THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. ADNOC GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FIRE & GAS DETECTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY APPROVED BY: Abdulmunim Saif Al Kindy NAME: Abdulmunim Al Kindy TITLE: Executive Director PT&CS EFFECTIVE DATE: AGES-PH-03-002 GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FUNCTION/ PT&CS DIRECTORATE CUSTODIAN Group Projects & Engineering / PT&CS DISTRIBUTION Specification applicable to ADNOC & ADNOC Group Companies REVISION HISTORY DATE 1 June 2020 REVIEWED BY (Designation/ Initial) ENDORSED BY (Designation / NO PREPARED BY (Designation/ Initial) Initial) ENDORSED BY (Designation / Initial) 1 Rajeevan K Ashwani Kumar Kataria/ A/MES,TCEng. Abdulla Al Shaiba/VP-GPE Zaher Salem/ SVP-GPE REV. Maroli/ Eng. HSE Rajeeva n Maroli Digitally signed by Rajeevan Maroli Date: 2020.06.24 15:34:37 +04'00' Zaher Salem Digitally signed by Ashwani Kumar Kataria DN: cn=Ashwani Kumar Kataria, o=ADNOC Onshore, ou=ADNOC Onshore, email=akataria@adnoc.a e, c=AE Date: 2020.06.24 16:54:35 +04'00' Reuben Yagambaram/ SPMGPE Reuben Yagam baram Digitally signed by Reuben Yagambaram DN: cn=Reuben Yagambaram, o=ADNOC HQ, ou=ADNOC GPE, email=ryagambaram@adno, c=AE Date: 2020.06.24 17:14:00 +04'00' Adobe Acrobat version: 2017.008.30051 Digitally signed by Abdulla Al Shaiba Date: 2020.06.24 22:55:56 +04'00' Digitally signed by Zaher Salem Date: 2020.06.30 10:59:56 +04'00' The Group Projects & Engineering Function is the owner of this Specification and responsible for its custody, maintenance and periodic update. In addition, Group Projects & Engineering Function is responsible for communication and distribution of any changes to this specification and its version control. This document will be reviewed and updated in case of any changes affecting the activities described in this document. AGES-PH-03-002 Rev. No: 1 Page 2 of 3 INTER-RELATIONSHIPS AND STAKEHOLDERS 1.1 The following are inter-relationships for implementation of this Specification: (a) ADNOC Upstream and ADNOC Downstream Directorates; and (b) ADNOC Onshore, ADNOC Offshore, ADNOC Sour Gas, ADNOG Gas Processing. ADNOC LNG, ADNOC Refining, ADNOC Fertilisers, Borouge, Al Dhafra Petroleum, Al Yasat 1.2 The following are stakeholders for the purpose of this Specification: (a) ADNOC PT&CS Directorate 1.3 This Specification has been approved by the ADNOC PT&CS is to be implemented by each ADNOC Group company included above subject to and in accordance with their Delegation of Authority and other governance-related processes in order to ensure compliance. 1.4 Each ADNOC Group company must establish/nominate a Technical Authority responsible for compliance with this Specification. Definitions: ‘ADNOC’ means Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. ‘ADNOC Group’ means ADNOC together with each company in which ADNOC, directly or indirectly, controls fifty percent (50%) or more of the share capital. ‘Approving Authority’ means the decision-making body or employee with the required authority to approve Policies and Procedures or any changes to it. ‘Business Line Directorates’ or ‘BLD’ means a directorate of ADNOC which is responsible for one or more Group Companies reporting to, or operating within the same line of business as, such directorate. ‘Business Support Directorates and Functions’ or ‘Non- BLD’ means all the ADNOC functions and the remaining directorates, which are not ADNOC Business Line Directorates. ‘CEO’ means chief executive officer. ‘Group Company’ means any company within the ADNOC Group other than ADNOC. ‘Standard’ means normative references listed in this specification. ‘COMPANY’ means ‘Abu Dhabi National Oil Company or any of its group companies. It may also include an agent or consultant authorized to act for, and on behalf of the COMPANY’. ‘CONTRACTOR’ means the party which carries out the project management, design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning for ADNOC projects. ‘SHALL’ Indicates mandatory requirements “Group Company” means any company within the ADNOC Group other than ADNOC. CONTROLLED INTRANET COPY The intranet copy of this document [located in the section under Group Policies on One ADNOC] is the only controlled document. Copies or extracts of this document, which have been downloaded from the intranet, are uncontrolled copies and cannot be guaranteed to be the latest version. AGES-PH-03-002 Rev. No: 1 Page 3 of 3 ADNOC GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FIRE & GAS DETECTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY PART 1 - GENERAL AGES-PH-03-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3 2 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................. 3 3 DEFINED TERMS / ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES ................................................................ 4 4 ADNOC REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 9 5 INDUSTRY REFERENCES............................................................................................................. 11 6 DOCUMENTS PRECEDENCE ....................................................................................................... 18 7 DEVIATION /CONCESSION CONTROL ........................................................................................ 18 8 HIGH-LEVEL TECHNICAL APPROACH ....................................................................................... 19 FIRE CLASSIFICATION – CORRELATION BETWEEN STANDARDS .......................... 29 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 2 of 31 1 INTRODUCTION This Standard covers the design of Fire & Gas Detection and Fire Protection Systems involving all COMPANY Projects and upgrade of existing facilities. It addresses the following measures: Fire and Gas (F&G) Detection Passive Fire Protection Active Fire Protection The Standard applies to both, greenfield and brownfield projects and shall be implemented taking account of integration requirements with any existing COMPANY operational, maintenance and spares holding practices. A prerequisite to the application of this Standard will therefore require clarity on the following elements: Project Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Philosophy Project Basis of Design Operations & Maintenance Philosophy These elements help define the philosophical approach to Major Accident Hazard (MAH) management in terms of detection, control, mitigation and Emergency Response (ER) requirements. Clarity on these aspects in terms of manual, remote manual or automatic action, will have a major bearing on the design of the ‘Fire & Gas Detection and Fire Protection’ arrangements. This Standard is not retrospective but can be used, so far as practicable, to reduce risk on existing plant. 2 SCOPE 2.1 Inclusions The scope of this document covers all COMPANY Business areas (apart from the exclusions stated below). Upstream Oil and or Gas production facilities; ONSHORE facilities, OFFSHORE installations and Artificial Islands; Downstream (Gas Processing, Refinery, LNG); Petrochemical (Fertiliser and Polyolefins plants); Distribution Terminals including outlets (Bulk Storage, Loading bays); Industrial Gases. This Standard applies to Brownfield Projects (Subject to feasibility of integration with existing facilities). Brownfield is defined as new permanent facilities that are to be erected inside the boundary (or control) of an existing operating facility. These include permanent modifications and facility expansions. The philosophy may be used to determine the requirements for building protection against an incident involving the process / utility areas, including if such a unit is within a building, but the requirements within a building should be determined by Abu Dhabi Building Codes and UAE Fire code. 2.2 Exclusions All drilling facilities Temporary modifications at existing operating facilities AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 3 of 31 Buildings design Dust / hazards from handling solids (to be managed as special cases). 3 DEFINED TERMS / ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES 3.1 General Terminology General Terminology BROWNFIELD Development within the boundary (or control) of an existing operating facility. CAN (possibility and capability) Conveys the ability, fitness or quality necessary to do or achieve a specific thing. CONSULTANT The party that performs specific services, which may include but are not limited to, Engineering, Technical support, preparation of Technical reports and other advisory related services specified by the party that engages them, i.e. COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR The party which carries out the project management, design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning for COMPANY projects. GREENFIELD Development outside the boundary (and control) of an existing operating facility or a new operating / processing facility development in new or existing allotted area of the COMPANY. LICENSOR Provider of Licensed Technology MANUFACTURER/VENDOR/ The party which manufactures and/or supplies equipment, technical documents/drawings and services to perform the duties specified by the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIER MAY (permission) The word indicates a permitted option. It conveys consent or liberty to do something. SHALL Indicates a requirement SHOULD (recommendation) Indicates a recommendation. STANDARD Means this Fire & Gas Detection and Fire Protection System Philosophy SUB-VENDOR Any supplier of equipment and support services for an equipment/package or part thereof supplied by a VENDOR. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 4 of 31 3.2 Facility Terminology Facility Terminology Building Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. Onshore: Any building that falls within the design requirements of the UAE Fire and Life Code. Offshore: Occupied enclosures shall be designed to SOLAS requirements. Equipment The individual items, e.g. heat exchangers, pressure vessels, etc. that make up a process section. Facility Process and utility plants, tanks, buildings, marine structures, pipe racks and roads located within a site boundary. For example, a refinery, chemical plant, storage terminal, distribution centre, or corporate office. Plant A collection of units which normally operate together to produce specific products. A process plant typically has roads on all sides and all of the processing equipment within that are intended to be shut down during a maintenance turnaround. For example, a Cat Cracker could have various units’ regeneration, reaction, fractionation, gas plant) but this is considered to be one process plant. Areas that transfer or store product are not process plants, however they are part of process area. Plot Area of the site where units are grouped (e.g., refinery crude distillation unit, chemical plant, or storage terminal is located). Process Section An area / part of a unit within a process unit containing a combination of processing equipment that is focused on a single operation. This includes Individual isolatable part of a unit /system (e.g. Feed Pre-treatment). Process Unit A process unit is a collection of Equipment within a Plant focused on a single operation, arranged to perform a defined function. A process unit enables the execution of a physical, chemical and/or transport process, or storage of process material. This includes, plant area with a distinct physical process area /process train, e.g. separation unit, crude distillation unit, crude treatment unit water treatment unit, polyethylene unit. etc. 3.3 Technical Terminology Technical Terminology Building / Enclosure Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy of people. Environment Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationships. Surroundings can extend from within an organisation to the local, regional and global systems. Environmental Aspect An element of an organisation’s activities or products or services that interacts or can interact with the environment. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 5 of 31 Technical Terminology Environmental Impact Change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation’s environmental aspects. Escalation Increase in severity of consequences due to failure of preventative barriers or mitigation measures. Fire Detection Zone (FDZ, same F&G Zone) A geographical area defined to identify the location of a fire or hazardous leak from containment so that Emergency Response measures can be initiated and targeted. Fire Zone Fire zones are areas of the plant sub-divided based on the potential for fire & explosion hazard to cause escalation, as assessed by the consequence and risk modelling. The partition into fire zones is such that the consequence of fire or an explosion corresponding to the reasonably worst event likely to occur in the concerned fire zone shall not impact other fire zones to an extent where their integrity could be put at risk. The partition of the fire zone is intended to limit the consequence (escalation) of credible events but is not intended to avoid the occurrence of the credible events. (Ref. HSE-GA-ST07, HSE Design Philosophy) Flash Point The minimum temperature of a liquid at which sufficient vapor is given off to form an ignitable mixture with the air, near the surface of the liquid or within the vessel used, as determined by the appropriate test procedure and apparatus (NFPA 30) Hazard The potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE-RM-ST01, HSE Risk Management) Hazardous Area An area in which a flammable atmosphere is or may be expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the control of potential ignition sources. Ignition Source Source of temperature and energy sufficient to initiate combustion [API] Inherently Safer A condition in which the hazards associated with the materials and operations used in the process have been reduced or eliminated, and this reduction or elimination is permanent and inseparable from the process. Manned facility Installation on which people are routinely accommodated (Ref. ISO13702) An offshore platform on which at least one person occupies an accommodation space i.e. living quarters. (API RP 14G [Ref.7] definition) In addition, personnel are present for more than 2 hours a day or more than 10% of time. Muster area A designated place where personnel can muster and survive the initial effects of any incident (minor / major) until normalcy or safe evacuation. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 6 of 31 Technical Terminology Non-Hazardous Area All areas not classified as hazardous under normal operations. Offshore Installation A buoyant or non-buoyant construction engaged in offshore operations including drilling, production, storage or support functions, and which is designed and intended for use at a location for an extended period. [DNV] Risk Risk is the product of the measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesired event and the potential adverse consequences which the event may have upon: Health and Safety of People – fatality, injury, irreversible health impact or chronic ill health or harm to physical or psychological health. Environment - water, air, soil, animals, plants and social Reputation - employees and third parties. This includes the liabilities arising from injuries and property damage to third parties including the cross liabilities that may arise between the interdependent ADNOC Group Companies. Financial - damage to property (assets) or loss of production Legal - Legal impacts due to breach of law, breach of contract etc. Risk = Severity (Consequence) x Likelihood (Frequency) Refer to ADNOC Corporate Risk Matrix for more information Risk Overlap A situation where risk is imposed from more than one separate location or scenario Unmanned facility Any facility that is not classed as ‘Manned’ (see definition above) Utility An energy or services supplier, including electricity, instrument air, steam or heating medium, fuels (oil, gas, etc.), refrigeration, cooling water or cooling medium, or inert gases. 3.4 Acronyms & Abbreviations Acronyms & Abbreviations ADIBC Abu Dhabi International Building Code AFP Active Fire Protection API American Petroleum Institute CCR Central Control Room EI Energy Institute ESDV Emergency Shutdown Valve AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 7 of 31 Acronyms & Abbreviations F&G Fire and Gas FDZ Fire & Gas Detection Zone FPrZ Fire Protection Zone H2S Hydrogen Sulphide HSE Health, Safety & Environment HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MEL Master Equipment List NA Not Applicable NFPA National Fire Prevention Association PFP Passive Fire Protection PP Plot Plan SGR Switchgear Room TEMPSC Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 8 of 31 4 ADNOC REFERENCES 4.1 ADNOC Standards Ref No Document No Title 1. AGES-PH-03-001 Emergency Shutdown and Depressurisation System Philosophy 2. AGES-PH-03-002 Fire & Gas Detection and Fire Protection System Philosophy 3. AGES-SP-09-001 Piping Design Basis 4. HSE-EN-ST01 Environmental Impact Assessment 5. HSE-EN-ST02 Pollution Prevention and Control 6. HSE-EN-ST03 Energy Management Systems 7. HSE-EN-ST04 Waste Management 8. HSE-EN-ST05 Environmental Performance Monitoring 9. HSE-EN-ST06 Biodiversity Protection 10. HSE-EN-ST07 Air Dispersion Modelling Techniques (TBC) 11. HSE-GA-ST01 HSE Governance Framework 12. HSE-GA-ST02 HSE Management System Manual 13. HSE-GA-ST03 Critical HSE Roles & Competence 14. HSE-GA-ST04 Incident Notification, Reporting & Investigation 15. HSE-GA-ST05 Contractor HSE Management 16. HSE-GA-ST06 Project HSE Plans 17. HSE-GA-ST07 HSE Design Philosophy 18. HSE-GA-ST08 HSE Performance Monitoring & Reporting 19. HSE-GA-ST09 HSE Audit and Assurance 20. HSE-GA-ST11 Life Saving Rules 21. HSE-OS-ST21 Management of H2S HSE-OS-ST29 HSECES Management. 22. HSE-OS-ST30 Management of Technical Changes 23. HSE-RM-ST01 HSE Risk Management System 24. HSE-RM-ST02 HSE Impact Assessment (HSEIA) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 9 of 31 Ref No Document No Title 25. HSE-RM-ST03 HAZID ENVID OHID 26. HSE-RM-ST04 Hazard & Operability Study (HAZOP) 27. HSE-RM-ST05 SIL Determination 28. HSE-RM-ST06 Control of major accident Hazards (COMAH) 29. HSE-RM-ST07 Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Assessment (EERA) 30. HSE-RM-ST08 Emergency System Survivability Assessment (ESSA) 31. HSE-RM-ST09 Fire and ExplosionRisk Assessment (FERA) 32. HSE-RM-ST10 Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) 33. HSE-RM-ST11 Project HSE Review (PHSSER) 34. HSE-RM-ST12 Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) 35. HSE-RM-ST13 Inherently Safer Design 36. HSE-RM-ST14 CFD Dispersion & Explosion Modelling 37. HSE-CE-ST01 Emergency Response and Crisis Management 38. HSE-CE-ST02 Oil Spill Response 39. HSE-CE-ST03 Fire and Rescue Operations AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 10 of 31 5 INDUSTRY REFERENCES Ref No 40. Document No Title 41. ADIBC Abu Dhabi International Building Code. 42. API 14 C Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities 43. API 14 F Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms 44. API 14 G Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Open Type Offshore Production Platforms 45. API 14 J Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities 46. API 2160 Design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of chemical and tank facilities 47. API 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants 48. API 2510 A Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities 49. API 2510 and API 2510A Design and Construction of LPG Installations 50. API 607 Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves Equipped with Non-metallic Seats 51. API 6FA Standard for Fire Test for Valves (For Wellhead and Tree Equipment 6A and Pipeline and Piping Valves 6D) 52. API 6FB Standard for Fire Test for End Connectors 53. API B3:B4655 Recommended Practices for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulphide 54. API RP 2001 Fire Protection at Refineries 55. API RP 2021 Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires 56. API RP 2030 Application of fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, 4th Edition, September 2014) 57. API RP 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage 58. API RP 752 Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Permanent Buildings UAE Fire & Life Safety Code AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 11 of 31 Ref No 59. Document No Title ASCE 7 -16 Appendix-E Performance Based Design Procedures for Fire Effects on Structures” of “ASCE 7 -16 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 60. ASME B31.3 Process Piping 61. ASTM E 1002 Standard Test Method for Leaks 62. ASTM E-1529 Standard Test Methods for Determining Effects of Large Hydrocarbon Pool Fires on Structural Members and Assemblies 63. BS 1635 Graphical Symbols and Abbreviations Standard 64. BS 476-20 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles). 65. BS 6266 Fire protection for electronic equipment installations. Code of practice 66. BS 7273 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures. 67. BS EN 13565-1 Fixed firefighting systems. Foam systems. Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components 68. BS-6266 Fire protection for electronic equipment installations. Code of practice. 69. CAAP 70 Heliports - Issue 3 70. CAAP 71 UAE Civil aviation advisory publication CAAP 71 helidecks (off-shore) 71. CAP 437 Standards for offshore helicopter landing areas 72. EEMUA 147 Recommendations for refrigerated liquefied gas storage tanks, Ed. 3 73. EH40 UK HSE EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits 74. EI 15 75. EI 19 Model code of safe practice Part 15: Area classification for installations handling flammable fluids EI Model Code of Safe Practice, Part 19,: Fire Precautions at Petroleum Refineries and Bulk Storage Installations 76. EI 9 Large bulk pressure storage and refrigerated LPG, 77. EN 1363 -1 Fire resistance tests. General requirement 78. EN 1363 -2 Fire resistance tests. Alternative and additional procedures, 79. EN 1992-1-2 Eurocode-2 Design of Concrete Structures General Rules – Structural Fire Design 80. EN 1993-1-2 Eurocode-3 Design of Steel Structures General Rules – Structural Fire Design AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 12 of 31 Ref No 81. Document No Title EN 1994-1-2 Eurocode-4 Design of composite and concrete structures. General Rules-Structural Fire Design. 82. EN 476 - various parts Fire tests on building materials and structures. 83. EN 50270 Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen 84. EN 54-20 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Aspirating smoke detectors 85. EN_ISO_13702_2015 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations — Requirements and guidelines 86. EN_ISO_834 Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction 87. FM -7400 Liquid and Gas Safety Shutoff Valves, 2016 88. FM -7440 Firesafe Valves, 1981 89. FM3260 Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signalling 90. HSE Offshore Information Sheet No. 12/2007 Advice on acceptance criteria for damaged Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Coatings, 2007 91. HSE UK OTI 99 028 Review of Approached to Blast, Fire and Accidental Loads 92. HSE UK OTO 2000 051 Offshore Technology Report – Review of the Response of Pressurised Process Vessels and Equipment to Fire Attack 93. HSE UK UKOOA Fire and Explosion Guidance, Part 2: Avoidance and Mitigation of Fires 94. IBC International Building Code 95. IEC 60079-10 Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres 96. IEC 60331 Flame resistant 97. IEC 60331-1 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 1: Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830 °C for cables of rated voltage up to and including 0,6/1,0 kV and with an overall diameter exceeding 20 mm 98. IEC 60331-21 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 21: Procedures and requirements - Cables of rated voltage up to and including 0,6/1,0 kV 99. IEC 60331-23 Tests for Electric Cables under Fire Conditions - Circuit Integrity - Part 23: Procedures and Requirements - Electric Data Cables - Edition 1 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 13 of 31 Ref Document No No 100. IEC 60331-25 Title 101. IEC 60332 Flame retardant 102. IEC 60529 Ingress Protection Marking 103. IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safetyrelated Systems (E/E/PE, or E/E/PES) 104. IEC 61511 Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming requirements 105. Interim Guidance Notes (IGN) Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topside Structures against Explosion and Fire 106. ISBN 1859420788 Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures - Phase 2: Final Summary Report 107. ISBN 978 0 85293 564 4 Guidelines for offshore oil and gas installations that are not permanently attended, 108. ISBN 978 0 85293 823 2 Guidance on Passive Fire Protection for Process and Storage Plant and Equipment, 2017 109. ISO 10417 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Subsurface safety valve systems — Design, installation, operation and redress 110. ISO 10497 Fire Testing of Valves 111. ISO 11429 Ergonomics - System of Auditory and Visual Danger and Information Signals 112. ISO 13702 Control and Mitigation of Fires and Explosion on Offshore Installations 113. ISO 15138 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning 114. ISO 17776 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Guidelines on tools and techniques for hazard identification 115. ISO 19921 Fire resistance of metallic pipe components with resilient and elastomeric seals 116. ISO 23936-1: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production - Part 1: Thermoplastics AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 21: Procedures and requirements -Optical fibre cables Rev. No: 01 Page 14 of 31 Ref Document No No 117. ISO 23936-2 Title 118. ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering 119. ISO 4628-4 Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking 120. ISO 773 1 Danger Signals for Work places - Auditory Danger Signals 121. ISO 834 Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction 122. ISO/TR 22899-1 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection Part 1 123. ISO/TR 22899-2 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection Part 2: Guidance on classification and implementation methods 124. LASTFIRE Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks 125. 126. 127. 128. UAE Fire Safety Code and Life Safety Code Fire Code Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers Life Safety Code NA NFPA 1 NFPA 10 NFPA 101 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production – Part 2: Elastomers 129. NFPA 11 Standard for Low, Medium and High Expansion Foam 130. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 131. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems 132. NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection 133. NFPA 16 Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems 134. NFPA 17 Standard for the Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems 135. NFPA 17A Standard for the Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems 136. NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Apparatus 137. NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection 138. NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems 139. NFPA 221 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 15 of 31 Ref Document No No 140. NFPA 24 Title 141. NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenances of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems 142. NFPA 30 143. NFPA 55 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code – 2nd Edition Compressed gases and cryogenic fluids code 144. NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 145. NFPA 59 Standard for the Storage and handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants. Incl Appendix D: Procedure for Torch Fire 146. NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 147. NFPA 600 Standard for Facility Fire Brigades 148. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code 149. NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems 150. NFPA 76 Standard for the Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities 151. NFPA 850 Electric Generating Plants 152. NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 153. NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems 154. NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations 155. NFPA-72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code 156. OTI 92 606 Passive Fire Protection: Performance Requirements and Test Methods 157. OTI 92 607 Availability and properties of Passive and Active Fire Protection Systems 158. OTI 92 610 Thermal Response of Vessels and Pipework Exposed to Fire 159. OTI 94 604 Experimental data relating to the performance of steel components at Elevated Temperatures 160. OTI 95 634 Jet Fire Resistance Test of Passive Fire Protection Materials 161. Report 27.207.291/R1 Ver 2 Guidelines for the Protection of Pressurised Systems Exposed to Fire, 2004 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Manis and Their Appurtenances Rev. No: 01 Page 16 of 31 Ref Document No No 162. RR 1120 Title 163. RR 28/2005 Protection of Piping Systems Subject to Fires and Explosions 164. SOLAS Chapter II-2 Consolidated text of international convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and subsequent amendments A review of the Applicability of the Jet Fire Resistance Test (JFRT) to Severe Release Scenarios, 2017 CH. II-2 Construction - Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction 165. Technical Meeting FABIG Technical Meeting, 2004 166. Technical Note 1 Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Topside Structures 167. Technical Note 11 Fire Loading and Structural Response 168. Technical Note 13 Design Guidance for Hydrocarbon Fires 169. Technical Note 3 Use of Ultimate Strength Techniques for Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Structures 170. Technical Note 6 Design Guide for Steel at Elevated Temperatures and High Strain Rates 171. Technical Note 8 Protection of Piping Systems subject to Fires and Explosions 172. UK LPG CoP 1 Bulk LPG storage at fixed installations. Part 1: Design, installation and operation of vessels located above ground, LP Gas Association 173. UL 1709 Standard for Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel 174. WM-GL-ECD-SE0570 Fire Consequence Modelling AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 17 of 31 6 DOCUMENTS PRECEDENCE The specifications and codes referred to in this document shall, unless stated otherwise, be the latest approved issue at the time of Purchase Order placement. It shall be the CONTRACTOR 'S responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMPANY of any apparent conflict between this specification, the related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the COMPANY in writing before proceeding with the design/manufacture. In case of conflict, the order of document precedence shall be: 7 UAE Statutory requirements ADNOC HSE Standards & Codes of Practice Project Specifications and standard drawings Company Specifications & Standards National / International Standards & Codes DEVIATION /CONCESSION CONTROL Any technical deviations to this Philosophy and its attachments including, but not limited to, the COMPANY’s General Specifications shall be sought by the CONTRACTOR only through technical deviation request format. Technical deviation requests require COMPANY’S review/approval, prior to the proposed technical changes being implemented. Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY approval are subject to rejection. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 18 of 31 8 HIGH-LEVEL TECHNICAL APPROACH 8.1 Context & Background The approach to F&G detection and fire protection is broken down into six key steps, as summarised in Table 8-1. Table 8-1: F&G Detection & Fire Protection - Structure of Standard Step Identify: Common (Part 1) 1 Major Accident Hazards (MAH) Section 8.4 2 Major Accident Events (MAE) Section 8.5 3 Location of MAEs Section 8.6 4 Critical Aspects for Escalation 5 Fire and Gas Detection 6 Escalation Avoidance Measures (Passive & Active) F&G Detection Fire Protection PFP AFP Part 3 Part 4 Part 2 Columns 1, and 2 identify steps of the assessment, with the first four steps noted in column 3 to apply to all aspects of this Standard, meaning that they need to be covered before any assessment can be made about F&G Detection, Passive Fire Protection (PFP) or Active Fire Protection (AFP). The Standard is therefore broken down into four main parts: 8.2 Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: General Fire & Gas Detection Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Active Fire Protection (AFP). Application & Compliance with Standard CONTRACTOR shall follow the process described in this Standard. It is acknowledged that all aspects of this Standard may not be practicable on all facilities. Any deviation from this Standard shall therefore be supported by a documented justification covering the 4 important questions presented in Table 8-2, which are intended to ensure the MAH risk remains as low as reasonably practicable. The justification shall be reasoned arguments supported, if necessary, by quantitative analysis. The justification shall be subject Group COMPANY review and approval. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 19 of 31 Table 8-2: Key Questions – Justification to Deviate from Standard Guidance 1. Why can the Standard not be implemented? Address each relevant aspect of Standard separately and clarify rationale / constraints. 2. What is the potential risk penalty? Penalty due to non-conformance of the Standard. 3. What alternative measures are proposed? What alternative measures were considered and adopted /rejected? Is the residual risk tolerable? Describe: Scenarios of concern 4. Justification Inherent safety measures Passive measures Active measures Procedural / administrative controls Alternative layers of protection provided (prevention detection, mitigation) Note: Justification shall be reasoned arguments supported, if necessary, by quantitative analysis. 8.3 Structure of Part 1 (General) The remaining parts of this document are structured to cover the first four steps. An overview schematic Table of how these steps are expected to be addressed in a project is given in Table 8-3, where each step is identified with a Star-label in the appropriate column. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 20 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 8-3: Overview of Fire Detection & Protection (Steps 1 – 4) Identification of: 2.1 Fire (/Leak) Types 3.1 . F&G 3.2. Categorise Plant Areas Det'n Zones (FDZ) Plant Area Building 4.1. Critical Plant Features x x x x PS-1R-a x x 0 x Process P-1 x x x x P-1-a x x P-1 x Process Utilities P-15 x x x P-15-a Process Utilities (Fired) PF-1 x x x PF-1-a Utilities (& Machinery) U-1 Safety Sys. SS-1 Manned Areas M-1 Emergency Response x x U-1-a x x x M-1-a x x Evac ER-E-1 ER-E-1-a Escape ER-Es-1 ER-Es-1-a x x x x x x x M-1 x 0 0 x Sv x x SS-1 x St x U-1 x S x x PF-1 x x SS-1-a x P-15 x Ng Special Risk (Air/HVAC Intakes) Process - Storage Tanks & Export PS-1R Ne Special Risk (Encl. - Gas Turb & Other Engine) H/C Process (low sensitivity) x HVAC Inlet x W-1 Telecoms x Special x W-1-a Toxic Leak x W-1 Np Special Risk H2 Special No H/C (People Protection) No H/C (Special Eqpt. Protection) No H/C (General Coverage) H1 x Well-head Non-Process H/C Process (normal / high sensitivity) F&G Detection Zone (on Plot Plan) Cooking Oils Critical Structures & Supports Flammable Metals Combustion Air Inlet K Process Flash / Exp. D F&G Detection Zones (FDZ) Pool C 4 x Cellulosic Sources of Leaks Vulnerabilities (& ignition sources) B Ignition Potential 4.2. Grading of F&G Detection Zone Jet /Spray A Electrical Fire Types 3 Manned Space (or air to HVAC) 2 Enclosed Spaces 1 Oth. Electronic 1. Hazard Identification LER (/Switch Room) 4. Critical Aspects for 'Escalation' Non-Process 3. Location of MAE Process (& Wellheads) 2. Major Accident Events (MAE) Fire Detection Zone (FDZ) 1. Major Accident Hazards (MAH) x x x x x x x x Notes Objective To identify ALL the areas where a fire or gas release event could occur. Concept - System List - Plot Plans FEED - Master Equipment List - Plot Plans Detail Design Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) To classify all the identified fire (&leak) cases according to NFPA-10 (2018) to allow selection of fire protection measures. - Initial Hazard Screening (Identification) To identify specific plant areas (Fire Detection Zones - To 'Grade' each F&G Detection Zone according to its importance for Risk Management so FDZ) where Emergency Response Measures (detection that appropriate focus can be given in design development. & mitigation) need to be targeted. n/a n/a - Hazard Identification Study - Haz Area Classification (HAC) - Fire Hazard Assessment (FHA) - F&G detection performance target study - Fire Grading Diagram - F&G Detection Zone (FDZ) Grading Study - Gas Dispersion Analysis Update Update Update - F&G Mapping Rev. No: 01 Page 21 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal 8.4 Step 1: Hazard Identification 8.4.1 Identification of Area & Equipment The objective of Step 1 is to identify ALL plant areas where a leak or fire can occur, as shown indicatively in Table 8-1, columns 1, 2 and 3. At the highest level, the plant areas have been categorised as: Sources of Release (Hydrocarbons) Process – Storage Tanks & Export Process Process Utilities Vulnerabilities (& Potential Ignition Sources) Process Utilities (Fired) Utilities (& Machinery) Safety Systems Manned Areas Emergency Response (Evacuation & Escape) Temporary Site Facilities (including fabrication areas, batching plant, etc.) These categories can be detailed using the Master Equipment List (MEL) and the Plot Plan (PP) to identify items of equipment (or buildings) that can source a fire or the release of a hazardous material from process systems. Column 1 highlights areas that can source a hydrocarbon leak and the main vulnerabilities in terms of potential ignition sources or manned areas. The geographical location of such events is important since it gives an indication of the type of detection, mitigation and emergency response measures that are practicable. An indicative example of this structure is shown in Table 8-4, which further identifies whether such systems might be encountered on an onshore or offshore facility (columns 6 & 7, respectively). It should be noted that the colour coding in Table 8-4 has been retained throughout this Standard to show continuity of the design development process. Table 8-4: Step 1: Example of Area Categories where Fire (/Leak) can occur Area Type Sources of Leaks Well-head Process Storage Tanks & Export Roof Shell Bund Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Area Ref. Process /Other Unit W-1 W-2 PS1R PS1S PS1B Wellheads Well Servicing & Workover Hydrocarbon Storage Onshore Offshore Marine Storage (Not in Scope) Rev. No: 01 Page 22 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Area Ref. Process /Other Unit Load /Unload Load /Unload Marine PS-2 PS-3 Loading/Unloading Racks Marine Loading/Unloading Terminals Other PS-4 Impounding basins, Berth, Process Areas & Storage LNG Pipeline PS-5 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 PF-1 PF-2 U-1 LNG pipelines Manifolds Separators (& Piping) Other Vessels & Piping Pumps ESDVs Pipeline (Risers), ESDVs & Pig Traps Pig Traps (& laydown) Compressors (Electric) Compressors (Gas Turbine & enclosure) Compression Building & HVAC LER (Inst & Elec SGR) & HVAC Metering Slugcatcher Heat Exchangers Produced Water System Fuel Gas System Closed Drains / Flare KO Vessels Cold Vent Stack Flare (ground /elevated) Fired Heaters Laydown & Storage (Methanol tote tanks, etc.) U-2 U-3 Power Generation (Diesel) Power Generation (Gas Turbine & enclosure) Cooling Water (/Seawater) Pumps Other Utilities (MEG injection, Air, N2, etc.) Crane(s) Fire Pumps Fire / Blast Wall Manned Area HVAC Inlets Accommodation Area Type Process Vulnerabilities (& potential ignition sources) Process Utilities Process Utilities (Fired) Utilities (& Machinery) U-4 U-5 Safety Systems Manned Areas Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) U-6 SS-1 SS-2 M-1 M-2 Onshore Offshore Rev. No: 01 Page 23 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Area Type Emergency Response Evacuation Escape 8.4.2 Area Ref. Process /Other Unit Onshore M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-10 ER-E1 ER-E2 ER-E3 ER-E4 ER-E5 EREs-1 CCR Electrical Sub-station & Switchroom Offices Workshops & Laboratories Stores & Warehouses Helideck /Heliport Boat Landing Bridge (WTW) Shelter /Muster /TR TEMPSC Bus (pick-up point & roads) Offshore Bridge Boat Liferaft Project Scheduling It is expected that this type of high-level hazard identification and categorisation could start at Concept stage, soon after the first revision of the Systems List and plot plans are available. This will allow a rational basis to be given for the F&G system’s contribution to the overall project cost. However, it is expected that the full extent of the procedures discussed in this Standard will trigger during FEED, when a more complete Master Equipment List (MEL) will be prepared, the Plot Plan (PP) will be better defined and the main guiding philosophies (see Section 1) will have been developed. 8.5 Step 2: Identify Major Accident Events (MAE) Step 2 in the process is geared towards classifying the type of Leak and fires that can occur in the areas identified in Step 1. It is noted that the Classification needs to give sufficient clarity about the nature of the event, and its characteristics to allow fire detection and protection measures to be designed and specified. The Classification of fires for COMPANY projects shall be consistent with the following Codes, based on fluid flash point: NFPA 10 NFPA 30 EI 15 (Ref. 127) (Ref. 142) (Ref. 74) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 24 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal The correlation between these Codes is summarised in Table 8-5, which shows fire Classification as follows (columns 1 and 2): Class A: Class B: Class C: Class D: Class K: Combustible materials (cellulosic) Flammable Gases & Liquids Electrical Flammable Metals Cooking Oils & Fats A larger version of Table 8-5 is in Appendix A, of this Part of the Standard. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 25 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 8-5: Classification of Fire Types (NFPA 10, NFPA 30 and EI 15) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 26 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal The second and third major columns sets (3-6, and 7-8) show a comparison of Classification using NFPA 30 (Ref. 142, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code ) and EI 15 (ref 74), Hazardous Area Classification). Both these Codes use fluid flash point for Classification, noting that the scope of EI 15 also includes the Classification of gases. This correlation between NFPA 30 and EI 15, means that work done within a project to perform Hazardous Area Classification can be used to identify all sources of ‘Class B’ fires (as defined by NFPA 10). This will also allow a distinction to be made between jet fire, flash fire /VCE, pool fire and spray fire by taking account of Flash Point information assembled during Hazardous Area Classification. In this way consistency and connection will be promoted between the various different measures taken to manage Major Accident Risk (electrical eqpt. selection for Hazardous Areas, F&G detection requirements, exact requirements for AFP and PFP against jet / pool / spray fires, etc.). It should be noted that the hazards associated with dust explosions are not covered by this approach and shall be managed as special cases when identified on a facility. The columns (9 – 15) on the extreme right of Table 8-5 take note of the information in preceding columns to identify the exact ‘Type of Fire’. An important distinction is made in the Class B category since the exact type of fire will depend on the volatility of the fluid. The main sub-categories are therefore identified as: Jet fires Pool fires Spray (/mist) fires Label 3 in Table 7-5 also notes that delayed ignition of high volatility fluids also presents the potential for flash fire (/explosion). This scenario will require other protective measures to be used like Emergency Shutdown (ESD) and blowdown. 8.6 Steps 3 & 4: Location of MAE and Criticality for Escalation Steps 3 and 4 in the two major columns on the right of Table 8-3. 8.6.1 Step 3: Where can Fire (/Leak) Occur (Fire & Gas Detection Zones & Areas on Facility) The aim of Step 3 is to establish where a fire (/leak) can occur by breaking down the facility into F&G Detection Zone (FDZ). It should be noted that an FDZ is not the same as a ‘Fire Protection Zone’ (FPrZ), which is covered in Parts 3 (Passive Fire Protection) and Part 4 (Active Fire Protection) of this Standard. A FZ may be larger due to process isolation, blowdown and fire protection reasons, and may be made up of multiple FDZs. The final major column of Table 8-3 requires each FDZ to be given a distinct identifier. The geographical extent of each FDZ shall be marked on a Plot Plan. Step 3 also categorises each FDZ as a ‘Plant Area’ or a ‘Building’, and further sub-categories, as identified in Table 8-6 below. This is done to facilitate the next step in the overall assessment process (Step 4). Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 27 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 8-6: Facility Area Categories Plant Area Process (& Wellheads) Non-Process Special Building LER (/Switch Room) Telecoms Other Electronic Enclosed Spaces Manned Space (or air to HVAC) Note: Colour coding previously used is retained (so far as possible). 8.6.2 Step 4: What can be Affected (‘Grading’ of Fire & Gas Detection Zones) The aim of Step 4 is to ‘Grade’ each of the FDZ’s identified in Step 3 according to its sensitivity for overall Risk Management of the facility. This is to ensure key safety and design features of each FDZ are highlighted so that correct devices can be selected and appropriate priorities given. The Grading of each FDZ is informed by Step 3 (see Table 8-6), and the following categories in Table 8-7 shall be used. Table 8-7: Categories for ‘Grading’ each FDZ Area Process Non-Process Special Grade Description H1 Hydrocarbon processing (normal to high sensitivity) H2 Hydrocarbon processing with low sensitivity Np No Hydrocarbons (People protection) Ne No Hydrocarbons (Special Equipment Protection) Ng No Hydrocarbons (General coverage) S Special Risk St Special Risk (Enclosure - Gas Turbine & Other Engine) Sv Special Risk (Air Intakes (HVAC / utility, etc) / Airlocks) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 28 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal FIRE CLASSIFICATION – CORRELATION BETWEEN STANDARDS This Appendix shows the relationship between fluid categorisation approaches of NFPA 30 and EI 15 with the Classification of fires in NFPA 10. The purpose of the comparison is to allow work done on Hazardous Area Classification to be carried forward into the Classification of fires, and the identification of fire types (jet fires, spray fires, pool fires, etc.). Table A1 shows both NFPA 30 and EI 15 use two main factors to categorise fluids: Flash Point (columns 1 & 9) Handling temperature o Above / below Flash Point o Above / below Boiling Point In all cases, any fluid that is Categorised by these two standards is seen to have a potential to source a Class ‘B’ fire according to NFPA 10 (Note other fire types also shown, i.e. A, C, D, K). It is noted that the Categorisation of EI 15 is more related to the flammable characteristics of the fluids. In particular, it makes a distinction between fluids handled above their boiling point and those that are below. The importance of this characteristic is for the relative likelihood of the various types of fires, namely: Jet fires Spray fires Pool fires Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 29 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table A1: Fluid Categorisation (NFPA30 & EI 1 5) versus Fire Classes (NFPA 10) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 30 of 31 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table A2 is a summary of the various fluid Categories according to EI 15 and the likelihood of them sourcing each of the fire types. Table A2: Likelihood of Fire Types Handling Temperature, Fluid Category & Likelihood of Fire Type No Mist High Pressure Release Mist Above BPt. Mist Below BPt. Mist Below FP No Mist Low Pressure Release No Mist Fire Type Fluid Category Jet Spray Pool C C B A G(ii) G(i) Key Most Likely Likely Less likely Not likely It is noted that Fluid Categories G(i) and G(ii) (extreme right side of Table A2) can source a jet fire but present no potential to spray or pool fire. Category A fluids will expand rapidly upon release and are most likely to generate a jet fire with an element of spray fire, depending on whether the leak contains liquid. The type of fire from other fluid categories (B & C) depend entirely on the handling temperature. Fluids handled above their boiling point are given Category B, which will flash rapidly giving rise to spray fire and with a follow-on pool fire involving the liquid dropout. Where the fluid is handled below the boiling point but above the flash point, there will be a potential for a spray fire and a greater potential for an ongoing pool fire. Fluids handled below the flash point are not likely to source a pool fire but could still generate a spray fire due to atomisation and greater vaporisation of a pressurised release. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-1) Rev. No: 01 Page 31 of 31 THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. ADNOC GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FIRE & GAS DETECTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY PART 2 – F&G DETECTION AGES-PH-03-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 4 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES ................................................................ 5 3 TECHNICAL APPROACH .............................................................................................................. 12 4 PLANNING & DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 14 5 LAYOUT OF F&G DEVICES .......................................................................................................... 18 6 F&G DETECTION DESIGN – HARDWARE SELECTION ............................................................. 22 7 F&G DESIGN - LOGIC.................................................................................................................... 29 8 RELIABILITY & AVAILABILITY ..................................................................................................... 36 9 SURVIVABILITY ............................................................................................................................. 37 10 DEPENDENCIES & INTERACTIONS ............................................................................................ 38 F&G DEVICES – FEATURES ........................................................................................... 39 ALARM INTERFACE: F&G SYSTEM-TO-TELECOMS (EXAMPLE) .............................. 63 EXAMPLE – REPRESENTATION OF F&G PROTECTION LOGIC ................................ 65 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 01 Page 2 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1: Document Structure: F&G Detection Part-1 ........................................................................................12 Table 4-1: Design Elements, Scheduling & Supporting Documents ....................................................................15 Table 5-1: Summary - F&G Detector Layout Philosophy .....................................................................................19 Table 6-1: Schematic Summary of F&G Detector Selection Approach ................................................................23 Table 6-2: List of F&G Devices Typically Used ....................................................................................................25 Table 6-3: F&G Detector Selection (based on FDZ Grading) ..............................................................................27 Table 7-1: Example - Definition of F&G Detection Levels & Detection Integrity ..................................................30 Table 7-2: Example F&G Protection Logic – Input Signals (Causes) ..................................................................32 Table 7-3: Example F&G Protection Logic – Output Signals (Effects) .................................................................34 Table 8-1: Reliability / Availability of F&G System ...............................................................................................36 Table 9-1: Survivability .........................................................................................................................................37 Table 10-1: List of Dependencies & Interactions ..................................................................................................38 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 1 Page 3 of 65 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background This Part of the ‘Fire & Gas Detection and Protection’ Standard describes COMPANY expectations for the development of Fire and Gas (F&G) Detection within a Project. The document is a follow-on to ‘Part-1’ where the context and overall strategy for protection is set out in terms of a six-step process. It is expected that the first four steps, covered in Part-1 will have been completed before the requirements stipulated in this Part are implemented: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.2 What are the Hazards What Type of Fires (/Leaks) Can Occur? Where Can Fires (/Leaks) Occur? What Can Fires (/Leaks) Affect? Objective The objective of this Part of the Standard is to address Step-5, ‘How can F&G events be Detected?’. A F&G safety system continuously monitors for abnormal situations such as a fire, or combustible or toxic gas release within the plant; and provides early warning and mitigation actions to prevent escalation of the incident and protect the People, process or environment. Within the context of a new Project, this document describes how F&G requirements Shall be defined and communicated in a ‘Project Specific F&G Detection Philosophy’. This document is not intended to cover Engineering aspects (hardware), which are covered in Reference 2. 1.3 Scope Inclusions: This Standard covers the F&G detection devices and the logic required to interpret their signals. Exclusions: The Standard does not cover Engineering of other parts of the overall F&G System (signal cables, Marshalling Cabinets, F&G Logic Solver, etc.). AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 4 of 65 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES 2.1 General Terminology General Terminology BROWNFIELD Development within the boundary (or control) of an existing operating facility. CAN (possibility and Conveys the ability, fitness or quality necessary to do or achieve a capability) specific thing. CONSULTANT The party that performs specific services, which may include but are not limited to, Engineering, Technical support, preparation of Technical reports and other advisory related services specified by the party that engages them, i.e. COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR The party which carries out the project management, design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning for COMPANY projects. GREENFIELD Development outside the boundary (and control) of an existing operating facility or a new operating / processing facility development in new or existing allotted area of the COMPANY. LICENSOR Provider of Licensed Technology MANUFACTURER/VENDOR/ The party which manufactures and/or supplies equipment, technical documents/drawings and services to perform the duties specified by the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIER MAY (permission) The word indicates a permitted option. It conveys consent or liberty to do something. SHALL Indicates a requirement SHOULD (recommendation) Indicates a recommendation. STANDARD Means this Layout & Separation Distances Guideline SUB-VENDOR Any supplier of equipment and support services for an equipment/package or part thereof supplied by a VENDOR. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 5 of 65 2.2 Technical Terminology Technical Terminology Building / Enclosure Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy of people. Combustible Fluid A fluid handled below its Flash Point Credible scenario Incident likely to occur within a concerned area – typically, jet fire, pool fire, vapour cloud explosions, gas dispersion, toxic gas dispersion and or/ asphyxiants dispersion scenarios that are considered for design. Refer to [COMPANY HSE-GA-ST07 HSE Design Philosophy& FERA standard HSE-RM-ST09] Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Escalation A system of valves, piping, sensors, actuating devices, and logic solvers that takes the process, or specific equipment in the process, to a safe state, i.e., to shutdown, to isolate, de-energise, and depressurise plant, train, or process unit. Increase in severity of consequences; due to failure of preventative barriers or mitigation measures Fire Detection Zone (FDZ, same F&G A geographical area defined to identify the location of a fire or hazardous leak from containment so that Emergency Response measures can be initiated and targeted. Zone) Fire Zone Fire zones are areas of the plant sub-divided based on the potential for fire & explosion hazard to cause escalation, as assessed by the consequence and risk modelling. The partition into fire zones is such that the consequence of fire or an explosion corresponding to the reasonably worst event likely to occur in the concerned fire zone shall not impact other fire zones to an extent where their integrity could be put at risk. The partition of the fire zone is intended to limit the consequence (escalation) of credible events but is not intended to avoid the occurrence of the credible events. (Ref. HSE-GA-ST07, HSE Design Philosophy) Flammable Refers to any substance, solid, liquid, gas or vapour, that is easily ignited. A petroleum liquid is classified as flammable if it has a flashpoint up to and including 55°C. Hazard AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) The potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE-RM-ST01, HSE Risk Management) Rev. 1 Page 6 of 65 Technical Terminology Hazardous Area An area in which a flammable atmosphere is or may be expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the control of potential ignition sources. Lower Explosive Limit Lower concentration of gas (by volume and expressed in percentage) in a gas-air mixture that will form an ignitable mixture [API, NFPA] Manned facility Installation on which people are routinely accommodated (Ref. ISO13702) An offshore platform on which at least one person occupies an accommodation space i.e. living quarters. (API RP 14G [Ref.7] definition) In addition, personnel are present for more than 2 hours a day or more than 10% of time. Plot Area of the site where units are grouped (e.g., refinery crude distillation unit, chemical plant, or storage terminal is located). Process Section An area / part of a unit within a process unit containing a combination of processing equipment that is focused on a single operation. This includes Individual isolatable part of a unit /system (e.g. Feed Pre-treatment). Process Unit A process unit is a collection of Equipment within a Plant focused on a single operation, arranged to perform a defined function. A process unit enables the execution of a physical, chemical and/or transport process, or storage of process material. This includes, plant area with a distinct physical process area /process train, e.g. separation unit, crude distillation unit, crude treatment unit water treatment unit, polyethylene unit. etc. Radiant heat output (RHO) The total amount of energy per unit time (kW) released by a fire in the form of thermal radiation. Risk Risk is the product of the measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesired event and the potential adverse consequences which the event may have upon: Health and Safety of People – fatality, injury, irreversible health impact or chronic ill health or harm to physical or psychological health. Environment - water, air, soil, animals, plants and social Reputation employees and third parties. This includes the liabilities arising from injuries and property damage to third parties including the cross liabilities that may arise between the interdependent ADNOC Group Companies. Financial - damage to property (assets) or loss of production Legal - Legal impacts due to breach of law, breach of contract etc. Risk = Severity (Consequence) x Likelihood (Frequency) Refer to ADNOC Corporate Risk Matrix for more information Unmanned facility AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Any facility that is not classed as ‘Manned’ (see definition above) Rev. 1 Page 7 of 65 Technical Terminology 1ooN One out of (1oo) the number (N) of detectors or circuits in the voting group in a specific area that is in alarm. 1oo2 One out of two (1oo2) with diagnostics (D). 2ooN Two out of (2oo) the number (N) of detectors or circuits in the voting group that are in alarm. Ex refers to equipment that has been classified as safe for use in hazardous areas Non-Hazardous Area All areas not classified as hazardous under normal operations. 2.3 Acronyms & Abbreviations Acronyms & Abbreviations API American Petroleum Institute BFPSA British Fire Protection Systems Association CCTV Closed Circuit Television. CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics Cl2 Chlorine CO2 Carbon Dioxide DC Direct Current EI Energy Institute EN Euronorm EPC Engineering Procurement & Construction ESD Emergency Shutdown ESDV Emergency Shutdown Valve ESSA Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis F&G Fire & Gas. FEED Front End Engineering Design FERA Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment H2S Hydrogen Sulphide HAZID Hazard Identification HSE Health Safety & Environment HSECES HSE Critical Equipment & Systems HSSD High Sensitivity Smoke Detector AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 8 of 65 Acronyms & Abbreviations HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning ICSS Integrated Control & Safety System IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IR Infrared ISO International Organisation for Standardisation LEL Lower Explosive Limit LEL.m Lower Explosive Limit * metre. LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LOS Line of Sight LSIR Location Specific Individual Risk MAH (IR at aAccident locationHazard if person present continuously) Major MACP Manual Alarm Call point NFPA National Fire Protection Association PFD Probability of Failure on Demand PFP Passive Fire Protection ppm parts per million (by volume/moles unless otherwise stated) QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment RHO Radiant Heat Output. ROR Rate of Rise (Heat detector) SIL Safety Integrity Level. SO2 Sulphur Dioxide UV Ultra-Violet AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 9 of 65 2.4 ADNOC Standards & Codes Ref No Document No Title 1. AGES-PH-03-001 ESD Philosophy 2. AGES-SP-04-003 Fire & Gas System Specification 3. AGES-SP-04-004 Emergency Shutdown System (SIS) Specification 4. HSE-CE-ST05 Emergency Response Plan 5. HSE-OS-ST21 H2S Management 6. HSE-RM-ST05 SIL Determination Procedure 7. HSE-RM-ST09 Fire Safety Assessment (FERA) 8. HSE-OS-ST29 HSECES Integrity Management 9. HSE-RM-ST08 Emergency System Survivability Assessment (ESSA) 2.5 Ref International Codes & Standards Code Description 1. API 14 F Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms 2. API 14 G Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Open Type Offshore Production Platforms 3. API 14 J Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities 4. API 14 J Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities 5. API 14C Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities 6. ASTM E 1002 Standard Test Method for Leaks 7. BS 7273 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures. 8. EI 15 Model Code of Safe Practice, Part 15: Area Classification for installations handling flammable fluids 9. EN 54-20 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Aspirating smoke detectors 10. IEC 60331 Flame resistant No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 10 of 65 Ref Code Description 11. IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safetyrelated Systems (E/E/PE, or E/E/PES) 12. IEC 61511 Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming requirements 13. ISO 10417 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Subsurface safety valve systems — Design, installation, operation and redress 14. ISO 11429 Ergonomics - System of Auditory and Visual Danger and Information Signals 15. ISO 773 1 Danger Signals for Work places - Auditory Danger Signals 16. NFPA 76 Standard for the Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities 17. NFPA-72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 11 of 65 3 TECHNICAL APPROACH 3.1 Context The overall strategy for Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Risk management has an important bearing on the design of the F&G system. The strategy is typically documented in a Project HSE Philosophy based on knowledge about the relative location of hazards to people, those affected and those who will be required to react to an initiating event. The HSE Philosophy will therefore shape the nature of manual intervention (local or remote), the degree of remote monitoring, automatic protective actions, the architecture of the overall F&G system and its interactions with the overall independent Emergency Shutdown (ESD) System. This context is important in shaping the contents of the Project F&G Detection Philosophy, which Shall be prepared early in design and updated, as a minimum, at the beginning of subsequent Design Stages. The F&G Detection System is considered an ‘HSE Critical System’ requiring focus throughout the facility lifecycle (design, procurement, installation, commissioning, operations & maintenance. This is typically done by focus on the four key aspects (Ref.8): 3.2 Functionality Reliability Survivability Dependencies & Interactions Document Structure This document is therefore structured to cover each of these aspects as described in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Document Structure: F&G Detection Part-1 HSE Critical Feature Functionality - Planning & Design - Philosophy (high-level) - Design - Hardware - Design - Logic Reliability & Availability Survivability Dependencies & Interactions 3.3 Section 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 Performance Standards In view of the HSE Critical nature of the F&G Detection system, Performance Standards Shall be prepared and documented to cover the full extent of the Fire & Gas System (detection, logic solver to final elements). The Performance Standards Shall be started in FEED and updated in subsequent stages of the Project, and Shall cover the four key aspects mentioned in Section 3.1 (Functionality, Reliability, etc.). AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 12 of 65 The Performance Standards Document Shall be made available for independent Assurance and Verification by COMPANY, at each Project Stage, in sufficient time to allow observations by the Independent Reviewer to be incorporated into the design. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 13 of 65 4 PLANNING & DESIGN 4.1 Overview The HSE Critical nature of the overall F&G detection system requires careful planning and scheduling of design work to ensure the system development is backed up by rigorous justification. Table 4-1 is a checklist of key design elements, when they need to be performed, and the documents needed to support the justification. Column 1 of Table 4-1 has broken down the F&G System design into 5 distinct aspects, namely: Guiding principles Fire detection Gas detection Response / Alarm System Maintenance Columns 2 and 3 contain a Description of key activities that need to be performed, and columns 4-6, indicate (the Project Stage) when these activities should be scheduled. The columns on the extreme right identify key Design Documents that are needed to demonstrate each of the activities identified (bottom right corner). AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 1 Page 14 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 4-1: Design Elements, Scheduling & Supporting Documents Notes: Demonstration (Design Documents) 1. F&G Design Basis (comprises items 2,3,4,5) 2. F&G Philosophy to ensure it complies with Regulatory Requirements 3. Chart indicates when Studies shall be started (all shall be updated in subsequent stages in light of project developments). 4. Group Company to define based on project specific requirement. Studies by Project Guiding Principles Fire Detection Gas Detection Response / Alarm System Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F&G Detection Philosophy Regulatory requirements Step 2: Fire Types Step 3: FDZ Definition of Areas Step 4: FDZ Grading Step 4: FDZ Grading Diagrams - H/C & Utility Areas Record of areas not requiring F&G detection, with reasons. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Step 5: Devices selected - fire detection Step 5: Fire detector layouts Step 5: Mapping diagrams (fire detection) Step 5: Devices selected - gas detection Step 5: Gas detector layouts Step 5: Mapping diagrams (gas detection) Ventilation inlet gas dispersion calculations, if required Step 5: Toxic and Asphyxiant gas detection devices Manual fire station functional requirements Fire panel / F&G panel functional specifications Cause and Effect (C&E) Logic Notification appliance requirements (F&G Alarms, Public Address, Telecoms, etc.) 20 Maintenance and testing access assessment Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) x x x x x x x x x Update Smoke & Gas Dispersion Study F&G Mapping Study 3D Model Review Telecoms Philosophy Other Performance Standards 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x *4 x *4 x x x x x Update x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x C&E Diagrams 1 *2 x x F&G Layouts Detail Design Concept FEED Detail Design F&G Study Project Stage Concept FEED F&G Grading Diagrams Description FDZ Diagrams Category F&G Grading F&G Philosophy F&G Design Basis (Perf. Target) (*1) x x x x Update x x x x x x x x x Update x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Rev. 01 Page 15 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 4.2 Guiding Principles Table 4-1 shows that a prerequisite to beginning the design of F&G detection facilities is to have a clear understanding of the role F&G detection will play in the facility’s Risk Management strategy, and the Regulatory requirements that need to be complied with. These requirements Shall be documented as a F&G Detection Philosophy (item 1), early in design and updated at the beginning of subsequent Stages. 4.3 Fire Detection The Fire Detection design shall include the following key steps to cover the elements identified: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Step 2: Fire Types Step 3: FDZ Definition of Areas Step 4: FDZ Grading Step 4: FDZ Grading Diagrams - H/C & Utility Areas Record of areas not requiring F&G detection, with reasons. Step 5: Devices selected - fire detection Step 5: Fire detector layouts Step 5: Mapping diagrams (fire detection) Items 3 relate to the ‘Type’ of fires that can occur from each item of equipment, as described in Part-1, Sections 7.5 (Step 2). Their impact on Grading of the FDZ is shown in columns 4 and 5, as described in Part1, Section 7.6. These aspects are intended to ensure the design takes note of the fire characteristics and gives appropriate priority based on the COMPANY risk management goals. The FDZ Diagrams mentioned under Item 6, may be omitted in the case of simple facilities, or where such Grading can be marked on the FDZ Diagrams in Item 4. Item 7 is noteworthy, since it requires that any FDZs not Graded Shall be recorded and justified. Items 8-10 relate to Step 5, where the fire detection devices Shall be selected, shown on a plot plan and their adequacy to detect fires in the FDZ demonstrated through a Mapping Study. Items 3-10 in the above list Shall be started in FEED and updated as the design progresses during Detail Design. The Deliverables typically used to document the various aspects are identified in the bottom right corner of Table 4-1, and are listed in Text Box 4-1. The deliverables in Test Box 4-1 can be combined wherever possible in agreement with COMPANY, to ensure all the above elements are assessed and documented (e.g Item 2,3,4,5 can be combined). Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 16 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Text Box 4-1: F&G Detection: Typical List of Design Documents F&G Detection Philosophy 1 2 F&G Design Basis (Perf. Target) F&G Grading FDZ Diagrams F&G Grading Diagrams F&G Study F&G Layouts 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C&E Diagrams Smoke & Gas Dispersion Study F&G Mapping Study 3D Model Review Telecoms Philosophy Other Performance Standards Item 13 is noteworthy in Text Box 4-1, since it confirms that the contents of the preceding items needs to be consolidated into Performance Standards for the overall F&G system as required in Section 3.3. 4.4 Gas Detection Key design elements for gas detection are similar to the ones for Fire Detection in Section 4.3, and are listed below: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Step 5: Devices selected - gas detection Step 5: Gas detector layouts Step 5: Mapping diagrams (gas detection) Ventilation inlet gas dispersion calculations, if required Step 5: Toxic and Asphyxiant gas detection devices The main additional aspect is the potential need for gas dispersion modelling (item 14) to assess the likelihood of a gas cloud entering a ventilation air intake for an enclosure /building. 4.5 Response / Alarm System & Maintenance The main design aspects covering Emergency Response and maintenance are listed below: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Manual fire station functional requirements Fire panel / F&G panel functional specifications Cause and Effect (C&E) diagrams Notification appliance requirements (F&G Alarms, Public Address, Telecoms, etc.) Maintenance and testing access assessment Items 16 to 19 need to be developed in line with the Project HSE Philosophy mentioned in Section 3.1. Provision Shall also be made for maintenance and functional testing of F&G system components without requiring a shutdown of production. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 17 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 5 LAYOUT OF F&G DEVICES 5.1 Background At the highest level, placement of F&G devices is driven by these main factors: Likelihood of real fire /leak affecting Personnel Safety and Asset Integrity Likelihood of false detection /signal affecting Production Loss In both cases the main driver is risk, the risk that a real event has occurred and the potential for knock-on escalation, versus the risk that the signal received is false and the resulting production loss. The aim of this Section is to provide an approach that considers these factors when deciding on detector layout for the different situations encountered on COMPANY facilities. Simplistically, the aim of the approach is to provide detection near to the most likely sources or vulnerabilities, so that potential safety issues can be addressed, to use a voting strategy to get a confirmed signal to avoid undesired production consequences if the signal is false and also to ensure early detection and deployment of effective mitigation measures to maximise asset protection . Detection devices use technologies that monitor a particular point, line or volume in space and this limited coverage means that they do not cover the full extent of the FDZ to be monitored. Also no device is 100% reliable, so it is not possible to be certain that all real events will be detected, and it has to be accepted that some events can go undetected and this forms part of the residual risk from the facility. So, we must determine the size of event that the system should be able to identify as a minimum, termed ‘Design Accident Event’ (DAE). The general approach in this Standard does not define a Design Accident Event, but this principle is implicit within the detector layouts that are proposed based on historical precedent within industry. Where the potential for escalation of the initiating event is found to be critical, the requirements for detection and protection Shall be based on specific study and modelling (e.g. FERA - Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment, or explosion modelling using CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics, in accordance with Ref.7). 5.2 Detector Layout Philosophy The observations above lead to the Philosophy summarised in Table 5-1, which uses the criticality Grading of the FDZ in Step 4, and addresses the two main issues: Likely Leak Sources (& Vulnerabilities) Signal Integrity Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 18 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 5-1: Summary - F&G Detector Layout Philosophy Criticality of Area No of F&G Devices Required 1 Fire Detection Zone (FDZ) Grading Detection Philosophy - Likely Leak Sources No of Devices to install for Signal Integrity (1) 2 Process Non-Process H 1 H 2 N p Likelihood Category (EI 15) Detector Coverage Required Description Fire (/smoke) x x Continuou s None Flare monitoring x x Primary Dedicated Local to Source x x Secondary Area FDZ Area x x x x N e N g Special S S t S v Ungraded x Special x x x x x x x x x Toxic (H2S) None FDZ Area (/FERA-vol) Fire (/smoke) Gas (flammable) Video Image (CCTV) for Flame / Smoke Toxic Study to define Toxic (H2S) None 2 3 2 (note 2) Typical Target Cloud size 5m - 10m (depends on congestion) (*8) 3 Target Cloud size 5m - 8m (*8) None Boundary Monitoring x Gas (flammable) Boundary Monitoring Process Area (/Escape route) Boundary Outside Manned Area HVAC LOS at each boundary 1 1 LOS at each boundary 1 1 3 3 x HVAC At Inlet At Inlet x Buildings Case by Case Case by Case x Other Areas Case by Case Case by Case 3 Specific Notes: 1. No. of F&G devices needs to be sufficient to allow voting for confirmed detection signal 2. F&G Detection and Design Coverage: Overall Coverage to be defined (minimum, single=90%, double=85%). Coverage required by at least 2 devices monitoring a volume where F&G events can occur (demonstrate by Mapping Study) 3. Devices to be placed to ensure covers only the Fire Zone being monitored (to avoid spurious detection and to ensure source of fire can be identified quickly). 4. No need for F&G detection for 'Continuous' Grade. Known hazard - ignition prevention by safe distances. In case of flare, general CCTV monitoring. 5. Toxic devices only apply if H2S is present. Other toxic gases to be evaluated on a case by case basis. General Notes: 4. All F&G Signals to initiate Alarm in Control Room (to prompt investigative Action). 5. Voting groups for automatic Executive Action to be from same Fire Zone. 6. Simultaneous single detection in multiple Fire Zones (Project to develop a philosophy for Manual / Auto Executive Action). 7 Definitions: Congestion (qualitative) More stringent cloud size should be defined based on facility type for both onshore and offshore using quantified assessment of congestion. Flammable Gas Cloud Sizes Zone Characteristic Cloud Size to use (sphere (f) Enclosed area (a) or Mostly enclosed area (b) 5m (16ft) diameter Part-enclosed area (c) or Congested area (d) 7m (23ft) diameter Open area (e) 10m (33ft) diameter a) Fully welded floored area with or without forced ventilation or vents b) Congested area with one open side c) Congested area with two or more open sides and grated floor / ceiling or more than two open sides. d) Process plant that has closely installed piping /equipment e) Open lightly congested area without walls f) The sphere diameter is based on a LEL concentration or greater than diameter 8. FERA to validate assumptions as project progresses into further Engineering. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 01 Page 19 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 5.2.1 Likely Leak Sources & Vulnerabilities The first major column in Table 5-1 (label-1, columns 1-8) shows the FDZ Grades described in Step 4 of the overall approach. This Grading reflects the criticality of detection in the various area types (Process, Nonprocess, Special). The second major column (label-2, columns 9-13) contains the detection philosophy, which is based on the likelihood of a leak or special vulnerability (column 9). The assessment of ‘leak likelihood’ in this Standard has been related to the categorisation used by EI 15 for Hazardous Area Classification (also commonly known as Grading). This is intended to ensure consistency within the wider design and to take advantage of work already done as part of Hazardous Area Classification. The likelihood categories (column 9), and the required detector coverage philosophy (column 10) are therefore shown as: Continuous Primary Secondary Ungraded. : None (known hazard) : Dedicated close to leak source : General area coverage : None (low likelihood) Implementation of this philosophy for Fire, Flammable and Toxic Gas is described in columns 11, 12 and 13, respectively. No detection is proposed for any source that is Graded as ‘continuous’, since this is a known hazard and alternative strategies need to be adopted to avoid any associated risk (e.g. separation of tank vents from potential ignition sources). F&G detection is more relevant to sources graded as ‘Primary’ and ‘Secondary’ by the Hazardous Area Classification approach since these identify potential sources that can be foreseen during normal operation, with Primary being the more likely from items such as pumps and compressors. Secondary sources represent items such as valves and flanges that will be numerous and widely spread throughout the plant. Parts of the plant with equipment having welded connections (e.g. piping, pipelines) remain ungraded, and are generally considered to have very low likelihood of sourcing a leak due to gradual degradation mechanisms. The philosophy adopted Shall therefore provide ‘Dedicated’ detection close to items Graded as ‘Primary’, which are most likely to be sources of leaks. In view of the lower likelihood of Secondary sources, ‘general area coverage’ Shall be provided to detect F&G events in the vicinity of Secondary sources. Their layout Shall ensure that any DAE can be detected, after taking note of the voting requirements in Section 5.2.2. No detection is required in the vicinity of Ungraded process equipment, unless it is required for other reasons. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 01 Page 20 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 5.2.2 Number of Devices for Signal Integrity The final major column in Table 5-1 (columns 14 to 16) contains an indication of the number of detection devices needed for each case to ensure there are adequate numbers to detect the DAE after voting to reduce the risk of a false detection. It is noted in Section 5.1 that historical precedent, as stated in columns 14-16, can be used for the purpose of initial detector layout since this includes an implicit DAE from past industry experience. Where the potential for escalation of the initiating event is found to be critical, the requirements for detection and protection Shall be based on specific study and modelling (e.g. FERA - Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment, or explosion modelling using CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics). In all cases, achievement of the required coverage Shall be demonstrated through a F&G Mapping Study, as required in Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 01 Page 21 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 6 F&G DETECTION DESIGN – HARDWARE SELECTION 6.1 Overview The aim of this Section is to describe the F&G detection hardware selection philosophy, which is broken down into: Type of F&G detectors, and No. of Detectors. The approach is shown schematically in Table 6-1. It should be noted that this is a schematic Table and is only intended to demonstrate the logic of assessment approach, and that the entries are indicative only at a ‘Plant Area’ level. Each project Shall perform the required assessment at an equipment-by-equipment level, and then reconcile the overall requirements for each geographical area (Fire Detection Zone, FDZ), ensuring the most onerous requirements are satisfied. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. No: 01 Page 22 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 6-1: Schematic Summary of F&G Detector Selection Approach Vulnerabilities (& ignition sources) Sources of Leaks Notes Objective Process Area P-1 x Process Utilities (with HC) P-15 x x x x Process Utilities (Fired) PF-1 Utilities (LER/LIR & Machinery) Safety Sys. U-1 x x SS-1 x x Manned Areas / Buildings Emergency Evac Response Escape M-1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x - Master Equipment List - Plot Plans Secondary Area FDZ Area x Primary Dedicated x x Ungraded Boundary Ungraded 3 Typical Target Cloud size 5m - 10m (depends on congestion) (*8) Local to 3 Source Process Area Typical Target (/Escape route) Cloud size Boundary 5m - 10m (depends on congestion) (*8) 3 FDZ Area (/FERAvol) 2 Target Cloud size 5m - 8m (*8) 3 Target Cloud size 5m - 8m (*8) None Video Image (CCTV) for Flame / Smoke 2 Air Inlet 3 3 Air Inlet 3 x Air Lock 3 3 Air Lock 3 x Case by Case x x x x x x x x x x x To identify ALL the areas To identify To select appropriate F&G detection device based on fire and gas leak events that can occur and their characteristics. where a fire or gas release characteristics of a fire event could occur. (/ leak) in each area to 'Special' not marked - to be considered on a case by case basis. allow selection of detection devices. FEED Local to Source x ER-Es-1 - System List - Plot Plans Dedicated x x x Primary Fire (/Smoke) x How much No of area to devices cover? needed? Toxic x Fire Detection Flammable x Deteciton Gas Detection Philosophy How likely is What is How much area No of devices leak? detection to cover? needed? philosophy? - Dedicated - General Area - None x 3 Likelihood Alarm Horn x Alarm Strobe Fire and Gas Acoustic (Ultrasonic) x Alarm Strobe Toxic Gas Manual Call Point (MCP) Distributed Temperature Sensor x Low Temperature Detector Toxic (Open Path) x Asphyxiant (Low Oxygen) Toxic (H2S, Point, Electrochemical) x Aspirator (3-channel, smoke, toxic & flammable) x Hydrogen (Catalytic Bead) Hydrocarbon (IR Point) Hydrocarbon (Open Path) x Oil Leak (*3) x ER-E-1 Concept Detail Design x x Open Path x x Oil Mist (IR Optical) x x HSSD x Press. Gas Alarms Leak Detection x Optical Point (photoelectric) PS-1R MAC x Frangible Bulb Process - Storage Tanks / Vessels and Export. Special Elec / FO LHD x Toxic Gas Fusible Plug x Flam'ble. Gas Video Image (CCTV) for Flame / Smoke x Oil Triple IR x Smoke / Video Image UV / IR (*2) Flammable Gas W-1 Heat Toxic Heat Smoke Well-head Flame / Video Image Acoustic Flame Fire Gas Characteristi c 5.3. How Many Devices are Needed (& where to place them) 2 Grading as per Haz Area Classification (EI 15) 5.2. Select Type of F&G Detection Devices 1 Comb'n (Fixed Linear / ROR) Heat 5.1. Fire & Gas Characteristic Rate of Rise (ROR) 1. Hazard Identification - F&G Detection Study - F&G Detection Study Update Update To position the selected decices to ensure there is adequate coverage (locaion & numbers) according to the: - Likelihood of the fire (/leak) - Importance for Risk Management (Grading of Fire Detection Zone - plant areas that can be affected) - F&G Detection Study - F&G Layouts - F&G Mapping Study Notes: 1. This Table is indicative only, however, selection of detection devices and their layout shall be determined by project-specific study summarised in the Project F&G Design Basis. 2. Boundary monitoring between process area and utilites / manned. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 23 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal The first major column in Table 6-1 shows the linkage between Step 1 (Hazard Identification) and Step 5 (How many detectors?) of the overall approach in Part-1. This column Shall be based on the Master Equipment List (MEL) and Shall be considered at an equipment-by-equipment level. The second major column is broken down into three main headings (labels 1, 2, 3) to establish how a fire or gas release event can be detected. The three main aspects are: Fire & Gas Characteristics Selection of F&G Detection Devices No. of Devices Needed (& where to place them) The approach to each of these aspects is presented in the following sub-sections. 6.2 Fire & Gas Characteristics The second major column (label 1, columns 4-9) in Table 6-1 uses the information determined on ‘Fire Types’ in Step 2 of the overall approach (Part-1) to clarify the characteristics that can be used to detect each incident. These characteristics are categorised as: Fire Flame Heat Smoke Gas Flammable gas Toxic Noise /Acoustic (pressurised release) This is done for each item of equipment, shown on a row-by-row basis in Table 6-1. 6.3 6.3.1 Select F&G Detection Devices Device Types The second major column in Table 6-1 (columns 10-36) contain a list of typically used F&G devices to detect the characteristics mentioned in Section 6.2 above. This list is clarified in Table 6-2, which also contains a ‘key features’ column with a reference to Appendix A where further details are given about its suitability for a particular characteristic and where/how the device should be positioned. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 24 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 6-2: List of F&G Devices Typically Used Characteristic Device Type Flame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Triple IR UV / IR (*2) Video Image Flame Detection Rate of Rise (ROR) Comb’n (Fixed Linear / ROR) Heat Elec / FO LHD Fusible Plug Frangible Bulb HSSD Optical Point (photoelectric) 11 Open Path Video Image Smoke Detection Oil Mist (IR Optical) Oil Leak (*3) Hydrocarbon (IR Point) Hydrocarbon (Open Path) Hydrogen (Catalytic Bead) Aspirator (3-channel, smoke, toxic & flammable) Toxic (H2S, Point, Electro-chemical) Toxic (Open Path) Asphyxiant (Low Oxygen) Low Temperature Detector Distributed Temperature Sensor Manual Call Point (MACP) Acoustic (Ultrasonic) Heat Smoke Oil Flammable Gas Toxic Gas Special MACP Press. Gas Leak Detection 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Key Features (see Section) A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 A.1.6 A.1.7 A.1.8 A.1.9 A.1.11 A.1.12 A.1.13 A.1.14 A.1.15 A.1.16 A.1.17 A.1.19 A.1.20 A.1.21 A.1.22 A.1.23 A.1.24 A.1.18 General Note: 1. New Technologies may be used. Approval shall be required for new technology from Group Company Technical Authority. 2. Triple IR preferred in open areas. UV/IR considered for special cases (e.g. Turbine Enclosure) 3. For large atmospheric oil storage tanks, “liquid leak” devices may be considered. 4 Toxic & flammable gas detectors shall be provided for the facilities if toxic materials are present. This requirement shall be in specific to be discussed & agreed with the ADNOC Group on case to case basis. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 25 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 6.3.2 Selection of Detection Devices (based on ‘FDZ Grading’) F&G detection devices Shall be selected based on their suitability for the FDZ Grading established in Step 4 (Part-1) of the overall approach. The most appropriate device types are summarised in Table 6-3. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 26 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 6-3: F&G Detector Selection (based on FDZ Grading) Special Location Outdoors Indoors LER (& switch gear room) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Telecoms Oth. Electronic Enclosed Spaces Manned Space (or air to HVAC) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Distributed Temperature Sensor 20 21 22 23 Y 24 Y Y Y Y Y Y 18 Y 19 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Low Temperature Detector Y Y 17 Asphyxiant (Low Oxygen) Y 16 Toxic (Open Path) 15 Y Toxic (H2S, Point, Electrochemical) 14 Y Special Acoustic (Ultrasonic) Y 13 Y Aspirator (3-channel, smoke, toxic & flammable) 12 Hydrogen (Catalytic Bead) 11 Toxic Gas Manual Call Point (MCP) Y 10 Hydrocarbon (Open Path) Y Oil Mist (IR Optical) Y 9 Open Path Y 8 Flam'ble. Gas Hydrocarbon (IR Point) Np People Protection Ne Special Eqpt Protection Ng General Coverage S Special Risk St Enclosure GT & Other Engine Sv Air/ HVAC Intakes /Air Locks 7 Y HSSD Y 6 Y Frangible Bulb Y 5 Fusible Plug Y 4 Elec / FO LHD 3 Y Comb'n (Fixed Linear / ROR) Heat Video Image (CCTV) for Flame / Smoke 2 Y Rate of Rise (ROR) UV / IR (*2) 1 Y Smoke / Video Oil Image Oil Leak (*3) NonProcess H1 Normal-High Sensitivity H2 Low Sensitivity Triple IR Fire & Gas Process Detection Grades Detection Devices Flame / Video Heat Image Optical Point (photoelectric) Detection Criteria Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Notes 1 2 3 All H/C fires Extreme ambient temp. variations (e.g. turbine enclosures) Fast fire development (or smokeless fire) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 11 None 12 Large accumulation or gas cloud migration across plant areas 13 Mainly Battery Rooms - not needed for sealed batteries (unless required by Regulations). 4 Used with sprinkler system 14 Initial detection of hydrocarbon leak only (Not for Executive Action - unless confirmed by other 5 7 8 9 10 For electric /electronic eqpt. (people must not be present if auto fire protection) Smouldering fires Monitoring outside space near HVAC inlet for manned spaces. Early warning of flammable liquid leak. Oil Leak Detection (storage bund) 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 HVAC Inlets None e.g. Nitrogen System LNG Leak LNG pipeline leak Note: FDZ Grading represents the criticality of detection to the overall management of risk. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 27 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 6.4 No. of Devices Needed (& where to place them) The final major column in Table 6-1 (columns 37-43) uses the F&G detection Philosophy summarised in Table 5-1 to work out the number of devices needed and where to position them. This done using the following steps: Likelihood (Grading, as per EI 15) Detection Philosophy: dedicated, general area, none (done separately for gas & fire) No of devices (flammable gas, toxic gas & fire) : see Section 5.2.1 : see Section 5.2.1 : see Section 5.2.2 It is reemphasised that the contents of Table 6-1 are indicative only to show the logic of the assessment process. The project F&G detection requirements Shall be assessed at an equipment-by-equipment level based on the project MEL and the assessment Shall be documented in line with requirements Section 4.1. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 28 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 7 F&G DESIGN - LOGIC 7.1 Context & Structure The objective of this Section is to clarify the F&G system logic requirements. 7.1.1 Integration & Interfacing Before this can be done, it is important to acknowledge that there is a requirement for new facilities to interface, and in some instances integrate with existing facilities. For this reason, the approach in this Standard is a flexible one that can be used to deal with the variety of situations that may occur on COMPANY facilities. The approach put forward is based on a principle of a modular design with careful management of interfaces between the various building blocks, for example: 7.1.2 Existing parent facility to New facility New facility to Vendor packages Key Assumptions This Section is premised on the assumptions that: The F&G system will be designed to have continuous fault monitoring on all field devices, and it will raise an alarm on the HMI and F&G Panel if a fault is registered. All F&G Outputs are expected to be of the ‘energise to operate’ type, unless otherwise stated. All F&G devices Shall be capable of being overridden for maintenance (degradation philosophy shall be prepared accordingly). Design requirements for the F&G System hardware and architecture are covered separately in Reference 2. 7.1.3 Key Design Features & Section Structure It is noted from the high-level philosophy in Section 5.2 that there is a need to balance the requirement of safety risk management against inadvertent shutdown of production in the event of false signals. The design of the F&G System Shall therefore be done considering: 7.2 Detection Integrity Logic of F&G System Response : (Section 7.2) : (Section 7.3). Detection Integrity Section 5.2.2 proposes voting to verify that a detected signal represents a real hazardous event, before Executive action is triggered. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 29 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Key to this approach is the principle that detection is either: Unconfirmed Confirmed : (1ooN devices) or : (2ooN devices) ‘Unconfirmed’ detection is when any one of the detection devices in a voting group identifies a signal above a predefined setting (e.g. for flammable gas, Low-Level Gas, LLG at 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit, LEL). Similarly, ‘Confirmed’ detection occurs when two separate devices identify an event simultaneously, meaning the likelihood of detector fault can be ignored for all practical purposes. These categorisations are important since they determine the nature of the response / Executive Action to be taken (see Section 7.3, below). An example of how these F&G Integrity Levels (Unconfirmed & Confirmed) can be defined is shown in Table 7-1. Table 7-1: Example - Definition of F&G Detection Levels & Detection Integrity Detection Fire Detection Flammable Gas Detection - Methane Triple-IR Flame Elec / FO LHD Fusible Plug Heat - Rate of Rise Smoke Photoelectric Point Open Path (LOS) Toxic Gas Detection - H2S Point Toxic Gas Detection - H2S Point Gas - Hydrogen Point Gas - Oxygen Point Manual Alarm Call Push Button Point Purpose Detection Level Voting Groups Outdoor Areas Buildings (enclosed areas) Area Monitoring Detected 18 mA Devices in Affected Fire Zone (Field) Area Monitoring Boundary Monitoring Area Monitoring Area Monitoring Area Monitoring Area Monitoring Alert LLG 20% LEL HLG 50% LEL LLG 1.LEL.m HLG 3.LEL.m LTG 5ppm HTG 15ppm LTG 5ppm HTG 10ppm LTG 10% LEL HTG 25% LEL LO2G 19.5% LLO2G 19% Detected Pushed Devices in Affected Fire Zone All Fire Zones Devices in Affected - Outdoors Fire Zone (Field) All Fire Zones Devices in Affected - Outdoors Fire Zone (Field) HVAC Air Intakes Devices in Affected Fire Zone Room / enclosure Devices in Affected Fire Zone Room / enclosure Devices in Affected Fire Zone Single Voting of Devices Detection Integrity 1st Device Any Other in UnConfirmed Voting Group Confirmed within Fire (*1) Zone X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Philosophy clarification: 1. Two different devices identifying the same hazards in SAME Voting Group Shall be treated as a confirmed signal (e.g. Point Gas & LOS, or Flame & Heat, etc). Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 30 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Notes: Project to decide how to interpret (Unconfirmed or Confirmed): 1. Simultaneous detection at different levels from separate devices in same voting group LLG / HLG (Low-level Gas / High-Level Gas) LTG / HTG (Low-Toxic Gas / High-Toxic Gas) LH2G / HH2G (Low-Hydrogen Gas / High-Hydrogen Gas) 2. 3. Two different devices simultaneously identifying the same hazardous effect in DIFFERENT Voting Groups. The principles apply to all the various detection devices identified in Section 6.3 The first two columns of Table 7-1 identify the various types of F&G detection devices. Column 3 describes their purpose, with the applicable ‘Detection Levels’ indicated in columns 4 and 5. The selection of voting groups is clarified in columns 6 and 7 for ‘Outdoor’ areas and for ‘Buildings (enclosed areas)’ respectively. Columns 8 and 9 describe the combination of voted signals from each type of device, and the resultant ‘Unconfirmed’ or ‘Confirmed’ interpretation is in columns 10 and 11, respectively. It should be noted that Table 7-1 is only an indicative example, and that any project Shall define and document, taking note of project specific requirements, which might need to be driven by other factors like the need to integrate with an existing parent facility’s philosophy. The definition of Integrity Levels Shall be subject to COMPANY review, independent from the project. 7.3 Logic of F&G System Response Signals from the various F&G devices Shall be interpreted within a logic solver (F&G System or ICSS), that Shall be programmed to implement the protection actions required by the Project HSE Philosophy. An example representation of the F&G Protection logic is given in Appendix C, which comprises two key elements: F&G System – Inputs (Causes) F&G System – Outputs (Effects) : (Section 7.3.1) : (Section 7.3.2) The benefit of this Philosophy format is that the high-level F&G philosophy can be communicated clearly without ambiguity to the Engineering Design Disciplines tasked to implement it. This degree of definition and clarity facilitates resolution of complex questions as the design progresses. It is expected that the Philosophy expressed in this format can be converted into Engineering C&E charts, relatively easily by adding additional rows and columns to insert Tag No.’s and other identifiers. Clarification of key elements that need to be covered for each of the two aspects is given in the following subsections. 7.3.1 F&G System – INPUTS (Causes) The Inputs that need to be defined in the Project F&G Detection Philosophy are: Detector Types Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 31 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Set-points, Voting requirements, and Relevant Areas for each Device Type An illustrative example is given in Table 7-2 , columns 1 to 4, respectively. The F&G system may also take inputs from: building Fire Control Panels (FCP) standalone packages with their own detectors and extinguishment systems confirmation signals from field protection devices such as o sprinkler valves o deluge release o fire water pumps Table 7-2: Example F&G Protection Logic – Input Signals (Causes) Description Set Point Voting IR flame Detectors (Triple & UV/IR) Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN Confirmed Fire 2ooN Detector Fault Heat Detectors (Rate of Rise) Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN Confirmed Fire 2ooN Detector Fault Smoke Detectors (Photoelectric) Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN Confirmed Fire 2ooN Detector Fault Combustible - Point Gas Detection Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 25% LEL 1ooN Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 60% LEL 1ooN HLG 2ooN Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 1 LEL.m 1ooN Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 3 LEL.m 1ooN HLG 2ooN 5ppm 1ooN Confirmed Gas Detector Fault Combustible - Line of Sight (LOS) Gas Detection Confirmed Gas Detector Fault Toxic Gas Detection - Field Unconfirmed - Low Toxic Gas (LTG) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 32 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Description Set Point Voting Unconfirmed - High Toxic Gas (HTG) 15ppm 1ooN HLG 2ooN Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 15% LEL 1ooN Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 40% LEL 1ooN HLG 2ooN Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 10% LEL 1ooN Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 25% LEL 1ooN HLG 2ooN Unconfirmed - Low Toxic Gas (LTG) 5ppm 1ooN Unconfirmed - High Toxic Gas (HTG) 10ppm 1ooN HTG 2ooN Unconfirmed - Low H2 Gas (LH2G) 10% LEL 1ooN Unconfirmed - High H2 Gas (HH2G) 25% LEL 1ooN Confirmed H2 Gas HHH2G 2ooN 19.5% 1ooN 19% 1ooN LLO2LL 2ooN Unconfirmed - Low SO2 Gas (LSO2G) 2.0% 1ooN Unconfirmed - High SO2 Gas (HSO2G) 5% 1ooN HHSO2 2ooN 1ppm% 1ooN Unconfirmed - High CL2 Gas (HSO2G) 3ppm 1ooN Confirmed High CL2 HCL2 2ooN 5,000ppm 1ooN Confirmed Toxic Gas Detector Fault Combustible - Point Gas Detection (external) Confirmed Gas Detector Fault Combustible - Point Gas Detection (HVAC inlet) Confirmed Gas Detector Fault Toxic Gas Detection - Buildings & Enclosures Confirmed Toxic Gas Detector Fault Hydrogen: Battery Room Detector Fault Oxygen: Enclosures Unconfirmed - Low O2 Gas (LO2G) Unconfirmed - Low Low O2 Gas (LLO2G) Confirmed Low O2 Level Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Confirmed High SO2 Chlorine (Cl2) Unconfirmed - Low CL2 Gas (LSO2G) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Unconfirmed - Low CO2 Gas (LCO2G) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 33 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Description Unconfirmed - High CO2 Gas (HCO2G) Confirmed High CO2 Set Point Voting 30,000ppm 1ooN HCO2G 2ooN to be advised by COMPANY 1ooN Ammonia (NH3) Unconfirmed - Low NH3 Gas (NH3G) Unconfirmed - High NH3 Gas (HNH3G) Confirmed High NH3 1ooN 2ooN Detector Fault Manual Call-Point Pushed Activated Activated Detector Fault It should be noted that Table 7-2 is an indicative example, and that Project-specific inputs Shall need to be defined, and submitted for COMPANY review, independent of the Project. The Voting requirements mentioned in column 3, Shall be in line with Section 5.2 of This Standard. 7.3.2 F&G System – OUTPUTS (Effects) This Section describes the ‘Output’ logic interfaces, which are summarised in Table 7-3 Any situation requiring PA/GA should be routed from the F&G system through the Telecoms systems. Table 7-3: Example F&G Protection Logic – Output Signals (Effects) Ref. Equipment Location Philosophy 1 PAS HMI ICSS All signals Shall be communicated to ICSS and Shall raise Alarm on HMI in the CCR. 2 F&G System to ESD (/SIS) Intertrips LER Building The Philosophy for Executive Action on F&G Detection Shall be aligned with the Project HSE Philosophy. Telecoms (Audible / Visual Alarms) Field Alarms 3 Executive Actions Shall be implemented through an independent high-integrity ESD system. The Alarm action on F&G Detection Shall be aligned with the Project-specific HSE Philosophy. The definition Shall reflect response to the following inputs: Hazard type (fire, flammable gas, etc.) Detection Integrity (unconfirmed/ confirmed) Location (local /Remote) Sound (type / frequency) Visual (colours). Etc. An example of Alarm strategy is shown in 0. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 34 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Ref. Equipment 4 Location Philosophy Field Building (/ LERs) All field /plant area Alarms Shall be repeated in any Buildings (/enclosure /LER) to ensure any personnel in the enclosure are warned about any incident in the plant areas. 5 Fire Dampers Building (& LERs) It Shall be possible to close local Fire Dampers directly from the F&G system for any Building (/ enclosure) where the signal is detected. 6 F&G System to HVAC PLC Intertrips (Un)Manned Building F&G Signals Shall be communicated directly to HVAC Systems to perform actions in accordance with the Project HSE Philosophy and Vendor Package Requirements (could vary depending on whether building /enclosure is manned or unmanned). 7 Signal to Package(s) Package Control F&G Signals Shall be communicated directly to a Vendor Package PLC for it to implement the Project HSE Philosophy within the Package). 8 Maintenance All Provision Shall be made for on-line maintenance of F&G components. A Project-specific philosophy Shall be developed to clarify the impact of maintenance outage on voting logic (e.g. resort to 1ooN for confirmed signal for the duration of maintenance). It should be noted that Table 7-3 is an indicative example, and that a Project-specific list may deviate from this due to specific circumstances. Project-specific Outputs Shall be identified and defined, and submitted for COMPANY review, independent of the Project. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 35 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 8 RELIABILITY & AVAILABILITY It is noted that the F&G system is prone to ‘Un-revealed’ failures, meaning that it could be in the failed (Unavailable) state when a Major Accident event occurs. Key requirements for ensuring the Availability of the F&G system are summarised in Table 8-1. Table 8-1: Reliability / Availability of F&G System Ref. Feature Philosophy 1. Maintenance Provision Shall be made within the design for on-line maintenance and testing of the overall F&G system, without interrupting production. 2. Maintenance Sufficient fire and gas detection redundancy Shall be provided in all areas to allow maintenance of one device without compromising the function. 3. F&G Solver Logic Cable routing (e.g. via common junction boxes) Shall ensure multiple devices are not taken out of service during maintenance. The F&G logic solver Shall be selected such that its probability of failure on demand (PFD) Shall not constrain the overall performance of the F&G system (i.e. logic solver element Shall have a minimum of SIL 3). In order to manage the issue of F&G System Availability, it is important to periodically test the overall system and its components (items 1 & 2 in Table 7-1). Item 3 requires that the F&G logic solver Shall be selected such that it will not be a constraint on the overall Availability of the F&G system. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 36 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 9 SURVIVABILITY In view of the F&G system being one of the HSE Critical Systems, key components Shall be designed to continue to perform during a Major Accident event; see Reference 9. The survivability requirements of the system are summarised in Table 9-1. Table 9-1: Survivability Ref. Major Accident Feature Philosophy 1. Explosion Detection Devices The Hazardous Area rating of F&G Detection Devices Shall be suitable to continue operation during a Major Accident event, and not present a risk of igniting a gas cloud. All the field devices are rated for Zone 1 minimum 2. Fire & Explosion Cabling (& signal transmission) Cables used for the fire and gas detection system in external areas Shall be fire resistant according to IEC 60331. Cable routing for voted fire and gas detection input circuits from any one area Shall be diverse where practicable, by cabling to alternate junction boxes. 3. Fire & Explosion ICSS (F&G logic) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) F&G system logic and signals Shall be protected against major accident events (fire, explosion, dropped objects) to ensure any ‘energise to operate’ functions (e.g. deluge valves) are able to fulfil their safety critical function. Rev. 01 Page 37 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal 10 DEPENDENCIES & INTERACTIONS The F&G System is reliant on the correct functioning and interfacing with a number of other HSE Critical Systems. A list of these Dependencies and Interactions is given in Table 10-1. Table 10-1: List of Dependencies & Interactions Ref. Measure Reason for Dependency / Interaction 1. Ignition Prevention To ensure that detectors are not an ignition source. 2. Emergency Shutdown To implement executive actions (alarm and isolate process when prompted by the F&G system). 3. Active Fire Protection To start fire pumps and open relevant deluge valve; or To operate other fire suppression systems 4. HVAC Systems HVAC shuts down automatically on fire & gas detection. 5. Public Address & General Alarm Provide signal to enunciate plant Alarm. 6. Emergency Communications To allow head count of personnel and general coordination of emergency response. 7. Emergency Power (UPS) (Essential) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Battery backed power supply to ensure ‘energise to operate’ signals can be initiated. Rev. 01 Page 38 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal F&G DEVICES – FEATURES See Table 6-2: List of F&G Devices Typically Used for Index Single IR These shall not be used. Triple IR Detector Type FLAME Sub-Type Triple IR Principle of Operation The signals from both sensors are analysed for frequency, intensity and duration. Simultaneous matching of radiant energy in triple IR sensors triggers an alarm signal. Main Usage Equipment Outdoor, unobstructed view. Optical flame detection should be the default for hydrocarbon fire risk applications unless optics technology is not applicable. Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Multi-wavelength (triple band) infra-red fire detection is the recommended detector type and Should be selected for detection of hydrocarbon gas and liquid fires, hydrogen fires and alcohol fires in open plant areas Restrictions/Limitations Single or dual wavelength IR (infra-red) detectors Should not be used due to interference / spurious alarms from metal surfaces subject to direct sunlight. Detector layout Should be such as to ensure that the effectiveness of the flame detectors is not impaired by the facilities. Fires in adjacent areas, UV flare reflections or platform lighting are not to be visible to the detectors or cause false alarms, otherwise shielding should be employed, where necessary detectors Should be protected against mechanical damage. Optical flame detectors Should be selected and placed such that solar interference (sunlight), artificial lighting, or regularly modulated (vibrating) black body radiation does not cause false alarms. Characteristics Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 39 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Positioning The detectors are normally corner mounted in a diagonal arrangement to maximise coverage of the protected region in areas where a release of Hydrocarbons may be ignited. For less congested or open areas, two detectors should be placed at two corners, or other locations, offering maximum un-obstructed views of equipment. For congested areas, three or four (dependent on the level of congestion) detectors should be placed at three or four corners, or other locations, offering maximum un-obstructed views of equipment. Flame detectors should be elevated to provide the greatest unobstructed view of the equipment while still accessible for maintenance and inspection. Detectors are installed from 3 m to 4 m above local deck, floor or grade for fires at or below installed installations. Flame detectors Should be oriented at an angle of pitch between 5 degrees and 40 degrees below horizontal, to promote natural drainage of any condensed water or rain and to reduce accumulation of dust, ice, snow or debris. Range Range of detection more than 10m distance and can be up to 50m but may need to be set to a shorter distance to identify a specific hazard and allow for dust and fog. Field of View Detector cone of vision Should be greater than or equal to 90 degrees. Typically, 120° horizontal and 80° vertical field can be achieved. Sensitivity Normally 100Kw (Radiant Heat Output) RHO or greater. High Sensitivity Case 50kW RHO fire. Fire detection targets for flaming fires Should be specified in terms of viewing distances obtained from a 1 ft2 (0,1 m2) n-heptane pool fire in accordance with FM 3260. Response Time The response time Should be equal to or better than 3 seconds Voting Pattern Both IR and CCTV type detectors Should be treated as generic flame detection devices i.e. both device types Should be considered the same with respect to alarm and voting logic. Power Supply 24 V DC operation Output 4-20mA Analogue outputs should be used for flame detectors as well where available due to lower un-revealed failures. The detector alarms Should be latching type and alarms (alarms including malfunction) Should automatically reset following the restoration of normal conditions. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 40 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Diagnostics Built-in test facilities Should be provided for checking the detector on line and to detect the build-up of contaminants. Flame detectors should be function tested using a test source operated remotely. Analogue devices can be HART compatibles to provide enhanced diagnostic data to be collected by the F&G system. Mountings Maintenance & Detectors Should be provided with following for testing/maintenance of the detectors as below. a) Detectors installed at a height less than 3000 mm from the ground level Should have a step platform (with protection guard / hand rail) at appropriate height, so that the detector Should be accessed for maintenance at a height of 1200mm from the platform level Access Should be provided to the platform in form or step. b) Detector installed at a height above 3000mm from ground level Should have access platform (with protection guard / hand rail) at appropriate height so that the detector Should be accessed at a height of 1200mm from the platform. Access Should be provided to the platform in form of caged ladder. References Codes CCTV (Video) Detector Type FLAME Sub-Type Optical-Video Image Flame Detection (VIFD) Principle of Operation VIFD detect hydrocarbon fires by implementing complex fire pattern recognition algorithm Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Outdoor, unobstructed view. Used for flare area where other optical detectors may generate false alarms. General purpose CCTV may be used to support F&G detection across facilities or in high risk areas for the following reasons: Speed up diagnosis of causes of alarms. Eliminate sending people into potentially hazardous situations. Enable better decisions on follow-up actions. Any with visible/IR flame. Expensive and not cost effective in congested areas. Note that video requirement should not normally be used by COMPANY. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 41 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal General purpose CCTV with control room monitors should not be considered replacements for effective F&G detection. Characteristics Positioning Range CCTVs for VIFD should be elevated to provide the greatest unobstructed view of the equipment while still accessible for maintenance and inspection. Detectors are installed from 3 m to 4 m above local deck, floor or grade for fires at or below installed installations. Up to 40m optical viewing or up to 65m detect fires. Field of View 65 degrees vertical to 90 degrees horizontal. Sensitivity 0.1 m2 n-Heptane pan fire. Sensitivity-Distance by manufacturer. Response Time The response time Should be equal to or better than 4 seconds. Voting Pattern Video image flame detectors may not normally be used to initiate automatic control actions. Both IR and CCTV type detectors Should be treated as generic flame detection devices i.e. both device types Should be considered the same with respect to alarm and voting logic. Flame simulation. Diagnostics Mountings & Maintenance If CCTV systems are used, then the lenses Should either be self-cleaning, or be easily accessed for cleaning. The swivelling mounting bracket ensures that the device is optimally aimed towards potential sources of fire. References Rate of Rise Detector Type Rate of Rise Heat Detector Sub-Type Thermovelocimetric Principle of Operation This detector trips when a predetermined or pre-set temperature rise is reached. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Rate compensation rate-of-rise detectors Should be used in areas where the ambient temperature is high and where temperature variation can occur in normal operating conditions, in order to have more reliable heat detection while avoiding false alarms. Thermovelocimetric heat detectors Should be used: Turbine hoods for the gas compression Transformers and diesel engine enclosure Machinery enclosures (Gas turbine enclosure) Near transformers outside the buildings where installed. Inside the diesel generator enclosure. Battery rooms. Characteristics Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 42 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Positioning Sensitivity Response Time Voting Pattern When voting logic is applied the maximum distance between two detectors should not exceed 1 meter. Rate-of-rise alarm point of 7 - 9°C per minute. The criterion of rate-of-rise is normally more than 5°C/min. For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Rate of Rise type detectors Should be treated as generic fire detection devices. i.e. both device types Should be considered the same with respect to alarm and voting logic. Two UV Flame detectors with voting logic 2oo2 and two ROR detectors with voting logic 2oo2 Should be installed in the emergency generator area. Cross voting of UV/IR and ROR detectors Should prevail. Confirmed fire detection Should: Raise general fire alarm locally and in the control room Shutdown exhaust fan of the battery room. Actuate the local total flooding extinguishing system in room (if provided) Close the fire dampers (inlet/outlet) to the battery room or diesel generator if not started Fire detection Should be monitored by the LCP fire and gas system. The LCP Should initiate local alarms and Should also stop the normal ventilation and trigger the fire fighting system (i.e. close the dampers and inert gas total flooding). All info Should be relayed to fire zone and plant F&G system. References Codes EN54-5 A1 standard NFPA 72 Fixed Heat Detection Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Point- Bi-metallic strip Principle of Operation A bimetallic strip is used to convert a temperature change into mechanical displacement. The strip consists of two strips of different metals which expand at different rates as they are heated, usually steel and copper, or in some cases steel and brass. Thermocouples have good characteristics such as simplicity, ease of use and their speed of response to changes in temperature, due mainly to their small size. Thermocouples also have the widest temperature range of all the temperature sensors from below -200oC to well over 2000oC. Thermocouples are thermoelectric sensors that basically consists of two junctions of dissimilar metals, such as copper and constantan that are welded or crimped together. One junction is kept at a constant temperature called the reference (Cold) junction, while the other the measuring (Hot) junction. When the two junctions are at different temperatures, a voltage is developed across the junction which is used to measure the temperature sensor as shown below. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 43 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Bimetallic strips may be used in situations (e.g., gas turbine enclosures, ventilation ducts for gas turbines). Restrictions/Limitations All types of long-element bimetal strip thermostats should be recalibrated at intervals, since the strip is subject to gradual changes (creep) that affect the thermostat setting. Characteristics Diagnostics For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Heat detectors should be function tested in situ. Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Point-Thermistor Principle of Operation A thermistor is a special type of resistor which changes its physical resistance when exposed to changes in temperature. Thermistors are generally made from ceramic materials such as oxides of nickel, manganese or cobalt coated in glass which makes them easily damaged. Their main advantage over snapaction types is their speed of response to any changes in temperature, accuracy and repeatability. Response Time Main Usage Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity Response Time Diagnostics Heat detectors Should be rated for ceiling installation at a minimum of 21 m centres. Fixed temperature heat detectors Should have a low mass thermistor heat sensor and operate at a fixed temperature. It Should continually monitor the temperature of the air in its surroundings to minimise thermal lag to the time required to process an alarm. Heat detectors Should have a nominal alarm point rating of 38°C above expected ambient. For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Heat detectors should be function tested in situ. References Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Point-Eutectic metal alloy Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 44 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Principle of Operation eutectic metal alloy (melting/fusible plug) Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Most common indoor usage type. Heat detectors Should be used to detect fire in confined or polluted areas, turbine enclosures, etc. where optical detectors may be difficult to use or will have spurious alarms. Characteristics Positioning Response Time Diagnostics Heat detectors Should be suitable for ceiling installation at a minimum of 21m centres. Heat detectors Should monitor approximately 50 m2, for coincident detection, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where there is an executive action, 2 detectors Should be installed per 50 m² (as per BS 7273). These 2 detectors Should be installed on separate loops. When installed for alarm only, one detector per 50 m² with a maximum of 6 detectors per loop Should be provided. For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Detector Should be provided with suitable in line and end-of-line resistors, for monitoring open and short circuit faults References LHD (e.g. fire wire) Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Linear Heat Detection Cables Principle of Operation The sensor cable Should be comprised of two steel conductors individually insulated with a heat sensitive polymer. At a rated temperature, the heat sensitive polymer insulation yields to the pressure upon it and permits the conductors to move into contact with each other thereby initiating an alarm signal. The action can take place at any point along the cable length where the heating occurs. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Restrictions/Limitations Electrical linear heat detection should be used only when other technologies are not effective such as tank rim seal, heavily congested plant areas or where flare radiation may cause false alarms using optical detectors. Applications include floating roof tank rim seal fire detection, transformers, and cable cellars. For floating roof tanks, inside the tank, linear heat sensors to be used. Electrical linear heat detection should not be used, except in applications for which other technologies are not effective, due to relative insensitivity and susceptibility to mechanical damage. Characteristics Positioning Linear heat sensing cable Should be arranged to alarm at multiple levels in, cable galleries, etc. for effective detection. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 45 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Range Measuring temperature range from -55°C up to 180°C maximum Response Time For heat detectors 5 minutes Voting Pattern In the event of mechanical damage to the sensor cable, a fault signal Should be alarmed. Mountings & Maintenance The linear heat detector cable Should be terminated in a metallic Exd junction box and provided with Exd/ Exe cable glands with shrouds. Linear heat detectors Should be supplied complete with mounting clamps and accessories. References Detector Type Heat Detection Sub-Type Fibre Optic Linear Heat Detector Principle of Operation Linear heat detection system Should be based on FO sensing cables which can provide a continuous temperature profile along the length of the sensing cable. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Optical linear heat detection should not be used, except in applications for which other technologies are not effective. A frequent use is on LNG un/loading lines where a temperature profile can be used to detect leaks. Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Optical linear heat detection should not be used, except in applications for which other technologies are not effective, due to relative insensitivity and susceptibility to mechanical damage. Characteristics Positioning At least two cables positioned along the length of a pipeline. Useful where a leak would give an abnormal temperature. Response Time For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). The Linear Heat Detection System controller Should be self-contained, carrying out internal diagnostics, checks, and performing calculations to arrive at temperature profiles along the length of each fibre optic sensing cable. Output References Fusible Plug Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Fusible plugs (loops) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 46 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Principle of Operation The loop is pressurised with instrument air (or nitrogen) and the fusible plugs melt at a pre-set temperature (38C above ambient or black body temperature). The low loop pressure is used to initiate various actions. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Fusible plugs are good for outdoor use. Fusible plugs Should be used in wellhead areas, around hydrocarbon pumps, fuel/gas piping, etc. Fusible plugs Should be used as confirmed fire and can initiate well shutdown. Heat detectors such as fusible plug and fusible loop heat detector, Should be provided for Detection system (in addition to Fire/ Flame detection) where deluge water spray system is required. triple IR detectors could be used in combination with fusible plugs especially for gas compressors and loading pumps. The loop Should be pressurised with instrument air, where active firewater systems (deluge valve actuation) are installed and activate the concerned deluge system. Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity Response Time Voting Pattern Mountings & Maintenance For fusible plugs arrangement refers to Table C1 of API 14C. The rule for fusible plug sitting is that the plugs are spaced at most 3m apart. For horizontal vessels, the spacing Should be reduced to 1.50 m between plugs. (OD > 1.20 m) two parallel rows, i.e. rings (OD < 1.20 m) a single row may be enough. For vertical vessels, the maximum distance between detector and skirt Should be 300 mm alongside each ring. The rings Should be spaced at most 3 m apart along the vessel wall. Fusible plugs Should be selected to melt at approximately 25°C higher than the maximum ambient temperature. The set point should be 25C above black body temperature of 85°C For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). For fusible plug loops, this Should be based on 1ooN logic as loss of pressure initiates action. Where transmitters are used, at least 3 PT (analogue pressure transmitters) Should be installed on the fusible plug system to provide a 2oo3 voting logic on the single loop where executive actions are required. For small rooms which are not related to ESD, Electrical isolation and Total gaseous flooding system, 1ooN logic is acceptable. For machinery enclosures or cases with a sensitive executive action a second loop can be employed. Tubing Should be of ½” OD (unless otherwise specified) and material Should be SS316L. Tube fittings Should be of SS316L double compression fittings. The fusible plug body material Should be SS316L with lead fuse. The fusible plug connection Should be 1/4” NPT (M). References Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 47 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Frangible Bulb Detector Type Heat Detector Sub-Type Pressurised plastic tubing (Linear) Principle of Operation Pressurised plastic tubing consists of fusible tube, made of plastic or any other equivalent material, filled with air (or nitrogen) at 2 or 3 bars and connected to an analogue pressure transmitter(s). They may be an alternative to networks of fusible plugs, where general area detection is more suitable than multi-spot detection Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Heat detectors such as fusible plug and fusible loop heat detector, Should be provided for Detection system (in addition to Fire/ Flame detection) where deluge water spray system is required. Restrictions/Limitations Pressurised plastic tubing Should be certified for UV resistance when installed in UV-exposed areas Characteristics Response Time For heat detectors 5 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). References HSSD Detector Type Smoke Detectors Sub-Type High sensitivity smoke detectors Principle of Operation Laser-based aspirating The system Should consist of a laser-based smoke detecting unit, an aspirating fan / pump, a network of detector pipe work designated to monitor the fire risk area. The alarms Should be interfaced with F&G system. The early warning detection system aspirates ambient air in the monitored zone into a pipe network through orifices and then pumps it to an analysis chamber. When smoke particles are present, light is reflected to the optical cell and alarms are activated. The laser detection chamber Should use light scattering technology and be capable of detecting a broad spectrum of smoke. A particle counting method Should be employed for the purpose of monitoring contamination (dust & dirt, etc.) to prevent nuisance alarms and to automatically alert when maintenance is required. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Used for the early detection of incipient fires in control buildings, switchgear rooms, system cabinets, Instrument rooms, Computer/Server rooms, Telecom rooms. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 48 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Ventilation HSSD systems Should be used in rooms containing electrical or mechanical equipment having no hydrocarbons providing protection for special equipment such as control and safety system cabinets, electrical panels, emergency power supplies, communication equipment, incident control centres, etc. by early detection of small fires preventing escalation of fire scenario. Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Aspirating smoke detection should only be utilised where the following 4 (four) conditions are met: Low voltage / sensitive electronic controls are present. The loss of this equipment means significant cost of repair and / or production downtime. Emergency response personnel can be quickly mobilised. Room is not permanently manned. Characteristics Positioning Response Time Voting Pattern Sampling points with tubing Should be provided for MCC, Switchgear cabinets, room void, floor void and ceiling voids. A clear distance of Should be maintained between sampling points and HVAC supply diffusers/return louvers according to NFPA. For projects at EPC the Supplier Should carry out dispersion modelling to determine suitable locations / quantity of sampling points and distance from smoke sources / potential fire hazardous to optimum system performance. For smoke detectors 2 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). HSSD detection Should not initiate Gas suppression system. High sensitive smoke detection system Should as a minimum provides four alarms levels (Alert, Action, Fire 1, Fire 2) for each sector pipe and the sensitivity of each alarm level should be adjustable and set to ensure the optimum alarm thresholds. Power Supply Output HSSD panel Should be interfaced with local Fire Alarm Panel and the alarm Should be repeated in the Control room. HSSD Should be programmable and Should be provided with the following outputs as a minimum: a. Adjustable smoke threshold alarm levels. b. Fault indications including airflow, detector monitoring, power etc. c. Relay outputs for remote alarm indication and system fault conditions Diagnostics HSSD unit Should have display Should have to indicate the overall smoke level, alarm thresholds and fault indication. The system Should be microprocessor based with extensive self-diagnostic features. The system Should contain diagnostics to detect changes in air flow in excess of ± 10 % from the commissioned value that could arise from broken or blocked pipe work. References Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 49 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Codes HSSD systems Should be designed based on NFPA 76. Further the selection of components, performance requirement and testing Should conform to NFPA 76. BFPSA Code of Practice for the design, commissioning, installation & maintenance of aspirating smoke detection systems NFPA-72. Ionisation Point This type shall not be used. Optical Point (photoelectric) Detector Type Smoke Detectors Sub-Type Point Smoke Detectors Principle of Operation Photo-electric is the preferred technology. Photoelectric detectors Should utilise a light scattering type photoelectric smoke sensor to sense changes in air samples from its surroundings. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Point type optical smoke detectors should be used in areas with potential for non-hydrocarbon fires and HVAC ducts. Characteristics Positioning Smoke detection Should be installed in HVAC air intakes in areas that need to remain manned during an emergency. Smoke detectors in ventilation ductwork Should be installed away from duct corners and provided with all necessary accessories to ensure proper detection of smoke inside the duct and monitoring of detector status outside the ductworks. Air speed inside the duct where the detector are to be located Should be critically evaluated for proper operation of the devices. Optical, Ionisation and Combined optical / heat smoke detectors Should monitor approximately 100m2, for alarm only, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Smoke detector spacing Should be according to table below: Maximum ground area covered by a detector Maximum distance between detectors Maximum height above the potential hazard location 30 m2 8m 7.5 m 20 m2 in under floor and false ceiling A smaller area of coverage may be selected, depending to the hazard to be protected against and the speed of alarm sought. The detectors Should be evenly distributed about the premises, to ventilation air inlet and outlet ducts and to temperatures near the ceiling. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 50 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal In premises where the air change rate is more than 12, a special study Should be required. The photoelectric smoke detector Should be rated for ceiling installation at a minimum of 9.1 m centres The photoelectric smoke detector Should be suitable for direct insertion into air ducts up to 0.91 m high and 0.91 m wide with air velocities from 0 to 25.39 m/sec without requiring specific duct detector housings or supply tubes. If executive action is not required only one loop needs to be installed with a maximum of 6 detectors per loop if the system is not addressable. Where there is an executive action, 2 detectors Should be installed per 50 m² (as per BS 7273). These 2 detectors Should be installed on separate loops. When installed for alarm only, one detector per 50 m² with a maximum of 6 detectors per loop should be provided. Response Time Voting Pattern Diagnostics Mountings & Maintenance For smoke detectors 2 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Maximum total addressable loop response time for detecting a changing state Should be no longer than 2 seconds. A separate loop Should be used for each room such as a battery room, UPS room and control room. Point smoke detectors should be tested using a test aerosol. Each detector Should have a means of displaying alarm status. Each smoke detector Should be capable of transmitting pre-alarm and alarm signals in addition to diagnostic information. The detector Should be continually monitored for any changes in sensitivity due to the environmental effects of dirt, smoke, temperature, ageing and humidity. It Should be possible to program control panel actions to each level. Each smoke detector may be individually programmed to operate at any one of three (minimum) sensitivity settings. Ambient thresholds Should be adjustable automatically by the Fire Alarm panel, over suitable time periods, to cater for gradual detector ageing and degradation. Smoke detectors Should be suitable for ceiling mounting and Should be supplied complete with all necessary accessories. References Open Path Detector Type Smoke Detectors Sub-Type Line of Sight Smoke Detectors Principle of Operation Open path infrared beam Optical smoke detectors employ light scattering by smoke particles to detect the presence of smoke. Optical smoke detectors are more sensitive to starting and smouldering fires, they are recommended for electrical areas Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 51 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal and areas containing hydrocarbon products, as these fires produce smoke consistent with the particle size range. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Line of sight smoke detectors should be used in areas with potential for nonhydrocarbon fires where larger areas need to be covered. In large HVAC ducts line of sight smoke detectors can be used to reduce the possibility of detector bypass. Characteristics Range Working range of 30m Sensitivity Set to alarm when the visibility changes by 11% over the path length. Response Time For smoke detectors 2 minutes (time interval between the start of the phenomena and the time when the response reaches a stated indication). Open path smoke detectors should be tested using optical filters. Diagnostics References Codes European Standard EN 54-20 Oil Mist Detector Type Oil Mist Sub-Type Oil Mist - infrared optical sensor Principle of Operation Oil mist detectors Should be based on infrared optical sensor technology. The arrangement of Oil mist detection consists of two tubes of equal sizes. At one end of each tube, a photo-electric cell is fixed. Photo-electric cells generate an electric current when light falls on their surface. The amount of electric current generated is directly proportional to the intensity of light falling on it. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Oil mist detection should be considered for all enclosed applications with a potential of pressurised leakage of flammable liquid, when such leaks are unlikely to be detected by gas detectors. Turbine enclosures for instance have forced ventilation and both gas and oil mist detection should be installed in the enclosures exhaust ducting. Also, diesel or lubrication oil, machinery spaces and turbine exhaust ducts. Due to the very low ignition temperature of oil mists, oil mist fire and explosion can be a significant hazard in some installations. Flammable oils High air velocity (dependent on sensor) Environments with steam and fog. Obstacles to the flow of the particles The sampling tubes that connect cylinders to the Oil mist detection should not have any loops and also shouldn’t be of length more than 12.5 meters. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 52 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Characteristics Sensitivity Mountings & Maintenance 1 dB/m (equivalent to 22.3% obscuration/m) The sensitivity of Oil mist detection should be checked on a regular basis. As all the samples contain a small amount of mist, the lenses and mirrors tend to get dirty and thus require periodic cleaning. The extractor fan and the rotating valve should be checked to avoid chocking of a particular sampling tube. References Oil Leak Seek industry guidance. Hydrocarbon (IR Point) Detector Type Flammable Gas Sub-Type Point IR Principle of Operation Infrared gas detectors work based on the principle of infrared absorption. An infrared source illuminates a volume of gas that has entered inside the measurement chamber. The gas absorbs some of the infrared wavelengths as the light passes through it, while others pass through it completely unattenuated. The amount of absorption is related to the concentration of the gas and is measured by a set of optical detectors and suitable electronic systems. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Point type IR gas detector applications Should be used for all combustible gas detectors except for H2 application. Point type IR detectors Should be used where: a. Space or congestion prohibits the use of open path gas detectors b. For small enclosures / rooms (e.g. localised / small leaks); c. HVAC systems. The location and number of detectors required is a function of the particular equipment design and layout; however they Should be located over obvious potential leak points. Point infrared Flammable gas detectors Should be placed in the vicinity of: Flanges of incoming trunk-lines Near ESD Valves All air intakes to equipment within the restricted area (including furnaces and heaters) HVAC air inlet and air locks within the restricted area In the air intakes to gas turbine, power generation including ventilation and combustion air. Inside turbine hoods Above the gas compressors At the gas compressor gas seals vent (for seal malfunction detection). The vicinity of electrical equipment not certified for use in a restricted area. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 53 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Hydrocarbon pumps Infrared type gas detectors respond to a limited group of hydrocarbons (alkanes and alkenes) and they cannot detect pure hydrogen. IR gas detectors should not be used to detect gases that have no IR absorption characteristics (e.g., hydrogen). Characteristics Positioning Range Gas detectors should be placed from 3 m to 4 m above local deck, floor or grade to detect gas releases at or below installed elevations. To detect light gases (MW <29) releases higher than 4 m above local deck, floor or grade, one or more higher elevations of gas detectors may be required. Not applicable. Requires gas to enter chamber. Field of View Not applicable. Sensitivity Gas concentration Should be measured and displayed with 0-100% LEL. Response Time Voting Pattern Diagnostics Alarm set limits Should follow the HSE philosophy. Sensor and transmitter Should be integral by design. Gas concentration Should be measured and displayed with 0-100% LEL. Repeatability < 2% LEL Should be calibrated for methane gas by default With the point detectors placed initially in clean air and subjected to a sudden increase of the gas concentration from 0% to 100% of the LEL, the detection system Should be required to initiate its highest alarm level in less than 10 seconds. This test Should be made on detectors equipped with their accessories, such as active filters, collector cones. Alarm can be at the lower level on 1ooN basis. Gas detector initiated executive actions Should occur on the basis of a voting logic of 2ooN, where N is the total number of detectors within a fire zone. Executive actions Should only be initiated from danger level detection. Standard IR gas detectors do not require field calibration and should be function tested using optical filters. The detector Should have a pre-warning feature that identifies the need for maintenance whilst remaining fully functional The flammable gas detector Should have a means to self-compensate and automatically correct for small changes in the optical components removing any drift. Warning of window contamination Should be provided by an "optics require cleaning" output and remain fully functional. Optical Integrity test facility Should be provided in the point type gas detector. References Hydrocarbon (Open Path) Detector Type Flammable Gas Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 54 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Sub-Type Open path/Line of Sight IR Principle of Operation Open path beam type gas detectors (or Line of Site detectors) Should operate an infra-red light source that is transmitted between a transmitter and receiver. Open path type gas detectors based on line of sight detection and Should be microprocessor based and Infrared absorption single beam dual wave length detector type. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Line-of-sight detectors may be selected for monitoring potential leak points from piping and equipment over large open areas. The use of beam type gas detectors Should be limited to areas around the process units, along peripheral roads of each process unit and at the plant boundary with the flare area to detect flammable gas clouds moving to or from the risk areas. In addition, beam gas detectors Should be located along the length of the pipe rack where air cooler exchanger units are installed. Often used in conjunction with point flammable gas detectors with line of site detectors positioned at the periphery. Infrared type gas detectors respond to a limited group of hydrocarbons (alkanes and alkenes) and they cannot detect pure hydrogen. Common operability issues are: misalignment from vibration or high winds, beam block, steam traps, dirty optics. Characteristics Positioning Range Field of View Sensitivity Response Time Voting Pattern Diagnostics Open path detection systems using separate transmitters and receivers should be used in preference to combined transmitters and receivers using reflector panels. Open path detectors require a clear and open (i.e., unobstructed) path approximately 0.3m diameter and therefore Should be applied with caution in congested areas and Should be given assessed to ensure that detection is effective. The gas detectors Should be used for an optimum distance of 20-30m for offshore facilities and 30 - 60 meters for onshore facilities. Linear, 0.3m diameter. Gas concentration Should be measured and displayed with 0-5 LEL-m The detector Should have local LCD digital display of gas concentrations. Gas concentration Should be in path average LEL meters for the specified composition. Response time Should be better than 2 seconds following step change in concentration. Alarm can be at the lower level on 1ooN basis. Gas detector initiated executive actions Should occur on the basis of a voting logic of 2ooN, where N is the total number of detectors within a fire zone. Executive actions Should only be initiated from danger level detection. The detector Should have a pre-warning feature that identifies the need for maintenance whilst remaining fully functional Open path type gas detectors Should have provision to eliminate nuisance alarms in the event of short-term beam blockage (e.g. person crossing beam path) and have automatic gain control. Blocked beam Should raise an alarm (<4mA) after an adjustable time delay. Solar interference (sunlight) and vibration Should not cause false alarms. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 55 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Mountings & Maintenance Optical test filters Should be provided to test function and accuracy of the detector. Optical Integrity test facility Should be provided in the open path optical gas detector. Open path gas detectors should be mounted on rigid structures not subject to vibration or movement (e.g. structural steel members). Transmitters and receivers Should allow easy horizontal and vertical adjustment of 45 degrees. References Hydrogen (Catalytic Bead) Detector Type Hydrogen Detector Sub-Type Electrochemical cell Principle of Operation Electrochemical cell type detection is recommended as Hydrogen has no infrared absorption characteristics. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Battery Rooms / Electro-chlorination Unit Restrictions/Limitations 2-4 years usage. Hydrogen Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity Response Time Lighter than air gases, detectors placed at highest ceiling points. Hydrogen detector should be installed at the highest, draft-free location in the battery room or compartment where hydrogen gas would accumulate. Measurement range coverage of 0.1–10.0% concentration. Set points are 10% and 25% LEL. < 1 second Acoustic Detector Type Leak detection Sub-Type Acoustic Principle of Operation Ultrasonic gas leak detectors can be used to detect leaks based on changes in the background noise due sound generated by escaping high pressure gas Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Acoustic leak detection may be used for detection of high pressure gas releases in combination with conventional detection (open path / point). Acoustic detection may not be used as the prime detection technology; Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 56 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Restrictions/Limitations Acoustic detection may not be used for detection of liquid releases and gas accumulation hazards. In situations where high pressure gas releases are difficult to detect with conventional gas detection (e.g. releases from elevated sources). Interfering ultrasonic noise from equipment in the area is masked out and does not give spurious detection or prevent detection For low pressure gas detection (≤4 bara) acoustic gas detector Should not be used. Acoustic detectors Should not be used for detection of liquid releases. This technology cannot be used alone in facility without other type of detectors. In particular as the response time is 20-30 seconds ultrasonic gas detection Should not be used alone for toxic gas detection. Caution is needed with respect to spurious trips from Acoustic detectors during drilling campaigns due to 'new' background noise sources. Characteristics Positioning Range Sensitivity Response Time Diagnostics Acoustic Leak detectors should be installed above or adjacent to potential leak sources (typically within 3 meters). Acoustic leak detectors require a clear field of view in an unobstructed cone around the detector. When used, background ultrasonic levels within the detection area should be considered to optimise alarm threshold limits, detector location, time delays, etc. Ultrasonic detectors can usually detect at the performance standard leak rate of 0.1 kg/s (ref: methane) or 0.01 kg/s (ref: hydrogen) within a radius of 9-12m in normal process areas and 5-8 m in compressor areas. These detectors Should be based on the microphone technology sensitive to high frequency sound (25 kHz to 70 kHz range). When used, background ultrasonic levels within the detection area should be considered to optimise alarm threshold limits, detector location, time delays, etc. Use of time delays should be minimised and Should not exceed 30 s. Whilst these detectors theoretically have an instantaneous response, a delay time Should be incorporated in order to reduce spurious alarms to an acceptable level. It is noted that this delay is typically of the order of 20-30 seconds and therefore ultrasonic gas detection Should not be used alone for toxic gas detection. Ultrasonic gas leak detectors should be function tested using the built-in “selfverification” test. Only leak detectors with integrated acoustic self-test function or fault-identifying diagnostics Should be used. The unit Should be fitted with an integrated piezo-based acoustic (nonmechanical) integrity test. In intervals, an external transducer transmits an acoustic test signal to check that the microphone is within the correct tolerances. References Codes ASTM E 1002 Aspirator (smoke, toxic & flam.) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 57 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal TBA Toxic (H2S, Point) Detector Type Toxic Gas Sub-Type H2S detector – Semiconductor/Solid State Principle of Operation Semiconductor / solid state type for the desert plants. Physical reaction principle: adsorption. The selected sensor Should be free from „sleep‟ effect and Should not require frequent calibration (no more than once in a year). Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation All air intakes and air locks to buildings within restricted area All air intakes to manned areas outside the restricted area Near seals of gas compressors handling H2S; Near pumps handling fluids containing H2S; Near group of control valves handling fluids containing H2S; Within sulphur recovery unit and amine treatment, around the flanges of equipment used to remove H2S, (typically at valves and connecting flanges), and along the flow path of H2S-laden effluents. Along main access ways and along escape and evacuation routes at intervals not exceeding 100 m. Between Flares if flaring toxic gases. Chemicals See text for concentrations for which H2S detection required. Restrictions/Limitations Semi-conductor No wear/aging. Not sensitive to ambient humidity (0 to 99%RH) Not sensitive to ambient temperature (-40°C to 90°C) Loss of speed of response / calibration to be done Theoretical life time: 4 to 6 years. Slow end of life Insensitive to other gases. When not regularly exposed to H2S concentrations, semi-conductor H2S detectors may lose their speed of response for low concentrations, whose effect is usually reversible; therefore, they Should be exposed to H2S every 3 months. Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity Response Time H2S detectors installed outdoors along evacuation paths Should be located 0.5 to 0.75 m from the ground. Concentrations of H2S gas Should be measured and displayed over the selectable range of 0-50 ppm. Open path H2S detectors are becoming available. For open path H2S detectors, alarm levels should be set at or below 30 ppm-m For H2S detectors < 30 seconds For gas detectors in HVAC < 60 seconds Semi-conductor The H2S detector semi-conductor Should work at a stable temperature defined by the Manufacturer (not varying more than 1°C) which also protects the sensitive element from surrounding humidity, and it Should be systematically isolated from the atmosphere through a flame guard Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 58 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal and a sintered element. Fouling in the sintered element can cause an increase in the response time of detection system. References Detector Type Toxic Gas Sub-Type H2S detector – electrochemical type Principle of Operation Electro-chemical type Should be used, especially for the installations where the atmosphere is wet and humid. Chemical reaction principle. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations All air intakes and air locks to buildings within restricted area All air intakes to manned areas outside the restricted area Near seals of gas compressors handling H2S; Near pumps handling fluids containing H2S; Near group of control valves handling fluids containing H2S; Within sulphur recovery unit and amine treatment, around the flanges of equipment used to remove H2S, (typically at valves and connecting flanges), and along the flow path of H2S-laden effluents. Along main access ways and along escape and evacuation routes at intervals not exceeding 100 m. Between Flares if flaring toxic gases. See text for concentrations for which H2S detection required. Electro-chemical Sensitive to wear/aging. Sensitive to humidity (20% to 80% RH) Sensitive to temperature (maxi 40°/45°C). Affected by other gases (false alarms) Response time increasing with temperature Typical T50 at 30 seconds for a full-range (20 ppm) equivalent concentration gas Life time: 1 to 2 years. Sudden failure of the detector (no self-monitoring). Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity H2S detectors installed outdoors along evacuation paths Should be located 0.5 to 0.75 m from the ground. Concentrations of H2S gas Should be measured and displayed over the selectable range of 0-50 ppm. Open path H2S detectors are becoming available. For open path H2S detectors, alarm levels should be set at or below 30 ppm-m. Open path hydrocarbon gas detectors Should not be used to give the actual H2S concentration, only an indication of its presence. Indications of H2S can be obtained for path lengths less than 7 m. This stipulation is because with long paths lengths it would not be known whether there was a low concentration over a long path or a dangerously high concentration over a short path. Use of physical or chemical filters before the sensors Should only Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 59 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal be accepted if the sensors’ sensitivity and detection speed are not altered by same. Response Time For H2S detectors < 30 seconds For gas detectors in HVAC < 60 seconds References Detector Type Toxic Gas Sub-Type Cl2 detector Principle of Operation Solid state/ electrochemical cell type with electrodes Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Cl2 Detectors Should be provided to chlorine packages. Chemicals Chlorine Restrictions/Limitations 2-4 years usage. Characteristics Positioning Heavier than air gas. Locate 0.5 to 0.75 m from the ground. Place 3 or 4 detectors around each leak source. 5m spacing. Range Not Applicable. Field of View Not Applicable. Sensitivity Concentration of Cl2 gas Should be measured and displayed over the selectable range of 0-20 ppm. For Cl2 detectors < 30 seconds For gas detectors in HVAC < 60 seconds Raise alarm in main control room and fire zone concerned An individual visual alarm (red flashing light) on the concerned matrix panel. Response Time Voting Pattern References Asphyxiant (Low Oxygen) Detector Type Oxygen Depletion Sub-Type Electrochemical cell Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 60 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Principle of Operation Electrochemical cell devices may be used for hydrogen and oxygen depletion detection. Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Chemicals Restrictions/Limitations Analyser House, Enclosed & Confined Spaces and pits where heavier than air gases can collect. Warehouses where gas cylinders are held. Fixed detectors specific to the asphyxiant gases or detecting oxygen depletion should be installed in enclosed spaces where there is a threat to personnel and personnel may be present. Low Oxygen Due to poor reliability and undetected failures, electrochemical cell devices should not be solely relied upon for personnel safety. Characteristics Positioning Sensitivity Voting Pattern Position between 0.9 – 1.2m height from floor. If risk arises specifically from heavier than air gases position at low level where oxygen deficiency more likely. Set at 19% of oxygen volume Initiate audible and visual indication inside the house, initiate visual indication outside the house and notification at a manned location Low Temperature Detector Seek industry guidance Distributed Temperature Sensor Seek industry guidance Manual Alarm Call Point Detector Type Manual Call Point Main Usage Equipment Indoor/Outdoor Ventilation Manual fire alarm station devices Should be located at exits on designated escape routes. Characteristics Positioning MACPs Should be mounted not less than 1.1m and note more than 1.37m above floor level. MACPs must be conspicuous, unobstructed and readily accessible. Spacing per COMPANY Standard - 50m for open areas and 30m in confined spaces. MAC locations Should have a common layout in identical process units for familiarity. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 61 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Voting Pattern Maximum personnel travel on designated escape routes from exited area to nearest station Should be determined by national standards but Should not exceed 60 m Manual alarm call points Should be positioned so that they stand out against the background, they Should be clearly recognizable from a distance. If the travel distance between exits exceeds the maximum limit, additional manual fire alarm stations Should be positioned throughout the designated escape routes The role of manual fire alarms Should be clearly defined, and personnel properly trained in their use. If manual stations are to be used to raise alarms for events other than fire and gas release, uniquely identified stations should be provided for these extra functions including ESD. Pushbuttons with executive function (ESD) Should be physically separate from MACs Manual Alarm Call points inside the Fire Zone Should activate: A general audible alarm in the building or IES associated with the concerned plant area. A general audible and visible (red flashing light) alarm in the concerned process plant area. An individual visible alarm (red flashing light) on the matrix panel. An audible and visual alarm in the Control Room, An audible and visual alarm in the fire station. The Manual Alarm Call points in process area and process building Should be identified individually. Manual initiated alarms Should be independent of automatic detected events, and thus Should not be voted with other manual alarms, fire or gas alarms. Diagnostics The MAC Should be capable of being tested using a special ‘key’ without the need for shattering the glass. Input circuit wiring Should be supervised for open and ground faults. Mountings & Maintenance The MAC Should be suitable for mounting on wall or pipe and Should be supplied complete with all accessories for installation. MAC for indoor / safe area Should be weather proof type / Non- Ex certified. For outdoor installations or Battery rooms, all devices Should be Ex d certified. MAC enclosure material Should be anti-static UV resistant glass-reinforced polyester and weather proof to IP 65. MAC Should be break glass fire alarm units with membrane cover design, with lift flap, double action and auto release type. Two nos. hermetically sealed, changeover contacts rated for 1A at 24V DC Should be provided. MAC Should be RED in colour and labelled “LIFT FLAP & BREAK GLASS”. References Codes Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 62 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal ALARM INTERFACE: F&G SYSTEM-TO-TELECOMS (EXAMPLE) Alarms Zoning and Specification The F&G System shall annunciate emergency situations either through its own dedicated horns and strobes, or through an interface with the telecommunication system. Interface with the Telecoms system is addressed in the Telecoms Philosophy. Table B1 is a summary of the audio and visual alarms performed by directly by the F&G system. Table B1: Emergency Communication – Beacons & Sounders (Typical Example) Condition Beacon (*1) Sounders Style Intermittent X Frequency Constant X X Flashing Continuous Variable Fire Red Hydrocarbon Gas Blue X Toxic Gas Note: 1. Emergency action / PPE requirement (e.g. EEBA / BA for toxic hazard) shall be defined in the project specific HSE Philosophy and ERP based on the location hazard. Key References: ISO 773 1: Danger Signals for Work Places - Auditory danger Signals (Ref. 15). ISO 11429: Ergonomics - System of auditory and visual danger and information Signals (Ref. 14). Audible Alarms Audible alarms shall be provided with field mounted sounders suitable for conditions at the facility. Fire: Fire detection shall generate an intermittent alarm of constant frequency. Hydrocarbon or Toxic: Gas detection shall be continuous and of constant frequency. Emergency Action: Emergency Response Plan (ERP) shall be developed in the project specific HSE Philosophy based on the location hazard. . Sounders shall be audible at the boundary fencing and inside the buildings. Despite its ambient noise being relatively low during normal operation, flare areas shall be considered noisy areas, as they will inevitably become extremely noisy during blowdown. Visual Alarms Flashing beacons shall be strategically located throughout the facility, including areas with noise levels of 85 dBA and above. Beacons shall be positioned such that they shall be visible in the area for which they are providing warnings, but they shall also be accessible for maintenance. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 63 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal Flashing beacons shall be located in areas where there is a potential for a Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) or other Toxic release that presents a hazard to personnel. Visible and audible alarms shall be mounted at all entrances to the buildings. Fire and Gas visual alarm lamps shall also be located at the entrance to areas protected by water mist (Main Power Generation) or inert gas systems (Switch rooms/LERs) or dry powder systems. These lamps shall indicate the status of the protected area and prevent access when operating. Alarms shall be available for manual activation through the ICSS HMI. Automatic initiation shall be available through the F&G System. Audio and visual alarm devices shall perform to comply with NFPA 72. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) Rev. 01 Page 64 of 65 ADNOC Classification: Internal EXAMPLE – REPRESENTATION OF F&G PROTECTION LOGIC F&G Philosophy for Cause and Effect Diagrams (Indicative Only - Eqpt. PAS HMI FGS TO ESD (/SIS) Intertrips Telecoms (Audible / Visual Alarms) Loc'n ICSS LER Building Field Alarms Fire Protection Action FGS TO HVAC PLC Intertrips REV Signal to Package(s) Manual Alarm Call Push Button Point Single CAUSE (INPUT) Notes Detector Types (& Areas Installed) Description Voting Fire Detection - Field Triple IR flame Detectors 99-1-001-Well Pad Area Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN 2 99-1-002-Process Flowline Area Confirmed Fire 2ooN 3 99-1-003-Manifold Area Detector Fault Fire Detection - Turbine Encl. Heat Detectors (Rate of Rise) 99-1-001-GTG Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN 6 Confirmed Fire 2ooN 7 1. All signals to be communicated to ICSS and raise Alarm on HMI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Executive Action according to Project HSE and F&G Philosophy 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3. Alarms according to 4. Repeat Field Project Philosophy Alarms in Field Buildings (/LERs) 21 22 23 X X X X X 24 25 26 27 28 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 30 5. Close 6. Activate 7. According to Fire Fire Project HSE Dampers Protection Philosophy for affected 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 X X X 38 x 5 X X X Smoke Detectors (Photoelectric) 99-1-007-LER Unconfirmed Fire 1ooN 10 Confirmed Fire 2ooN 11 X X X 8 Fire Detection - Buildings 9 Detector Fault X X X Combustible - Point Gas Detection 99-1-001-Well Pad Area Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 1ooN 14 99-1-002-Process Flowline Area Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 1ooN 15 99-1-003-Manifold Area Confirmed Gas 2ooN 16 99-1-004-Pig Trap Area Detector Fault 99-1-009-Flare Area Combustible - Line of Sight (LOS) Gas Detection 99-1-010-Drains Drum Area Unconfirmed Gas: Low Level Gas (LLG) 1ooN 19 99-1-008-Transformer Area Unconfirmed Gas: High Level Gas (HLG) 1ooN 20 99-1-0XX--Boundary Area Confirmed Gas 2ooN X X X X X X 12 Combustible Gas Detection - Field 13 X X X X X X 17 18 21 Detector Fault 22 Toxic Gas Detection - Field Toxic Gas Detection - Field 23 99-1-001-Well Pad Area Unconfirmed - Low Toxic Gas (LTG) 1ooN 24 99-1-002-Process Flowline Area Unconfirmed - High Toxic Gas (HTG) 1ooN 25 99-1-003-Manifold Area Confirmed Toxic Gas 2ooN 26 99-1-004-Pig Trap Area X X X X X X X X X X X X 27 Detector Fault Toxic Gas Detection - Buildings & Enclosures Unconfirmed - Low Toxic Gas (LTG) 1ooN 30 99-1-007-LER Unconfirmed - High Toxic Gas (HTG) 1ooN 31 Confirmed Toxic Gas 2ooN 32 29 Detector Fault Hydrogen: Battery Room 99-1-006-XXX Unconfirmed - Low H2 Gas (LH2G) 1ooN 35 Unconfirmed - High H2 Gas (HH2G) 1ooN 36 Confirmed H2 Gas 2ooN 37 Detector Fault 38 Hydrogen: Wellhead Control Panel 39 99-1-006-XXX Unconfirmed - Low O2 Level (LO2G) 1ooN 40 Unconfirmed - Low Low O2 Level (LLO2G) 1ooN 41 Confirmed Low O2 Level 2ooN 42 Detector Fault X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 43 44 Activated Detector Fault Note: This is a typical high level indication of Philosophy. Detailed C&E including input/output from fire protection systems, fire extinguishing systems, fire pumps, HSSD, any local panel, vendor package PLC, etc. shall be established on a project specific basis. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part-2) X X 34 Oxygen Detection - Enclosures Pushed X X 33 Hydrogen Detection - LER Manual Alarm Call-Point X 28 Toxic Gas Detection - Enclosed Areas 99-1-006-XXX All 39 X 4 45 46 x X Activate Gas (Flammable) - Confirmed Activate Gas (Flammable) - Unconfirmed 8. According to Package Interface req. 1 Detector Fault Manual Alarm Call Points Activate Fire - Confirmed Activate Fire - Unconfirmed Activate HVAC - Increase Ventilation Activate HVAC - Recirculation (Un)Manned Building Package Control Activate HVAC - Shutdown Fire Prot Action Activate Fire Protection Activate Fire Dampers - Outlet Activate Fire Dampers - Inlet Pushed Building (& LERs) Activate Manual Alarm Activated Detected Alert Activate Local Visual Fire / Gas Alarm - Beacon (Red) Devices in Affected Fire Zone Activate Local Audible Fire / Gas Alarm Room / enclosure 19% Activate Local Visual Alarm - O2 Depletion 19.5% LLO2G Field Building (/ LERs) Activate Local Audible Alarm - O2 Depletion LO2G Area Monitoring Activate Local GAS Alarm - Audible (Cont.) & Visual (Blue) Point Activate Local FIRE Alarm - Audible (Int.) & Visual (Red) Gas - Oxygen Activate MAC Activated Devices in Affected Fire Zone Area Monitoring Activate Gas(O2) - Confirmed Room / enclosure 25% LEL Point Activate Gas(H2) - Confirmed 10% LEL HTG Gas - Hydrogen Activate Gas(H2) - Unconfirmed LTG Area Monitoring Activate Gas(Toxic) - Confirmed 10ppm Point Activate Gas(Toxic) - Unconfirmed Devices in Affected Fire Zone HTG Toxic Gas Detection - H2S Activate Gas(Flammable) - Confirmed HVAC Air Intakes Area Monitoring Activate Gas(Flammable) - Unconfirmed 5ppm Point Activate Fire- Confirmed LTG Toxic Gas Detection - H2S Fire and Gas Detection System 1.LEL.m Area: MMWP - xxxxxx HLG 3.LEL.m Fire Zone: FZ xx-xx LTG 5ppm All Fire Zones Devices in Affected LLG Activate Fire- Unconfirmed 15ppm - Outdoors (Field) Fire Zone HTG Boundary Monitoring Activate F&G Detector Fault 50% LEL Open Path (LOS) Activate Manual Alarm Activated HLG Devices in Affected Fire Zone All Fire Zones Devices in Affected - Outdoors Fire Zone (Field) Activate Gas Alarm (O2) - Confirmed 20% LEL Activate Gas Alarm (H2) - Confirmed LLG Activate Gas Alarm (H2) - Unconfirmed Area Monitoring Activate Gas Alarm (Toxic) - Confirmed Devices in Affected Fire Zone (Field) Activate Gas Alarm (Toxic) - Unconfirmed Detected 18 mA Activate Gas Alarm (Flammable) - Confirmed Area Monitoring Voting of Devices Detection Integrity 1st Device Any Other in UnConfirmed Voting Group Confirmed within Fire (*1) Zone X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Activate Gas Alarm (Flammable) - Unconfirmed Elec / FO LHD Fusible Plug Heat - Rate of Rise Smoke Photoelectric Point Voting Groups Outdoor Areas Buildings (enclosed areas) Description (Function Performed) Flammable Gas Detection - Methane Triple-IR Flame Detection Level Action Fire Detection Purpose Activate Fire Alarm - Confirmed Definition of F&G Detection Levels & Detection Integrity Detection Activate Fire Alarm - Unconfirmed This Table is indicative only - exact philosophy shall be determined by project-specific F&G Design Basis.) X X 47 48 49 Rev. 01 Page 65 of 65 40 41 THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. ADNOC GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FIRE & GAS DETECTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY PART 3 – PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION AGES-PH-03-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 3 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBRIATIONS / REFERENCES ....................................................... 4 3 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 10 4 OVERALL APPROACH TO PFP & DOCUMENT STRUCTURE .................................... 16 5 FUNCTIONALITY (PRINCIPLES OF PFP APPLICATION) ............................................ 22 6 AVAILABILITY ................................................................................................................. 25 7 SURVIVABILITY ............................................................................................................... 26 8 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................ 28 9 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - ONSHORE PLANT ............................................................... 31 10 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - ONSHORE BUILDINGS ....................................................... 34 11 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS ............................................ 36 12 PFP IMPLEMENTATION – OTHER FACILITY TYPES ................................................... 41 13 EARTH MOUNDING & EMBANKMENT PROTECTION ................................................. 44 APPENDIX A. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE (MAT) ........................................... 45 APPENDIX B. PFP – PROTECTION TIME (COARSE ESTIMATES) ....................................... 50 APPENDIX C. PFP – HSECES PROTECTION PRINCIPLES ................................................... 52 APPENDIX D. PFP MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 57 APPENDIX E. FIRE TESTING.................................................................................................... 70 APPENDIX F. APPLICATION, IDENTIFICATION AND INSPECTION ..................................... 73 APPENDIX G. APPROVALS AND WARRANTY ....................................................................... 75 APPENDIX H. REGULAR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ............................................... 76 APPENDIX I. PFP AND DIVISION CLASSIFICATION ............................................................ 77 APPENDIX J. COMPARISON OF FIRE TEST STANDARD CURVES..................................... 81 APPENDIX K. CORRELATION: POOL FIRE DIAMETER - FLAME HEIGHT .......................... 82 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1: Passive Fire Protection – Overall Framework ...................................................................... 18 Table 4-2: Passive Fire Protection – Document Framework ................................................................. 20 Table 5-1: Relevance of PFP to Fire Classes .......................................................................................... 22 Table 8-1: PFP – Starting Fire Proofing Zones ....................................................................................... 29 Table 9-1: List of Guidelines & Standards Applicable to PFP ............................................................ 31 Table 13-1: PFP Resistance Duration Coarse Initial Estimates .............................................................. 50 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background This Part of the ‘Fire Detection and Protection’ Standard describes the requirements for design, specification, installation and maintenance of Passive Fire Protection (PFP) on Safety, Health & Environment Critical Equipment (HSECES, Ref. 1) on COMPANY facilities. The document is a followon to ‘Part-1’ where the context and overall strategy for fire protection against Major Accident Hazards (MAH) is set out in terms of a six-step process. It is expected that the first four steps, covered in Part-1 will have already been completed before this Standard is implemented, and documented in a Fire Hazard Assessment (FHA): 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the Hazards What type of fires can occur? Where can it occur? What can it affect? Step 5 addresses the question ‘How can it be detected?’, which is covered in Part 2 of this Standard. Step 6 is split into two main aspects: 1.2 Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Active Fire Protection (AFP) : Part 3 : Part 4 Objective The aim of this Part is to address Step-6 (Passive Fire Protection -PFP) and relates to the question: ‘How can escalation be avoided?’. This document describes how the requirements for PFP Shall be defined and implemented on COMPANY facilities through the various stages of a project lifecycle (design, construct, procure, commission, operate & maintain). 1.3 Scope This Standard covers PFP on: HSE Critical Equipment (HSECES) Onshore Facilities Onshore Buildings Offshore Buildings including LQ Offshore Facilities (including artificial islands) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 3 of 82 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBRIATIONS / REFERENCES 2.1 General Terminology General Terminology Brownfield Development within the boundary (or control) of an existing operating facility. CAN (possibility and Conveys the ability, fitness or quality necessary to do or achieve a capability) specific thing. CONSULTANT The party that performs specific services, which may include but are not limited to, Engineering, Technical support, preparation of Technical reports and other advisory related services specified by the party that engages them, i.e. COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR The party which carries out the project management, design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning for COMPANY projects. GREENFIELD Development outside the boundary (and control) of an existing operating facility or a new operating / processing facility development in new or existing allotted area of the COMPANY. LICENSOR Provider of Licensed Technology MANUFACTURER/VENDOR/ The party which manufactures and/or supplies equipment, technical documents/drawings and services to perform the duties specified by the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIER MAY (permission) The word indicates a permitted option. It conveys consent or liberty to do something. SHALL Indicates a requirement SHOULD (recommendation) Indicates a recommendation. STANDARD Means this Fire Detection & Protection Philosophy SUB-VENDOR Any supplier of equipment and support services for an equipment/package or part thereof supplied by a VENDOR. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 4 of 82 2.2 Technical Terminology Technical Terminology Assembly Unit or structure composed of a combination of materials or products or both Critical Core Temperature Maximum temperature that the equipment, assembly or structure to be protected may be allowed to reach. Cellulosic Fire Fire involving combustible material such as wood, paper, or furniture. Critical Time Minimum time required to reach the critical temperature. Elastomeric Coating A coating that has the ability to stretch to a specified length without breaking or tearing and recover to its original length. Cellulosic Fire Fire involving combustible material such as wood, paper, or furniture. Electrostatic Spray The application of a coating using static electricity generated by the charging of the coating particles as they are atomized and by grounding a conductive substrate. The advantage is a minimisation of overspray as the grounded equipment item or panel attracts the paint particles. Elastomer (Rubber) Unshaped material mechanically mixed with other constituents to form a rubber compound, which is then shaped by flow into articles by means of the manufacturing processes of moulding or extrusion, and then (invariably) chemically cured at elevated temperature to form an elastic insoluble material Erosion Factor Extra thickness of passive fire protection required when comparing the results from a jet fire test with those from a furnace test on specimens with a similar section factor (e.g. 100m-1) and a period of fire resistance, the critical temperature or critical time or both. Fire Barrier Separating element that resists the passage of flame and/or heat and/or effluents for a period of time under specified conditions Fire Resistance Ability of an item to fulfil, for a stated period of time, the required stability and/or integrity and/or thermal insulation, and/or other expected duty (reaching the critical temperature) specified in a standard fire-resistance test Fire Test Procedure designed to measure or assess the performance of a material, product, structure or system to one or more aspects of fire Fire Zone Fire zones are areas of the plant sub-divided based on the potential for fire & explosion hazard to cause escalation, as assessed by the consequence and risk modelling. The partition into fire zones is such that the consequence of fire or an explosion corresponding to the reasonably worst event likely to occur in the concerned fire zone shall not impact other fire zones to an extent where their integrity could be put at risk. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 5 of 82 Technical Terminology The partition of the fire zone is intended to limit the consequence (escalation) of credible events but is not intended to avoid the occurrence of the credible events. (Ref. HSE-GA-ST07, HSE Design Philosophy) Hazard The potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE-RM-ST01, HSE Risk Management) Intumescent A material that swells as a result of heat exposure, leading to an increase in volume and decrease in density of the material. Some intumescent materials are susceptible to environmental influences, such as humidity, which can reduce or negate their ability to function against various environmental exposures. Jet Fire Ignited discharge of hydrocarbon vapour, under pressure Manned facility Installation on which people are routinely accommodated (Ref. ISO13702) An offshore platform on which at least one person occupies an accommodation space i.e. living quarters. (API RP 14G [Ref.7] definition) In addition, personnel are present for more than 2 hours a day or more than 10% of time. NUI Passive Protection Normally Un-Manned Installation Fire A coating, cladding, free-standing system, wrapping, removable jacket, inspection panel, cable transit system, penetration seal or other such system which, in the event of fire, will provide thermal protection to restrict the rate at which heat is transmitted to an object to a maximum allowable temperature in a given time frame. Although the term passive is used, it includes materials which react chemically e.g. Intumescent materials which expand and create a char to provide heat protection. Penetration Seal System used to maintain the fire resistance of a separating element at the position where there is provision for services to pass through the separating element Plot Area of the site where units are grouped (e.g., refinery crude distillation unit, chemical plant, or storage terminal is located). Process Section An area / part of a unit within a process unit containing a combination of processing equipment that is focused on a single operation. This includes Individual isolatable part of a unit /system (e.g. Feed Pre-treatment). Process Unit A process unit is a collection of Equipment within a Plant focused on a single operation, arranged to perform a defined function. A process unit enables the execution of a physical, chemical and/or transport process, or storage of process material. This includes, plant area with a distinct physical process area /process train, e.g. separation unit, crude distillation unit, crude treatment unit water treatment unit, polyethylene unit. etc. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 6 of 82 Technical Terminology Polymers Natural or synthetic long molecular chains used for PFP materials. Polymer based PFP may be classified into 2 main groups: Thermoplastics such as intumescent/subliming type (reactive) or phenolic type (insulating and unreactive) Elastomers (rubber) Pool Fire Combustion of flammable or combustible hydrocarbon liquid spilled and retained on a surface Risk Risk is the product of the measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesired event and the potential adverse consequences which the event may have upon: Health and Safety of People – fatality, injury, irreversible health impact or chronic ill health or harm to physical or psychological health. Environment - water, air, soil, animals, plants and social Reputation employees and third parties. This includes the liabilities arising from injuries and property damage to third parties including the cross liabilities that may arise between the interdependent ADNOC Group Companies. Financial - damage to property (assets) or loss of production Legal - Legal impacts due to breach of law, breach of contract etc. Risk = Severity (Consequence) x Likelihood (Frequency) Refer to ADNOC Corporate Risk Matrix for more information Sublimation A process of change of solid into vapour state and vapour into the solid state without becoming a liquid. Thermoplastic A material that is capable of being repeatedly softened by heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature range characteristic of the plastic, and, in the softened state, of being repeatedly shaped by flow into products by moulding, extrusion or forming. 2.3 Acronyms & Abbreviations Acronyms & Abbreviations ADIBC Abu Dhabi International Building Code AFP Active Fire Protection ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials (International) BD Blowdown AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 7 of 82 Acronyms & Abbreviations BDV Blowdown Valve BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion BRA Building Risk Assessment CCT Critical Core Temperature CUI Corrosion Under Insulation EER Escape Evacuation and Rescue EI Energy Institute ESD Emergency Shutdown F&G Fire and Gas FEED Front End Engineering Design FERA Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis FHA Fire Hazard Assessment FZ Fire Zone FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading FPZ Fire Proofing Zone GA General Alarm HC Hydrocarbon HSE Health, Safety & Environment HSECES HSE Critical Equipment & Systems HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning I&M Inspection & Maintenance ISD Inherently Safer Design LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas MA Major Accident MAT Maximum Allowable Temperature MCE Maximum Credible Event MEL Master Equipment List NFPA National Fire Prevention Association NUI Normally Unattended Installation PA Public Address PFP Passive Fire Protection QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment ROV Remote Operated Valve AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 8 of 82 Acronyms & Abbreviations HSECES HSE Critical Equipment TR Temporary Refuge UL Underwriters Laboratory UV Ultra-Violet VCE Vapour Cloud Explosion AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 9 of 82 3 REFERENCES 3.1 ADNOC Standards & Codes Ref No Document No Title 1. HSE-OS-ST29 HSECES Integrity Management 2. HSE-GA-ST01 HSE Governance Framework 3. HSE-RM-ST01 HSE Risk Management System 4. HSE-GA-ST07 HSE Design Philosophy 5. HSE-RM-ST04 Hazard & Operability Study (HAZOP) 6. HSE-RM-ST07 Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Assessment (EERA) 7. HSE-RM-ST08 Emergency System Survivability Analysis (ESSA) 8. HSE-RM-ST09 Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA) 9. HSE-RM-ST10 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) 10. AGES-GLPHL-0001 Layout & Separation Distances Philosophy 11. AGES-PH-00031 Emergency Shutdown Philosophy 12. HSE-RM-ST13 Inherently Safer Design 3.2 International Codes & Standards The following codes and standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this standard. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition shall apply. Ref Code Description No Abu Dhabi Codes 13. UAE Fire & Life Safety Code API American Petroleum Institute 14. API 607 Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves Equipped with Nonmetallic Seats 15. API 6FA Standard for Fire Test for Valves (For Wellhead and Tree Equipment 6A and Pipeline and Piping Valves 6D) 16. API 6FB Standard for Fire Test for End Connectors AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 10 of 82 Ref Code Description 17. API 14C Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms 18. API 14G Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed Open-Type Offshore Production Platforms 19. API 14J Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities 20. API 2001 Fire Protection in Refineries 21. API 2021 (and interim Fighting Fires in and Around Flammable and Combustible Liquid Atmospheric Storage Tanks No study) 22. API 2160 Design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of chemical and tank facilities 23. API 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants 24. API 2510 and API 2510A Design and Construction of LPG Installations 25. API B3:B4655 Recommended Practices for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulphide American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 26. ASCE 7 -16 Appendix-E Performance Based Design Procedures for Fire Effects on Structures” of “ASCE 7 -16 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 27. ASME B31.3 Process Piping 28. ASTM E-1529 Standard Test Methods for Determining Effects of Large Hydrocarbon Pool Fires on Structural Members and Assemblies Euro Norms (EN) 29. EN 476 - various parts Fire tests on building materials and structures. 30. EN 1363 -1 Fire resistance tests. General requirement 31. EN 1363 -2 Fire resistance tests. Alternative and additional procedures, 32. EN_ISO_834 Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction 33. EN_ISO_13702_2015 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations — Requirements and guidelines 34. EN 1992-1-2 Eurocode-2 Design of Concrete Structures General Rules – Structural Fire Design 35. EN 1993-1-2 Eurocode-3 Design of Steel Structures General Rules – Structural Fire Design AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 11 of 82 Ref Code Description EN 1994-1-2 Eurocode-4 Design of composite and concrete structures. General RulesStructural Fire Design. No 36. Engineering Equipment Users Association (EEMUA) 37. EEMUA 147 Recommendations for refrigerated liquefied gas storage tanks, Ed. 3 Energy Institute (formally Institute of Petroleum (IP) and Institute of Energy) 38. ISBN 978 0 85293 823 2 Guidance on Passive Fire Protection for Process and Storage Plant and Equipment, 2017 39. EI Model Code of Safe Large bulk pressure storage and refrigerated LPG, Practice Part 9: 40. EI Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19: 41. ISBN 978 0 85293 564 4 Fire precautions at petroleum refineries and bulk storage installations, Guidelines for offshore oil and gas installations that are not permanently attended, Fire and Blast Information Group (FABIG) Part of Steel Construction Institute 42. Technical Note 1 Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Topside Structures 43. Technical Note 3 Use of Ultimate Strength Techniques for Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Structures 44. Technical Note 6 Design Guide for Steel at Elevated Temperatures and High Strain Rates 45. Technical Note 8 Protection of Piping Systems subject to Fires and Explosions 46. Technical Note 11 Fire Loading and Structural Response 47. Technical Note 13 Design Guidance for Hydrocarbon Fires 48. Interim Guidance Notes Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topside Structures against Explosion and Fire (IGN) 49. Technical Meeting FABIG Technical Meeting, 2004 Factory Mutual Laboratories 50. FM -7440 Firesafe Valves, 1981 51. FM -7400 Liquid and Gas Safety Shutoff Valves, 2016 Health & Safety Executive, UK 52. HSE UK OTO 2000 051 Offshore Technology Report – Review of the Response of Pressurised Process Vessels and Equipment to Fire Attack 53. HSE UK OTI 99 028 Review of Approached to Blast, Fire and Accidental Loads 54. HSE Offshore Information Advice on acceptance criteria for damaged Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Coatings, 2007 Sheet No. 12/2007 55. OTI 94 604 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Experimental data relating to the performance of steel components at Elevated Temperatures Rev. No: 1 Page 12 of 82 Ref Code Description 56. OTI 92 606 Passive Fire Protection: Performance Requirements and Test Methods 57. OTI 92 607 Availability and properties of Passive and Active Fire Protection Systems 58. OTI 92 610 Thermal Response of Vessels and Pipework Exposed to Fire 59. OTI 95 634 Jet Fire Resistance Test of Passive Fire Protection Materials 60. RR 28/2005 Protection of Piping Systems Subject to Fires and Explosions 61. RR 1120 A review of the Applicability of the Jet Fire Resistance Test (JFRT) to Severe Release Scenarios, 2017 No International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62. IEC 60331-1 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity Part 1: Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830 °C for cables of rated voltage up to and including 0,6/1,0 kV and with an overall diameter exceeding 20 mm 63. IEC 60331-21 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity Part 21: Procedures and requirements - Cables of rated voltage up to and including 0,6/1,0 kV 64. IEC 60331-23 Tests for Electric Cables under Fire Conditions - Circuit Integrity - Part 23: Procedures and Requirements - Electric Data Cables Edition 1 65. IEC 60331-25 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity Part 21: Procedures and requirements -Optical fibre cables International Codes Council 66. IBC International Building Code International Standardization Organization (ISO) 67. ISO 834 Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction 68. ISO 10497 Fire Testing of Valves 69. ISO 13702 Control and Mitigation of Fires and Explosion on Offshore Installations 70. ISO 17776 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Guidelines on tools and techniques for hazard identification 71. ISO 19921 Fire resistance of metallic pipe components with resilient and elastomeric seals 72. ISO 23936-1: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Nonmetallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production - Part 1: Thermoplastics 73. ISO 23936-2 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Nonmetallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production – Part 2: Elastomers AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 13 of 82 Ref Code Description 74. ISO/TR 22899-1 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection Part 1 75. ISO/TR 22899-2 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection Part 2: Guidance on classification and implementation methods 76. ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering 77. ISO 4628-4 Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking No National Fire Protection Association (United States) 78. NFPA 55 Compressed gases and cryogenic fluids code 79. NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 80. NFPA 59 Standard for the Storage and handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants. Incl Appendix D: Procedure for Torch Fire 81. NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 82. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 83. NFPA 221 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls 84. NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 85. SOLAS Chapter II-2 Consolidated text of international convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and subsequent amendments CH. II-2 Construction - Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction Scandpower Risk Management 86. Report 27.207.291/R1 Ver 2 Guidelines for the Protection of Pressurised Systems Exposed to Fire, 2004 Steel Construction Institute (SCI) 87. ISBN 1859420788 Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures - Phase 2: Final Summary Report UAE Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 88. CAAP 70 Heliports - Issue 3 89. CAAP 71 Helidecks (Off-Shore) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 14 of 82 Ref Code Description No UK Civil Aviation Authority 90. CAP 437 Standards for offshore helicopter landing areas UK LPG 91. UK LPG CoP 1 Bulk LPG storage at fixed installations. Part 1: Design, installation and operation of vessels located above ground, LP Gas Association UK Offshore Operators Association (now known as UK Oil & Gas) 92. HSE UK UKOOA Fire and Explosion Guidance, Part 0: Fire and Explosion Hazard Management 93. HSE UK UKOOA Fire and Explosion Guidance, Part 1: Avoidance and Mitigation of Explosions 94. HSE UK UKOOA Fire and Explosion Guidance, Part 2: Avoidance and Mitigation of Fires Underwriters Laboratories 95. UL 1709 Standard for Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel British Standard 96. BS 476-20 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles). Rev. No: 1 Page 15 of 82 4 OVERALL APPROACH TO PFP & DOCUMENT STRUCTURE 4.1 General Systems that are critical to the safety of a facility need to be identified early in a project and their development managed to ensure their ‘safety critical’ performance is suitable and that it will remain available when required. This is typically done by focus on the four key aspects (Ref. 1): Functionality Reliability Survivability Dependencies & Interactions Passive Fire Protection (PFP) is a measure that addresses the ‘survivability’ of Safety (/HSE) Critical Equipment identified on COMPANY projects in accordance with HSECES (Ref. 1) standard. It is a COMPANY requirement that ‘survivability’ of each HSECES Shall be demonstrated as part of the Performance Standards developed for each HSECES, during FEED (Ref.1) and updated in subsequent stages of the Project. The Performance Standards Shall be made available for Assurance and Verification by COMPANY, at each Project Stage, in sufficient time to allow observations by the Independent Reviewer to be incorporated into the design. 4.2 Key Assumption It is expected that all COMPANY Projects Shall follow the Inherently Safer Design (ISD) approach described in Ref.12, meaning that inherent safety will have been considered before a passive measure like PFP is considered. 4.3 Pre-requisites Two main pre-requisites have been identified as key inputs to the design of PFP arrangements: 4.3.1 Project HSE Philosophy Fire Hazard Assessment Project HSE Philosophy Design of PFP Shall be on a clear understanding of the overall strategy for Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Risk management. This strategy is typically documented as a ‘Project HSE Philosophy’ based on knowledge about the relative location of hazards to people, those affected and those who will be required to react to an initiating event. The HSE Philosophy will therefore shape the nature of manual intervention (local or remote), the degree of remote monitoring, automatic actions, and the overall facilities needed to be provided such measures. The survivability of HSECES measures Shall, as a minimum, be driven by personnel protection to provide time for egress, muster and evacuation of the facility in an orderly manner. The philosophical approach to EER (Egress, Evacuation & Rescue) is therefore be an important input to the requirement for PFP, which Shall be clearly and explicitly documented in the Project HSE Philosophy. This shall be done early in design and updated, as a minimum, at the beginning of subsequent Project Stages. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 16 of 82 4.3.2 Fire Hazard Assessment It is expected that a ‘Fire Hazard Assessment’ covering the first four questions identified in Section 1.1 will have been carried out in accordance with Part 1 of this Standard. This will ensure a clear understanding of potential fires and their location on the facility so that the requirement for PFP can be assessed. 4.4 Overview of Framework The overall framework to capture COMPANY requirements for PFP is illustrated schematically in Table 4-1. This is framed around the following questions intended to define the required ‘functionality’, ‘availability’ and ‘survivability’ for PFP: Functionality What are the hazards? What are the ‘vulnerable’ HSECES? How will it work How long do they need to be protected? Availability & Survivability Will it be Available? Will it Survive? Project Implementation How can it be implemented in a Project? These questions are captured in each of the seven major columns in Table 4-1. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 17 of 82 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 4-1: Passive Fire Protection – Overall Framework 1. What are the Hazards? 2. What are vulnerable HSECES? (failure leads to 'Escalation') 3. How will it work? 4. How long to protect HSECES? Functionality P-1 P-15 PF-1 U-1 SS-1 M-1 ER-E-1 ER-Es1 'Fire Sources' - Mainly in Process Areas 'Vulnerabilities' - Near source (mainly) - Other Areas (possible, e.g. Offshore) High temp (radiation) Stress Pool Fire Jet fire Internal Press. Structures (Building / wall / division) Vessels x x x x ESD /ROV /BDV x x Cabling x x Damage by fire impingement from: 'Source' to 'Vulnerability' (Same Area or Adjacent Areas if fire is large enough) Flash fire Protection Period 7. How to implement in Project? Availability Survivability Project Lifecycle Maintenance Maintenance req. in Ops phase. x x Insulation damage & electrical resistance change Damage to vulnerable target: - Weakening from high temp. (radiation exposure) - Stress (internal press. or load on structure) 6. Will it Survive? Design Concept FEED Detail Design API 2218 (Ref. 23) - (Small) Pool Fires Prescriptive approach (minimum requirement) FERA (Ref 8) (update) Load / wt. x PFP Not Relevant W-1 PS-1R Vulnerabilities (HSE Critical Equipment) Well-head Process - Storage Tanks & Export Process Process Utilities Process Utilities (Fired) Utilities (& Machinery) Safety Sys. Manned Areas Emergency Evac Response Escape Safety (/HSE) Critical Equipment Sources Hazard Identification 5. Will it be Available? Design to ensure robustness against potential MA events: - Pool fire - Jet fire - VCE, etc. Revise & refine design areas of uncertainty FERA (Ref 8) - Confirm pool fire - Evaluate Jetfires Depends on criterion for safety (e.g. time to: - Evacuate - ESD & BD etc. Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Page 18 of 82 ADNOC Classification: Internal The Major columns 1-4, in Table 4-1, capture ‘functionality’ related aspects of PFP and the major columns 5 and 6 deal with ‘Availability’ and ‘Survivability’, respectively. The approach to addressing PFP requirements within a Project lifecycle is shown in major column 7. Functionality: Major column 1 shows general plant areas and is used to identify where the ‘sources’ of fires are likely to be. Major column 2 shows the type of Safety (/HSE) Critical Equipment that is potentially ‘vulnerable’, the failure of which can lead to escalation of the initiating fire event. In most cases the ‘vulnerabilities’ are likely to be local to the ‘sources’ and will primarily be in areas handling hydrocarbon fluids (process, wellheads, etc.). Other areas are noted to be potentially vulnerable, if they are within range of a Maximum Credible Event (MCE) from the sources, as might be the case on an offshore platform. Protection Period: Column 4 questions the period of time for which the PFP will need function as designed to delay escalation, which will depend largely on the project-specific HSE Philosophy, mentioned in Section 4.1, above. Availability: Column 5 addresses the issue of ensuring Availably through correct specification, construction and installation, and ongoing maintenance during the Operations phase. Survivability: Column 6 covers the requirement for the PFP to survive an initial event (e.g. exposure to impact damage in routine operations, or a major accident like a VCE), so that it can still perform its fire protection function. Project Implementation: The final major column covers Implementation approach during the lifecycle of a project. 4.5 Application & Compliance with Philosophy CONTRACTOR shall follow the process described in this Philosophy. It is acknowledged that not all aspects of this Philosophy may be practicable to be implemented on all facilities. Any deviation from this Philosophy shall therefore be supported by a documented justification covering the 4 important questions presented in Part 1, to ensure the risk remains as low as reasonably practicable. The justification shall be reasoned arguments supported, if necessary, by quantitative analysis. The justification shall be subject COMPANY review, independent from the project team. Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 19 of 82 4.6 Document Structure Noting the above context, the remaining Sections of this Standard are structured as shown in Table 4-2. Table 4-2: Passive Fire Protection – Document Framework 1. What are the Hazards? 2. What are vulnerable SCEs? (failure leads to 'Escalation') 3. How will it Work? 4. How long to protect HSECES? Functionality Hazard Identification Safety (/HSE) Critical Equipment High Temp Stress Protection Period 5. Will it be Available? 6. Will it Survive? 7. How to implement in Project? Availability Survivability Project Implementation Maintenance Design Concept FEED Section 5.1 Section 5.2 Section 5.3 Section 5.4 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Document Structure (Remaining Section) Onshore Plant Onshore Buildings Offshore Installations Onshore Plant Section 9 Flare and Vent Lines Section 9.2 Flare Towers and Ground Flares Section 9.3 Air Fin-Fan Coolers Section 9.4 Remote/Unmanned Wellheads and Gathering Stations Section 9.5 Utilities Section 9.6 Stairways, Walkways, and Access Platforms Section 9.7 Onshore Buildings Section 10 Buildings & Enclosures Section 10.1 General Section 10.2 Occupied Buildings at Process Plant Section 10.3 Plant Buildings Process Buildings Industrial Warehouses Section 10.4 External Boundaries and Walls Section 10.5 Offshore Installations Section 11 Wellhead Platforms/Drilling Jack-Ups / SIMOPS Section 11.1.1 Jackets Section 11.1.2 Cranes Cabins and Pedestals Section 11.1.3 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 20 of 82 Detail Design 1. What are the Hazards? Other Facility Types 2. What are vulnerable SCEs? (failure leads to 'Escalation') 3. How will it Work? 4. How long to protect HSECES? 5. Will it be Available? 6. Will it Survive? 7. How to implement in Project? Normally Unmanned Installations Section 11.1.4 Egress Routes and Enclosed Tunnels Section 11.1.5 Firewalls Section 11.1.6 Offshore Helidecks Section 11.1.7 Other Facility Types Section 12 Artificial Islands Section 12.1 Refineries, Petrochemical plants; Gas Plants Section 12.2 LPG Process Plants & Storage Section 12.3 LNG Plants and Storage Section 12.4 Jetty Terminals Section 12.5 Helipads and Heliports Section 12.6 Earth Mounding etc. Section LNG & LPG Tanks Section 13.1 Critical Piping & Cables Section 13.2 Detailed Supporting Information Detailed Supporting Information Maximum Allowable Temperatures Appendix A.1 PFP Requirements for: Appendix A Structures Appendix C.1.1 Pressurised Vessels Appendix C.1.2 Esd, Rov and Bd Valves Appendix C.1.3 Piping Appendix C.1.4 Cabling Appendix C.1.5 Hazards Not Suitable for PFP Appendix C.2 PFP Materials Appendix D Fire Testing Appendix E Application, Identification and Inspection Appendix F Approvals and Warranty Appendix G Regular Inspection and Maintenance Appendix H AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 21 of 82 5 FUNCTIONALITY (PRINCIPLES OF PFP APPLICATION) This Section is intended to outline the main principles of how PFP can be used within a project for COMPANY facilities. It is important to recognise at the outset that the main purpose of PFP is to protect HSE Critical Equipment that is vulnerable to the thermal radiation effects of a fire, for a period that allows other mitigation measures to be taken (e.g. shutdown, depressurisation, emergency evacuation, etc.). The guidance is centred around key aspects outlined in the overview Schematic presented in Table 4-1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1 Hazard Identification (What are the hazards?) Identification of HSECES (What are Vulnerable HSECES?) Principles of Protection (How will it Work?) Protection Period (How Long to Protect?) Hazard Identification (What are the hazards?) The starting point for any PFP assessment is to identify credible fire sources on the facility, so that an assessment can be made about their potential to impair HSE Critical Equipment in the vicinity, thus leading to an escalation of the initiating event. It is noted in Part 1, that this should have been done before implementing this Part of the Philosophy in a Fire Hazard Assessment (see Part 1). 5.1.1 Fire Classes Fires are to be in line with NFPA definitions as Class A, B, C, D, and K (exact meaning of each is covered in NFPA 10 Ref. 84, and in Part 1). The relevance of the various fire Classes to the application of PFP is summarised in Table 5-1. Table 5-1: Relevance of PFP to Fire Classes Relevance of PFP to Fire Classes (NFPA) Class A B C D K Description Cellulosic Jet /Spray Pool Flash / Exp. Electrical Flammable Metals Cooking Oils PFP Relevant N/A It is apparent from Table 5-1 that PFP can be relevant to all Classes of fire and its application depends on the sensitivity (Safety Criticality) of the items that are in the vicinity. The only exception is in Class B, which is most likely to involve hydrocarbon inventories on COMPANY facilities. This Class is further split into jet/spray fires, pool fires and flash fires. The first two types are AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 22 of 82 relevant to PFP, since their duration can be quite extended and therefore expose vulnerable HSECES to thermal radiation for prolonged periods. However, the duration of flash fires and fireballs will be very short (<1-2sec, and < a minute, respectively), meaning that the thermal radiation will not last long enough to cause significant heating of any HSECES to weaken it, PFP is therefore not relevant. 5.1.2 Fire Duration Selection of fire cases that require PFP application need to account for three main factors to determine the Design Events that make up the basis of design. 1. Likelihood 2. Size of hazard envelope 3. Duration of hazard envelope Likelihood: The likelihood of a process fluid fires depends on the potential for loss of containment and its ignition. Most loss of containment incidents are generally ‘small’ to start with if they occur due to gradual degradation mechanisms like corrosion. However, large leaks can be caused immediately in the event of an external accident, especially where procedures are involved (e.g. damage from vehicle accident, failure of a tanker loading operation, etc.). Fires in other plant areas will likely be of Cellulosic Class-A, or Electrical Class-C and perhaps Class-K in the kitchen / galley areas. Size of Hazard Envelope: In some cases the size of hazard envelope will depend on the size of the leak, as in the case of a jet fire, and in other cases it may be determined by the degree of containment (e.g. kerbs or bunds provided to limit the size of a pool fire). Duration of Hazard Envelope: The assessment of duration also depends on the nature and quantity of fuel, which may or may not depend on the functioning of other Safety Systems, like ESD, isolation and blowdown for jet fires. The complexity of these factors all feed into the definition of the events that constitute the basis for each fire scenario being considered. These factors shall be evaluated in Fires and Explosions Risk Assessment (FERA, Ref 8). This will require a reasonable level of process definition in terms of a H&M Balances, P&IDs, Master Equipment List (MEL) and a Plot Plan. This is typically not available until the FEED stage of a Project. 5.2 Identification of HSECES (What are Vulnerable HSECES?) The next consideration for the application of PFP is to identify those SCEs that are vulnerable to all the MCEs that have been identified. This requires the relevant thermal radiation envelope to be plotted on to the facility plot plan so that specific items that are vulnerable can be identified. These shall be categorised as: Structural Large material inventories (Vessels / Tanks) Process Safety Systems o ESD (Emergency Shutdown) Valves o ROV (Remote Operated Valves) o BDV (Blowdown Valves) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 23 of 82 5.3 o Active Fire Protection systems, including deluge skids etc. Cabling Others Principles of Protection (How will it Work?) The principal mechanism of HSECES failure is through weakening of the material due to ‘high temperature’ from fire exposure combined with ‘stress /load’ on the material, either due to the weight of items it is supporting or internal pressure in the case of pressure vessels. The objective of PFP is to prevent this failure mechanism for at least a defined time period when the equipment finally reaches its failure point, usually defined as a Maximum Allowable Temperature (MAT). The Maximum Allowable Temperature (MAT) is the temperature at which unprotected equipment, piping, structures or barriers are expected to fail to maintain their design function. The term critical core temperature (CCT) is usually used when referring to structural steel. This subject is discussed more fully for each of the HSECES types in Appendix C It is a COMPANY requirement that PFP shall prevent the relevant HSECES from reaching its MAT for the duration required to protect it. It is important to understand the actual MATs for the various vulnerable items falling within the fire radiation envelope or fire protection zone. An array of maximum allowable temperatures (MAT) for various safety critical elements are reproduced from literature in Appendix A. These values presented are not plant specific but serve to demonstrate the substantial variation in failure temperatures for different equipment types and materials. The actual equipment MATs shall be obtained from manufacturers (where possible), or from derived calculations before the PFP design and specification is finalised for procurement. It is important to clearly determine the MATs for the actual vulnerable items falling within the fire radiation envelope or the fire protection zone. 5.4 Protection Period (How Long to Protect?) The PFP shall be required to prevent each HSECES from reaching its MAT for a specific duration, namely the time required for the HSECES to survive. The time required for the HSECES to survive shall be based on: Predicted fire durations, assuming operation of ESD/isolation/BD, bunding and drainage provisions),,but assuming no operation of AFP protection (taken from FERA, Ref 8) Predicted escape, muster and evacuation duration (taken from EERA, Ref. 6) Predicted duration for firefighting team to arrive and control or fire (from Emergency Response philosophy within HSE Philosophy) Predicted search and rescue durations (taken from EERA, Ref. 6) The required duration of protection shall be determined during FEED, once the FERA, Ref 8, is available and shall be revised in Detail Design .Initial estimates of PFP protection period for early FEED (before the FERA, Ref 8, is available) may be based on Appendix B. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 24 of 82 6 AVAILABILITY The PFP material shall always be in place during plant operations, allowing for some planned and temporary removal of small areas of PFP material for inspection and maintenance and planned replacement if required. The material shall be correctly reinstated immediately after inspection and hinged fire doors/panels shall be closed and latched PFP is an HSECES, as escalation avoidance to manage the risk from a MAH relies on the PFP being Available if a fire event were to occur. In order to ensure the PFP has not degraded in an unrevealed manner, Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) of the PFP is an essential part of the Integrity Management process. The objective of I&M regimes is to ensure that the installed PFP materials continue to be fit for purpose. I&M procedures shall be established with input from the manufacturer/supplier to ensure the functional requirements as described in the performance standards are maintained. Records shall be prepared, detailing the inspection, testing, and maintenance routines and frequencies to be followed. Any identified failures or impairments shall be recorded and promptly corrected. Impairment, and repair of systems shall be recorded and reported. Where PFP cannot be promptly reinstated, contingency plans shall be implemented under the plant Management of Change processes. Further details are provided about I&M requirements in Appendix H. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 25 of 82 7 7.1 SURVIVABILITY Process Conditions The PFP material shall not degrade under any foreseen process conditions. Process conditions may vary during the life of the facility and shall include process conditions during commissioning, start-up, shutdown and all foreseeable future operations. Note that epoxy intumescent and subliming materials begin to deteriorate progressively, if exposed to operating temperatures above 60oC, depending on the product and may not be suitable for cryogenic temperatures. 7.2 Pool Fires The fire proofing material provided for protection against pool fires shall meet the requirement of hydrocarbon pool fire test as defined in UL 1709 as a minimum and BS 476. If enhanced testing is available this should be conducted, e.g. HCM and ASTM 1529 (Ref. 28) fire test curves, see Appendix J. 7.3 Jet Fires The fire proofing material provided for protection against jet fires shall meet the requirement of jet fire test as defined in ISO 22899 (Ref. 74 & 75). In a jet fire, the fire protection products will be subjected to erosive forces from jet fire impingement, pressure fluctuations and high heat fluxes. It should be noted that the highest erosive forces are not in the region of highest heat flux. Hence, the results of both pool fire (furnace) and jet fire tests should be considered together when assessing the performance of a fire protection product in a range of scenarios. 7.4 Explosion Resistance All specified passive fire materials shall withstand FERA (Ref 8), defined explosion overpressures or drag loads prior to fire events. If explosion resistance is required, the PFP shall be expected to function to its specified fire resistance performance after any consequent deformation due to the FERA (Ref 8), defined explosion event. Explosion resistance depends on the passive system as well as the supporting steelwork. Both these elements shall be considered to ensure the overall integrity of passive protection is maintained. 7.5 Environmental Conditions The specified passive fire material shall withstand all design basis environmental conditions such as sandstorms, heavy rainfall, solar radiation, frost, seawater splashes, airborne pollutants (chemicals, HC, chlorides), vibrations, earthquakes and expected minor mechanical impacts from maintenance and inspection activities. Damage through weather effects and general system degradation will results in the material being “unavailable” for its purpose. 7.6 Cryogenic spills before fire A cryogenic spill from super-chilled products such as LNG, liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen and liquid argon, can have a sudden and catastrophic impact on both PFP materials and its substrate (the material of construction onto which the PFP is attached) if not designed for such low temperatures. If a cryogenic process or utility spill onto PFP materials is identified as being credible, the survivability of the PFP AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 26 of 82 material and its substrate shall be tested and performance under cryogenic and then fire conditions confirmed by the PFP and steel manufacturers. Any process fluids stored at a temperature below the low temperature design basis given in the project basis of design, which may include materials such as liquid ammonia (-33C) needs to be identified so that PFP and material of construction specifications are verified as suitable. 7.7 7.7.1 Interactions with other Activities Firewater and Foam The application of high-pressure active fire protection (water and foam) either during testing or during a fire event shall not impair the integrity of passive fire protection (PFP) measures. PFP shall retain its adherence to the protected substrate and retain its specified thermal insulation properties during application of high-pressure water/foam streams. 7.7.2 Maintenance activities Physical impacts from maintenance activities such as manual handling, scaffolding poles, trolley impacts and swinging loads during lifting shall not impair the fire and if required blast resistance of the PFP material AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 27 of 82 8 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 8.1 ISD Perspective The overall COMPANY approach to risk management (Ref. 12) requires Inherently Safer Design (ISD) principles to be applied to all Projects. A typical hierarchy of ISD measures is shown in Text Box 8-1, which shows PFP to be a ‘mitigation’ measure that is much lower in the order of priority than other types of measures. As previously stated (see Section 4.2), it is a COMPANY requirement that all Projects shall consider ISD measures higher in the priority order (e.g. greater separation), before PFP is considered. Text Box 8-1: Inherently Safer Design Approach (hierarchy) 1.1 Inherently Safer Design (E.g. greater separation, reducing inventory, etc.) 1.2 Prevention (E.g. reduction of likelihood of leaks and probability of ignition) 8.2 8.2.1 (a) Detection (E.g. F&G and Leak Detection) (b) Control (E.g. ESD and Blowdown, Drainage) (i) Mitigation (E.g. Active and Passive Fire Protection) (ii) Escape and Evacuation (On foot and/or by lifeboat/raft) Project Lifecycle (and Information Available) Preliminary Design (FEED) Achieving the optimum solution for PFP requires plant specific layouts, inventories and the potential fire scenarios that can occur. As this information is limited in the early stages of a project, but design and cost estimates are required for the various Project stage gates, an alternative approach is needed to facilitate this. Reference is made to API RP 2218 (Ref. 23), which has recommendations based on a selected “pool fire” size. API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) proposes this as an appropriate starting point, especially for onshore plant since the potential for prolonged pool fires is more significant than offshore platforms due to the potential for accumulating liquid spills near to the release point. If the fluid is flammable, such accumulations can sustain a pool fire for a significant time, thus posing a risk of escalation The main difference for jet fires is that the flammable inventory can usually be reduced by isolation and depressurisation to control the fire within in a predetermined timeframe. This gives an opportunity for the HSECES to survive, meaning that PFP can be avoided along with its downside of extra, cost and maintenance burden. The inherent assumptions (and constraints) of API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) should be understood when applying its guidelines, which include: Pool fires affected volume (9m x 9m) No consideration of: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 28 of 82 o Hydrocarbon flash point, o Bund area, o Heat of combustion o Burning rate o Flame “wind tilt” effects o Flame luminosity Coarse Fire categorisation (low, medium & high risk). Despite these shortcomings, API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) guidance gives a cautious starting point to begin the consideration of PFP in the early stages of a project. It is a minimum COMPANY requirement (see FERA, Ref. 8) that “irrespective” of the optimum PFP requirements based on specific FERA study, the prescriptive requirements of API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) shall be applied. Additional requirements from the outcome of FERA study shall also be applied. Onshore, the likelihood of pool fires is higher than jet fire scenarios and it makes sense to concentrate on pool fire effects as a starting point or to provide default values. The starting API 2218 (Ref. 23) fire proofing zones (FPZ) are defined for pool fire effects to base on a predefined affected volume (approximately 9m by 9m) to avoid collapse of an affected structure. These starting FPZs are presented in Table 8-1 for the three API2218 (Ref. 23) fire risk categories / fire potential equipment. Table 8-1: PFP – Starting Fire Proofing Zones Fire Source Category Low Medium Risk Risk No PFP High Risk Fire Proofing of Structure (Initial Coarse Estimate) Potential Fire Source General Pipe racks 8.2.2 Horizontal 6 - 12m Rotating Eqpt. Fin-Fan Cooler (on rack) Process Eqpt. Structure LPG Vessel 15m Tanks 6m Vertical 9m Detail Design It is a minimum COMPANY requirement (see FERA, Ref. 8) that “irrespective” of the optimum PFP requirements based on specific FERA study, the prescriptive requirements of API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) shall be applied. Additional as per the outcome of FERA study shall be applied. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 29 of 82 8.2.3 Specification The PFP specification shall, as a minimum identify the duration of protection required as well as the type of fire: A-cellulosic J-jet fire H-pool fire etc. The types of protection materials available for the various types of fires is covered in Appendix D. The selected PFP material shall comply with the fire test requirements detailed in Appendix E. Application, identification and inspection of the PFP shall be as detailed in Appendix F It shall be the manufacturers’ responsibility to establish the PFP coatings, layers and thicknesses required to meet the performance standards. Approvals and warranty shall be in line with details in Appendix G. Passive fire protection materials shall be specified to have a service life corresponding to the anticipated field life. The minimum service/operational life for PFP materials for the defined environment for shall be 25 years. All relevant specifications, datasheets, certifications and inspection and maintenance documents and performance standards shall specify the PFP service life for the defined environmental. It should be noted that AFP using sea water / brackish water for firefighting may have a negative impact on PFP and external painted surfaces. This potential shall be highlighted in the PFP Specification if non-potable water conditions can be experienced. 8.2.4 Hazards not Suitable for PFP Certain fire hazards which are unsuited to mitigation by PFP are listed below and alternative measures such as active fire protection should be considered instead: a. HC Tank Roof Fires (requires AFP) b. HC Flash Fire (Danger to personnel, and not plant) c. Alcohol fire (e.g. methanol) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 30 of 82 9 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - ONSHORE PLANT The following sections outline requirements by exception, for areas of plant, which may not be covered by internationally recognised guidelines. Table 9-1 lists the key guidelines and standards for the extent of PFP for each specific application and industry. These guidelines and standards are not mandatory but are recommended as best industry practices. Table 9-1: List of Guidelines & Standards Applicable to PFP Plant Type Guideline / Standard Petroleum / Gas Processing API RP 2218 (Ref. 23), Energy Institute Guidance on PFP Petrochemicals API RP 2218 (Ref. 23), Energy Institute Guidance on PFP Refineries API RP 2218 (Ref. 23), Energy Institute Guidance on PFP Artificial Islands API RP 2218 (Ref. 23), Energy Institute Guidance on PFP LNG NFPA 59A (Ref. 80 & 81) LPG API 2510A (Ref. 24), EI Model Code Part 9 (Ref. 39) Structures SCI Protection of Topsides Structures FABIG Technical Notes Vessels Scandpower, Protection of Pressurised Systems Piping FABIG TN8 Protection of Piping Systems 9.1 General In onshore processing and petrochemical plants, the requirements for PFP are less onerous and have fewer drawbacks than for offshore facilities. Onshore personnel may escape a fire situation rapidly from any work area, in a choice of directions once at ground level, towards either their muster area or the nearest fenceline exit. Escaping personnel are not reliant on a steel structure buying time until they are ready to evacuate the plant. Onshore, good layout practices and larger equipment separation distances are easier to achieve than in offshore designs. Larger separation distances are a form of passive fire mitigation and minimise thermal insulation requirements for adjacent equipment. Upstream facilities often have large pressurised gaseous and 2-phase inventories which can lead to highly damaging and erosive jet fires. Midstream/Downstream Onshore plant designs typically base their PFP requirements on bunded pool fire scenarios according to API 2218 (Ref. 23), with jet fires considered by FERA (Ref 8). The potential for corrosion under insulation (CUI) is greatly decreased or at least slowed down by the absence of seawater environmental conditions and the use of potable water for active firewater sprays. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 31 of 82 Finally, onshore designs can be stick-built on site or of modular construction, neither method imposes weight restrictions which are so often a design burden offshore and lead to a restricted set of allowable PFP material/coatings. 9.2 Flare & Vent Lines Where flare and vent lines are vulnerable to fire impingement or fire radiation, they shall be protected either by re-routing away from the fire source sufficiently to not be impaired or passively fire protected. If this is not possible then this potential shall be subject to FERA (Ref 8), and appropriate measures taken to reduce the risk to tolerable levels. 9.3 Flare Towers & Ground Flares Flare towers and ground flares are typically adequately spaced from other plant fire risks such wellheads, processing and storage areas such that they typically do not require PFP on the flare structure above any requirement to cater for the thermal radiation from the flare itself. If the FERA (Ref 8), identifies any fire scenarios which may affect the structural integrity of the flare structure which can lead to escalation, then active and/or passive protection shall be used. 9.4 Air Fin-Fan Coolers Fin-fan coolers typically have thin metal exteriors to improve their cooling efficiency, however the thin metal is also more susceptible to external flame exposure when compared to thick-walled tubular water exchangers. In addition, fin-fan coolers are typically supported by elevated pipe racks. This not only makes them vulnerable to pool fires on the ground/deck beneath them, but it can also cause a “chimneyeffect”, sucking in the vapours and smoke form the fire underneath. Fin-fans should be located away from low point drains and high-risk equipment such as pumps, handing flammable materials. If fin-fan coolers are located at ground level, or at a level where liquid can accumulate, the supports should have PFP if in a fire envelope or FPZ region. Air Fin Coolers handling flammable liquid should be fireproofed for both vertical and horizontal support member. 9.5 Remote /Unmanned Wellheads Application of PFP is not required by COMPANY for remotely located and unmanned wellheads. The escalation potential may be present, for example from the fire or blowout of one wellhead impacting adjacent ones, however the risk of fatalities at remote/unmanned sites is low. There are risks to the environment and for business impact /asset loss, however these do not outweigh the burden of inspection and maintenance and repair of PFP at remote sites and the potential for corrosion under insulation. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 32 of 82 9.6 9.6.1 Utilities Bottled Compressed Gases Bottled compressed gases such as oxygen cylinders must be kept away from direct sunlight and located outside of any potential fire envelope of FPZ. 9.6.2 Firewater Ringmain Main firewater piping can be filled with water or stay dry until use (when an activation signal is received to open the firewater deluge skid valves in the zone concerned and start the firewater pumps). The firewater piping may be specified to be a variety of materials from duplex steel to carbon steel to lightweight GRP. Although it can be argued that flowing firewater in a ring main will dissipate much of the heat from a fire, it can take a few minutes before water is flowing, by which time any part of the ring main above its MAT may have been impaired. FERA (Ref 8), must determine if PFP of fire water main is required. An onshore plant firewater ring main may be protected from potential thermal loads of pool and jet fires by earth burial, otherwise FERA (Ref 8),must determine if PFP of fire water main is required. The same aspects of pipe damage due to rock settlement and poor drainage as described in 8.1 for tank damage shall be considered. The protection of firewater piping by burial or PFP does not negate the requirement to have main isolation valves and redundancy built into the design. 9.6.3 Chemical Injection Skids and Tanks Chemical injection fluids are a low fire risk but should be located outside of any potential fire envelope of FPZ. 9.7 Stairways, Walkways, and Access Platforms Open vertical stairways, horizontal walkways, access platforms, floor and deck plates and grating which are designed mainly for personnel and the carriage of goods do not themselves require PFP. However, if shown to be vulnerable to fire in the FERA (Ref 8), their primary and secondary supports shall be protected to allow personnel to escape the immediate area and reach ground level and to protect rescue and fire-fighting teams from injury. Where fire scenarios with the capacity to render a primary escape route unpassable are predicted by the FERA (Ref 8), partially protection of egress routes may be considered in the form of radiation shielding mesh, which allows some ventilation whilst absorbing most radiative heat. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 33 of 82 10 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - ONSHORE BUILDINGS 10.1 Buildings & Enclosures Buildings shall be designed to the UAE Fire Code, Ref 13 (substantially based on NFPA 101, Ref. 82). A building is defined as “any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy”. OFFSHORE, occupied enclosures shall be designed to SOLAS (Ref. 101), which covers the same issues as a building code. 10.2 General The Building Code sets out the minimum requirements to safeguard public health, safety and general welfare; safety to life and property from fire and other hazards and provides safety to firefighters and emergency responders during emergencies. The Building code aims to provide an environment for the occupants that is reasonably safe from fire by protection of occupants not intimate with the initial fire development and by improvement of the survivability of occupants aware of the initial fire development. This is done for the fire hazards within a building and for the potential spread of a fire within the building to other parts of the same building; so the code makes provision to split buildings up into ‘zones’ for the purposes of fire and smoke compartmentalisation, fire detection, fire alarm annunciation, notification and evacuation signalling. Industrial buildings shall be of the most suitable type allowed by the Fire code, which should mean that load bearing walls (both internal and external) and other structurally critical elements will have a fire rating to maintain their structural strength. Structural integrity needs to be maintained for the time needed to evacuate, relocate, or defend in place, any occupants who are not aware of the initial fire development. Buildings are divided into one or more three-dimensional fire compartments due to fire hazards contained within the building, or because the building has multiple uses or for other reasons given in the code. These fire compartments shall have fire rating requirements to prevent spread of fire which must also be met. Openings such as doors and windows shall have a required fire rating and penetrations through walls and false floors and ceilings shall be designed so as not to compromise the fire resistance. External walls (and roofs) may also be required to have a fire rating because of external fire hazards, and these ratings may need to cater for hydrocarbon jet fire and pool fire for which standards over and above building code may be required. The specification for this shall be determined by a Building Risk Assessment (BRA). 10.3 Occupied Buildings at Process Plant Service buildings are defined as buildings required to service the running of the facility. This includes administration offices, canteen, medical centre, security and fire station. Residential buildings and the Central control room are also normally occupied, and TRs and Places of Shelter shall be treated as normally occupied. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 34 of 82 Passive fire protection provision within all such occupied buildings at process plant shall comply with building codes. Any specific hazards within such buildings (e.g. diesel storage, computer rooms) shall have an appropriate fire segregation provided from that fire compartment to segregate that hazard if required by the fire safety assessment or the building code. 10.4 Plant / Process Buildings Plant buildings are defined as buildings where the primary purpose of the building is to house equipment rather than people. This includes electrical substations, analyser houses, low pressure steam, water pump houses and air compressors buildings. Process buildings are defined as buildings where the primary purpose of the building is to house process equipment rather than people. Passive fire protection provision within such occupied buildings at process plant shall comply with building codes. Any specific hazards within such buildings shall have an appropriate fire segregation provided from that fire compartment to deal with that hazard if required by the fire safety assessment or the building code. It is likely that installing process plant in a building will add additional requirements dependant on the plant installed. 10.5 External Boundaries and Walls Building code does not generally consider fire hazards that are external to the buildings themselves and consequently do not impose many requirements on external faces (walls), except where buildings are built within 3m of another building, the fenceline or a public road. Therefore, buildings built on process facilities must rely on Building Risk Assessments, FERA (Ref 8), and QRA (Ref. 9), studies to determine the requirements for fire and blast rating of external walls, as well as control of HVAC air intakes and any additional PFP requirements above and beyond code. 10.6 Steel Pipe Racks, Equipment Supporting Structures It is a minimum COMPANY requirement (FERA Standard, Ref. 8) that “irrespective” of the optimum PFP requirements based on specific FERA study, the prescriptive requirements of API RP 2218 (Ref. 23) shall be applied . AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 35 of 82 11 PFP IMPLEMENTATION - OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS 11.1 OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS Specific environmental conditions, process operating conditions, means of escape, evacuation and refuge and the types of fires are unique to offshore. On offshore installations, the main priority in case of accidental event is to evacuate personnel in a safe manner, and therefore, to maintain the function of escape, evacuation and rescue provision if necessary. PFP shall also address the environmental issues and concerns related to asset protection (as per ‘asset policy’). The goals and design objectives must be set in the HSE Philosophy and in the Statement of Requirements to define the appropriate performance criteria to meet the design intent of the PFP. The humid and saline environmental conditions can lead to and accelerate steel corrosion, especially underneath PFP (known as CUI) and the type and seals of any applied PFP coatings and enclosures must be either fully water-tight or allow self-drainage without any water entrapment and extended contact with the substrate. The weight of PFP coatings is also a factor which must be considered in the overall cost and load limitations of offshore facilities versus its benefits. The high pressures and gas content of upstream, offshore facilities lead to a higher likelihood of intense and highly erosive jet fires than pool fires. Subsea risers and wells and open grated decks can lead to long duration sea fires enveloping the structure of a platform or FPSO. To that end, the FERA (Ref 8), and EERA (Ref. 6), shall dictate the PFP extent by focusing on a riskbased PFP design which also need to conform to the prescriptive onshore guideline API 2218 (Ref. 23). However further specialised project studies are likely to be required such as structural, piping and vessel finite element analysis and subsea release scenario modelling to fully understand equipment failure modes and fire conditions to achieve an optimum PFP design. In a secondary capacity, PFP may also be used to prevent asset damage and significant environmental impact from hydrocarbon and toxic releases into the sea and atmosphere and asset loss. 11.1.1 Wellhead Platforms/Drilling Jack-Ups / SIMOPS Drilling rig operators are responsible for the fire protection of their rigs during any SIMOPS activities with COMPANY platforms or subsea facilities. However, the FERA (Ref 8), shall consider the effects of well blowouts and the potential for severe fire radiation levels from wellhead areas to the rest of the platform and beyond during simultaneous production and well workover, wirelining, coil tubing or well testing activities. The wellhead valves and associated actuators and flanges, BOPs and any platform-based drilling derricks shall be considered for PFP if they are defined as being within a credible fire envelope by the FERA (Ref 8), results. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 36 of 82 11.1.2 Jackets If FERA (Ref 8), results show that there is potential for a sea fire from either a subsea release or a large pool fire draining overboard, then the stability and integrity of the jacket structure shall be fully assessed by finite element analysis, before a decision to apply passive fire protection is made. Depending on the spread of the sea fire due to wind conditions, the extent of fire engulfment shall be estimated by consequence analysis for input to the finite element analysis. If the jacket structure can be shown to maintain integrity of the topsides under sea fire conditions even with for example the loss of one primary support, e.g. one leg, then PFP should be avoided to allow the vital visual inspection of the jacket for ongoing fatigue and corrosion. 11.1.3 Cranes Cabins and Pedestals Crane cabins, including the windows and doors shall be thermally insulated from predicted fire radiation levels to allow the driver crane operator sufficient time to set down the load being carried and then evacuate the crane cabin. The supporting pedestal shall be provided with passive fire protection based on the FERA (Ref 8), results and the structure’s MAT to prevent collapse for a minimum of 30 minutes for escape and evacuation or longer for asset protection. The bolted deck plate may not require PFP, depending on the fire scenarios, if no pool fire is predicted. However, if bolted deck plates and pedestal structural joints are fire insulated, they shall have adequate inspection access points, which can be easily reinstated. Crane booms are stored in a cradle, well away from pressurised equipment, and unless dropped object protection is provided, shall be restricted by limit switches from lifting over live loads. A crane operator shielded in a crane cab is expected to return the hook to a safe resting location before escaping the crane and hence it is not recommended that booms are to passively fire protected. 11.1.4 Normally Unmanned Installations Regulations and guidelines for offshore installations are equally valid for all types of installations, both manned and not permanently manned. Equal attention should be paid to measures for fire hazard management and emergency response on NUIs as for manned installations. Personnel risks are primarily driven by the time spent on an installation and the number of visits to it. All systems put on an installation, including fire mitigation systems such as PFP, require personnel to visit to maintain and inspect them, which will raise the risk level to those personnel. For a NUI, the design should, from an ISD viewpoint, not only reduce the hazardous inventories and process conditions, but also reduce the staffing demand by simplifying safety systems, selecting PFP systems which have a maintenance free life or minimising the testing, inspection and maintenance demands of the safety systems. Systems which can be removed on a modular basis should be given preference to reduce the time spent offshore dismantling and reassembling PFP enclosures. When setting the inspection frequency of PFP coatings and enclosures, consideration should be given to the anticipated installation visit frequency so that any periodic inspections align in time with the planned visits to the NUI. If over time, any PFP system or coating is weathering better than expected and not deteriorating as quickly, consideration should be given to extending the inspection intervals (but still to coincide with a planned visit). Another example of minimising the requirement for NUI visits is to ensure that the facility is isolated and blowdown remotely before a visit, hence eliminating the underlying requirements for a number of safety systems (including PFP) and the subsequent need to visit to inspect and maintain them. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 37 of 82 No unproven or novel PFP systems and coatings should be used on a NUI. Using proven systems and coatings makes sourcing and maintenance easier and the reliability and deterioration and premature failure is then more accurately estimated. PFP systems and coatings should have a sound track record from previous use but the relevance of previous use should be critically assessed as it may be for different applications or situations. Most NUIs are small and simple installations and the normal segregation distances between potential fire effects and personnel may be difficult to achieve. In these cases, segregation may be achieved by barriers such as fire and blast walls and radiation shields to allow personnel to escape and evacuate safely. In addition, whilst most installations adopt a policy of ensuring good ventilation by use of open/grated decks, especially around the perimeter of platforms, on very small NUIs these open walkways may not be appropriate when personnel are near accidental events and protected or enclosed walkways may be required. For NUIs when it is reasonably foreseeable that people will be required to be accommodated on them, dedicated sleeping facilities should be provided. The accommodation does not need to be a TR and it may be enough to demonstrate that external muster points are enough. However, any TR even on a NUI which is provided for the purpose of protection from fire, smoke and explosion effects will have to be fire rated accordingly and have an associated maintenance, testing and inspection regime. As with all installation designs, manned and unmanned, the risks to personnel must still be demonstrably ALARP. The design decisions for PFP systems, TRs and Fire and Blast walls require a finely balanced approach to reduce the need for personnel to visit them and yet to provide protection to personnel when they do visit. 11.1.5 Egress Routes and Enclosed Tunnels Generally offshore, external egress routes should be open, well ventilated and routed with a minimum of two diverse routes from all work areas to designated muster points/TR in a fire scenario. Where fire scenarios with the capacity to render both sides of a platform or FPSO unpassable are predicted by the FERA (Ref 8), partially protected or fully enclosed egress routes may be considered. Partial protection of egress routes may be in the form of radiation shielding mesh, which allows some ventilation whilst absorbing most of the radiative heat. Fully enclosed routes should be considered as the last design resort, as they increase confinement and require several add-on safety systems, such as forced HVAC ventilation, F&G detection system, CCTV, cabling, ducting and access/exit door penetrations, each system adding to the maintenance and testing and inspection man-hours and hence personnel risk. Fully enclosed routes also obscure any view of the direction and extent of escalating events from the personnel inside the tunnel. Any PFP system and coatings inside and outside of enclosed routes and applied to any structure or equipment where egress routes pass through, shall not generate any toxic, acrid or otherwise harmful fumes. Internal staircases and lift shafts and voids within maned enclosed area shall be protected from spreading cellulosic fire, heat and smoke. Refer to SOLAS (Ref. 101) Chapter II-2, Construction - Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction for further details. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 38 of 82 11.1.6 Firewalls On offshore installations there are fewer opportunities for hazard mitigation by plant separation due to the high cost and weight of steel structures and steel decks. The weight limitations are typically restricted by weight limits of transportation barges and lifting cranes during construction or weight limitations of the steel jacket once installed. Platforms are designed with minimal empty spaces and are likely to be taller (by several decks), than they are wide, except for FPSOs. Most FPSOs designs are based on a “ship” shape, they tend to be longer than they are wide and have few opportunities for hazard mitigation by plant separation due to the high cost of ship steel and weight limitations. In addition to having several decks on their topsides, FPSOs also have marine equipment which extends deep into their hull structure, such as the ship’s machinery rooms, firewater pumps, emergency engines, stores, accommodation, all using up any available space. The alternative to spatial separation on platforms and FPSOs is: a) Segregation of facilities based on a risk gradient, so that lower risk modules buffer hazards from higher risk processes and b) Physical barriers such as full width and height firewalls to prevent the spread of smoke, flames and heat for enough time to allow escape and evacuation to be completed. Segregation versus Ventilation In the context of fire and explosion management conflicts, firewalls can prevent the spread of flames and radiation but certainly add to the risk of explosions and consequential damage by increasing confinement and preventing natural ventilation of gases and venting of any explosion overpressure. The conflict between the requirement for fire barriers and natural ventilation shall be resolved based on the results of the FERA (Ref 8),and QRA (Ref. 9), as early as possible in the design. Firewall Types When designing firewalls, their smoke, flame and heat resistance must be ensured as they then become a safety critical element, mitigating fire consequences. The following types of firewall may be considered: Free standing profiled steel coated with intumescent epoxy PFP Free standing profiled steel coated with mineral wool insulation systems on their “safe” side Sheet steel with structural supports coated with intumescent epoxy PFP Panel systems supported by a structural steel framework Firewalls which are exposed to fires from both sides shall be appropriately fire rated on both faces. The manufacturer shall be consulted to ensure that designs which rely on heat loss from the unexposed face to maintain the structure below its critical temperature are not compromised with the addition of PFP on the cold side allowing the structure to potentially overheat. Fire Ratings In selecting the fire rating of firewalls, the potential fire types, heat fluxes and fire durations shall first be established by a HAZID and then a FERA (Ref 8). Offshore, internal firewalls may be A-rated for cellulosic fires or H-rated for areas containing flammable fluids such as lube oil in machinery spaces. A-rated walls may be designed as A-0 and have no insulation, up to A-120 insulated for 2 hours. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 39 of 82 External offshore firewalls shall be either H-rated (for pool fires) or J-rated (for jet fires). The available options are H0, H30, H60, H120, J15 and J30. Note that A-rated firewalls, no matter the thickness of their insulation, shall not be considered of adequate integrity against any duration of hydrocarbon fires. Firewall Blast Ratings Firewalls by nature will prevent the passage of natural ventilation and hence block explosion venting. Their design shall incorporate any explosion resistance recommended by the FERA (Ref 8),. The ability of the wall to resist an explosion is based on both the performance of the steel structure and the PFP on the steel substrate. The design of both the structure and the PFP coatings or panels shall take account of possible elastic and plastic deformation due to predicted explosion loads before or after a fire based on FERA (Ref 8), results. Firewall Penetrations Penetrations for piping, cabling, ducting and doors through firewalls shall be eliminated or at least minimised. If penetrations are unavoidable, the penetration seals shall be rated for the same fire and explosion rating as the wall itself. Care shall be taken to ensure that fire and heat is not passed through the firewall via pipework steel, cabling, HVAC ducting or any other conduits passing through the firewall. This may be mitigated by extending PFP material along the service lines and ducting and ensuring that HVAC duct’s damper ratings match the rating of the firewall. 11.1.7 Offshore Helidecks In general, the construction of helidecks is of steel or other equivalent strength material. Yet, newer installations in the offshore industry have opted for aluminium helidecks because of the substantial weight savings. The UAE CAAP 71 (Ref. 89) code gives recommendations for offshore and shipboard helidecks to have specific AFP and monitoring capability, but there are no PFP requirements. Refer to UAE Civil Aviation Code for Helideck requirements However, according to SOLAS (Ref. 101), if the helideck forms the top part of a deckhouse or superstructure (i.e. is not cantilevered over the sea), it shall be required to be insulated to A-60 Class as a minimum. SOLAS (Ref. 101) II-2 regulation 18 Helicopter Facilities. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 40 of 82 12 PFP IMPLEMENTATION – OTHER FACILITY TYPES 12.1 Artificial Islands Artificial islands, although technically offshore, are not supported by steel structures or hulls, but by man-made rock and cement to form a level base for the plant. Piled rock and cement will not collapse under pool or jet fire conditions. The plant’s steel supporting structures will however require PFP. These shall be based on specific FERA (Ref 8), outcomes and requirements of API RP 2218 (Ref. 23). Emergency escape from artificial islands in the event of fire is less restricted than on typical jacketed platforms, however care is required for protection of escape routes from any equipment barges and jetties as well as elevated access platforms and stair towers. 12.2 Refineries In refineries, the most substantial means for reducing fire risk is the appropriate location and spacing of plant to minimise the degree of equipment involvement in a fire, although additional protective measures may still be necessary. The guidelines in API RP 2001 (Ref. 20), shall be followed to avoid the need for PFP as far as possible. Where the need for PFP is identified, refer to API 2218 (Ref. 23) for onshore plant and storage and API 2510A (Ref. 24), for LPG vessels and storage. 12.3 LPG Process Plants & Storage Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is pressurised liquid propane or butane for the purposes of transportation and storage but is gaseous at atmospheric conditions if released. The expansion in volume of LPG to gaseous form is 1:250. Due to the high coefficient of expansion of LPG thermal protection must be provided to protect against liquid expansion leading to overpressure from internal temperature rise. Even small leaks of LPG to the atmosphere can form extremely large volumes of flammable mixtures, e.g. a volume of 1m3 of LPG liquid can form 2,500m3 to 12,500m3 of a flammable/explosive mixture when entrained with air Typically, all above-ground LPG storage is provided with a fixed water spray applied to the whole surface of vessels and product pipelines to ensure that all surfaces exposed to thermal fire radiation are protected. Very large LPG cylinder storage compounds may be covered by shielding canopies and provided with either fixed water monitors or a sprinkler system. Passive fire protection, in the form of earth mounding, double walled and insulated walled tanks may be used as an alternative to coatings and active fire protection. However, there will be a portion of the storage tank that remains exposed to potential fires and temperature rise, which shall still be protected by active fire protection. Any LPG vessels on a process plant which cannot be buried or protected by earth embankments, shall be passively fire protected because of the potential for a BLEVE from an impinging fire (not usually applicable for storage tanks on tank farms), although PFP for the entire vessel may not be feasible, so active fire protection shall be considered first and then requirement for PFP shall be assessed based AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 41 of 82 on escalation assessment within FERA (Ref 8). In addition, any exposed supporting structures for LPG vessels shall be adequately protected by passive fire protections for a minimum of 2 hours. Experiments show that typical flange connections for LPG cannot resist the attack of jet fires. Their life up to loss of tightness depends on the intensity of the jet fire and can be as short as one minute. Standard tests (API and BS) for fire resistance of flange connections provide no real information about loss of tightness in a real scenario of jet fire impingement. Hence application of PFP, ideally a type that is easily removable should be applied to LPG flanges and the valves they are associated with, as standard. Intumescent epoxies either sprayed or moulded into removable boxes around valves and flanges may be suitable for this application, if the material is approved for the low operating temperatures. Cementitious coatings shall not be used because of the risk of vessel corrosion, due to water absorption by concrete and subsequent spalling, cracking and leaks. The permitted radiation level on unprotected adjacent LPG storage vessels, according to two references is given in table of maximum allowable temperatures, Table 2: approximately 8kW/m2. It is also usual to limit the capacity of each above-ground LPG storage vessel to 120 m3 within process units because of their vulnerabilities. In terms of the heat flux from LPG pool fires, once a leak and ignition has occurred, some LPG test data indicates a considerably lower flame surface flux for LPG pool fires than for LNG. The difference is attributed to obscuration of the LPG flame by black soot so that a significant fraction of the surface will not be emitting thermal radiation at any moment. Conversely, other LPG fire tests have revealed that for jet fires, the composition is also important as > 60% hydrocarbons with longer carbon chains than methane, such as propane and butane produce greater heat fluxes than mainly methane gas jets. Also refer to API 2510A (Ref. 24), and EI Code Part 9 and General Process Area requirements for further details. 12.4 LNG Plants and Storage LNG is liquid methane (with small proportions of other components), which is liquefied using cryogenic cooling not pressurisation. Cryogenic substances, such as LNG, introduce the potentially catastrophic hazard of cryogenic embrittlement of steel elements such as, structures and decks. The cryogenic temperatures of LNG can cause steel to crack almost immediately and may also have an adverse effect on the performance of the PFP systems and cables. In the event of an LNG fire, the temperature shock on steel, process equipment, cabling and any PFP is much greater – firstly by being super chilled during the spill, then rapidly heated upon ignition of the LNG being rapidly vaporised. LNG leaks may cause either a spray fire or pool fire depending on the pressure they are released from. A leak at atmospheric pressure will lead to an evaporating pool fire. For LNG fires the evaporation rate and hence the burning rate, will be highly dependent on the temperature and heat capacity of the substrate; steel deck, land or sea surface. Upon ignition of a cryogenic liquid gas, there will be an initial pulse of fire, as the flame propagates through the gas that has already vaporised; this can produce a larger flame and higher heat fluxes than during the steady burning. Steady state heat fluxes in LNG pool fires are reported in the range 200-250 kW/m2 for a 35 m diameter pool (LR), which is like other HC pool fires. In terms of a fire occurring externally near an LNG tank this will result in a temperature increase of the tank contents and pressure increase. The boil-off from the liquid is complex and depends on many AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 42 of 82 factors and the tank’s relief valve cannot be relied upon to provide enough protection from tank overpressure and rupture. Roll-over due to density and temperature differentials is an event that should also be prevented to avoid tank overpressure. Heat protection may be accomplished in several ways, including adequate tank spacing, pre-stressed and reinforced concrete tanks, double and insulated tank containment and earth embankment. Note that single containment tanks with shallow bunding are no longer deemed acceptable for spillages and fire protection. The type of and performance of passive fire protection solutions is highly dependent on the fire scenarios, their calculated heat fluxes and resultant surface temperatures. It has been documented in various standards that the temperature rise on the steel tank roof and shell shall be limited to 300oC by passive and active means, which is well below the temperature of steel and concrete failure and the typically the optimum passive solutions are tank earth mounting and adequate tank spacing from potential fire sources such as adjacent tanks and nearby hazardous equipment. 12.5 Jetty Terminals PFP may be considered for the main platform steel beams and the steel piles under the loading platform of LNG and oil condensate jetties, if exposed to pool and sea fire scenario determined by the FERA (Ref 8). Drip trays draining to a sump should be positioned where potential leakage of flammable fluids may occur to prevent accumulation of pool beneath the jetty. 12.6 Helipads and Heliports There are no PFP requirement for ground level onshore helipads. In respect of evaluated onshore heliports, the UAE Building Control Authorities require that the main structural support beams which could be exposed to a jet fuel spill shall have an acceptable fireresistance rating. This should be based on a helicopter fire risk assessment. The onshore heliport building(s) shall have a fire protection system designed to provide protection to personnel in the event of a helipad fire incident and evacuation. Refer to UAE Civil Aviation Code for further details regarding fire protection onshore helipad and heliport requirements AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 43 of 82 13 EARTH MOUNDING & EMBANKMENT PROTECTION Earth mounding (e.g. buried piping and cables) and earth embankment are two methods which may be used on onshore facilities to passively fire protect safety critical piping and cabling or vulnerable, high hazard inventories such as LPG tanks. The benefit of earth mounding and embankments is that jet fires in open areas tend to orientate upwards with distance (becoming buoyant jets) not towards the earth unless they are blocked or impinge on roofs or ceilings. Pool fires either fill a designated bund or will flow with gravity to lower levels and in both cases only burn on the very surface where vapour is evaporating. Pool fires do not burn or heat up at substrate/earth level until the final liquid layer has evaporated. 13.1 LNG and LPG Tanks In the case of tank embankments, the height of the embankment will depend on the design of the tank and the degree of protection required from external heat loads. Maximum protection is obtained when the height of the earth embankment is the same as the maximum fill height of the inner tank To avoid settlements and friction on tank walls, the fill shall be a mixture of hard rock and soil. Weak rock such mudstone, shale, marl, chalk and sand are not suitable for heavy loaded embankment fill. The settlement of the soil of the mounding or embankment shall be calculated in combination with the settlements of the sub soil and the piping and tanks. This should be done by finite element analysis. Good permeability and water drainage of the embankment shall be ensured, either by use of permeable layers. If the subsoil is an impermeable material, a bottom drainage layer under the tank and embankment may be required. As an alternative to natural layers, there are various types of geotextile materials available and detailed information can be obtained from manufacturers. 13.2 Critical Piping and Cabling On onshore plant, safety critical piping, power and cabling may be protected from potential thermal loads from pool and jet fires by earth mounding or burial. The same aspects of pipe and cable damage due to rock settlement and poor drainage as described in 13.1 for tank damage shall be considered. The protection of piping and cabling by burial is like normal PFP in that it does not negate the requirement to have isolation valves and redundancy built into the design. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 44 of 82 The Maximum Allowable Temperature (MAT) is the temperature at which unprotected equipment, piping, structures or barriers fail to maintain their design function. The term is sometimes referred to as critical core temperature (CCT) for steel structures. It is vital to understand the actual MATs for vulnerable and safety critical equipment falling within a fire radiation envelope or fire protection zone. An array of maximum allowable temperatures (MAT) for various safety critical elements are reproduced from literature in the table below. These values are not plant specific but serve to demonstrate the substantial variation in failure temperatures for different equipment types and materials. During the earliest part of design, once representative fire scenarios have analysed and the theoretical fire loads calculated, the actual equipment MATs shall be obtained from the manufacturer (where possible) or derived by calculation. Manufacturers’ product fire test data (if available) is the best source, otherwise MATs may be derived by calculation to input into equipment PFP selection and specification. For example, the temperature at which a structural steel may fail is usually cited as 400oC by many in the industry. However, the actual MAT for structural steel will vary based on the actual alloy composition and specific loading and the amount of restraint, which may be significantly above (better) or significantly below (worse) than the typical 400oC. The temperature at which a process vessel is over pressurised or the vessel wall weakens to a point insufficient to contain the internal pressure, may be obtained through analysis UKOAA Part 2 & OTI 92 610 . Note the values in bold are the values reproduced from the reference material, the corresponding values have been calculated based on a simple version of the Stefan Boltzmann equation of Incident radiation Q= σ *(T)4 Where: Q = Incident thermal radiation W/m2 σ = Stephan- Boltzmann constant: = 5.6697 × 10-8 W/m2K4 T = Surface Temperature K Note that 0oC = 273K AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 45 of 82 Table A1: Typical Maximum Allowable Temperatures / Thermal Fluxes Safety Equipment Critical Maximum Allowable Temperature /oC Maximum Allowable Thermal Radiation Specific Concerns / kW/m2 Reinforced Concrete <450 Mechanical resistance of reinforced concrete structures is appreciably weakened due to dilation of bar iron at 400degC. Complete destruction of reinforced concrete occurs at 800oC. Fully restrained Structures Steel < 200 3 Expansion of a heated member exert extremely large forces at its supports. Fully restrained steel can yield below 200oC, the exact temperature depends on the grade of steel. Steel Jackets (Stainless Steel) 400 Vessel saddles, skirts 400 Piping and cabling supports and racks 400 Helideck Aluminium bearing) 200 (Aluminium) Non-load Slender Steel Structures (Class 4) >250 mins for 5 <350 Slender cross-sections whose resistance is governed by elastic local buckling below the yield strength of the material. Steel Process Equipment and piping (pressure vessels, columns, heat exchangers for gaseous and liquid inventories.) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) <350 37.5kW/m2 rupture at 15mins API RP 521 is inadequate and inappropriate for offshore installations, where fire heat fluxes implicit in the API 521 guidance are much lower than can be expected offshore from jet fires and therefore depressurisation may not guarantee vessel protection. Rev. No: 1 Page 46 of 82 Safety Equipment Critical Maximum Allowable Temperature /oC Maximum Allowable Thermal Radiation Specific Concerns / kW/m2 LPG Bulk Storage Tanks (Unprotected) <350 Exchangers <350 Fire Pumps < 200 Flare piping <200 Variable 8 It is likely that the MAT of < 200degC is because of vulnerable flanges/welds and Export Piping potentially empty flare lines without fluids to absorb the thermal loads from a fire. Risers Low alloy Steel Piping 315 Carbon Steel Piping 370 <120kW/m2 (pool fire) for 10mins Ref 2 Stainless Steel Piping 450 <250kW/m2 (jet fire) for 5mins Ref 2 ESD /BD Actuators 80 ESD /BD Valves 200 The MAT for unprotected valves is very dependent on materials of construction, type of service (e.g. gas is worse than liquid at dissipating heat.) and type of seal materials Hence typical MAT are not appropriate. References suggest 200oC or less, others indicate 300oC. Manufacturers’ assistance must be obtained for correct MAT for each unprotected ESD valve. Compact Flanges Whilst compact flanges have a lower leak frequency, they are easily damaged during installation and have a lower thermal capacity before failure. Flanges Bolts 500 Potential elongation and loss of tension in flange bolts can cause failure at lower temperatures Flange Welds AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) 500 Rev. No: 1 Page 47 of 82 Safety Equipment Critical Maximum Allowable Temperature /oC Maximum Allowable Thermal Radiation Specific Concerns / kW/m2 Fire-Tested (Bodies only) Valve Uninsulated cabling Critical Fire Resistant Cabling 750-980 For HC pool fires of 30 mins or less. Not tested/rated for gaseous inventories or higher thermal impacts of jet fires. 100 750 -850 30-90 minutes specified for each test Essential Power Generators (Diesel) < 200 Buildings Normal Accommodation 190 Rest/Portable Shelters 132 1.6 NOTES 1 The maximum allowable radiation shall include maximum solar radiation of 1.04 kW/m2 for Abu Dhabi, LAT 24. 2. See conversion chart Figure A2 below. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 48 of 82 Figure A2: Surface Temperatures as a Function of Fire Radiation AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 49 of 82 In the early stages of a project (e.g. Concept / early FEED stages) it is likely that there will be insufficient information to establish the PFP requirements with any degree of certainty. Table 13-1 has guidelines that can be used as a starting point to provide a coarse estimate for budgeting purposes. These times shall be verified before the design is finalised for procurement in Detail Design. The most common periods of PFP resistance are 15min, 30min, 60min, 90min and 120 min and apply to pool or jet fire, whichever hazard is present. The period of jet fire resistance from the jet fire test, should be rounded down to the nearest 5 minutes. Table 13-1: PFP Resistance Duration Coarse Initial Estimates HSECES Type PFP Protection (minutes) Buildings see building codes, ERA and EERA Ref. 6). Primary and Secondary Structures including vessel, pump, air-cooler, fired heaters, reactors, column supports, piperacks, flare structure, crane pedestal and derrick structure. 120 Reasoning Allow 15 min escape time, 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins Allow manual firefighting = 1530mins to arrive, and 90 mins fire control = 2 hours Subject to confirmation by FERA (Ref 8). Critical Equipment 120 Pressurised Vessels with BLEVE potential e.g. LPG vessels Equipment, piping, risers, flowlines with > 5m3 flammable inventory Vessels with flammable pressure > 4.5bar inventory Allow 15 min escape time, 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins Allow manual firefighting = 1530mins to arrive plus 90 mins firefighting = 2 hours at Piping, risers and flowlines with flammable inventory > 20bar Equipment and lines with toxic inventory Reactors and catalytic crackers prone to runaway exothermic reaction REF EI 19) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 50 of 82 HSECES Type PFP Protection (minutes) Reasoning Firewater Main 120 Allow manual firefighting = 1530mins to arrive plus 90 mins firefighting = 2 hours 60 Allow 15 min escape time plus 15 min muster and incident decision time, plus 30 mins lifeboat embarkation and launch time = 60 mins 30 Allow 15 min escape time plus 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins 30 Allow 15 min escape time plus 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins 30 Allow 15 min escape time plus 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins 30 Allow 15 min escape time plus 15 min search and rescue time = 30 mins if potential for total failure of main ring main EER and TR Offshore Means of escape, muster, Temporary Refuge and evacuation (offshore). This may be a combination of heat shielding and fire/blast walls. ESDVs and BDVs (valves, actuators and flanges), if not isolating riser and flowline inventories otherwise 120 minutes (see above) Flare and Vent Lines especially for staggered blowdown from different zones which may take longer than 15 minutes Critical Cabling, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Lines for critical instrumentation such as PA/GA, and emergency power. EER Onshore Means of escape, muster and evacuation, this may be via heat shielding (onshore) Note: The PFP resistance time should be equal to the FERA (Ref 8) estimated fire duration (assuming ESD operation but assuming without AFP operation) or the default values quoted above whichever is highest. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 51 of 82 The extent of PFP on supporting structures within a fire envelope may be determined by FERA (Ref 8), outcomes by API 2218 (Ref. 23) FPZ volumes based on materials’ maximum allowable temperatures (MAT). This is a coarse method and more sophisticated methods are available if approved by the project, see below. The MATs in Table 2-1 are guidelines and shall not be used for detailed calculation purposes. Plants use numerous types of steel and it is vital that the actual alloy composition of the steel is determined, e.g. type of carbon steel or type of stainless-steel alloy as the MATs vary for various alloys and manufacturing processes. The actual MAT for each supporting structure shall be obtained from the manufacturer and then compared with fire scenario heat fluxes to determine if failure occurs and PFP is required. FIGURE 2-4: Comparison of Characteristics of Carbon and Stainless Steels Under Elevated Temperatures By contrast, structural response analysis may be conducted for a steel member, part of a structure or a whole module. By analysis of the entire module it is possible to assess the degree of redundancy of the module’s structure beyond first member failure and to determine the way load shedding and load redistribution takes place. It is the most detailed evaluation available, however can save on large amounts of unnecessary PFP, which may have been overly conservative and eventually lead to corrosion under the insulation and added weight. Refer to FABIG Notes 1, 3, 6, 11 and 13 containing Eurocode Simple Design Rules for Structural Steel Members in a Fire. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 52 of 82 Pressurised vessels typically have depressurisation (PSV and ESD/BDV) systems installed to: Reduce the pressure in a process segment in the case of a fire. A reduction in process pressure will reduce material stress and reduce the risk of vessel rupture, but not eliminate it. Reduce the pressure and inventory of the process segment under fire conditions prior to rupture, if rupture cannot be avoided. Reduce the leak rate and fire extent and duration Remove flammables gas/liquids from the fire area by disposal to the flare system Traditionally process depressurisation systems are designed to: Reduce operating pressure of the system to 7barg within 15minutes or Reduce operating pressure to 50% of the design pressure within 15minutes, whichever is lower However, large-scale joint-industry research has proved that simply designing a blowdown system to API RP 521 does not prevent catastrophic vessel rupture, because local fire heat loads may be larger than the basis of API RP 521 or the wall of the vessel ruptures. Therefore, there are 4 alternative design options: 1. Allow the vessel to rupture and demonstrate that the risk is ALARP if the vessel has a volume < 5m3, is below 4.2bar and contains no toxic materials. Refer to Figure 2-2. 2. Increase the rate of depressurisation and calculate by analysis the vessel heat-up time and demonstrate rupture is avoided. The effectiveness of the depressurisation of the vessel is dependent on the time to initiate blowdown, hence automatic ESD and blowdown is highly recommended on all facilities. 3. Increase the thickness of the steel material to improve material stress, calculate vessel heat-up time and demonstrate rupture is avoided. 4. Apply PFP specified for the appropriate fire type and the duration required until the fire has receded and no longer threatens the vessel. Note that PFP is the last option in the hierarchy of available design options. Valves have many varied uses, but in terms of safety, there are two main types which are safety critical; a) emergency shutdown (ESDVs) & Remotely Operated Valves (ROVs) and b) Blowdown valves (BDVs). ESD and BD valves form an integral part of any system of flammable and toxic containment. Hence ESD and BD valves must be as robust as the rest of the system of containment they are linked to. Valves are commonly discussed in general terms such as “fire-rated” or “fail-safe” or both, but their varying fire integrity capabilities are often overlooked. There are several fire-test standards available for valves and while they have similarities, they are not all the same (Refer Appendix D). In addition, valve fire tests are not as onerous as structural fire tests, typically lasting for only 30 minutes at a temperature much lower than those conducted for structural fire tests, lasting 2 hours. Valves undergoing a fire-test AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 53 of 82 are typically filled with water, which helps to slow the heat-up and are not required to be resilient against an impinging flame, especially a jet fire. In addition, valves have known weakness, such as actuators, flanges, bolts and welds, which may lead to loss of integrity even after the valve has operated successful. These aspects are also not covered by standard valve fire-tests, which typically only test the valve body. A valve must be viewed as several assembled parts, each having different failure mechanisms and integrity under fire conditions, rather than one piece of equipment. The key principles for protection of HSECES valve integrity are: HSECES valves shall be fire-rated to an approved standard, but additionally passively fire protected if thermal radiation is above the fire-rating of the valve or above 32 kW/m2. Associated welds, bolts and flanges for all HSECES valves shall be passively fire protected if thermal radiation is above 20 kW/m2 Associated actuators for HSECES valves shall be passively fire protected as they can fail at temperatures as low as 80oC (e.g. actuator damage). Easily removable (Jacket with clips) are recommended to aid inspections and maintenance. Associated HSECES valve instrument lines shall be fire rated to an approved standard up to 750oC, but additionally passively fire protected if thermal radiation is above 32 kW/m2. This is of importance if a staged blowdown is required and blowdown valves are to remain closed for a period of several minutes time before opening, to avoid flare line overpressure. Care should be taken to ensure cables do not overheat due to the application of PFP. For ROVs that are required to be operated in the event of fire / emergency, actuators and cable shall be fireproofed even if they are outside the fireproofing zones for example on notpermanently manned installations. PFP to valve actuators to be specifically designed to allow easy and practical access to control components of valve and actuator. The type of PFP used shall not create a hazard by trapping any hydrocarbon emissions from valve stem leaks creating a higher hazardous area due to accumulation. Fire loads shall be specified by the FERA (Ref 8). PFP using MAT Values Process pipework has a much broader spectrum of response to fires than structures. The performance ranges from the simple sagging of a dry pipe to the possible catastrophic explosion of a hydrocarbontransporting pipe. The resistance of pipework to fire loadings is extremely variable. The main considerations are: Insulation: If a process line is partially or completely insulated for process reasons, it may perform well under fire loads, but most lagging materials are unlikely to be effective in a fire The size and thickness of the pipework AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 54 of 82 Material of construction: The prime material types are carbon steel, lined carbon steel, stainless steel and Copper-Nickel. These materials have different elevated temperature characteristics and will behave differently under fire loading conditions. The material properties will be linked to a function of the pipe itself and so evaluation should be carried out on a system-by-system basis Contents and Flowrate: The normal contents of the pipe will need to be considered. The internal pipe fluid will be able to remove local heating at a rate which will be determined by the properties of the fluid itself and the fluid flowrate. Gases will have little cooling effect, whilst water will give considerable assistance. It should be noted that “fire-rated” valve tests are conducted solely filled with water. If the method of determining the extent of PFP on process pipework is determined by either FERA (Ref 8), fire envelopes or by API 2218 (Ref. 23) FPZ volumes and then compared with pipework maximum allowable temperatures (MAT) then the actual MAT for each pipe shall be obtained from the manufacturer, taking account of all the variables above. Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis Non-linear finite element analysis permits the rupture calculations of a piping system to be based on more accurate methods which account for the reserve strength inherent in many design codes. It also overcomes the approximations that have been identified with the use of simplified methods. Refer to FABIG Technical Note 8 (Ref. 45): Protection of Piping Systems for further details of the analyses. Whilst instrument and power supply cabling for HSECES (e.g. emergency signals and alarms, plant PA, active fire protection, fire and gas detection, ESD, emergency lighting and TRs and evacuation systems) should be specified to be fire- resistant in accordance with IEC 60331-21 , i.e., able to withstand temperatures of at least 750°C for the period of time necessary to complete the actions of the critical function, up to a maximum of 90 minutes this is insufficient for HC fire impingement temperatures of 1000oC +. Safety critical cabling which is subject to HC flame impingement or radiation levels in excess of 100degC (Table 2-1 MATs) shall be protected by PFP or re-routed or earth mounted or made redundant through duplication. Note that care should be taken when passively insulating cabling to avoid overheating during normal plant operations. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 55 of 82 Certain fire hazards which are unsuited to mitigation by PFP are listed below and alternative measures such as active fire protection should be considered instead: d. HC Tank Roof Fires (requires AFP) e. HC Flash Fire (Danger to personnel, and not plant) f. Alcohol fire (e.g. methanol) (Low radiation intensity, consider alcohol-resistant foam AFP) AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 56 of 82 Common PFP materials, their characteristics, performance and suitability for different industry applications with examples are described below. Whilst there are different trade names for similar materials it is critical to understand each material’s physical properties and characteristics that influence its performance and suitability. The exclusion of any PFP material in this document does not mean that it is not suitable. Newer materials may be selected but should be fully evaluated and approved to recognised international standards (e.g. UL 1709 for pool fires, ISO 22899 (Ref. 74 & 75) for jet fires). If this is not possible, for example there are no standard tests for wire mesh radiation shields, manufacturers tests should be carefully assessed for suitability for each application. When selecting PFP materials it should be ensured that the selected materials are: Independently tested and approved for the predicted fire, explosion and cryogenic spill scenarios Appropriate for the type of equipment to be protected Suitable for the environmental conditions (E.g. Solar degradation, CUI from high humidity, pollutants etc.) Suitable for all operating conditions, including process upsets (e.g. higher and lower surface temperatures than normal) The following table provides a summary of the most common types of fire protection materials, with further detailed information in later sections. Refer to COMPANY for approved vendor list for PFP materials; table D1 gives examples only. Table D1: Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of PFP Materials PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST Cement and Concrete Concrete Coatings Highly water absorbent Steel/iron reinforcement bars/mesh may fail early in a fire causing spalling and damage. Poor erosion resistance Very heavy Poor blast performance Difficulty in identifying the corrosion AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Coatings can be easily applied to any shape Mainly Onshore Cheap Rev. No: 1 Page 57 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST Lightweight Cementitious (LWC) Coatings of steel surface Highly water absorbent Poor erosion resistance Poor blast performance Narrow process operating limits of 50oC - 0oC . Difficulty in identifying the corrosion of steel surface Coatings can be easily applied to any shape Mainly Onshore Moderate Polymer Based Epoxy Intumescent Subliming Polymer coating 1. Seals are prone to water ingress 2. Degrade above process/substrate operating temp above 60oC 3.Degrades below process operating temp of -40oC 4. Can give off toxic gases during charring and shall not be used indoors. 5. Prone cracking Subliming Polymer coating 1.Coatings can be applied to any shape Onshore Offshore & Expensive 2. Excellent fire and good blast resistance even after weathering 3. Very hard finish with excellent impact/mechanical resistance 4. Lighter than Cementitious products 5. Certain products have excellent jet fire resistance to 1. Seals are prone to water ingress Coatings can be applied to any shape Onshore Offshore & 2. Degrades above process AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 58 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST operating temp of 60oC 3. Degrades below process operating temp of -40oC Phenolic Foam (Non-reacting) Insulating Polymer coating Seals are prone to water ingress if not sprayed as one whole coating. Well known insulating properties High stability Onshore & Offshore thermal Low toughness Produces acrid, toxic fumes and smoke at high temperatures Long curing process involving generation of water which can remain trapped inside Can be coated on any shape May be used for protection against cryogenic spills May be combined with epoxy intumescent on top to form a composite system of layers Operating conditions claimed are: -75oC to o +150 C Elastomers (Rubber) Polymer coating Very resilient to pool and jet fires and corrosion resistant, if applied by manufacturer to avoid issues. E.g. uncoated risers are delivered to PFP manufacturer who delivers AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Can be applied to any shape without seals, using tight winding and high temperature technique offsite. Mainly used offshore for rigid and flexible risers in a splash zone Can be applied to rigid, flexible risers and flanges. Rev. No: 1 Page 59 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST them ready coated to site , the risers must withstand massive wear. The dampening and flexible nature of Withstands plash zone wear and tear Can protect against corrosion, vibration, small collision impact and explosion overpressures to 2bar. Firestop also Pre-Formed PFP Pre-formed Panels Seals are prone to water ingress Poor impact/ mechanical resistance Prone to being misaligned or not replaced after removal for inspection and hence poor fire/blast performance and further water ingress. Onshore & Offshore Low to moderate Mineral Wool Mineral Wool Blankets Seals are prone to water ingress Prone to being misaligned or not replaced after removal for inspection and hence poor fire/blast performance and further AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) May be used within a stainless-steel sandwich to insulate against pool and jet fires Onshore Offshore & Low to moderate Rev. No: 1 Page 60 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST Wrap Jackets water ingress. Seals are prone to water ingress Prone to being misaligned or not replaced after removal for inspection and hence poor fire/blast performance and further water ingress. Resistant to pool and jet fires Onshore Offshore & Earth Mounding/Embankments for LNG and LNG vessels and storage tanks Burial Mounding / Embankment Liable to movement and collapse of entry roads Liable to movement and cause erosion to tanks by packed rock Prone to water ingress and retention Liable to movement and collapse of entry roads Liable to movement and cause erosion to tanks by packed rock Prone to water ingress and retention Onshore Cheap - Onshore Radiant Heat Shielding Modular system of woven wire mesh (single or double) Not effective in an engulfing flame Not effective at high radiation AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Lightweight Does not induce corrosion Minor/NonMaintenance Onshore & Offshore Low/ Moderate Rev. No: 1 Page 61 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST panels inserted into a custom -built narrow steel frame. levels > 37.5kW/m2 No approved international test available (reliant on manufacturers’ tests/claims) Steel frame is welded to a surface and increases loading on structure Perforated Steel Panels in a steel frame Heavier than wire mesh panel Steel frame is welded to a surface and increases loading on structure Wind loading much greater than wire mesh Less ventilation/ venting than mesh Poorer light transmission/ visibility than mesh Cold side surface temperature not as cool as mesh type Allows natural venting Allows passage of light and vision Useful for escape route shielding Highly effective for radiation reduction away from a fire up to 40-80% reduction in heat flux from hot to cold side Less wind loading than perforated steel (see below) Highly effective for radiation reduction away from a fire (not within a fire) up to 80% reduction in heat flux Minor/NonMaintenance Useful for escape route shielding but cold side may be > 60oC and present a hot surface hazard Onshore & Offshore Low/ Moderate Fire and Blast Walls Solid fire/blast rated Penetrations seals (cabling, ducting, piping, AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Can be used to divide Fire Zones where Onshore & Offshore Expensive Rev. No: 1 Page 62 of 82 PFP TYPE KEY KEY ADVANTAGES APPLICATION DISADVANTAGES COST walls, either standalone with steel supports or supported by buildings’ walls / faces doors) are vulnerable to failure Doors left open will impair whole wall performance Extremely heavy Block ventilation of gases Block venting of explosion overpressures Passive fire protection (typically epoxy intumescent can lead to corrosion of steel substrate) space is limited e.g. platforms One wall can shield a large area Can be designed to flex and deform and still perform against fire after severe blast overpressure Prevents passage of gases and smoke as well as heat and blast overpressure Concrete contains cement and fine to coarse aggregates. It is one of the oldest types of structural steel PFP materials. Concrete has historically been used to protect steel in a fire because concrete has a lower thermal conductivity than steel and so provides thermal insulation. In addition, as concrete is porous, any water absorbed will evaporate at 100oC which causes the temperature rise of the steel to remain steady until water evaporation is complete. Concrete can be applied in several ways. It can be pre-cast into specific shapes or sprayed on or trowelled on with the aid of steel or plastic reinforcing bars and mesh, which is welded to the steel structure to ensure the concrete stays in place and bonds, follows the structure’s contours and to minimise (but not eliminate) cracking. Concrete Advantages 1. High strength and good weather stability (in non-fire scenarios) 2. Inexpensive to buy but may prove expensive in the long term if CUI requires steel replacement or CUI leads to collapse of steel under normal operations or in fire scenarios. Concrete Disadvantages 1. Extremely heavy and not suitable for offshore or above grade onshore application AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 63 of 82 2. Water absorbent and prone to holding water/moisture leading to unidentified corrosion of structural steel underneath (CUI) the insulation 3. Prone to physical damage from knocks and high-pressure firewater impacts and undetected cracking and spalling underneath, causing water ingress via small cracks. 4. Prone to physical damage from due to lifting or transportation and undetected cracking and spalling, causing water ingress via small cracks. 5. Cracking/spalling may also occur due to natural shrinkage or expansion/shrinkage of the steel substrate underneath due to thermal conditions, or expansion of supporting steel due to corrosion or expansion of reinforcing (steel) mesh due to corrosion or simply due to conductivity from process vessel and piping. 6. Cracking/spalling may occur when under load or subject to expansion due to localised heating in a HC gas or 2-phase jet fire 7. Cracking may lead to “explosive” spalling that may cause damage to small-bore pipework, instruments leading to further loss of inventory 8. Variability of performance from poor quality control of locally sourced materials and variable drying and curing based on atmospheric conditions over long periods of time. 9. “Explosive” spalling may also endanger facility personnel and fire-fighters. 10. Passive explosion resistance (prior to a fire) is variable, depending on the material type, installation method and condition of the material. 11. Reinforced concrete may begin to fail early in a fire situation due to fail of the steel/iron reinforcement bars and mesh above 400oC. Lightweight cementitious (LWC) fire protection materials are composites of cement and fibres and other fillers. They are lighter than ordinary concrete and may be specified for a wide range of densities. Just as concrete, these materials may be applied by being cast into specific shapes or sprayed-on or trowel applied, with the aid of reinforcement mesh to keep the PFP in place. The low thermal conductivity of LWC protects the supporting steel beneath. LWC PFP is also water absorbent and any water within the PFP material will evaporate at 100oC and slow down the heating of the steel substrate until water evaporation is complete. Lightweight Cementitious Advantages High strength and good weather stability (in non-fire scenarios) Lighter than ordinary concrete and may be used at elevations on vessels, pipework, vessel supports and well as structural steel. Perform predictably in HC pool fire scenarios. Lightweight Cementitious Disadvantages Whilst most LWC materials have been tested and have jet fire resistance, the density of the tested material varies and performance against highly erosive jet fires is variable. In low density materials, cracking/spalling may occur when under load or subject to expansion due to localised heating in a high temperature, erosive gas or 2-phase jet fire Less dense, softer grades of LWC PFP are not recommended at lower elevations as they are prone to physical damage from knocks and impacts Low density, softer grades of LWC PFP are also prone to physical damage from high pressure fire-fighting water hoses and monitors at all elevations Water absorbent and prone to holding water/moisture leading to unidentified corrosion of structural steel underneath (CUI) the insulation AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 64 of 82 Prone to physical damage from knocks and high-pressure firewater impacts and undetected cracking and spalling underneath, causing water ingress via small cracks. Prone to physical damage from due to lifting or transportation and undetected cracking and spalling, causing water ingress via small cracks. Cracking/spalling may also occur due to expansion/shrinkage of the steel substrate underneath due to thermal conditions, or expansion of supporting steel due to corrosion or expansion of reinforcing (steel) mesh due to corrosion or simply due to conductivity from process vessel and piping. All LWC PFP materials are specified for an upper and lower allowable temperature range. In general, the lower operating temperature limit is 0oC and the upper operating limit is 50oC. This should be considered when specifying LWC PFP use on vessels and pipework to prevent cracking/spalling if process conditions change during the lifetime of the facility Cracking may lead to “explosive” spalling that may cause damage to small-bore pipework, instruments leading to further loss of inventory “Explosive” spalling may also endanger facility personnel and fire-fighters. Passive explosion resistance (prior to a fire) is variable, depending on the material type, installation method and condition of the material. Material selection shall be based on evaluation of compatibility with the operating environment, functionality under service and the design lifetime. The following shall be considered when selecting fire proofing material: Long term behaviour; resistance to chemical/physical change of the material; an important characteristic regarding sealing generally in the oil & gas sector; Resistance against RGD events; a property of importance in high pressure gas sealing applications. The polymers used in service shall be sourced from the same material manufacturers as those used for material qualification. It is the responsibility of the asset operator to provide all necessary information about service conditions and environment. Polymers may be used for passive fire protective coverings. This material has 3 main sub-groups: elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets, but commonly divided into two main types: Phenolic Polymer Epoxy Polymer Elastomers (also known as Rubber) Phenolic resin coatings have been in extensively in industry for a hundred years as insulation materials. Phenolic resins are made by combining phenol and formaldehyde. They are inherently fire resistant, although they do generate acrid fumes (methane, acetone, carbon monoxide, propanol and propane) and smoke when heated to flame temperatures, although top coat treatments and additives may be used to prevent this. They also possess low toughness properties making them unsuitable for the high erosional forces of jet fires. Phenolic resin has a long curing process involving generation of water which can remain trapped inside and the steam generation in a fire can damage the structure of the material. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 65 of 82 Certain manufacturers produce composite systems with jet fire resistant epoxy intumescent coating over the top of the phenolic coating for example for combined (phenolic) cryogenic insulation and (intumescent) jet fire protection. Phenolic Polymer Advantages Well known insulating properties High thermal stability Can be coated on any shape May be used for protection against cryogenic spills May be combined with epoxy intumescent on top to form a composite system of layers Phenolic Polymer Disadvantages Low toughness Produces acrid, toxic fumes and smoke at high temperatures Long curing process involving generation of water which can remain trapped inside Epoxy intumescent and subliming materials are used extensively as passive fire protection material. Epoxy intumescent materials undergo a physical and chemical change as a result of heat exposure, swelling to several times their applied volumes leading to a decrease in density of the material as well as an increase in volume. In addition, these materials also form a low-thermal conductivity black char that absorbs heat and prevents heat from being conducted into the rest of the material and substrate. Epoxies are very versatile; they offer a variety of benefits that are advantageous for use as a basecoat and a topcoat. They exhibit excellent adhesion, and are acid, alkali and solvent resistant. Epoxy coatings can offer abrasion resistance as well as corrosion and chemical resistance. Many can be used for immersion service. Epoxies are the hard coatings and can be used to paint escape route floors and decks as well as masonry and metals. Epoxy intumescent and subliming materials begin to degrade at high operating temperatures. Maximum operating temperatures are typically 60-80oC. Typical minimum operating conditions for epoxy intumescent is -40oC limiting their use on hot and cold surfaces. However, dual layer systems are available using phenolic foam (non-intumescent) bonded directly to the hot/cold surface to provide an insulating layer, with a second layer of intumescent material bonded to it. Note that these composite epoxy systems shall only be used if both products are provided by the same manufacturer and test results demonstrate that the combined system satisfies performance requirements. Composite epoxy system designs should be specified to account for thermal expansion and contraction and avoid any associated failure in the bonding between the two layers, particularly if the insulating layer is provided for cold service below the intumescent epoxy glass transition point. Epoxy (intumescent) Advantages Excellent chemical and solvent resistance Excellent abrasion resistance Excellent corrosion resistance (except for joints and if material has degraded) Potential for water immersion service Excellent adhesion AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 66 of 82 Less maintenance / repair requirements Epoxy (intumescent) Disadvantages Epoxy intumescent materials begin to degrade at higher operating temperatures. Maximum operating temperatures are typically 60-80oC, limiting their use on hot surfaces. Typical minimum operating conditions for epoxy intumescent is -40oC limiting their use on cold surfaces. Some intumescent materials are susceptible to environmental influences, such as humidity, which can reduce or negate their ability to function against various environmental exposures. Clearance must be provided around intumescent PFP to enable the complete development of their intumescence (swelling) during the protection duration time. Default minimum clearance may be taken as 100mm, but the clearance must be confirmed by the PFP manufacturer. Seals are vulnerable to water ingress and hence unidentified corrosion of substrate. Toxic fumes and soot may be produced from intumescent and subliming materials and they shall not be used indoors or in enclosed areas where personnel could be present or need to escape through in a fire situation. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 67 of 82 Figure D1: Example of Cross-Section of Composite Phenolic & Intumescent Coatings Epoxy Intumescent Polymer (charring) Coatings Aids adherence of coating to steel Weather and UV Protection Aids adherence of layers of intumescent coatings Phenolic Polymer (insulating) Coating Elastomers are rubber compounds chemically cured at high temperatures to form insoluble elastic materials, which can be shaped by moulding or extrusion. These materials are impervious to water ingress and hence suited to areas within or beneath a splash zone, if applied to the substrate (e.g. riser) in a continuous coating under controlled conditions by the PFP manufacturer before delivery and installation. As these are flexible coatings they can be used on flexible risers, cabling and piping. They can be designed to withstand erosion of jet fires and explosion overpressures of 2bar. Blanket systems - The thermal insulation of structural steel can also be achieved using blanket systems and thermal wraps constructed of various materials. The principle feature of radiant heat shielding systems is to dissipate radiant heat flux from a hydrocarbon pool or jet fire and shield personnel on the other side from injury for a limited time. The wire mesh systems are typically manufactured as a modular system with individual panels made up of a single or double layers of woven wire mesh which slot into a custom-made narrow steel frame. The choice of single or double mesh depends on the radiative heat flux reduction required. The system AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 68 of 82 is load bearing and requires to be welded to another steel structure, for example a walkway grating or steel deck. The wire mesh system is useful for high wind or severe weather protection of personnel as well as heat shielding on exposed offshore facilities to encase open stairwells and stair towers as well as open escape routes and bridge-links. It provides good ventilation and venting, good light transmission and visibility for personnel. Manufactures provide their own predictive heat reduction data at various distances from the cold side of the mesh for various incident heat fluxes based on customised tests for various panel configurations. Panels are customised for each application based on the heat flux reduction required. There is no current standard internationally recognised test for fire tests / radiation flux reduction for these types of wire mesh systems as fire tests are typically conducted in an enclosed furnace. Wire Mesh Radiation System Advantages Fairly lightweight, some load bearing aspects (steel frame) Does not induce corrosion on a substrate it is welded to Requires very minor and possibly maintenance-free for facility lifecycle Allows natural venting Allows passage of light and vision Useful for escape route shielding for limited period Highly effective for radiation reduction away from a fire up to 40-80% reduction in heat flux from hot to cold side Less wind loading than perforated steel alternatives Wire Mesh Radiation System Disadvantages Not effective in an engulfing flame Limited duration effect, possibly 30 minutes Not effective at high radiation levels > 37.5kW/m2 No approved international test available (reliant on proprietary tests/performance claims) Steel frame is welded to a surface and increases loading on structure Perforated steel panels also provide radiation shielding by dissipating heat from hydrocarbon fires and protecting personnel on the other side. As they are mainly steel structures with a system of perforated holes, their weight, poor venting and visibility and higher cost disadvantages generally outweigh their advantages compared to the wire mesh systems. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 69 of 82 There are three main internationally recognised types of fire test: 1. Cellulosic or Standard Fire Tests 2. Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Tests a. b. c. d. Small Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Large/ Modified Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test External Pool Fire Test Tunnel (Enhanced) Pool Fire Test 3. Hydrocarbon Jet Fire Tests Cellulosic or Standard Fire Tests are based on a theoretical temperature versus time profile for burning building materials such wood and paper, reaching 1100oC within 2 hours. Rapid hydrocarbon fire tests (Small pool) use a more rapid temperature rise compared to the cellulosic test to simulate a thermal shock from a small pool fire, reaching 887oC within 3 minutes, before reaching 1100oC within 40mins and maintaining that temperature for a total duration of 2 hours. Modified Hydrocarbon (HCM) fire tests (Large Pool) also have a rapid temperature rise and reach a minimum temperature of 1010oC within 3 minutes. The temperature is then maintained between 1010oC and 1180oC for the remainder of the test for a total duration of 2 hours. Enhanced hydrocarbon fire tests (large, semi-enclosed) have the most rapid temperature rise and achieve the highest temperatures compared with other furnace tests. The enhanced (large, semienclosed) hydrocarbon fire tests reaches 1047oC within 3 minutes and 1300oC within 40 minutes and maintains that temperature for the remainder of the test for a total duration of 2 hours. Jet Fire Tests (JFRT) may be used in addition to a furnace test (but not as a substitute) to simulate the forces of jet erosion combined with higher heat fluxes using an ignited sonic propane flame. The ISO 22889 [83] jet fire test does not have a reproducible time/temperature heat up regime, but flame heat fluxes average 300 kW/m2 The terms Fire Safe and Fire Test have various definitions and are applicable to a wide range of fire tests, plant equipment, structural elements, materials and coatings. A standard fire test generally provides a reproducible time/temperature heating regime within which the response of test specimens can be assessed against various criteria. Several international fire tests exist, which are based on heat fluxes generated by cellulosic, hydrocarbon pool and HC jet fires. Except for the jet fire test, these are mainly furnace tests which expose the sample to a pre-determined heatup regime while monitoring the thermal response on the reverse side of the sample. While furnace tests are designed to represent a fire, they do not reproduce the actual fire conditions. The furnace temperature and total heat flux may be like those generated within a fire but parameters such as the following, are not reproduced. the balance between radiative and convective heat transfer pressure fluctuations due to turbulence AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 70 of 82 erosive forces from high gas velocities extreme thermal shock differential heating The jet fire test is complementary to furnace testing and the results from both types of test should be considered when assessing the reaction of materials and effectiveness of PFP under jet fire conditions. In a jet fire test, flammable gas is released which produces a significantly higher impact on structures, equipment and PFP than a conventional cellulosic and HC pool fire, due to the force and erosion capabilities of a jet flame. Full scale tests of pressurised gas jet fires in the 1990s (e.g. by British Gas Research in Spadeadam, UK) provided the supporting evidence for the current Jet Fire Resistance Test (JFRT). The Jet Fire Resistance Test (JFRT) is the only internationally available jet fire test and is described by ISO 22889 [83]. This jet fire test may be used in addition to a furnace test (not as a substitute) to simulate the higher heat fluxes using a 0.3 kg/sec sonic release of ignited propane gas impinging on the test specimen. In a jet fire, test samples of materials are subjected to additional erosive forces, pressure fluctuations and even higher heat fluxes than furnace tests. The maximum heat flux during the test is 300kW/m2. It should be noted that the highest erosive forces of a jet flame are not in the region of highest heat flux. Hence, the results of both jet and furnace tests should be considered together when assessing the performance of passive fire protection materials in a range of scenarios. However, in combining results, it is not valid to compare mean substrate temperature from a furnace test with a mean substrate temperature from a jet fire because of the non-uniformity of the heating in the jet fire test. The ISO 22889 [83] jet fire test does not have a reproducible time/temperature heat up regime. More recently, concerns have been raised by parts of industry that other more severe jet fire scenarios exist and that the JFRT is not representative of those conditions. Several PFP systems on the market have been tested using ‘high heat flux’ jet fires, implying that they are particularly appropriate for use in such scenarios. However, these ‘high heat flux’ methods remain unpublished and undefined [68] and therefore unsubstantiated by the PFP manufacturers. The figure below compares the heat-up curves of various commercially available furnace tests. The US recommended practice API 2218 (Ref. 23) provides guidance to the use of the UL 1709 fire test curve (red curve in the figure below). This curve was developed to simulate the “rapid” heat-up of elements in a HC fire compared with the slower heat-up regime of the previously used standard cellulosic fire curve. In recent years, the UL 1709 fire curve has been further embellished by other guidelines to include much higher final temperatures simulating larger pool fires or semi-confined pool fires, such as the modified HC curve and the enhanced HC curve, as shown below. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 71 of 82 ESDVs, ROVs and BDVs are typically designed to “fail-safe”. ESDVs and ROVs tend to be designed as “fail close” and BDVs as “fail open” types. When deciding whether a HSECES valve will survive a fire scenario care should be taken regarding how long the valve is required remain closed or open after performing the initial “fail-safe” operation. Any liquid or gaseous inventories being held may leak as a result of other parts of the “fail-safe” valve failing. It is prudent to specify all safety (HSE) critical ESDVs, BDVs, ROVs to be fire-rated to an internationally recognised standard for every facility irrespective of FERA (Ref 8) or API 2218 (Ref. 23) requirements. However, all “fire-rated” valves are not tested to the same fire standard and valve fire test are typically less onerous than the HC fire tests conducted for structures and materials. Hence reliance on the term “fire-rated” for a valve may be misleading without specifying exactly which fire test the valve has passed. Test valves are heated to an average temperature of 750-980oC, typically for a maximum of 30 minutes, depending on the category of fire test. In contrast, fire-rated structures are tested to typical temperatures of 1100-1300oC for 2 hours, e.g. UL 1709. Test valves are filled with water during the fire test which helps dissipate some of the furnace heat and after 30 minutes the valves are cooled down to 1000C before leak testing. Hence, caution is advised when relying on “fire-rated” valve bodies, which may be vulnerable to immediate failure if exposed to hydrocarbon pool or jet fire temperatures in excess of 980oC or for longer than 30 minutes. Fire-rated valves are certified for valve body leaks only and do not consider heat conducted from actuator stems and leaks from loosening of flanges and loss of tension in bolts. Unprotected valve actuators may lose their functionality within a few minutes after the start of the fire and may conduct heat from a fire into the valve body. A valve-actuator assembly where the valve is protected, and the actuator is not protected normally leads to the situation where heat is conducted through the actuator to the valve. Within 15 minutes after the start of the fire this leads to such temperature differentials that will cause the valve to leak. PFP protection to actuators may be required to keep the temperature rise down to that which can be tolerated by the internal cabling and instrumentation, possibly less than 80oC Flanges and flange bolts are also vulnerable to rapid failure under fire conditions as these elements are not included in the standard valve fire tests. (See Table for MAT of flanges and flange bolts) Note that “fire-rated” and “fail-safe” should never be combined under the term fire-safe, which might imply full valve assembly integrity under any fire conditions, which is not the case. All HSECES cables shall be rated as “fire-resistant” to an internationally approved fire test standard. HSECES cabling should be laid on cable racks routed outside any Fire Zone wherever possible. When HSECES cabling is routed through a Fire Zone, integrity of the cabling, the cable racks and the supporting cable rack structure shall be assessed with respect to fire risk based on either the FERA (Ref 8) or API 2218 (Ref. 23) requirements or both. the flame application time shall be as specified in the relevant cable standard. In the absence such a cable specification, a 90 min flame application is recommended. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 72 of 82 Application PFP should be regarded as a HSECES system in which the quality of its application/installation is as important a factor as the physical properties and fire resistance of the materials. The preparation of the substrate, the environmental conditions, the contractor’s skills, the integrity of joints and tightness and integrity of seals all influence the performance and longevity of the final PFP product. Manufacturers’ documentation shall always be accurately followed to ensure the predictable performance of the PFP and minimisation of maintenance. Prior experience has shown that poor application (e.g. in a humid environment) has resulted in early PFP material failure (e.g. via spalling within weeks of application) with very high PFP removal, reinstatement and shutdown and loss of production costs and their associated hazards. PFP materials are a mitigation measure to protect items that have an identified role in maintaining structural integrity and facility emergency response. Therefore, PFP is a safety critical element with an associated Performance Standard. During design and construction of facilities all fire passive fire protection (PFP) materials shall be identified and defined in P&IDs, structural and architectural drawings and project specifications. Once applied or installed in the field, PFP shall be regularly inspected and properly maintained The PFP materials’ fire performance criteria shall specify survival times and fire type; hydrocarbon jet or pool fire and cellulosic fires and shall be inspected regularly to ensure compliance with those performance standards. The term “passive” means materials not requiring detection or activation upon detection. “Passive” does not imply that because the material does not require activation by instrumentation that it does not change. Changes to PFP must be expected within the lifetime of a facility, for example as a result of: Physical impacts leading to dents and fractures from plant activities Ageing, e.g. continued operations after the end of the specified material design life Expansion and spalling due to expansion of rust from CUI of the metal substrate Weathering and damage to topcoat from UV sunlight, sand erosion, air-borne pollutants and high-pressure water jets Deterioration from exposure to production fluids and chemicals Process changes and increased process temperatures outside of the specified parameters causing spalling and fracture Incorrect re-instatement after PFP removal for substrate inspection, leading to potential future CUI Incorrect application or incorrect design specification leading to future spalling and brittle fracture Also see Disadvantages section for each material type above. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 73 of 82 Passive fire protection coatings shall carry a means of indelible identification such that material and fire and/or blast rating is evident without reference to drawings, documentation or certificates, and its ongoing condition and performance assessed once installed in the field. The following are examples of PFP identification methods. Nameplates Embossed or heat stamped surfaces Painted colour-coding (either coloured top coat for coatings or specifying the colour code for mineral wool wraps, jackets, pre-formed enclosures and panels). PFP materials and systems across company should be standardised if feasible as this limits confusion and aids maintenance. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 74 of 82 The PFP contractor shall be responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities. Quality control, quality assurance and the professional skills of the contractor personnel are essential to this process. The application contractor shall have had specific training and prior experience with the material to be installed and shall be approved and certified to apply the product by the Manufacturer/Supplier of the material. Preparation of the substrate shall be by abrasive cleaning and priming in accordance with the material Manufacturer/Supplier approved recommendations. The thickness of the material shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer/Supplier recommended dry thickness, including any approved tolerances. Thicknesses that are too thick or too thin can reduce service/ operational life. PFP Contractor shall provide overspray protection on adjacent piping, equipment and structures and remove the protection without damaging the coatings or any other part of the facility at the end of the process. All PFP contractors installing PFP materials shall guarantee the quality of their work. The warranty for all PFP materials shall include details of the materials used and the details of the surface preparation and top coats and the application method. A minimum 5-year warranty period and associated conditions shall be agreed with the following recommended conditions: At the end of the warranty period the PFP coatings should have: No degree of general or pin point rusting, as defined by ASTM D610 The quality of adhesion between the PFP and the steel substrate, and between PFP layers, of not less than 70% of the values specified. No visual cracking, flaking or blistering of the coating systems No conspicuous discolouration or peeling of the topcoats exposed to the atmospheric conditions AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 75 of 82 The objective of inspection and maintenance regimes is to ensure that the installed PFP materials continue to be fit for purpose. Inspection and maintenance procedures shall be established with input from the manufacturer/supplier to ensure the functional requirements as described in the performance standards are maintained. Records shall be prepared, detailing the inspection, testing, and maintenance routines and frequencies to be followed. Any identified failures or impairments shall be recorded and promptly corrected. Impairment, and repair of systems shall be recorded and reported. Where PFP cannot be promptly reinstated, contingency plans shall be implemented. Industry regulations and guidance typically require operators to verify and maintain PFP throughout the life of the facility, which is only possible if good records are maintained. To facilitate this, it is essential to establish a database detailing where and why PFP is used. This would generally include the following steps: Establish an asset register of items requiring PFP. This could include primary and secondary structures, process equipment, pipelines and ESD valves, temporary refuge (TR) and command and control centres, blowdown and flare/vent system, Fire Zone divisions (walls, decks), and fire pumps. Define the criticality of each item. This would consider facts such as TR impairment, escalation control, loss of production, asset protection, and environmental impact. Establish functional requirements for item being protected. This would include aspects such as structural resistance, hydrocarbon containment, smoke and toxic fume integrity, separation for fire zoning, and fire water demand. Establish hazards and conditions in the area. Blast/explosion hazards, impact, fire hazards (jet fire, diffuse fires and pool fires) and environment hazards (UV, salt spray, heat, vibration). Determine required fire resistance time. Establish fire resistance rating. Establish the maximum critical temperature the item can reach and from this the allowable temperature rise under fire conditions. Inspection of the PFP is undertaken based on the condition of the PFP, score the severity of anomalies and the extent of anomalies. Against each ‘score’ define the outcomes, ranging from removal and replacement with upgrade, to future re-inspection. It is essential to understand the modes of failure for each different PFP system and this requires detailed knowledge of both the materials used, their system design/specification and the application principals, which often involves a degree of detective work. Typical anomalies include cracking; unbonding; water logging; mechanical damage; loss/removal of material; exposed reinforcement; Corroded or damaged reinforcement; reinforcement not located in correct position or missing; thermal degradations; UV damage; incorrect jointing and sealing details; missing components; exposed top flanges; or missing coat-backs. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Rev. No: 1 Page 76 of 82 Fire Type Fire Rating B -Hydrocarbon (jet fire) B Hydrocarbon (pool fire) Stability (minutes) Smoke and Gas Integrity (minutes) Insulation (minutes) J60 Requirements 60 J30 30 J15 15 H120 120 120 120 a) Stability and integrity against the passage of flames, smoke and gas for 120 minutes b) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 120 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel (on nonfire side) above 139°C and no single thermocouple shall indicate a temperature greater than 180°C. H60 120 120 60 a) Stability and integrity against the passage of flames, smoke and gas for 120 minutes b) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 60 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel (on nonfire side) above 139°C and no single thermocouple shall indicate a Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Cautionary Notes Ref. Fire test for J fires is IN ADDITION to the H fire rating ISO22899 a) Fire test for an H fire rating is the “Hydrocarbon” Fire test, but not necessarily the “enhanced” rapid temperature rise fire test, typical of a real HC fire. b) The UL 1709 Hydrocarbon fire test is not sufficiently conservative to prevent all failure e.g. those items which fail below 538oC, UL 1709 (Ref. 74 & 75) Page 77 of 82 Fire Type Fire Rating Stability (minutes) Smoke and Gas Integrity (minutes) Insulation (minutes) Requirements Cautionary Notes Ref. temperature greater than 180°C. A - Cellulosic fire H0 120 120 0 A60 60 60 60 a) Stability and integrity against the passage of flames, smoke and gas for 120 minutes b) No heat insulation requirements a) Steel or equivalent material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of flame, smoke and gas for 60 minutes. c) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 60 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel above 139°C and no single thermocouple shall indicate a temperature greater than 180°C. A30 60 60 30 Fire test for Class A rating is the “standard” furnace fire test (cellulosic) not a hydrocarbon fire test a) Steel or equivalent material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of flame, smoke and gas for 60 minutes. c) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 30 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel above 139°C and no Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Page 78 of 82 Fire Type Fire Rating Stability (minutes) Smoke and Gas Integrity (minutes) Insulation (minutes) Requirements Cautionary Notes Ref. single thermocouple shall indicate a temperature greater than 180°C. A15 60 60 15 a) Steel or equivalent material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of flame, smoke and gas for 60 minutes. c) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 15 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel above 139°C and no single thermocouple shall indicate a temperature greater than 180°C. A0 60 60 0 a) Steel or equivalent material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of smoke and gas for 60 minutes. c) No heat insulation requirements Other B15 30 30 15 a) Non-combustible material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of flame, smoke and gas for 30 minutes. Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Fire test for Class B rating is the “standard” (cellulosic) furnace fire test not a Page 79 of 82 Fire Type Fire Rating Stability (minutes) Smoke and Gas Integrity (minutes) Insulation (minutes) Requirements c) The transmission of heat through the protection material during the period of 15 minutes fire exposure shall not raise the average of the steel above 139°C and no single thermocouple shall indicate a temperature greater than 225°C. Other B0 30 30 0 Cautionary Notes Ref. hydrocarbon fire test a) Non-combustible material b) Stability and integrity against the passage of flame, smoke and gas for 30 minutes. b) No heat insulation requirements Other C 0 0 0 a) Non-combustible material b) No stability or smoke and gas integrity requirements c) No heat insulation requirements Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Does not need to meet any specific performance requirements, except for the material to be noncombustible. Page 80 of 82 ADNOC Classification: Internal Increasing Severity TYPE of FIRE TEMPERATURE VS TIME FORMULA Where: Temp is in oC and Time is in minutes. SOURCE Cellulosic Curve also known as Standard Fire Test Curve General Building Materials E.g. wood, paper and cotton fabric. Temp = 20+(345*(LOG8*(time+1))) ISO 834 (Ref. 32) BS 476P20 (Ref. 96) EN 1363-1 (Ref. 30) Hydrocarbon Curve Small Open Pool Fire with heat dissipated to atmosphere. Temp = 20+(1080*((1-0.325*e-0.167*time) -(0.675*e-2.5*time))) API 2218 (Ref. 23) UL 1709 (Ref. 95) EN 1363-2 (Ref. 31) Hydrocarbon Modified Curve Large Open Pool Fire with heat dissipated to atmosphere. Temp = 20+(1280*((1-0.325*e-0.167*time) -(0.675*e-2.5*time))) French Regulations HCM Enhanced Hydrocarbon Curve Large semi-enclosed Pool Fire e.g. tunnel or large offshore platform with little or no heat dissipating into the atmosphere. Based on co-ordinates below: Dutch Regulations RWS Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Time (minutes) Temp (oC) 0 3 5 10 30 60 90 120 180 20 890 1140 1200 1300 1350 1300 1200 1200 Page 81 of 82 ADNOC Classification: Internal H= H/m 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 17 (1.73+0.33D-1.43) D D/m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (ZHANG 2014) R/m 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Flame Height H(m) Pool Diameter D (m) 𝐻 = 42𝐷(𝑚/𝜌√gD) ^0.61 (THOMAS 1963) H/m 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D/m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m kg/m2s-1 0.05 ρ kg/m3 1.29 Pool Radius R (m) R/m 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 g m/s2 9.81 Document No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 3) Page 82 of 82 THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. ADNOC GROUP PROJECTS & ENGINEERING FIRE & GAS DETECTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY PART 4 – ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION AGES-PH-03-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBRIATIONS / REFERENCES ..................................................................... 4 3 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 10 4 OVERALL APPROACH & FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................... 13 5 SELECTION OF SYSTEMS – ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION (AFP) .............................................. 17 6 STANDARD - FIREWATER SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 23 7 STANDARD – DELUGE SYSTEM.................................................................................................. 40 8 STANDARD – FOAM APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 43 9 STANDARD – SPRINKLER............................................................................................................ 46 10 STANDARD - WATER MIST (SELF-CONTAINED) ....................................................................... 48 11 STANDARD - GASEOUS EXTINGUISHANT................................................................................. 51 12 STANDARD - WET CHEMICAL ..................................................................................................... 55 13 STANDARD - PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS...................................................................... 59 14 JETTY & TERMINALS .................................................................................................................... 62 15 STANDARD - BUILDINGS ............................................................................................................. 64 AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 2 of 75 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background This Part of the ‘Fire & Gas Detection and Protection’ Standard describes the COMPANY expectations for design and operation of Active Fire Protection facilities. The document is a follow-on to ‘Part-1’ where the context and overall strategy for fire protection is set out in terms of a six-step process. It is expected that the first four steps, covered in Part-1 will have been completed beforehand and documented in a Fire Hazard Assessment: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the Hazards What Type of Fires (/Leaks) Can Occur? Where Can Fires (/Leaks) Occur? What Can Fires (/Leaks) Affect? Step 5 addresses the question ‘How can it be detected?’, which is covered in Part 2 of this Standard. Step 6 is split into two main aspects: 1.2 Passive Fire Protection Active Fire Protection : Part 3 : Part 4 Objective The aim of this Part is to address Step-6 (Active Fire Protection -AFP) and relates to the question: ‘How can escalation be avoided?’. This document therefore describes how AFP requirements shall be defined, so that its Safety Critical features can be managed through the various stages of the facility lifecycle (design, procure, construct, commission, operate & maintain). 1.3 Scope This Standard covers the following main aspects of AFP: Fixed Fire Protection Systems Mobile Fire Protection arrangements. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 3 of 75 2 DEFINED TERMS / ABBRIATIONS / REFERENCES 2.1 General Terminology General Terminology BROWNFIELD Development within the boundary (or control) of an existing operating facility. CAN (possibility and Conveys the ability, fitness or quality necessary to do or achieve a capability) specific thing. CONSULTANT The party that performs specific services, which may include but are not limited to, Engineering, Technical support, preparation of Technical reports and other advisory related services specified by the party that engages them, i.e. COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR The party which carries out the project management, design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning for COMPANY projects. GREENFIELD Development outside the boundary (and control) of an existing operating facility or a new operating / processing facility development in new or existing allotted area of the COMPANY. LICENSOR Provider of Licensed Technology MANUFACTURER/VENDOR/ The party which manufactures and/or supplies equipment, technical documents/drawings and services to perform the duties specified by the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIER MAY (permission) The word indicates a permitted option. It conveys consent or liberty to do something. SHALL Indicates a requirement SHOULD (recommendation) Indicates a recommendation. STANDARD Means this Layout & Separation Distances Guideline SUB-VENDOR Any supplier of equipment and support services for an equipment/package or part thereof supplied by a VENDOR. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 4 of 75 2.2 Technical Terminology Active Fire Protection Terminology Active Fire Protection System fire protection systems designed to control or extinguish fires, to provide cooling to heat affected plant (and prevent fire escalation), or to prevent ignition by applying fire-fighting media such as water, foam, dry powder (dry chemical) or gaseous agents Application rate the rate at which water / foam solution is applied to a fire, expressed as litres per minute, per square metre (l/min./m2). Building / Enclosure Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy of people. Cellulosic Fire Fire involving combustible material such as wood, paper, or furniture. Complex Collection of facilities that may or may not be owned by the same company but are located within the contiguous boundaries of a specific geographic location, such as an industrial or chemical park. A facility within a complex may feed or take raw materials from another facility in the complex or may be totally independent of its industrial neighbours. [CCPS 2nd ed.] Containment The enclosure of a hazard to prevent or mitigate impact beyond the enclosure boundary. Credible scenario Refer to [ADNOC FERA standard] Environment Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationships. Surroundings can extend from within an organisation to the local, regional and global systems. Environmental An element of an organisation’s activities or products or services that interacts or can interact with the environment. Aspect Environmental Impact Change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation’s environmental aspects. Escalation Increase in severity of consequences due to failure of preventative barriers or mitigation measures. Equipment The individual items, e.g. heat exchangers, pressure vessels, etc. that make up a section (see Section). Facility Process and utility plants, tanks, buildings, marine structures, pipe racks and roads located within a site boundary. For example, a refinery, chemical plant, storage terminal, distribution centre, or corporate office. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 5 of 75 Active Fire Protection Terminology Fire Detection Zone (FDZ, same F&G A geographical area defined to identify the location of a fire or hazardous leak from containment so that Emergency Response measures can be initiated and targeted. Zone) Fire Hazard Assessment Fire Zone Process of identifying and assessing types of fire that could result from accidental releases of process, pipeline, riser, or well hydrocarbon / chemical inventories, as well as combustible materials present in accommodation, offices, control rooms, stores, and workshops. A fire hazard assessment provides a quantitative as well as a qualitative understanding of the scale, intensity and duration of potential fires; as well as the potential effects on personnel, asset and environment. Fire zones are areas of the plant sub-divided based on the potential for fire & explosion hazard to cause escalation, as assessed by the consequence and risk modelling. The partition into fire zones is such that the consequence of fire or an explosion corresponding to the reasonably worst event likely to occur in the concerned fire zone shall not impact other fire zones to an extent where their integrity could be put at risk. The partition of the fire zone is intended to limit the consequence (escalation) of credible events but is not intended to avoid the occurrence of the credible events. (Ref. HSE-GA-ST07, HSE Design Philosophy) Fixed System A fire protection system that is permanently installed and connected to a supply of extinguishing agent(s). These systems may be automatically or manually activated. A water spray system supplied directly by the plant fire water system or a gaseous clean agent system in a control room or computer room are examples of fixed systems Hazard The potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE-RM-ST01, HSE Risk Management) Inherently Safer A condition in which the hazards associated with the materials and operations used in the process have been reduced or eliminated, and this reduction or elimination is permanent and inseparable from the process. [CCPS 2nd ed.] Jet Fire Ignited discharge of hydrocarbon vapour, under pressure Manned facility Installation on which people are routinely accommodated (Ref. ISO13702) An offshore platform on which at least one person occupies an accommodation space i.e. living quarters. (API RP 14G [Ref.7] definition) In addition, personnel are present for more than 2 hours a day or more than 10% of time. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 6 of 75 Active Fire Protection Terminology Module Passive Protection Any assembly of equipment items and their associated piping, instrumentation, electrical equipment, structure, and fittings combined into a transportable subsection of a process unit or offsite facility. Fire A coating, cladding, free-standing system, wrapping, removable jacket, inspection panel, cable transit system, penetration seal or other such system which, in the event of fire, will provide thermal protection to restrict the rate at which heat is transmitted to an object to a maximum allowable temperature in a given time frame. Although the term passive is used, it includes materials which react chemically e.g. Intumescent materials which expand and create a char to provide heat protection. Plant A collection of units which normally operate together to produce specific products. A process plant typically has roads on all sides and all the processing equipment within that are intended to be shut down during a maintenance turnaround. For example, a Cat Cracker could have various units; regeneration, reaction, fractionation, gas plant) but this is counted as one process plant. Areas that transfer or store product are not process plants, however they are part of process area. Plot Area of the site where units are grouped (e.g., refinery crude distillation unit, chemical plant, or storage terminal is located). Pool Fire Combustion of flammable or combustible hydrocarbon liquid spilled and retained on a surface Portable Equipment Fire suppression equipment that must be moved to the site of the fire, then assembled or positioned before being put into service. It is generally stored until needed at a location accessible to its intended users. Examples include fire trucks, portable pumps, fire hose, foam monitors, foam supplies, fire extinguishers, and most fire department equipment (ref.API-RP2001) Process Section An area / part of a unit within a process unit containing a combination of processing equipment that is focused on a single operation. This includes Individual isolatable part of a unit /system (e.g. Feed Pre-treatment). Process Unit A process unit is a collection of Equipment within a Plant focused on a single operation, arranged to perform a defined function. A process unit enables the execution of a physical, chemical and/or transport process, or storage of process material. This includes, plant area with a distinct physical process area /process train, e.g. separation unit, crude distillation unit, crude treatment unit water treatment unit, polyethylene unit. etc. Risk Risk is the product of the measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesired event and the potential adverse consequences which the event may have upon: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Health and Safety of People – fatality, injury, irreversible health impact or chronic ill health or harm to physical or psychological health. Environment - water, air, soil, animals, plants and social Reputation employees and third parties. This includes the liabilities arising from injuries and property damage to third parties including the cross liabilities that may arise between the interdependent ADNOC Group Companies. Financial - damage to property (assets) or loss of production Legal - Legal impacts due to breach of law, breach of contract etc. Rev. No: 1 Page 7 of 75 Active Fire Protection Terminology Risk = Severity (Consequence) x Likelihood (Frequency) Refer to ADNOC Corporate Risk Matrix for more information UL Listing Means Underwriters Laboratory has tested representative samples of a product and determined that the product meets specific, defined requirements. These requirements are often based on UL's published and nationally recognized Standards for Safety. Utility An energy or services supplier, including electricity, instrument air, steam or heating medium, fuels (oil, gas, etc.), refrigeration, cooling water or cooling medium, or inert gases. [CCPS 2nd ed.] 2.3 Acronyms & Abbreviations Acronyms & Abbreviations ADIBC Abu Dhabi Building Code ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company AFP Active Fire Protection API American Petroleum Institute ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials BRA Building Risk Assessment BS British Standard CCR Central Control Room CO2 Carbon Dioxide DRA Dynamic Risk Assessment ER Emergency Response F&G Fire and Gas FDZ Fire Detection Zone FEED Front End Engineering Design FERA Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment FHA Fire Hazard Assessment FM Factory Mutual FPZ Fire Proofing Zone FSF Full Surface Fire AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 8 of 75 Acronyms & Abbreviations FZ Fire Zone HSE Health, Safety & Environment HSECES HSE Critical Equipment & Systems HV High Voltage HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System IEC International Electrotechnical Commission LHD Linear Heat Detection LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas N2 Nitrogen NFPA National Fire Prevention Association QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea UAE United Arab Emirates UL Underwriters Laboratory AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 9 of 75 3 REFERENCES 3.1 ADNOC Standards Ref No Document No Title 1. HSE-OS-ST29 HSECES Management 2. HSE-GA-ST01 HSE Governance Framework 3. HSE-RM-ST01 HSE Risk Management System 4. HSE-GA-ST07 HSE Design Philosophy 5. HSE-RM-ST04 Hazard & Operability Study (HAZOP) 6. HSE-RM-ST07 Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Assessment (EERA) 7. HSE-RM-ST08 Emergency System Survivability Analysis (ESSA) 8. HSE-RM-ST09 Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA) 9. HSE-RM-ST10 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) 10. HSE-RM-ST13 Inherently Safer Design 11. AGES-GL03--001 Facility Layout & Separation Distances Guidelines 12. AGES-PH-03- 001 Emergency Shutdown and Depressurization System Philosophy 3.2 Ref International Codes & Standards Code Description 13. ADIBC Abu Dhabi International Building Code. 14. API RP 14C Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities 15. API RP 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage 16. API RP 752 Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Permanent Buildings 17. API RP 2021 Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires 18. API RP 2030 Application of fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, 4th Edition, September 2014) No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 10 of 75 Ref Code Description 19. API RP 2001 Fire Protection at Refineries 20. API 2510 A Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities 21. ASTM E 1002 Standard Test Method for Leaks 22. BS 1635 Graphical Symbols and Abbreviations Standard 23. BS 6266 Fire protection for electronic equipment installations. Code of practice 24. BS 7273 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures. 25. BS-6266 Fire protection for electronic equipment installations. Code of practice. 26. BS EN 13565-1 Fixed firefighting systems. Foam systems. Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components 27. CAP 437 Standard for Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas 28. CAAP 71 UAE Civil aviation advisory publication CAAP 71 helidecks (off-shore) 29. EH40 UK HSE EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits 30. EI 15 Model code of safe practice Part 15: Area classification for installations handling flammable fluids 31. EI 19 EI Model Code of Safe Practice, Part 19,: Fire Precautions at Petroleum Refineries and Bulk Storage Installations 32. EN 50270 Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen 33. EN 54-20 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Aspirating smoke detectors 34. FM3260 Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signalling 35. IEC 60079-10 Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres 36. IEC 60331 Flame resistant 37. IEC 60332 Flame retardant 38. IEC 60529 Ingress Protection Marking 39. ISO 15138 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning 40. LASTFIRE Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks 41. NFPA 1 Fire Code 42. NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers (2017) 43. NFPA 11 Standard for Medium- and High-Expansion Foam Systems 44. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems No AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 11 of 75 Ref Code Description 45. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems 46. NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection 47. NFPA 16 Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems 48. NFPA 17 Standard for the Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems 49. NFPA 17A Standard for the Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems 50. NFPA 11 Standard for Low, Medium and High Expansion Foam 51. NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection 52. NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Manis and Their Appurtenances 53. NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenances of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems 54. NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (2018) 55. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code 56. NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 57. NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems 58. NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations 59. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. 60. NFPA 221 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls 61. NFPA 600 Standard for Facility Fire Brigades 62. NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems 63. NFPA 850 Electric Generating Plants 64. NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Apparatus 65. NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems No 66. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) UAE Fire and Life Safety Code Rev. No: 1 Page 12 of 75 4 OVERALL APPROACH & FRAMEWORK 4.1 General Systems that are critical to the safety of a facility need to be identified early in a project and their development managed to ensure the ‘safety critical’ performance they provide will be suitable and remain available when required. This is typically done by focus on the four key aspects, as described in HSE-OS-ST29 (Ref. 1): Functionality Reliability Survivability Dependencies & Interactions Active Fire Protection is one of the HSE Critical (HSECES) aspects of COMPANY facilities, meaning that systems performing this objective require specific focus during their lifecycle (design, procurement, installation, commissioning, operations & maintenance), as required by the COMPANY Standards. It is a COMPANY requirement that HSE Critical Systems Shall be identified and Performance Standards started during FEED and shall be updated in subsequent stages of the Project. The Performance Standards shall be made available for independent Assurance and Verification by COMPANY, at each Project Stage, in sufficient time to allow observations by the Independent Reviewer to be incorporated into the design. 4.2 Requisites Three main requisites have been identified as key inputs to the design of AFP arrangements: 4.2.1 Project HSE Philosophy Project Fire Protection Philosophy Fire Hazard Assessment Project HSE Philosophy Design of the AFP system shall be premised on a clear understanding of the overall strategy for Major Accident Hazard (MAH) management. This strategy is typically documented as a ‘Project HSE Philosophy’ based on knowledge about the relative location of hazards to people, those affected and those who will be required to react to an initiating event. The HSE Philosophy will therefore shape the nature of manual intervention (local or remote), the degree of remote monitoring, automatic actions, and the overall facilities needed to be provided such measures. The philosophical role of, and approach to using AFP shall be clearly and explicitly documented in the Project HSE Philosophy and the Fire Protection Philosophy. This shall be done early in design and updated, as a minimum, at the beginning of subsequent Project Stages. 4.2.2 Fire Hazard Assessment It is expected that a ‘Fire Hazard Assessment’ covering the first four questions identified in Section 1.1 will have been carried out in accordance with Part 1 of this Standard. AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 13 of 75 This will ensure there is a clear understanding of the nature of potential fires and their location on the facility is known before decisions are made about the AFP systems most suitable to tackle them. 4.3 Approach to AFP The Approach to AFP in this Part of the Standard addresses two main questions: Which systems are suitable? What is their safety critical performance? : Section 5 : Sections 6 to 15 The contents of Section 5 therefore serve to ‘Identify HSE Critical’ measures (systems) related to AFP. Sections 6 to 15 define ‘Key Properties’ of the relevant system, and the performance required. The contents of this Standard have therefore been structured to ensure both these aspects are explicitly defined and the performance of ‘Key Parameters’ can be easily tracked during the lifecycle of each AFP system. 4.4 Framework of Standard (Sections 6 to 15) 4.4.1 Overview of Framework The overall framework to capture COMPANY requirements for each AFP system in this Standard is illustrated schematically in Table 4-1. This has been developed to be consistent with requirements in Ref.1. The aim or this format is to facilitate: Tracking of HSE Critical Properties Management of HSE Critical Performance of Vendor packages Demonstration of conformance at each stage of project lifecycle Table 4-1: Schematic Summary: Application of Fire Protection Strategy 1 1 System Components (/Equipment) 2 Functionality AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) 2 3 4 5 Verification Operate Design & Assurance FEED Detail Design Commission Description Construct Project Stages Project Defined Standard Code Defined Key Properties COMPANY Aspect 6 Rev. No: 1 Page 14 of 75 1 3 Reliability / Availability 4 Survivability 5 Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 2 3 4 5 Verification Operate Design & Assurance FEED Detail Design Commission Description Construct Project Stages Project Defined Standard Code Defined Key Properties COMPANY Aspect 6 The first major column in Table 4-1 is split into the 5 parts, comprising ‘System Description’ and the four aspects described in Section 4.1. Column 2 identifies ‘Key properties’ that are critical to HSE risk and need to be tracked (e.g. firewater application rate). Key Properties fall into two main categories: COMPANY Standard Project Defined The list of ‘key properties’ contained in Sections 6 to 15 lie within both categories and are identified as such. The Project defined key properties are those that depend on the strategy for Major Accident Hazard management for the project (e.g. the requirement for remote activation will depend on project-specific circumstances). It should be noted that the list of ‘key properties’ and associated Standards in Sections 6 to 15 are the minimum to be considered. Other key properties and Standards Shall be added as identified through projectspecific studies. The Standards in Sections 6 to 15 represents the minimum requirement that shall be achieved and demonstrated. Columns 4, 5 and 6 identify the Assurance / Verification requirements for each ‘key property’ during the lifecycle of the Project. The design and implementation each key property shall be progressively developed and documented during the facility lifecycle (design to operation /maintenance). AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 15 of 75 4.4.2 Format of COMPANY AFP Standards (Sections 6 to 15) The format of the COMPANY Standards for AFP in this Part of the Standard ( Sections 6 to 15), only uses columns 1 2 & 3 from Table 4-1, for ease of presentation. An ‘Audit’ column can be added to this format on the right to allow compliance to be assessed against each key property in the Standard. 4.5 Application & Compliance with Standard CONTRACTOR shall follow the process described in this Standard. It is acknowledged that all aspects of this Standard may not be practicable to implement on all facilities. Any deviation from this Standard shall therefore be supported by a documented justification as described in Part 1 of this standard. 4.6 Document Structure Noting the above context, the remaining Sections of this Standard are structured as follows: Selection of Systems – : Section 5 Fixed Systems Firewater System Deluge Foam Sprinkler Water Mist (self-contained) Gaseous Extinguishant Wet Chemical : Section 6 : Section 7 : Section 8 : Section 9 : Section 10 : Section 11 : Section 12 Mobile Protection Portable Fire Extinguishers : Section 13 General Jetty & Terminals Buildings AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) : Section 14 : Section 15 Rev. No: 1 Page 16 of 75 5 SELECTION OF SYSTEMS – ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION (AFP) 5.1 Fire Protection Overview The aim of this Section is to identify the AFP Systems most suited for the fire hazards identified in the Fire Hazard Assessment in line with Part 1 of this Standard. The overall Strategy for Active Fire Protection is summarised in Table 5-1, which is broken down into four main questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. How to classify fires? What type of fires can occur? How to tackle fires using ‘Fixed Systems’? Which ‘Portable Fire Extinguishers’ to use? AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 1 Page 17 of 75 ADNOC Classification: Internal Table 5-1: Overview of Active Fire Protection Strategy b B Combustible Materials (cellulosic) Flammable Gases P 1 G(i) G(ii) B Flammable Liquids A 2 C Electrical D Flammable Metals Cooking oils & Fats K P Water Typical methane-rich natural gas. P Jet fire P Refinery hydrogen A flammable liquid that, on release, would vapourise rapidly & substantially. The category includes: a) Any LPG or ligher flammable liquid. b) Any flammable liquid at a temperature sufficient to produce, on release, more than 40% vol. vapourisation with no heat input other than from surroundings. B A flammable liquid, not in category A, but at a temperature sufficient for boiling to occur on release. C A flammable liquid, not in categories A or B, but which can, on release, be at a temperature above its flash point, or form a flammable mist or spray. P Jet fire P P (No water on LNG/LPG). 2 Water on High Risk Items at source for 'Control of Burning' (pumps, compressors, etc.) P Water for cooling Critical Items for NonImpinging Jet Fires P Water (cooling of Critical Structures) P P P 3 e f x P P P 1 Class B fires correspond to all fires identified through Hazardous Area Classification using EN-15. 2 Fire Class B comprises Jet fires, Spray Fires and Pool Fires 3 Potential for flash-fire and explosion also identified by EN-15, but escalation avoidance measures focus on isolation of source and removal of ignition sources (not Active Fire Protection). 4 Identifies Objectives and Approach to tackle fire using Fixed Active Fire Protection Systems. 5 Identifies the Portable Fire Extinguishing Options to tackle small scale fires manually. P P P P P P P E.g. Turbine enclosure fires Exposure Protection Exposure Protection P Clean Agent P Special Agent P Wet chemical Notes: Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) d P P Foam on Pool Fires with low vapourisation rates. P Spray fire Water eg. Inert Mist Gas, Clean (self Agent contained) Manual Response x P Isolate gas leak only Sprinker Control of Burning (at source of jet fire) Exposure Protection (radiation from low momentum fires) A c 6 a Wet Chemical Ignition Firewater System Prevention Foam (/shutdown) Deluge CO2 Exposure Protection Special 3 Control of Burning (at Soruce) Dry Powder Extinguish Foam Jetfire Pool (/Spray) Fire Flash Fire Electrical Metals Cooking /Explosion oils & Fats h Water B 5 g Dry Chemical Cellulosic K Gaseous Ext'ant Not Preferred (special cases only) Fluid Class for Haz Areas (EN 15) D Portable Extinguishers Water Wet Chemical NFPA 10-2018 C Fixed Fire Protection Systems 4 Control of Burning (same as Deluge) A Fixed Fire Protection Objective & Approach Flammable Fluids (Hydrocarbon) Exposure Protection (same as Deluge) Fire Types Extinguish Fire Classes x P x 6. Firewater system requird by multiple users throughout the site (firewater ring main, hydrants and monitors where required). P 7. 8. Vendor supplied self-contained Dependencies systems. - Fire Station - FF Vehicles - (trainded Fire Team) - Layout (Access roads & eqpt Spscing) - Drainage & Disposal Rev. No: 01 Page 18 of 75 P P How to Classify fires?: The Classification of fire types has been covered extensively in Part 1 of this Standard and is included in Table 5-1 for context to show continuity of the overall approach and logic. Noteworthy points are that Fires have been classified in line with NFPA 10 as Class A, B, C, D, and K. The exact meaning of these fire types is covered in NFPA 10, and in Part 1 of this Standard. It is also noted that all hydrocarbon fires lie within Class B. The fluid characteristics column has been included in table 5.1 to allow the various different types of Class B fires to be distinguished (jet fires, pool fires, etc.), as well as whether this is a hydrocarbon liquid or gas fire, since this is important in deciding the type of AFP system to use. What type of fires can occur?: The type of fires that can occur is covered in the second major column. This is addressed in Section 7.6 of Part 1, along with the type of plant areas where such fires can typically occur (Section 7.7, Part 1). The main focus of this Part of the Standard is on how to tackle the various fire types using: Fixed Fire Protection Systems Portable Fire Extinguishers. It is noted that “fixed” systems include those that fight fires at a specific location such as deluge spray system, foam system, Gas suppression system etc. . Fixed design is based on the COMPANY and Code requirement and based on Risk Assessment. Manual Fire Fighting is supplementary support to fixed system in case of their failure or if no fixed facility is provided. Portable fire extinguishers are for first intervention, if safe to do The discretionary systems will rely Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA) by the ER team during an incident to determine exactly how to use such systems How to tackle fires using ‘Fixed Systems’? 5.2 The third major column in Table 5-1 addresses how fixed AFP systems can be used: 5.2.1 Objective & Approach Fixed Systems to Use Objective & Approach The objectives of AFP in each case have been aligned with those of API 2030 (Ref. 18) as: Extinguishment Control of Burning Exposure Protection /prevent escalation to adjacent equipment. The types of fires that could be tackled using these approaches are clarified in the rows below each of these heading in table 5.1 Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 19 of 75 It is noted that the scenario of ‘flash fire/ vapour cloud explosion’, is outside the scope of this Standard since the systems required to manage it are normally not part of ‘Active Fire Protection’. 5.2.2 Fixed Systems to Use? The second aspect of fixed AFP is to identify the Systems that would carry out the objectives identified in Section 5.2.1. These are highlighted using the labels in the list below, and can be related to the various fire types in the preceding columns in: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Firewater System Deluge Foam Sprinkler Water Mist (self-contained) Gaseous Extinguishant Wet Chemical Manual Response It is noted that manual response has also been identified to work in conjunction with the fixed systems to support the same strategies stated in Section 5.2.1. The Firewater System (item a) is noted to be a common supplier of water for all fixed fighting system such Deluge, Foam etc. The fire water system also make provision for manual intervention in that monitors and hoses can be manually directed at specific locations, whilst other systems are covering fixed locations. The other systems (items e-g) are typically provided by vendors due to specialised requirements for applying the firefighting media. 5.2.3 Project Implementation of AFP Strategies? Table 5-2 is a schematic of a decision framework to consider fire protection strategies identified in Section 5.2.1, and how they can be implemented within a project. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 20 of 75 Table 5-2: Schematic: Typical Decision Framework to Consider Fire Protection Strategy 6.1. What type of fires can occur? Flammable Liquids (Hydrocarbon) C D K 6.3. Which Fixed Fire Protection Systems? Extinguish Water Control of Exposure Burning Protection (at Soruce) Ignition Prevention (/shutdown) x x x x x x x P-15 x x x x Process Utilities (Fired) PF-1 x x x Utilities (& Machinery) U-1 Safety Sys. SS-1 Manned Areas M-1 PS-1R Process P-1 Process Utilities Emergency Response x x x x x Dry Powder Special Metals x x x x x x x x x Wet Chemical x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Escape ER-Es-1 x x To select an approach for tackling fires (/ leaks) in each area based on the type of fires that can occur. (this becomes the objective for design of the relevant Active Fire Protective System), x x x x To review the Fire Classes that can occur in each area and determine the most suitable measures to avoid 'escalation' (passive & active, including PFP, ESD, Blowdown, AFP, etc.). x x x x x x ER-E-1 x x x x x x x x x Concept Risk Assessment (CRA) - Master Equipment List - Plot Plans - Fire Protection Study (passive & active) - Identification of Safety Critical Design Measures (SCDM) - Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA /QRA if required) Active Fire Protection Study (scope to coves requirement and capacity of firewater, deluge, foam, clean agent, allow FEED level costing) Performance Standards for SCDMs Detail design of selected AFP systems (e.g. detailed modelling of FW network, vendor package specification and procurement, etc). x To identify the type and number of Portable Fire Extinguishers required for each area to deal with the identified the Fire Class(es). n/a - System List - Plot Plans Active Fire Protection Study (scope to cover Portable Fire Extinguishers) Notes: 1. Requirement for AFP for any facility shall be assessed in the Fire Hazard Assessment and captured in HSE Design Philosophy. 2. Remote Unmanned Facilities: Requirement of AFP shall be assessed based on project-specific risk assessment (including business continuity perspective). If required, above Table shall apply for AFP selection. 3. Normally Remote Well heads (offshore & onshore): AFP not expected to be required for normal operation (SIMOPS requirement for well intervention to be assessed on case by case basis). Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) CO2 x x Evac Notes To identify ALL the areas where a fire or gas release event could occur. Wet Dry Water Foam Chemical Chemical Inert Gas, Clean Agent x Process - Product Storage Tanks, Pressurised Vessels & Export Other protective measures. Water Mist (self contained) x Manual Emergency Response Flash Fire /Explosion x Deluge Pool Fire x Electrical Jetfire (/Spray) x Cellulosic x W-1 6.4. Which Portable Extinguisher? Firewater System B Well-head Gaseous Extinguisher Sprinker A 6.2. How to tackle using Fixed FP Systems? Foam 1. Hazard Identification Rev. No: 01 Page 21 of 75 Table 5-2 is intended to show the logical flow of decisions to define the various AFP systems needed. The Table is structured to identify the main hazards related to the various equipment items in each area of the facility in columns 1-3. The next major column is broken down into 7 smaller columns, one for each type of fire. The third and fourth major columns allows the relevant strategies (extinguish, control of burning, etc.) to be selected depending on the type of fires identified. The final major column allows the most appropriate AFP systems to be selected based on the fire types and strategies determined. It is intended that this analysis shall initially be done on an equipment-by-equipment basis, and then consolidated into the systems required for the Project defined Fire Zones (FZ). It should be noted that a FZ is a geographical area within which an initiating Major Accident event is to be contained and may be defined on the basis of Process Units or by Plant Area. It is possible that this might comprise multiple FDZs, as defined in Part 2 of this Standard. 5.3 Which ‘Portable Fire Extinguishers’ to use? The extreme right side of table 5.2 shows the type of Portable Fire Extinguishers that are suitable for each of the various fire categories. 5.4 Equipment Selection / Quality All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed (Underwriters Laboratory) and shall have FM (Factory Mutual) approval. Any deviation from this requirement shall require a justification to be submitted for approval by the Group Company Technical Authority. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 22 of 75 6.1 Firewater Standard Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD - FIREWATER SYSTEM Code Defined 6 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Firewater Storage 2 Firewater Package Controls Interface 3 Firewater Pumps (Electrical Motor & Diesel Driven ) 4 Firewater Motor & Engine Controllers 5 Firewater Jockey Pumps 6 Firewater Ring Main 7 Firewater Monitors 8 Firewater Hydrants 9 Fire Trucks Functionality 1. Simultaneous Coverage /Design Basis Onshore and Offshore (Islands & Facilities): P For all applications, the sizing case for the firewater pump shall be based on the largest Fire Zone firewater demand (Fire Zone criteria and Fire Zone Concept is provided in HSE Design Philosophy, Ref. 4). Fire water demand calculation shall be performed by adding the fixed fire water demand for protected individual equipment / area within a fire zone + (plus) Supplementary allowance shall be provided for 2 hydrants or 1 monitor for Manual Emergency Response (portable). Additional hose stream allowances may be included if required. 2. Simultaneous Coverage /Enhanced Design Basis Alternative: Enhanced Requirement (if required for Company Specific Requirements) P If required for high risk complex processes enhanced requirement can be considered (e.g. Refinery , Petrochemical, etc.) as follows. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 23 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P P Firewater pump sizing case shall be based on two separate simultaneous initiating events in two different Fire Zones at the Refinery. The Fire Zones selected shall be the two largest firewater demands (Fire Zone criteria and Fire Zone Concept is provided in HSE Design Philosophy, Ref. 4). Fire water demand calculation shall be performed by adding the fixed fire water demand for both initiating events to protect individual equipment / area within each Fire Zone + (plus) Supplementary allowance shall be provided for 2 hydrants and 1 monitor for Manual Emergency Response (portable) for each of the two Fire Zones. 3. Design Basis: Fixed roof storage tanks shall require: Fixed Roof Storage Tank - Adjacent Tank Surface cooling (exposure protection) Full Surface Fire (FSF) protection (extinguishment) Full Bund Fire ( Bund fire protection may be provided if recommended by FERA or QRA assessment). 4. Design Basis: Floating roof storage tanks shall require: Floating Roof Storage Tank - Rim Seal Fire (extinguishment) Tank Surface cooling (exposure protection) Arrangements shall be as recommended by API RP 2021 (Ref. 21), NFPA 11 (Ref. 50). FSF Protection: The requirement to provide Full Surface Fire (FSF) protection shall be established based on project specific Risk Assessment. If required, FSF protection shall be in accordance with LASTFIRE recommendations. 5. Contingency on Firewater flowrate A contingency of 30% shall be added to the total firewater demand rate calculated for the end point application requirements. This is to cover for losses and hydraulic imbalances. Hydraulic – COMPANY approved software Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 24 of 75 6. Simultaneous Coverage /Design Basis Approved Hydraulic modelling of the firewater systems shall use surface roughness coefficients representative of the selected piping material(s). NFPA standards 24, 15 and 16 provide values for these coefficients. A surge study shall be carried out to identify unacceptable high-pressure transients during fire main operations. P 7. Simultaneous Coverage /Design Basis Deluge or water spray systems shall be designed to protect and cool equipment by either dedicated or targeted spray to individual items of equipment or by general area protection. The final application and choice of coverage shall consider the equipment being protected, the layout of the equipment and the potential for escalation including the effects of pool fires P 8. Firewater Pumping Sets Fire Pump set , driver and controller shall be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Listed and Factory Mutual (FM) Approved. 9. Initiation - Remote Manual Initiation of firewater pumping system should be possible from the HMI in the CCR. 10. Initiation - Remote Automatic The firewater system shall be designed to be pressurised normally with a Jockey pump arrangement. The main firewater pumps shall be started automatically if the jockey pump(s) are not able to maintain pressure, of if commanded to do so by a F&G signal. 11. Initiation - Remote Automatic Fire Water Pump Controllers. Controllers should be equipped for automatic and manual starting. Automatic starting should be accomplished using pressure switches for on/off operation or automatic start upon activation of the ESD, fusible loop, or other fire detection system. 12. Initiation - Remote Automatic Initiation of firewater pumps should be automatic on confirmed fire detection in plant areas (any type of detection device, F&G detectors, loss of pressure in pneumatic loop, LHD, etc.). 13. Initiation - Local Manual Starting of firewater system shall be possible local to the pumps. 14. Back-up Start Method (for Diesel Pumps) Diesel pump start capacity shall be sufficient to start N+1 fire pumps. NFPA 20 requirement to be complied as minimum. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 25 of 75 15. Application Rate Firewater Firewater application rate shall be based on API 2030, NFPA 13 & 15, IP-19 and ISO (an indicative summary is given for information in Table 6-1. P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Any differences required by the these Standards from the figures in Table 6-1.shall be highlighted to COMPANY for Approval. 16. Pump Suction and Discharge Piping: 1. Refer to NFPA 20 (Ref. 47) for pump suction and discharge piping including testing connection design as a minimum. 2. Each pump discharge shall be connected to 2 Nos common discharge manifolds with individual isolation valves. 3. The common discharge manifolds shall be connected to the fire water distribution system (fire ring main) with individual isolation valves. 17. Driver 2. If only electrical firewater pumps are installed, or if electric power is required to start and control diesel-driven firewater pumps, electrical power shall be from the vital supply such that the required firewater capacity can be met. P 18. Normal (stand-by) operating condition During normal operation, the main fire water pump(s) shall be in the stand-by mode, with either the jockey pump(s) or other pressure source (e.g., static height, cooling water system) maintaining a minimum pressure of 7 barg in the fire water distribution system at the pump discharge. Any alternative setting to be agreed by Group Company Technical Authority. P P a. In this condition, the pump discharge control valve (fail open) should be at the minimal stop. b. The dump valve (fail open) should be in the closed position. 19. Operating condition (fire scenario) 1. When the main firewater pump or the “first main fire water pump” (if more than one main fire water pump is required) is manually started, dump valve shall be fully open. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 26 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 2. To prevent a pressure surge in the main fire water system, a suitable pressure control system shall be installed in the pump discharge piping network which shall include but not be limited to providing pressure control valves in each of the two the discharge headers. Additionally, a PCV shall be provided in the tank return (/dump) line and the system shall be configured such that the discharge pressure is stabilised by operating the above stated PCVs (3 numbers). The PCV controls shall be managed through a PLC system. 3. The pressure sensing line arrangement and pressure transmitters to start/stop the fire pumps as required by NFPA 20 shall be provided in addition to the PCV arrangement stated above. The pressure sensing arrangement through fire pump controllers as required by NFPA 20 shall be set at lower system pressure and shall be independent to provide contingency to a PCV failure scenario. As a minimum all above three conditions shall be complied with. 20. Application Rate Firewater Water application rate shall be based on applicable Code. P Fire Pump Set Arrangements 21. Pump-set Design Fire Pump-set design and installation (Pump, Driver and controller) shall be comply with NFPA 20 (Ref. 51). P Firewater pumping system shall include a recycle line for testing such that each pump can be tested independently to verify its performance curve without a requirement to discharge at the intended end users. 22. Pump-set – Delivery Pressure Min flowing pressure at hydraulically furthest user outlet shall be above 7barg and at take off point ring main shall have minimum 10barg. Actual value will be set by hydraulic analysis to deliver the required flow and pressure for the largest and furthest demand. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 27 of 75 23. Pump Degradation Maximum pump degradation (minimum pump performance) shall be defined so that the requirement for pump maintenance can be assessed. This shall be based on the pumping system's capability to deliver the most onerous area. P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P Hydraulic calculations shall demonstrate that the required application rates will be achieved in each area to be protected with the defined maximum pump degradation. Pumps (Diesel) 24. Starter Diesel engine driven fire pumps shall have as a minimum a primary starting system starter motor and battery system, . 25. Secondary Starting System Diesel engine driven fire pumps that are primary pumps or the only type of pump at the installation shall have a secondary starting system requirement shall be reviewed based on the reliability and availability criteria 26. Response Time Within 20 seconds after a demand to start, pumps shall supply and maintain a stable discharge pressure (±10 percent) throughout the entire range of operation. 27. Operating Time Minimum fuel supply shall meet NFPA requirement (8hrs), however additional requirements may be required based on Fire Hazard Assessment to meet Group Company requirements. P To prevent surge in the network, maximum velocity in firewater network shall be less than 3m/sec. The pipe sizes shall be calculated based on design flow rates and pressure of 10barg (based on hydraulics) at the take-off points of each section even if one of the supply sides has been blocked or is out of operation. P P Firewater Ring Main 28. Firewater - Velocity Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 28 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 29. Firewater – Surge Pressure Hydraulic Surge Analysis shall be performed to demonstrate that the firewater system integrity shall not be compromised due to surge pressures. P 30. Jockey Pump(s) For wet pressurised firewater distribution mains or header systems, a low (flow) capacity firewater ‘jockey’ pump shall be provided to keep the system wet and pressurised. I P 31. Jockey Pump Driver Jockey pump shall be electric motor driven due to system demand for frequent starting and stopping to maintain nominal system pressure. P 32. Jockey Pump Discharge Pressure Minimum jockey pump design discharge pressure (minimum firewater distribution system pressure) is typically 7 barg (100 psig). Required nominal working pressure can be greater depending on minimum pressure required at high points, hydraulic characteristics, and response time requirements of the firewater distribution system. P 33. Fire Main - Isolation requirements The fire water main and isolation requirements shall comply with NFPA 24. P 34. Fire Main – Sectionalisation Isolation valves should be installed to sectionalize the water main grid so that only part of the system will be out of service during failures or repairs. P 35. Fire Main - Isolation Valves Isolation valves shall be installed in a chamber. Post indicator should be used and marked for easy identification of valve position. P 36. Firewater Network Arrangement Network shall be designed in such a way that each Fire Zone / critical item of equipment can be reached from two parts of grid. P Facility fire water ring mains and distribution systems shall supply fire water to fire-fighting appliances to enable fire water coverage of any process or utilities area with a fire hazard that requires water or foam firefighting media. This shall also cover firefighting for buildings from the outside. P Firewater Hydrants 37. Fire water Hydrant The provision for general firefighting is that fire water is delivered to hydrants with hoses for use by trained firefighters. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 29 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties If a facility is extended then hydrants shall meet the requirements in this philosophy and should match those of the existing facility. 38. Inlet Isolation & Outlet Pressure Regulation All hydrants shall be provided with an inlet isolation valve installed in the hydrant riser. Additionally, each hydrant outlet valve shall be fitted with a pressure reducing/regulating valve to allow operator to set pressure at typically 5 -7 barg for safe operation with hand lines. P 39. Connections General: Hydrants shall have 2x 2½ inch hose connections (instantaneous coupling) PRV type shall be required (based on system operating pressure) to regulate the pressure at each hydrant valve outlet. P Process Areas: 4 x 2-1/2” inch hose connections (instantaneous coupling) shall be provided as below: 1. 2 Nos of outlet (without PRV if required on case by case basis) 2. 2 Nos with PRV type In process area hydrant shall be provided in a manifold arrangement with foam/water monitor at top of the manifold and necessary access with platform shall be provided. 40. Onshore Hydrants shall be provided along the whole length of the fire water ring mains in all locations around processing areas, loading & unloading facilities, flammable liquids storage facilities and general areas. P 41. Onshore (LPG / LNG) LPG/LNG jetty heads/berths: Hydrant and monitors shall be provided. P 42. Onshore Spacing ONSHORE including Islands, hydrants shall be provided and installed in accordance with the following maximum spacing:50 m Around process units and LPG bottle-filling plants P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) 50 m Loading/unloading facilities and offsite pump stations 80 m Around storage facilities and Pipe tracks Rev. No: 01 Page 30 of 75 43. Onshore (Accessibility) Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 50 m Around storage and pumping facilities for LPG 80 m Around utility areas, offices, workshops, laboratories, jetty approaches, and other areas. Hydrants shall be readily accessible from roads and be located in such a way that possible damage by road traffic will be minimised and shall be provided with a guard post and concrete drainage area. P Hydrants shall be located not less than 1.5 m from the edge of the road shoulder, and at least 10 m from road crossings, sharp road curves, buildings or other structures. 44. Onshore (Accessibility LPG /LNG) On LPG/LNG storage facilities and on Jetty heads/berths, the combined hydrant-monitor will serve the purpose of providing intake to fire truck or cooling the area with monitor if any sprinklers are out of order P 45. Hydrants (Offshore) Offshore hydrants and nozzles shall be of materials and coatings suitable for seawater and outdoor weather conditions. P Monitors are provided to enable firefighting to be carried out where hydrants and hoses are not of practical use. This is typically when coverage is better with a monitor or allowing that a monitor can be operated unattended. P P Firewater Monitors 46. General Provision Stationary monitors shall be provided for rapid application of firewater onto a specific fire hazard where no fixed water spray systems are provided. 47. Fixed Monitors (manual) Fixed manually operated water monitors (oscillating if required) shall be located in hazardous storage areas at strategic points for exposure protection and shall be accessible during a fire. Stationary monitors shall be either free-standing or installed on fire hydrants. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 31 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 48. Facility Expansion If a facility is extended, then monitors shall meet the requirements in this philosophy and should match those of the existing facility. 49. Monitor (operating pressure and Flow) All monitors operating pressure shall be 7 bar minimum and minimum 120 m3/hr. Maximum design pressure shall be 16 bar. Monitor nozzles shall have "jet" and "fog" settings. The flow rate and the pressure requirement shall be increased as required. P P The fire monitor with the flow rate of 80 m3/hr may be accepted only in specific locations where the fire water demand is less and Subject to GC Approval. 50. Monitor (rotation & lock) All monitors shall have 360-degree rotation of turret that is lockable in any position. Rotation and elevation movement shall be by means of a lever; setting and locking shall be easy. Moving parts shall be fully protected/enclosed against sand and salt spray. Flushing facilities shall be provided for salt/brackish water and foam service. 51. Monitor (rotation & lock) – manual movement Rotation, elevation and nozzle adjustment shall be done manually without gears for ground level monitors. P 52. Monitors (congested areas) In congested plant sections where fixed ground level mounted water monitors may be less effective because of obstructions, elevated fixed adjustable water monitors operated manually from grade level may be used. P 53. Monitors (elevated) operation Elevated monitors may be operated: P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Locally at ground level, o Locally controlled elevated monitors shall be provided with cable, chain or gear mechanisms to adjust elevation, rotation and nozzle setting. Remotely from a safe distance, o Remotely controlled elevated monitors shall have a rotation and elevation speed of approximately 6 degrees/s. From central control room. Rev. No: 01 Page 32 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 54. Monitors (elevated) Elevated monitors shall have their mounting flange installed approximately 3 m above the level where the fire may occur. P 55. Monitors (elevated) – supports & platform Elevated monitors require properly supported supply piping, which may form an integral part of the supporting structure. A platform shall be provided for inspection and maintenance. P 56. Monitor (motors) Remotely controlled monitors shall be electrically powered from the emergency electrical supply. As a minimum, the equipment and operating panel shall be suitably rated to operate in a hazardous zone 1 environment. P 57. Monitors (foam) Foam monitors shall be compatible with proportioning equipment installed at ground level. P 58. Monitors (Offshore) Offshore monitor shall be of materials and coatings suitable for seawater and outdoor weather conditions. P 59. Monitors (LPG /LNG) LPG/LNG storage facilities and on Jetty heads/berths. Combined hydrant-monitor will serve the purpose of providing intake to fire truck or cooling the area with monitor if sprinklers are out of order. P 60. Cabinets Firewater Hose reels & Hose cabinets (branch pipe, fire hose) P 61. Hose Box Fire hose boxes shall be located along the fire water network in the facility areas (at alternate hydrant point). P 62. Equipment They shall be equipped with a minimum of 4 Nos of 2 ½ (65 mm) x 30 m hoses with branch pipe and with Nozzle. P Hoses Storage Capacity 63. Storage Design Fire water storage design and installation shall comply with NFPA 22. P 64. Storage Capacity Firewater storage capacity shall be sufficient to supply the most onerous duty for the following period: Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 33 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P - Process plants minimum 6 hrs uninterrupted (reliable) for the largest fire demand (unless more time is required based on the Fire Hazard Assessment). 65. Storage Capacity (verification) The required firewater storage capacity shall be verified with a Fire Hazard Assessment. Such defined capacity shall ensure the number of tanks shall be N+1 as a minimum according to API RP 2001 (Ref. 19). This means, if any tank is under maintenance the maximum required flowrate, pressure and minimum duration of 6 hrs can still be provided If increased storage capacity over and above 6hrs is required based on Fire Hazard Assessment, then alterative source of reliable replenishment such as seawater backup or mutual aid arrangement can be considered. 66. Storage Capacity (special case) Where the facility fire risk (/ firefighting duration) is shown to be low, the firewater capacity may be optimised. This shall require demonstration (Fire Hazard Assessment) and approval of the Group Company Technical Authority. P 67. Make-up Water P 68. Duration of Application (/storage capacity) It is desirable to have an adequate supply of makeup water available in addition to storage requirements. - Other industry based on the Fire Risk Assessment and duration firefighting. Process Areas: P 6 hrs main + 6hrs reserve Storage: Any deviation shall require approval by Group Company Technical Authority. Non-Process (Accommodation, Office. Etc.): For non-process area governed by UAE Fire and Life Safety Code - as a minimum 69. Firewater Delivery Pipework The firewater main shall be suitable for static and transient conditions (covering start up, part-load, sudden reduction in demand etc.) to prevent failure due to pressure surge / water hammer. P This shall be demonstrated by hydraulic analysis. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 34 of 75 70. Adjustment of Application Rate (monitors) Fixed and oscillating firewater monitors and hydrants shall be provided where it is reasonably practicable (and necessary) to tackle hydrocarbon fires manually. These should have a capability to adjust the application rate. 71. Secondary Firewater Storage Especially in onshore, offshore had abundant sea water Reliability / Availability 72. Maintenance Maintenance should be conducted in accordance with relevant NFPA codes. (Ref. 51). 73. Redundancy Firewater Delivery Pipework The firewater supply shall be configured in a ringmain arrangement to allow the most onerous duty to be met with any one section taken out for maintenance. P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P The fire water distribution system design shall provide for a maximum allowable velocity in the firewater piping of 3 m/s to prevent surging conditions. Even impaired condition (if one of the supply sides has been blocked or is out of operation) the velocity shall not exceed 3 m/s). The above shall be demonstrated by hydraulic analysis. 74. Redundancy Pumping Capacity In case of one pump being taken out of service for maintenance, the remaining pumps must be able to deliver 100% of the required maximum duty. 75. Redundancy Pumping Capacity Standby pumps i) When total number of Working pumps work out to be one or two, 100% standby pumps shall be provided. ii) When firewater supplied by three pumps, each able to supply 60 % of the maximum required flow rate. iii) Each pump maximum capacity shall not exceed 1000 m3/hr or higher capacity with the special approval by GC Technical Authority. 76. Redundancy Pumping Capacity During the operational phase of the fire pump systems, Availability should be at least 95% (this equates for example to 19 successful starts, out of 20 attempts). This is the overall Availability of the Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 35 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 77. Materials Selection of material for firewater system shall take account of the water quality and environmental conditions. This shall be documented and require COMPANY approval. P 78. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. P complete pump system, including the individual pump, power supplies, engines, motors, start systems, fuel supplies, cooling, switchgear, gearboxes and line shaft drive systems. Survivability 79. Fire & Explosion Storage Firewater storage shall be located such that it cannot be damaged by the fire and explosion events that it is intended to give protection against. This shall be demonstrated by FERA, P 80. Fire & Explosion Pumps The firewater pumps shall be located such that they cannot be damaged by the fire and explosion events that they are intended to give protection against. This shall be demonstrated by FERA, P 81. Fire & Explosion Pumps Fire Water Pump Location. (a.) The fire water pump should be located to minimize possibility of damage in the event of a fire. It should be isolated as far as practical from external fuel and ignition sources. If more than one fire pump is installed, where feasible, they should be separated to minimize the possibility of a single fire damaging all pumps. This is especially critical if both pumps are located in the process or wellbay areas. (b.) Where practical, the lift column should be located where it will be protected by the platform framing to minimize damage from marine vessels. 82. Fire & Explosion Firewater Ring Main The firewater ring main should not be damaged by the event it is intended to give protection against. 83. Fire & Explosion F&G signal cable Cable from F&G system to each Fire Pump and Deluge valve solenoid must not be exposed to the initiating event that the system is responding to. P P P Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 36 of 75 84. F&G Detection Interaction with this system should be treated as safety critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 85. EDG Power Electrically driven firewater pump units shall have power available at all times, even under emergency conditions that does not directly affect the pump. 86. EDG Power All power supplies shall be located and arranged to protect against damage by fire from within the premises and exposing hazards. All power supplies shall have the capacity to run the fire pump on a continuous basis. An alternate source of power for the primary fire pump shall not be required where a backup enginedriven fire pump, backup steam turbine-driven fire pump, or backup electric motor–driven fire pump with independent power source meeting NFPA 20 (Ref. 51) is installed in accordance with this standard. 87. Firewater System The firewater system shall always be available at all times to ensure water can be supplied on demand at any given time. The design of the system, including the firewater pumps, the ring main and other firewater users shall recognise this requirement and include sufficient design measures or redundancy of equipment to achieve this requirement. 88. F&G System Interaction with F&G system should be treated as safety critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 89. F&G System The supply of 24volt shall be from a secure source. Interaction with this system should be treated as safety critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 90. Spill Containment Contaminated firefighting media shall be contained in line with local environmental legislation / constraints and as required by Project HSE Philosophy. 91. Spill Containment/Drainage Drainage System Facilities shall be provided for cleaning drain system mains (to prevent back-up which could result in a hydrocarbon pool fire). For large areas such as pump floors, sleeper ways and pipe tracks, Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 37 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties fire stops shall be provided to minimize the potential spill area. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 38 of 75 6.2 Firewater Application Rates Table 6-1: Firewater Application Rates (Review of API 2030) Review of API 2030 - Table 1 [consolidates various sources including NFPA 13 & 15] Item Exposure Protection Exposure Protection General Exposure Protection x Control of Burning Control of Burning Extinguishment - Combustible Solids - Combustible Solids - Flammable Liquids Exposure Protection for Specific Equipment Structures Air-fin Coolers x Atmospheric Storage Tanks x Compressors - General x Compressors - in Buildings x Cooling Towers x Fired Heater Supports x LPG Loading Racks x Motors x Pipe Racks x Open Cable Trays /Conduit Banks X Exposure Protection for Specific Scenarios Pressurised Storage Tanks (API 2510) - Radiant Exposure x - Non-pressure impingement x - Pressure Impingement x Process Buildings & Structures - Primary x - Supplemental x Pressure Vessels, Exchangers & Towers x Pumps / compressors (overlap on machine x area 40.8 lpm /m/m2) Transformers (oil filled ) x Turbines - General x - In Buildings x Wellheads - Nozzles below overhead structure General Objectives Pool Fires x Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Control of Burning Extinguish Application Rate (lpm/m2) 4.1 - 10.2 x 20.4 x x x 6.1 - 12.2 12.2 - 20.4 Not desirable 10.2 4.1 10.2 12.2 6.1 - 20.4 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 12.5 x x 4.1 6.1 - 10.2 20.4 x 12.2 6.1 10.2 20.4 10.2 10.2 12.2 x 20.4 x Rev. No: 01 Page 39 of 75 Review of API 2030 - Table 1 [consolidates various sources including NFPA 13 & 15] Item Exposure Protection x (nonimpinging) Jet Fires Control of Burning x (high risk sources) Extinguish Application Rate (lpm/m2) System Components (/Equipment) 1 Piping 2 Deluge Application - Valve Skid 3 Deluge Application - Pipework (dry side) 4 Deluge Application - Nozzles Functionality Simultaneous Protection shall be provided against a single initiating fire on 1. Coverage site with sufficient capacity to meet the duty of the largest demand area. 2. Initiation - Remote Manual 3. Initiation - Remote Automatic Initiation - Local Manual 4. 5. Initiation - Local Automatic 6. Firewater Application Rate Deluge Distribution (pipework & nozzles) 7. Initiation of each Deluge Valve should be possible from the CCR and normally involves energising the relevant deluge valve solenoid with a 24volt signal. All energise to operate signals shall be line monitored. Initiation of deluge valves for an area should be automatic if there is confirmed fire detection in that area. Initiation of deluge shall be possible locally from the individual Deluge Valve skids (using the pneumatic / hydraulic system independent of the F&G system). Deluge should release automatically on local fire detection in the area to be protected. This may be through a pneumatic loop or hydraulic and/or a signal via the F&G system. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties See firewater system for details. Application nozzles and pipework (& pressure reduction means) shall be configured to ensure the minimum required application rate (l/min/m2) is achieved in all parts of any area being protected by firewater or foam. P P P P Project Defined STANDARD – DELUGE SYSTEM 7 P P P Isolation valve and strainer shall be provided upstream of deluge valve. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 40 of 75 8. Deluge Distribution (pipework & nozzles) Selection of material for dry deluge piping shall take account of the water quality and environmental conditions. This shall be documented and require COMPANY approval 9. Dry Deluge Pipework The dry deluge pipework shall be suitable for static and transient conditions (covering start up, part-load, sudden reduction in demand etc.) to prevent failure due to pressure surge / water hammer. P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties This shall be demonstrated by hydraulic analysis. The dry pipe work shall be sized to deliver the fire water demand with required pressure and flow at remotest nozzle. ( NFPA 15 is minimum ) 10. Response Time Reliability / Availability Redundancy of 11. supply - Dry Line shall be installed sloping with low point drain for draining the residual water after each application. The time to fill the dry deluge pipework should be taken into account to ensure it is not significant to the required response time for deluge application. The dry deluge pipework shall be configured in a ring-main arrangement to allow redundant routes to the most onerous discharge location to be met. P P This shall be demonstrated by hydraulic analysis. Water supply to each deluge system shall be from two separate sections of the firewater ring main to ensure supply is available in case one section of the ring main is taken out for maintenance. The primary tap off shall be connected to deluge valve assembly and an alternate tap off with manual isolation shall be taken from an alternate isolatable section of fire water ring main. The piping shall be connected to downstream of deluge valve assembly to facilitate the water flow directly to the spray system. The manual isolation valve location shall be outside the thermal radiation contour of 3.16 Kw/m2. (from the fire event being tackled). If isolation is provided by a remote activated valve, then this thermal radiation criteria may not apply. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 41 of 75 Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties The manual isolation valves and piping shall be appropriately protected against potential mechanical impact (e.g vehicle collision). Pressure transmitter shall be provided in the spray network to monitor fire water discharge / flow to the spray network. 12. Redundancy Deluge Valve(s) Supply to each deluge valve shall be from two separate sections of the firewater ring main to ensure supply is available in case one section of the ring main is taken out for maintenance. 13. Maintenance Equipment to be maintained in good working order with performance verified at a pre-determined frequency. All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. Quality of hardware / systems Survivability Fire & Explosion 15. Deluge Pipework (dry) 14. The dry deluge pipework should be designed so far as practicable to avoid being damaged by a fire or explosion in the area. 16. Fire & Explosion Deluge Valves The Deluge Valves shall be located such that they cannot be damaged by the Fire they are intended to protect against. 17. Fire & Explosion F&G signal cable Cable from F&G system to each Fire Pump and Deluge valve solenoid must not be exposed to the initiating event that the system is responding to. 18. Fire & Explosion - Instrument and power supply cabling that is critical for fire protection shall be special fire-resistant cables in accordance with IEC 60331-21 [Part 20] Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) F&G Detection Interaction with this system should be treated as safety 19. critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 20. Spill Containment Contaminated firefighting media shall be contained in line with local environmental legislation / constraints. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 42 of 75 STANDARD – FOAM APPLICATION System Components (/Equipment) 1 Foam Storage 2 Foam Trailer 3 Foam Proportioner/ pumps 4 Foam Application - Valve 5 Foam Application - Pipework (dry side) 6 Foam Application - Nozzles Functionality Simultaneous The foam system design should be based on the fire scenario 1. Coverage giving the most onerous demand on the foam system (application rate, storage capacity, etc.). Foam system design should be verified with Hydraulic Analysis. 2. Initiation - Remote Manual 3. Initiation - Local Manual 4. Foam Application Rate 5. Duration of Application (/storage capacity) 6. Response Time 7. Foam Application Rate Initiation of foam should be possible from the HMI in the CCR and normally involves energising the relevant application valve solenoid with a 24volt signal. All energise to operate signals shall be line monitored. Initiation of foam application should be possible local to the application devices from a position that is not vulnerable to the fire to be tackled. The foam system design and application rate shall be in line with following Codes, as applicable: -NFPA 11 (Ref.50), NFPA 16 (for foam sprinkler). - BS EN 13565-1 - CAAP 71 Any discrepancy in the application rates shall be reviewed and approved by GC Technical Authority. Volume of foam storage required should be determined based on Fire Hazard Assessment and the Fire Protection Philosophy ( As per NFPA 11 (Ref. 50) minimum ). Especially for full surface protection – fixed foam system (tank) and manual intervention from outside the bund. The time to fill the dry foam system pipework should be taken into account to ensure it is not significant in relation to the required response time for foam application. The foam system design and application rate shall be in line with following Codes, as applicable: - NFPA 11 (Ref. 50) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Project Defined Standard (Description) Code Defined Key Properties Company 8 P P P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 43 of 75 P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties 8. Foam: Concentrate The foam concentrate shall be selected in line with requirements of: - NFPA 11 (Ref. 50) - LASTFIRE (Ref. 40) 9. Foam: Proportioning Foam concentrate shall be diluted by proportioning devices to produce a solution of the required concentration depending on the type of concentrate used. 10. Foam: Storage quantity. Foam storage shall be sufficient to tackle the fire for a period specified in NFPA 11 (Ref. 50). The volume will depend on the on the concentrate selected and the degree of dilution permissible. 11. Design Basis: Foam requirements for Fixed roof storage tanks shall be as recommended by NFPA 11 P Foam requirements for Floating Roof Tanks shall be based on the project HSE Philosophy for the following fire types: P Fixed Roof Storage Tank 12. Design Basis: Floating Roof Storage Tank Reliability / Availability Maintenance 13. 14. Material selection 15. Quality of hardware / systems Survivability Fire & Explosion 16. Foam Storage (& Pumps if installed) - Fire & Explosion Foam Supply Pipework P P Rim Seal Fire (extinguishment) - NFPA 11 (Ref. 50) If required: FSF protection (extinguishment) LASTFIRE guidance (Ref. 40) Equipment to be maintained in good working order with performance verified at a pre-determined frequency. Selection of material for foam system shall take account compatibility in line with foam vendor recommendations and chemical compatibility. This shall be documented and require COMPANY approval. All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. Foam storage and pumps (if installed) shall be located such that they cannot be damaged by the fire they are intended to give protection against. This shall be demonstrated by FERA, 17. The foam supply pipework should not be damaged by the event it is intended to give protection against. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 44 of 75 The foam supply valves and proportioners should not be damaged by the event it is intended to give protection against. Fire & Explosion - Instrument and power supply cabling that is critical for ... fire 19. protection... shall be special fire-resistant cables in accordance with IEC 60331-21 [Part 20] Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) F&G Detection Interaction with this system should be treated as safety 20. critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 18. Fire & Explosion Foam Valves 21. UPS Power Interaction with this system should be treated as safety critical and the combined systems designed and tested together to verify performance. 22. Spill Containment Contaminated firefighting media shall be contained in line with local environmental legislation / constraints. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) P Company Key Properties P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 45 of 75 Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD – SPRINKLER 9 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Piping 2 Sprinkler Application – Control Valve (Alarm Check Valve) 3 Air Receiver - Air Supply 4 Sprinkler Application - Pipework 5 Sprinkler Application - Nozzles 6 Sprinkler Distribution (pipework & nozzles) 7 Dry Sprinkler Pipework Functionality 1. Simultaneous Coverage/Design Sprinkler system is considered inside building where fires are expected to involve class A material (cellulosic). Sprinkler system shall design according to NFPA 13. 2. Water Supplies Water supplies shall be capable of providing the required flow and pressure for the remote design area determined using the requirements and procedures as specified in NFPA 13, including hose stream allowance where applicable for the required duration. 3. Firewater Application Rate Rate & Duration selected by storage commodity using NFPA13 P Reliability / Availability 4. Maintenance A sprinkler system installed in accordance with this standard shall be properly inspected, tested, and maintained by the property owner or their authorized representative in accordance with NFPA 25 to provide at least the same level of performance and protection as designed. 5. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. P Sprinkler Pipework P Survivability 6. Fire & Explosion Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 46 of 75 7. Fire & Explosion Sprinkler Valves P 8. Fire & Explosion F&G signal cable P 9. Fire & Explosion - Instrument and power supply cabling that is critical for fire protection. shall be special fire-resistant cables in accordance with IEC 60331-21 [Part 20] Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 10. F&G Detection Required signals for alarm purposes and information as per NFPA shall be provided. 11. Spill Containment /Drainage Drainage: Within buildings, designs shall incorporate drainage of fire water sprinkler and hose reel systems, provisions shall also be made for routine system testing. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P Rev. No: 01 Page 47 of 75 Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD - WATER MIST (SELF-CONTAINED) Code Defined 10 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Propellant Cylinders * 2 Water Containers * 3 Distribution pipework 4 Fire Department Connection 5 Standpipe * 6 Pumps * 7 Fittings 8 Valves 9 Discharge nozzles 10 Discharge Switches (local - exit) 11 Discharge inhibit switch 12 Water Mist Control System Functionality Single or Twin fluid 1. system Selection Choice of Single fluid [water] or Two fluid [water and gas] 2. Water supply selection Choice of 1 Waterworks 2 Elevated Tank 3 NFPA22 tank 4 Stored water plus NFPA 20 (Ref. 51) pump 3. Water Quality selection Water mist systems [in accommodation blocks] shall be fed with fresh water. Backup water supplies ... should be available from the firewater main. [IOC B] 4. Water Quality selection Potable water or natural seawater (with permitted additives) in occupied areas. Demineralized water required if nozzles <51 micron 5. System Coverage Choice of 1 Local 2 Compartment 3 Compartment zone 6. Gas Selection * Refer to NFPA 2001 (Ref. 65) and NFPA 750 (Ref. 62) for the design and installation of the water mist systems if this system is required by the fire safety assessment. 7. Gas Selection * Air is presumed supply but elsewhere in text N2 is mentioned. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 48 of 75 Gas supply selection Plant Air and Air Compressors mentioned in text. No explicit source requirements, other than Atomizing media essential to the production of water mist shall be taken from a dedicated source." 9. Propellant/Atomising Media Quantity (Primary) * The minimum quantities of water, water additives in listed concentrations (if used), and atomizing media (if used) shall be capable of supplying the largest single hazard or group of hazards to be protected simultaneously. 10. Propellant/Atomising Media Quantity (Reserve) * A reserve supply shall be provided where the extinguishing agent expellant gas or atomizing media cannot other‐ wise be replaced within 24 hours following system operation. 11. Controller NFPA72 12. Initiation (manual local) see above 13. Initiation (automatic local) see above 14. Initiation (remote ICSS) No comment 15. Monitoring (remote ICSS) No comment 16. Time Delay Where time delays are provided, audible and visual signals shall be provided throughout the protected space. 17. Response Time Calculate maximum time delay to most remote nozzle 18. Ventilation Natural and forced ventilation shall be addressed in the design and installation of the system In some cases, consideration shall be given to shut‐ ting down the forced ventilation prior to mist system activation. 19. Pre-discharge alarm (audio & visual) Alarms shall be provided to indicate system waterflow and system trouble. 20. Abort Switch (if provided) For systems using abort switches, the switches shall be confirmed to be of the dead-man type that necessitates constant manual pressure, properly installed, accessible within the hazard area, and clearly identified. Reliability / Availability 21. Failure of Supervised Device Alarms shall be provided to indicate system waterflow and system trouble. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined 8. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 49 of 75 Storage containers and accessories shall be installed so that inspection, testing, recharging, and other maintenance are facilitated 23. Material selection Selection of material for specific duty. This shall be documented and require COMPANY approval. P 24. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. P Instrument and power supply cabling that is critical for ... fire protection... shall be special fire-resistant cables in accordance with IEC 60331-21 [Part 20] P 25. Fire & Explosion - 26. Fire & Explosion - Power supply for the pump not on same switch as the equipment being protected. Storage containers shall not be exposed to fire or mechanical damage in a manner that affects performance. 27. Harsh conditions (weather, chemical, etc.) The storage container arrangement shall be protected against harsh environments (weather, chemical, etc.) Survivability Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 28. ICSS (F&G and ESD Systems) All devices for shutting down supplementary equipment or interface with other systems, necessary for effective operation of the water mist system, such as fuel shutoff and ventilation shutoff, shall be considered integral parts of the system and shall function with the system operation unless specifically permitted by the listing. 29. Telecoms (plantwide alarms) No comment 30. EDG Power Approved primary and 24-hour minimum standby sources of energy shall be used to provide for the operation of the detection, signalling, control, and actuation requirements of the system. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P Project Defined 22. Maintenance Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 50 of 75 Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD - GASEOUS EXTINGUISHANT Code Defined 11 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Clean Agent Cylinders 2 Local distribution pipe & joints 3 Fittings 4 Valves 5 Discharge nozzles 6 Discharge Switches (local - exit) 7 Pre-discharge alarm (audio & visual) 8 Discharge inhibit switch 9 Clean Agent Sequence Control System Functionality 1. Clean Agent Selection (one type only) Only one type of clean agent shall be selected for a given space to be protected. 2. Clean Agent Selection (based on protection mechanism) Clean agent shall be selected based on fire protection mechanism to be adopted (i.e., to 'extinguish' or to 'inert the atmosphere') and shall be from an approved list. 3. Clean Agent Selection (Environmental Impact) Clean Agent shall be selected to be environment friendly taking note of potential adverse impact on Ozone depletion, global warming and atmospheric lifetime, etc. 4. Clean Agent Quantity (Primary) Clean Agent quantity shall be sufficient to protect the largest fire in the space to be protected. 5. Clean Agent Quantity (Reserve) P P P P P Gas suppression system (Inert Gas System) shall be supplied as 100% main & 100% standby cylinders with agent filled fitted with all systems and shall be connected to the piping. The Main & standby system shall be interchangeable with easy change over, localised switch at each area protected. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 51 of 75 If multiple hazards exists in same proximity, the gas suppression system can be designed for multiple rooms with directional valves. The agent quantity can be designed for single largest fire scenario. 6. Application Rate (to Extinguish) Application rate for 'extinguishment' objective shall be determined based on the fuel for the fire and shall include the appropriate minimum Safety Factor from the applicable Code. 7. Application Rate (to Inert) Application rate if the objective is 'inerting' shall be based on a concentration determined by testing to ensure subsequent re-flash, or explosion are avoided. An appropriate safety factor shall be added to this application rate, as required by the applicable code. 8. Controller Clean agent release controller shall be a dedicated device to the space it is intended to protect, and shall comply with requirements of the applicable code. 9. Initiation (manual local) It shall be possible to initiate the Clean Agent release sequence by local pushbutton at each exit from the protected space. 10. Initiation (automatic - local) The system shall be configured to initiate clean agent release sequence automatically upon detection of fire/smoke signal from devices placed within the space to be protected. 11. Initiation (remote ICSS) The clean agent controller shall be capable of being interfaced with the remote plant F&G /ICSS /manual pushbutton to initiate clean agent release sequence. P 12. Monitoring (remote - ICSS) The system shall be capable of being configured to allow remote monitoring of system condition via the ICSS (Integrated Control & Safety System) P 13. Time Delay A time delay after detection and alarm shall be included to ensure there is sufficient time for personnel to evacuate before discharge. 14. Time Delay (only for personnel safety) Time delay shall only be used for safety of personnel, and not for any other purpose (e.g. investigation of incident) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P Rev. No: 01 Page 52 of 75 15. Response Time The response time for 'extinguishment' shall depend on the clean agent being used (halocarbon or inert gas). The discharge rate shall ensure the minimum discharge concentration (with the appropriate safety factor) is achieved within the time specified in the applicable Code. 16. Duration of Protection As per NFPA 2001. 17. Ventilation (clean agent escape) System design shall ensure the degree of ventilation of the room is taken into account when determining the system capacity and flow. If the sizing is dependent on shutdown of ventilation systems then such shutdown action shall be treated as critical to the functioning of the system and shall be performed before the clean agent is released). 18. Pre-discharge alarm (audio & visual) Audio /Visual or both types of alarm shall be used to separately indicate the following conditions: - Hazard to personnel - Clean Agent Operated - Failure of a 'supervised' device/ component 19. Abort Switch (if provided) If an 'Abort Switch' is provided, it shall meet all the following conditions: - Located within the space being protected - Located near the egress point(s) for the area - Type to require constant pressure to Abort - Can be overridden by normal Manual Control or Manual Emergency Control - Distinct separate indication of system impairment - Clearly recognisable Reliability / Availability 20. Failure of Supervised Device Failure of supervised devices shall be promptly revealed with a positive indication that is distinctive from: - Operation Mode - Hazardous Condition 21. Maintenance A high integrity facility shall be provided to prevent 'unwanted system operation' so that maintenance can be carried out within the space protected. 22. Material selection Selection of material for specific duty. This shall be documented and require COMPANY approval. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 53 of 75 Survivability 23. Fire & Explosion - If a facility is provided to initiate Clean Agent release remotely from the F&G / ICSS /Manual Pushbutton, then the following key components shall not be damaged by the initiating event that the clean agent is intended to protect: - 24volts signal from F&G system to control interface. - key clean agent system components (including cylinders, initiating mechanism, piping, nozzles, etc.). 24. Harsh conditions (weather, chemical, etc.) The storage container arrangement shall be protected against harsh environments (weather, chemical, etc.) P Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 25. ICSS (F&G and ESD Systems) The Clean Agent Control System should have a facility for interfacing with the overall site F&G /ICSS and, if required, should be able to perform local executive actions if triggered by remote initiation. P 26. Telecoms (plantwide alarms) The Clean Agent Controller should be capable of interfacing with the telecoms system to initiate plantwide alarms if required by the Project Safety Philosophy. P 27. UPS Power The clean agent shall be powered from a secure power source. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P Rev. No: 01 Page 54 of 75 Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD - WET CHEMICAL Code Defined 12 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Fire Detectors 2 Discharge Nozzles 3 Operating Devices 4 Manual Actuators 5 Shutoff Devices 6 Pipes and Fittings, Tubing, Hose 7 Wet Chemical 8 Electrical Wiring and Equipment 9 Indicators 10 Assembly Functionality 1. Discharge Nozzles All discharge nozzles shall be provided with caps to prevent entrance of grease vapours, etc. 2. Safety shut off Devices On actuation of any cooking equipment fire extinguishing system all sources of fuel and electric power that produce heat to all equipment protected by system shall be shut down. 3. Safety shut off - Gas appliances Gas appliances not requiring protection but located under the same ventilation equipment shall also be shut off. 4. Safety shut off Expellant gas If an expellant gas is used to pneumatically operate these devices, the gas connection shall be prior to entry into the wet chemical tank. 5. Safety shut off - Manual reset Shutoff devices shall require manual resetting prior to fuel or power being restored. 6. Safety shut off - Hood exhaust fans A hood exhaust fan shall continue to operate after the extinguishing system has been activated unless fan shutdown is required by a listed component of the extinguishing system. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 55 of 75 7. Safety shut off - Makeup air When the fire-extinguishing system activates, make-up air supplied internally to the hood shall be shut off. 8. Wet Chemical Wet chemical used shall be listed for particular system, and system manufacturer shall be required to specify the chemical in the manufacturer's design, installation and maintenance manual. 9. Wet Chemical Wet chemical solutions of different formulations or different manufacturers shall not be mixed. 10. Wet Chemical Wet chemical systems shall be provided with an audible or visual indicator to show that the system is in a ready condition or is in need of recharging. 11. System Actuation All systems shall have both automatic, and manual methods of actuation (separate from each other) 12. Alarm The extinguishing system shall be connected to the fire alarm system, if provided, in accordance with requirements of NFPA 72 so that actuation of the extinguishing system will sound the fire alarm. 13. System Actuation Manual At least one manual actuation device shall be located in in a means of egress or location acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. 14. System Actuation Manual At least one manual actuation device shall be located in accordance with NFPA 96 or as directed by the authority having jurisdiction 15. System Actuation Manual Automatic systems protecting only common exhaust ducts shall not require a manual actuator. 16. System Actuation Manual The means of manual actuation shall be mechanical and shall not rely on electrical power for actuation. 17. Supervision Where electrical power is required to operate the fixed automatic fire extinguishing system, the system shall be monitored by supervisory alarm with a reserve power supply provided. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 56 of 75 18. System Location Wet chemical containers and expellant assemblies shall be located within temperature range specified in manufacturer's design, installation maintenance manual. 19. Discharge Nozzles Shall be located misalignment. 20. Protection of common exhaust hoods Protect common exhaust ducts by, either: Simultaneous operation of all independent hood, duct and appliance protection systems - Any hood, duct and appliance protection system protecting the entire common exhaust duct. 21. Fire Detection - Fusible link A fusible link or other mechanically operated heat detection device from the common duct fire extinguishing system shall be located at each branch duct to common duct connection where electrical operation of the common duct fire extinguishing system does not meet the requirements of Section 5.3.1 of NFPA 17A to avoid damage gas the the and or Reliability / Availability 22. Owner's Inspection Inspection shall be conducted in accordance with Section 7.2.2 of NFPA 17A on a monthly basis. 23. Maintenance replacement parts System components shall be selected from manufacturer's reference list shall be used. 24. Maintenance replacement parts Used components shall not be permitted unless approved by authority having jurisdiction. 25. Recharging As per NFPA 17A 26. Hydrostatic Testing As per NFPA 17A 27. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. Survivability 28. Location P All operating devices shall be designed, located and installed, or protected to that they are not subject to mechanical, environmental or other Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 57 of 75 Code Defined Project Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties conditions that could render them inoperative or cause inadvertent operation of the system. Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 29. F&G System Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 58 of 75 Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined STANDARD - PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Code Defined 13 System Components (/Equipment) 1 Portable extinguishers 2 Wheeled extinguishers Functionality 1. Extinguishers selection specific to class(es) of fire hazard Fire extinguishers shall be selected for the class(es) of hazards to be protected (A, B, C, D, K) 2. Class A fire hazard Fires in ordinary combustible materials, wood, cloth, paper, rubber, and many plastics. 3. Class B fire hazard Fires in flammable liquids, combustible liquids, petroleum greases, tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents, lacquers, alcohols, and flammable gases. 4. Class C fire hazard Fires that involve energized electrical equipment. 5. Class D fire hazard Fires in combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, lithium, and potassium. 6. Class K fire hazard Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats). 7. Extinguisher for specific Class D fire hazard Fire extinguishers for protecting Class D hazards shall be selected from types that are specifically listed and labelled for use on the specific combustible metal hazard. 8. Extinguisher function Each fire extinguisher shall be marked with the following: (1) Identification of the listing and labelling organization (2) Product category indicating the type of extinguisher (3) Extinguisher classification (4) Performance and fire test standards that the extinguisher meets or exceeds 9. Extinguishers approval All extinguishers shall be manufactured, approved and tested with UL or FM. 10. Extinguishers approval Portable fire extinguishers used to comply with this standard shall be listed and labelled and shall meet or exceed all the requirements of one of the fire test standards such as P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 59 of 75 and one of the performance standards [in NFPA10 Para 4.1.1] 11. Portable extinguishers Capacity by A, B 'Unit' Fire extinguishers classified for use on Class A or Class B hazards shall be required to have a rating number preceding the classification letter that indicates the relative extinguishing effectiveness. 12. Portable extinguishers Discharge time Discharge times of carried portable extinguishers are typically 30sec to 3mins depending on size chosen. Reliability / Availability 13. Ease of finding an extinguisher Fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible and immediately available in the event of fire. 14. Class A extinguisher proximity in buildings The travel distance to extinguishers located in offices and stores, etc. Shall not exceed a distance of 30 m. Work benches in laboratories shall each be provided with a small extinguisher. Analyzer buildings, gas metering stations and warehouses with chemical storage, shall have two extinguishers positioned at each entrance together with other extinguishers when applicable, centrally located at a travel distance not exceeding 20 m. P 15. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. Survivability 16. Maintenance Portable fire extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition and shall be kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being used. 17. Protect from damage Outdoor extinguishers shall be stored inside posted reinforced fiberglass boxes. Outdoor wheeled extinguishers shall be protected from direct weather conditions by means of shelters or heavy-duty wrappers. 18. Protect from damage Fire extinguishers installed under conditions or in locations where they are subject to physical damage (e.g., from impact, vibration, the environment) shall be protected against such damage. P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 60 of 75 Use Designated employees of business occupancies shall be periodically instructed in the use of portable fire extinguishers. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P Project Defined 19. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 61 of 75 14 JETTY & TERMINALS Jetty Terminals The jetty shall be equipped with fixed fire protection and fire-fighting systems. The firewater network shall be a closed loop network; this shall be provided with Hydrant cum Monitors at 50 m intervals. The hydrant cum Monitor and spray system should be supplied with separate connection with water source from main fire water header. Each firewater pipeline shall be provided with a bucket-type strainer. The separate firewater supply lines shall be interconnected near the jetty head and at main header terminations. Interconnections shall be equipped with block valves. a. Isolating block valves shall close without causing high surge pressures. b. Isolation block valves shall be operable from the jetty control room, from the jetty approach on shore and in the Dispatch Control Room. c. Isolation block valves shall be located at a safe distance from the jetty head. d. Where valves are not directly accessible, or where operation is required from more than one position, the valves shall be fitted with remote control from a safe area. e. For LNG loading installations, all valves shall have remote control. Fire protection facilities shall be provided for the jetty, equipment, piping and structures or a ship at berth, consisting of the following: a. Water Monitors To protect the ship's manifold. To protect the gangway of the ship to provide an escape route for the crew. To provide a water curtain between ship and jetty. To cool equipment and structures in the event of a fire. b. Jetty facilities need only provide assistance to the ship at berth, when requested by the master of the ship or his representative. Assistance shall consist of, but not be limited to: c. Providing the ship with water and/or foam by fire hoses from hydrants. Coverage of the ship's deck and the surrounding water with a foam blanket. Cooling of the ship's manifold and provision of cover for the ship's crew, e.g. when disconnecting hoses or loading arms. Coverage of the escape route for the ship's crew. Hose connections shall be provided for use by fire fighting vehicles at the jetty approach. Two fourway water hydrants shall be provided for use by fire fighting vehicles to back-up the fixed jetty systems. Hydrants shall be located at the firefighting vehicle parking space. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 62 of 75 d. Parking space for two fire fighting vehicles and one foam compound carrier shall be provided on shore at the approach to the jetty. e. All product lines running to a jetty or wharf shall be provided with isolating valves at an accessible location to minimize the free flow of products at the outbreak of a fire. Isolating valves operated by an emergency shutdown system shall be designed to close automatically, initiated by the fire detection system. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 63 of 75 15 STANDARD - BUILDINGS 15.1 General Buildings shall be designed to the UAE Fire and Life Safety Code (substantially based on NFPA 101). A building is defined as “any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy”. OFFSHORE, occupied enclosures shall be designed to SOLAS, which covers the similar issues as a building code. Building codes aim to provide an environment for the occupants that is reasonably safe from fire by protection of occupants not aware of initial fire development and by improvement of the survivability of occupants aware of initial fire development. The codes address fire hazards within a building and the potential spread of a fire within the building to other parts of the same building; therefore codes make provision to split buildings up into ‘zones’ for the purposes of fire and smoke compartmentalisation, fire detection and protection, fire alarm annunciation, notification and evacuation signalling. In addition, buildings on process facilities may need to be designed based on FERA against external hazards of fire, explosion overpressure and missile damage, and ingress of smoke or toxic or otherwise harmful substances. The requirements for the building to be gas tight, and fire and explosion resistant shall be determined by Building Risk Assessment (BRA) according to API 752, after layout has placed these buildings as far away from such hazards as practicable. Any building or part of a building designated as a temporary refuge is likely to need to meet more stringent standards. A checklist of the most significant safety issues is included in Section 15.5, but in all cases the Fire Code and COMPANY standards shall be higher precedence. 15.2 Passive Fire Protection Industrial buildings shall be of the most suitable type allowed by the Fire code, which should mean that load bearing walls (both internal and external) and other structurally critical elements will have a fire rating to maintain their structural strength. Structural integrity needs to be maintained for the time needed to evacuate, relocate, or defend in place, any occupants who are not aware of the initial fire development. Buildings are divided into one or more three-dimensional fire compartments due to fire hazards contained within the building, or because the building has multiple uses or for other reasons given in the code. These fire compartments shall have fire rating requirements to prevent spread of fire which must also be met. Openings such as doors and windows shall have a required fire rating and penetrations through walls and false floors and ceilings shall be designed so as not to compromise the fire resistance. The code may also specify smoke compartment subdivisions to prevent spread of smoke. The code requires escape route corridors to constitute a separate fire compartment. The code also specifies that there shall always be more than one way of exiting a building from any point except under limited allowed parameters and specifies the maximum travel distance to an exit, which can often be longer if sprinkler systems are fitted. External walls (and roofs) may also be required to have a fire rating because of external fire hazards, and these ratings may need to cater for hydrocarbon jet fire and pool fire for which standards over and above building code may be required. The specification for this shall be determined by a Building Risk Assessment (BRA, FERA and QRA). Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 64 of 75 External hazards may also include explosion overpressure so that the BRA may specify walls as blast walls to a specific overpressure and pressure impulse. Offshore SOLAS requirement and Building Risk Assessment to be applied 15.3 Active Fire Protection All buildings require a minimum provision of portable extinguishers suitable for cellulosic (class A) fires regardless of occupation. Depending on the presence of other hazards, other types of portable extinguisher may be required by code. The UAE Fire Code will also often require the provision of fire water standpipes for hoses and sprinkler systems and in the code may specify automatic sprinkler activation. Other hazards within buildings (e.g. HV transformers) should have an appropriate firefighting system designed to NFPA codes provided within that fire compartment to deal with that hazard, as required by the fire safety assessment or the building code. Generally, provision for firefighting a building from the outside should be provided by a fire water ring main and monitors or hydrants with hoses and fire brigade vehicles. There shall also be a connection to enable a fire brigade to provide water into any building fire water standpipes. 15.4 Fire & Gas All buildings need to comply with the UAE Fire and Life Safety Code regarding provision of fire and smoke detection, alarm and response. Each separate fire or smoke compartment shall have smoke detectors and other detector types as appropriate to the hazards within the building, which shall include provision as necessary within false floor and ceiling volumes. HVAC systems designed to NFPA 90 may be used to pressurise certain fire compartments to mitigate fire hazards and control fire spread. All occupied buildings shall be equipped with an addressable Fire alarm panel (FAP) in compliance with NFPA 72, along with addressable fire detectors and addressable audio / visual alarms connected to it. The Fire alarm panels shall provide common fire alarm and system fault outputs. The FAP shall also activate appropriate automatic spray system as applicable and other firefighting systems, as well as close appropriate fire or smoke dampers in any HVAC system and operate ventilation openings provided to release smoke from the building. Sprinkler fusible plug / bulb will activate based on the room temperature rise and alarm check valve will operate accordingly to provide the required demand. F&G System will receive water flow alarm in panel and notification alarm in the building External smoke or gas hazards may be identified by the BRA and this may specify that the building external walls and roofs should be gas tight, in which case all ventilation within the building is forced ventilation from one or more HVAC systems. This will mean that HVAC air inlets shall be fitted with gas detectors appropriate to the external hazard, so that on detection, inlet dampers can be shut and the building run on a separate air supply. BRA shall determine the time duration required for the building to maintain a safe atmosphere. Gas tight building access points shall be double door air locks and the building occupied volume held at a slight positive pressure. Buildings at process facilities should be integrated with the main facility F&G system. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) Rev. No: 01 Page 65 of 75 Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Project Defined 15.5 Standard (/Checklist) System Components (/Equipment) 1 Building walls (& roof) 2 Fire Partitions (compartmentalisation) 3 Fire Walls 4 Egress Facilities (incl. Fire Exits) 5 HVAC System 6 Fire Dampers 7 Smoke, Fire & Gas Detection 8 Alarm, and Communications Systems 9 Sprinkler System Functionality P 1. Fire Protection and detection devices Fire protection and detection system / devices/ components to be fitted as per UAE Fire & Life Safety Code 2. Detection zones Buildings shall be divided into a number of detection zones for easy recognition and short search time. 3. F&G detector layouts F&G detector layouts shall be produced and approved by COMPANY P 4. HSSD High sensitivity smoke detectors shall be used in rooms with high density of electrical wiring P 5. Occupant Notification Occupant notification shall be provided to alert occupants of a fire or other emergency where required by the applicable Code. 6. Smoke barriers Where required by code, smoke barriers shall be provided to subdivide building spaces for the purpose of restricting the movement of smoke. 7. Floors Every floor that separates stories building shall be constructed as a smoke barrier Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) in a P P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 66 of 75 Smoke barriers continuity Smoke barriers required shall be continuous from an outside wall to an outside wall, from a floor to a floor, or from a smoke barrier to a smoke barrier, or by use of a combination thereof. P Project Defined 8. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Smoke barriers required shall be continuous through all concealed spaces, such as those found above a ceiling, including interstitial spaces; [unless alternatively] the construction assembly forming the bottom of the interstitial space provides resistance to the passage of smoke equal to that provided by the smoke barrier. 9. Smoke barrier penetrations Penetrations for cables, cable trays, conduits, pipes, tubes, vents, wires, and similar items to accommodate electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and communications systems that pass through a wall, floor, or floor/ceiling assembly constructed as a smoke barrier, or through the ceiling membrane of the roof/ceiling of a smoke barrier assembly, shall be protected by a system or material capable of restricting the transfer of smoke. 10. Smoke dampers Where a smoke barrier is penetrated by a duct or airtransfer opening, a smoke damper designed and tested in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/UL 555S, Standard for Smoke Dampers, shall be installed. [also to comply with ANSI/UL 555, Standard for Fire Dampers if the smoke barrier is also a fire barrier] 11. Smoke & Fire Detection Smoke, Carbon Monoxide and Heat detectors shall be provided throughout a building as in the UAE Fire Code 12. Building air inlet locations Buildings shall take their air intakes from a non-zoned area. P 13. Gas Resistant Buildings shall be resistant to the ingress of flammable, toxic or otherwise harmful gases as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. P 14. Building entrances Building entrances shall be resistant to ingress of flammable, toxic or otherwise harmful gases as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. Air lock designs shall be considered for inclusion. P 15. Building air inlet dampers Buildings air intakes shall have dampers that close against the ingress of flammable, toxic or otherwise harmful gases as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 67 of 75 16. Toxic gas detection Buildings shall have detectors for flammable, toxic or otherwise harmful gases emanating from processes outside the building as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. 17. Fire wall ratings For Offshore facilities continuous membrane or a membrane with discontinuities created by protected openings with a minimum of 1-hour fire protection rating, where such membrane is designed and constructed to limit the spread of fire. Fire barriers are to be continuous from floor to underside of the floor above or fire rated ceiling and from the inside face of exterior to another exterior wall or other fire barrier with equal or greater fire rating 18. Internal Fire Walls Walls used as fire barriers shall comply with NFPA 221. 19. Fire Walls continuity Fire walls shall subdivide the buildings to prevent spread of fire and have a fire resistance rating and structural stability 20. Fire wall openings (doors, windows) The fire rating for opening protectives in fire barriers, fire rated smoke barriers, and fire-rated smoke partitions shall be in accordance with Applicable Code. 21. Fire wall openings listing Fire protection ratings for products shall be as determined and reported by a nationally recognized testing agency 22. Fire wall penetrations Penetrations for cables, cable trays, conduits, pipes, tubes, combustion vents and exhaust vents, wires, and similar items to accommodate electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and communications systems that pass through a wall, floor, or floor/ceiling assembly constructed as a fire barrier shall be protected by a firestop system or device. 23. Fire walls external extension Fire walls shall extend outside the external wall to prevent internal spread of fire in accordance with NFPA 221 24. Building interior finish Building interior finish and internal furnishings shall comply with Code requirements 25. Battery room Shall be well ventilated to avoid the build-up of hydrogen gas 26. Air conditioning plant room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 68 of 75 Air Handling Unit Room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated 28. Boiler room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 29. Electrical room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated 30. Emergency command centre Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 31. Emergency Lighting/Battery room/UPS room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 32. Fire pump room Shall be minimum 2hour fire rated 33. Laboratories Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 34. Low Voltage switch room Shall be minimum 2hour fire rated 35. Maintenance workshops Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 36. Oil tank room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated with automatic fixed fire protection system, 2 hours without automatic fixed fire protection system 37. Telephone room Shall be minimum 1hour fire rated 38. Transformer room / HV switch room Shall be minimum 2hour fire rated 39. Fire suppression room Rooms with fire suppressant gas shall be housed in a separate room with 2hour fire rating Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined 27. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 69 of 75 Number of Means of egress Two means of egress, as a minimum, shall be provided in every building or structure, section, and area where size, occupancy, and arrangement endanger occupants attempting to use a single means of egress that is blocked by fire or smoke. P Project Defined 40. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties The two means of egress shall be arranged to minimize the possibility that both might be rendered impassable by the same emergency condition. [Code specifies where one egress is allowed] 41. Maximum Travel distances to exit Travel distance shall not exceed the distance given in UAE Fire Code Table 3.16 42. High hazard travel distance Where the contents are classified as high hazard, exits shall be provided and arranged to allow all occupants to escape from the building or structure, or from the hazardous area thereof, to the outside or to a place of safety with a travel distance of not more than 23m 43. Inner rooms Exit access from rooms or spaces shall be permitted to be through adjoining or intervening rooms or areas, provided that such rooms or areas are accessory to the area served. Foyers, lobbies, and reception rooms constructed as required for corridors shall not be construed as intervening rooms. Exit access shall be arranged so that it is not necessary to pass through any area identified under Protection from Hazards in [the applicable code] 44. Common Path of Travel The portion of exit access that must be traversed before two separate and distinct paths of travel to two exits are available. P P P P Where a single common exit is allowed Common Path of Travel shall not exceed the distances in UAE Fire Code Table 3.16 45. Safety signs layouts Means of egress shall be marked in accordance with [the applicable code] 46. Dead ends Exit access shall be arranged such that there are no dead ends; or dead ends are within allowable length in UAE Fire Code Table 3.16 47. Fire Door Opening The door assembly shall be readily operable from the egress side without special knowledge or effort. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P Rev. No: 01 Page 70 of 75 48. Access control systems Access control systems shall not prevent egress from a building in an emergency 49. Evacuation route layouts Floor evacuation plans/diagrams reflecting the actual floor arrangement, exit locations and directional arrows to such emergency exits shall be posted. 50. Building Occupancy Hazards [Building] Occupancy hazard protection shall be provided by fire extinguishers suitable for such Class A, B, C, D, or K fire potentials as might be present. 51. Extinguishers are required for buildings alone Required building protection shall be by fire extinguishers suitable for Class A fires. 52. Portable extinguishers required Fire extinguishers are required for buildings regardless of the occupancy or fixed firewater systems or any other fixed firefighting systems 53. Fire water requirement Details of the code will determine if a fire water system is required due to the need for sprinklers or hoses in the code. 54. Fire Department Connection A breeching inlet shall be provided for the building active systems. 55. Fire water supply Private fire service mains shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 24 56. Fire water supply pumps Where provided, fire pumps shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 20 (Ref. 51). 57. Standpipes Where required by code, standpipe systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 14 58. Fire hose & cabinet A 25 mm or 40 mm diameter instantaneous water outlet with a connected hose for trained occupants or Civil Defence fire fighters to use during fire. 59. Fire hose & cabinet Fire Hose Cabinets (Hose Stations) complying to UAE Fire Code Chapter 9, shall be available in all buildings for Fire Fighters. 60. Sprinklers Where required by code, sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P provided P P P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 71 of 75 Fire Suppression systems In any occupancy where the character of the fuel for fire is such that extinguishment or control of fire is accomplished by a type of automatic extinguishing system in lieu of an automatic sprinkler system, such extinguishing system shall be installed in accordance with the applicable NFPA standard 62. Safety and fire equipment layouts Code drawings shall be submitted to Civil Defence for approval 63. Code drawings code drawings are to be submitted to Civil Defence for approval 64. Self-closing doors Fire doors between fire compartments shall be self-closing type Reliability / Availability 65. Maintenance All building related safety devices systems shall be inspected and maintained in good working order. 66. Fire alarm control panel power At least two power supply sources shall be provided for any Fire Detection and Alarm System, one primary and one secondary, fully supervised by FACP for failure, loss of power, trouble, short circuit conditions. 67. Quality of hardware / systems All systems and hardware installed shall be UL Listed and shall be approved by FM. Survivability 68. External hazards Buildings which are normally occupied shall protect their occupants against the consequences of the hazards identified by the analysis recommended to an extent which is reasonably practicable. 69. External hazards Buildings which need to be kept operable to permit the emergency procedures to be implemented, shall protect their occupants to the extent that they are not incapacitated and can safely shut down the remaining equipment. 70. Maintenance All fire detection and fire prevention systems shall be maintained according to code 71. Alarms Alarms shall have a Sound Power Level 10dB more than background Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P P Project Defined 61. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 72 of 75 Fire alarm control panel Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be as per NFPA and approved and listed by Civil Defence for those buildings that require approval. 73. Exterior Load Bearing walls fire resistance rating UAE Fire code requires a minimum of 1-hour fire rating [see Table 1.7 UAE fire Code for Industrial Occupancy] 74. Internal load bearing walls, Columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches fire resistance rating UAE Fire code requires a minimum of 1-hour fire rating [see Table 1.7 UAE fire Code for Industrial Occupancy] 75. Floor and roof fire resistance rating UAE Fire code requires a minimum of 1-hour fire rating [see Table 1.7 UAE fire Code for Industrial Occupancy] 76. Non-Load Bearing walls fire resistance rating no requirement unless specified 77. Blast Resistant Buildings shall be blast resistant as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. 78. Emergency lighting All exits and exit routes in a facility shall be provided with luminaries that are backed up by emergency power such as Battery or UPS. So that during fire emergencies and/or upon loss of power in the facility, means of egress is illuminated for evacuees with ‘emergency lighting’. 79. External fire walls The fire-resistance test should be based on exposure to an established fire time-temperature curve or a simulated fire test, appropriate for the expected type of fire. The expected fire can be a [hydrocarbon] jet fire, a pool fire, or a cellulosic fire. 80. Pressurisation Identify parts of a building that require to be pressurised to control smoke movement 81. Pressurisation Identify parts of a building that require to be pressurised to stop smoke or gas ingress as required by QRA, FERA and Building Risk Assessment. P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P P P P P P P P Project Defined 72. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 73 of 75 Fire rated cabling Fire resistance 2 hours for safety related systems Dependencies & Interactions (on other HSE Critical Measures) 83. Safety Performance A life safety dossier shall be produced for each building design. 84. HVAC Design philosophy For each plant/installation a HVAC design philosophy shall be established and included as a project document. 2. The philosophy shall include the following: a. process safety requirements; b. safety-critical functions; c. HVAC control philosophy and HVAC controls interfaces with installation control and safety systems. P 85. HVAC Design philosophy HVAC safety-critical performance requirements shall be clearly identified in final project design documents for incorporation into Performance Standards or another maintained document. P 86. HVAC interaction with F&G HVAC systems to be shut down (including closure of fire/gas dampers) when required to do so by Fire and Gas or Safety system design requirements. P 87. Use as Temporary Refuge For enclosed TRs the prevention of smoke and/or gas ingress is of paramount importance in maintaining integrity. The integrity of the TR is a function of leak tightness and positive pressurisation. The maximum acceptable air change rate shall be stated as part of the TR performance standard P 88. PAGA (Plant wide) 89. Telecoms (plantwide alarms) 90. ICSS (F&G and ESD Systems) 91. External walls fire rating where buildings are built within 3m of another building, the fenceline or a public road, external walls may need to be fire rated according to code 92. External walls fire rating external walls fire rating shall not be compromised by a design explosion scenario. The signals from buildings normally should be repeated to control centre or fire brigade building. Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P Project Defined 82. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties P P Rev. No: 01 Page 74 of 75 Emergency Action Plan Emergency action plans shall be provided where required by code or AHJ 94. HVAC systems HVAC controls may be integrated with Building Automation systems, Building Fire Panel or F&G control system 95. Fire Drills The purpose of emergency egress and relocation drills is to educate the participants in the fire safety features of the building, the egress facilities available, and the procedures to be followed. 96. HVAC systems F&G dampers shall override HVAC controls P 97. HVAC systems for TR If the building or part of the building is to be a Temporary Refuge, then it shall be designed according to (Ref. 39). P P Document No: AGES-PH-03-002 (Part 4) P P Project Defined 93. Code Defined Standard (Description) Company Key Properties Rev. No: 01 Page 75 of 75