NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY The City University of New York Department of Nursing Associate in Applied Science Program Fall 2023 NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs Names: Professor: Wenhsing Yang, MSN, RN Updated by CPM SP23 1 NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY NUR 2110: Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Associate in Applied Science COURSE OUTLINE Professor Wenhsing Yang Email: Course Coordinator: Professor Wenhsing Yang COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this Web Enhanced course, students continue to use Watson’s caring model to meet the needs of clients in various age groups with altered cell growth (cancer), and complex alterations in nutrition, oxygenation and neurological alterations. The focus is on the use of information technology, evidence-based practice and the nursing process to facilitate decision-making in the care of selected clients and families in acute care settings. Students will also learn the role of the nurse in the provision of care to victims of mass casualties and acts of bioterrorism. PREREQUISITES: NUR 1010, 1030, 1110, 1130, BIO 3302 COREQUISITES: NUR 2130 CREDITS: 5 Credits – Writing Intensive Course HOURS: 3 class hours, 6 clinical hours Traditional Class Meeting Day: Fridays: Room TBD HD 449 08:30am – 11:00a.m. In Person HD 451 11:30am -2pm In Person Lab (2110L) sites Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays or Sundays Assigned clinical 8:00 – 2:00p Office Hours: Wednesday 10:30 pm-2:30pm By appointment only in person The course uses proctoring software for Examinations. Updated by CPM SP23 2 COURSE OBJECTIVES NUR 2110: 1. Integrate knowledge and skills gained from the communication arts, information technology, social and biological sciences and previous nursing courses in caring for clients with complex alterations in human needs. General Education Learning Goal: KNOWLEDGE/ Develop knowledge from a range of disciplinary perspectives and develop the ability to deepen and continue learning. 2. Utilize the caring model to safely meet the health care needs of clients of all ages with complex health problems in community and acute care settings. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, and RELATIONSHIPS/ Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 3. Apply the nursing process as a creative and critical thinking problem solving approach in delivery of clientcentered care to culturally diverse clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: KNOWLEDGE/ Develop knowledge from a range of disciplinary perspectives and develop the ability to deepen and continue learning. 4. Incorporate evidence-base practice concepts when planning care for clients and their families with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: INTEGRATION/ Work productively within and across disciplines. 5. Incorporate the principles of effective communication in interactions with clients, families, significant others and health care providers. General Education Learning Goal: SKILLS/ Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work. 6. Formulate a health teaching care plan along the health-illness-healing continuum for clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs that includes family members and significant others. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, and RELATIONSHIPS/ Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 7. Collaborate with clients, families, significant others and health care providers in creating a protective, supportive or corrective environment for clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, and RELATIONSHIPS/ Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 8. Integrate legal and ethical standards into safe nursing practices for clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: INTEGRATION/ Work productively within and across disciplines. 9. Exhibit accountability in utilizing quality improvement concepts in the management of clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, and RELATIONSHIPS/ Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 10. Demonstrate the role of the nurse as a client advocate when caring for clients with complex alterations in human survival and functional needs. General Education Learning Goal: SKILLS/ Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work. Updated by CPM SP23 3 11. Participate in life-long learning activities and professional development. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, and RELATIONSHIPS/ Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 12. Describe the value of participation in community-based service learning that support the protective needs of the population. General Education Learning Goal: KNOWLEDGE/ Develop knowledge from a range of disciplinary perspectives and develop the ability to deepen and continue learning. ATTENDANCE AND LATENESS Absenteeism/Lateness To meet the educational objectives of each course, students should attend each clinical and class section. To allow for illness and personal emergencies, a policy regarding absenteeism and lateness has been established as follows: Absence in the Clinical Placement: 1. One clinical absence is permitted. * 2. Students who have two absences (and /or combined lateness) from the clinical course. 