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IELTS Speaking Topics: Sept-Dec 2023 | Practice Material

September- December 2023
Part One
Frame number
Part Two / Three
Task number
1 Where you live
2 Work/Study
3 Your Home
01 A photograph that makes you feel happy
02 A person you know who you think is successful
03 A park or a garden you have enjoyed visiting
04 An activity that you made you feel tired
05 An impressive work of art (such as painting) you saw
06 A foreigner who speaks your language well
07 Someone you don’t know but would like to know about
08 Someone who is good at cooking
09 An interesting place in your country
10 A school rule that you have (or had) at your school
11 A science subject (such as Biology and Robotics) that
you are interested in
12 A party that you enjoyed
13 A period of time that changed your life
14 A piece of information that you think is not correct
15 A time you received bad service at a shop or a
16 A time you gave good advice to someone
17 A sportsperson from your country who did well in a
sports event.
18 A time you had to wait for something that would
4 Tea and coffee
5 Public transport
6 Vacation
7 Geography
8 Fish
9 Robots
10 Gifts
11 Helping others
12 Noise
13 Films
14 Running
15 Volunteer
16 Musical
Part 1.4 Tea and coffee
 Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?
 Do you like to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?
 When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?
 Do you ever go out to drink tea or coffee?
 Do most people in your country like to drink tea or coffee?
Part 1.5 Public Transport
 Do you use public transportation much?
 What kind of public transportation do you usually take?
 Is there sufficient public transportation in your city?
 How do you think public transport could be improved?
Part 1.6 Vacation
 What was the best vacation you ever had?
 What do you usually do during your vacation?
 Do you like to plan your vacations?
 What are the most important things to think about when planning a vacation?
Part 1.7 Geography
 What do you think about geography?
 Have you ever studied geography at school?
 Are you good at reading maps?
 What is your favourite type of environment?
 Do you think geography is useful?
Part 1.8 Fish
 Do you like eating fish?
 Where would you go to find fish?
 If you do eat fish, what is your favourite?
 Why do people go fishing?
Part 1.9 Robots
 Are you interested in robots?
 Have you ever learnt anything about robots?
 How would you feel travelling in a car driven by a robot?
 Would robots affect people’s lives?
Part 1.10 Gifts
 Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
 How to choose a gift?
 Do you give expensive gifts?
 What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
Part 1.11 Helping others
 Do you usually help people around you?
 How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?
 Do your parents teach you how to help others?
 Did you parents help you a lot when you were young?
Part1. 12 Noises
 What noises / sounds do you generally hear around where you live?
 Do you have a favourite sound, and a sound that you find the most annoying?
 Do you think the amount of noise in modern life is increasing?
 Is there much noise in your workplace / your university (or school)?
 What is the effect of noise in our cities?
 Do you think loud noise affects our hearing?
Part 1.13 Films
 What’s your favourite films?
 Did you often watch films when you were a child?
 Are there any kinds of films that you don’t like?
 Would you like to be a movie star?
 What kinds of films do young people like?
Part 1.14 Running
 Do you go running a lot?
 Where do you usually go running?
 What do you think of running as a form of exercise?
Part 1. 15 Volunteer
 Have you ever done any voluntary work?
 Would you like to work as a volunteer?
 Why do you think people volunteer?
 Is volunteering worth the time it takes?
Part 1.16 Musical instrument
 Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
 What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to?
Part 2.1289 Describe a photograph that makes you feel happy
Taking photographs
 Do people take more photos than before?
Professional Photographers
 Is equipment important to photography?
 Do you think anyone can learn to take professional-quality photographs?
 What skills and/or personal qualities does one need to be a professional photographer?
Part 2.01 A person you know who you think is successful
Being successful at school and work
 What are the different ways in which a student can be successful at school?
 How can students be rewarded for their success?
 Is doing well in academic subjects more important than doing well in practical subjects
such as art, design or sports?
 In what ways can people be successful at work?
 Do you believe "being successful" and "making a lot of money" are the same thing?
Part 2.02 A park or a garden you have enjoyed visiting
The Uses of Gardens
 In your country, do elderly and young people do the same things in gardens?
 What are the different types of gardens that exist in your country?
 In your country, do people prefer to plant vegetables, or flowers in a garden?
 Can you explain why some people want to grow their own vegetables?
 Due to an overuse of pesticides in commercial farms, some people say that private
gardens should be used for growing vegetables. Do you agree?
Public & Private Gardens
 What do people need to do in order to maintain a private garden?
 Do you think gardens are good for cities?
 Do you think government should spend more money on creating public gardens?
Part 2.03 An activity that you feel tired
 Does studying make people tired today?
 In which situations do they feel tired?
 What do people think about striving for studying and striving for sports?
Part 2.04 An impressive work of art (such as painting) you saw
 What are the differences between painting and drawing?
 Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
 How does a building style affect people’s lives?
