Social Media Marketing MCQ Quiz

“Social Media Marketing MCQ”
1. Which of the following is NOT a Social Media Platform?
A. Facebook
B. Twitter
C. Instagram
D. Google
Answer: D) Google
2. In ____, we create our online communication sites through which we can
share information, images, ideas, audio and video files, as well as other content
with our friends, family members, and business partners.
A. Search Engines
B. Social Media
C. Google Images
D. Google Search
Answer: B) Social Media
3. How many Social Media Classification tools are there?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: B) 3
4. Which of the following is a Social Media Classification tool?
A. Social Publishing
B. Social Networking
C. Photo-based Social Networking
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
5. ____ content through social media (videos and written text) allows us to
disseminate information.
A. Networking
B. Publishing
C. Marketing
D. Advertising
Answer: B) Publishing
6. The use of social networking sites for sharing photos is known as ____.
A. Social Networking
B. Photo-based Social Networking
C. Social Publishing
D. Social Marketing
Answer: B) Photo-based Social Networking
Through the creation of various types of content (videos, blogs,
infographics, etc.), ____ helps promote our business, increase traffic to
our website, customer engagement, and brand awareness. Share photos
using social networking sites using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
A. Social Publishing
B. Social Networking
C. Social Media Marketing
D. Photo-based Social Networking
Answer: C) Social Media Marketing
8. SMM helps improve A. Brand Awareness
B. Product Visibility
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
9. Why is SMM necessary?
A. Business growth can be achieved through cost-effective techniques.
B. Our search engine rankings are improved as a result of it.
C. We can enhance the authority of our brands with it.
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
10. How many laws are there that SMM focuses on?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
Answer: C) 9
11. What does the Law of Focus state?
A. We can reach our target audience through social media marketing strategies
that are highly focused.
B. Listen to audience requirements rather than speaking in social media
marketing and content marketing if you want to succeed.
C. Rather than dealing with 10,000 online customers who read our content only
once and never share it with others, it is better to deal with 1000 customers
who frequently read our content and frequently share it.
D. It takes time and hard work to achieve success in Social Media Marketing, so
we have to maintain patience and work hard to achieve it at the right time.
Answer: A) We can reach our target audience through social media marketing
strategies that are highly focused.
12. Marketers who are successful focus primarily on ____ the value of their
A. Depreciating
B. Enhancing
C. Demonizing
D. None
Answer: B) Enhancing
13. What does the Law of Listening state?
A. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms enable
us to share content with multiple audiences
B. Listen to audience requirements rather than speaking in social media
marketing and content marketing if you want to succeed.
C. Rather than dealing with 10,000 online customers who read our content only
once and never share it with others, it is better to deal with 1000 customers
who frequently read our content and frequently share it.
D. It takes time and hard work to achieve success in Social Media Marketing, so
we have to maintain patience and work hard to achieve it at the right time.
Answer: B) Listen to audience requirements rather than speaking in social media
marketing and content marketing if you want to succeed.
14. What does the Law of Quality state?
A. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms enable
us to share content with multiple audiences
B. Invest time in finding and connecting with online influencers in the market,
since they have the highest demand.
C. Rather than dealing with 10,000 online customers who read our content only
once and never share it with others, it is better to deal with 1000 customers
who frequently read our content and frequently share it.
D. It takes time and hard work to achieve success in Social Media Marketing, so
we have to maintain patience and work hard to achieve it at the right time.
Answer: C) Rather than dealing with 10,000 online customers who read our content
only once and never share it with others, it is better to deal with 1000 customers who
frequently read our content and frequently share it.
15. What does the Law of Patience state?
A. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms enable
us to share content with multiple audiences
B. Invest time in finding and connecting with online influencers in the market,
since they have the highest demand.
C. There is a possibility that our customers may not be interested in our products
and services if we share them regularly on social media. Consequently, we
should pay more attention to generating relevant content because appropriate
and effective content helps us to increase the value of the product.
D. It takes time and hard work to achieve success in Social Media Marketing, so
we have to maintain patience and work hard to achieve it at the right time.
Answer: D) It takes time and hard work to achieve success in Social Media
Marketing, so we have to maintain patience and work hard to achieve it at the right
16. What does the Law of Compounding state?
A. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms enable
us to share content with multiple audiences.