3. Students may appeal this policy, using the departmental appeal policy form. The Appeals Committee, comprised of nursing faculty, will review extenuating circumstances. Lateness in the Clinical Placement 1. Two latenesses are equal to one absence. * 2. Students will be considered late if they are not present at the beginning of class or pre-conference. 3. Students who are late for the third time (or who have a previous clinical absence) will be referred for excessive lateness/absences from the clinical course. 4. Students may appeal this policy, using the departmental appeal policy form. The Appeals Committee, comprised of nursing faculty, will review extenuating circumstances. *A student who has one (1) absence or two (2) latenesses will be advised by her/his faculty in writing on the Departmental Attendance Referral Form to meet with the lecture faculty prior to her/his next clinical experience. Please note that documentation of absence or lateness is required. This documentation does not negate the absence but remains as part of the student’s attendance record. Excessive lateness is disruptive and negatively impact the learning environment. Excessive lateness is considered unprofessional behavior therefore, students will not be allowed to enter the classroom once attendance is taken. Students must wait until the next scheduled break to enter the lecture. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. WRITING INTENSIVE CLASS PARTICPATION a. Participate in the Nurse Achieve Testing Program. b. Complete all assignments outside of class as listed or introduced in theory/lecture or clinical environments. c. Complete six hours (6) of community service by the 12th week of the semester. d. Participate in clinical and complete simulation assignments as listed or introduced by clinical faculty. e. Use only City Tech emails when communicating with faculty. f. Be responsible for all assigned Nurse Achieve assignments. Students must log into Nurse Updated by CPM SP23 4 Achieve and keep track of upcoming course work and due dates on the platform. Due dates are listed on the Nurse Achieve Platform, no extensions will be granted or late submissions accepted. In order to achieve the full 5% for Nurse Achieve assignments they must be submitted on time and meet the percentage as labeled per each assignment on the Nurse Achieve platform. Failure to meet this will reflect as a point deduction. For assignment/quizzes students must obtain an 80% or better by the second attempt to achieve full credit by due date provided in the Nurse Achieve platform. Two attempts only will be provided. Clinical Skills Lab is Mandatory for all NUR 2110 students. Students will have 1 skills lab day with their clinical group/instructors to review assigned clinical skills modules. In addition, the Clinical Skills Lab is open each semester for drop in to review skills with a clinical lab technician. The lab offers numerous learning modalities including use of manikins, videotapes, clinical supplies, electronic health record modules and more. Please see bulletin board outside lab for available hours. Failure to attend Clinical skills lab will result in a clinical absence and possible failure of the course. Simulation Lab. Simulation Lab affords students an opportunity to assess their application of nursing knowledge and critical thinking in “real-life” client care scenarios. Working in the Sim Lab with experienced NUR 2110 faculty helps nursing students critique their clinical performance in the following areas: general physical assessments, general to advanced technical skills and clinical judgment. Failure to attend Simulation lab will result in a clinical absence. No make-up days will be provided without PRIOR authorization. All NUR 2110 students are required to participate in the Nurse achieve Online Tutorial Program. Quizzes, case studies, and remedial material will be periodically assigned to prepare NUR 2110 students for the class. To best utilize Nurse Achieve and textbook Testing Program the following NUR 2110 class assignment is Mandatory: 1. Watch Nurse achieves orientation on how best to utilize this online educational program. 2. 3. Nursing School Success a. How to study: i. Attending class ii. Time management iii. Stress reduction Required Tutorials for students who receive a grade of 72 or below on Unit Exam a. Nursing School Success –Taking Notes i. Studying ii. Remembering iii. Reading textbook (online resources-video) List of Required Textbook online resources and Nurse Achieve Focused Review Tests and Remediation for ALL NUR 2110 Students: Please use the reading list and complete the associated after completing the reading assignments. Textbook Focused Review Tests: 1. Health Assessment 2. Oncology 3. Hematology-Immune 4. Gastrointestinal 5. Management of Patient Updated by CPM SP23 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pharmacologic-Parenteral Therapy Math for critical care Cardiovascular System Respiratory Neurology Sensory Recommended Nurse Achieve and Textbook online Remediation: ALL NUR 2110 students are recommended to do remediation after they complete the assignments NUR 2110 COURSE CONTENT UNIT 1 UNIT 11 UNIT 11I UNIT 1V UNIT V Caring for Clients/Families with Altered Cell Growth. Caring for Clients/Families with Complex Alterations in the Need for Nutrition and Elimination. Caring for Clients/Families with Complex Alterations in the Need for Oxygen. Caring for Clients/Families with Neurological Alterations. Caring for Clients with Infectious Diseases. Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Nursing and Bioterrorism. TOPICAL OUTLINE UNIT I – 3 Lectures UNIT Introduction to caring for clients with complex alterations in survival/functional needs. Nursing interventions for families/significant others will be discussed with each unit. Patterns of abnormal cell growth. Prevention and detection. End of Life (EOL) o Ethical/Legal issues o Psychosocial/Cultural issues Nursing management of the client/family with cancer including: Treatment modalities: o Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Surgery, Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), Blood and blood product transfusions o CAM – Complementary and Alternative Therapy o Complications: Blood Abnormalities and Electrolyte Imbalances, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Septic Shock, Tumor Lysis Syndrome Nursing management of clients with selected cancers: Blood Bone Skin Reproductive EXAMS (Friday, September 22nd, 2023– Room G600 8:15am; Computerized Exam) UNIT II – 3 Lectures Updated by CPM SP23 Overview of interference with digestion, absorption and elimination of food/nutrients. Nursing management of adults and children with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination: 6 Intestinal obstruction – Pediatric and Adult TEF, EA, Malabsorption Pancreatitis o Therapeutic interventions – Enteral – Feeding Tubes, Parenteral - CPN, PPN o Therapeutic interventions – Ileostomy and Colostomy Nursing management of clients with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination: GI Tract Disorders: Oral Cancer Esophageal cancer Gastric cancer Colorectal cancer Nursing management of clients with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination: Abdominal trauma Hepatitis Liver Cancer Pancreatic Cancer UNIT II EXAM (Friday October 13th, 2023 Room G600 8:15am; Computerized Exam) UNIT III – 4 Lectures Updated by CPM SP23 Overview of compensatory responses related to complex alterations in oxygen transport. Nursing management of adult & pediatric clients with decreased cardiac output: Cardiomyopathy Shock, MODS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) o Therapeutic interventions - Automated Internal Cardioverter Defibrillators (AICD) o Ventricular Assisted Devices (VAD) o Intra-aortic balloon pump Overview of clients with complex alterations in the need for oxygen. Nursing management of clients with decreased cardiac output: Dysrhythmias Sinus Atrial Heart block Therapeutic intervention - Pacemakers Ventricular Dysrhythmias Overview of compensatory responses related to complex alterations in oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. o Chest trauma - Pneumothorax o Respiratory failure1 o Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Therapeutic interventions - Chest tubes Closed chest drainage systems (dry/wet) Therapeutic interventions - Ventilators Nursing management of clients with impaired absorption of oxygen: Lung cancer Laryngeal cancer 7 UNIT III Exam (Friday November 11st, 2023, Room G600 8:15am; Computerized Exam) Unit IV – 2 Lectures Overview of interference with neurological responses. Nursing management of clients with potential for altered cerebral tissue perfusion: o Care of the unconscious client o Increased intracranial pressure. o Hydrocephalus o Bacterial meningitis o Head trauma - Craniocerebral injury Therapeutic intervention – Hydrocephalic shunts, Craniotomy Overview of interference with sensory/motor functioning: Nursing management of clients with spinal cord injury/compression. Spinal Cord Tumors Brain Tumors Therapeutic Intervention – Cranial Surgery UNIT V – 2 Lecture Infectious Diseases, Emergency preparedness, Disaster Nursing and Bioterrorism WEEK 14 FINAL EXAMINATION (Cumulative) (Friday, December 15th, 2023) Time: G600 8:15 am NUR 2110 EVALUATION AND GRADING: Grade Components Method of evaluation Quizzes Unit exam Unit exam Unit exam Final exam Clinical: Number 4 quizzes 1 2 3 1 final exam Percentage 5% 20% 20% 20% 35% Total percentage- 100% LABORATORY: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory COURSE: To progress to NUR 2210, the student must achieve a minimum grade of 75% (C) in NUR 2110 theory and a passing grade in the NUR 2110L clinical. All assignments must be completed satisfactorily and submitted on the due date. *Refer to Student handbook for complete information regarding policy on Evaluation/Grading. Grading Policy for all Courses Designated with the Prefix NUR Grade Definition Quality Points (Index) A 93–100% 4.0 A90- 92.9% 3.7 B+ 87- 89.9% 3.3 B 83- 86.9% 3.0 B80- 82.9% 2.7 C+ 77- 79.9% 2.3 C 75- 76.9% 2.0 Updated by CPM SP23 8 D 1.0 60 -74.9% F Below 60 0.0 *Refer to Student handbook for complete information regarding policy on Evaluation/Grading REQUIRED TEXTS: Hinkle, J, Cheever, K. (2022). Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing: (15th edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott. e-books: http://www.Mosby Nursing Drug Guide Mobile/desktop Bundle Manual of Lab & Diagnostic Test Mobile/Desktop Bundle Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary Mobile/Desktop http://www.Stedman’s Abbreviations &Acronyms Pocket (Recommended) Distribution of Out-Of-Class Time Out-of-Class Assignments Reading (textbook, slides) Case studies (5) Assignment (5) Video (if you need more resources) Estimated time 79 10 10 5-10 Lecture/Date Topic Class 1 Unit I – Nursing 8/25/2023 management of the Client/Family with altered cell growth: Disease, treatment, complications. Management of Patients with Oncologic Disorders Palliative and End-of-Life Care Class 2 Unit I - Nursing 9/1/2023 management of clients with selected cancers: blood, skin, bone, blood transfusions Reading Assignment Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 12, pgs. 301-360 Ch. 13, pgs. 367-389 Class 3 9/8/2023 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 51. Pgs. 1695-1705 Ch. 52. Pgs. 1708-1739 Ch. 53. Pgs 1755-1777 Writing assignment #1 nurse achieve assignments) Unit I - Nursing management of the Client/Family with altered cell growth: Disease, treatment, complications. Nursing management of Updated by CPM SP23 9 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 30, pgs. 950-980 Ch. 56, pgs. 1851-1859 Ch. 36, pgs. 1145-1147 Ch. 28. Pgs. 897-906 clients with selected cancers: Women’s Reproductive cancer, Men’s reproductive cancer. Week 4 - Unit 1 Exam Friday 9/22/2023 Please arrive NO LATER than time 8:15 am in Uniform with STUDENT ID Time may be subjected to change based on availability. *Lecture after exam Class 4 09/22/2023 Class 5 9/29/2023 Class 6 10/6/2022 Unit II - Nursing management of Clients with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination. Selected gastrointestinal problems: Oral and Esophageal disorders, Barrett’s Esophagus, Gastric and Duodenal disorders, perforation. TEF, EA, Malrotation/Volvulus, Malabsorption Unit II - Nursing management of Clients with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination. Selected gastrointestinal problems: Enteral/Parenteral Nutrition, Intestinal and Rectal disorders, Polyps, Bowel Obstruction Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 39. pgs. 1252- 1261 Ch. 40, pgs. 1266-1283 Ch. 41, pgs. 1295-1297 PowerPoint lecture. Unit II - Nursing management of Clients with complex alterations in the need for nutrition and elimination. Selected Hepatic and Biliary Disorders: Acute Hepatitis, Liver cancer, Acute Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 43, pgs. 1384-1413j Ch. 44, pgs. 1429-1442 Updated by CPM SP23 10 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 41, pgs. 1297- 1336 Writing assignment #2 nurse achieve assignments) Pancreatitis, Pancreatic cancer Week 7 - Unit 2 Exam 10/13/2023 Class 7 10/13/2023 Class 8 10/20/2023 Class 9 10/27/2023 Class 10 11/03/2023 Please arrive NO LATER THAN 8:15am in Uniform with STUDENT ID (Time may be subjected to change based on availability) *Lecture after the exam Unit III - Caring for Clients with complex alterations in the need for oxygen. Respiratory Care modalities, selected Upper Respiratory Tract disorders, SIDS Unit III - Nursing Management of Clients with complex alterations in the need for oxygen. Selected Lower Respiratory Tract disorders: Atelectasis, SARS Covid 19, Pleural conditions, ARDS, Vent management, Ventilator associated Pneumonia (VAP) Lung Ca, Chest Trauma, Pulmonary Embolism Smoke inhalation, respiratory failure Unit III - Caring for and Nursing Management of Clients with Cardiac Rhythm disturbances: Sinus, Atrial, Ventricular, Heart Block, Pacemakers, ICD Unit III - Caring for Clients with selected Cardiac and Systemic disorders: Cardiomyopathy, Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction (MODS) Updated by CPM SP23 11 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 18, pgs. 494-515 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 19, pgs. 526-597 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 21, pgs. 650-719 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 23, pgs. 726-813 Writing assignment #3 nurse achieve assignments) The child with Cardiovascular dysfunction: Week 11 Unit 3 Exam 11/10/2023 G600 Please arrive NO LATER THAN 8:15am in Uniform with STUDENT ID (Time may be subjected to change based on availability) *Lecture after exam Class 11 11/10/2023 Unit IV - Caring for Clients/Families with Neurologic Alterations: Altered LOC, Increased ICP, Hydrocephalus, Meningitis, Rabies Unit IV - Nursing management of Clients with: Head Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 