Should You? Akademi Fitness Training to Failure Defining Failure Failure adalah ketika kalian berusaha namun beban sudah tidak bergerak. Cara terbaik untuk quantify seberapa dekat kalian dengan failure adalah dengan Reps in Reserve - How close you are to failure. Dimana failure = RIR0 Akademi Fitness Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio Training to Failure Hubungan antara kemampuan menghasilkan stimulus dan konsekuensi kelelahan dari latihan tertentu.Secara sederhana, SFR memberi tahu Anda berapa banyak pertumbuhan otot yang akan diberikan oleh suatu stimulus untuk trade-off kelelahannya. Akademi Fitness Training to Failure Some Research Meta-Analysis Overall, our main findings suggest that (i) there is no evidence to support that resistance training performed to momentary muscular failure is superior to non-failure resistance training for muscle hypertrophy and (ii) higher velocity loss thresholds, and theoretically closer proximities-to-failure do not always elicit greater muscle hypertrophy. As such, these results provide evidence for a potential non-linear relationship between proximity-tofailure and muscle hypertrophy. Keduanya menyatakan mendekati failure sudah cukup Akademi Fitness The other Meta-Regression Ukuran otot atau muscle size secara statistik bertambah semakin mendekati failure. Sedangkan untuk kekuatan dan strength, berlatih sedikit jauh dari failure mempunyai advantage. Quote : These data, in concert with the present findings, suggest that load is a better predictor of strength outcomes than proximity to failure. Training to Failure Akademi Fitness The other Meta-Regression Ukuran otot atau muscle size secara statistik bertambah semakin mendekati failure. Sedangkan untuk kekuatan dan strength, berlatih sedikit jauh dari failure mempunyai advantage. Quote : These data, in concert with the present findings, suggest that load is a better predictor of strength outcomes than proximity to failure. Training to Failure Akademi Fitness Training to Failure THE PROBLEM USING RIR IN SOME PEOPLE Mereka ga tahu batas “failure” mereka, karena estimasi RIR sendiri adalah sebuah skill yang perlu diasah. At the end, it’s subjective measurement. Akademi Fitness Training to Failure Application of Relative Effort Progression Week 1 : 2 RIR Week 2 : 2 RIR Week 3 : 1 RIR Week 4 : 1 RIR Week 5 : 0 RIR Week 6 : 0 RIR (jika bisa push-through) Week 7 : Deload Sistem ini membantu kalian agar bisa mendapat exposure dari latihan yang lebih lama, dan tidak harus deload terlalu sering Akademi Fitness Training to Failure Apapun pendekatannya, KEEP PROGRESSING