Worksheet: Brainstorm Workflows That Automate Your Business Processes There are many available workflow actions that can help you automate common business processes. Use this worksheet to brainstorm business processes you can automate. Review the list of workflow actions available in the glossary. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Think about what business process this action could help automate. Add it to the Business Process column. 2. Consider what data must be in your CRM to trigger this workflow. Add it to the Data Required column. 3. Brainstorm the criteria an object must meet to be automatically enrolled into this workflow. Add it to the Enrollment Trigger column. 4. List the corresponding workflow action you must use to replicate the business process in HubSpot. Add it to the Corresponding Workflow Action(s) column. Business Process Data Required Enrollment Trigger Corresponding Workflow Action(s) Ex.: Creating deals for any contact with a demo scheduled Ex.: Contact’s form fill activity information Ex.: Enroll contacts who have completed the form "Schedule a meeting" Ex.: Create deal Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Business Process Data Required Enrollment Trigger Corresponding Workflow Action(s) Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: GLOSSARY OF WORKFLOW ACTIONS A glossary of workflow actions organized by type of action. WORKFLOW • Delay for a set amount of time: Set an amount of time between the previous action and the next. • Delay until a day or time: Pause your workflow until specific days of the week and/or time of day. • Delay until event happens: Pause records until a specified event occurs. • Go to other action: Connect if/then branches. • Enroll in another workflow: Enroll the record in the current workflow into another active workflow. • Trigger a webhook: Trigger a webhook to an external application. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION • Send an internal email: Send an internal email to a specific user, team, or owner. • Send an internal SMS: Send a text message to a HubSpot user or a specified number for an enrolled record. • Send in-app notification: Send an in-app notification to specified team or users. GLOSSARY OF WORKFLOW ACTIONS CONTINUED A glossary of workflow actions organized by type of action. EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION • Send email: Send an automated marketing email to the contacts associated with the enrolled record. ASSIGNMENT • Rotate object to owner: Assign the enrolled records to users equally within a selected team or between specified users. CREATE • Create record: Create records for the following object types: companies, custom objects (Enterprise only), deals (Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise only), tickets (Service Hub Professional and Enterprise only) • Create a task: Create a new task when triggered by an enrolled record. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Set a property value: Set a property value on the record itself, or set a property value in a specific property type. • Copy a property value: Copy a property value of the enrolled record to another property in the same record, or to a property in another object type. • Clear a property value: Clear a value in a property. • Increase or decrease a property value: Increase or decrease a value in a Number type property of the enrolled record. OTHER ACTIONS AVAILABLE IN CONTACT-BASED WORKFLOWS • • • • Add to static list: Add the enrolled contact to a specific static list. Remove from static list: Remove the enrolled contact from a specific static list. Add to ads audience: Add contacts to a new or existing ads audience. Remove from ads audience: Remove contacts from a new or existing ads audience. • Manage subscription status: Customize the subscription status of the enrolled contact. • Send internal marketing email: Send an automated email to specified email addresses, or a contact property that stores an email address, including any custom properties.