Sequence Networks • To analyze unbalanced-faults it is necessary to setup the sequence network which includes the positive, negative and zero sequence impedances. These impedances are given for all elements of a power system which includes generators, lines, transformers, etc. Also each unbalanced fault is a combination of these three networks Z 0 : Zero _ Sequence Z 1 : Positive _ Sequence Z 2 : Negative _ Sequence The Positive Sequence Network • The positive sequence network represent the total or equivalent impedance obtained from the reduction and the system equivalent source Ia 1 + Z1 + Va 1 E1 - - The Negative Sequence Network • The negative sequence network is usually (but not always) the same as the positive sequence network except that does not include the source. Ia 2 + Z2 Va 2 The Zero Sequence Network • The zero sequence network depends on the transformer and generator connection and similar to the negative sequence it does include a source Ia 0 + Z0 Va 0 - Transformer Zero Sequence Connection • The transformers zero sequence impedance is based on the type of connection; such as wye grounded and ungrounded and delta connections. The are several combinations but the following are the most commonly used The wye grounded-wye grounded connection A A B B C C Equivalent Circuit Z0 The wye grounded- delta connection A A B B C C Equivalent Circuit Wye side grounded Z0 Delta side open The wye grounded-wye ungrounded connection A A B B C C Equivalent Circuit Single Line to Ground Fault • In a single line-fault the has the following boundary conditions (assuming phase A is faulted) Ib = 0 Va = Z f I a Based on the initial conditions we set I b and Ic equal to zero Ic = 0 I a0 1 1 1 1 I a = 3 1 a 2 I a2 1 a A B 1 I a a 2 0 a 0 We could write the sequence current equations as follow: C Ia Zf Ib = 0 Ic = 0 I a0 = I a1 = I a2 = 1 Ia 3 Single Line to Ground Sequence Network Connection (ALL IN SERIES) The positive sequence current is: Ia 1 I a1 = + Z 1 Va We know that all three-sequence current are equal 1 I a0 = I a1 = I a2 E1 Then, the phase a, b and c currents can be defined as Ia I a = 3I a1 2 + Z 2 Va 2 Ia 0 + 0 Va 3Z f Ib = 0 Ic = 0 - Z E1 Z 0 + Z1 + Z 2 + 3Z f 0 - EXAMPLE: Give the system find the Single Line to Ground find the line to ground fault at Bus B Bus A Bus B Delta-Ygrounded X 1Trans = j 0.09 Positive Sequence Network Z 1 = X 1Gen + X 1Trans = j 0.09 + j 0.05 Z 1 = j 0.14 X 1Gen = j 0.09 E1 = 1.00 X 2Trans = j 0.05 Negative Sequence Network Z 2 = X 2 Gen + X 2Trans = j 0.08 + j 0.05 Z 2 = j 0.13 X 2 Gen = j 0.08 System Network Impedance for a Single Line to Ground Fault For the zero sequence network we must consider the transformer connection delta connected on the primary side (13.6 kV) and Wye grounded on the secondary side (220 kV) X 0 Gen = j 0.04 X 0Trans = j 0.05 Z 0 = X 0Trans = j 0.05 The generator zero sequence impedance is isolated since the transformer is isolated because of its delta wye connection so the generator impedance is not included on the network System Sequence Impedance Network Ia E1 Z 0 + Z1 + Z 2 + 3Z f I a1 = 1.00 j 0.05 + j 0.13 + j 0.14 + j 0.0 1 + Z 1 = j 0.14 I a1 = Va 1 I a1 = 3.125 − 90 E1 = 1.00 Ia + Z = j 0.13 2 Va Ia Z 0 = j 0.05 I a0 = I a1 = I a2 2 2 Zf =0 I a = I a0 + I a1 + I a2 = 3I a0 - I a = 3(3.125 − 90) + Therefore, The Single Line to Ground Fault is: 0 Va 0 I a = 9.375 − 90 -