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Proterozoic Evolution of Nigeria-Borborema Province

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Proterozoic evolution of the Nigeria-Borborema Province
Article in Geological Society London Special Publications · January 2008
DOI: 10.1144/SP294.7
1 author:
Silas Dada
Anchor University Lagos
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Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Proterozoic evolution of the NigeriaBoborema province
S. S. Dada
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2008; v. 294; p. 121-136
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© 2008 Geological Society of
Proterozoic evolution of the Nigeria – Boborema province
Department of Earth Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State,
Nigeria (e-mail: ssdada47@yahoo.com)
Abstract: Structural, geochronological, geochemical and mineralization patterns in the Nigeria–
Borborema province of western Africa and NE Brazil reflect a complex Proterozoic evolution culminating in the Neoproterozoic Pan-African/Brasiliano orogenesis (c. 600 Ma). Reworking of the
Archaean–early Proterozoic crust produced heterogeneous deformation exemplified by prevalent
shears, migmatization, granitization and intrusion of large volumes of granitoids typical of a
Himalayan-type thickened crust resulting from continent– continent collision. Dominant north–
south to east– west structures, with prominent penetrative fabric and mylonitised wrench faults,
refolded, transpressed, or even obliterated older structural trends, which are preserved in nappes
of the central Sahara region (NW Africa to Nigeria) and in NE Brazil. Anatexis and recrystallisation were coeval with emplacement of Pan-African granitoids throughout this mobile belt. Bulk
chemical modification, especially affecting magmatophile elements and REE patterns, attest to
chemical exchange between Archaean basement and Pan-African/Brasiliano rocks. Older crust
is present in both regions, including early (3.6– 3.5 Ga), mid (3.1 Ga) and late (2.7–2.5 Ga)
Archaean, as well as large areas of Palaeoproterozoic rocks reworked by the c. 600 Ma tectonothermal events. The extent and interpretation of Eburnian/Transamazonian (2.1– 2.0 Ga) events
have not yet been resolved due to inadequate structural and isotopic data. Litho-structural
control of Au, Sn, Nb and Ta mineralization relates to main or late-stage Pan-African deformation.
The continents of Africa and South America occupy
a strategic place in global tectonic understanding
and have attracted geoscientific attention since the
beginning of the continental drift hypothesis
(Hurley 1968; Torquato & Cordani 1981). The
Nigerian Proterozoic province provides a link
between the Hoggar Massif to the north and the
Borborema Province to the south; both of which
are assemblages of contrasted terrains of metasedimentary and exhumed crystalline basement rocks.
Multidisciplinary studies carried out by various
workers in both regions over the years now
provide a fairly coherent picture regarding unequivocal similarities in the evolution of the two provinces (Almeida 1968; Brito Neves 1975; Caby &
Arthaud 1986; Caby 1989; Dada 1989, 1998;
Caby et al. 1990; Van Schmus et al. 2003; Dantas
et al. 2004; Guimeraes et al. 2004). Structural, geophysical and geochronological data in the last three
decades have reinforced earlier evidence and conclusions (Almeida 1968) that the geodynamic evolution of the Nigeria– Borborema Proterozoic is
related to continent–continent collision at about
600 Ma (Burke & Dewey 1972; Black et al. 1979;
Caby et al. 1981; Brito Neves 1982). Throughout
this region, Neoproterozoic intrusions (belonging
to the Pan African/Brasiliano sequence) include
lower crustal granitoids associated with dioritic,
gabbroic and charnockitic rocks (Dada et al. 1989,
1995). The Pan African/Brasiliano tectonic events
caused heterogeneous reworking of pre-existing
terranes through extensive deformation, migmatization, granitization and intrusion of a whole range of
granitoids at elevated temperatures (T 600 8C),
together with the development of dominant
north –south, NE– SW and east –west shears defining the main structural fabric (folds, foliations,
schistosity, lineations, etc.) of the entire region.
This complex tectonic history has given rise to
great difficulties in accurate interpretation of radiometric ages and isotopic characteristics, as well as
in the structural analysis of older trends. Paradoxically, the problems of provenance of the metasedimentary rocks have in the last decade become
amenable to combined structural and isotopic
analysis (Caby & Arthaud 1986; Caby 1987,
1989; Annor 1995, 1998; Dada & Rahaman 1995;
Caby & Boesse 2001). The basement of the
Nigeria –Borborema shield (Fig. 1), which is
overlain by inland and marginal Phanerozoic
sediments fringing the Atlantic Ocean, consists of
three major rock assemblages: (i) an Archaean
migmatite gneiss complex; (ii) Proterozoic schist
belts (metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks);
(iii) Pan-African/Brasiliano granitoids.
Archaean migmatite-gneiss complex
Long regarded as basement (s.s.), extensively but
variably migmatized Archaean gneisses are well
exposed in Nigeria (McCurry 1976; Rahaman
From: PANKHURST , R. J., TROUW , R. A. J., BRITO NEVES , B. B. & DE WIT , M. J. (eds) West Gondwana:
Pre-Cenozoic Correlations Across the South Atlantic Region. Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
294, 121 –136. DOI: 10.1144/SP294.7 0305-8719/08/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2008.
Fig. 1. The Trans-Saharan and Nigeria–Borborema Neoproterozoic belt of NW Africa and NE Brazil in a
pre-Mesozoic drift reconstruction, after Van Schmus et al. (2008). AYD, Adamawa–Yadé domain; MK,
Mayo Kebi terrane; OU, Oubanguide fold belt; YD, Yaoundé domain.
1976; Dada 1989; Ekwueme 1991) as well as in
Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, in the northern
part of Borborema Province of Brazil (Brito
Neves et al. 1975; Caby & Arthaud 1986). It is a
heterogeneous assemblage including migmatized
gneisses, orthogneisses, paragneisses and a series
of metamorphosed basic and ultrabasic rocks.
Petrographic evidence indicates that Pan-African/
Braziliano reworking led to recrystallization
of many of the constituent minerals of the
migmatite-gneiss complex during partial melting,
and most display medium to upper amphibolitefacies-metamorphism.
In both Nigeria and Ceará, the gneisses of the
migmatite-gneiss complex are interleaved with
amphibolites that may be derived from Mg-rich
rocks such as continental basalts (Caby et al.
1990; Dada 1999a). However, there are no conclusive age and isotopic data to elucidate their origin.
Gneisses and amphibolites in Nigeria form a
bimodal association whose petrological and geochemical characteristics indicate a primary
igneous origin (Dada 1989, 1999a). The Archaean
migmatite-gneiss complex represents a reworked
TTG terrain of migmatite gneisses, including
plagioclase-rich leucosomes and potassic augen,
cross-cut by quartz veins, aplites and pegmatites
of late Proterozoic age as determined from lower
intercept ages on U –Pb Concordia. However, a
great proportion of the gneisses and migmatites in
Ceará and Rio do Grande do Norte have a sedimentary origin. Both multiple and single zircon U –Pb,
as well as Rb–Sr studies, have confirmed metamorphic events at 3.1 –3.0, 2.7 and 0.6 Ga (Santos
& Brito Neves 1984; Pessoa et al. 1986; Bruguier
et al. 1994; Dada & Rahaman 1995; see Table 1),
showing that the migmatite-gneiss complex is a
relict component within the mobile belt.
Table 1. Geological (U –Pb, Rb–Sr) and model (Nd, Sr) ages for rocks of the Nigerian Basement and the Jurassic ring complexes
Kaduna early gneiss
Kaduna late gneiss
Ibadan Aplite
Odo Ogun Gneiss
Ile–Ife grey gneiss
Ile–Ife granite gneiss
Igbetti augen gneiss
Egbe gneiss/
Kabba –Okene gneiss
Tiden Fulani migmatite
Badiko granite gneiss
Okene Granodiorite Gn
Sarkin Pawa syntectonic
Migmatite Badiko
syntectonic diorite
Ikerre massive charnockite
Akure gneissic charnockite
Akure porphyritic granite
Idanre gneissic charnockite
Idanre massive charnockite
Idanre porphyritic granite
Toro Biot-Hbd granite
Toro charnockitic diorite
Bauchi quartz fayalite
Toro migmatite
Toro anatectic granite
Toro migmatite granite
Ring complex 473
Ring Complex 412
TNd (Ga)
T¼ t-TNd
3.46 Ga (U –Pb)
3.46 Ga (U –Pb)
3.1 Ga (U –Pb, Rb –Sr)
2.75 Ga (Rb –Sr)
2.75 Ga (Pb-Pb)
2.5 Ga (U –Pb)
2.3 Ga/439 Ma (U –Pb)
1.85 Ga/550 Ma (U – Pb)
1.9 Ga (Rb –Sr)
3.49 Ga
3.18 Ga
2.36 Ga
10 Ma
2.73 Ga 760
Bruguier et al. (1994)
Ekwueme & Kröner (1992)
Dada (1989); Bruguier et al. (1994)
Dada et al. (1998)
Oversby (1975)
Pidgeon et al. (1976)
Rahaman (1988)
Rahaman (1988)
Rahaman (1988)
Dada & Rahaman (1995)
2.5 Ga/500 Ma (U –Pb)
2.5 Ga/500 Ma (U –Pb)
2.1 Ga (U –Pb)
635 Ma (U–Pb)
623 Ma (U–Pb)