B. It also includes the capability to share posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
if someone likes our posts on Facebook, so the audience has more access
points to find relevant content.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
17. What does the Law of Influence state?
A. Invest time in finding and connecting with online influencers in the market,
since they have the highest demand.
B. It is possible that customers may not be interested in our products and
services if we share them frequently on social media, so we should pay more
attention to creating appropriate and effective content, as appropriate and
effective content helps us to add value to our products and services.
C. Whenever someone approaches us in hopes of building a relationship with our
audience, we should never ignore them.
D. Do not post content on social media platforms that you intend to remove after a
few months.
Answer: A) Invest time in finding and connecting with online influencers in the
market, since they have the highest demand.
18. It is possible that customers will not be interested in our products and
services if we share them regularly on social media. To improve the value of the
product, we need to pay ____ attention to the creation of relevant and effective
content because relevant and effective content will help us to improve the
product's value.
A. Less
B. More
C. Average
D. None
Answer: B) More
19. You should never ignore someone who contacted you to establish a
relationship with your audience according to the law of ____.
A. Acknowledgment
B. Accessibility
C. Compounding
D. Value
Answer: A) Acknowledgment
20. You should always be ____; otherwise, they may replace you with
someone else.
A. Available for your audience
B. Answering their questions
C. Participating in conversations
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
21. Facebook was founded in the year A. 2002
B. 2003
C. 2004
D. 2005
Answer: C) 2004
22. Facebook was founded by A. Jack Dorsey
B. Noah Glass
C. Biz Stone
D. Mark Zuckerberg
Answer: D) Mark Zuckerberg
23. Using ____,we can send messages, images, audio, and videos to friends,
relatives, colleagues, and customers.
A. Facebook
B. Quora
C. Pinterest
D. None
Answer: A) Facebook
24. We use ____ to display our latest content, our working hours, and also
our location on a map so that our audience can get to know us better.
A. Twitter
B. Instagram
C. Facebook
D. Snapchat
Answer: C) Facebook
25. What is the advantage(s) of using Facebook?
A. Our target audience can be easily reached through Facebook.
B. The platform allows us to share ads that are budget-friendly with our audience.
C. A low-cost market strategy can be learned and used through Facebook.
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
26. Twitter was founded in the year A. 2004
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2007
Answer: C) 2006
27. Twitter is an ___-based communication platform.
A. Email
D. Chat
Answer: B) SMS
28. The small messages that can be read and written on Twitter are known as A. Tweeks
B. Tweezers
C. Tweets
D. TwitThis
Answer: C) Tweets
29. Using Twitter has the disadvantage of limiting messages to ____
A. 120
B. 240
C. 140
D. 280
Answer: D) 280
30. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using Twitter?
A. Increasing customer satisfaction is one of its benefits.
B. By sending short messages known as "tweets," we can continuously update our
C. Our relationship with customers is strengthened as a result.
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
31. In 2021, Instagram was ranked globally at ____ position on the
in Most Used Social Media Platforms Worldwide.
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 4th
D. 5th
Answer: C) 4th
Compared to Facebook, Instagram
engagement and visual content.
A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Ten
Answer: D) Ten
33. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using Instagram?
A. Branding can be enhanced with Instagram.
B. Marketers will find it easy to use.
C. As a result, marketers are able to grow their businesses and drive traffic.
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
34. YouTube was created in the year A. 2004
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2007
Answer: B) 2005
35. Which of the following is a free video-sharing platform created in the
year 2005?
A. Instagram
B. Facebook
C. YouTube
D. LinkedIn
Answer: C) YouTube
36. Our tutorial videos are delivered to the audience via ____ using the
valuable content we create.
A. YouTube
B. Instagram
C. Facebook
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
37. Video series, ____ are the main YouTube content types.
A. Podcasts
B. Infographics
C. Presentations
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
38. Which of the following is the second largest search engine?
A. YouTube
B. Google
C. Yahoo
D. None
Answer: A) YouTube
39. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using YouTube?
A. New technologies can be learned easily and quickly through it.
B. Our products are promoted and sold worldwide as a result of it.
C. Traffic from qualified sources can be acquired for free through this service.
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
40. ____ combine on YouTube.