Art in your country
 What kinds of art are produced in your country?
 Do you think people of different generations have differences in the types of art that
they like?
 Should government fund art galleries (or should it be done privately)?
Part 2. 05 A foreigner who speaks your language well
Learning (or studying) foreign languages
What foreign languages do children in your country learn?
Why do children in your country learn English?
Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
What are the benefits of the internet for people’s learning?
Endangered Languages
 Several languages become extinct every year. Can you suggest why that is happening?
 Do you think we should (attempt to) save endangered languages from extinction?
 Do you think it's possible to revive a language after it has become extinct?
Part 2.06 Someone you don’t know but would like to know about
 Are there any differences between you and your friends, and between you and other
Part 2.07 Someone who is good at cooking
 What do people need to prepare when they need to cook?
 How often do people in your country cook at home nowadays?
 Who do you think is more willing to do some cooking, old people or young people?
 Do you think everyone needs to learn how to cook?
Eating new foods / Foreign food
 Do you agree that food is an important part of festivals in your country?
 Would you agree that food varies, according to the local culture of a place?
 Would you say it's important to have some knowledge of foreign food cultures?
Part 2. 08 A interesting place in your country
Different regions in your country
 Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?
 What causes the differences between different regions of your country?
 Do youngsters like to try new things? How about older people?
Part 2. 09 A school rule that you have (or had) at your school
School Rules
 What rules should children abide by at home in your country?
 What rules can be forgiven for children breaking at home?
 What rules should people obey in public transportation?
Workplace Rules
 In general, do workplaces have fixed times for the work day, or flexible work hours?
 Should companies compel employees to work overtime?
 What's your opinion of companies requiring their employees to wear a uniform?
Part 2.10 A science subject (such as Biology and Robotics) that you are interested in
Science in Our Daily Lives
 What are some ways we use science in our daily lives?
 Do you think people sometimes need to take a break from modern technology?
 Would you agree that science has developed fast in the past 100 years?
 Have these developments all been positive developments, or do you think there have
been some negative developments?
 What would you say is the most important scientific advancement in the past 100
 What do you think might be the next major technological advancement (in the future)?
 What can individuals do for scientific research?
 What influence can international cooperation in science bring about?
Science in Education
 Do you think everybody should study science?
 What are the differences between science courses and liberal arts courses?
 Are (were) scientific subjects popular in your school?
 What science do students in your country generally study at school?
 Can you suggest why some people dislike studying science?
Part 2. 11 A party that you enjoyed
 Why do people like parties?
 Why do some people not like going to parties?
 Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?
 What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbour’s party?
Part 2.12 A period of time that changed your life
 Do people like new things or changes in life?
 Why do some people quit and change jobs?
 How to adapt to changes in life?
Part 2. 13 A piece of information that you think is not correct
 Can you give me any examples of job related to information?
 How can someone tell if the information they receive is right or wrong?
 Would you say people trust the information that is found online?
Exchanging/Giving Information
 What do you think are the differences between giving information by phone and (giving
it) by email?
 When (in what situations) do you use phone calls / emails to communicate?
 What do you think are the benefits of using emails?
Part 2. 14 A time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant
Service in Your Country
 Would you say that the service that people receive in your country is generally good, or
generally bad?
 What would you say are the most common places where people are given bad service?
 Please compare good service and bad service in a restaurant.
Reacting to Bad Service
 Are people in your country used to complaining when they receive bad service?
 Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service?
 How do the employees who give bad service usually react when a customer complains?
 If you complain about bad service, do the businesses or organizations usually address
your complaint?
 Who should be responsible for bad service?
Part 2. 15 A time you gave good advice to someone
 What advice do parents like to give?
 Do children listen to what their parents’ advice?
 What are the differences when giving advice to young people and old people?
 In which areas are people willing to accept suggestions and unwilling to accept
Part 2. 16 A sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event.
Professional Athletes / Talented Athletes
 Some people believe that the top professional sportspeople are overpaid. Do you
 Do you think it's right that many professional athletes are paid more than doctors and
 What factors influence the development of talented (or simply, good) athletes?
Sports and Children
 Do you think it's important for children to take part in sporting activities?
 (In your opinion,) Is it better for children to play various types of sport or is it better for
them to concentrate on one sport?
Part 2. 17 A time you had to wait for something that would happen
 In what situations do people in your country (have to) wait for something, or someone?
 Are there any people who often have to wait for other people? (Hint: waiters and
 Do you think people generally like waiting?
 When someone has to make an important or difficult decision, what do you think are
the advantages of waiting before making the decision?
 Do you think people are born with different levels of patience, or is it something that is
 Do you think that people tend to enjoy things more if they had waited a while before
getting those things?
 Would you say people are more patient nowadays than in the past?
 Can you explain why elderly people are more patient than young people?
 In what ways does it benefit a child to teach them the virtue of patience?