680 Ma
740 Ma
2.78 Ga
710 Ma
780 Ma
1300 2 Ma
1600 Ma
865 Ma
1297 Ma
Dada et al. (1993a, b)
Dada et al. (1993a, b)
Annor (1995), Dada & Rahaman (1995)
Dada (1999b)
Dada (1999b)
620 Ma (U–Pb)
634 Ma (U–Pb)
621 Ma (U–Pb)
580 Ma (U–Pb)
593 Ma (U–Pb)
587 Ma (U–Pb)
607 Ma (U–Pb)
638 Ma (U–Pb)
638 Ma (U–Pb)
670 Ma
1.07 Ma
1.80 Ga
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Tubosun et al. (1984)
Dada et al. (1989)
Dada et al. (1989)
Dada & Respaut (1989)
581 Ma
616 Ma
715 Ma
170 Ma
170 Ma
Ferre et al. (1996)
Ferre et al. (1996)
Ferre et al. (1996)
Dickin et al. (1991)
Dickin et al. (1991)
Kaduna granodiorite gneiss
Geological age
Populations of zircon with and without inherited
cores occur in the same rock: a common situation
in complex reworked terrains.
The heterogeneous nature of the Pan-African
remobilization is evident in places where Palaeoproterozoic rocks have survived 600 Ma resetting,
e.g., the Kabba –Okene gneisses (Annor 1995;
Table 1). On the other hand, in some areas the isotopic record of accessory minerals such as zircon,
monazite, titanite and apatite in pre-Pan African
rocks has been completely reset during the Neoproterozoic (Dada 1999b). The latter rocks show
fractionated REE patterns with negative Eu
anomalies, although less pronounced than in the
Neoproterozoic granitoids. This implies some
degree of fractionation and retention of residual plagioclase during partial melting (Dada et al. 1993a;
Dada 1999b). Radiogenic isotope data (Nd, Sr,
Pb) confirm the above observation, indicating
extensive reworking and remelting of older crust
during the Neoproterozoic (see Figs 4b and 7a, b, c).
The Proterozoic schist belts
Schist belts constitute one of the most remarkable
structural features in the Nigeria–Borborema
shield. Various workers cited above have recognized and described the major north– south and
east –west elongate belts that define the structural
grains of the Nigeria–Borborema basement. These
belts belong to two groups: (1) the older metasediments, which include quartzite, marble, micaschist
and metavolcanic rocks and (2) the younger psammitic to pelitic metasediments with varying
amounts of mafic rocks (amphibolites). The first
group is well developed in SW Nigeria (Figs 2 &
4a) and the second is widespread in NW Nigeria
Fig. 2. Location of Nigerian schist belts on the eastern margin of the West African craton, after Turner (1983).
1, Zungeru– Birnin Gwari; 2, Kushaka; 3, Karaukarau; 4, Kazaure; 5, Wonaka; 6, Maru; 7, Anka; 8, Zuru;
9, Iseyin–Oyan River; 10, Ilesha; 11, Igarra.
(Figs 2 & 5a) and the Igarra schist belts (Oyawoye
1972; McCurry 1976; Rahaman 1976).
In NW Nigeria, there is a dominant series of
schists of greywacke origin that range from metapelites to quartzites; in detail they are made up
of phyllites, schists (s.s.), quartzo-feldspathic
schists, paragneiss, Fe–Mn-bearing (ferruginous)
quartzites and garnet amphibolites. Acid and intermediate volcanic rocks are interbedded with the
metamorphosed pelitic to semi-pelitic rocks in the
Anka, Birnin Gwari and Zungeru schist belts
(Figs 2 & 5a), which are recognizable discrete
belts with distinct and contrasted lithologies, separated by the Archaean migmatite-gneiss complex or
by Pan-African granitoids. This has led to the suggestion of several palaeo-depocentres. While the
problem of their possible co-sanguinity remains
unresolved, Ajibade et al. (1987) have suggested
that the prevalence of inter-belt schist relics in the
intervening deformed granite terrains is strong evidence that the schist belts were not confined to their
presently mapped areas. The consequence of such a
suggestion is that the metasedimentary sequence
was dismembered during Pan-African deformation
and the schist belts are now rafted segments or
relics of a single supracrustal cover.
In SW Nigeria, three major schist belts have
been recognized (Turner 1983). They are the
Iseyin–Oyan River, the Ilesha and the Igarra–
Kabba– Lokoja schist belts (Figs 3 & 4a). The
Iseyin–Oyan River belt, which continues into the
Ibadan area, appears to form part of the late
Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic banded gneiss –
quartzite–schist sequence of Jones & Hockey
(1964) and Burke et al. (1976). The Ife– Ilesha
belt consists of two contrasting rock assemblages
separated by the NNE-trending Ifewara fault. To
the west, the belt includes massive amphibolite,
amphibole schist, talc –tremolite schist and pelitic
rocks, whereas the eastern unit is made up of quartzite, quartz schist, ferruginous quartzite and schist
with minor amphibolite (Rahaman 1976). The
work of Bafor (1988) shows close similarities
between the Egbe –Isanlu and Ilesha schist belts.
The Igarra –Kabba– Lokoja belt rocks are essentially metapelites with inter-layered quartzite and
marble. Structural evidence suggests that rocks of
the western belt are older than those of the eastern
belt (Ajibade et al. 1987).
In the Borborema Province, the metasediments
are similar to those described above in Nigeria.
They are also preserved within elongated faultbounded structures (Brito Neves et al. 1984), as
metavolcano-sedimentary fold belts composed
essentially of mica schist, phyllites, quartzites,
marbles and calc-silicate rocks, ranging in metamorphic grade from upper greenschist to almandine–amphibolite facies (Arthaud et al. 2008;
Santos et al. 2008). However, the most striking
tectonic structures are the east –west trending Pernambuco and Patos shears (Braun 1982; Brito
Neves 1983; Caby & Arthaud 1986; Jardim de Sa
et al. 1987; Caby 1989). In detail, the Serido and
north Ceará regions are easily correlated with the
Nigerian schist belt, petrologically, in the degree
of metamorphism and, particularly, in structural
style. In the Borborema Province, the rocks
display a pervasive flat-lying metamorphic foliation
parallel to lithological boundaries (Caby et al. 1990;
Arthaud et al. 2008).
Rb–Sr and K– Ar ages of 700–450 Ma give
minima for metamorphic cooling, but there are no
reliable ages of formation for the Nigerian metasediments. Indirect evidence for a Palaeoproterozoic
age is the 2.1 Ga U –Pb zircon date of the Kabba –
Okene gneiss (Annor 1995, table 1). The gneiss
hosts metasedimentary xenoliths and shows the
same early tectono-metamorphic fabric exhibited
by the Okene– Igarra schist (Annor 1998; fig. 3).
A similar interpretation has been suggested for the
Jucurutu Group which has yielded a whole-rock
Rb–Sr isochron age of 2.1–2.0 Ga (Jardim de Sa
et al. 1987). Extensive application of the Rb– Sr
method on metasediments by several workers from
different laboratories (Holt 1982; Caen-Vachette &
Umeji 1983; Fitches et al. 1985; Caen-Vachette &
Ekwueme 1988; Ogezi 1988) suggests that these
rocks suffered extensive reworking during
Pan-African orogenies. In most cases, the rehomogenisation results in errorchrons of between 1400
and 450 Ma (Fig. 5b) suggesting mixture between
the pre-Pan African basement and c. 600 Ma
events; these ages are often wrongly interpreted as
Kibaran (1300–900 Ma), e.g, Ogezi (1988), Holt
(1982), Fitches et al. (1985), Caen-Vachette &
Umeji (1983), Caen-Vachette & Ekwueme (1988).
More recent studies have suggested a Neoproterozoic age for the deposition of the Jucurutu and
Serido supracrustal rocks in northeastern Brazil,
based on the presence of Neoproterozoic detrital
zircons in the metasediments (e.g., Van Schmus
et al. 2003).
Pan-African/Brasiliano granitoids
Migmatization of the older basement and generation of Pan-African granitoids constitute the most
widespread manifestations of the 600 Ma orogenies
in the Nigeria–Borborema shield. The Neoproterozoic granitoids are composed of several contemporaneous petrological groups. They vary from
granites (s.s.) and their associated charnockitic,
dioritic, monzonitic, syenitic rocks, to gabbros, serpentinites and anorthosites. Felsic and mafic dykes
in the form of pegmatites and dolerites, as well as
Fig. 3. Geological map of Kabba–Okene with banded iron ore north of Igarra schist belt, southwestern Nigeria,
after Annor (1995).
extensive migmatized and granitized pre-PanAfrican basement, are well exposed. The structural
trends formed during this widespread event
subsequently controlled the emplacement of the
Jurassic alkaline to super-alkaline ring complexes
to a large extent (Rahaman et al. 1984; Dickin
et al. 1991).
