Uploaded by mresi waziri

3G Capacity Upgrade Guide: DUW Addition

1.Set PC IP (3G DEFAULT IP) and connect your PC (Straight Ethernet cable) on DUW (LMT B) and loggin to
RBS Element Manager to take the IP address of the Node (DUW) and the configured external alarms,
since you will need them.
Node IP:
External Alarm:
2.Connect PC (Ethernet cable) on DUW (LMT B) and open Total Commander so as to take Backup file (it
will help in case of fall back).
Session (ANY NAME: DUW/3G), Host name (NODE IP: Username (rbs), Password(rbs)→OK
Select the Destination of files and Click file c2 & d on Left Side (they will turn to red) → click F5 copy and
Wait for the copying to complete, thus you will have the backup file already.
3. Connect PC to DUW {PC (USB to Serial -Ethernet cable) on DUW (LMT A)}, Open HyperTerminal/Putty
and set as Follows. Name (ANY: rbs/3G) →COMM PORT→RESTORE DEFAULT
4.Start formatting process by first check the used space in c2 & d by vols command
reload –
NOTE: If c2 not visible use mount_c2 →vols → formathd /c2 and proceed as normal
formathd /d
AFTER Complete format c2 & d,
Set default DUW IP Address then enter
“Ifconfig” to verify IP address.
Minimize HyperTerminal and Open Total Commander → NET→FTP CONNECTION→NEW CONNECTION
Session (ANY NAME: DUW/3G), Host name (NODE IP: Username (rbs), Password(rbs)→OK
Click file c2 & d on Right Side (they will turn to red) → click F5 copy and
Wait for the copying to complete (thus file will be already uploaded to DUW).
After completing UPLOAD the files to DUW go to Minimized HyperTerminal and reload
reload --
After the Node Complete to restart ,You have to set the Node IP so that it can be visible and Intergrated
on RNC(loggin to RBS Element Manager and set IP as below); IP→IpOam→IpHostLink→(set IP)
✓ We are Done after completing configure IP, connect IDL cable Primary side to Primary (DUW)
and Secondary side to Secondary (DUW).
✓ Connect F port to F port if it’s Fail add connection Aux to Aux.
✓ Connect Fiber and U9 cables
✓ NB: Remember to redefine External Alarms.
✓ Open Moshell and Take screenshots for :cabx, get radio no,
External Alarm:
Node IP: