Week 2 Lecture: Law-making I: Competences, legal basis and the legisla=ve process Competences catalogue Exclusive competence - Art. 2, 1 and 3 TFEU - Customs union - Common commercial policy etc. - + criteria under art. 3(2), TFEU determine EU exclusivity - Only EU acts: subsidiarity (art. 5(3), TEU) + proporFonality check (art. 5(4), TEU) Shared competence - Art. 2(2), TFEU + art. 4(2), TFEU - Internal market - Social policy etc. - EU acts but subsidiary check and proporFonality check Supplementary competences - Art. 6, TFEU - Culture, tourism, administraFve cooperaFon, public health, educaFon, and training - EU harmonizaFon = prohibited Two reasons for a legal basis… 1. We need a legal basis because the principle of conferral (art. 2(6), TFEU) kicks in. The EU needs authorizaFon to act. 2. No legal basis or wrong legal basis = annulment of act (art. 263, TFEU) Legal basis What is a legal basis? Provision that gives: - Who is acFng? - How are they acFng? - In what form are they acFng (direcFve or regulaFon etc.) - What is the decision-making process? o Rule = Ordinary legislaFve Procedure = general procedure How to choose a legal basis? Titanium dioxide (C-300/89 Commission v Council) or Recovery of Indirect taxes C-338/01 1. Necessary to idenFfy the main aim and content of the measure at hand (centre of gravity) a. Choice rests on objecFve factors amenable to legal review 2. ExcepFonally two or more legal bases can be combined if… a. Several objecFves of a legislaFve acts are inseparably linked b. No hierarchy between the norms i. Art. 192(2), TFEU = derogaFon from paragraph 1. Art. 114 takes preference over 192(2), TFEU. 1. Art. 192(1), TFEU = ordinary legislaFve procedure 2. Art. 192(2), TFEU = special legislaFve procedure 3. Art. 114, TFEU = ordinary legislaFve procedure a. Tobacco adverFsing test to see whether art. 114, TFEU can be used!! c. Several legal bases are compaFble in their legislaFve procedure 3 elements to look at whether several bases can go together 1. Is there a hierarchy between the rules? 2. Is the legislaFve procedure idenFcal? 3. Is harmonizaFon allowed? The internal market legal basis Tobacco Adver2sing (c-376/98) to prevent abuse of harmonizaFon. The following condiFons should be fulfilled: 1. There has to be harmonizaFon of naFonal laws 2. Simple dispariFes do not create EU competence to harmonize. There has to be a (likely) distorFon of compeFFon or obstacle to trade 3. EU legislaFon must contribute to remove likely obstacles to compeFFon Abstract risk or harm Concrete or likely obstruc7on Mere findings of dispariFes between Differences between naFonal rules obstruct naFonal rules and the abstract risk of the fundamental freedoms and this have a infringements of fundamental freedoms direct impact on the funcFoning of the internal or distorFon of compeFFon are not market or cause significant distorFon of sufficient. compeFFon. Aim is to prevent he emergence such obstacles to trade resulFng from divergent developments of naFonal laws (mist be likely and measure must be designed to prevent them). Legal basis: the flexibility clause art. 352, TFEU § To again objecFves of union § No actors menFoned § Only unanimously decided § Consent of EP § Not in CFSP area Subsidiarity § Should EU exercise power and how? § Ex-post by CJEU but it is… o Limited o Difficult § Ex ante by naFonal parliaments (protocol 2) o Usually only prevent the legislaFon instead of stopping it o Orange card o Yellow card Propor7onality Online lecture stopped due to technical difficulFes lmao Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)