Major and trace element geochemistry combined with U –Pb geochronology and Pb-, Sr- and
Nd-isotope geochemistry in a large segment of
northern Nigeria, from Kaduna in the west to
Bauchi in the east (Fig. 6), favours a mixing
model between juvenile Pan-African material and
the Archaean basement, with a predominant
Fig. 4. (a) The regional geology of Iseyin– Oyo–Ibadan schist belt, southwestern Nigeria, showing the mode of
occurrence of the gneisses and the refolded quartzites, after Grant (1970); (b) Histograms of Rb–Sr and U –Pb ages of
Nigerian migmatite-gneisses.
involvement of the latter component, in the genesis
of the Pan-African granitoids (Dada et al. 1995;
Dada 1998; Fig. 7).
Trace element studies indicate high LREE abundances in the granitoids with prominent negative Eu
anomalies (Olarewaju 1988; Dada et al. 1995), due
to intra-crustal melting (Taylor & McLennan 1981)
during the Pan African event. Modification of the
bulk chemistry by chemical exchange between the
Archaean and late Proterozoic rocks is evident in
the high concentration of magmatophile elements
(K, Rb, Ba, Sr, La, Ce), in agreement with isotope
geochemical data (Sr, Nd, Pb) on these rocks. It
has been suggested that partial melting in the
mantle resulted from Pan-African plate collision,
giving rise to juvenile magma which, together
with the inherent heat, led to large-scale reworking
with concomitant assimilation of older material
(Dada et al. 1995). The resulting contamination
produced Pan-African initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.70617–
0.71015) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.511071 –0.511599)
ratios that are closer to crustal than mantle values
(1Sri ¼ þ30 to þ86; 1Ndi ¼ 215.5 to 24.0).
This is true for a large part of the Nigerian basement
and shows that each of the granitic episodes
represents mixture of mantle and assimilated older
crustal components during Pan-African continent–
continent collisional geodynamic evolution
c. 600 Ma (e.g., Burke & Dewey 1972; Black
et al. 1979; Caby 1989).
Neoproterozoic (c. 600 Ma) U –Pb, Rb–Sr, K –
Ar ages have been reported from granitoids within
the Nigerian basement (Grant 1978; Matheis &
Caen-Vachette 1983; Tubosun et al. 1984; Fitches
et al. 1985; Ogezi 1988; Rahaman 1988;
Rahaman et al. 1991). In particular, U –Pb data on
zircons confirm Pan-African ages of emplacement
for the charnockitic rocks that were previously
thought to be Kibaran (c. 1100 Ma) or even
Archaean (Jones & Hockey 1964; Cooray 1977;
Hubbard 1975). Combination of the available structural data and U –Pb ages suggest the following
sequence of events in the reworked Nigerian
Pan-African orogen: (i) early deformational phase
D1 with migmatization and local anatexis at 640–
620 Ma; (ii) main deformational phase D2 with
Fig. 5. (a) Regional geology showing the major NNE– SSW Anka–Yauri fault associated with gold
mineralization, after Garba (2000); (b) Histograms of Rb– Sr and K –Ar ages of Nigerian metasedimentary rocks.
Fig. 6. Geological map of Kaduna–Toro –Bauchi region in north-central Nigeria, after Dada et al. (1995).
Fig. 7. (a) Histograms of Rb–Sr, K –Ar, Pb –Pb, and U– Pb ages of Nigerian granitoids; (b) Histograms of Nd model
ages (TDM) of Nigerian granitoids; (c) Nd isotope evolution diagram showing possible mixing between proposed
Palaeoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic and juvenile crusts and the Archaean (.2.5 Ga) felsic component of the Nigerian
migmatite-gneiss basement. Depleted mantle evolution trend assumes a linear growth from a DM source with
present-day 1Nd ¼ þ 10 (Jahn et al. 1988), after Dada et al. (1995).
the formation of shear zones and emplacement of
syntectonic granitoids at the climax of Pan-African
magmatism (620–600 Ma); (iii) emplacement of
late to post-tectonic granitoids during the late
second phase (D2) deformation (600– 580 Ma).