60, pgs. 1992-2004 Ch. 64, pgs. 2088-2094 Class 1312/01/2023 Unit V – Caring for Clients with Infectious Diseases. Emergency Nursing, Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 66, pgs. 2171-2176 Ch. 67, pgs. 2179- 2192 Ch. 68, pgs. 2218- 2237 Class 1412/8/2023 Terrorism, Mass Casualty, and Disaster Nursing. Class 12 11/17/2023 Final Exam 12/15/2023 TEACHING/LEARNING METHODS: 1. Audio-Visual Aides – videos /Internet Websites 2. College Laboratory 3. Lecture/Discussion Updated by CPM SP23 12 Brunner, et. Al (15th ed): Ch. 63, pgs. 2055-2081 Ch. 65, pgs. 2112-2121 Community service Writing assignment #4 nurse achieve Assignment) Due 11/21/2023 by 11:59 pm Time: 0815 am May be subjected to change based on availability G600 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nursing Case Study PowerPoint presentations Pre/Post Clinical Conference Role playing Simulation at New York Simulation Center (NYSIM) Storytelling Student Presentations – Narrative Reflection Assignment (Clinical) Student-Client Interactions Tutorials – Nurse Achieve, Lippincott’s online The Point that accompanies text,, tutoring offered by the nursing department. 13. Weekly Physical Assessment Worksheets and APIE Assignments (See Additional Handouts) Nursing Software Programs CLINICAL AGENCIES: Coney Island Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, Woodhull and Maimonides Medical Center, Bellevue Medical Center. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Any student with a documented disability or history of disability services seeking academic adjustments and/or reasonable accommodations will need to contact The Center for Student Accessibility and meet with staff to establish your adjustments and reasonable accommodations. The Center for Student Accessibility is located in room A-237 and the phone number is 718-260 -5143. Professional Communication Nursing students are expected to conduct themselves professionally, ethically and with integrity while communicating with professors, staff, and fellow students in all electronic, oral, visual, and written forms of communication and adhere to the following: Email Address: Students are required to use their City Tech email address for all electronic communication related to their studies at City Tech or during any off-campus clinical assignment. Email Etiquette: Students shall follow basic rules of email etiquette, such as (a) including a clear and direct subject line, (b) being brief, concise, and clear in the body of the email, and (c) obeying standard rules of grammar and style; and avoid being overly familiar. When writing to a professor or senior administrative official at the college, students must include their name, course and section number, and follow the basic rules of email etiquette. Language should always be professional and respectful. If a student has a concern, such as with exams or grades, the students must make an appointment to meet with the professor. This meeting is required to be a calm and respectful interaction, or it can be terminated at the discretion of the professor. Diversity & Inclusion We all come to this course with differing experiences and viewpoints, which means that we have so much to learn from each other! In order to get the most out of this opportunity, it is important that we don’t shy away from differences. Rather, we should show respect for differences by seeking to understand, asking questions, clarifying our understanding, and/or respectfully explaining our own perspective. This way, everybody comes away with new perspectives on the issue and respecting others with different values or beliefs. Students will adhere to the college classroom safety guideline while on Campus NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding Updated by CPM SP23 13 vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog. A grade of “C” is the minimum passing grade for Nursing (NUR) courses. Students must repeat any nursing courses in which they receive a “D” or “F” in the theory component and/or an unsatisfactory grade in the clinical component (subject to the limits on repetition of NUR courses listed above). Student Absence during an Examination Students must make every effort to be present for all exams. In the event of an absence from an examination, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the corresponding course faculty prior to the exam. Notification must be made via a call to the Department of Nursing as well as to the corresponding faculty’s NYCCT email address. A determination will then be made whether a makeup examination is warranted. Makeup examinations will be granted ONLY in cases of documented accident or illness, or documented family accident, death, or medical emergency. The student will be charged the college fee of $25.00 for each makeup examination, which is payable to the Bursar prior to the scheduled makeup examination. The student should anticipate taking an alternate examination, not the original examination. Progression on to the next examination cannot occur until a missed makeup examination is completed. Makeup examinations must be completed as soon as possible and prior to the next scheduled unit examination. Five (5) points will be deducted for unit examinations and ten (10) points will be deducted for the Final examination at the professor’s discretion. A grade of zero (0) will be assigned for any missed makeup examination not taken at the scheduled time. Students are allowed one makeup exam per semester. Student Lateness for an Examination Any student who is late for an examination will be required to complete the examination in the remaining examination period. The course faculty will determine exceptions. Cheating/Plagiarism/Unfair Advantage The Department of Nursing at New York City College of Technology views cheating, plagiarism, and gaining unfair advantage through access to any examination content as serious offenses. Students suspected of cheating, plagiarizing or gaining unfair advantage may receive a zero for the assignment or examination and will be subject to further disciplinary action by the College. For more information refer to the New York City College of Technology Policy on Academic Integrity. CHEATING: Students who violate the academic integrity policy or allow another student to look at their answer sheets will be dismissed from the Department of Nursing. Progression in Nursing Once the student is admitted to NUR courses, the following policies will be in effect. a. A minimum grade of “C” in each course designated with the prefix NUR (NUR 1010, NUR 1030, NUR 1110, NUR 1130, NUR 2110, NUR 2130, NUR 2210, NUR 2230) and BIO (BIO 2312, BIO 3302) is required. b. Requirements for Passing Each Nursing Course *A grade of satisfactory “S” in the clinical component. Updated by CPM SP23 14 *Completion of the Nurse Achieve and Textbook online resources (video, practice questions) or the equivalent. c. Prior to the first clinical experience each semester, students must demonstrate competency in Med-Math to be certified as safe to administer medications in the clinical area. d. For students repeating NUR 1030, 10% of allocated seats will be given to repeaters. Priority selection will be based on course numerical grade achieved in NUR 1030. e. The student may repeat only two nursing courses with a clinical component (NUR 1030, NUR 1110, NUR 1130, NUR 2110, NUR 2130, NUR 2210, NUR 2230). A committee of nursing faculty will review requests for waiver of this policy. f. NUR courses must be passed on the second registration. g. On the second registration attempt for a clinical nursing course, the student will be considered for registration based on space availability. Priority selection will be based on course numerical grade achieved in the course being repeated. h. NUR 2210 and NUR 2230 students are required to participate in the NCLEX-RN Advisement Program, which includes the Kaplan NCLEX Prep Program. i. Students are expected to adhere to policies as outlined in the NYCCT Catalog, the NYCCT Student Handbook and the Department of Nursing Student Handbook. STUDENT UNIFORMS: The following is unique to the Nursing Program. It is mandatory that all nursing students comply with all components of this policy. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the student being sent home from the Clinical Laboratory and given an absence for the day. Full student uniform is required at all times in the Clinical Laboratory unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Clinical scrubs are required for all on site college laboratory experiences. A. Students are expected to wear clean scrub uniform to each clinical/college laboratory experience and all exams. B. Shoes: Clean regulation white shoes are required and shall be worn in good repair. No sneakers or clogs are allowed. C. Emblem and I.D.: 1. 2. D. Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Regulation school emblem should be centered and worn on the left sleeve. The uniform company will provide this on each uniform ordered. College I.D. must be worn above the waist at all times while in the clinical setting. Pen light Stethoscope. Wristwatch with second hand. Pen and a small notebook. Bandage scissors should be carried in pocket of uniform. Jewelry: The only jewelry permitted with uniform is as follows: Updated by CPM SP23 15 1. 2. F. One band ring per hand. No raised stone rings. Small button earrings for one pair of pierced ears only. Nail Care: 1. 2. 3. Nail length should be of conservative nature (not greater than ¼ inch from end of finger). NO artificial nails or gels are allowed (to comply with policies of health care institutions). Nails should be clean without chipping polish G Make-up: Make up shall be conservative in nature. All body tattoos should not be visible when student is in clinical uniform. H. Hair Care: The hair should be worn above the uniform collar. No ornaments are allowed in the hair. I. Uniform Jacket: Plain white uniform jacket may be worn; however, it may not be worn while administering client care. J. Exception to Uniform Policy: Modified headpieces may be worn for students with religious requirements/preferences Updated by CPM SP23 16