Customer Technical Support One Hamilton Road, M/S CTC Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Phone: (1) 860 654 6831 Fax: (1) 860 654 6930 E-mail: 568F PROPELLER SYSTEM REPAIR COURSE OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION Registration School Routine 1 Hour II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION & OPERATION System Description System Description Model Designation Leading Particulars 7 Hours System Operation (Schematic Analysis) Actuator, hub, blades and interface Control Operation (Schematic Analysis) 1. Cruise 2. Beta 3. Reverse 4. Feather 5. Over-speed D. Review of all CMM procedures III. DISASSEMLBY OF PROPELLER Special Tools Disassembly into Components (LRU’s) per CMM Disassembly of Components per CMM 8 Hours IV. INSPECTION AND EVALUATION Visual and Dimensional Inspection Limitations Component Reliability Review of Repairs per CMM Review of Design Critical Components (DCC) 12 Hours Continued… This document contains proprietary information of Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. It is submitted in confidence and may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced or used for any other purpose, or disclosed to others, without written authorization from Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. 1 of 4 Customer Technical Support One Hamilton Road, M/S CTC Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Phone: (1) 860 654 6831 Fax: (1) 860 654 6930 E-mail: 568F Propeller System Repair Course Outline… V. ASSEMBLY AND TEST Assembly Procedures Oil Test Troubleshooting 12 Hours VI. PROPELLER BLADE REPAIR Tap Test and Blade Mapping Fiberglass and Foam Repair Injection repairs ><25 sq. in. Aluminum Grid Repair Heater Removal and Replacement Pre-Balance and Erosion Coating Repair Final Paint Single Blade Balance Erosion Film Installation 40 Hours TOTAL COURSE HOURS……………………………………………… 80 Hours Continued… This document contains proprietary information of Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. It is submitted in confidence and may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced or used for any other purpose, or disclosed to others, without written authorization from Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. 2 of 4 Customer Technical Support One Hamilton Road, M/S CTC Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Phone: (1) 860 654 6831 Fax: (1) 860 654 6930 E-mail: This course is intended to provide information concerning the 568F propeller system. The course will cover description and operation using presentations, appropriate hardware, block diagrams, “hands-on” type training, functional, and schematic diagrams as required to assist the attendee in understanding the course materials. The course is designed for the benefit of line maintenance personnel, inspectors, and maintenance supervisors, who require full technical maintenance training. Day 1: The course begins with an explanation of the course objectives and the propellers, their use and application. The propeller assemblies are discussed in detail with a full description and operation of the following assemblies: hub, blades, actuator assembly, spinner, electrical contact ring and the propeller valve module. The propeller control assembly is introduced in preparation of the detailed discussions. Representative hardware, schematics (including detailed colored schematics), and viewgraphs are utilized for a comprehensive presentation on the 568F propeller control assembly. The control consists of several complex sub sections, which are presented in logical building block fashion. A schematical analysis of the control will cover the various modes of operation. Day 2: The propeller will be disassembled into components (LRU’s) using the special tools and techniques per the Component Maintenance Manual (CMM). Day 3: The course will then focus on Inspection and evaluation of all LRU’s. The CMM will be used to perform visual and dimensional inspection techniques to evaluate the propeller systems limitations and component reliability. Day 4: A review of the repairs per the CMM will be followed by a discussion of the design critical characteristics of the propeller system. Day5: The maintenance portion of the course covers assembly, oil test and troubleshooting. Students will be given the opportunity to assemble a portion of the 568F propeller using proper techniques. The Component Maintenance Manual will be used and followed while performing this task. Day 6-10: Instruction will be given on blade construction and tap test procedures followed by hands on tap testing. Each student is required to show proficiency in tap testing through damage identification and blade mapping. Each student will inspect a minimum of one blade and identify all areas to be repaired. An inspection sheet will be filled out outlining all repairs and the repair procedures in the CMM. The day will conclude with a one-on-one critique of each student maps and blade inspection. Day 6-10 (con’t): Students will remove the blade heater and prepare damaged Kevlar for repair from a scrap blade provided by Hamilton Sundstrand. Following a fiberglass repair demonstration, a foam This document contains proprietary information of Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. It is submitted in confidence and may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced or used for any other purpose, or disclosed to others, without written authorization from Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. 3 of 4 Customer Technical Support One Hamilton Road, M/S CTC Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Phone: (1) 860 654 6831 Fax: (1) 860 654 6930 E-mail: repair, wet lay-up, aluminum grid repair and two types of injections will be performed. Fiberglass repairs will be sanded to the natural contours of the airfoil, tap tested and prepped for paint. A lead edge heater, clear erosion film will then be installed and inspected. Single blade balance will be provided by request. This requires a stand that may not be available at customer facility. A class review and assessment will follow the completion of blade repair. This document contains proprietary information of Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. It is submitted in confidence and may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced or used for any other purpose, or disclosed to others, without written authorization from Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation. 4 of 4