Further studies will probably modify or refine
this scheme in detail, particularly because
Pan-African tectono-metamorphism was heterogeneous in style, degree and grade (Annor &
Freeth 1985). In addition, increasing evidence
suggests that deformation may not have been synchronous with magmatism (Grant 1978; Rahaman
et al. 1991). A similar sequence has been described
in the Borborema Province (Guimaraes et al. 2004;
Van Schmus et al. 2003, 2008). The cooling ages
obtained from Rb –Sr on whole rocks are similar
for both regions, clustering around 500 Ma.
The age of the felsite dykes has been established
as between 580 and 535 Ma (Rb– Sr whole-rock
ages, Van Breemen et al. 1977; Matheis & CaenVachette 1983), whereas the basic dykes seem to
be considerably younger, with ages of c. 500 Ma
(478 + 19 Ma, Grant 1970). The structural and
geochronological importance of this suite of rocks
is often overlooked in consideration of the
Nigeria–Borborema shield although their emplacement ages are instrumental for the establishment of
the chronostratigraphic and structural history of the
region. Whereas the basic dykes are interpreted as
representing early Brasiliano magmatic activity in
NE Brazil (Bernasconi 1987), there seems to be
general structural and geochronological evidence
that they constitute the post-tectonic units in the
Nigerian basement (Rahaman 1976).
Structural geology
The structural similarities between the Precambrian
terrains exposed in Nigeria and the Borborema
Province of NE Brazil have long been recognized
(Torquato & Cordani 1981, and see several other
contributions to this volume). The dominant structural features of the Nigeria–Borborema basement
are apparent from studies in the schist belts and conclusively show that such structures were developed
during the Pan-African/Brasiliano sequence of orogenies; pre-existing structures were overprinted or
obliterated. While there is a gross similarity in tectonic style, the observed patterns vary in detail due
to the variable degree of rock exposure and differences in lithological distribution. Earlier workers
described the Nigerian basement as a combination
of well developed metasedimentary cover to the
west and a largely vestigial crystalline terrain to
the east (McCurry 1971; Oyawoye 1972;
Rahaman 1976, 1988; Grant 1978; Turner 1983;
Fitches et al. 1985; Ajibade et al. 1987; Ferre
et al. 1996). Recent isotopic data, gravity evidence
and structural analysis (Lesquer et al. 1984; Caby
1989; Caby et al. 1990; Black et al. 1994; Dada
1998; Ferre et al. 1998) have confirmed the
allochthonous nature of the supracrustal terrains
that were welded together, presumably in contiguity
with the Hoggar Massif to the north and the Borborema Province to the south. Sutures have been
proposed along the two transcurrent fault zones,
and in particular within the Ife –Ilesha schist belt,
which has been interpreted as a back-arc marginal
basin (Rahaman et al. 1988), and east-verging
nappes (Caby & Boesse 2001).
In Nigeria, structural studies of the metasedimentary belts have led to the proposition of two
major phases of Pan-African deformation
(McCurry 1971, 1976; Rahaman 1976, 1988).
Phase 1 is characterized by isoclinal folds (F1)
with subhorizontal S1 axial schistosity planes and
a dominantly east –west mineral lineation (L1)
parallel to the fold axis. Phase 2 is characterized
by regional isoclinal folds (F2) with subvertical
axial planes and subhorizontal axes and an S2
axial plane of schistosity. The micro-folds associated with the major folds define a crenulation lineation (Lc) parallel to the L2 mineral lineation, in
conformity with the general north–south F2 fold
axis (i.e., NNW to NNE, Figs 1–5). Discrete
brittle major faults have N20 to NE –SW trend
within the schist belts and on a regional scale
(Figs 4, 5, 6); both McCurry (1976) and Rahaman
(1976) have described sinistral N130 to north –
south conjugate faults.
However, it is the second phase of deformation
that is regionally most pervasive; it has left a most
dominant submeridianal (c. north –south) imprint,
not only in the schist belts but all over the Nigerian
basement. This is roughly parallel to the outcrops of
the syntectonic Pan-African granitoids, which were
preferentially emplaced within north–south shear
zones (McCurry 1976; Cahen et al. 1984) and on
which late Pan-African deformation (Rahaman
1976) was super-imposed as NNE–SSW to
north– south trending mylonites (McCurry 1971;
Ajibade et al. 1979). Detailed description and
analysis of the structural patterns for the Borborema
Province are given by Caby & Arthaud (1986) and
Caby et al. (1995).