A. Content marketing
B. Social Media Marketing
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
41. A notable feature of ____ is the disappearance of messages and
A. Facebook
B. YouTube
C. Snapchat
D. None
Answer: C) Snapchat
42. Which of the following is the advantage(s) of SMM?
A. Increasing the Brand Awareness
B. Helps in reaching a larger audience
C. Improves loyalty among brands
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
43. Which of the following is the disadvantage(s) of SMM?
A. Search Engine Ranking gets improved
B. Communication made faster and easier
C. Needs qualified personnel
D. All of the above
Answer: C) Needs qualified personnel
44. Which of the following strategies does not come in SMM?
A. Set the goal
B. Know nothing about your targeted audience
C. Research the competition
D. Set brand guidelines
Answer: B) Know nothing about your targeted audience
45. The initial presence on SM cannot be built by A. Enter business information
B. Upload images
C. Don’t create your post
D. Follow your contacts
Answer: C) Don’t create your post
46. Which of the following is/are a/the type(s) of ad that could be run on SM?
A. Storewide discounts
B. New product promotions
C. New customer deals
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
47. Face book updates are scheduled with ____, which increases customer
A. Chatty people
B. Social Oomph
C. Post Planner
D. Agora pulse
Answer: C) Post Planner
48. Which of the following feature(s) is/are available in Agora pulse?
A. Social Media inbox
B. Publishing and scheduling
C. Monitoring
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
49. Our Face book customers can find out about our special offers and ondemand promotions via ____, one of the most important social media
marketing tools.
A. Chatty people
B. Social Oomph
C. Post Planner
D. Agora pulse
Answer: A) Chatty people
50. What does SEO stand for?
A. Search Engine Optimal
B. Social Engine Optimal
C. Search Engine Optimization
D. Social Engine Optimization
Answer: C) Search Engine Optimization
51. Known as a Web, the ____ consists of a collection of websites or web
pages that are stored on computers connected to the Internet by means of
web servers.
A. Web Wide World
B. Web World Wide
C. World Web Wide
D. World Wide Web
Answer: D) World Wide Web
52. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an effective method for ____ the
ranking of websites in search engine results.
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Lowering
D. None
Answer: A) Increasing
53. Which of the following key metrics is/are used by search engines?
A. Links
B. Content
C. Page Structure
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
54. What are the links from other sites called?
A. Front links
B. Back links
C. Bound links
D. Hide links
Answer: B) Back links
55. Which of the following is/are the type of SEO?
A. White Hat
B. Black Hat
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
56. Which of the following is/are an/example of White Hat SEO?
A. Quality Content
B. Internal Linking
C. Link Building
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
57. One or more IP addresses are identified by a ____.
A. Search Engine
B. Portal
C. Domain Name
D. Algorithm
Answer: C) Domain Name
58. Which of the following is a popular search engine?
A. Google
B. Bing
C. Yahoo
D. All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
59. ____ provides access to information available on the internet by serving
as private locations on the internet.
Search Engines
Domain name Answer: B) Portals
60. By conducting ____ your target audience's queries, you can determine what
information they are searching for and the keywords they are using.
Keyword Research
Both A and B
None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
61. Which of the following are the internal factors in SWOT Analysis?
Both A and B
None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
62. How to choose the best keywords?
Use long-tail keywords
Perform latent semantic indexing
Use location-based keywords
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
63. Which of the following is a tag?
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
64. ____, a 404 error will occur.
If the requested page has been removed
If there is a wrong link on your site
Both A and B
None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
65. The purpose of ____ is to communicate, understand, create, and deliver the
appropriate product to customers.
Answer: B) Marketing
66. How many types of Marketing are there?
Answer: A) 2
67. Which of the following is/are the type of marketing?
Traditional Marketing
Offline Marketing
Online Marketing
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
68. The Ps that marketing depends on are A.
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
69. In ____ marketing, a variety of offline promotional and advertising
methods are used to reach target customers.
Both A and C
Answer: D) Both A and C
70. Which of the following categories comes in Traditional Marketing?
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
71. The term online marketing can also be used to refer to ____, and
internet marketing.
Web Marketing
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
72. Advertisers are also known as ____.
Both A and B
None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
73. What is the full form of CTR in Online Marketing?
Close Through Rate
Click Through Range
Click Through Rate
Close Through Range
Answer: C) Click Through Rate
74. What is the formula used to measure the CTR?
Impressions % / Clicks
Clicks % / Impressions
Clicks / Impressions %
Impressions / Clicks %
Answer: C) Clicks / Impressions %
75. What is the full form of CPC?
Click Per Cost
Cost Per Click
Cost Per Closure
Closure Per Click
Answer: B) Cost Per Click
76. What is Cost Per Click also known as?
Payment Per Click
Payout Per Click
Pay Per Click
Answer: C) Pay Per Click
77. CPC formula is A.
Advertising cost / Number of clicks
Number of clicks / Advertising cost
Advertising cost / Percentage of clicks
Percentage of clicks / Advertising cost
Answer: A) Advertising cost / Number of clicks
78. What is the full form of CPM?
Answer: C) Cost Per Mile
79. What is the full form of KPI?
Key Program Indicator
Key Performance Indicator
Key Problem Indicator
Answer: B) Key Performance Indicator
80. What is the full form of QS?
Quality Size
Quantity Size
Quality Score
Quantity Score
Answer: C) Quality Score
81. How many types of Online Marketing are there?
Answer: C) 8
82. Which of the following is/are the type of Remarketing?
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
83. YouTube ads are displayed using ____ Remarketing.
Customer List
Answer: C) Video
84. What is the full form of VPA?
Value Per Acquisition
Value Per Action
Both A and B
None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
85. Which of the following marketing technique is available 24*7?
Answer: C) Online
86. What is the full form of SEM?
Social Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Management
Social Engine Management
Answer: B) Search Engine Marketing
87. What is the full form of SMO?
Social Media Optimal
Search Media Optimal
Search Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization
Answer: D) Social Media Optimization
88. The internet, sometimes called simply “Net” is
(a) a huge network of networks that joins computers from all across the world.
(b) an internal communication system
(c) a communication system for the government.
(d) All of the above
Answer: (a)
89. The concept of the internet was originated in
(a) 1970
(b) 1969
(c) 1971
(d) 1981
Answer: (b)
90. What is the full form of internet?
(a) InterContinental Network
(b) Internal Network
(c) Interconnected Network
(d) International Network
Answer: (c)
91. What is the major use of internet?
(a) Sharing data and information
(b) Browsing webpages
(c) Sending and receiving emails
(d) Social networking
(e) All of the above
Answer: (e)
92. Each computer on a network is recognized by a unique
(a) IP address
(b) HTTP
(d) www
Answer: (a)
93. Social networks are organized primarily around __________.
A. brands
B. people
C. discussions
D. interests
Ans : B
94. Which social network is considered the most popular for social media
A. Twitter
B. Facebook
C. Linkdin
D. Whats App
Ans : B
95. What is the name for Facebook`s ranking algorithm?
A. Like Rank
B. Face rank
C. Page rank
D. Edge rank
Ans : D
96. Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and
posting content?
A. Using a witty user name
B. Posting at least once a month to the blog
C. Social Media Optimization
D. All of the above
Ans : D
97. What is meant by "micro-blogging"?
A. Blogs which are posted by companies, not individuals
B. Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically
C. Blogging from mobile devices
D. All of the above
Ans : B
98. What is "social media optimization"?
A. Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks
B. Writing clear content
C. Creating short content which is easily indexed
D. Hiring people to create content for social networks
Ans : A
99. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?
A. The cost to write the plan
B. The marketing personnel job descriptions
C. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method
D. None of the above
Ans : C
100. What is the name of Facebook's analytic package?
A. Princeps
B. Viewership
C. Discover
D. Insights
Ans : D
101. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a
traditional marketing plan?
A. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing
B. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different
C. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar
D. None of the above
Ans : B
102. Which of the following is functions of social media for business?
A. Are you participating in the conversation and sharing?
B. Are you listening and monitoring what is being said about you?
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Ans : C
103. What feature does LinkedIn offer for pay accounts?
A. Ability to post pictures
B. Increased abilities to connect directly and send messages to people
C. Ability to post in Groups and create a Group
D. Ability to block users
Ans : B
104. Why is it important to post to a blog regularly?
A. It reduces the cost per blog post
B. It gives the social media marketing specialist something to do
C. It allows more chances for the company to put down the competition
D. Keep readers engaged and also gives search engines content to index
Ans : D
105. How can a company use the same material for both traditional and
social network marketing?
