlist)) """ ['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'co 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'wit """ ['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'brea k', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finall y', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonloc al', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yiel d'] 35 In [26]: #Numeric data types ''' int float complex ''' #string data type - str #boolean - bool a = 10 print(type(a)) # returns the data type of a <class 'int'> localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 5/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [27]: a = "Selvam" print(type(a)) <class 'str'> In [28]: a = 10.5 print(type(a)) <class 'float'> In [29]: age = 10 print(age.__sizeof__()) 28 In [30]: single = True print(type(single)) <class 'bool'> In [31]: a = 0o10 print(a) 8 In [32]: a=0O123 print(a) 83 In [33]: a = 0x123 print(a) 291 In [34]: a = 0b10100 print(a) 20 localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 6/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [35]: b = 0O10.5 print(b) Cell In [35], line 1 b = 0O10.5 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax In [36]: b = 10.5e5 print(b) 1050000.0 In [37]: b = 10.5e-5 print(b) 0.000105 In [38]: salary = 994_31_15_155 print(salary) 9943115155 In [39]: data = 10+20j print(type(data)) <class 'complex'> In [40]: print(data.real) print(data.imag) 10.0 20.0 In [41]: data1 = 10j print(data1.real) print(data1.imag) 0.0 10.0 localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 7/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [42]: """ string -> sequence characters it should be enclosed within single or double or triple quotes character of string can be extracted using its index. The index starts from 0 Python string supports negative indexing that means reverse index. the reverse index sta substring of string can be extracted using slicing string can be repeated using repetition operator (*) """ string1 = 'Murugan looks handsome' print(string1) Murugan looks handsome In [43]: string1 = 'Murugan looks "handsome"' print(string1) Murugan looks "handsome" In [44]: string1 = '''Murugan's friend looks sooo "handsome"''' print(string1) Murugan's friend looks sooo "handsome" In [46]: aboutRaja = """He is sooo brilliant. He is very good coder. He is very very talented""" print(aboutRaja) He is sooo brilliant. He is very good coder. He is very very talented In [47]: name = "Prabhakaran" #printing last character of name print(name[-1]) n In [48]: """ slicing syntax [<start_index>:<end_index>:<step_index>] """ print(name[:]) Prabhakaran localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 8/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [50]: print(name[:6]) Prabha In [51]: print(name[-5:]) karan In [52]: print(name[1:7]) rabhak In [53]: print(name[::-1]) #reverse string narakahbarP In [60]: print(name[:-6:-1]) narak In [61]: print(name[-5:]::-1) Cell In [61], line 1 print(name[-5:]::-1) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax In [63]: print ((name+"\n") * 10) Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran Prabhakaran localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 9/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [66]: """ list It is mutal collection of different elements enclosed with [] It maintain the sequence It allows duplicated elements Particular element can be extracted using its index. The index starts from 0. It supports reverse indexing sublist can be extracted using slicing + can be used to concatenate two list * can be used to repeat N times """ l1 = ["Prabhakaran", "Male", 120000, True] tinylist = ["Aasai" , "Jay"] print(l1) ['Prabhakaran', 'Male', 120000, True] In [67]: print(l1) print(l1[0]) print(l1[-1]) print(l1[:3]) print(l1[::2]) #print alternative elements print(l1+tinylist) print(tinylist * 5) ['Prabhakaran', 'Male', 120000, True] Prabhakaran True ['Prabhakaran', 'Male', 120000] ['Prabhakaran', 120000] ['Prabhakaran', 'Male', 120000, True, 'Aasai', 'Jay'] ['Aasai', 'Jay', 'Aasai', 'Jay', 'Aasai', 'Jay', 'Aasai', 'Jay', 'Aasai', 'Jay'] localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 10/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [75]: """ tuple It is like list Collection of different elements enclosed with() difference 1. It is immutable 2. occupy less memory 3. travesal will be faster """ t1 = (1,2,3) print(type(t1)) l1 = [1,2,3] print(t1, l1) l1[0] = 100 print(t1,l1) # t1[0] = 200 #error del l1[0] print(l1) del t1[0] # error <class 'tuple'> (1, 2, 3) [1, 2, 3] (1, 2, 3) [100, 2, 3] [2, 3] -------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call las t) Cell In [75], line 19 17 del l1[0] 18 print(l1) ---> 19 del t1[0] TypeError: 'tuple' object doesn't support item deletion In [76]: l1 =[1,2,3] #list t1 =(1,2,3) #tuple print (l1.__sizeof__(), t1.__sizeof__()) 72 48 localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 11/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [77]: """ input function input() syntax: input(<prompt>) """ name = input() Aasaithambi Jay In [78]: print(name) Aasaithambi Jay In [79]: age = input("Enter your age :") Enter your age :16 In [80]: print(age) 16 In [83]: """ output function print() syntax: print(*obj, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.) where *obj --> variable length objects """ print("Selvam") print("Prabhakaran","is very","active in the class", sep="-") print("Raja",120000,"Software Engineer", sep=",") Selvam Prabhakaran-is very-active in the class Raja,120000,Software Engineer localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 12/13 7/26/23, 6:57 PM python-nm-scheme - Jupyter Notebook In [84]: print("Selvam") print("Prabhakaran","is very","active in the class", sep="\n") print("Raja",120000,"Software Engineer", sep=",") Selvam Prabhakaran is very active in the class Raja,120000,Software Engineer In [86]: print("You are all very active in the class",end="-") print("You are all very good coder", end="-") print("Coder never get tired") You are all very active in the class-You are all very good coder-Coder nev er get tired In [ ]: localhost:8888/notebooks/python-nm-scheme.ipynb 13/13