ATTACK SHEET – ALWAYS: WALK THROUGH EACH POLICE ACTION Q: Search / REP (Katz) -- Permission (Schneckloth) coerced? Ask: AA - Rodriq'z, hier'rchy - Randolph Flag: conflict Randolphleft Fernandez - Warrants (w/out, pres’m’t’v’ly ucc, Katz) Ask affidavit sufficient (Groh) Street? Ask broad writ, narrow exec. (Andresen) Ask [i]material [ii.a]omit [ii.b]lie (Franks) Ask execution mistake (Garrison/Retelle) - Trespass (Jones / Jardines / Dorf) - Open Fields (Oliver) or Curtilage (Dunn)? - Cars: car? (Carney) @curtillage? (Collins) PC (Carroll), Contain'r w/I-PC (Avecedo) Grabbable car if perp nearby (Belton), in pol car (Thornton) not trunk (Belton) or car if handcuffed + in pol car (Gant) “RB” of evidence of Same Crime (Gant) - Third Party Doctrine (Miller) Human (Miller, false friend) Ask: 6A (Massiah) Tech. (Smith, pen register) Lim: Mosaic (Carpenter) Lim: Email + metadata (Warshak) - Special Needs & Admin Searches Always: burden vs. gov. interest Closely regulated (Burger) Ask: Interest? Burden? Notice? Area warrant (Camara); appeal? (Patel) Roadblock analogue (Lidster) School: less intrusive (bag, TLO) or more intrusive (drugs, Acton; bra, Redding) Hospital (Ferguson) Ask: law enforcement purp. (Edmund) Borders (no RS, Flores; yes RS, Ramsey) Prisons (Florence) Can: gen pop strip search (Florence) Can: DNA swab (King) Always Ask: target or general? Brignoni - Plain View (Coolidge) Can’t: create PV (Hicks) Maybe Can: Flying (Riley) Can: discarded (Greenwood) Ask: b/c SZ? (Hodari) Can: Terry Stop (hard object: felt like drugs, Drayton, or gun, Wardlow?) Can’t: patdown+ (Dickerson) Ask: granular (Dickerson) Flag / Contingent: Dogs and Tech Ask: Reliable? (Harris) Lim: Technology (Kyllo) Lim: Dog (Place, Jardines) Lim: Hard Drives (Carey, Mann) Ask: copy (Gannias); PV (CDT) - Pretext: Irrelevant (Whren) unless special needs (Edm’nson) maybe computer (Carey) Q: Seizure – Stop or Arrest - Detained or Mere Questions (Muehler)? Q1: Free to leave? (Mendenhall) Ask: Submit to Authority (Hodari)? Ask: Physical force (Hodari)? Q2: Justified? Cf Whren Ask: RS past/future crime (Terry)? Ask: 'present' during warranted search? detain (Summers) & handcuff (Muehler) Lim: home immed’te vicinity (Bailey) Lim: search only w/I-PC (Ybarra) Q3: Stop and Frisk (Terry) if A&D May: ask q’s (Hiibel, e.g., ID) cf Quarles Q3.5: Prolonged? (Rodriguez) - Arrest Q1: Custody 2-step(Mendenhall/Shatzer) Insufficient: Handcuffs (Muehler) or prison (Shatzer); possible @home (Orozco) Q2: Permit? Publ, Watson| Home, Payton Misdem'n'r( Atwater)/ultra vires(Moore)? Exigency? Hot Pursuit (Lange) misdemeanant? Safety (Stuart) Destruct. of Evid. (Figueroa) Ask: Breathalyzer / BAC (McNeely)? Q3: Search see: SIA Q4: MW cf Quarles(safe) / Muniz(drunk) - 6A: FC? Agent (Massiah)? Question (Henry)?Same C(Cobb)?Waive (Patterson) Unclear: Inform re indictment or lawyer? Exclude: CiC; Allow: impeach (Ventris) - Search Incident to Arrest (Robinson) Requires arrest (Knowles) Can: person + imm. area (Chimel) Can: protective sweep (Buie) Lim: “cursory” + RB of danger (Buie) Can: RB of evidence of same C (Gant) Can’t: Cellphones (Riley) w/out exigency Can’t: BAC (McNeely) uncon? (Mitchel) Can’t: Trunk, absent I-PC (Belton) Q: Evidence of Breaking Particular Law - PC of broken law (Gates) Mere proximity/propinquity insufficient (Gates), turns on crime itself (Pringle) Can’t: Cellphones (Riley) - RS of past or future (Terry; pedestrian) Ask: accumulate (Arvizu; car) Ask: ↑crime area; flight insuff. (Wardlow) -Tip (Gates = PC, Navarette = RS) Anon.? Identifiable? Intimate Details? Corroboration? Other indicia of reliability? Predicting past (White, JL)? - Guns + Legal Pot Ask: Possession Bayesian logic (Penster) Ask: Proper theory (Cruz)/smell (Senna)? Exclusionary Rule + Exceptions - Baseline: FotPT (Mapp) - Standing Ask: Possessory/personal (Rakas) Overnight guest (Olson), permitted to drive (/be in) car (Byrd) Lim: short term / crime (Carter) Lim: criminal scheme (Byrd) Lim: passengers for stuff in car (Rakas) unless illicit stop (Brendlin) - Exception: K&A(Hudson)?1983-Wilson? - Exception: Ind. Source (Murray) Ask: but-for (Segura, easy; Murray, hard) - Exception: Inev. Disc. (Nix) Inc. 6A! Ask: same condition (Nix)? Ask: routine procedure (Garner)? Ask: affidavit w/out PC (Streett)? - Exception: Attenuation Proximate Cause (Brown) Ask: time, intervening (e.g., ministerial arrest), flagrancy (Strieff)? MW insufficient! - Exception: Good Faith (cf Garrison) Pr’c’d’nt = full (Davis); warrant (Leon) & exec. error (Herring) standard = reckless Fifth Amendment (police can lie, Frazier) -Voluntary? Hopt; Sua Sponte? Connolly Coercion: physical (Jackson) threat (Fulminante) mental(Ashcroft) fam(Lynum) Ask: age factor (Spano)Cf JDB @MW Subpoena: immunity (Kastgar) or mens rea production (Hubbell) Ask testim'n'l (Hubbell, RePa/know ∃) - Miranda Warning (objective, Stansbury) Custodial: Royer. Cf Berkemer (car stop), Prison gen pop (Shatzer), told not arrested @ station (Mathaiason), IRS agent (Beckwith) Elicit response (Innis) 2xR Ask: Okay word variation (Prysock)? Ask: Waive(Berghuis)/Interrupt(Patane)? Flag: clear ask for silence (Salinas) Precaution? (time/new MR) (Mosley) Flag: clear ask for lawyer (Davis), when? [i] suspect initiates [ii] lawyer present Edwards;[iii] 14 days post-custody Shatzer? Ask: 2nd statement Elstad || Siebert 2-step? Exclude @ CiC: custodial, non MW’d answers to questions (Miranda) Allow @ Impeach: statements (Harris), custodial silence pre-MW (Fletcher) Exc. @imp’ch: post-MW silence (Doyle) Allow @ CiC: non-custodial “balk” (Salinas), phys. evidence (Patane) 6A?, booking statements (Muniz), responses to questions in emergency situations (Quarles) Page 2 of 2