A. Posting a luring comment on Twitter to the company site
B. Selling ad space on the company website
C. Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as
D. Creating a magazine print ad with the company website
Ans : C
106. How is site traffic useful in evaluating marketing?
A. Overall site traffic can be followed and a general idea of marketing's impact on it
can be determined
B. There is no correlation site traffic and marketing
C. Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked
D. Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the
marketing campaign
Ans : C
107. How does a blog directly impact sales of a company?
A. It is typically used as the way to disperse company coupons
B. It can be used to talk negatively about the competition
C. It tells customers what products to buy
D. Typically a blog does not directly create sales
Ans : A
108. What traditional marketing technique is YouTube closest to?
A. Print advertising
B. Radio advertising
C. Mail Advertising
D. Television advertising
Ans : D
109. What is another term for "social media"?
A. Advertising Socialization
B. Consumer Generated Media
C. Media Optimization
D. Consumer Media Advertising
Ans : B
110. What is meant by "Marketing Creative"?
A. The employees in the marketing department
B. The methods used to distribute marketing material
C. The branding image of the company
D. The content for marketing and its creative aspect
Ans : D
111. What is one measure a company can use to validate the usefulness of
its video posts on YouTube?
A. The number of followers
B. The number of videos the company has up
C. The amount of views of the video
D. The sales volume of the company
Ans : C
112. How can a company convert posts on Twitter to sales?
A. Write demanding points about the competition
B. Write posts about personal information of the CEO
C. Creating posts which drive followers to their site
D. Marketing advertisements which are not serious
Ans : C
113. Social networks are organized primarily around ____.
(A) Brands
(B) People
(C) Discussion
(D) All of the above
Correct option is B
114. Which social network is considered the most popular for social media
(A) Twitter
(B) Whatsapp
(C) LinkedIn
(D) Facebook
Correct option is D
115. What is the name for Facebook`s ranking algorithm?
(A) Like Rank
(B) Face Rank
(C) Page Rank
(D) Edge Rank
Correct option is D
116. Social networks have an enormous information sharing capacity. As such,
they are a great distribution channel for______________.
(A) Customer feedback
(B) Viral content
(C) Exclusive coupon
(D) Marketing message
Correct option is D
117. Which social network is considered the most popular for business to
business marketing?
(A) Twitter
(B) Whatsapp
(C) LinkedIn
(D) Facebook
Correct option is C
118. What is the term adopted for updates by Twitter users?
(A) Tweets
(B) Twoots
(C) Twinks
(D) None of above
Correct option is A
119. What is meant by “guerilla marketing”?
(A) Using resources such as time, energy and imagination rather than money to
(B) Using advertising spots which utilize gorillas to capture the audience
(C) Having a large scale marketing budget
(D) All of above
Correct option is D
120. Which of the following is functions of social media for business?
(A) Are you participating in the conversation and sharing?
(B) Are you listening and monitoring what is being said about you?
(C) Both
(D) None of these
Correct option is C
121. What is the name of Facebook's analytic package?
(A) Princeps
(B) Viewership
(C) Insights
(D) None of these
Correct option is C
122. Digital marketing is often referred to as___________.
a. Online marketing
b. Internet marketing
c. Web marketing
d. All of the above
Correct option is d
123. Which of the following is/are traditional forms of digital marketing?
a. Radio
b. TV
c. Billboard
d. All of the above
Correct option is d
124. Which of the following is a type of digital marketing activity?
a. Viral marketing
b. Email Marketing
c. Social web marketing
d. All of above
Correct option is d
125. How many main pillars of digital marketing?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Correct option is d
126. This is the process of marketing accomplished or facilitated through the
application of electronic devices, appliances, tools, techniques,
technologies and or systems:
a. Direct marketing
b. Electronic marketing
c. Internet marketing
d. Electronic marketing
Correct option is d
127. Product development process after analysis of business next step to be
taken is
a. Test marketing
b. Penetration marketing
c. Individual marketing
d. None of above
Correct option is a
128. Customers in growth stage of life cycle of products are classified as
a. Innovators
b. Early adopters
c. Laggards
d. Middle majority customers
Correct option is b
129. Digital marketing includes
a. Voice broadcast
b. RSA
c. Both A and B
d. None of these
Correct option is c
130. In the first 10 years, the web was heavily used as a static publishing
and/or retailing (transactional) channel. This was known as:
a. Web 2.0
b. Web 3.0
c. Web 4.0
d. Web 1.0
Correct option is d
131. Which marketing techniques are most likely to pay you?
a. Viral marketing
b. Email Marketing
c. Social web marketing
d. Article marketing
Correct option is d
132. SEO stand for?
a. Site engine optimization
b. Search engine optimization
c. Site efficiency optimization
d. None of above
Correct option is b
133. ________ is the new content management tool for SWEET?
a. CMs
b. HP
c. Sitecore
d. None of above
Correct option is c
134. The tendency of difficult understanding related to the use of market
offering is called
a. Relative advantage
b. Compatibility
c. Complexity
d. None of above
Correct option is c
135. The best way to improve search engine ranking is with
a. Video
b. A blog
c. Graphics
d. None of above
Correct option is b
136. On page search engine optimization refers to
a. Programming keywords into a website
b. The amount of links coming into your website
c. Evaluating each page of a website for design
d. All of the above
Correct option is a
137. The best way to promote a business with social media is
a. To advertise your company, services and products
b. To collect as many contacts as possible
c. Offer a lot of helpful and free information
d. Invite potential clients to visit your website
Ans: c
138. A longer decision making process than for many consumer products is a
key difference between B2C and B2B marketing which is reflected in web
design through ______.
a. content referencing the needs of companies of different sizes
b. questions on a form enquiring about the status of the business in the purchase
decision process
c. different feature stories appealing to different members of the audience d. different
navigation options appealing to different members of the audience Ans: b
139. The ______ goal of a business-to-business website involves an
interactive dialogue with a virtual sales person.
a. sell
b. sizzle
c. speak
d. save
Ans: a
140. The ______ goal of a business-to-business website involves gaining
permission from a website visitor to engage in future dialogue by email and other communications channels.
a. serve
b. speak
c. sell
d. save
Ans: b
141. Business-to business (B2B) ecommerce involves commercial transactions
between an organisation and other organisations (inter-organisational
a. True
b. False
Ans: a
142. ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google
which gains advertising revenue through hosted videos.
a. Google Ad-Words pay per click sponsored link advertising
b. Google Apps Business Application Suite
c. YouTube Brand Channel
d. Google Search application providing online website services for website owners
Ans: c
143. ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google
where revenue is generated through the application running as part of a
customer’s website.
a. Google Search application providing online website search services for website
b. Google Apps Business Application Suite
c. YouTube Brand Channel
d. Google AdWords pay per click sponsored link advertising
Ans: a
144. A portal which is normally run by a consortium of buyers in order to
establish an efficient purchasing environment is a:
a. B2B independent e-marketplace.
b. buyer-oriented marketplace.
c. supplier-oriented marketplace.
d. vertical and horizontal e-marketplace.
Ans: b
145. A portal which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open
to buyers or sellers in a particular industry is a:
a. vertical and horizontal e-marketplace.
b. supplier-oriented marketplace.
c. buyer-oriented marketplace.
d. B2B independent e-marketplace.
Ans: d
146. One aim of e-procurement is to increase savings by bulk buying of
a. of the right quantity.
b. from the right source.
c. of the right quality.
d. at the right price.
Ans: a
147. What of the following is production related procurement?
a. Office supplies.
b. Raw materials.
c. Information systems.
d. Furniture.
