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Table of Contents
BUSINESS RESEARCH ............................................................................................................................ 2
1. Understanding Market Share .................................................................................................................... 2
2. Trend Analysis and Prediction .................................................................................................................. 3
3. Upsize or Downsize — Market Research Can Help You Decide ............................................................. 3
Importance or Research to Government .................................................................................................. 4
References .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research will provide insights your company can use
to refine your products before you commit to expensive production costs. Problem-solving
research helps identify ways to solve those problems through marketing mix and segmentation.
As a business resource, market research is useful for both identifying and solving any number of
problems. Through a mixture of data and analysis, market researchers supply the guidance
necessary for firms to develop strategies and solutions for some of their most pressing issues.
Market research services can be broken out, roughly, into two categories:
Quantitative analysis: numerical forecasts based purely on statistics and hard data
Qualitative analysis: a more subjective judgment based on information from consumer and other
surveys, in-depth interviews with experts, and such intangibles as industry cycles and emerging
Paired together as one powerful problem-solving tool, these methods are highly effective for firms
looking to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
1. Understanding Market Share
When it comes to understanding a market, sizing the overall industry is just the beginning. What
companies can most benefit from is knowing their market share — the percent of total product
sales that a company owns compared to its competitors. For larger producers, a significant market
share — perhaps even a leading one — may be the goal. What this share constitutes from industry
to industry can vary.
“You could have a very concentrated industry where the top producer could be 20-40% of the total,
or it could be fragmented, with the top producer having only 5%.”
Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, market researchers can assist a business in determining
how an industry is divided and who the leaders are, as well as identify opportunities for growth.
Firms are then able to use this information to make any number of strategic decisions with an eye
toward cementing, increasing, or even decreasing their own share of the market. (Eyisi, 2016)
2. Trend Analysis and Prediction
Oftentimes, it’s hard to tell how an industry will change. Some products flop spectacularly, while
others take off into the stratosphere and end up defining the genre for a generation or more (for
example, you may be reading this very article on an iPhone). Predicting these changes can be
tricky, but with market research, it can become a little less so. A trusted market researcher can
provide businesses with a snapshot of where their industry is and where it is going, whether it’s a
mature market with lower room for growth, a sector that’s characterized by rapid product
innovation, or an industry that’s expected to boom.
Market research can also anticipate disruptors — competitive threats posed by startups, mergers,
and new technology and product innovations — to help companies get ahead of the game. Perhaps
the best-known disruptor in recent history is e-commerce giant Amazon.com, which has sent
shockwaves through essentially every industry it has involved itself in since its beginnings as an
online book retailer in 1995. In the 20+ ensuing years, the Jeff Bezos-led behemoth has found itself
at the center of controversies, upheavals, and existential questioning in the publishing, brick-andmortar retail, and grocery industries, just to name a few.
Using market research to understand where the next big industry shake-up might come from allows
companies to plan for these disruptions in advance, rather than react to them as they happen. A
business may not be able to stop the next Amazon, but it can use appropriate planning and strategy
implementation to shield itself from adversity and adapt to new market conditions with a little
more peace of mind. (Eyisi, 2016)
3. Upsize or Downsize — Market Research Can Help You Decide
For most businesses, there comes a certain point at which owners and operators must face tough
questions about their company’s size and growth prospects. Sometimes, addressing these questions
might entail expansions through acquisitions, new hiring, capacity increases, or greater investment
in research and development. Other times, a challenging current market environment might lead
owners to explore divestitures, rebranding, business restructuring, or expenditure cuts.
Possessing an unbiased industry projection from a reliable source can help simplify at least one
facet of the decision-making process to ensure that a company is making the right call in the short-
and long-term. When quantitative analysis may indicate one outcome, an experienced market
researcher can supplement these results with variable-based qualitative findings that will mitigate
hasty or reactive action. (Eyisi, 2016)
Importance or Research to Government
The following aspects emphasize the significance and importance of research for government:
Government Policies: Research offers the foundation for almost all government policies, in our
economic system. For instance, governments’ budgets rest in part on an analysis of the
requirements of people and on the availability of revenues to fulfill those requirements. The
expense of needs should be equated to possible revenues, and this is an area where research is most
needed. Through proper research we can easily develop alternative policies and can well look at
the effects of each of these options. (Easterby, 2008)
Allocation of National Resources: The government must prepare programmes for coping with all
elements of the country’s existence and most of these will be associated directly or indirectly to
economic conditions. The plight of cultivators, the difficulties faced by big and small enterprises
and industry, working conditions, trade union activities, the challenge of distribution, even the size
and character of defense services are issues which require research. Thus, research is mandatory
regarding the allocation of nation’s resources. (Easterby, 2008)
Social Welfare: Lack of knowledge and understanding is the real cause of various social events.
Communal issues, religions riots, the misnomer of social, racial superiority are outcomes of
ignorance. With the help of research, you can do away with all these wrong notions. Research is
useful in the welfare and progress of humanity and the society. (Easterby, 2008)
Analysis of Economic Structure: Research is essential for accumulating of data on the economic
and social structure of the country. This type of information reveals what exactly is going on in
the economy, and what adjustments are taking place. Gathering such statistical data involves
several research problems. (Easterby, 2008)
Easterby, M. S. J. R. P., 2008. Management Research. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: s.n.
Eyisi, D., 2016. Approaches and Methods in Researching Problem-solving Ability. p. 10.