ABSTRACT To be done in phase 3 Grenville High School Gr 11 PAT Baby Rabyang HOW IS AI IMPACTING OUR LIVES the benefits and ethical issues of using AI in CIVILISATION SUBMISSION DATE PHASE 1: 31 JULY 2023 PHASE 2: 24 AUGUST 2023 Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 2 TASK DEFINITION .................................................................................................................................... 2 FOCUS QUESTION................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS................................................................................................................ 4 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 5 CONCLUTION ............................................................................................................................................ 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX A............................................................................................................................................... 8 APPENDIX B............................................................................................................................................... 0 QUALITY OF INFORMATION FOUND ......................................................................................................... 0 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FOUND ..................................................................................................... 0 APPENDIX C: Declaration of authenticity .............................................................................................. 2 TABLE OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION/ TASK DEFINITION To show that you understand why you are conducting this investigation, you must be able to define, in your own words, what you will investigate and what you are required to do. (±300 words or half a page in font size 12 pt as a guideline). This is called the task definition. 1. What is the current situation? Provide a clear statement of the problem (current situation), i.e. why you are doing this investigation 2. What will be the focus and purpose (desired outcome) of my investigation? Indicate the focus and the purpose of your investigation (desired outcome), i.e. give an overview of which of the aspects will be investigated and covered 3. How will I go about the investigation considering all the PAT requirements? Specify in broad terms how you will approach the task (study the requirements of the PAT and indicate how you intend to collect the data and information, manipulate it, etc.) 4. Who is the target audience? Identify a realistic target audience for the final report that will be drafted. FOCUS QUESTION What are the benefits and ethical issues of using AI in social media? A single sentence (NOT two questions or a paragraph) Clearly phrased, concise and researchable and must describe exactly the focus of the investigation within the broader issue/challenge/opportunity Clearly relevant to/be the focus point of the chosen issue/challenge/opportunity DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS To be completed in phase 3 FINDINGS To be completed in phase 3 CONCLUTION To be completed in phase 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY To be completed in phase 3 APPENDIX A Insert screenshots of your folder structure here Give each picture a caption. APPENDIX B nr QUESTION QUESTION LEVEL CATEGORY TYPE OF SOURCE E.g., What is AI? 1 Background Internet 1 2 Why do we need AI? What are the challenges and opportunities presented by AI? 1 1 Background Problem Internet Internet 3 How will AI change our short term and long-term future? 2 Solution Internet 4 How does AI affect our everyday lives? 2 Background/Problem Internet 5 What are some emerging trends in the field of AI, and how might these impact society in the coming years? 1 Problem Internet 6 How can you apply AI in your everyday life? 2 Solution Internet 1 Consequences Internet 1 Consequences/Legal issues Internet 2 Legal issues Internet 7 What are some potential ethical concerns related to the development and deployment of AI systems? 8 9 What are some of the risks associated with AI, such as job displacement or loss of privacy, and how can these risks be mitigated? How can we ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that respects human rights, such as the QUALITY OF INFORMATION FOUND Page 12 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FOUND Page 11 right to privacy and freedom of expression? 10 11 11 Is AI a threat to human civilisation? If AI had its own civilisation, what do you think it would be like? 3 1 &3 Problem Internet SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FOUND Question 1 Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings Question 2 QUALITY OF INFORMATION FOUND CRITERIA Authority Currency Accuracy Objectivity Coverage MOTIVATION/EXPLANATION Website source author Name of website Date created Date accessed URL CRITERIA Authority Currency Accuracy Objectivity Coverage MOTIVATION/EXPLANATION Website source author Name of website Date created Date accessed URL CRITERIA Authority Currency Accuracy Objectivity Coverage MOTIVATION/EXPLANATION Other source author Name of website Date created Date accessed URL APPENDIX C: Declaration of authenticity Learner name: ID Number Grade:11 Year 2023 Subject Computer Applications Technology Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Teacher: S.MOLAOA Did you receive any help/information from anyone to complete this project? Help/Information received from (person): Nature of the help/information (provide evidence): I hereby declare that the contents of this assessment task are my own original work (except where there is clear acknowledgement and appropriate reference to the work of others) and that I have not plagiarised, copied from someone else or used work previously submitted for assessment by anyone. _________________________ SIGNATURE OF LEARNER ___ / ___ / 2023 DATE