Variations in the metamorphic imprint on the rocks
of the Nigeria –Borborema province are observed in
the mineral assemblages associated with penetrative fabrics in the older rock units and, to a lesser
extent, in the granitoids, and reflect the heterogeneity of the metamorphism. The relationship
between phases of deformation and prograde metamorphism shows that the Pan-African/Brasiliano
deformation took place under medium to high
amphibolite-facies conditions. In general, there is
a contrast between greenschist to almandine –
amphibolite facies in the metasediments and upper
amphibolite to granulite facies in the gneisses.
Greenschist facies is indicated in the metasediments by the presence of chlorite, while biotite,
garnet, plagioclase (+staurolite) define the
almandine –amphibolite facies. Muscovite after
pre-existing chlorite is common in the phyllites.
In the metasediments of northwestern Nigeria,
McCurry (1976) identified two periods of syntectonic progressive metamorphism, separated and followed by periods of static metamorphism. In
southwestern Nigeria on the other hand, Rahaman
(1976) recognized three metamorphic episodes, on
both macroscopic and microscopic scales. While
there seems to be agreement in the progressive
nature of the metamorphism by these two authors,
Annor et al. (1996) and Annor (1998) have recorded
retrograde metamorphism in the Egbe –Isanlu and
the Okene –Igarra schist belts.
The Archaean migmatite-gneiss complex, on the
other hand, displays higher metamorphic grade with
mineral associations including sillimanite and
kyanite (McCurry 1976). Most assemblages reflect
staurolite –almandine sub-facies conditions of the
amphibolite facies (Rahaman 1976). Rahaman
et al. (1991) suggested that Pan-African magmatism
was the main heat source for the metamorphism,
and that it took place in the interval between 630
and 600 Ma, whereas deformation was diachronous
from west to east in tandem with the prograde metamorphic gradient (Rahaman & Ocan 1978), until
granulite-facies conditions were locally attained in
the Ikare area (Rahaman & Ocan 1988). The
major thrusts recognized in the Nigerian schist
belts (Rahaman 1976; Odeyemi 1988; Odeyemi &
Rahaman 1992; Ajibade et al. 1979; Annor &
Freeth 1985; Caby 1989; Annor et al. 1996;
Annor 1998) must have continued at lower crustal
levels, merging with each other in the layered
granulitic lower crust that may underlie most of
these areas (Caby & Boesse 2001). Identical
relationships have been established in Ceará, NE
Brazil, by Pessoa & Archanjo (1984) and Caby &
Arthaud (1986).
Pre-drift reconstruction of the structural patterns
and other geological features of the Nigeria–
Borborema province also shows overwhelming
correspondence in the control of mineralization by
deformation processes during the Pan-African/
Brasiliano orogenies (Torquato & Cordani 1981).
Among these are: (i) well-defined pegmatitic provinces with Sn, Nb, W, Au mineralization and gemstones; (ii) Fe– Mn mineralization of the schist
belts; (iii) the late Gondwana fragmentation with
associated marginal basins of high potential for
mineral fuels such as petroleum, coal, bituminous
schist and uranium (Beurlen & Cassedanne 1981)
as well as Pb, Zn and evaporates in inter-continental
While the Nigerian schist belts can be regarded
as a metallogenetic province (Woakes et al. 1987)
on the basis of general association of particular minerals, its assignment to the Pan-African is fraught
with many ambiguities due to the polycyclic
nature of the basement. In particular, the relationship of the Archaean migmatite-gneiss complex
with the banded iron formation and mineralization
in Pan-African quartz veins and pegmatites make
the proposition of Pan-African metallogeny
tenuous, especially in the light of compelling structural (Fig. 3) and isotopic data for the Okene –Igarra
schist belt indicating that ore deposits may be inherited from earlier metallogenic processes (Annor
1995, 1998).
Pan-African redistribution and concentration of
minerals can be discussed in broad terms and in
relation with rock associations and structural controls. For example, the two regional NNE– SSW
wrench faults (Anka–Yauri –Iseyin and Kalangai –Zungeru –Ifewara, Figs 4 & 5) have long
been recognized as possible Pan-African crustal
sutures (Wright 1976; McCurry & Wright 1977;
Ajibade & Wright 1988), and as loci of economic
mineralization. Several geological and mineral
exploration programmes have been carried out in
well-defined schist belts (Maru, Anka, Yauri,
Igbetti –Shaki, Malumfashi, Birnin Gwari,
Minna –Izom, Egbe–Isanlu– Kabba, Ijero, and
Ilesha, e.g., Garba 2000; fig. 5a). Many of these
areas host gold, talc, anthophyllitic asbestos,
Sn –Nb– Ta and Fe– Mn deposits. Iron-ore deposits
in the Okene –Kabba and Muro are the most prominent of the several deposits and prospects of Palaeoproterozoic age that bear the imprint of Pan-African
structural styles. To what extent the c. 600 Ma
events have concentrated or dispersed earlier mineralization is unknown; suffice it to say that the
main-phase granitoids in the Nigeria– Borborema
province are themselves markedly poor in mineralization. The late- to post-orogenic granitoids such
as the pegmatites, quartz veins, microgranites and
the basic and ultrabasic intrusive rocks deserve
further studies, especially the latter as possible
sources of sulphides, chrome, nickel (magmatic)
ores and kimberlite. Added to marbles, dolomites
and graphitic schists in gneisses in Jakura, Ubo,
Osara, Burum, Muro, Igbetti and several other
localities, metasediments and metavolcanic rocks of
the Nigerian schist belts hold promise not only for
iron ore but also the much-needed refractory,
fluxes and foundry materials needed for iron and
steel industries (Dada 1988).
Positive initial 1Nd values combined with U –Pb
zircon crystallisation ages for Archaean orthogneisses suggest juvenile crustal addition during
the Archaean and at the Archaean –Proterozoic
boundary (Dada & Rahaman 1995; Dada 1998).
U– Pb zircons from orthogneisses in northern
Nigeria do not show the imprint of the Eburnian
orogeny, but exhibit very strong Pan-African influence, with precise definition of lower or upper intercepts around 600 Ma. Nevertheless, the work of
Annor (1995) in the SW and the recent single
zircon ages of Ekwueme & Kröner (2006) in southeastern Nigeria are in agreement with well recognized Palaeoproterozoic ages comparable to those
that occur throughout the West African and Sao
Francisco cratons and in the Borborema Province.
Rocks in SW Nigeria rocks in SW Nigeria have
Nd model ages of 2.56 –2.51 Ga (Dada & Rahaman
1995) and negative 1Nd values at 2.1 Ga,
suggesting that some Archaean crustal components
were incorporated into the original Palaeoproterozoic granitoid magmas. These results are in good
agreement with available evidence in the basement
of the Hoggar and the Nigerian –Borborema regions
(Caby 1987, 1989; Caby & Arthaud 1986), both of
which have Archaean enclaves (Macambira 1992;
Dantas et al. 2004) in essentially reworked Proterozoic terrains. Rocks from the Nigerian –Borborema
mobile belt for which Eburnian/Transamazonian
ages (2.1–2.0 Ga) have been reported, but without
the Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of juvenile
additions found on the cratons (e.g., Abouchami
et al. 1990; Boher et al. 1991), may similarly be
interpreted as derived from Neoproterozoic
magmas with significant Archaean crustal component. Alternatively, they could represent postArchaean/Early Proterozoic crust-stabilization
processes, much like the anorogenic 1.9–1.8 Ga
magmatism within the NW African shield. In
most cases, there are no unequivocal Palaeoproterozoic structural fabrics, as these would have been
largely obliterated during the Pan African/
Brasiliano tectono-thermal events.
Many workers have long recognized the
Nigeria–Borborema province as an assemblage of
contrasted metasedimentary and crystalline terranes
representing a continuation of the geology of the
Hoggar to the north. The widespread U –Pb
Pan-African/Brasiliano ages of the granitoids,
along with the pervasive deformation and metamorphism, emphasize its early recognition as an
orogenic belt (e.g., as Pan-African by Kennedy
1964). Abundant lithostructural, trace element and
isotopic evidence for Proterozoic rocks in an intracratonic setting (Caby & Arthaud 1986; Caby 1989;
Macambira 1992; Dada et al. 1995; Caby & Boesse
2001) strongly support a model with significant
involvement of Archaean components in the
formation of Pan-African/Brasiliano granitoids,
in contrast to the largely juvenile Birrimian
(2.2–2.0 Ga) rocks on the cratons. Therefore,
post-Archaean ages obtained on rocks in the
Nigeria– Borborema province cannot be interpreted
as representing purely juvenile additions, particularly when such rocks give Nd crustal residence
ages which do not agree with U –Pb zircon ages
or well established structural evidence.
The author wishes to thank two other reviewers, Maarten
de Wit and Bob Pankhurst for their constructive contributions to the manuscript.
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