Ans: b
148.In a market where companies build close connective relationships where
Internet technology will not feature strongly in the development of these
relationships, this is known as a ______ relationship.
a. Low Tech, High Touch, Personal
b. Low Tech, High Touch Transactional
c. High Tech/Low Touch, Automated
d. High Tech/Low Touch, Personal
Ans: a
149. In a market where there are transactional relationships where technology
will not feature in the development of these relationships, this is known as
a ______ relationship.
a. Low Tech, High Touch, Personal
b. Low Tech, High Touch Transactional
c. High Tech/Low Touch, Personal
d. High Tech/Low Touch, Automated
Ans: b
150. Of the following website functions, which is the most important?
a. Having free reports, downloads, etc
b. Describing the services your company provides
c. Capturing email addresses of visitors
d. Having contact information on every page
Ans: c
151. Delivering different messages to members of a business decision making
unit is a key difference between B2C and B2B marketing which is reflected
in web design through ______.
a. different feature stories appealing to different members of the audience
b. content referencing the needs of companies of different sizes
c. different navigation options appealing to different members of the audience
d. questions on a form enquiring about the status of the business in the purchase
decision process
Ans: c
152. On page search engine optimization refers to
a. Programming keywords into a website
b. Evaluating each page of a website for design
c. The amount of links coming into your website
d. The number of search engine sites a website is submitted to
Ans: a
153. The best way to improve search engine ranking is with
a. Video
b. A blog
c. Having at least 500 words of text per page
d. Using a lot of graphics per page
Ans: b
154. The main objective to branding is which of the following?
a. To have potential customers recognize your logo and marketing materials
b. To earn trust from your customers
c. Promotional materials that match and coordinate
d. Having a unique tag line
Ans: b
155. Which of the following marketing techniques are most likely to pay you?
a. Pay per click advertising
b. Using social media marketing strategies
c. Posting press releases
d. Article marketing
Ans: d
156. Search engine marketing is
a. A process of promoting a website through paid ads
b. A process of improving the positioning of a website using organic reach
c. A process of improving the positioning of a website using paid and organic reach
d. All of the above
Ans: c
157. A landing page is
a. Page users reach when they click on the link displayed in the search engine result
b. The home page of website
c. Any page of the website
d. All of the above
Ans: a
158. SEM consist of
a. Paid reach and reach engine ads
b. Paid and organic reach
c. SEO and organic reach
d. All of above
Ans b
159. PPC is short for
a. Pay per cost
b. Pay per click
c. Pay per conversion
d. Pay per common
Ans: b
160. .A bid is :
a. The maximum amount you are willing to spend per day for campaign
b. The maximum amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad
c. The cost of the ads
d. Electronic marketing
Ans: b
161. A tool that can help with key word research is
a. Google analytics
b. Keyword planner
c. Bing analytics
d. None of above
Ans: b
162. Which of the following is the form of mobile marketing?
a. Text
b. Voice call
c. Graphic
d. All of the above
Ans: d
163. what is the full form of LBS
a. Lead based service
b. List based service
c. Location based service
d. None of these
Ans: c
163. How many maximum character are allowed in sms marketing?
a. 150
b. 160
c. 170
d. 180
Ans: b
164. What is true about 2D barcodes?
a. barcodes cannot scan vertically
b. barcodes cannot scan horizontally
c. A mobile user can scan barcodes in the environment to access associated
d. None of above
Ans: C
165. How many main pillars of digital marketing?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 4
Ans: a
166. SEO Stands for _____
a. Search entry optimization
b. Search engine optimization
c. Search entry operation
d. None of above
Ans: b
167. Search engine optimization is the process of ___________ of a website or a
web page in a search engine's search results.
a. Getting meta tags
b. Affecting the visibility
c. Generating cached files
d. None of above
Ans: b
168. SEO is to improve the volume and ___________ to a web site from search
a. Advertisement
b. Quality of traffic
c. Look and feel
d. None of the above
Ans: b
170. Which of the following is the correct depiction of Digital Marketing?
a. E-mail Marketing
b. Social Media Marketing
c. Web Marketing
d. All of the above
Ans: d
171. __________ doesn't fall under the category of digital marketing.
a. TV
b. Billboard
c. Radio
d. All of the above
Ans: d
172. Which of the following is incorrect about digital marketing?
a. Digital marketing can only be done offline
b. Digital marketing cannot be done offline.
c. Digital marketing requires electronic devices for promoting goods and services.
d. In general, digital marketing can be understood as online marketing, web
marketing, and e-mail marketing.
Ans: b
173. How many types of pillars do we have in digital marketing?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans: b
174. Which of the following is involved in the digital marketing process?
a. RSA
b. Voice Broadcasting
c. Podcasting
d. All of the above
Ans: d